blob: 6baa8826f9620c99ca1c99395387515331d45a6a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* (, and the Eclipse Distribution
* License v1.0 (
* Contributors: IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
/*jslint regexp:false laxbreak:true*/
/*global define dojo window*/
var orion = orion || {};
orion.editor = orion.editor || {};
* A styler that does nothing, but can be extended by concrete stylers. Extenders can call
* {@link orion.editor.AbstractStyler.extend} and provide their own {@link #_onSelection},
* {@link #_onModelChanged}, {@link #_onDestroy} and {@link #_onLineStyle} methods.
* @class orion.editor.AbstractStyler
orion.editor.AbstractStyler = (function() {
/** @inner */
function AbstractStyler() {
AbstractStyler.prototype = /** @lends orion.editor.AbstractStyler.prototype */ {
* Initializes this styler with a textView. Extenders <b>must</b> call this from their constructor.
* @param {orion.textview.TextView} textView
initialize: function(textView) {
this.textView = textView;
textView.addEventListener("Selection", this, this._onSelection);
textView.addEventListener("ModelChanged", this, this._onModelChanged);
textView.addEventListener("Destroy", this, this._onDestroy);
textView.addEventListener("LineStyle", this, this._onLineStyle);
* Destroys this styler and removes all listeners. Called by the editor.
destroy: function() {
if (this.textView) {
this.textView.removeEventListener("Selection", this, this._onSelection);
this.textView.removeEventListener("ModelChanged", this, this._onModelChanged);
this.textView.removeEventListener("Destroy", this, this._onDestroy);
this.textView.removeEventListener("LineStyle", this, this._onLineStyle);
this.textView = null;
/** To be overridden by subclass.
* @public
_onSelection: function(/**eclipse.SelectionEvent*/ e) {},
/** To be overridden by subclass.
* @public
_onModelChanged: function(/**eclipse.ModelChangedEvent*/ e) {},
/** To be overridden by subclass.
* @public
_onDestroy: function(/**eclipse.DestroyEvent*/ e) {},
/** To be overridden by subclass.
* @public
_onLineStyle: function(/**eclipse.LineStyleEvent*/ e) {}
return AbstractStyler;
* Helper for extending AbstractStyler.
* @methodOf orion.editor.AbstractStyler
* @static
* @param {Function} subCtor The constructor function for the subclass.
* @param {Object} [proto] Object to be mixed into the subclass's prototype. This object can contain your
* implementation of _onSelection, _onModelChanged, etc.
* @see orion.editor.TextMateStyler for example usage.
orion.editor.AbstractStyler.extend = function(subCtor, proto) {
if (typeof(subCtor) !== "function") { throw new Error("Function expected"); }
subCtor.prototype = new orion.editor.AbstractStyler();
subCtor.constructor = subCtor;
for (var p in proto) {
if (proto.hasOwnProperty(p)) { subCtor.prototype[p] = proto[p]; }
orion.editor.RegexUtil = {
// Rules to detect some unsupported Oniguruma features
unsupported: [
{regex: /\(\?[ims\-]:/, func: function(match) { return "option on/off for subexp"; }},
{regex: /\(\?<([=!])/, func: function(match) { return (match[1] === "=") ? "lookbehind" : "negative lookbehind"; }},
{regex: /\(\?>/, func: function(match) { return "atomic group"; }}
* @param {String} str String giving a regular expression pattern from a TextMate grammar.
* @param {String} [flags] [ismg]+
* @returns {RegExp}
toRegExp: function(str) {
function fail(feature, match) {
throw new Error("Unsupported regex feature \"" + feature + "\": \"" + match[0] + "\" at index: "
+ match.index + " in " + match.input);
function getMatchingCloseParen(str, start) {
var depth = 0,
len = str.length,
xStop = -1;
for (var i=start; i < len && xStop === -1; i++) {
switch (str[i]) {
case "\\":
i += 1; // skip next char
case "(":
case ")":
if (depth === 0) {
xStop = i;
return xStop;
// Turns an extended regex into a normal one
function normalize(/**String*/ str) {
var result = "";
var insideCharacterClass = false;
var len = str.length;
for (var i=0; i < len; ) {
var chr = str[i];
if (!insideCharacterClass && chr === "#") {
// skip to eol
while (i < len && chr !== "\r" && chr !== "\n") {
chr = str[++i];
} else if (!insideCharacterClass && /\s/.test(chr)) {
// skip whitespace
while (i < len && /\s/.test(chr)) {
chr = str[++i];
} else if (chr === "\\") {
result += chr;
if (!/\s/.test(str[i+1])) {
result += str[i+1];
i += 1;
i += 1;
} else if (chr === "[") {
insideCharacterClass = true;
result += chr;
i += 1;
} else if (chr === "]") {
insideCharacterClass = false;
result += chr;
i += 1;
} else {
result += chr;
i += 1;
return result;
var flags = "";
var i;
// Check for unsupported syntax
for (i=0; i < this.unsupported.length; i++) {
var match;
if ((match = this.unsupported[i].regex.exec(str))) {
// Deal with "x" flag (whitespace/comments)
if (str.substring(0, 4) === "(?x)") {
// Leading (?x) term (means "x" flag applies to entire regex)
str = normalize(str.substring(4));
} else if (str.substring(0, 4) === "(?x:") {
// Regex wrapped in a (?x: ...) -- again "x" applies to entire regex
var xStop = getMatchingCloseParen(str, 0);
if (xStop < str.length-1) {
throw new Error("Only a (?x:) group that encloses the entire regex is supported: " + str);
str = normalize(str.substring(4, xStop));
// TODO: tolerate /(?iSubExp)/ -- eg. in PHP grammar (trickier)
return new RegExp(str, flags);
hasBackReference: function(/**RegExp*/ regex) {
return (/\\\d+/).test(regex.source);
/** @returns {RegExp} A regex made by substituting any backreferences in <tt>regex</tt> for the value of the property
* in <tt>sub</tt> with the same name as the backreferenced group number. */
getSubstitutedRegex: function(/**RegExp*/ regex, /**Object*/ sub, /**Boolean*/ escape) {
escape = (typeof escape === "undefined") ? true : false;
var exploded = regex.source.split(/(\\\d+)/g);
var array = [];
for (var i=0; i < exploded.length; i++) {
var term = exploded[i];
var backrefMatch = /\\(\d+)/.exec(term);
if (backrefMatch) {
var text = sub[backrefMatch[1]] || "";
array.push(escape ? orion.editor.RegexUtil.escapeRegex(text) : text);
} else {
return new RegExp(array.join(""));
/** @returns {String} The input string with regex special characters escaped. */
escapeRegex: function(/**String*/ str) {
return str.replace(/([\\$\^*\/+?\.\(\)|{}\[\]])/g, "\\$&");
* Builds a version of <tt>regex</tt> with every non-capturing term converted into a capturing group. This is a workaround
* for JavaScript's lack of API to get the index at which a matched group begins in the input string.<p>
* Using the "groupified" regex, we can sum the lengths of matches from <i>consuming groups</i> 1..n-1 to obtain the
* starting index of group n. (A consuming group is a capturing group that is not inside a lookahead assertion).</p>
* Example: groupify(/(a+)x+(b+)/) === /(a+)(x+)(b+)/<br />
* Example: groupify(/(?:x+(a+))b+/) === /(?:(x+)(a+))(b+)/
* @param {RegExp} regex The regex to groupify.
* @param {Object} [backRefOld2NewMap] Optional. If provided, the backreference numbers in regex will be updated using the
* properties of this object rather than the new group numbers of regex itself.
* <ul><li>[0] {RegExp} The groupified version of the input regex.</li>
* <li>[1] {Object} A map containing old-group to new-group info. Each property is a capturing group number of <tt>regex</tt>
* and its value is the corresponding capturing group number of [0].</li>
* <li>[2] {Object} A map indicating which capturing groups of [0] are also consuming groups. If a group number is found
* as a property in this object, then it's a consuming group.</li></ul>
groupify: function(regex, backRefOld2NewMap) {
var src = regex.source,
len = src.length;
var groups = [],
lookaheadDepth = 0,
newGroups = [],
oldGroupNumber = 1,
newGroupNumber = 1;
var result = [],
old2New = {},
consuming = {};
for (var i=0; i < len; i++) {
var curGroup = groups[groups.length-1];
var chr = src[i];
switch (chr) {
case "(":
// If we're in new capturing group, close it since ( signals end-of-term
if (curGroup === NEW_CAPTURING) {
newGroups[newGroups.length-1].end = i;
var peek2 = (i + 2 < len) ? (src[i+1] + "" + src[i+2]) : null;
if (peek2 === "?:" || peek2 === "?=" || peek2 === "?!") {
// Found non-capturing group or lookahead assertion. Note that we preserve non-capturing groups
// as such, but any term inside them will become a new capturing group (unless it happens to
// also be inside a lookahead).
var groupType;
if (peek2 === "?:") {
groupType = NON_CAPTURING;
} else {
groupType = LOOKAHEAD;
newGroups.push({ start: i, end: -1, type: groupType /*non capturing*/ });
i += peek2.length;
} else {
newGroups.push({ start: i, end: -1, type: CAPTURING, oldNum: oldGroupNumber, num: newGroupNumber });
if (lookaheadDepth === 0) {
consuming[newGroupNumber] = null;
old2New[oldGroupNumber] = newGroupNumber;
case ")":
var group = groups.pop();
if (group === LOOKAHEAD) { lookaheadDepth--; }
newGroups[newGroups.length-1].end = i;
case "*":
case "+":
case "?":
case "}":
// Unary operator. If it's being applied to a capturing group, we need to add a new capturing group
// enclosing the pair
var op = chr;
var prev = src[i-1],
prevIndex = i-1;
if (chr === "}") {
for (var j=i-1; src[j] !== "{" && j >= 0; j--) {}
prev = src[j-1];
prevIndex = j-1;
op = src.substring(j, i+1);
var lastGroup = newGroups[newGroups.length-1];
if (prev === ")" && (lastGroup.type === CAPTURING || lastGroup.type === NEW_CAPTURING)) {
// Shove in the new group's (, increment num/start in from [lastGroup.start .. end]
result.splice(lastGroup.start, 0, "(");
var newGroup = { start: lastGroup.start, end: result.length-1, type: NEW_CAPTURING, num: lastGroup.num };
for (var k=0; k < newGroups.length; k++) {
group = newGroups[k];
if (group.type === CAPTURING || group.type === NEW_CAPTURING) {
if (group.start >= lastGroup.start && group.end <= prevIndex) {
group.start += 1;
group.end += 1;
group.num = group.num + 1;
if (group.type === CAPTURING) {
old2New[group.oldNum] = group.num;
} else {
// Fallthrough to default
if (chr !== "|" && curGroup !== CAPTURING && curGroup !== NEW_CAPTURING) {
// Not in a capturing group, so make a new one to hold this term.
// Perf improvement: don't create the new group if we're inside a lookahead, since we don't
// care about them (nothing inside a lookahead actually consumes input so we don't need it)
if (lookaheadDepth === 0) {
newGroups.push({ start: i, end: -1, type: NEW_CAPTURING, num: newGroupNumber });
consuming[newGroupNumber] = null;
if (chr === "\\") {
var peek = src[i+1];
// Eat next so following iteration doesn't think it's a real special character
i += 1;
while (groups.length) {
// Close any remaining new capturing groups
var newRegex = new RegExp(result.join(""));
// Update backreferences so they refer to the new group numbers. Use backRefOld2NewMap if provided
var subst = {};
backRefOld2NewMap = backRefOld2NewMap || old2New;
for (var prop in backRefOld2NewMap) {
if (backRefOld2NewMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
subst[prop] = "\\" + backRefOld2NewMap[prop];
newRegex = this.getSubstitutedRegex(newRegex, subst, false);
return [newRegex, old2New, consuming];
/** @returns {Boolean} True if the captures object assigns scope to a matching group other than "0". */
complexCaptures: function(capturesObj) {
if (!capturesObj) { return false; }
for (var prop in capturesObj) {
if (capturesObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (prop !== "0") {
return true;
return false;
* A styler that knows how to apply a limited subset of the TextMate grammar format to style a line.<p>
* <h4>Styling from a grammar:</h4>
* Each scope name given in the grammar is converted to an array of CSS class names. For example
* a region of text with scope <tt>keyword.control.php</tt> will be assigned the CSS classes
* <pre>keyword, keyword-control, keyword-control-php</pre>
* A CSS file can give rules matching any of these class names to provide generic or more specific styling.
* For example, <pre>.keyword { font-color: blue; }</pre> colors all keywords blue, while
* <pre>.keyword-control-php { font-weight: bold; }</pre> bolds only PHP control keywords.
* This is useful when using grammars that adhere to TextMate's
* <a href="">scope name conventions</a>,
* as a single CSS rule can provide consistent styling to similar constructs across different languages.<p>
* <h4>Supported top-level grammar features:</h4>
* <ul><li><tt>fileTypes, patterns, repository</tt> (but see below) are supported.</li>
* <li><tt>scopeName, firstLineMatch, foldingStartMarker, foldingStopMarker</tt> are <b>not</b> supported.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>TODO update this section</p>
* <del>
* <h4>Supported grammar rule features:</h4>
* <ul><li><tt>match</tt> patterns are supported.</li>
* <li><tt>name</tt> scope is supported.</li>
* <li><tt>captures</tt> is <b>not</b> supported. Any scopes given inside a <tt>captures</tt> object are not applied.</li>
* <li><tt>begin/end</tt> patterns are <b>not</b> supported and are ignored, along with their subrules. Consequently,
* matched constructs may <b>not</b> span multiple lines.</li>
* <li><tt>contentName, beginCaptures, endCaptures, applyEndPatternLast</tt> are <b>not</b> supported.</li>
* <li><tt>include</tt> is supported, but only when it references a rule in the current grammar's <tt>repository</tt>.
* Including <tt>$self</tt>, <tt>$base</tt>, or <tt>rule.from.another.grammar</tt> is <b>not</b> supported.</li>
* <li>The <tt>(?x)</tt> option ("extended" regex format) is supported, but only when it appears at the beginning of a regex pattern.</li>
* <li>Matching is done using native JavaScript {@link RegExp}s. As a result, many Oniguruma features are <b>not</b> supported.
* Unsupported features include:
* <ul><li>Named captures</li>
* <li>Setting flags inside groups (eg. <tt>(?i:a)b</tt>)</li>
* <li>Lookbehind and negative lookbehind</li>
* <li>Subexpression call</li>
* <li>etc.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* </del>
* @class orion.editor.TextMateStyler
* @extends orion.editor.AbstractStyler
* @param {orion.textview.TextView} textView The textView.
* @param {Object} grammar The TextMate grammar as a JavaScript object. You can use a plist-to-JavaScript conversion tool
* to produce this object. Note that some features of TextMate grammars are not supported.
orion.editor.TextMateStyler = (function() {
/** @inner */
function TextMateStyler(textView, grammar) {
// Copy the grammar since we'll mutate it
this.grammar = this.copy(grammar);
this._styles = {}; /* key: {String} scopeName, value: {String[]} cssClassNames */
this._tree = null;
orion.editor.AbstractStyler.extend(TextMateStyler, /** @lends orion.editor.TextMateStyler.prototype */ {
copy: function(obj) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
preprocess: function() {
var stack = [this.grammar];
for (; stack.length !== 0; ) {
var rule = stack.pop();
if (rule._resolvedRule && rule._typedRule) {
// console.debug("Process " + (rule.include ||;
// Look up include'd rule, create typed *Rule instance
rule._resolvedRule = this._resolve(rule);
rule._typedRule = this._createTypedRule(rule);
// Convert the scope names to styles and cache them for later
if (rule._resolvedRule !== rule) {
// Add include target
if (rule.patterns) {
// Add subrules
for (var i=0; i < rule.patterns.length; i++) {
* Adds eclipse.Style objects for scope to our _styles cache.
* @param {String} scope A scope name, like "constant.character.php".
addStyles: function(scope) {
if (scope && !this._styles[scope]) {
this._styles[scope] ="."),
function(segment, i, segments) {
return segments.slice(0, i+1).join("-");
// console.debug("add style for " + scope + " = [" + this._styles[scope].join(", ") + "]");
addStylesForCaptures: function(/**Object*/ captures) {
for (var prop in captures) {
if (captures.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
var scope = captures[prop].name;
* A rule that contains subrules ("patterns" in TextMate parlance) but has no "begin" or "end".
* Also handles top level of grammar.
* @private
ContainerRule: (function() {
function ContainerRule(/**Object*/ rule) {
this.rule = rule;
this.subrules = rule.patterns;
ContainerRule.prototype.valueOf = function() { return "aa"; };
return ContainerRule;
* A rule that is delimited by "begin" and "end" matches, which may be separated by any number of
* lines. This type of rule may contain subrules, which apply only inside the begin .. end region.
* @private
BeginEndRule: (function() {
function BeginEndRule(/**Object*/ rule) {
this.rule = rule;
// TODO: the TextMate blog claims that "end" is optional.
this.beginRegex = orion.editor.RegexUtil.toRegExp(rule.begin);
this.endRegex = orion.editor.RegexUtil.toRegExp(rule.end);
this.subrules = rule.patterns || [];
this.endRegexHasBackRef = orion.editor.RegexUtil.hasBackReference(this.endRegex);
// Deal with non-0 captures
var complexCaptures = orion.editor.RegexUtil.complexCaptures(rule.captures);
var complexBeginEnd = orion.editor.RegexUtil.complexCaptures(rule.beginCaptures) || orion.editor.RegexUtil.complexCaptures(rule.endCaptures);
this.isComplex = complexCaptures || complexBeginEnd;
if (this.isComplex) {
var bg = orion.editor.RegexUtil.groupify(this.beginRegex);
this.beginRegex = bg[0];
this.beginOld2New = bg[1];
this.beginConsuming = bg[2];
var eg = orion.editor.RegexUtil.groupify(this.endRegex, this.beginOld2New /*Update end's backrefs to begin's new group #s*/);
this.endRegex = eg[0];
this.endOld2New = eg[1];
this.endConsuming = eg[2];
BeginEndRule.prototype.valueOf = function() { return this.beginRegex; };
return BeginEndRule;
* A rule with a "match" pattern.
* @private
MatchRule: (function() {
function MatchRule(/**Object*/ rule) {
this.rule = rule;
this.matchRegex = orion.editor.RegexUtil.toRegExp(rule.match);
this.isComplex = orion.editor.RegexUtil.complexCaptures(rule.captures);
if (this.isComplex) {
var mg = orion.editor.RegexUtil.groupify(this.matchRegex);
this.matchRegex = mg[0];
this.matchOld2New = mg[1];
this.matchConsuming = mg[2];
MatchRule.prototype.valueOf = function() { return this.matchRegex; };
return MatchRule;
* @param {Object} rule A rule from the grammar.
* @returns {MatchRule|BeginEndRule|ContainerRule}
_createTypedRule: function(rule) {
if (rule.match) {
return new this.MatchRule(rule);
} else if (rule.begin) {
return new this.BeginEndRule(rule);
} else {
return new this.ContainerRule(rule);
* Resolves a rule from the grammar (which may be an include) into the real rule that it points to.
_resolve: function(rule) {
var resolved = rule;
if (rule.include) {
if (rule.begin || rule.end || rule.match) {
throw new Error("Unexpected regex pattern in \"include\" rule " + rule.include);
var name = rule.include;
if (name.charAt(0) === "#") {
resolved = this.grammar.repository && this.grammar.repository[name.substring(1)];
if (!resolved) { throw new Error("Couldn't find included rule " + name + " in grammar repository"); }
} else if (name === "$self") {
resolved = this.grammar;
} else if (name === "$base") {
// $base is only relevant when including rules from foreign grammars
throw new Error("Include \"$base\" is not supported");
} else {
throw new Error("Include external rule \"" + name + "\" is not supported");
return resolved;
ContainerNode: (function() {
function ContainerNode(parent, rule) {
this.parent = parent;
this.rule = rule;
this.children = [];
this.start = null;
this.end = null;
ContainerNode.prototype.addChild = function(child) {
ContainerNode.prototype.valueOf = function() {
var r = this.rule;
return "ContainerNode { " + (r.include || "") + " " + ( || "") + (r.comment || "") + "}";
return ContainerNode;
BeginEndNode: (function() {
function BeginEndNode(parent, rule, beginMatch) {
this.parent = parent;
this.rule = rule;
this.children = [];
this.end = null; // will be set eventually during parsing (may be EOF)
this.endMatch = null; // may remain null if we never match our "end" pattern
// Build a new regex if the "end" regex has backrefs since they refer to matched groups of beginMatch
if (rule.endRegexHasBackRef) {
this.endRegexSubstituted = orion.editor.RegexUtil.getSubstitutedRegex(rule.endRegex, beginMatch);
} else {
this.endRegexSubstituted = null;
BeginEndNode.prototype.addChild = function(child) {
/** @return {Number} This node's index in its parent's "children" list */
BeginEndNode.prototype.getIndexInParent = function(node) {
return this.parent ? this.parent.children.indexOf(this) : -1;
/** @param {RegExp.match} beginMatch */
BeginEndNode.prototype.setStart = function(beginMatch) {
this.start = beginMatch.index;
this.beginMatch = beginMatch;
/** @param {RegExp.match|Number} endMatchOrLastChar */
BeginEndNode.prototype.setEnd = function(endMatchOrLastChar) {
if (endMatchOrLastChar && typeof(endMatchOrLastChar) === "object") {
var endMatch = endMatchOrLastChar;
this.endMatch = endMatch;
this.end = endMatch.index + endMatch[0].length;
} else {
var lastChar = endMatchOrLastChar;
this.endMatch = null;
this.end = lastChar;
BeginEndNode.prototype.shiftStart = function(amount) {
this.start += amount;
this.beginMatch.index += amount;
BeginEndNode.prototype.shiftEnd = function(amount) {
this.end += amount;
if (this.endMatch) { this.endMatch.index += amount; }
BeginEndNode.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return "{" + this.rule.beginRegex + " range=" + this.start + ".." + this.end + "}";
return BeginEndNode;
/** Pushes rules onto stack so that rules[startFrom] is on top */
push: function(/**Array*/ stack, /**Array*/ rules) {
if (!rules) { return; }
for (var i = rules.length; i > 0; ) {
/** Execs regex on text, and returns the match object with its index offset by the given amount. */
exec: function(/**RegExp*/ regex, /**String*/ text, /**Number*/ offset) {
var match = regex.exec(text);
if (match) { match.index += offset; }
regex.lastIndex = 0; // Just in case
return match;
/** @returns {Number} The position immediately following the match. */
afterMatch: function(/**RegExp.match*/ match) {
return match.index + match[0].length;
/** @returns {RegExp.match} If node is a BeginEndNode and its rule's "end" pattern matches the text. */
getEndMatch: function(/**Node*/ node, /**String*/ text, /**Number*/ offset) {
if (node instanceof this.BeginEndNode) {
var rule = node.rule;
var endRegex = node.endRegexSubstituted || rule.endRegex;
if (!endRegex) { return null; }
return this.exec(endRegex, text, offset);
return null;
/** Called once when file is first loaded to build the parse tree. Tree is updated incrementally thereafter as buffer is modified */
initialParse: function() {
var last = this.textView.getModel().getCharCount();
// First time; make parse tree for whole buffer
var root = new this.ContainerNode(null, this.grammar._typedRule);
this._tree = root;
this.parse(this._tree, false, 0);
_onModelChanged: function(/**eclipse.ModelChangedEvent*/ e) {
var addedCharCount = e.addedCharCount,
addedLineCount = e.addedLineCount,
removedCharCount = e.removedCharCount,
removedLineCount = e.removedLineCount,
start = e.start;
if (!this._tree) {
} else {
var model = this.textView.getModel();
var charCount = model.getCharCount();
// For rs, we must rewind to the line preceding the line 'start' is on. We can't rely on start's
// line since it may've been changed in a way that would cause a new beginMatch at its lineStart.
var rs = model.getLineEnd(model.getLineAtOffset(start) - 1); // may be < 0
var fd = this.getFirstDamaged(rs, rs);
rs = rs === -1 ? 0 : rs;
var stoppedAt;
if (fd) {
// [rs, re] is the region we need to verify. If we find the structure of the tree
// has changed in that area, then we may need to reparse the rest of the file.
stoppedAt = this.parse(fd, true, rs, start, addedCharCount, removedCharCount);
} else {
// FIXME: fd == null ?
stoppedAt = charCount;
this.textView.redrawRange(rs, stoppedAt);
/** @returns {BeginEndNode|ContainerNode} The result of taking the first (smallest "start" value)
* node overlapping [start,end] and drilling down to get its deepest damaged descendant (if any).
getFirstDamaged: function(start, end) {
// If start === 0 we actually have to start from the root because there is no position
// we can rely on. (First index is damaged)
if (start < 0) {
return this._tree;
var nodes = [this._tree];
var result = null;
while (nodes.length) {
var n = nodes.pop();
if (!n.parent /*n is root*/ || this.isDamaged(n, start, end)) {
// n is damaged by the edit, so go into its children
// Note: If a node is damaged, then some of its descendents MAY be damaged
// If a node is undamaged, then ALL of its descendents are undamaged
if (n instanceof this.BeginEndNode) {
result = n;
// Examine children[0] last
for (var i=0; i < n.children.length; i++) {
return result || this._tree;
/** @returns true If n overlaps the interval [start,end] */
isDamaged: function(/**BeginEndNode*/ n, start, end) {
// Note strict > since [2,5] doesn't overlap [5,7]
return (n.start <= end && n.end > start);
* Builds tree from some of the buffer content
* TODO cleanup params
* @param {BeginEndNode|ContainerNode} origNode The deepest node that overlaps [rs,rs], or the root.
* @param {Boolean} repairing
* @param {Number} rs See _onModelChanged()
* @param {Number} [editStart] Only used for repairing === true
* @param {Number} [addedCharCount] Only used for repairing === true
* @param {Number} [removedCharCount] Only used for repairing === true
parse: function(origNode, repairing, rs, editStart, addedCharCount, removedCharCount) {
var model = this.textView.getModel();
var lastLineStart = model.getLineStart(model.getLineCount() - 1);
var eof = model.getCharCount();
var initialExpected = this.getInitialExpected(origNode, rs);
// re is best-case stopping point; if we detect change to tree, we must continue past it
var re = -1;
if (repairing) {
origNode.repaired = true;
origNode.endNeedsUpdate = true;
var lastChild = origNode.children[origNode.children.length-1];
var delta = addedCharCount - removedCharCount;
var lastChildLineEnd = lastChild ? model.getLineEnd(model.getLineAtOffset(lastChild.end + delta)) : -1;
var editLineEnd = model.getLineEnd(model.getLineAtOffset(editStart + removedCharCount));
re = Math.max(lastChildLineEnd, editLineEnd);
re = (re === -1) ? eof : re;
var expected = initialExpected;
var node = origNode;
var matchedChildOrEnd = false;
var pos = rs;
while (node && (!repairing || (pos < re))) {
var matchInfo = this.getNextMatch(model, node, pos);
if (!matchInfo) {
// Go to next line, if any
pos = (pos >= lastLineStart) ? eof : model.getLineStart(model.getLineAtOffset(pos) + 1);
var match = matchInfo && matchInfo.match,
rule = matchInfo && matchInfo.rule,
isSub = matchInfo && matchInfo.isSub,
isEnd = matchInfo && matchInfo.isEnd;
if (isSub) {
pos = this.afterMatch(match);
if (rule instanceof this.BeginEndRule) {
matchedChildOrEnd = true;
// Matched a child. Did we expect that?
if (repairing && rule === expected.rule && node === expected.parent) {
// Yes: matched expected child
var foundChild = expected;
// Note: the 'end' position for this node will either be matched, or fixed up by us post-loop
foundChild.repaired = true;
foundChild.endNeedsUpdate = true;
node = foundChild; // descend
expected = this.getNextExpected(expected, "begin");
} else {
if (repairing) {
// No: matched unexpected child.
this.prune(node, expected);
repairing = false;
// Add the new child (will replace 'expected' in node's children list)
var subNode = new this.BeginEndNode(node, rule, match);
node = subNode; // descend
} else {
// Matched a MatchRule; no changes to tree required
} else if (isEnd || pos === eof) {
if (node instanceof this.BeginEndNode) {
if (match) {
matchedChildOrEnd = true;
pos = this.afterMatch(match);
// Matched node's end. Did we expect that?
if (repairing && node === expected && node.parent === expected.parent) {
// Yes: found the expected end of node
node.repaired = true;
delete node.endNeedsUpdate;
expected = this.getNextExpected(expected, "end");
} else {
if (repairing) {
// No: found an unexpected end
this.prune(node, expected);
repairing = false;
} else {
// Force-ending a BeginEndNode that runs until eof
delete node.endNeedsUpdate;
node = node.parent; // ascend
// if (repairing && pos >= re && !matchedChildOrEnd) {
// // Reached re without matching any begin/end => initialExpected itself was removed => repair fail
// this.prune(origNode, initialExpected);
// repairing = false;
// }
} // end loop
// TODO: do this for every node we end?
this.removeUnrepairedChildren(origNode, repairing, rs);
//console.debug("parsed " + (pos - rs) + " of " + model.getCharCount + "buf");
this.cleanup(repairing, origNode, rs, re, eof, addedCharCount, removedCharCount);
return pos; // where we stopped repairing/reparsing
/** Helper for parse() in the repair case. To be called when ending a node, as any children that
* lie in [rs,node.end] and were not repaired must've been deleted.
removeUnrepairedChildren: function(node, repairing, start) {
if (repairing) {
var children = node.children;
var removeFrom = -1;
for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++) {
var child = children[i];
if (!child.repaired && this.isDamaged(child, start, Number.MAX_VALUE /*end doesn't matter*/)) {
removeFrom = i;
if (removeFrom !== -1) {
node.children.length = removeFrom;
/** Helper for parse() in the repair case */
cleanup: function(repairing, origNode, rs, re, eof, addedCharCount, removedCharCount) {
var i, node, maybeRepairedNodes;
if (repairing) {
// The repair succeeded, so update stale begin/end indices by simple translation.
var delta = addedCharCount - removedCharCount;
// A repaired node's end can't exceed re, but it may exceed re-delta+1.
// TODO: find a way to guarantee disjoint intervals for repaired vs unrepaired, then stop using flag
var maybeUnrepairedNodes = this.getIntersecting(re-delta+1, eof);
maybeRepairedNodes = this.getIntersecting(rs, re);
// Handle unrepaired nodes. They are those intersecting [re-delta+1, eof] that don't have the flag
for (i=0; i < maybeUnrepairedNodes.length; i++) {
node = maybeUnrepairedNodes[i];
if (!node.repaired && node instanceof this.BeginEndNode) {
// Translate 'end' index of repaired node whose 'end' was not matched in loop (>= re)
for (i=0; i < maybeRepairedNodes.length; i++) {
node = maybeRepairedNodes[i];
if (node.repaired && node.endNeedsUpdate) {
delete node.endNeedsUpdate;
delete node.repaired;
} else {
// Clean up after ourself
maybeRepairedNodes = this.getIntersecting(rs, re);
for (i=0; i < maybeRepairedNodes.length; i++) {
delete maybeRepairedNodes[i].repaired;
* @param model {orion.textview.TextModel}
* @param node {Node}
* @param pos {Number}
* @param [matchRulesOnly] {Boolean} Optional, if true only "match" subrules will be considered.
* @returns {Object} A match info object with properties:
* {Boolean} isEnd
* {Boolean} isSub
* {RegExp.match} match
* {(Match|BeginEnd)Rule} rule
getNextMatch: function(model, node, pos, matchRulesOnly) {
var lineIndex = model.getLineAtOffset(pos);
var lineEnd = model.getLineEnd(lineIndex);
var line = model.getText(pos, lineEnd);
var stack = [],
expandedContainers = [],
subMatches = [],
subrules = [];
this.push(stack, node.rule.subrules);
while (stack.length) {
var next = stack.length ? stack.pop() : null;
var subrule = next && next._resolvedRule._typedRule;
if (subrule instanceof this.ContainerRule && expandedContainers.indexOf(subrule) === -1) {
// Expand ContainerRule by pushing its subrules on
this.push(stack, subrule.subrules);
if (subrule && matchRulesOnly && !(subrule.matchRegex)) {
var subMatch = subrule && this.exec(subrule.matchRegex || subrule.beginRegex, line, pos);
if (subMatch) {
var bestSub = Number.MAX_VALUE,
bestSubIndex = -1;
for (var i=0; i < subMatches.length; i++) {
var match = subMatches[i];
if (match.index < bestSub) {
bestSub = match.index;
bestSubIndex = i;
if (!matchRulesOnly) {
// See if the "end" pattern of the active begin/end node matches.
// TODO: The active begin/end node may not be the same as the node that holds the subrules
var activeBENode = node;
var endMatch = this.getEndMatch(node, line, pos);
if (endMatch) {
var doEndLast = activeBENode.rule.applyEndPatternLast;
var endWins = bestSubIndex === -1 || (endMatch.index < bestSub) || (!doEndLast && endMatch.index === bestSub);
if (endWins) {
return {isEnd: true, rule: activeBENode.rule, match: endMatch};
return bestSubIndex === -1 ? null : {isSub: true, rule: subrules[bestSubIndex], match: subMatches[bestSubIndex]};
* Gets the node corresponding to the first match we expect to see in the repair.
* @param {BeginEndNode|ContainerNode} node The node returned via getFirstDamaged(rs,rs) -- may be the root.
* @param {Number} rs See _onModelChanged()
* Note that because rs is a line end (or 0, a line start), it will intersect a beginMatch or
* endMatch either at their 0th character, or not at all. (begin/endMatches can't cross lines).
* This is the only time we rely on the start/end values from the pre-change tree. After this
* we only look at node ordering, never use the old indices.
* @returns {Node}
getInitialExpected: function(node, rs) {
// TODO: Kind of weird.. maybe ContainerNodes should have start & end set, like BeginEndNodes
var i, child;
if (node === this._tree) {
// get whichever of our children comes after rs
for (i=0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
child = node.children[i]; // BeginEndNode
if (child.start >= rs) {
return child;
} else if (node instanceof this.BeginEndNode) {
if (node.endMatch) {
// Which comes next after rs: our nodeEnd or one of our children?
var nodeEnd = node.endMatch.index;
for (i=0; i < node.children.length; i++) {
child = node.children[i]; // BeginEndNode
if (child.start >= rs) {
if (child && child.start < nodeEnd) {
return child; // Expect child as the next match
} else {
// No endMatch => node goes until eof => it end should be the next match
return node; // We expect node to end, so it should be the next match
* Helper for repair() to tell us what kind of event we expect next.
* @param {Node} expected Last value returned by this method.
* @param {String} event "begin" if the last value of expected was matched as "begin",
* or "end" if it was matched as an end.
* @returns {Node} The next expected node to match, or null.
getNextExpected: function(/**Node*/ expected, event) {
var node = expected;
if (event === "begin") {
var child = node.children[0];
if (child) {
return child;
} else {
return node;
} else if (event === "end") {
var parent = node.parent;
if (parent) {
var nextSibling = parent.children[parent.children.indexOf(node) + 1];
if (nextSibling) {
return nextSibling;
} else {
return parent;
return null;
/** Helper for parse() when repairing. Prunes out the unmatched nodes from the tree so we can continue parsing. */
prune: function(/**BeginEndNode|ContainerNode*/ node, /**Node*/ expected) {
var expectedAChild = expected.parent === node;
if (expectedAChild) {
// Expected child wasn't matched; prune it and all siblings after it
node.children.length = expected.getIndexInParent();
} else if (node instanceof this.BeginEndNode) {
// Expected node to end but it didn't; set its end unknown and we'll match it eventually
node.endMatch = null;
node.end = null;
// Reparsing from node, so prune the successors outside of node's subtree
if (node.parent) {
node.parent.children.length = node.getIndexInParent() + 1;
_onLineStyle: function(/**eclipse.LineStyleEvent*/ e) {
function byStart(r1, r2) {
return r1.start - r2.start;
if (!this._tree) {
// In some cases it seems onLineStyle is called before onModelChanged, so we need to parse here
var lineStart = e.lineStart,
model = this.textView.getModel(),
lineEnd = model.getLineEnd(e.lineIndex);
var rs = model.getLineEnd(model.getLineAtOffset(lineStart) - 1); // may be < 0
var node = this.getFirstDamaged(rs, rs);
var scopes = this.getLineScope(model, node, lineStart, lineEnd);
e.ranges = this.toStyleRanges(scopes);
// // Editor requires StyleRanges must be in ascending order by 'start', or else some will be ignored
// Run parse algorithm on [start, end] in the context of node, assigning scope as we find matches
getLineScope: function(model, node, start, end) {
var pos = start;
var expected = this.getInitialExpected(node, start);
var scopes = [],
gaps = [];
while (node && (pos < end)) {
var matchInfo = this.getNextMatch(model, node, pos);
if (!matchInfo) {
break; // line is over
var match = matchInfo && matchInfo.match,
rule = matchInfo && matchInfo.rule,
isSub = matchInfo && matchInfo.isSub,
isEnd = matchInfo && matchInfo.isEnd;
if (match.index !== pos) {
// gap [pos..match.index]
gaps.push({ start: pos, end: match.index, node: node});
if (isSub) {
pos = this.afterMatch(match);
if (rule instanceof this.BeginEndRule) {
// Matched a "begin", assign its scope and descend into it
this.addBeginScope(scopes, match, rule);
node = expected; // descend
expected = this.getNextExpected(expected, "begin");
} else {
// Matched a child MatchRule;
this.addMatchScope(scopes, match, rule);
} else if (isEnd) {
pos = this.afterMatch(match);
// Matched and "end", assign its end scope and go up
this.addEndScope(scopes, match, rule);
expected = this.getNextExpected(expected, "end");
node = node.parent; // ascend
if (pos < end) {
gaps.push({ start: pos, end: end, node: node });
var inherited = this.getInheritedLineScope(gaps, start, end);
return scopes.concat(inherited);
getInheritedLineScope: function(gaps, start, end) {
var scopes = [];
for (var i=0; i < gaps.length; i++) {
var gap = gaps[i];
var node = gap.node;
while (node) {
// if node defines a contentName or name, apply it
var rule = node.rule.rule;
var name =,
contentName = rule.contentName;
// TODO: if both are given, we don't resolve the conflict. contentName always wins
var scope = contentName || name;
if (scope) {
this.addScopeRange(scopes, gap.start, gap.end, scope);
node = node.parent;
return scopes;
addBeginScope: function(scopes, match, typedRule) {
var rule = typedRule.rule;
this.addCapturesScope(scopes, match, (rule.beginCaptures || rule.captures), typedRule.isComplex, typedRule.beginOld2New, typedRule.beginConsuming);
addEndScope: function(scopes, match, typedRule) {
var rule = typedRule.rule;
this.addCapturesScope(scopes, match, (rule.endCaptures || rule.captures), typedRule.isComplex, typedRule.endOld2New, typedRule.endConsuming);
addMatchScope: function(scopes, match, typedRule) {
var rule = typedRule.rule,
name =,
captures = rule.captures;
if (captures) {
// captures takes priority over name
this.addCapturesScope(scopes, match, captures, typedRule.isComplex, typedRule.matchOld2New, typedRule.matchConsuming);
} else {
this.addScope(scopes, match, name);
addScope: function(scopes, match, name) {
if (!name) { return; }
scopes.push({start: match.index, end: this.afterMatch(match), scope: name });
addScopeRange: function(scopes, start, end, name) {
if (!name) { return; }
scopes.push({start: start, end: end, scope: name });
addCapturesScope: function(/**Array*/scopes, /*RegExp.match*/ match, /**Object*/captures, /**Boolean*/isComplex, /**Object*/old2New, /**Object*/consuming) {
if (!captures) { return; }
if (!isComplex) {
this.addScope(scopes, match, captures[0] && captures[0].name);
} else {
// apply scopes captures[1..n] to matching groups [1]..[n] of match
// Sum up the lengths of preceding consuming groups to get the start offset for each matched group.
var newGroupStarts = {1: 0};
var sum = 0;
for (var num = 1; match[num] !== undefined; num++) {
if (consuming[num] !== undefined) {
sum += match[num].length;
if (match[num+1] !== undefined) {
newGroupStarts[num + 1] = sum;
// Map the group numbers referred to in captures object to the new group numbers, and get the actual matched range.
var start = match.index;
for (var oldGroupNum = 1; captures[oldGroupNum]; oldGroupNum++) {
var scope = captures[oldGroupNum].name;
var newGroupNum = old2New[oldGroupNum];
var groupStart = start + newGroupStarts[newGroupNum];
// Not every capturing group defined in regex need match every time the regex is run.
// eg. (a)|b matches "b" but group 1 is undefined
if (typeof match[newGroupNum] !== "undefined") {
var groupEnd = groupStart + match[newGroupNum].length;
this.addScopeRange(scopes, groupStart, groupEnd, scope);
/** @returns {Node[]} In depth-first order */
getIntersecting: function(start, end) {
var result = [];
var nodes = this._tree ? [this._tree] : [];
while (nodes.length) {
var n = nodes.pop();
var visitChildren = false;
if (n instanceof this.ContainerNode) {
visitChildren = true;
} else if (this.isDamaged(n, start, end)) {
visitChildren = true;
if (visitChildren) {
var len = n.children.length;
// for (var i=len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
// nodes.push(n.children[i]);
// }
for (var i=0; i < len; i++) {
return result.reverse();
_onSelection: function(e) {
_onDestroy: function(/**eclipse.DestroyEvent*/ e) {
this.grammar = null;
this._styles = null;
this._tree = null;
* Applies the grammar to obtain the {@link eclipse.StyleRange[]} for the given line.
* @returns eclipse.StyleRange[]
toStyleRanges: function(/**ScopeRange[]*/ scopeRanges) {
var styleRanges = [];
for (var i=0; i < scopeRanges.length; i++) {
var scopeRange = scopeRanges[i];
var classNames = this._styles[scopeRange.scope];
if (!classNames) { throw new Error("styles not found for " + scopeRange.scope); }
var classNamesString = classNames.join(" ");
styleRanges.push({start: scopeRange.start, end: scopeRange.end, style: {styleClass: classNamesString}});
// console.debug("{start " + styleRanges[i].start + ", end " + styleRanges[i].end + ", style: " + styleRanges[i].style.styleClass + "}");
return styleRanges;
return TextMateStyler;
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof window.define !== "undefined") {
define(['dojo'], function() {
return orion.editor;