blob: 017ca03d3742699a7002cad80dcc86c401392f80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009 xored software, Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* xored software, Inc. - initial API and Implementation (Vladimir Belov)
package org.eclipse.dltk.javascript.ast;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.eclipse.dltk.javascript.parser.JSParser;
public class Keywords {
public static final String FUNCTION = "function";
public static final String NULL = "null";
public static final String RETURN = "return";
public static final String IF = "if";
public static final String ELSE = "else";
public static final String SWITCH = "switch";
public static final String CASE = "case";
public static final String BREAK = "break";
public static final String CONTINUE = "continue";
public static final String DEFAULT = "default";
public static final String FOR = "for";
public static final String EACH = "each";
public static final String WHILE = "while";
public static final String DO = "do";
public static final String VAR = "var";
public static final String CONST = "const";
public static final String IN = "in";
public static final String NEW = "new";
public static final String TRUE = "true";
public static final String FALSE = "false";
public static final String TRY = "try";
public static final String CATCH = "catch";
public static final String FINALLY = "finally";
public static final String INSTANCEOF = "instanceof";
public static final String TYPEOF = "typeof";
public static final String THIS = "this";
public static final String THROW = "throw";
public static final String EXPORT = "export";
public static final String IMPORT = "import";
public static final String WITH = "with";
public static final String DELETE = "delete";
public static final String GET = "get";
public static final String SET = "set";
public static final String VOID = "void";
public static final String XML = "xml";
public static final String NAMESPACE = "namespace";
public static final String YIELD = "yield";
public static final char SPACE_CHAR = ' ';
// public static final String NEW_LINE = "\r\n";
public static final char LP = '(';
public static final char RP = ')';
public static final char LC = '{';
public static final char RC = '}';
public static final char LB = '[';
public static final char RB = ']';
public static final char DOT = '.';
public static final char COMMA = ',';
public static final char SEMI = ';';
public static final char COLON = ':';
public static final char STRING_QUOTE = '"';
public static final char ASSIGN = '=';
public static final String ADDASS = "+=";
public static final String SUBASS = "-=";
public static final String MULASS = "*=";
public static final String DIVASS = "/=";
public static final String MODASS = "%="; // it does not present in
// JavaScript
// 1.5 Reference
public static final String XORASS = "^=";
public static final String ANDASS = "&=";
public static final String ORASS = "|=";
public static final String SHLASS = "<<=";
public static final String SHRASS = ">>=";
public static final String SHUASS = ">>>=";
public static final String INC = "++";
public static final String DEC = "--";
public static final char ADD = '+';
public static final char SUB = '-';
public static final char MUL = '*';
public static final char DIV = '/';
public static final char MOD = '%';
public static final String LAND = "&&";
public static final String LOR = "||";
public static final char NOT = '!';
public static final char OR = '|';
public static final char XOR = '^';
public static final char AND = '&';
public static final char INV = '~';
public static final String SHL = "<<";
public static final String SHR = ">>";
public static final String SHU = ">>>";
public static final String EQ = "==";
public static final String NEQ = "!=";
public static final String SAME = "===";
public static final String NSAME = "!==";
public static final String LTE = "<=";
public static final char LT = '<';
public static final String GTE = ">=";
public static final char GT = '>';
public static final char HOOK = '?';
private final static HashMap map = new HashMap();
static {
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.FUNCTION), Keywords.FUNCTION);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.NULL), Keywords.NULL);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.RETURN), Keywords.RETURN);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.IF), Keywords.IF);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.ELSE), Keywords.IF);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SWITCH), Keywords.SWITCH);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.CASE), Keywords.CASE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.BREAK), Keywords.BREAK);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.CONTINUE), Keywords.CONTINUE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.DEFAULT), Keywords.DEFAULT);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.FOR), Keywords.FOR);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.EACH), Keywords.EACH);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.WHILE), Keywords.WHILE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.DO), Keywords.DO);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.VAR), Keywords.VAR);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.CONST), Keywords.CONST);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.IN), Keywords.IN);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.NEW), Keywords.NEW);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.TRUE), Keywords.TRUE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.FALSE), Keywords.FALSE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.TRY), Keywords.TRY);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.CATCH), Keywords.CATCH);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.FINALLY), Keywords.FINALLY);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.INSTANCEOF), Keywords.INSTANCEOF);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.TYPEOF), Keywords.TYPEOF);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.THIS), Keywords.THIS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.THROW), Keywords.THROW);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.EXPORT), Keywords.EXPORT);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.IMPORT), Keywords.IMPORT);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.WITH), Keywords.WITH);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.DELETE), Keywords.DELETE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.GET), Keywords.GET);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SET), Keywords.SET);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.VOID), Keywords.VOID);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.XML), Keywords.XML);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.NAMESPACE), Keywords.NAMESPACE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.YIELD), Keywords.YIELD);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.ASSIGN), String.valueOf(Keywords.ASSIGN));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.ADDASS), Keywords.ADDASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SUBASS), Keywords.SUBASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.MULASS), Keywords.MULASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.DIVASS), Keywords.DIVASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.MODASS), Keywords.MODASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.XORASS), Keywords.XORASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.ANDASS), Keywords.ANDASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.ORASS), Keywords.ORASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SHLASS), Keywords.SHLASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SHRASS), Keywords.SHRASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SHUASS), Keywords.SHUASS);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.PINC), Keywords.INC);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.PDEC), Keywords.DEC);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.INC), Keywords.INC);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.DEC), Keywords.DEC);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.NEG), String.valueOf(Keywords.SUB));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.ADD), String.valueOf(Keywords.ADD));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SUB), String.valueOf(Keywords.SUB));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.DIV), String.valueOf(Keywords.DIV));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.MUL), String.valueOf(Keywords.MUL));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.MOD), String.valueOf(Keywords.MOD));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.LAND), Keywords.LAND);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.LOR), Keywords.LOR);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.NOT), String.valueOf(Keywords.NOT));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.OR), String.valueOf(Keywords.OR));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.XOR), String.valueOf(Keywords.XOR));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.AND), String.valueOf(Keywords.AND));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.INV), String.valueOf(Keywords.INV));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SHL), Keywords.SHL);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SHR), Keywords.SHR);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SHU), Keywords.SHU);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.EQ), Keywords.EQ);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.NEQ), Keywords.NEQ);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.LTE), Keywords.LTE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.LT), String.valueOf(Keywords.LT));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.GTE), Keywords.GTE);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.GT), String.valueOf(Keywords.GT));
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.SAME), Keywords.SAME);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.NSAME), Keywords.NSAME);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.INSTANCEOF), Keywords.INSTANCEOF);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.TYPEOF), Keywords.TYPEOF);
map.put(new Integer(JSParser.IN), Keywords.IN);
public static String fromToken(int token) {
Integer tokenValue = new Integer(token);
if (map.containsKey(tokenValue)) {
return map.get(tokenValue).toString();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(new Integer(token).toString());
private static String charToHexString(char ch) {
return Integer.toHexString(ch).toUpperCase();
public static String encodeString(String s, char quoteChar) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char ch = s.charAt(i);
switch (ch) {
case '\t':
case '\b':
case '\f':
case '\r':
case '\n':
case '\\':
if (ch == quoteChar) {
} else if (ch > 0xfff) {
buffer.append("\\u" + charToHexString(ch));
} else if (ch > 0xff) {
buffer.append("\\u0" + charToHexString(ch));
} else if (ch > 0x7f) {
buffer.append("\\u00" + charToHexString(ch));
} else
return buffer.toString();
public static boolean isKeyword(String value) {
if (value == null || value.length() == 0)
return false;
if (map.containsValue(value.toLowerCase())) {
char[] chars = value.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
if (!Character.isLetter(chars[i]))
return false;
return true;
return false;