blob: d43b1b463d1bfe994638f275f6c283601f2cd4c4 [file] [log] [blame]
use warnings;
use strict;
package M_TM;
# [143365] TODO: replace this whole script two custom Ant tasks - one for map file and one for test manifest file
sub loadProperties()
my $buildConfigFile = shift;
my @properties = ("cvsHost", "cvsReadProtocol", "cvsReadUser", "cvsWriteUser", "cvsWriteRelengUser", "cvsRep");
my $valueByProperty = &getProperties($buildConfigFile, \@properties);
my $cvsHost = $valueByProperty->{"cvsHost"};
my $cvsReadProtocol = $valueByProperty->{"cvsReadProtocol"};
my $cvsReadUser = $valueByProperty->{"cvsReadUser"};
my $cvsWriteUser = $valueByProperty->{"cvsWriteUser"};
my $cvsWriteRelengUser = $valueByProperty->{"cvsWriteRelengUser"};
my $cvsRep = $valueByProperty->{"cvsRep"};
$M_TM::SSH_HOST = "$cvsWriteUser\@$cvsHost";
$M_TM::CVS_REP1 = "$cvsRep";
$M_TM::CVSROOT1 = ":$cvsReadProtocol:$cvsReadUser\@$cvsHost:".$M_TM::CVS_REP1;
sub getProperties()
my $file = shift;
my $properties = shift;
return unless (open(FILE, "<$file"));
my @lines = <FILE>;
my %valueByProperty = ();
foreach my $line (@lines)
foreach my $property (@$properties)
if($line =~ m/${property}=/)
$line =~ s/^${property}=//;
$valueByProperty{$property} = $line;
return \%valueByProperty;
# Returns the last segment of a path.
sub getLastSegment()
my $path = shift;
$path =~ s/\/$//;
$path = reverse($path);
$path =~ s/\/.*$//;
return reverse($path);
# Retrieves the directories available at the $M_TM::SSH_PATH directory of the
# return: Reference to an array with the directories.
sub getEclipseElementDirectories()
my $proj = shift;
my $command = "ssh $M_TM::SSH_HOST \'cd $M_TM::CVS_REP1";
# hack to get fragment folders to be named with "-fragment" as a suffix
my $dir="org.eclipse.dltk/$proj";
$command .= " && for f in `find $dir -maxdepth 3 -name plugin.xml,v -o -name feature.xml,v -o -name fragment.xml,v -o -name test.xml,v -o -name META-INF | sort`;";
$command .= " do if [ \"\${f##*/Attic/*}\" = \"\$f\" ]; then folder=\${f%/*}; type=\${f##*/}; if [ \"\$type\" = \"fragment.xml,v\" ]; then echo \$folder\"-fragment\"; else echo \$folder; fi; fi; done | uniq";
$command .= "\'";
my @directories = split("\n", `$command`);
return \@directories;
# Creates the map entries given a list of directories and the CVS tag to be
# used. The last segment of a directories name must be either a feture id
# with the sufix "-feature" or a plugin id.
# param: Reference to an array with the directories
# param: the CVS tag
# return: Reference to an array with the map entries
sub createMapEntries()
my $directories = shift;
my $cvsTag = shift;
my @entries = ();
foreach my $directory (@$directories)
my $entry = "";
my $elementId = &getLastSegment($directory);
if($directory =~ m/-feature$/)
$entry = "feature\@";
$elementId =~ s/-feature$//;
elsif($directory =~ m/-fragment$/)
$entry = "fragment\@";
$elementId =~ s/-fragment$//;
$directory =~ s/-fragment$//;
$entry = "plugin\@";
$entry .= "$elementId=$cvsTag,";
$entry .= "$M_TM::CVSROOT1,,";
$entry .= "$directory";
push(@entries, $entry);
return \@entries;
# Creates the test manifest entries given a list of directories used.
# The last segment of a directories name must be either a feture id
# with the sufix "-feature" or a plugin id. Also the test, example
# and "runtime and sdk" are located in the tests, examples and plugins
# subdirectories respectively.
# param: Reference to an array with the directories
# return: Reference to an array with the test manifest entries
sub createTestManifestEntries()
my $directories = shift;
my @entries = ();
foreach my $directory (@$directories)
if($directory !~ m/-feature$/)
my $elementId = &getLastSegment($directory);
my $entry = " <logFile name=\"plugins/$elementId"."_*/*.bin.log\">";
if($directory =~ m/tests/)
$entry .= "\n <effectedFile id=\"T\"><\/effectedFile>";
elsif($directory =~ m/examples/)
$entry .= "\n <effectedFile id=\"EX\"><\/effectedFile>";
elsif($directory =~/plugins/)
if($directory =~/\/examples\//)
$entry .= "\n <effectedFile id=\"EX\"><\/effectedFile>";
elsif($directory =~/\/tests\//)
$entry .= "\n <effectedFile id=\"T\"><\/effectedFile>";
$entry .= "\n <effectedFile id=\"SDK\"><\/effectedFile>";
$entry .= "\n <effectedFile id=\"projRUN\"><\/effectedFile>";
$entry .= "\n <\/logFile>";
push(@entries, $entry);
return \@entries;
# Creates the map file based on a template. The tokens @mapEntries@, @cvsRoot1@,
# @cvsRoot2@ and @cvsTag@ in the template are replaced by the appropriate values.
# param: The file to be created
# param: The template file
# param: The CVS tag
# param: A reference to an array with the map entries
sub createMapFile()
my $file = shift;
my $templateFile = shift;
my $cvsTag = shift;
my $entries = shift;
return unless (open(TEMPLATE, "<$templateFile"));
my $template = join("", <TEMPLATE>);
my $entriesText = join("\n",@$entries);
$template =~ s/\@entries\@/$entriesText/g;
$template =~ s/\@cvsTag\@/$cvsTag/g;
$template =~ s/\@cvsRoot1\@/$M_TM::CVSROOT1/g;
return unless (open(MAP, ">$file"));
print MAP $template;
# Creates the test manifest file based on a template. The tokens @logEntries@
# in the template is replaced by the appropriate value.
# param: The file to be created
# param: The template file
# param: A reference to an array with the test manifest entries
sub createTestManifestFile()
my $file = shift;
my $templateFile = shift;
my $entries = shift;
return unless (open(TEMPLATE, "<$templateFile"));
my $template = join("", <TEMPLATE>);
my $entriesText = join("\n",@$entries);
$template =~ s/\@entries\@/$entriesText/g;
return unless (open(MAP, ">$file"));
print MAP $template;
sub main()
if(@ARGV."" != 7)
die("Usage: perl <subprojectName> <buildConfigFile> <map file> <map file template> <test manifest file> <test manifest file template> <CVS target of the files that will be extracted>\n");
my $buildConfigFile = $ARGV[0];
my $mapFile = $ARGV[1];
my $mapFileTemplate = $ARGV[2];
my $testManifestFile = $ARGV[3];
my $testManifestFileTemplate = $ARGV[4];
my $cvsTag = $ARGV[5];
my $subprojectName = $ARGV[6];
die("Invalid build configuration file.\n") unless (-f $buildConfigFile);
die("Invalid map template file.\n") unless (-f $mapFileTemplate);
die("Invalid test manifest template file.\n") unless (-f $testManifestFileTemplate);
my $directories = &getEclipseElementDirectories($subprojectName);
my $mapEntries = &createMapEntries($directories, $cvsTag);
&createMapFile($mapFile, $mapFileTemplate, $cvsTag, $mapEntries);
my $testManifestEntries = &createTestManifestEntries($directories, $cvsTag);
&createTestManifestFile($testManifestFile, $testManifestFileTemplate, $testManifestEntries);