blob: c9cffaa6204be208cf3394dc14759143f426b8f8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Remy Suen and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made
# available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
# which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
#Thu Jul 23 08:28:48 EDT 2009
startup=To start Eclipse... http\://\#How_do_I_start_Eclipse.3F
php=For PHP support, you can take a look at PDT (, PHPEclipse (, or Aptana (
logs=Looking for your Eclipse logs? The workspace log should be located at the <workspace>/.metadata/.log file. In Eclipse, try Help > About > Configuration Details > View Error Log. If you want to paste it somewhere, see ~pastebin - http\://\#Where_are_Eclipse.27s_log_files_located.3F - http\://
babel=Seeking language packs for projects at Take a look at the Babel project - http\:// - You can help translate strings on the web\! See here - https\://
mui=Trying to perform some kind of a multi-user installation of Eclipse? Try this - http\://\=/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/misc/multi_user_installs.html
qt=There is no Qt port available for SWT. You can see bug 20486 for more information - https\://\=20486
cdt=Take a look at the C/C++ Development Tools - http\://
log=Looking for your Eclipse logs? The workspace log should be located at the <workspace>/.metadata/.log file. In Eclipse, try Help > About > Configuration Details > View Error Log. If you want to paste it somewhere, see ~pastebin - http\://\#Where_are_Eclipse.27s_log_files_located.3F - http\://
eclipse=What is Eclipse? http\://
ww=Looking for word wrap support in Eclipse text editors? This is not supported out of the box, please see bug 35779 - https\://\=35779 - Meanwhile, take a look at fellow IRC user AhtiK's plug-in - http\:// - Or try out Eclipse Colorer - http\://
crash=Is Eclipse crashing or freezing for you? This may be a known problem and there may already be a solution or workaround, please see - http\://\#Crashers.2C_Freezing.2C_and_other_Major_Issues - If the FAQ does not seem to help, please provide more ~info about your workstation and Eclipse setup.
extract=Extracting that new, sexy Eclipse download? Before you proceed, stop and make sure you are extracting it to a new and empty folder. Extracting it on top of another Eclipse installation is hazardous. "Never, ever unpack a new installation over an older existing one." -nitind
remove-dep=Wondering where to install a plug-in another plug-in requires like Subclipse and Mylyn? Maybe the plug-in doesn't actually need that dependency - http\://\#How_do_I_not_install_a_plug-in.27s_extraneous_dependency_when_I.27m_in_the_Update_Manager.3F
gcj=GCJ is not officially supported by Eclipse as a Java runtime environment. Please talk with your distribution's packaging team and/or the GCJ team for assistance. To run Eclipse with a different JVM, see\: http\://\#I_just_installed_Eclipse_on_Linux.2C_but_it_does_not_start._What_is_the_problem.3F
donate=Become a Friend of Eclipse\: http\://
line=Want to display line numbers in your editor? http\://\#How_do_I_show_line_numbers_in_the_Eclipse_text_editor.3F
pull-epp=Trying to install the plug-ins in an EPP package into your Eclipse installation? Try this - http\://
birt=Looking for help with Eclipse BIRT (http\:// Try asking on the ~newsgroup or surf around BIRT Exchange (http\://
info=Please state a) your CPU architecture (x86, 64-bit, etc.), b) operating system (Windows, Linux, OSX, etc.), c) your Java runtime environment (please verify by checking your ~logs or in the about dialog's ~jre section. No, typing 'java -version' in the command line does not count as checking), d) your Eclipse version, and e) where did you get Eclipse from (, distro repository, etc.).
gfaq=The answer you seek may be in our graphical FAQs\! Screenshots are provided to guide you through the process - http\://
linux-clipboard=Cut/Copy/Paste not working for you on Linux? Please see - http\://\#Cut.2FCopy.2FPaste_does_not_appear_to_be_working_properly_on_Linux._It.27s_not_often_that_I_have_to_invoke_the_keyboard_shortcut_multiple_times_for_it_to_take_effect._What.27s_the_deal_here.3F
natures=Need to assign a nature to a project by hand? http\://\#How_do_I_manually_assign_a_project_Nature_or_BuildCommand.3F
pdt-install=Trying to install PDT? See http\://
java-args=Trying to see application / VM arguments to your Java program? See here - http\://\#How_do_I_add_arguments_to_the_Java_program_I_am_running.3F
about=I am an IRC bot written by rcjsuen with help from the \#eclipse community using the ECF bot framework. See http\:// for more details.
memory=Having memory problems? Please see http\://\#I.27m_having_memory.2C_heap.2C_or_permgen_problems.2C_what_can_I_do.3F and http\://
nature=Need to assign a nature to a project by hand? http\://\#How_do_I_manually_assign_a_project_Nature_or_BuildCommand.3F
annotations=Trying to change the colour of those annotations on your editor margins? See http\://\#How_do_I_change_the_colour_of_the_highlighting_marker_that_highlights_all_the_occurrences_of_some_element_in_the_text_editor.3F
ecf=Take a look at the Eclipse Communication Framework - http\://
gui=Looking for a Java GUI designer plug-in for Eclipse? Go take a look at the *free* Visual Editor (http\://, Visual Swing for Eclipse (http\://, Instantiations' *commercial* WindowBuilder (http\://, and/or Jigloo (http\:// , which is *free for non-commercial use*.
bugzilla=Eclipse Bugzilla - https\://
dropins=To learn about how to use the dropins/ folder provided by p2, see here - http\://\#Dropins
imagebin=Please upload your screenshots online and then paste the link back to the channel - http\://\=add - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
remove-deps=Wondering why you have to install another plug-in? Maybe you don't actually have to\! See http\://\#How_do_I_not_install_a_plug-in.27s_extraneous_dependency_when_I.27m_in_the_Update_Manager.3F
html-editor=Need a WYSIWYG HTML editor? The Web Tools Platform team provides one, look for the 'Web Page Editor' under the 'Web, XML, and Java EE Development' category in the Galileo update site.
completion=Java autocompletion not working when you press Ctrl-Space? Try the following\: open Window->Preferences (for Mac users\: Eclipse->Preferences). Then navigate to Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced. Ensure that all the entries in the uppermost list are checked. Click okay and check whether autocompletion is working now.
bpmn_source=Looking for the source of the BPMN modeler ? Here you go\! http\://
pm=When you ask about your problem in the channel, more people can contribute input in addition to learning from it, benefitting all involved. Please consider this before sending someone a private message. \:)
spaces=Eclipse spaces is a project that makes it easy to publish and consume OSGi bundles
vm=To start Eclipse with a specific Java VM, you should start Eclipse with the -vm argument. This should look something like 'eclipse.exe -vm C\:\\jdk1.5.0.6\\bin\\java.exe' or './eclipse -vm /opt/sun-jdk-'. Note that the path of the 'java' executable is being passed and _not_ a folder.
downloads=Looking for a specific Eclipse version? - http\://\#Where_can_I_get_Eclipse.3F - http\:// - http\://
eclipse.ini=Want to set startup flags for eclipse, like -vm, -vmargs, or -consolelog? Edit your eclipse.ini file. - http\:// - http\://\#eclipse.ini
hang=In a deadlock? http\://
printer=Is your editor hanging on Linux/gtk+? See here, it might help - http\://\#Why_does_Eclipse_hang_for_an_extended_period_of_time_after_opening_an_editor_in_Linux.2Fgtk.2B.3F
ve-eclipse3.3=There is no stable VE 1.3 for Eclipse 3.3 -- yet. See http\://\#Development_Resources for roadmap and interim build installation guide.
ini=Trying to configure the eclipse.ini file? Take a look at this wiki page - http\://
bot=I am an IRC bot written by rcjsuen with help from the \#eclipse community using the ECF bot framework. See http\:// for more details.
manage=Manage your Eclipse environment - http\://
optional=Wondering why you have to install another plug-in? Maybe you don't actually have to\! See http\://\#How_do_I_not_install_a_plug-in.27s_extraneous_dependency_when_I.27m_in_the_Update_Manager.3F
ve=Check out the Visual Editor Project - http\:// - For a 3.4 stream build, see here - http\://
ubuntu-java=Trying to get Java running on Ubuntu Linux? Is someone in the channel saying some foreign phrase like "a supported JRE"? Look here - https\://
plugin=Look for plug-ins at the Eclipse Plug-in Central (http\:// and EclipsePlugins (http\://
dev-faq=Writing Eclipse plug-ins / RCP apps and don't know where to turn? See these FAQs - http\:// - http\:// - http\:// / Or look at EclipseCon talks/tutorials - http\://
epp-pull=Downloaded your own flavour of Eclipse from ~sdk-dl and am now trying to install the plug-ins of an EPP package into your Eclipse installation? Try these links with screenshots and a screencast - http\:// - http\://
elaborate=Please elaborate further. What are you trying to do? Is something failing? What do you see? What did you expect to see? Are you following a guide? Is there a link to this guide? If this is programming related, what programming language is it? If you have actual code, paste it to a ~pastebin, if you have screenshots, upload it to an ~imagebin. If you haven't described your Eclipse setup yet, please provide this ~info. Help us help you\! \:)
code=My source code can be found at \:pserver\\:/cvsroot/technology under the org.eclipse.ecf/applications/kosmos/plugins/ module.
pde-spy=Trying to look up information about some part of the Eclipse platform? If you have PDE installed, you can try hovering your mouse over the object in question and hit Alt+Shift+F1 to perform an introspection operation.
keys=For a list of available key bindings press Ctrl + Shift + L. To configure your key bindings, see Window > Preference > General > Keys. See also http\://\#What.27s_the_key_for_....3F
sdk-download=Looking for different versions (including past and developmental releases) and/or platforms for the Eclipse SDK or any of the base Eclipse bundles? See http\://
ve-install=Trying to install the Visual Editor? See http\://
pdt-faq=PDT's FAQ may be able to help you - http\://
mingw=Looking for help with CDT and MinGW installatioin and setup, check out http\:// This is a complete working installation of CDT with MinGW included.
wtp-faq=Looking for that elusive XML, JSP, HTML, Java EE, or other web tools plaform product answer? It might be in the WTP-FAQ. http\://
pde-svn=Is there a way to use PDE map files with a SVN repo? Yes\: http\://
help=Looking for help? Go look at the FAQs first - http\:// - http\://\:FAQ You may also want to try asking for help on the newsgroup. http\:// Still no luck? Just ask the question\! To help us help you, please provide information about your system, see ~info. For a list of the commands I provide, please see ~list.
dtp=Check out the Data Tools Platform - http\://
base-dl=If you're looking for a small installation with just the Eclipse workbench (excluding JDT, PDE, etc.), then you should pick up the 'Platform Runtime Binary'. http\://
readings=Looking for readings to learn how to develop for the Eclipse Platform? These links may help. - http\:// - http\:// - Make sure you read the ~faq also.
paste=Please paste the relevant information onto a pastebin. The submission will then generate a URL, please copy/paste the generated URL back to the channel - http\:// - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
faq=Please see the FAQs http\:// - http\://\:FAQ - http\://
pdt-tutorials=New to PDT, looking for Tutorials about PDT? This might help\: http\://
64-win=Running 64-bit Windows and can't see a thing? Are your dialogs and wizards empty? Try a 64-bit 3.4 Eclipse build - http\://
book=If you are interested in books about developing Eclipse plug-ins and RCP applications, you may want to look at "Eclipse Plug-ins" ( and "Eclipse Rich Client Platform" (
tomcat-faq=Trying to the tame the wild Apache Tomcat while using the reins of the Eclipse Web Tools Platform? Our friendly FAQ may be just what you need - http\://
vmargs=Problems starting Eclipse? See http\://\#How_do_I_start_Eclipse.3F
copyplugins=You can copy plugins between eclipse installations with p2\: http\://\#How_do_i_copy_plugins_between_eclipse_installations_with_p2.3F
gmf=Check out the Graphical Modeling Framework - http\://
recover-workspace=Did you just experience a crash and Eclipse is now refusing to start? Are you seeing strange things in your logs with ObjectNotFoundExceptions complaining about missing tree elements? See http\:// and ~151075
newsgroups=Try asking for help on the newsgroups - http\://
jdt-icons=Wondering what JDT's icons mean? See http\://\=/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/reference/ref-156.htm
p2=p2 is the name of the new provisioning platform from the Equinox team that replaced the Update Manager starting from Eclipse 3.4 and up. Take a look at the wiki page for more details - http\:// - Or try this dW article - http\://
hi=Welcome\! If you have a question, just ask, or take a look at our FAQ - http\:// \:) Try typing ~faq to see more FAQs\! If you have errors or logs to show, see ~pastebin. If you have screenshots to share, see ~imagebin. If you need to describe your problem, please provide some ~info about your setup. Please be patient when waiting for a response. Thank you and enjoy your stay.
bugs=Eclipse Bugzilla - https\://
contextual-launching=Having problems with Eclipse 3.3 and up not launching whatever you just launched when you hit the keybinding? You probably contextual launchin set - http\://\#Why_is_Eclipse_launching_the_current_file_I_have_open_instead_of_whatever_I_last_launched.3F
tm=Check out Eclipse's Target Management project - http\://
findclass=Looking for a particular class in the Eclipse APIs? http\://
emf=Check out the Eclipse Modeling Framework project - http\://
snippets=SWT Snippets - http\:// - JFace Snippets - http\://
deadlock=In a deadlock? http\://
xpcom=Are you seeing "org.eclipse.swt.SWTError\: XPCOM error -2147467262" in your workspace's log file after a crash? Upgrade to Firefox 3.0 final (or its appropriate counterpart such as XULRunner 1.9). See here for more information - https\://\=213194
jre=Please check what your Java runtime environment is and get back to us - http\://\#How_do_I_find_out_which_Java_runtime_environment_is_being_used_to_run_my_Eclipse.3F
svn=For Subversion support, try Subclipse (http\:// or Subversive (http\:// Don't ask us which is better. Some of us use Subclipse, some of us use Subversive.
ee-service=Confused about Eclipse's extension registry and OSGi services? See this article written by IRC resident njbartlett - http\://
dump=In a deadlock? http\://
equinoxlog=If the workspace log file does not exist (<workspace>/.metadata/.log) then there might be a log file in your Eclipse installation directory under the "configuration" directory. Look for a file called <some_long_number>.log.
clean=Please try restarting Eclipse with the '-clean' argument. http\://\#I_have_just_installed_a_plug-in_but_I_do_not_see_any_indication_of_it_in_my_workspace._What_do_I_do.3F
cmd=Check out the list of available messages and commands I provide - http\:// - http\://
content-type=How do I open my own file types in the WTP/PDT editors? http\://\#How_do_I_use_my_own_filename_extensions_in_the_XML_editor.3F_It_only_works_correctly_if_a_file_ends_with_.xml.
updates=Never used Update Manager? - http\://\#Where_can_I_get_project_XYZ.3F - http\://\#What_is_the_Update_Manager.3F
cdt-faq=Looking for all of the answers related to CDT, or just most of them? Check out the mighty CDT-FAQ (http\://
sdk-dl=Looking for different versions (including past and developmental releases) and/or platforms for the Eclipse SDK or any of the base Eclipse bundles? See http\://
java-gui=Looking for a Java GUI designer plug-in for Eclipse? Go take a look at the *free* Visual Editor (http\://, Visual Swing for Eclipse (http\://, Instantiations' *commercial* WindowBuilder (http\://, and/or Jigloo (http\:// , which is *free for non-commercial use*.
lock=Trying to start Eclipse and it's telling giving your a "workspace in use" error? Try these suggestions - http\://\#My_Eclipse_just_crashed.2C_when_I_try_to_restart_it.2C_it_says_.22workspace_in_use.22.2C_what_should_I_do.3F
ask=If you have a question, just ask, don't ask if you can ask a question. Skip the "meta-questions" like asking whether anyone uses X also as a precursor to check whether anyone can help you with a problem you have with X. Just ask the real question you have about X.
origin=I am named after an android, KOS-MOS, from a PlayStation 2 game series called 'Xenosaga'. You can read about me on Wikipedia, but there are game spoilers. ;) http\://
update-manager=Never used Update Manager? - http\://\#Where_can_I_get_project_XYZ.3F - http\://\#What_is_the_Update_Manager.3F
sdk-downloads=Looking for different versions and/or platforms for the Eclipse SDK or any of the base Eclipse bundles? See http\://
image=Please upload your screenshots online and then paste the link back to the channel - http\://\=add - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
swt-faq=Please take a look at SWT's FAQ page - http\://
bpmn=the SOA Tools BPMN component is a graphical BPMN modeler based on GMF and EMF. You can check it out on its website\: http\:// and ask questions on the STP newsgroup or on IRC\: \#eclipse-stp at
plugins=Look for plug-ins at the Eclipse Plug-in Central (http\:// and EclipsePlugins (http\://
archives=Looking for an older version of Eclipse? - http\://
news=Try asking for help on the newsgroups - http\://
javadoc=The Eclipse Platform APIs are at - http\://
forms=Want to learn how to use Eclipse Forms? Take a look at these two articles - http\:// - http\://\=Article-Forms33/index.html
wtp=Check out Eclipse's Web Tools Platform - http\://
hwk=Have some random .class files and can't get your project to compile? Homework due tomorrow? Try reading this - http\://
newsgroup=Try asking for help on the newsgroups - http\://
viewvc=Looking for a web interface to the source code released by Eclipse projects? http\://
circular-debug=You might want to try circular debugging by attaching a debugger to Eclipse itself - http\://
consolelog=Writing an Eclipse-based application and can't find anything useful in your console and/or getting "Unhandled event loop exceptions"? Add -consoleLog as a 'Program Argument' to your launch configuration. See http\://\#I_get_an_unhandled_event_loop_exception_in_my_console._What_gives.3F
source=My source code can be found at http\:// repository under applications/kosmos/bundles/
launcher=To learn more about the Eclipse launcher / binary, see - http\:// - http\:// - http\:// - http\://
linux-install=Trying to install Eclipse on Linux? http\://\#How_do_I_install_Eclipse_on_Linux.3F
showlocation=Ever get confused and wondered what workspace you are using? Well, wonder no more, for -showlocation is here to help\! Add -showlocation to the first line of your eclipse.ini file (consequently shifting everything down one line), and you can now see the workspace's name in the title bar.
debug-command=Need to find out what the command line invocation was for a process launched by Eclipse? See here - http\://\#How_do_I_check_for_the_command_line_invocation_that_Eclipse_used_to_launch_an_application.3F
compare=Wondering what the difference between all those Eclipse packages are or wondering what's included in them? See here - http\://
uithread=Getting "Invalid thread access" errors? See here - http\://\#uithread
permgen=Having permgen problems? Please see http\://\#I.27m_having_memory.2C_heap.2C_or_permgen_problems.2C_what_can_I_do.3F and http\://
distro-p2=Did someone just say "This installation has not been configured properly for Software Updates."? That sounds like a problem with your Eclipse installation that you got from your Linux distribution. Download Eclipse from instead - http\:// - And yes, it's a binary, no compiling ought to be necessary.
stp=SOA Tools Project, hosted at http\://
gtk-editor-hang=Is your editor hanging on Linux/gtk+? See here, it might help - http\://\#Why_does_Eclipse_hang_for_an_extended_period_of_time_after_opening_an_editor_in_Linux.2Fgtk.2B.3F
pastebin=Please paste the relevant information onto a pastebin. The submission will then generate a URL, please copy/paste the generated URL back to the channel - http\:// - http\:// - http\:// - http\://