blob: 8d176e281f13e9204671db9fc51e58bd089de66b [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.dltk.debug.tests;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRunnable;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.DLTKCore;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptProject;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.model.SuiteOfTestCases;
public class MyDebugTests extends SuiteOfTestCases {
private static class FileHelper {
public static byte[] readFile( file) throws {
int fileLength = (int) file.length();
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fileLength];
try (FileInputStream stream = new {
int bytesRead = 0;
int lastReadSize = 0;
while ((lastReadSize != -1) && (bytesRead != fileLength)) {
lastReadSize =, bytesRead, fileLength - bytesRead);
bytesRead += lastReadSize;
return fileBytes;
* Copy the given source directory (and all its contents) to the given
* target directory.
public static void copyDirectory(File source, File target) throws IOException {
if (!target.exists()) {
File[] files = source.listFiles();
if (files == null)
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
File sourceChild = files[i];
String name = sourceChild.getName();
if (name.equals("CVS"))
File targetChild = new File(target, name);
if (sourceChild.isDirectory()) {
copyDirectory(sourceChild, targetChild);
} else {
copyFile(sourceChild, targetChild);
* Copy file from src (path to the original file) to dest (path to the
* destination file).
public static void copyFile(File source, File target) throws IOException {
// read source bytes
byte[] srcBytes = readFile(source);
// write bytes to dest
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(target)) {
public MyDebugTests(String name) {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
// Helper methods
protected IWorkspace getWorkspace() {
return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
protected IWorkspaceRoot getWorkspaceRoot() {
return getWorkspace().getRoot();
protected IProject getProject(String project) {
return getWorkspaceRoot().getProject(project);
// Create project
protected IProject createProject(final String projectName) throws CoreException {
final IProject project = getProject(projectName);
IWorkspaceRunnable create = monitor -> {
getWorkspace().run(create, null);
return project;
protected File getPluginDirectoryPath() {
try {
URL url = Activator.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry("/");
return new File(FileLocator.toFileURL(url).getFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public File getSourceWorkspacePath() {
return new File(getPluginDirectoryPath(), "workspace");
protected IProject createProjectWithContent(final String projectName) throws CoreException, IOException {
final File source = getSourceWorkspacePath();
final File target = getWorkspaceRoot().getLocation().toFile();
FileHelper.copyDirectory(new File(source, projectName), new File(target, projectName));
return createProject(projectName);
protected IScriptProject createScriptProject(final String projectName, final String[] natureIds)
throws CoreException {
final IScriptProject[] result = new IScriptProject[1];
IWorkspaceRunnable create = monitor -> {
final IProject project = createProject(projectName);
// Natures
IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
project.setDescription(description, null);
// Script project
result[0] = DLTKCore.create(project);
getWorkspace().run(create, null);
return result[0];
// protected IScriptProject createScriptProject(final String projectName,
// final String[] natures, final String[] sourceFolders,
// final String[] projects) throws CoreException {
// final IScriptProject[] result = new IScriptProject[1];
// IWorkspaceRunnable create = new IWorkspaceRunnable() {
// public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
// final IProject project = createProject(projectName);
// // Natures
// IProjectDescription description = project.getDescription();
// description.setNatureIds(natures);
// project.setDescription(description, null);
// // Buildpath entries
// IPath projectPath = project.getFullPath();
// int sourceLength = sourceFolders == null ? 0
// : sourceFolders.length;
// int projectLength = projects == null ? 0 : projects.length;
// IBuildpathEntry[] entries = new IBuildpathEntry[sourceLength
// + projectLength];
// for (int i = 0; i < sourceLength; i++) {
// IPath sourcePath = new Path(sourceFolders[i]);
// int segmentCount = sourcePath.segmentCount();
// if (segmentCount > 0) {
// // create folder and its parents
// IContainer container = project;
// for (int j = 0; j < segmentCount; j++) {
// IFolder folder = container.getFolder(new Path(
// sourcePath.segment(j)));
// if (!folder.exists()) {
// folder.create(true, true, null);
// }
// container = folder;
// }
// }
// // create source entry
// entries[i] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(projectPath
// .append(sourcePath));
// }
// for (int i = 0; i < projectLength; i++) {
// // accessible files
// IPath[] accessibleFiles;
// accessibleFiles = new IPath[0];
// // non accessible files
// IPath[] nonAccessibleFiles;
// nonAccessibleFiles = new IPath[0];
// entries[sourceLength + i] = DLTKCore.newProjectEntry(
// new Path(projects[i]), BuildpathEntry
// .getAccessRules(accessibleFiles,
// nonAccessibleFiles), true,
// new IBuildpathAttribute[0], false);
// }
// // set buildpath and output location
// IScriptProject scriptProject = DLTKCore.create(project);
// scriptProject.setRawBuildpath(entries, null);
// result[0] = scriptProject;
// }
// };
// getWorkspace().run(create, null);
// return result[0];
// }
// protected IScriptProject setUpScriptProject(final String projectName)
// throws CoreException, IOException {
// final IProject project = setUpProject(projectName);
// return DLTKCore.create(project);
// }