| ############################################################################### |
| # Copyright (c) 2005, 2007 IBM Corporation and others. |
| # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials |
| # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 |
| # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at |
| # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html |
| # |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| pluginProvider=Eclipse DLTK |
| pluginName=Dynamic Languages Toolkit Ruby Debug UI |
| |
| ToggleBreakpoint.label = Toggle &Breakpoint |
| EnableDisableBreakpoint.label = Toggl&e Enablement |
| BreakpointProperties.label = Breakpoint Properties... |
| |
| RubyDebugHover.label = Ruby debug hover |
| RubyDebugHover.description = Hover displaying variable or expression value during debugging |
| |
| # Context menu actions |
| ScriptWatch.label = Ruby Watch |
| ScriptInspect.label = Ruby Inspect |
| ScriptDisplay.label = Ruby Display |
| |
| # Launch |
| RubyTabGroup.description = Ruby Tab Group |
| |
| # Launch shortcut |
| RubyLaunchShortcut.name = Ruby Script |
| RubyLaunchShortcut.description = Ruby Script |
| RubyLaunchShortcut.runName = Ruby Script |
| RubyLaunchShortcut.debugName = Ruby Script |
| RubyLaunchShortcut.runDescription = Runs a Ruby Script |
| RubyLaunchShortcut.debugDescription = Debugs a Ruby Script |
| |
| ActionDefinition.RunRubyScript.name = Ruby Script |
| ActionDefinition.RunRubyScript.description = Ruby Script |
| ActionDefinition.DebugRubyScript.name = Ruby Script |
| ActionDefinition.DebugRubyScript.description = Ruby Script |
| ActionDefinition.AddRubyException.name = Add Ruby Exception Breakpoint |
| ActionDefinition.AddRubyException.description = Add Ruby Exception Breakpoint |
| |
| RubyInterpretersPreferencePage.name = Interpreters |
| RubyDebugPreferencePage.name = Debug |
| RubyDebuggingEnginePreferencePage.name = Engines |
| RubyStepFiltersPreferencePage.name = Step filters |
| RubyDetailFormattersPreferencePage.name = Detail Formatters |
| |
| |
| exceptionAction.label=Add Ruby Exception Breakpoint |
| exceptionAction.accel.label=Add Ruby &Exception Breakpoint... |
| exceptionAction.tooltip=Add Ruby Exception Breakpoint |
| |
| Debug.PropertyPage= Debug |
| Engines.PropertyPage = Engines |
| |
| variablesViewMenu.name = Ruby |
| |
| showGlobalVarsCommand.name = Show Global Variables |
| showGlobalVarsCommand.description = Show Global Variables |
| showGlobalVarsCommand.tooltip = Toggles global variable display |
| |
| showClassVarsCommand.name = Show Class Variables |
| showClassVarsCommand.description = Show Class Variables |
| showClassVarsCommand.tooltip = Toggles class variable display |
| |
| showLocalVarsCommand.name = Show Local Variables |
| showLocalVarsCommand.description = Show Local Variables |
| showLocalVarsCommand.tooltip = Toggles local variable display |
| |
| showPreferencesCommand.name = Ruby Preferences |
| showPreferencesCommand.description = Ruby Preferences |
| showPreferencesCommand.tooltip = Opens preferences for Ruby variables |
| |
| actionSet.label.rubyDebugger=Ruby Debugger Action Set |
| menu.label.run=&Run |