blob: 053dac9f8678479a13575616486714ccf8d79790 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 Matthew Hall and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Matthew Hall - initial API and implementation (bug 194734)
* Matthew Hall - bug 195222, 247997, 261843, 264307
package org.eclipse.core.databinding.beans;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.AnonymousPojoListProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.AnonymousPojoMapProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.AnonymousPojoSetProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.AnonymousPojoValueProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.BeanPropertyHelper;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoListProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoListPropertyDecorator;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoMapProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoMapPropertyDecorator;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoSetProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoSetPropertyDecorator;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoValueProperty;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.beans.PojoValuePropertyDecorator;
* A factory for creating properties for POJOs (plain old java objects) that
* conform to idea of an object with getters and setters but does not provide
* {@link PropertyChangeEvent property change events} on change. This factory is
* identical to {@link BeanProperties} except for this fact.
* @since 1.2
public class PojoProperties {
* Returns a value property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains null.
* @param propertyName
* the property name. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a value property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class.
public static IBeanValueProperty<Object, Object> value(String propertyName) {
String[] propertyNames = splitOffFirst(propertyName);
if (propertyNames.length == 1) {
return new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<Object, Object>(
new AnonymousPojoValueProperty<Object, Object>(
propertyNames[0], null), null);
IValueProperty<Object, Object> x = new AnonymousPojoValueProperty<Object, Object>(
propertyNames[0], Object.class);
IBeanValueProperty<Object, Object> remainder = value(propertyNames[1]);
IValueProperty<Object, Object> y = x.value(remainder);
return new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<Object, Object>(y, null);
* Returns a value property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains null.
* @param propertyName
* the property name. May be nested e.g. ""
* @param valueType
* the value type of the returned value property
* @return a value property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class.
public static <T> IBeanValueProperty<Object, T> value(String propertyName,
Class<T> valueType) {
String[] propertyNames = splitOffFirst(propertyName);
if (propertyNames.length == 1) {
return new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<Object, T>(
new AnonymousPojoValueProperty<Object, T>(propertyNames[0],
valueType), null);
IValueProperty<Object, Object> x = new AnonymousPojoValueProperty<Object, Object>(
propertyNames[0], Object.class);
IBeanValueProperty<Object, T> remainder = value(propertyNames[1],
IValueProperty<Object, T> y = x.value(remainder);
return new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<Object, T>(y, null);
* Returns a value property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* <P>
* The property must be available in the class given by the
* <code>beanClass</code> parameter. For example suppose Foo is a class and
* Bar extends Foo. There are methods getMyProperty and setMyProperty in Bar
* but not in Foo. value(Foo.class, "myProperty") is called to get an
* IValueProperty instance. The IValueProperty is then used to get the
* property value from an object of type Bar. Null will always be returned.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a value property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S> IBeanValueProperty<S, ?> value(Class<S> beanClass,
String propertyName) {
String[] propertyNames = splitOffFirst(propertyName);
if (beanClass == null) {
// beanClass cannot be null.
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = BeanPropertyHelper
.getPropertyDescriptor(beanClass, propertyNames[0]);
if (propertyNames.length == 1) {
* If a non-null valueType is provided by the caller then it must
* match the actual property type. If no valueType is provided by
* the caller then set it to the actual type from the property
* descriptor.
Class<?> valueType = propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType();
return valueUsingActualType(propertyDescriptor, valueType);
return valueGivenDescriptor(beanClass, propertyDescriptor,
propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType(), propertyNames[1]);
private static <S, T> IBeanValueProperty<S, T> valueUsingActualType(
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Class<T> valueType) {
IValueProperty<S, T> property = new PojoValueProperty<S, T>(
propertyDescriptor, valueType);
return new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<S, T>(property,
* Returns a value property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name. May be nested e.g. ""
* @param valueType
* the value type of the returned value property
* @return a value property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S, T> IBeanValueProperty<S, T> value(
Class<? extends S> beanClass, String propertyName,
Class<T> valueType) {
String[] propertyNames = splitOffFirst(propertyName);
if (beanClass == null) {
// beanClass cannot be null.
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (valueType == null) {
// valueType cannot be null.
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor = BeanPropertyHelper
.getPropertyDescriptor(beanClass, propertyNames[0]);
if (propertyNames.length == 1) {
IValueProperty<S, T> property = new PojoValueProperty<S, T>(
propertyDescriptor, valueType);
return new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<S, T>(property,
return valueGivenDescriptor(beanClass, propertyDescriptor,
propertyDescriptor.getPropertyType(), propertyNames[1],
* This is a private method used by the above to recursively chain
* IValueProperty objects when the bean property name has multiple parts
* ("parent.child").
* <P>
* This method is given the property descriptor for the getter method that
* gets one from the parent (class S) to the first level child (class I). It
* then makes a recursive call to get the IValueProperty that gets from the
* first level child to the final property (class T).
* @param <S>
* type of the parent object, being the object that contains the
* property specified by propertyDescriptor
* @param <I>
* type of the intermediate object, being the first level child
* object and being the property type of the property specified
* by propertyDescriptor
* @param sourceBeanClass
* @param propertyDescriptor
* @param childBeanClass
* @param propertyName
* the property name. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a value property that gets from S to T
private static <S, I> IBeanValueProperty<S, ?> valueGivenDescriptor(
Class<? extends S> sourceBeanClass,
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Class<I> childBeanClass,
String propertyName) {
IValueProperty<S, I> property = new PojoValueProperty<S, I>(
propertyDescriptor, childBeanClass);
IBeanValueProperty<S, I> decoratedProperty = new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<S, I>(
property, propertyDescriptor);
IBeanValueProperty<I, ?> remainder = value(childBeanClass, propertyName);
return decoratedProperty.value(remainder);
* This is a private method used by the above to recursively chain
* IValueProperty objects when the bean property name has multiple parts
* ("parent.child").
* <P>
* This method is given the property descriptor for the getter method that
* gets one from the parent (class S) to the first level child (class I). It
* then makes a recursive call to get the IValueProperty that gets from the
* first level child to the final property (class T).
* @param <S>
* type of the parent object, being the object that contains the
* property specified by propertyDescriptor
* @param <I>
* type of the intermediate object, being the first level child
* object and being the property type of the property specified
* by propertyDescriptor
* @param <T>
* expected type of the final child given
* @param sourceBeanClass
* @param propertyDescriptor
* @param childBeanClass
* @param propertyName
* the property name. May be nested e.g. ""
* @param valueType
* the expected type of the final child property which may be
* null if the caller does not know the type in advance
* @return a value property that gets from S to T
private static <S, I, T> IBeanValueProperty<S, T> valueGivenDescriptor(
Class<? extends S> sourceBeanClass,
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor, Class<I> childBeanClass,
String propertyName, Class<T> valueType) {
IValueProperty<S, I> property = new PojoValueProperty<S, I>(
propertyDescriptor, childBeanClass);
IBeanValueProperty<S, I> decoratedProperty = new PojoValuePropertyDecorator<S, I>(
property, propertyDescriptor);
IBeanValueProperty<I, T> remainder = value(childBeanClass,
propertyName, valueType);
return decoratedProperty.value(remainder);
* Splits off the first part of a property name. For example, if
* "parent.child.child2" is passed in then { "parent", "child.child2" } is
* returned.
* @param propertyName
* the property name. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a String array with either one element if there is no 'dot' in
* the property name, or two elements split at the position of the
* first 'dot'
private static String[] splitOffFirst(String propertyName) {
int index = propertyName.indexOf('.');
if (index == -1) {
return new String[] { propertyName };
return new String[] { propertyName.substring(0, index),
propertyName.substring(index + 1) };
* Returns a value property array for the given property names of the given
* bean class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyNames
* array of property names. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a value property array for the given property names of the given
* bean class.
* @deprecated use instead valuesAsList because that returns better typing
public static <S> IBeanValueProperty<?, ?>[] values(Class<S> beanClass,
String[] propertyNames) {
IBeanValueProperty<?, ?>[] properties = new IBeanValueProperty[propertyNames.length];
for (int i = 0; i < properties.length; i++)
properties[i] = value(beanClass, propertyNames[i], null);
return properties;
* Returns a value property array for the given property names of the given
* bean class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyNames
* array of property names. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a value property array for the given property names of the given
* bean class.
* @since 1.5
public static <S> List<IBeanValueProperty<S, Object>> valuesAsList(
Class<S> beanClass, String[] propertyNames) {
List<IBeanValueProperty<S, Object>> properties = new ArrayList<IBeanValueProperty<S, Object>>(
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++)
properties.add(value(beanClass, propertyNames[i], null));
return properties;
* Returns a value property array for the given property names of an
* arbitrary bean class.
* @param propertyNames
* array of property names. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a value property array for the given property names of the given
* bean class.
* @deprecated use instead valuesAsList because that returns better typing
public static IBeanValueProperty<?, ?>[] values(String[] propertyNames) {
return values(null, propertyNames);
* Returns a value property array for the given property names of an
* arbitrary bean class.
* @param propertyNames
* array of property names. May be nested e.g. ""
* @return a value property array for the given property names of the given
* bean class.
* @since 1.5
public static <S> List<IBeanValueProperty<S, Object>> valuesAsList(
String[] propertyNames) {
return valuesAsList(null, propertyNames);
* Returns a set property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains an empty set.
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @return a set property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class.
public static IBeanSetProperty<Object, Object> set(String propertyName) {
return set(null, propertyName, null);
* Returns a set property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains an empty set.
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @param elementType
* the element type of the returned set property
* @return a set property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class.
public static <S, E> IBeanSetProperty<S, E> set(String propertyName,
Class<E> elementType) {
return set(null, propertyName, elementType);
* Returns a set property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @return a set property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S, E> IBeanSetProperty<S, E> set(Class<S> beanClass,
String propertyName) {
return set(beanClass, propertyName, null);
* Returns a set property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @param elementType
* the element type of the returned set property
* @return a set property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S, E> IBeanSetProperty<S, E> set(
Class<? extends S> beanClass, String propertyName,
Class<E> elementType) {
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor;
ISetProperty<S, E> property;
if (beanClass == null) {
propertyDescriptor = null;
property = new AnonymousPojoSetProperty<S, E>(propertyName,
} else {
propertyDescriptor = BeanPropertyHelper.getPropertyDescriptor(
beanClass, propertyName);
property = new PojoSetProperty<S, E>(propertyDescriptor,
return new PojoSetPropertyDecorator<S, E>(property, propertyDescriptor);
* Returns a list property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains an empty list.
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @return a list property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class.
public static <E> IBeanListProperty<Object, E> list(String propertyName) {
return list(null, propertyName, null);
* Returns a list property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains an empty list.
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @param elementType
* the element type of the returned list property
* @return a list property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <E> IBeanListProperty<Object, E> list(String propertyName,
Class<E> elementType) {
return list(null, propertyName, elementType);
* Returns a list property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @return a list property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S, E> IBeanListProperty<S, E> list(Class<S> beanClass,
String propertyName) {
return list(beanClass, propertyName, null);
* Returns a list property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @param elementType
* the element type of the returned list property
* @return a list property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S, E> IBeanListProperty<S, E> list(
Class<? extends S> beanClass, String propertyName,
Class<E> elementType) {
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor;
IListProperty<S, E> property;
if (beanClass == null) {
propertyDescriptor = null;
property = new AnonymousPojoListProperty<S, E>(propertyName,
} else {
propertyDescriptor = BeanPropertyHelper.getPropertyDescriptor(
beanClass, propertyName);
property = new PojoListProperty<S, E>(propertyDescriptor,
return new PojoListPropertyDecorator<S, E>(property, propertyDescriptor);
* Returns a map property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains an empty map.
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @return a map property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class.
public static <S> IBeanMapProperty<S, Object, Object> map(
String propertyName) {
return map(null, propertyName, null, null);
* Returns a map property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class. Objects lacking the named property are treated the same as if the
* property always contains an empty map.
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @param keyType
* the key type for the returned map property
* @param valueType
* the value type for the returned map property
* @return a map property for the given property name of an arbitrary bean
* class.
public static <S, K, V> IBeanMapProperty<S, K, V> map(String propertyName,
Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType) {
return map(null, propertyName, keyType, valueType);
* Returns a map property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @return a map property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S, K, V> IBeanMapProperty<S, K, V> map(Class<S> beanClass,
String propertyName) {
return map(beanClass, propertyName, null, null);
* Returns a map property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
* @param beanClass
* the bean class
* @param propertyName
* the property name
* @param keyType
* the key type of the returned map property
* @param valueType
* the value type of the returned map property
* @return a map property for the given property name of the given bean
* class.
public static <S, K, V> IBeanMapProperty<S, K, V> map(
Class<? extends S> beanClass, String propertyName,
Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType) {
PropertyDescriptor propertyDescriptor;
IMapProperty<S, K, V> property;
if (beanClass == null) {
propertyDescriptor = null;
property = new AnonymousPojoMapProperty<S, K, V>(propertyName,
keyType, valueType);
} else {
propertyDescriptor = BeanPropertyHelper.getPropertyDescriptor(
beanClass, propertyName);
property = new PojoMapProperty<S, K, V>(propertyDescriptor,
keyType, valueType);
return new PojoMapPropertyDecorator<S, K, V>(property,