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<title>Preference pages</title>
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<h2>Preference pages</h2>
<p>DLTK has a set of abstract classes for preference pages. Here is
a list of main of them:
<li><em>AbstractConfigurationBlockPreferencePage</em> Abstact
preference page, that can be used for anything.
<li><em>AbstractConfigurationBlock</em> Abstact configuration
block, has implementation of methods like addCheckBox(), addComboBox()
with appropriate listeners and linking with preferences. You'll need
just to implement createContol() method.
<li><em>AbstractScriptEditorColoringConfigurationBlock</em> Block
for syntax coloring preferences.
<li><em>InterpretersBlock</em> Block for interpreters settings.
You'll need to implement only getCurrentNature() method and interpreter
addition dialog.
<li><em>AddScriptInterpreterDialog</em> Dialog for adding an