blob: a234df320cbbd517d7cdad5053007eb372c64f8c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
### hierarchy
hierarchy_nullProject = Project argument cannot be null
hierarchy_nullRegion = Region cannot be null
hierarchy_nullFocusType = Type focus cannot be null
hierarchy_creating = Creating type hierarchy...
hierarchy_creatingOnType = Creating type hierarchy on {0}...
#build_saveStateProgress = Saving state..
#build_saveStateComplete = State saved
#build_cannotSaveState = Can't save state
#build_cannotSaveStates = Can't save states
buildpath_cannotReadBuildpathFile = Can't read buildpath file
buildpath_couldNotWriteBuildpathFile = Can't write buildpath file
buildpath_illegalEntryInBuildpathFile = Illigal entry in buildpath file
buildpath_invalidBuildpathInBuildpathFile = Invalid buildpath in buildpath file
### buildpaths
buildpath_buildPath = Build path
buildpath_cannotNestEntryInEntry = Cannot nest ''{0}'' inside ''{1}''. To enable the nesting exclude ''{2}'' from ''{1}''
buildpath_cannotNestEntryInEntryNoExclusion= Cannot nest ''{0}'' inside ''{1}''. To allow the nesting enable use of exclusion patterns in the preferences of project ''{1}'' and exclude ''{2}'' from ''{1}''
buildpath_cannotNestEntryInLibrary = Cannot nest ''{0}'' inside library ''{1}''
#buildpath_cannotReadbuildpathFile = Unable to read ''.buildpath'' file of project {0}
buildpath_cannotReferToItself = Project cannot reference itself: {0}
buildpath_closedProject = Required project: {0} needs to be open
#buildpath_couldNotWritebuildpathFile = Could not write ''.buildpath'' file of project {0}: {1}
buildpath_cycle = A cycle was detected in the build path of project: {0}
buildpath_duplicateEntryPath = Build path contains duplicate entry: ''{0}'' for project {1}
buildpath_illegalContainerPath = Illegal buildpath container path: ''{0}'' in project {1}, must have at least one segment (containerID+hints)
#buildpath_illegalEntryInbuildpathFile = Illegal entry in ''.buildpath'' of project {0} file: {1}
buildpath_illegalLibraryPath = Illegal path for required library: ''{0}'' in project {1}
buildpath_illegalVariablePath = Illegal path for required variable: ''{0}'' in project {1}
buildpath_illegalLibraryArchive = Illegal type of archive or external folder for required library: ''{0}'' in project {1}
buildpath_illegalExternalFolder = Required library cannot denote external folder or archive: ''{0}'' for project {1}
buildpath_illegalProjectPath = Illegal path for required project: ''{0}'' in project {1}
buildpath_illegalSourceFolderPath = Illegal path for required source folder: ''{0}'' in project {1}
#buildpath_invalidbuildpathInbuildpathFile = Invalid build path in ''.buildpath'' file of project {0}: {1}
buildpath_invalidContainer = Invalid buildpath container: ''{0}'' in project {1}
buildpath_multipleInterpreters=Build path can not contain multiple interpreters
buildpath_mustEndWithSlash = End exclusion filter ''{0}'' with / to fully exclude ''{1}''
buildpath_unboundContainerPath = Unbound buildpath container: ''{0}'' in project {1}
#buildpath_unboundLibrary = Project {1} is missing required library: ''{0}''
buildpath_unboundProject = Project {1} is missing required script project: ''{0}''
#buildpath_settingOutputLocationProgress = Setting output location for: ''{0}''
buildpath_settingProgress = Setting buildpath for: {0}
#buildpath_unboundSourceAttachment = Invalid source attachment: ''{0}'' for required library ''{1}'' in project {1}
buildpath_unboundSourceFolder = Project {1} is missing required source folder: ''{0}''
#buildpath_unboundVariablePath = Unbound buildpath variable: ''{0}'' in project {1}
buildpath_unknownKind = Unknown kind: ''{0}''
buildpath_xmlFormatError = XML format error in ''.buildpath'' file of project {0}: {1}
buildpath_disabledInclusionExclusionPatterns = Inclusion or exclusion patterns are disabled in project {1}, cannot selectively include or exclude from entry: ''{0}''
#buildpath_disabledMultipleOutputLocations = Multiple output locations are disabled in project {1}, cannot associate entry: ''{0}'' with a specific output
buildpath_duplicateEntryExtraAttribute = Duplicate extra attribute: ''{0}'' in buildpath entry ''{1}'' for project {2}
### miscellaneous
file_notFound = File not found: ''{0}''
file_badFormat = Bad format
#path_nullPath = Path cannot be null
path_mustBeAbsolute = Path must be absolute
cache_invalidLoadFactor = Incorrect load factor
#savedState_jobName = Processing DLTK Model changes since last activation
convention_unit_nullName = Source module name must not be null
convention_unit_notScriptName = Source module name must end with {0}, or one of the registered {1}-like extensions
#convention_illegalIdentifier = ''{0}'' is not a valid {1} identifier
### status
status_cannotUseDeviceOnPath = Operation requires a path with no device. Path specified was: {0}
status_coreException = Core exception
#status_defaultPackageReadOnly = Default package is read-only
#status_evaluationError = Evaluation error: {0}
status_IOException = I/O exception
status_indexOutOfBounds = Index out of bounds
status_invalidContents = Invalid contents specified
status_invalidDestination = Invalid destination: ''{0}''
status_invalidName = Invalid name specified: {0}
status_invalidPackage = Invalid package: {0}
status_invalidPath = Invalid path: ''{0}''
status_invalidProject = Invalid project: {0}
status_invalidResource = Invalid resource: {0}
status_invalidResourceType = Invalid resource type for {0}
status_invalidSibling = Invalid sibling: {0}
status_nameCollision = {0} already exists in target
status_noLocalContents = Cannot find local contents for resource: {0}
#status_OK = OK
status_readOnly = {0} is read-only
status_targetException = Target exception
status_updateConflict = Update conflict
### model element
element_doesNotExist = {0} does not exist
element_notOnClasspath = {0} is not on its project''s build path
#element_invalidClassFileName = Class file name must end with .class
element_reconciling = Reconciling...
#element_attachingSource = Attaching source...
#element_invalidResourceForProject = Illegal argument - must be one of IProject, IFolder, or IFile
element_nullName = Name cannot be null
#element_nullType = Type cannot be null
#element_illegalParent = Illegal parent argument
### model operations
operation_needElements = Operation requires one or more elements
operation_needName = Operation requires a name
operation_needPath = Operation requires a path
operation_needAbsolutePath = Operation requires an absolute path. Relative path specified was: ''{0}''
operation_needString = Operation requires a String.
operation_notSupported = Operation not supported for specified element type(s):
#operation_cancelled = Operation cancelled
operation_nullContainer = Container cannot be null
operation_nullName = Name cannot be null
operation_copyElementProgress = Copying elements...
operation_moveElementProgress = Moving elements...
operation_renameElementProgress = Renaming elements...
operation_copyResourceProgress = Copying resources...
operation_moveResourceProgress = Moving resources...
operation_renameResourceProgress = Renaming resources...
operation_createScriptFolderProgress = Creating package fragment(s)...
operation_deleteResourceProgress = Deleting resources...
#operation_cannotRenameDefaultPackage = Default package cannot be renamed
operation_pathOutsideProject = Path ''{0}'' must denote location inside project {1}
#operation_sortelements = Sorting elements...
### access restrictions
restrictedAccess_project = The type {0} is not accessible due to restriction on required project {1}
restrictedAccess_library = The type {0} is not accessible due to restriction on required library {1}
restrictedAccess_constructor_project = The constructor {0} is not accessible due to restriction on required project {1}
restrictedAccess_constructor_library = The constructor {0} is not accessible due to restriction on required library {1}
restrictedAccess_field_project = The field {0} from the type {1} is not accessible due to restriction on required project {2}
restrictedAccess_field_library = The field {0} from the type {1} is not accessible due to restriction on required library {2}
restrictedAccess_method_project = The method {0} from the type {1} is not accessible due to restriction on required project {2}
restrictedAccess_method_library = The method {0} from the type {1} is not accessible due to restriction on required library {2}
savedState_jobName = Processing changes since last activation
### working copy
workingCopy_commit = Committing working copy...
#cache_invalidLoadFactor = Incorrect load factor
### Searching
engine_searching = Searching...
engine_searching_indexing = Looking through {0} indexes...
engine_searching_matching = Locating {0} matches...
exception_wrongFormat = Wrong format
process_name = DLTK indexing
manager_filesToIndex = {0} files to index
manager_indexingInProgress = DLTK indexing in progress
manager_indexingTask = DLTK indexing
### build status messages
#build_preparingBuild = Preparing to build {0}
#build_readStateProgress = Reading saved build state for project {0}
#build_saveStateProgress = Saving build state for project {0}
#build_saveStateComplete = Saved in {0} ms
#build_readingDelta = Reading resource change information for {0}
#build_analyzingDeltas = Analyzing deltas
#build_analyzingSources = Analyzing sources
#build_copyingResources = Copying resources to the output folder
#build_compiling = Compiling {0}
#build_foundHeader = Found
#build_fixedHeader = Fixed
#build_oneError = 1 error
#build_oneWarning = 1 warning
#build_multipleErrors = {0} errors
#build_multipleWarnings = {0} warnings
#build_done = Build done
### build status messages
#build_preparingBuild = Preparing to build {0}
build_readStateProgress = Reading saved build state for project {0}
build_saveStateProgress = Saving build state for project {0}
build_saveStateComplete = Saved in {0} ms
### build errors
build_wrongFileFormat = Wrong file format
build_cannotSaveState = Error saving last build state for project {0}
build_cannotSaveStates = Error saving build states
Util_errorReceivingFile=Error receiving file: {0} content: retrying({1})