blob: 2a95603309a2218f75400d5a093d77e15a302890 [file] [log] [blame]
FileNameIsEmpty=Please specify a file name
FilePathIsEmpty=Please select a file path
FilePathNotExists=Selected file path ''{0}'' does not exist
FilePathIsInvalid=Selected file path ''{0}'' is invalid
DirPathIsEmpty=Please select a directory path
DirPathNotExists=Selected directory ''{0}'' does not exist
DirPathIsInvalid=Selected directory ''{0}'' is invalid
PositiveNumberIsEmpty=Number is empty
PositiveNumberIsInvalid=''{0}'' should be a positive number
PortIsEmpty=Port is empty
PortShouldBeInRange = ''{0}'' should be in range 1000...65535
MinValueInvalid = Number should be greater then or equal to {0}