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<title>JDT/Core Release Notes</title>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011218 - 18th December 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_219
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li> Java element deltas are batched. If the java model operation modifies
a resource, then the java element deltas are merged and fired during
the resource delta processing. If the java model operation doesn't
modify any resource (e.g. IWorkingCopy.reconcile()), then the java
element delta is fired right away.
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6117</a>
CodeFormatter - impossible to set indentation level and position mapping w/o deprecated methods
<br><a href="">6719</a>
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011211 - 11th December 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_218
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li> Java element deltas are batched. If the java model operation modifies
a resource, then the java element deltas are merged and fired during
the resource delta processing. If the java model operation doesn't
modify any resource (e.g. IWorkingCopy.reconcile()), then the java
element delta is fired right away.
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">3215</a>
JM - Creating a new class sends out many notifications (1GD2GT0)
<br><a href="">6695</a>
Changing Java preference in build 20011206 throws a NullPointerException in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.DeltaProcessor.initializeRoots
<br><a href="">6761</a>
NullPointerException during replace
<br><a href="">3290</a>
JavaBuilder - Old class files remain after change of output location
<br><a href="">3185</a>
JavaBuilder - Errors don't disappear
<br><a href="">3189</a>
JavaBuilder - Missing libraries results in insufficient dependency info
<br><a href="">3204</a>
ImageBuilder should show error count in the progress
<br><a href="">3227</a>
JCL dev - Builder did not refresh problems in exception hierarchy
<br><a href="">3228</a>
Discarding rt.jar from build path triggers too many recompilation
<br><a href="">3232</a>
Incremental builder unable to handle efficiently missing rt.jar scenario
<br><a href="">3234</a>
Incremental builder does not notice addition of java.lang.Object inside same project
<br><a href="">3241</a>
Build doesn't honor cancel
<br><a href="">3260</a>
NPE when doing incremental project build
<br><a href="">3278</a>
JavaBuilder - Problem Count rarely updated
<br><a href="">3287</a>
Built state does not remember old pkg fragment roots
<br><a href="">3301</a>
Incremental build doesn't detect disappearance of field
<br><a href="">3305</a>
Incremental build doesn't detect abstract method to implements
<br><a href="">3311</a>
performance: task list still does not scale at all
<br><a href="">3312</a>
Internal errors in image builder due to duplicate package fragment
<br><a href="">3317</a>
Fullbuild after startup
<br><a href="">3322</a>
NullPointerException during build in StateImpl.getSourceElementEntries
<br><a href="">3326</a>
Incremental build doesn't work if bin deleted
<br><a href="">3370</a>
Incremental compiler is compiling project when it should not
<br><a href="">3422</a>
NPE in Java builder during catchup
<br><a href="">3429</a>
Incremental compilation bug on namespace change in private local class
<br><a href="">3444</a>
Build problems: Marker set on Folder?
<br><a href="">5007</a>
Project classpath references do not follow class folders
<br><a href="">5109</a>
Adding project doesn't fix build errors
<br><a href="">5320</a>
NPE during catchup
<br><a href="">5641</a>
NPE on rebuild when replacing internal jar
<br><a href="">6538</a>
searchDeclarationsOf* incorrect
<br><a href="">6690</a>
CodeAssist finds types outside the classpath
<br><a href="">6687</a>
Wrong JavaModel refresh after drag and drop outside folder with dot in name
<br><a href="">6693</a>
AbstractImageBuilder.compile throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on line 166 in build 20011206
<br><a href="">6670</a>
Code Assist: Cannot resolve in method body
<br><a href="">6674</a>
Cannot add unimplemented methods
<br><a href="">6629</a>
Open On Selection does not work on Linux
<br><a href="">5542</a>
Too many deltas are fired on each JavaModel operation
<br><a href="">3269</a>
Updating the Java packages view on project creation (1GDW0U9)
<br><a href="">3202</a>
DCR - JM - Merge Java Element Deltas with Resource Deltas (1G2B60Z)
<br><a href="">6621</a>
NPE in Delta Processor
<br><a href="">3368</a>
JCK 1.4 - INTF - The field of protected interface is used in other package (1GK7M25)
<br><a href="">6596</a>
Java compiler can generate invalid bytecode
<br><a href="">6586</a>
NullPointerException when resource modification done before java model is open
<br><a href="">6542</a>
extract method: incorrect error message
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">6669</a>
Search doesn't find reference to a field that is only used in an initialization
<br><a href="">5385</a>
search: name searchDeclarationsOfSentMessages is not good
<br><a href="">3183</a>
JM - Builders and nested operations using Java model can get inconsistent results (1FUBV90)
<br><a href="">3250</a>
JavaProject.retrieveResource picks first removed child delta (1GCV7PQ)
<br><a href="">6378</a>
ClassCastException in inner class emulation
<br><a href="">6677</a>
\u in comment gives Invalid unicode error
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011206 - 06th December 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_217
What's new in this drop</h2>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6564</a>
New builder - Incremental recompilation detected package problems incorrectly
<br><a href="">6563</a>
Package view does not refresh ok when adding both package and unit at once
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">3242</a>
TypeRef.getType does not work for inner types (1GCFUNT)
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011204 - 4th December 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_216c
What's new in this drop</h2>
<li> New incremental builder implementation enabled by default (can reenable the
old implementation by changing the builder extension in the plugin.xml)
<li> Delta processing improvement:
<li> No longer creates unnecessary Java elements when traversing the resource delta.
<li> Handles changes in binary folder libraries.
<li> Projects that share libraries are notified individually.
<li> Doesn't notify empty deltas any longer.
<li> Source folder resource copying no longer perfom any copies as soon as
one source folder coincidates with the output location.
<li> Open on selection is more fault-tolerant: will now try to locate a
selected method for which argument types are incorrect.
<li> Compiler no longer rejects correct code with respect to access to protected
members defined in enclosing types (was only accepting a subset of correct scenarii).
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6528</a>:
InvocationTargetException trying to search
<br><a href="">6494</a>:
New builder: Invalid error found (The declared package does not match the expected package)
<br><a href="">6461</a>:
NewBuilder - doesn't detect incorrectly located compilation units
<br><a href="">6456</a>:
Invalid error when compiling access to protected member inside innerclass
<br><a href="">3358</a>:
Performance: indexer doing too much work? (1GJLDN7)
<br><a href="">5471</a>:
CodeFormatter mapped positions broken for multi-line comments
<br><a href="">6431</a>:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in the SourceIndexer requestor
<br><a href="">6422</a>:
Resource copy should not occur as soon as one source folder overlap the
binary output
<br><a href="">6416</a>:
Code resolve doesn't work on message send when parameters are not correct
<br><a href="">5705</a>:
Wrong positions for ClassCastLiteral
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">6423</a>:
Search - does not find declarations of method "to*String"
<br><a href="">3246</a>:
CodeCompletion - No completion on member access on anonymous class (1GD3OGA)
<br><a href="">5454</a>:
Code Assist adds qualified code inside inner classes
<br><a href="">5837</a>:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in index merging
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011127 - 27th November 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_215a
What's new in this drop</h2>
Better highlighting of multi-line message sending</li>
Code assist only qualifies implicit members when necessary</li>
New API for setting both classpath and output location at the same time
(allowing to avoid classpath validation failures in case there is no way
to change both independantly):</li>
<br><tt>IJavaProject.setRawClasspath(IClasspathEntry[] newClasspath, IPath
newOutputLocation, IProgressMonitor monitor)</tt></ul>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">6339</a> Assertion
failed in SourceType
<br><a href="">5618</a>
Uncaught CompletionNodeFound exception doing code assist
<br><a href="">6294</a>
Exception during setting the classpath
<br><a href="">6302</a>
AssertionFailure in open on selection
<br><a href="">6094</a>
Search - does not find references to JavaProject.setProject(...)
<br><a href="">3320</a>"
Search - Match through super type not found if in different project (1GGAOFT)
<br><a href="">6158</a>"
Search - Prefix and postfix expression not found as write reference
<br><a href="">4974</a>:
Set classpath / output location should be one operation
<br><a href="">6176</a>:
Eclipse tools index out of bounds
<br><a href="">6160</a>:
Index out of bounds in update references
<br><a href="">6151</a>:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in ObjectSet
<br><a href="">5943</a>:
internal error in setting buildpath (name collsion)
<br><a href="">5471</a>:
CodeFormatter mapped positions broken for multi-line comments
<br><a href="">5907</a>:
Indexer errors when disk full
<br><a href="">5884</a>:
Code assist should only fully qualify if needed
<br><a href="">5514</a>:
Select a declaration does not work in unsaved working copies
<br><a href="">5414</a>:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Signature
<br><a href="">5384</a>:
search engine: behavior different than expected
<br><a href="">6104</a>:
Unoptimal debugger highlight for multi-line message expression
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">6210</a>: Creation
failed error when creating a source folder
<br><a href="">3425</a>:
JavaCore.create(String handle) looses information (1GLA0QG)
<br><a href="">6127</a>:
Reference by local class not found when searching for interface refs
<br><a href="">4990</a>:
Error starting Eclipse
<br><a href="">3471</a>:
Leading '/' in src page of Java wizard is misleading (1G842TH)
<br><a href="">3619</a>:
inconsistent search for method declarations (1GCZZS1)
<br><a href="">5557</a>:
Incorrect hierarchy shown (not rooted at Object)
<br><a href="">6100</a>:
Bug in ObjectSet.Enumeration.nextElement
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011120 - 20th November 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_213
What's new in this drop</h2>
CodeAssist no longer find synthetic completions.</li>
Reduced startup time of Java perspective</li>
CodeAssist option added to force full qualification of implicit field/method
references (see JavaCore option: "org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.forceImplicitQualification").</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5982</a>: content
assist displays accessors
<br><a href="">5955</a>:
NPE in LookupEnvironment
<br><a href="">5923</a>:
Search for "length" field refs finds [].length
<br><a href="">5916</a>:
Search - too many matches for refs to NameLookup.findPackageFragmentRoot
<br><a href="">5957</a>:
Internal error in RecoveredMethod.add
<br><a href="">5972</a>:
Incremental builder (new) recompiling dependents of Parser for no apparent
<br><a href="">5940</a>:
Instance initializer in anon inner class generates errors
<br><a href="">5913</a>:
Performance - creating tons of classfile elements at startup
<br><a href="">5862</a>:
search : too many matches on search with OrPattern
<br><a href="">6070</a>:
New Builder: Builder order problem
<br><a href="">5852</a>:
Project references not updated according to buildpath
<br><a href="">5471</a>:
CodeFormatter mapped positions broken for multi-line comments
<br><a href="">5563</a>:
Write reference on declaration not reported
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">3257</a>: IMethod.getParameterNames
for ClassFiles should use names from source (1GDGN3G)
<br><a href="">3245</a>:
sub folders with dot not visible in packages view (1GCOH17)
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011113 - 13th November 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_211b
What's new in this drop</h2>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5821</a>: Refactor
Rename renames local variable instead of member in case of name clash
<br><a href=">5003</a>: Review JavaBuilder cancelation handling <br><a href=""5790">5790</a>:
IJavaProject.hasBuildState() fails with new builder
<br><a href="">5794</a>:
Polymorphic search doesn't work in dependent projects
<br><a href="">5781</a>:
NPE using new image builder
<br><a href="">5834</a>:
Incremental build recompiled unrelated project
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">5215</a>: search:
missing field reference
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011112 - 12th November 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_210_01
What's new in this drop</h2>
Project references are maintained by the JavaCore, in parallel with build
Resurrected deprecated APIs from 0.9 which were discarded previously.</li>
ICodeCompletion reverted to 1.0 version, and got deprecated. Use ICompletionRequestor
Cross-project incremental recompilation in presence of structural changes
in produced binaries.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5362</a>: Deeper
than necessary JavaElementDelta when package added
<br><a href="">5525</a>:
ICodeCompletionRequestor isn't 1.0 compatible
<br><a href="">5616</a>:
NPE when compiling invalid code defining a array of strings
<br><a href="">5217</a>:
java search scope: missing enclosing project
<br><a href="">5527</a>:
Unexpected inaccurate matches for #close() declarations
<br><a href="">5522</a>:
Type hierarchy - missing subtypes of JavaElement
<br><a href="">5508</a>:
JDT cannot support periods in the folders above the package name
<br><a href="">5541</a>:
No refresh when adding a compilation unit inside a dot named source folder
<br><a href="">5532</a>:
Incremental compile missed a return type change
<br><a href="">5515</a>:
AbortCompilation during polymorphic search
<br><a href="">5275</a>:
Cross-project recompilation Defect 186249 - OTI PR# 1GLEYT1
<br><a href="">5267</a>:
Dependent Projects not compiled when project is saved
<br><a href="">5425</a>:
Exception on CodeAssist
<br><a href="">3194</a>:
DCR - JM - Buffer contents is duplicated (1G03HCP)
<br><a href="">5430</a>:
Must resurrect 0.9 deprecated APIs
<br><a href="">4923</a>:
IJavaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots returns roots from other projects
<br><a href="">3308</a>:
Projects not build in correct order after load (1GF60TN)
<br><a href="">3435</a>:
keeping the project references and required project in synch (1GL0L34)
<br><a href="">5203</a>:
Project indexing does not restrain to source files on the classpath
<br><a href="">3293</a>:
search does not work in inner class (1GEUQHJ)
<br><a href="">3249</a>:
Error message is confusing: using token instead of identifier (1GCTDYM)
<br><a href="">5214</a>:
TVT: Apostrophe shows up multiple times in Java error messages in some
translations (italian)
<br><a href="">5263</a>:
TVT: Compiler error messages are hard for translators to understand
<br><a href="">3251</a>:
Types not included in code assist list for import (1GD06W9)
<br><a href="">5277</a>:
Code assist on assert method do an AbortException
<br><a href="">5070</a>:
search: missing interface method reference
<br><a href="">5069</a>:
search: method reference in super missing
<br><a href="">5068</a>:
search: missing method reference
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">5526</a>: NullPointerException
searching declarations of #close()
<br><a href="">5498</a>:
Java Compile - code does not compile correctly in JDT, but does with javac
<br><a href="">5493</a>:
Adding project references doesn't update the classpath
<br><a href="">5426</a>:
CodeAssist returns empty completion
<br><a href="">1690</a>:
Local variables not always displayed when in scope (1GJ8PX4)
<br><a href="">4368</a>:
Wrong match in Java Search
<br><a href="">3238</a>:
CodeAssist - no completion if cursor at string beginning (1GI3BYO)
<br><a href="">3271</a>:
Unable to delete attached internal source jar (1GDX215)
<br><a href="">3209</a>:
DCR - JM -Invalid references to IPath.getDevice() potentially breaking
on Linux (1G4U1R7)
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011025 - 25th October 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_206
What's new in this drop</h2>
JavaModel is no longer performing smart classpath updates when Java package
fragment roots are either moved or removed.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">3568</a>: no
hoverhelp over constructor referrences (1GAJ0KP)
<br><a href="">5218</a>:
AccSuper is not set properly
<br><a href="">5200</a>:
SetClasspathOperation must close root only when root is removed
<br><a href="">3449</a>:
CodeAssist - two type with same name must be qualified (1GLDN3Z)
<br><a href="">4973</a>:
Rename package removes first letter of import statements
<br><a href="">3279</a>:
Severe - JM - Source found, even though sourcepath is false (1GELAVB)
<br><a href="">3434</a>:
Deleting a project from the ws removes it from the buildpath! (1GKZNBS)
<br><a href="">5021</a>:
Refactoring trashed my code
<br><a href="">5136</a>:
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when a field declaration is an anonymous
<br><a href="">3440</a>:
Classfile comparator should be able to ignore order (1GL2I7E)
<br><a href="">3439</a>:
Classfile comparator should be able to ignore synthetics (1GL2I3N)
<br><a href="">3442</a>:
NPE in SourceElementParser (1GL496I)
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">3369</a>: Classpath
gets out of sync (1GJU853)
<br><a href="">3281</a>:
change java project binary output create new package (1GEHK07)
<br><a href="">3298</a>:
Incorrect compile error on valid case statement (1GEYWET)
<br><a href="">3562</a>:
Outliner bug for initializers (1G93CS3)
<br><a href="">3447</a>:
search: could automatically narrow down scope (1GLDJVN)
<br><a href="">3288</a>:
CodeAssist - Code assist doesn't work in some methods (1GELEBH)
<br><a href="">5073</a>:
delete does not work on default package
<br><a href="">3443</a>:
Unused argument/variable warnings shown twice (1GL4OW7)
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011018 - 18th October 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_205
What's new in this drop</h2>
CodeAssist provides variable name suggestions.</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (breaking) API Changes on <tt>ICompletionRequestor</tt>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>+</b> <u>Added</u> API for suggest variable name:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <tt>void acceptVariableName(</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] typePackageName,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] typeName,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] name,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] completionName,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionStart,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionEnd);</tt>
Helper method for computing a resolved and expanded path (all exports from
prerequisites) which was introduced in 204, got <u>removed</u>. This is
not an API change, it never made it out officially.</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>-</b> <tt>IJavaProject.getExpandedClasspath(boolean)</tt>
<p><tt>SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(IResource[])</tt> has been deprecated.
Use <tt>SearchEngine.createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[])</tt> instead.
The rational is that <tt>createJavaSearchScope(IResource[])</tt> was not
well defined for projects, and it could not define a search scope for java
elements that didn't have a corresponding resource (e.g. external jars).
This deprecated API's behavior has also reverted to the 1.0 state for backward
compatibility. The specification of <tt>createJavaSearchScope(IJavaElement[])</tt>
is as follows:
If an element is an <tt>IJavaProject</tt>, then the project's source folders,
its jars (external and internal) and its references projects (with their
source folders and jars, recursively) will be included.</li>
If an element is an <tt>IPackageFragmentRoot</tt>, then only the package
fragments of this package fragment root will be included.</li>
If an element is an <tt>IPackageFragment</tt>, then only the compilation
unit and class files of this package fragment will be included. Subpackages
will NOT be included.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h3>
<a href="">5065</a>: NullPointerException
in Code Assist
<br><a href="">4921</a>:
Serach does not find types in internal jar
<br><a href="">4917</a>:
Latest build fails updating TypeHierarchy
<br><a href="">3296</a>:
CodeAssist - should filter out duplicates if any (1GEWDL7)
<br><a href="">3325</a>:
Too much codeassist match on interface (1GH0GV1)
<br><a href="">3424</a>:
DCR: code assist support for variable name suggestions (1GKM6OQ)
<br><a href="">3282</a>:
JCK 1.4 - DASG - assigned variable before catch block after return statement
<br><a href="">3452</a>:
NPE doing Display from Binary (1GLEG5K)
<br><a href="">3374</a>:
SearchPatter.createPattern(...) doesn't work with unicodes (1GJYBRY)
<br><a href="">3309</a>:
DCR - JM - could ICompilationUnit::getType throw JME? (1GF9AL9)
<br><a href="">3310</a>:
Smoke 124: Compile errors introduced with rename refactoring (1GFBK2G)
<br><a href="">3436</a>:
NPW in TypeHierarchy (1GL0L8D)
<br><a href="">4919</a>:
Cannot duplicate local variable in finally block
<br><a href="">4943</a>:
Verification error
<br><a href="">4385</a>:
QualifiedAllocationExpression.sourceEnd incorrect if type is an AnonymousLocalTypeDeclaration
<br><a href="">3230</a>:
Search - Too many type references for query ending with * (1GAZVGI)
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
<a href="">3174</a>: Open-on-selection
doesn't work on MouseAdapter (1GF69TH)
<br><a href="">3337</a>:
Open on selection failed with double message (1GIFA80)
<br><a href="">3207</a>:
JM - Smart save when empty CU (1G4EVHM)
<br><a href="">1672</a>:
Cannot evaluate classes in a sealed jar (1GHU6YK)
<br><a href="">3220</a>:
Formatter tests refer to hardcoded path on disk (1G9R5G4)
<br><a href="">3258</a>:
exception doing import assist (1GDIJ9D)
<br><a href="">3240</a>:
need to find method declarations in anonymous inner types (1GCBPRI)
<br><a href="">3254</a>:
Indexer - Should nest index source retrieval in IWorkspaceRunnable (1GD7J6F)
<br><a href="">3225</a>:
IJavaProject.findPackageFragment strange semantic (1GAOLWQ)
<br><a href="">3218</a>:
No interface to polymorphically acess ICompilationUnit (1G8D2ZP)
<br><a href="">3205</a>:
Problems with IJavaModel.findPackageFragment (1G456DO)
<br><a href="">3197</a>:
DCR - OpenOnSelection - Code resolve doesn't work on declarations (1G0UX9V)
<br><a href="">3177</a>:
64kb method should be a configurable problem (1FJHGVF)
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 20011011 - October 11th, 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_204
What's new in this drop</h2>
Classpath entries (except for source folders) can be tagged as exported
upon creation. When exported, an entry is contributed to dependent projects
along with its output location.</li>
Added APIs:</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Testing status of a given entry
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; + IClasspathEntry.isExported()</ul>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Creating
entries with export flag
+ JavaCore.newProjectEntry(IPath, boolean)
+ JavaCore.newLibraryEntry(IPath, IPath, IPath, boolean)
+ JavaCore.newVariableEntry(IPath, boolean)
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Helper
method computing a resolved and expanded path (all exports from prerequisites)
+ IJavaProject.getExpandedClasspath(boolean)
CodeAssist inserts qualification on field/method references in case of
CodeAssist provides parameter names on method completions.</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; API Changes on ICompletionRequestor
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; + Added API for answering method declaration completions:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; void acceptMethodDeclaration(
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] selector,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterPackageNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterTypeNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] completionName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int modifiers,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionStart,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionEnd);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; + Added parameterNames to normal method results
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; void acceptMethod(
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] declaringTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] selector,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterPackageNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterTypeNames,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[][] parameterNames,&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypePackageName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] returnTypeName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; char[] completionName,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int modifiers,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionStart,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; int completionEnd);
CodeAssist optionally performs visibility checks (see JavaCore option:
Search for field read and field write references. Two new constants have
been added</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; on IJavaSearchConstants to be used when creating
a field reference search pattern:
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - READ_REFERENCES: the search results contain *only*
read access to a field.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - WRITE_REFERENCES: the search results contain *only*
write access to a field.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Note that if REFERENCES is used, then search results
contain both read and write
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; accesss to a field.
OpenOnSelection can now locate selected declarations which have a corresponding</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Java element (i.e. no local declaration is found),
and is more tolerant of
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; incorrect code.</ul>
Problem Reports Fixed</h2>
&nbsp; 3430&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; usability: parameter hints (1GKYXK5)
<br>&nbsp; 3431&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Unreachable code in JCore
<br>&nbsp; 3175&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; JCK1.3a - ICLS - Comparing
current instance against enclosing instance inside of anonymous class.
<br>&nbsp; 1GLBOJZ:&nbsp; ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - UnaryExpression doesn't store
expression type in bit mask
<br>&nbsp; 1GDS7IP:&nbsp; ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - VerifyError related to a local
index computation
<br>&nbsp; 1GLABQ7: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JavaCore.create(String) throws an
unexpected exception
<br>&nbsp; 1GL0PGV: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Batch compiler leaving JARs open
<br>&nbsp; 5268&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ITPJCORE:ALL - VerifyError when running app (1GL4QKI)
<br>&nbsp; 1GLBP65: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: type refs - incorrect match
<br>&nbsp; 1GKXCOM: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - ClassCastException during inner
class emulation
<br>&nbsp; 1GD07GK: ITPJUI:WIN98 - Code assist should qualify methods if
<br>&nbsp; 1GL1HF8: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Missing implementation in the compiler
compiling invalid code
<br>&nbsp; 1GL13OT: ITPJCORE:ALL - INameLookup should be removed
<br>&nbsp; 1GL1I9F: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Wrong source mapping for binary
methods with parameters with identical simple names
<br>&nbsp; 1G4CIP0: ITPJUI:WIN - Source for binaries doesn't work for anonymous
inner classes
<br>&nbsp; 1GD79XM: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - search for field references
- not all found
<br>&nbsp; 1GLA60W: ITPJCORE:WINNT - CodeAssist - should not propose declarations
of method already locally implemented
<br>&nbsp; 1GLAEZB: ITPJCORE:WINNT - CodeAssist does not disambiguate method
<br>&nbsp; 1GL4F3J: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Completion on declaration should also
provide thrown exceptions
<br>&nbsp; 1GL11J6: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing field references
(nested types)
<br>&nbsp; 1GL12XE: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing field references
in inner class
<br>&nbsp; 1GL0X82: ITPJCORE:ALL - ClassCastException setting args on class
<br>&nbsp; 1GKAQJS: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: incorrect results for nested
<br>&nbsp; 1GKZ8VZ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - did not find references to
member constructor
<br>&nbsp; 1GKYS7Y: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Main not found
<br>&nbsp; 1GELSDQ: ITPJUI:WINNT - JDOM: IType.createMethod does not insert
nicely for inner types
<br>&nbsp; 1GF67VL: ITPJUI:WIN98 - DCR - CodeCompletion - Code-assist for
listener methods
<br>&nbsp; 1GFK8YT: ITPJUI:ALL - Rename CU to fails (NPE)
<br>&nbsp; 1GD06J6: ITPJUI:WIN98 - Code assist should qualify fields if
<br>&nbsp; 1FZWGMG: ITPCOM:WIN98 - DCR - CodeAssist - code assist should
provide method signature completions
<br>&nbsp; 1GHVOQE: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Ambiguous completion in CodeAssist
<br>&nbsp; 1G8DEAB: ITPJUI:WINNT - DCR: code assist super methods when
defining method
<br>&nbsp; 1GGNNDZ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - OpenOnSelection - non visible target
is equivalent to no target
<br>&nbsp; 1GE14NN: ITPJUI:WINNT - Unable to find/search for .class files
<br>&nbsp; 1GJYFUO: ITPDUI:ALL - Evaluation hangs, evaluation thread is
<br>&nbsp; 1FWG453: ITPJCORE:WIN98 - OpenOnSelection - fails for default
<br>&nbsp; 1GDQD37: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - OpenOnSelection - Open on selection
<br>&nbsp; 1GGZ2R7: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Search for method refs failed
<br>&nbsp; 1GKNXX6: ITPJCORE:WINNT - OpenOnSelection - no selection if
targeting member type in default package
<br>&nbsp; 1GE34EE: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - OpenOnSelection - initial selection
<br>&nbsp; 1GKEG73: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search (136): missing field declaration
<br>&nbsp; 1GKB9YH: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search for field refs - incorrect
<br>&nbsp; 1GJL6EJ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JavaConventions.validateClasspath:
Compares against variable name
<br>&nbsp; 1GDQEAS: ITPJUI:ALL - Indexer - delete unused indexes on Java
core plug-in shutdown
<br>&nbsp; 1GKM4M9: ITPJCORE:WINNT - DCR: code select should work on declarations
<br>&nbsp; 1G2NZVT: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - DCR - OpenOnSelection - Code resolve
doesn't work for declarations
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
&nbsp; 3223&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Search from editor's context
menu doesn't work (1GAJCD8)
<br>&nbsp; 3433&nbsp; search: missing field occurrecnces (1GKZ8J6)
<br>&nbsp; 3176&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; JCK1.3a - STMT - Single declaration
in try block (1GLDSH9)
<br>&nbsp; 1GL0MN9: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: not consistent results for
nested types
<br>&nbsp; 1GL9UMH: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing type occurrences
<br>&nbsp; 1GKYXK5: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - usability: parameter hints
<br>&nbsp; 1GEV78E: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Code assist: private superclass methods
show up, but others don't
<br>&nbsp; 1GDKKTS: ITPJUI:WINNT - CodeCompletion - import assist shows
invisible types
<br>&nbsp; 1G7317O: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - DCR - CodeAssist - code assist shows
invisible members
<br>&nbsp; 1GKK930: ITPJCORE:WINNT - No code assist for Inner type
<br>&nbsp; 1GIIDGX: ITPJUI:WINNT - open on type: does not work on some
<br>&nbsp; 1GKOFO6: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Internal error searching for class
<br>&nbsp; 1GK96A0: ITPJCORE:WINNT - NPE during search operation
<br>&nbsp; 1GK9B5Q: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Class reference search broken
<br>&nbsp; 1GBOFK5: ITPJUI:ALL - "References to" on methods in jars
<br>&nbsp; 1GKECWC: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Organize Imports fails: Typerefs not
<br>&nbsp; 1GKCH3N: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: method refs - super call
not found
<br>&nbsp; 1GKB475: ITPJCORE:WINNT - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on
searchfor methods
<br>&nbsp; 1GJL6V0: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JavaConventions.validateClasspath:
IStatus usage
<br>&nbsp; 1GKM1MU: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Classpath validation: Overlapping
<br>&nbsp; 1GJL7RS: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JavaConventions.validateClasspath:
nested sourcefolders
<br>&nbsp; 1GK9NB0: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Another core dump - sorry
<br>&nbsp; 1GJYG33: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Core dump in run time workbench in
<br>&nbsp; 1GK9S59: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Internal error when synchronizing
<br>&nbsp; 1GL2TZY: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Code Completion should only show visible
<br>&nbsp; 1GKRLZ4: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler overzealous with commas
<br>&nbsp; 1GF98R4: ITPJUI:WINNT - JM - why is a file seen as
a compilation unit?
<br>&nbsp; 1G98XR7: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Feature Request for JavaDoc CodeAssist
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Eclipse SDK Build 0.202 - Spetember 27th, 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_202
What's new in this drop</h2>
New AST node for empty statements (org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.EmptyStatement)</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; i.e. 2 more APIs on the AST visitor. Note: this was not
an official API
ISourceElementRequestor notifies enter/exit initializers instead of just
acceptInitializer. Note: this was not an official API</li>
Search in inner-classes now works. Indexes are recomputed automatically
on start-up.</li>
&nbsp; Removed CodeAssist option for hungry mode (org.eclipse.jdt.core.codeComplete.entireWordReplacement)</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; Client code can decide whether using inferred end position
(hungry behavior) or original cursor location (insert behavior)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp; based on the keystroke (enter/insert?).
&nbsp; now clearly
states that</li>
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; the order of the search result is unspecified.</ul>
Problem reports fixed</h2>
&nbsp; 1GK2A45: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - possibly assigned variable
after assignment expression when true
<br>&nbsp; 1GK29Q8: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - possibly assigned value
of a final instance variable after a constant boolean expression when false
<br>&nbsp; 1G52F7P: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - finds bogus references to
<br>&nbsp; 1G4TNX1: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - No search anonymous results
in inner classes
<br>&nbsp; 1GHW0AZ: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JCK 1.4 - unreachable empty statements
<br>&nbsp; 1GK2BLM: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - definitely assigned value
after the boolean operator ? : when true
<br>&nbsp; 1GKB28A: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler accepts incorrect code
<br>&nbsp; 1FL4T1Q: LFCOM:WINNT - JCK 1.4 - VerifyError due to an illegal
<br>&nbsp; 1GK2B6D: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - definitely assigned value
before the second operand of the boolean operator &amp;&amp;
<br>&nbsp; 1GK2AOF: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - JCK 1.4 - assigned variable before
finally block after return statement
<br>&nbsp; 1GK6WD3: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search:no fully qualified references
are found
<br>&nbsp; 1GK7231: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - typos in comments
<br>&nbsp; 1GK77HA: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - missing base type references
<br>&nbsp; 1GJY2XN: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - rename type: error when with reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GK1I2J: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Broken SourceEnd in ForStatement
and WhileStatement
<br>&nbsp; 1GK1HWY: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Broken sourceEnd in for Assignment
and CompoundAssignment
<br>&nbsp; 1GIIBC3: ITPJCORE:WINNT - search for method references - missing
<br>&nbsp; 1GGNOTF: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search doesn't find method referenced
in anonymous inner class
<br>&nbsp; 1GK1GJE: ITPJCORE:ALL - Search - StringOutBoundsException when
searching references in JAR
Problem Reports Closed</h3>
&nbsp;1GJY3KG: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - NPE in jdt.internal.core.ClassFileInfo
<br>&nbsp; 1GK90H4: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing package reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GK8TXE: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing field reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GK7K17: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: missing type reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GKCJIL: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - build exception in 135
<br>&nbsp; 1GK6WP9: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - seach: missing type reference
<br>&nbsp; 1GJZSBE: ITPJCORE:WINNT - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during
<br>&nbsp; 1GK7E6S: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - search: StringIndexOufOfBound
<br>&nbsp; 1GIT857: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Performance - Ctrl+S triggers five
parser runs
<br>&nbsp; 1GEHCYL: ITPUI:WINNT - Minor: Colon at wrong place in build
<br>&nbsp; 1FLUBRR: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: instantiating inner classes
<br>&nbsp; 1FLUOJI: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: vague error message with illegal
constructor invocation
<br>&nbsp; 1FLZUG5: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: invalid expression as statement
is not reported
<br>&nbsp; 1FLZV4M: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: invalid hexa literal number
not reported
<br>&nbsp; 1FLZYES: JRIDE:WINNT - Problems: the interface cannot define
an initializer is not reported
<br>&nbsp; 1FQVTI1: LFCOM:WINNT - Compiler - No implicit conversion should
not generate aconstnull
<br>&nbsp; 1FUZYXT: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JM - Source for Binaries issue
<br>&nbsp; 1FX0LZ0: ITPCOM:ALL - Request for comments preceeding imports
&amp; package decls
<br>&nbsp; 1FW8ENP: ITPJUI:WIN98 - JDOM - Deleting import statements from
Outline obliterates intervening comments
<br>&nbsp; 1G4PWC7: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Search - No matches with class files
<br>&nbsp; 1G83ZKL: ITPJUI:WINNT - Compiler - unclear error message for
a reserved word used as an identifier
<br>&nbsp; 1GF5W1S: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - ClassCastException in LookupEnvironment
<br>&nbsp; 1GKF01S: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Severe: internal error during search
<br>&nbsp; 1GDVFRX: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - CodeCompletion - eats the following
<br>&nbsp; 1GF67JM: ITPJUI:WIN98 - CodeCompletion - Code-assist consumes
next token
<br>&nbsp; 1GCSHAC: ITPJCORE:Inconsistent codeassist behavior
<br>&nbsp; 1GCNBTL: ITPJCORE:ALL - DCR - JM - Provide a way to read JavaCore
default options from the plugin.xml file
<br>&nbsp; 1GAJBOU: ITPJUI:WINNT - Code Assist shows matches after ()
<br>&nbsp; 1FW8NV6: ITPJCORE:ALL - DCR - JM - Need API for compiler options
Eclipse Platform Build Notes&nbsp;<br>
Java Development Tooling Core</h1>
Build 0.200 - September 13th, 2001
<br>Project org.eclipse.jdt.core v_200
What is new in this drop</h2>
JCK1.3a compliant.</li>
Added 2 new APIs on JavaConventions for classpath validation.</li>
IJavaModelStatus validateClasspath(IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry[]
classpath, IPath outputLocation)</li>
IJavaModelStatus validateClasspathEntry(IJavaProject project, IClasspathEntry
entry, boolean checkSourceAttachment)</li>
Ant Eclipse compiler task added (org.eclipse.jdt.core.ant.Jdtcom)</li>
Assertions support enabled: by default the compiler is 1.3 compliant, but
it can optionally be turned into source 1.4 mode cf. JavaCore options.</li>
More options are surfaced on JavaCore. See JavaCore.getDefaultOptions()
for description.</li>
...internal...ConfigurableOption has disappeared.</li>
Evaluation in binaries is functional</li>
Search for references now finds results in binaries. Indexes in old workspaces
are recomputed when restarted which may result in longer startup times.</li>
Problem Reports Fixed</h2>
1GEKKUO: ITPJCORE:ALL - JM - Util.readContentsAsBytes(InputStream) doesn't
allow for size hint
<br>1GBRPSJ: ITPJCORE:Options - should surface the code formatter options
on JavaCore
<br>1GJU3YV: ITPJCORE:ALL - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in scanner
<br>1GJL1R5: ITPJCORE:ALL - NPE in ClassFile.getSourceRange
<br>1GH49XR: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Organize Imports inserts bogus import
<br>1GJU3O8: ITPJCORE:WINNT - type hierarchy: NPE
<br>1GJIYKP: ITPJCORE:WINNT - type hierarchy - contains unrelated types
<br>1GITFQR: IVJIDT:WIN2000 - Wrong byte code generation, Inconsistent
stack height 1 != 0 error
<br>1GIHUQP: ITPJCORE:WINNT - search for static field should be more accurate
<br>1GIT66X: ITPJCORE:WINNT - ClassCastException when calling CodeAssist
<br>1GJA0WG: ITPJCORE:WINNT - AbortCompilationUnit when doing a Search
<br>1GH49HW: ITPJUI:WINNT - Search functionality is misleading when viewing
source from jar
<br>1GFXPE5: ITPJUI:ALL - Search for method references broken
<br>1GFM3X3: ITPJUI:WINNT - Wrong code formatter default for keeping else
on same line
<br>1GHSM7B: ITPJUI:ALL - formatting of anonymous classes
<br>1GGPVHN: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - Not getting hover Javadoc for ISelection
<br>1GE2LO2: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - SourceStart and SourceEnd of synchronized
<br>1GIUTIZ: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: case statement doesn't cover case
<br>1GITCCY: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: strange LocalDeclaration.declarationSourceEnd
<br>1GIRQFW: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: wrong source end if subnode is of
type AnnonymousTypeDeclaration
<br>1GIRHRP: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: wrong sourceStart and sourceEnd in
<br>1GHUAUO: ITPJCORE:ALL - Renaming an element in a working copy corrupts
the working copy
<br>1GHUAM1: ITPJCORE:ALL - NPE when renaming an element in a working copy
<br>1GHDA2V: ITPJCORE:WINNT - ClassCastException when doing a search
<br>1GFY02B: ITPJUI:ALL - Delete a method and saving introduces extra lines
<br>1GFOFMD: ITPJUI:WIN2000 - New class should have space between package
and class decls
<br>1GI3R1I: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compilation error evaluating super expression
in debugger
<br>1GII07V: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - CompilationUnitDeclaration.traverse doesn't
call visitor.endVisit
<br>1GIR345: ITPJCORE:ALL - Indexer: NegativeArraySizeException
<br>1GIRC23: ITPJCORE:ALL - CodeFormatter brace on new line problem
<br>1GIT8SA: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - AST: wrong sourceEnd if action is Block
<br>1GIUQVL: ITPJCORE:WINNT - IClassPathEntry: java doc incorrect
<br>1GIVGMH: ITPJUI:ALL - EC: Javadoc hoverhelp incorrectly uses first
of multiple comments
<br>1GIYKSR: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Ast: FieldDeclaration.traverse implemeted
<br>1GI3ND5: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Potential optimization during IB problem
<br>1GFBVZH: ITPUI:WIN2000 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Java editor
<br>1GI509E: ITPJCORE:WINNT - IJavaProject.getNonJavaResources returns
java and class files
<br>1GI2WAW: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Too many results for default package
<br>1GHQZ9H: ITPJUI:ALL - Walkback doing a search
<br>1GGYT3S: ITPJCORE:WINNT - javaconventions::validatePackageName and
default package
<br>1GF9856: ITPJCORE:WINNT - JM - JavaConventions::validateCompilationUnitName
<br>1GF822P: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - NegativeArraySizeException in Parser
<br>1GI6T4Y: ITPJCORE:WINNT - NPE in JavaModeManager retrieving workspace
<br>1GE4ILR: ITPJCORE:ALL - Eval - Evaluation in Binary Project fails
<br>1GI3LLC: ITPJCORE:ALL - Incorrect formatting for the new keyword
<br>1GHU6O5: ITPJCORE:WINNT - RMIC test fail
<br>1GHH6O7: ITPJCORE:ALL - Need to tune the exception analysis for AssertStatement
<br>1GHUW7T: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Build Problem
<br>1GI3IG9: ITPJCORE:ALL - internal compiler error involving bogus method/field
<br>1GHU4PK: ITPJCORE:WINNT - NoSuchMethodError when running program
<br>1GHONAX: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler uses different name lookup for
<br>1GEJYAJ: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Compiler - Binding of QualifiedNameReference
is null
<br>1GHFHWR: ITPJCORE:ALL - Assertions: CodeAssist and Selection need to
be updated
<br>1GHFHXG: ITPJCORE:ALL - Assertions: Add optional warning on assert
<br>1GCZ9VM: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - DCR - Compiler - Batch compiler should
be API
<br>1GHO6QR: ITPJCORE:WINNT - Code Assist - no method completion when return
type is secondary one
<br>1GH0AU7: ITPJCORE:ALL - Eval - VerifyError in scrapbook page
<br>1GH2R62: ITPJCORE:WIN2000 - Typo in progress message
<br>1GGYL32: ITPJCORE:ALL - Default supertypes are not visible when qualified
<br>1GDFJK0: IVJIDT:WIN2000 - Using 'synchronized' produces invalid exception
table values in class, causes "Illegal exception table range" exception,
VAJ 3.5+
<br>1GGAK6G: ITPJCORE:ALL - Incorrect javadoc comment in JavaElement
<br>1GF9L3K: ITPDUI:ALL - Eval - Private array resolution failure
<br>1GF8KHX: ITPJUI:ALL - Invalid project build path should be warning,
not error
<br>1GF7JIH: ITPJCORE:ALL - Exception when removing network drive
<br>1GEYBL9: ITPJUI:WINNT - Adding source folders on CP is very confusing
<br>1GEJAOT: ITPJUI:WINNT - JRE Source attachment set to path to does not
<br>1GEHZNB: ITPJUI:WINNT - smoke 114: formatter inserts extra tab in first
<br>1GCZZT4: ITPJCORE:Fault-tolerance - missing constructor invocation
could still answer the allocated type
<br>1GAU96P: ITPJCORE:WINNT - DCR - JM - JavaProject should provide a class
path validation method
<br>1G7A1TL: ITPJCORE:WINNT - DCR - JM - Rules for classpath not specified
<br>1FVVWZT: ITPJCORE:ALL - JM - IBinaryType should implement getSourceFileName()