blob: b40235adb40462191879f2e39919305347c6473e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2017 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.buildpath;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.FileLocator;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.DLTKCore;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IBuildpathAttribute;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IBuildpathContainer;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IBuildpathEntry;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElement;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelElementDelta;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelMarker;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IModelStatus;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IProjectFragment;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptFolder;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.IScriptProject;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ISourceModule;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.ModelException;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.environment.EnvironmentPathUtils;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.environment.IEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.internal.environment.LocalEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.model.AbstractModelTests;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.model.ModelTestsPlugin;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.model.ModifyingResourceTests;
import org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.util.Util;
import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ArchiveProjectFragment;
import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.BuildpathEntry;
import org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.ScriptProject;
import org.eclipse.dltk.utils.CorePrinter;
public class BuildpathTests extends ModifyingResourceTests {
private static final String[] TEST_NATURE = new String[] { "org.eclipse.dltk.core.tests.testnature" };
private static final String BUILDPATH_PRJ_0 = "Buildpath0";
private static final String BUILDPATH_PRJ_1 = "Buildpath1";
private static final String BUILDPATH_PRJ_2 = "Buildpath2";
private static final String BUILDPATH_PRJ_4 = "Buildpath4";
public class TestContainer implements IBuildpathContainer {
IPath path;
IBuildpathEntry[] entries;
TestContainer(IPath path, IBuildpathEntry[] entries) {
this.path = path;
this.entries = entries;
public IPath getPath() {
return this.path;
public IBuildpathEntry[] getBuildpathEntries() {
return this.entries;
public String getDescription() {
return this.path.toString();
public int getKind() {
return 0;
public BuildpathTests(String name) {
public void setUpSuite() throws Exception {
setUpScriptProject("ModelMembers", ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
setUpScriptProject(BUILDPATH_PRJ_0, ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
setUpScriptProject(BUILDPATH_PRJ_1, ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
setUpScriptProject("p1", ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
setUpScriptProject("p2", ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
private void assertEncodeDecodeEntry(String projectName, String expectedEncoded, IBuildpathEntry entry) {
IScriptProject project = getScriptProject(projectName);
String encoded = project.encodeBuildpathEntry(entry);
assertSourceEquals("Unexpected encoded entry", expectedEncoded, encoded);
IBuildpathEntry decoded = project.decodeBuildpathEntry(encoded);
assertEquals("Unexpected decoded entry", entry, decoded);
protected void assertStatus(String expected, IStatus status) {
String actual = status.getMessage();
assertEquals(expected, actual);
protected void assertStatus(String message, String expected, IStatus status) {
String actual = status.getMessage();
assertEquals(message, expected, actual);
protected File createFile(File parent, String name, String content) throws IOException {
File file = new File(parent, name);
try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file)) {
* Need to change the time stamp to realize that the file has been modified
file.setLastModified(System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000);
return file;
protected File createFolder(File parent, String name) {
File file = new File(parent, name);
return file;
protected int numberOfCycleMarkers(IScriptProject scriptProject) throws CoreException {
IMarker[] markers = scriptProject.getProject().findMarkers(IModelMarker.BUILDPATH_PROBLEM_MARKER, false,
int result = 0;
for (IMarker marker : markers) {
String cycleAttr = (String) marker.getAttribute(IModelMarker.CYCLE_DETECTED);
if (cycleAttr != null && cycleAttr.equals("true")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return result;
protected int numberOfBuildpathProblems(IScriptProject scriptProject) throws CoreException {
IMarker[] markers = scriptProject.getProject().findMarkers(IModelMarker.BUILDPATH_PROBLEM_MARKER, false,
return markers.length;
public void tearDownSuite() throws Exception {
public void test001() throws ModelException {
ScriptProject project = (ScriptProject) getScriptProject(BUILDPATH_PRJ_0);
IBuildpathEntry entrys[] = project.getRawBuildpath();
assertEquals(3, entrys.length);
assertEquals(IBuildpathEntry.BPE_SOURCE, entrys[0].getEntryKind());
assertEquals(IBuildpathEntry.BPE_PROJECT, entrys[1].getEntryKind());
assertEquals(IBuildpathEntry.BPE_SOURCE, entrys[2].getEntryKind());
IModelElement[] children = project.getChildren();
assertEquals("Sould be 2 accessible project fragments", 2, children.length);
assertTrue(children[0] instanceof IProjectFragment);
assertTrue(children[1] instanceof IProjectFragment);
IProjectFragment fr0 = (IProjectFragment) children[0];
IProjectFragment fr1 = (IProjectFragment) children[1];
children = fr0.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.length);
assertTrue(children[0] instanceof IScriptFolder);
IModelElement[] folderChildren = ((IScriptFolder) children[0]).getChildren();
assertEquals(2, folderChildren.length);
assertTrue(folderChildren[0] instanceof ISourceModule);
assertEquals("X.txt", ((ISourceModule) (folderChildren[0])).getElementName());
assertEquals("X2.txt", ((ISourceModule) (folderChildren[1])).getElementName());
assertTrue(folderChildren[1] instanceof ISourceModule);
children = fr1.getChildren();
assertEquals(1, children.length);
assertTrue(children[0] instanceof IScriptFolder);
folderChildren = ((IScriptFolder) children[0]).getChildren();
assertEquals(1, folderChildren.length);
assertTrue(folderChildren[0] instanceof ISourceModule);
assertEquals("X3.txt", ((ISourceModule) (folderChildren[0])).getElementName());
public void test002() throws ModelException {
ScriptProject project = (ScriptProject) getScriptProject(BUILDPATH_PRJ_0);
* Library BuildpathEntry test
* @throws Exception
public void test004() throws Exception {
try {
setUpScriptProject(BUILDPATH_PRJ_2, ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
IScriptProject project = getScriptProject(BUILDPATH_PRJ_2);
IBuildpathEntry entrys[] = project.getRawBuildpath();
assertEquals(1, entrys.length);
assertEquals(IBuildpathEntry.BPE_LIBRARY, entrys[0].getEntryKind());
IProjectFragment[] fragments = project.getProjectFragments();
assertEquals(1, fragments.length);
assertTrue(fragments[0] instanceof ArchiveProjectFragment);
CorePrinter printer = new CorePrinter(System.out);
((ScriptProject) project).printNode(printer);
} finally {
* External folder Library BuildpathEntry test
* @throws Exception
public void test005() throws Exception {
try {
URL url = ModelTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry("workspace/Buildpath3");
URL res = FileLocator.resolve(url);
IPath filePath = new Path(res.getFile());
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
IEnvironment env = LocalEnvironment.getInstance();
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newExtLibraryEntry(EnvironmentPathUtils.getFullPath(env, filePath));
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("OK", status);
proj.setRawBuildpath(newCP, null);
IProjectFragment[] fragments = proj.getProjectFragments();
assertEquals(2, fragments.length);
// System.out.println("Model:");
CorePrinter printer = new CorePrinter(System.out, true);
((ScriptProject) proj).printNode(printer);
} finally {
public void test006() throws Exception {
try {
URL url = ModelTestsPlugin.getDefault().getBundle().getEntry("/workspace/Buildpath3");
URL res = FileLocator.resolve(url);
IPath localPath = new Path("Testie").append(res.getFile().substring(1));
IPath contPath = localPath;
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newContainerEntry(contPath);
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("OK", status);
proj.setRawBuildpath(newCP, null);
IProjectFragment[] fragments = proj.getProjectFragments();
assertEquals(2, fragments.length);
// System.out.println("Model:");
CorePrinter printer = new CorePrinter(System.out, true);
((ScriptProject) proj).printNode(printer);
} finally {
* Ensures that a source Buildpath entry can be encoded and decoded.
public void testEncodeDecodeEntry01() {
assertEncodeDecodeEntry("P", "<buildpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src\"/>\n",
DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P/src")));
* Ensures that a source Buildpath entry with all possible attributes can be
* encoded and decoded.
public void testEncodeDecodeEntry02() {
"<buildpathentry excluding=\"**/\" including=\"**/\" kind=\"src\" path=\"src\">\n"
+ " <attributes>\n" + " <attribute name=\"attrName\" value=\"some value\"/>\n"
+ " </attributes>\n" + "</buildpathentry>\n",
DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P/src"), new IPath[] { new Path("**/") },
new IPath[] { new Path("**/") },
new IBuildpathAttribute[] { DLTKCore.newBuildpathAttribute("attrName", "some value") }));
* Ensures that a project Buildpath entry can be encoded and decoded.
public void testEncodeDecodeEntry03() {
assertEncodeDecodeEntry("P1", "<buildpathentry kind=\"prj\" path=\"/P2\"/>\n",
DLTKCore.newProjectEntry(new Path("/P2")));
* Ensures that adding an empty Buildpath container generates the correct
* deltas.
public void testEmptyContainer() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, null);
// create container
DLTKCore.setBuildpathContainer(new Path("container/default"), new IScriptProject[] { proj },
new IBuildpathContainer[] {
new TestContainer(new Path("container/default"), new IBuildpathEntry[] {}) },
// set P's Buildpath with this container
IBuildpathEntry container = DLTKCore.newContainerEntry(new Path("container/default"), true);
proj.setRawBuildpath(new IBuildpathEntry[] { container }, null);
assertDeltas("Unexpected delta",
"P[*]: {CONTENT | BUILDPATH CHANGED}\n" + " ResourceDelta(/P/.buildpath)[*]");
} finally {
* Ensures that a non existing source folder cannot be put on the Buildpath.
* (regression test for bug 66512 Invalid Buildpath entry not rejected)
public void testInvalidSourceFolder() throws CoreException {
try {
createScriptProject("P1i", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
IScriptProject proj = createScriptProject("P2i", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" },
new String[] { "/P1i/src1/src2" });
assertMarkers("Unexpected markers", "Illegal path for required project: '/P1i/src1/src2' in project P2i",
} finally {
* Should detect duplicate entries on the Buildpath
public void testBuildpathValidation01() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = newCP[0];
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("should have detected duplicate entries on the buildpath",
"Build path contains duplicate entry: \'src\' for project P", status);
} finally {
public void testBuildpathLibraryValidation01() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("Pv0", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
IEnvironment env = LocalEnvironment.getInstance();
IPath libPath = EnvironmentPathUtils.getFullPath(env, new Path("/opt2"));
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newExtLibraryEntry(libPath);
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpathEntry(proj, newCP[originalCP.length], false);
assertStatus("should detect not pressent folders",
"Required library cannot denote external folder or archive: \'"
+ EnvironmentPathUtils.getLocalPath(libPath).toString() + "\' for project Pv0",
} finally {
* Should detect nested source folders on the Buildpath
public void testBuildpathValidation02() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P"));
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("should have detected nested source folders on the buildpath",
"Cannot nest \'P/src\' inside \'P\'. To enable the nesting exclude \'src/\' from \'P\'", status);
} finally {
* Should detect library folder nested inside source folder on the Buildpath
public void testBuildpathValidation03() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newLibraryEntry(new Path("/P/src/lib"));
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("should have detected library folder nested inside source folder on the Buildpath",
"Cannot nest \'P/src/lib\' inside \'P/src\'. To enable the nesting exclude \'lib/\' from \'P/src\'",
} finally {
public void testClasspathValidation04() throws CoreException {
IScriptProject[] p = null;
try {
p = new IScriptProject[] {
AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P0var", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src0" }),
AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P1var", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src1" }), };
DLTKCore.setBuildpathVariable("var", new Path("/P1var"), null);
IBuildpathEntry[] newBuildpath = new IBuildpathEntry[] { DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P0var/src0")),
DLTKCore.newVariableEntry(new Path("var/src1")), };
// validate Buildpath
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(p[0], newBuildpath);
assertStatus("should not detect external source folder through a variable on the buildpath", "OK", status);
} finally {
public void testBuildpathValidation05() throws CoreException {
IScriptProject[] p = null;
try {
p = new IScriptProject[] {
AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P0v", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src0", "src1" }),
AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P1v", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src1" }), };
DLTKCore.setBuildpathContainer(new Path("container/default"), new IScriptProject[] { p[0] },
new IBuildpathContainer[] { new TestContainer(new Path("container/default"),
new IBuildpathEntry[] { DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P0v/src0")) }) },
IBuildpathEntry[] newBuildpath = new IBuildpathEntry[] { DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P0v/src1")),
DLTKCore.newContainerEntry(new Path("container/default")), };
// validate Buildpath
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(p[0], newBuildpath);
assertStatus("should not have detected external source folder through a container on the Buildpath", "OK",
// validate Buildpath entry
status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpathEntry(p[0], newBuildpath[1], true);
assertStatus("should have detected external source folder through a container on the Buildpath",
"Invalid buildpath container: \'container/default\' in project P0v", status);
} finally {
public void testBuildpathValidation06() throws CoreException {
IScriptProject[] p = null;
try {
p = new IScriptProject[] {
AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P0", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" }), };
// validate Buildpath entry
IBuildpathEntry[] newBuildpath = new IBuildpathEntry[] { DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P0")),
DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P0/src")), };
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(p[0], newBuildpath);
assertStatus("should have detected nested source folder",
"Cannot nest \'P0/src\' inside \'P0\'. To enable the nesting exclude \'src/\' from \'P0\'", status);
} finally {
* Should allow nested source folders on the Buildpath as long as the outer
* folder excludes the inner one.
public void testBuildpathValidation07() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P"), new IPath[] { new Path("src/") });
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("should have allowed nested source folders with exclusion on the buildpath", "OK", status);
} finally {
* Should allow a nested binary folder in a source folder on the buildpath as
* long as the outer folder excludes the inner one.
public void testBuildpathValidation08() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] {});
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P"), new IPath[] { new Path("lib/") });
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("should have allowed nested lib folders with exclusion on the buildpath", "OK", status);
} finally {
* Should not allow nested source folders on the Buildpath if exclusion filter
* has no trailing slash.
public void testBuildpathValidation15() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P"), new IPath[] { new Path("**/src") });
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("End exclusion filter \'src\' with / to fully exclude \'P/src\'", status);
} finally {
* Should not allow exclusion patterns if project preference disallow them
public void testBuildpathValidation21() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] {});
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P/src"), new IPath[] { new Path("**/src") });
Map<String, String> options = new Hashtable<>(5);
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
"Inclusion or exclusion patterns are disabled in project P, cannot selectively include or exclude from entry: \'src\'",
} finally {
* 33207 - Reject output folder that coincidate with distinct source folder but
* 36465 - Unable to create multiple source folders when not using bin for
* output default output scenarii is still tolerated
public void testBuildpathValidation23() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] {});
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 2];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P/"), new IPath[] { new Path("src/") },
newCP[originalCP.length + 1] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P/src"), new IPath[0],
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("Cannot nest 'P/src' inside 'P/'. To enable the nesting exclude 'src/' from 'P/'", status);
} finally {
* Should not allow nested source folders on the buildpath if the outer folder
* includes the inner one.
public void testBuildpathValidation34() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P"), new IPath[] { new Path("src/") },
new IPath[0], null);
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("should not have allowed nested source folders with inclusion on the buildpath",
"Cannot nest \'P/src\' inside \'P\'. To enable the nesting exclude \'src/\' from \'P\'", status);
} finally {
* Should allow nested source folders on the buildpath if inclusion filter has
* no trailing slash.
public void testBuildpathValidation36() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P"), new IPath[] { new Path("**/src") },
new Path[0], null);
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("OK", status);
} finally {
* Should not allow inclusion patterns if project preference disallow them
public void testBuildpathValidation37() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] {});
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P/src"), new IPath[] { new Path("**/src") },
new Path[0], null);
Map<String, String> options = new Hashtable<>(5);
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
"Inclusion or exclusion patterns are disabled in project P, cannot selectively include or exclude from entry: \'src\'",
} finally {
* Should detect nested source folders on the buildpath and indicate the
* preference if disabled (regression test for bug 122615 validate buildpath
* propose to exlude a source folder even though exlusion patterns are disabled)
public void testBuildpathValidation42() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject proj = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalCP = proj.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[originalCP.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalCP, 0, newCP, 0, originalCP.length);
newCP[originalCP.length] = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P"));
IModelStatus status = BuildpathEntry.validateBuildpath(proj, newCP);
assertStatus("should have detected nested source folders on the buildpath",
"Cannot nest \'P/src\' inside \'P\'. To allow the nesting enable use of exclusion patterns in the preferences of project \'P\' and exclude \'src/\' from \'P\'",
} finally {
* Setting the buildpath with two entries specifying the same path should fail.
public void testBuildpathWithDuplicateEntries() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject project = createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] cp = project.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] newCp = new IBuildpathEntry[cp.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(cp, 0, newCp, 0, cp.length);
System.arraycopy(cp, 0, newCp, cp.length, cp.length);
try {
project.setRawBuildpath(newCp, null);
} catch (ModelException jme) {
assertTrue("Setting the buildpath with two entries specifying the same path should fail", false);
} finally {
* Adding an entry to the buildpath for a project that does not exist should not
* break the model. The buildpath should contain the entry, but the root should
* not appear in the children.
public void testBuildpathWithNonExistentProjectEntry() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject project = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalPath = project.getRawBuildpath();
IProjectFragment[] originalRoots = project.getProjectFragments();
IBuildpathEntry[] newPath = new IBuildpathEntry[originalPath.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalPath, 0, newPath, 0, originalPath.length);
IBuildpathEntry newEntry = DLTKCore.newProjectEntry(new Path("/NoProject"), false);
newPath[originalPath.length] = newEntry;
project.setRawBuildpath(newPath, null);
IBuildpathEntry[] getPath = project.getRawBuildpath();
assertArrayEquals(getPath, newPath);
IProjectFragment[] newRoots = project.getProjectFragments();
assertArrayEquals(originalRoots, newRoots);
} finally {
* Adding an entry to the buildpath for a folder that does not exist should not
* break the model. The buildpath should contain the entry, but the root should
* not appear in the children.
public void testBuildpathWithNonExistentSourceEntry() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject project = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src" });
IBuildpathEntry[] originalPath = project.getRawBuildpath();
IProjectFragment[] originalRoots = project.getProjectFragments();
IBuildpathEntry[] newPath = new IBuildpathEntry[originalPath.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalPath, 0, newPath, 0, originalPath.length);
IBuildpathEntry newEntry = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/P/moreSource"));
newPath[originalPath.length] = newEntry;
project.setRawBuildpath(newPath, null);
IBuildpathEntry[] getPath = project.getRawBuildpath();
assertArrayEquals(getPath, newPath);
IProjectFragment[] newRoots = project.getProjectFragments();
assertArrayEquals(originalRoots, newRoots);
} finally {
* Ensure that missing projects are properly reported.
public void testMissingProjectReport1() throws CoreException {
final String name1 = "p1miss";
final String name2 = "p2miss";
try {
IScriptProject p1 = createScriptProject(name1, TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
assertEquals(0, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p1));
IScriptProject p2 = createScriptProject(name2, TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
assertEquals(0, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p2));
// Add dependency
IBuildpathEntry[] originalP2CP = p2.getRawBuildpath();
// Add P1 as a prerequesite of P2
int length = originalP2CP.length;
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalP2CP, 0, newCP, 0, length);
newCP[length] = DLTKCore.newProjectEntry(p1.getProject().getFullPath(), false);
p2.setRawBuildpath(newCP, null);
waitForAutoBuild(); // wait for markers to be created
assertEquals(0, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p1));
assertEquals(0, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p2));
p1.getProject().close(new NullProgressMonitor());
waitForAutoBuild(); // wait for markers to be created
assertEquals(1, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p2));
} finally {
deleteProjects(new String[] { name1, name2 });
* Ensure that missing projects are properly reported.
public void testMissingProjectReport2() throws CoreException, IOException {
final String name1 = "miss1";
final String name2 = "miss2";
try {
IScriptProject p2 = setUpScriptProject(name2, ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
assertEquals(1, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p2));
IScriptProject p1 = setUpScriptProject(name1, ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
assertEquals(0, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p1));
assertEquals(0, numberOfBuildpathProblems(p2));
} finally {
deleteProjects(new String[] { name1, name2 });
* Ensure that cycle are properly reported.
public void testCycleReport() throws CoreException {
try {
IScriptProject p1 = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("p1_", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
IScriptProject p2 = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("p2_", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
IScriptProject p3 = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("p3_", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" },
new String[] { "/p2_" });
// Ensure no cycle reported
IScriptProject[] projects = { p1, p2, p3 };
int cycleMarkerCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) {
cycleMarkerCount += this.numberOfCycleMarkers(projects[i]);
assertTrue("Should have no cycle markers", cycleMarkerCount == 0);
// Add cycle
IBuildpathEntry[] originalP1CP = p1.getRawBuildpath();
IBuildpathEntry[] originalP2CP = p2.getRawBuildpath();
// Add P1 as a prerequesite of P2
int length = originalP2CP.length;
IBuildpathEntry[] newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalP2CP, 0, newCP, 0, length);
newCP[length] = DLTKCore.newProjectEntry(p1.getProject().getFullPath(), false);
p2.setRawBuildpath(newCP, null);
// Add P3 as a prerequesite of P1
length = originalP1CP.length;
newCP = new IBuildpathEntry[length + 1];
System.arraycopy(originalP1CP, 0, newCP, 0, length);
newCP[length] = DLTKCore.newProjectEntry(p3.getProject().getFullPath(), false);
p1.setRawBuildpath(newCP, null);
waitForAutoBuild(); // wait for cycle markers to be created
cycleMarkerCount = 0;
for (IScriptProject project : projects) {
cycleMarkerCount += numberOfCycleMarkers(project);
assertEquals("Unexpected number of projects involved in a buildpath cycle", 3, cycleMarkerCount);
} finally {
// cleanup
deleteProjects(new String[] { "p1_", "p2_", "p3_" });
public void testScriptFolderExclude() throws CoreException {
try {
// create
final IScriptProject project = createScriptProject("A_", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
project.getProject().getFolder("src").create(true, true, null);
// find folder & test it
final IScriptFolder folder = project.findScriptFolder(new Path("/A_/src"));
// change buildpath
final IBuildpathEntry entry1 = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/A_/src"));
final IBuildpathEntry entry2 = DLTKCore.newSourceEntry(new Path("/A_"), new IPath[0],
new IPath[] { new Path("src/") });
project.setRawBuildpath(new IBuildpathEntry[] { entry1, entry2 }, null);
// test folder after change
} finally {
* Setting the buildpath to empty should result in no entries, and a delta with
* removed roots.
public void testEmptyBuildpath() throws CoreException {
IScriptProject project = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
try {
setBuildpath(project, new IBuildpathEntry[] {});
IBuildpathEntry[] cp = project.getRawBuildpath();
assertTrue("buildpath should have no entries", cp.length == 0);
// ensure the deltas are correct
assertDeltas("Unexpected delta",
+ " <project root>[*]: {REMOVED FROM BUILDPATH}\n" + " ResourceDelta(/P/.buildpath)[*]");
} finally {
* Ensures that a source folder that contains character that must be encoded can
* be written. (regression test for bug
public void _testEncoding() throws CoreException, IOException {
try {
createScriptProject("P", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "src\u3400" });
IFile file = getFile("/P/.buildpath");
String encodedContents = new String(
org.eclipse.dltk.internal.core.util.Util.getResourceContentsAsCharArray(file, "UTF-8"));
encodedContents = Util.convertToIndependantLineDelimiter(encodedContents);
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + "<buildpath>\n"
+ " <buildpathentry kind=\"src\" path=\"src\u3400\"/>\n" + "</buildpath>\n",
} finally {
* Tests the cross project Buildpath setting
public void testBuildpathCrossProject() throws CoreException {
IScriptProject project = AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P1c", TEST_NATURE, new String[] { "" });
AbstractModelTests.createScriptProject("P2c", TEST_NATURE, new String[] {});
try {
IProjectFragment oldRoot = getProjectFragment("P1c", "");
IBuildpathEntry projectEntry = DLTKCore.newProjectEntry(new Path("/P2c"), false);
IBuildpathEntry[] newBuildpath = new IBuildpathEntry[] { projectEntry };
project.setRawBuildpath(newBuildpath, null);
IModelElementDelta removedDelta = getDeltaFor(oldRoot, true);
assertDeltas("Unexpected delta", "<project root>[*]: {REMOVED FROM BUILDPATH}", removedDelta);
} finally {
this.deleteProjects(new String[] { "P1c", "P2c" });
public void testGetProjectFragmentByResource() throws CoreException, IOException {
try {
setUpScriptProject(BUILDPATH_PRJ_4, ModelTestsPlugin.PLUGIN_NAME);
String folderName = "library";
IModelElement element = DLTKCore
.create(getWorkspaceRoot().getFolder(new Path(BUILDPATH_PRJ_4 + "/" + folderName)));
assertEquals(IModelElement.PROJECT_FRAGMENT, element.getElementType());
assertEquals(folderName, element.getElementName());
} finally {