blob: 4338cb3060abd1cd906f47ad018531045f7a0c31 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2018 Bachmann electronic GmbH and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Bachmann electronic GmbH - initial API and implementation
AddKeywordDialog_createNew = Create new script keyword
AddKeywordDialog_emptyKey = Keyword cannot be empty
AddKeywordDialog_emptyValue = Value cannot be empty
AddKeywordDialog_keyAlreadyExists = This keyword already exists and would be replaced.
AddKeywordDialog_keyword = Keyword
AddKeywordDialog_text = Create a new keyword by either selecting one of the officially supported ones or use your own keyword.
AddKeywordDialog_value = Value
AllKeywordsSection_keyword = Keyword
AllKeywordsSection_value = Value
ExpressionComposite_3 = Root
ExpressionComposite_add = Add
ExpressionComposite_delete = Delete
ExpressionComposite_expression = \ Expression
LocationsPage_addURI = Add URI...
LocationsPage_default = \ (default)
LocationsPage_defaultUpperCase = Default
LocationsPage_delete = Delete
LocationsPage_enterURI = Enter location URI
LocationsPage_enterURIToAdd = Enter the URI of a location to add
LocationsPage_filesystem = Add File System...
LocationsPage_location = Location
LocationsPage_provideLocation = Provide locations to look for scripts. The default location will be used to store your recorded scripts.
LocationsPage_recursive = Recursive
LocationsPage_selectFolder = Select script folder
LocationsPage_workspace = Add Workspace...
ScriptContextMenuEntries_edit = Edit
ScriptContextMenuEntries_run = Run
ScriptDropin_scripts = Scripts
ScriptSelectionDialog_cancel = Cancel
ScriptSelectionDialog_open = Open
ScriptSelectionDialog_scriptBrowser = Script Browser
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_allFiles = All Files (*.*)
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_browseLocal = Browse the local file system
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_browseWorkspace = Browse the workspace
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_description = Description:
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_descriptionTooltip = The description will be visible as a tooltip when hovering over a script.
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_enterDisplayName = The entry name displayed in the Script Explorer view. Use / to create folder structures.
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_expressionDialogTitle = Provide an expression to control the enablement of the entry.
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_image = Image:
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_imageUri = Provide an image URI. You may use file:// platform:// or web URIs.
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_images = Images
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_lockAndFeel = Look & Feel
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_menu = Menu:
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_menuAndToolbars = Menus & Toolbars
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_menuToolTip = View ID or view title to add script to.
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_name = Name:
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_popup = Popup:
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_popupToolTip = View ID or view title to add script to.
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_selectImage = Select Image
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_selectImageForScript = Select the image to use for the script:
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_toolbar = Toolbar:
ScriptUIIntegrationSection_toolbarToolTip = View ID or view title to add script to.
SelectScriptStorageDialog_browse = Browse...
SelectScriptStorageDialog_fileSystem = On the file system
SelectScriptStorageDialog_selectFolder = Select script storage folder
SelectScriptStorageDialog_storageDescription = Where do you want to store your recorded scripts to?
SelectScriptStorageDialog_storageLocation = Script Storage Location
SelectScriptStorageDialog_storeInSettings = Store in my workspace settings
SelectScriptStorageDialog_storeInWorkspace = Use a workspace project
SignaturePreferencePage_allowLocalScript = Allow executing &LOCAL scripts that are not signed
SignaturePreferencePage_allowRemoteScript = Allow executing &REMOTE scripts that are not signed(Not Recommended)
SignaturePreferencePage_easeSecurity = EASE Security
ToggleScriptRecording_couldNotStore = Could not store script data
ToggleScriptRecording_enterUniqueName = Enter a unique name for your script (use '/' as path delimiter)
ToggleScriptRecording_nameAlreadyInUse = Script name <{0}> is already in use. Choose a different one.
ToggleScriptRecording_saveError = Save error
ToggleScriptRecording_saveScript = Save Script
URIValidator_invalidUri = Invalid URI detected
URIValidator_relativeUri = relative URI detected