blob: b6d0fc657378760bbe54d0a297c51a4b25224836 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009 SAP AG.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Eduard Bartsch (SAP AG) - initial API and implementation
# Mathias Kinzler (SAP AG) - initial API and implementation
SemanticFileStore_AddChildFile_XMSG=Adding child file {0} under path {1}
SemanticFileStore_AddChildFolder_XMSG=Adding child folder {0} under path {1}
SemanticFileStore_AddFileRemote_XMSG=Adding file {0} from remote on provider {1} for path {2}
SemanticFileStore_AddFileRemoteURI_XMSG=Adding file {0} with remote URI {1} on provider {2} for path {3}
SemanticFileStore_AddFolderRemote_XMSG=Adding folder {0} from remote on provider {1} for path {2}
SemanticFileStore_AddLocalChild_XMSG=Adding local child resource {0} under path {1}
SemanticFileStore_AddResourceRemote_XMSG=Adding resource {0} from remote on provider {1} for path {2}
SemanticFileStore_AddContentProviderRootFile_XMSG=Adding content provider root file {0} under path {1}
SemanticFileStore_AddContentProviderRootFolder_XMSG=Adding content provider root folder {0} under path {1}
SemanticFileStore_AppendingInfo_XMSG=Appending output stream on provider {0} for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_CreateFileRemote_XMSG=Creating file {0} remotely on provider {1} for path {2}
SemanticFileStore_CreateResourceRemtoe_XMSG=Creating resource {0} remotely on provider {1} for path {2}
SemanticFileStore_DeleteResourceRemote_XMSG=Deleting resource {0} remotely on provider {1}
SemanticFileStore_FederatingContentProviderReturnedInvalidRootNodePosition_XMSG=Federating content provider {0} returned invalid root node position for federated content provider for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_FederatingContentProviderReturnedNull_XMSG=Federating content provider {0} returned null as federated content provider ID for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_IntefaceNotImplemented_XMSG=Content provider {0} does not implement inteface {1}
SemanticFileStore_InvalidURISyntax_XMSG=Invalid URI syntax {0}
SemanticFileStore_Locking_XMSG=Locking resource {0} on provider {1}
SemanticFileStore_MkDir_XMSG=Making directory for path {0}
SemanticFileStore_MkDirOnFile_XMSG=Method "mkdir" on file encountered
SemanticFileStore_NotWritable_XMSG=Resource {0} is not writable
SemanticFileStore_OpeningInfo_XMSG=Opening ouptput stream on provider {0} for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_OpeningInputInfo_XMSG=Opening input stream on provider {0} for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_OpenInputOnlyOnFiles_XMSG=Opening an InputStream only allowed on Files
SemanticFileStore_OpenOutputNotOnFolders_XMSG=Opening an OutputStream is not allowed on Folders
SemanticFileStore_RemoveResourceRemote_XMSG=Removing resource {0} from workspace on provider {1}
SemanticFileStore_RemovingResource_XMSG=Removing resource {0}
SemanticFileStore_ResourceWithPathExists_XMSG=A resource with path {0} already exists
SemanticFileStore_Revert_XMSG=Reverting changes for {0} on provider {1}
SemanticFileStore_SettingURI_XMSG=Setting remote URI {0} on provider {1} for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_ShallowMkDirFailed_XMSG=Shallow mkdir: parent does not exist
SemanticFileStore_SyncContent_XGRP=Synchronize Content Result for {0}
SemanticFileStore_SynchContent_XMSG=Synchronizing content on provider {0} for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_Unlocking_XMSG=Unlocking resource {0} on provider {1}
SemanticFileStore_UpdateFileInfo_XMSG=Updating file information for path {0}
SemanticFileStore_ValidateEdit_XMSG=Validating edit on provider {0} for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_ValidateRemoteCreate_XMSG=Validate remote create for {0} on provider {1} for path {2}
SemanticFileStore_ValidateRemoteDelete_XMSG=Validate remote delete for {0} on provider {1}
SemanticFileStore_ValidateRemove_XMSG=Validate remove for {0} on provider {1}
SemanticFileStore_ValidateSave_XMSG=Validating save on provider {0} for path {1}
SemanticFileStore_SupportsMove_XMSG=SupportsMove called for path {0}
SemanticFileSystem_NotInitialized_XMSG=Semantic File System was not initialized
SemanticFileSystem_SFSInitError_XMSG=Semantic File System Initialization Error
SemanticFileSystem_SFSUpdateError_XMSG=Error when updating Sematnic File System metadata
SemanticFileSystemCore_TemplateIdNotFound_XMSG=No template with id {0}
SemanticProperties_StoreNotAccessible_XMSG=The Semantic file store doesn't exist and can not be accessed
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_CalledOutsideRule_XMSG=Method called outside of scheduling rule
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_JobNoRule_XMSG=Job has no scheduling rule
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_NoSemanticStore_XMSG=The file store for the Semantic resource at location {0} is not a Semantic file store
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_NullFile_XMSG=A "null" file store was encountered: check initialization of the Semantic File System
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_OperationNotCoveredByRule_XMSG=The current scheduling rule doesn't cover the requested operation
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_ProjectNotAccessible_XMSG=Project {0} is not accessible
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_ProjectNotMapped_XMSG=Project {0} is not mapped to the SFS Team provider
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_RuleNoResource_XMSG=The scheduling rule for rule type {0} is not a resource
SemanticResourceAdapterImpl_UnknownRuleType_XMSG=Unknown rule type
SemanticResourceInfo_OptionNotSpecified_XMSG=Option {0} was not specified when requesting the resource information
SemanticResourcesPlugin_UserHomeAsCache_XMSG=Using user.home as cache location
Util_LocalNameNoCirconflex_XMSG=Local name must not contain "^"
Util_QualifierNoCirconflex_XMSG=Qualifier must not contain "^"