Add promote script to repo
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f11832d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+# !/bin/sh
+# Copyright (c) 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
+# terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
+# which accompanies this distribution.
+# The Eclipse Public License is available at
+# and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
+# Contributors:
+#  - egwin - 13 September 2012 - Initial implementation
+#    This script is designed to be run interactively to promote an existing published
+#    build to a milestone, or a Milestone build to a release. It expects to be run from
+#    the '' server.
+#   Basic Env Setup
+#Define common variables
+PROGNAME=`basename ${THIS}`
+CUR_DIR=`dirname ${THIS}`
+umask 0002
+START_DATE=`date '+%y%m%d-%H%M'`
+#Global Variables
+#  If anything is in ARG4 then do a dummy "DEBUG" run
+#  (Do not call ant, do not modify or create files, do report variable states)
+# Export necessary global environment variables
+#   Functions Definitions
+unset usage
+usage() {
+    echo "Usage: ./ (BUILD |'release') MILESTONE BRANCH_NM [debug]"
+    echo "  BUILD     - full build identifier, or 'release' (example: 2.4.1.v201209013-98ef31a). Used to generate branch,"
+    echo "              version, date and hash info needed. If 'release', tells promote to release the specified"
+    echo "              MILESTONE."
+    echo "  MILESTONE - a milestone (exampe: M4) to promote the specified build to. Also used in dir storage, and maven."
+    echo "              storage, and Maven publishing."
+    echo "  BRANCH_NM - The git branchname for the branch the build was based upon (Example: master, 2.4, 2.3, etc.)"
+    echo "  ARG4      - if defined, designates a run should be 'debug'."
+unset createPath
+createPath() {
+    # Usage: createPath path
+    path=$1
+    if [ "${DEBUG}" = "true" ] ; then
+        echo "createPath: Attempting to create '${path}' path."
+    fi
+    newdir=
+    for directory in `echo ${path} | tr '/' ' '`
+    do
+        newdir=${newdir}/${directory}
+        if [ ! -d "${newdir}" ] ; then
+            if [ "${DEBUG}" = "true" ] ; then
+                echo "createPath: Creating subdir: '${newdir}'"
+            fi
+            mkdir ${newdir}
+            if [ $? -ne 0 ]
+            then
+                echo "   createPath:  Error, creation of ${newdir} failed!"
+                exit
+            fi
+        fi
+    done
+unset genSafeTmpDir
+genSafeTmpDir() {
+    tmp=${TMPDIR-/tmp}
+    tmp=$tmp/somedir.$RANDOM.$RANDOM.$RANDOM.$$
+    (umask 077 && mkdir $tmp) || {
+      echo "Could not create temporary directory! Exiting." 1>&2
+      exit 1
+    }
+    echo "results stored in: '${tmp}'"
+unset parseBuild
+parseBuild() {
+    build=$1
+    echo "- parseBuild -"
+    # cut parameters: -s: only print if delimeter exists in input; -d delimeter; -f field(s) to print
+    BRANCH=`echo ${build} | cut -s -d'.' -f1-2`
+    if [ "${BRANCH}" = "" ] ; then
+        usage
+        echo "BRANCH Error: There is something wrong with BUILD. ('$build' should be VERSION.QUALIFIER)!"
+        echo "              VERSION should be in the 3 part OSGi standard - Major.Minor.patch"
+        echo " "
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    VERSION=`echo ${build} | cut -s -d'.' -f1-3`
+    if [ "${VERSION}" = "" ] ; then
+        usage
+        echo "VERSION Error: There is something wrong with BUILD. ('$build' should be VERSION.QUALIFIER)!"
+        echo "               VERSION should be in the 3 part OSGi standard - Major.Minor.patch"
+        echo " "
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    QUALIFIER=`echo ${build} | cut -s -d'.' -f4`
+    if [ "${QUALIFIER}" = "" ] ; then
+        usage
+        echo "QUALIFIER Error: There is something wrong with BUILD. ('$build' should be VERSION.QUALIFIER)!"
+        echo "                 QUALIFIER should be in the form: vDATE-HASH where DATE is YYYYMMDD"
+        echo " "
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    # assign value of first field delimited by '-' (only use values containing '-' (-s)), with 'v' stripped, to DATE
+    BLD_DATE=`echo ${QUALIFIER} | cut -s -d'-' -f1 | cut -s -d'v' -f2`
+    if [ "${BLD_DATE}" = "" ] ; then
+        usage
+        echo "BLD_DATE Error: There is something wrong with QUALIFIER!"
+        echo "                '$qualifier' should be in the form:"
+        echo "                     vDATE-HASH where DATE is YYYYMMDD"
+        echo " "
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    # assign value of 2nd field delimited by '-' (only use values containing '-' (-s)), to HASH
+    GIT_HASH=`echo ${QUALIFIER} | cut -s -d'-' -f2`
+    if [ "${GIT_HASH}" = "" ] ; then
+        usage
+        echo "GIT_HASH Error: There is something wrong with QUALIFIER!"
+        echo "                '$qualifier' should be in the form:"
+        echo "                     vDATE-HASH where DATE is YYYYMMDD"
+        echo " "
+        exit 2
+    fi
+    if [ "$DEBUG" = "true" ] ; then
+        echo "build    ='$build'"
+        echo "BRANCH   ='$BRANCH'"
+        echo "VERSION  ='$VERSION'"
+        echo "QUALIFIER='$QUALIFIER'"
+        echo "BLD_DATE ='$BLD_DATE'"
+        echo "GIT_HASH ='$GIT_HASH'"
+    fi
+# TODO: NEED branch to verify instead of branch_NM, but need branch_NM to interact with Git
+unset validateBuild
+validateBuild() {
+    echo "- validateBuild -"
+    if [ -d ${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}/${BLD_DATE} ] ; then
+        echo "Valid build dir: '${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}/${BLD_DATE}'"
+        if [ -e ${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}/${BLD_DATE}/eclipselink-${VERSION}.${QUALIFIER}.zip ] ; then
+            echo "Valid build: '${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}/${BLD_DATE}/eclipselink-${VERSION}.${QUALIFIER}.zip' found."
+        else
+            echo "Invalid build: '${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}/${BLD_DATE}/eclipselink-${VERSION}.${QUALIFIER}.zip' not found."
+            echo "Valid builds are:"
+            ls ${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}/${BLD_DATE}/eclipselink-${VERSION}*.zip
+            exit 1
+        fi
+    else
+            echo "Invalid build dir: '${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}/${BLD_DATE}'"
+            echo "Valid build dates are:"
+            ls ${DNLD_DIR}/nightly/${VERSION}
+            exit 1
+   fi
+   #cd $curdir
+# TODO: again NEED branch to verify instead of branch_NM, but need branch_NM to interact with Git
+unset validateMilestone
+validateMilestone() {
+    milestone=$1
+    echo "- validateMilestone -"
+    # TODO: Verify ${milestone} is 'release', or starts with M# or RC#
+    if [ -d ${DNLD_DIR}/milestones/${VERSION}/${milestone} ] ; then
+        echo "Milestone dir: '${DNLD_DIR}/milestones/${VERSION}/${milestone}' already exists."
+        if [ -e ${DNLD_DIR}/milestones/${VERSION}/${milestone}/eclipselink-${VERSION}.${QUALIFIER}.zip ] ; then
+            echo "     Milestone ${milestone} Build: '${DNLD_DIR}/milestones/${VERSION}/${milestone}/eclipselink-${VERSION}.${QUALIFIER}.zip' already promoted."
+        else
+            promotedBuild=`ls ${DNLD_DIR}/milestones/${VERSION}/${milestone}/eclipselink-${VERSION}*.zip`
+            echo "     Milestone ${milestone} Build: '${promotedBuild}' found."
+        fi
+        echo "     You should either choose another Milestone number, or clean previous promote (if partial) before running again."
+        exit 1
+    else
+        echo "Milestone dir: '${DNLD_DIR}/milestone/${VERSION}/${milestone}' not preexisting."
+        echo "Continuing..."
+    fi
+#TODO Must have Git validation and setup completed first
+unset callAnt
+callAnt() {
+    #Need milestine branch, version, qualifier, date, githash
+    milestone=$1
+    branch=$2
+    branch_nm=$3
+    version=$4
+    qualifier=$5
+    blddate=$6
+    githash=$7
+    echo " "
+    echo "- callAnt -"
+    # Define SYSTEM variables needed
+    BldDepsDir=${HOME_DIR}/bld_deps/${branch}    # Needed for Eclipse dependencies when publishing/promoting
+    if [ ! -d "${BldDepsDir}" ] ; then
+        echo "${BldDepsDir} not found!"
+    fi
+    if [ ! -d "${RELENG_REPO}" ] ; then
+        echo "${RELENG_REPO} not found!"
+    fi
+    #verify src, root dest, and needed variables exist before proceeding
+    if [ \( ! "${milestone}" = "" \) -a \( ! "${branch}" = "" \) -a \( ! "${blddate}" = "" \) -a \( ! "${version}" = "" \) -a \( ! "${qualifier}" = "" \) ] ; then
+        echo "Preparing to promote ${milestone} for ${version}...."
+        if [ "${DEBUG}" = "true" ] ; then
+            echo "callAnt: Required data verified... proceeding..."
+            echo "   milestone = '${milestone}'"
+            echo "   branch    = '${branch}'"
+            echo "   blddate   = '${blddate}'"
+            echo "   version   = '${version}'"
+            echo "   qualifier = '${qualifier}'"
+            echo "   githash   = '${githash}'"
+        fi
+        error_cnt=0
+        #Invoke Antscript for Branch specific promotion
+        arguments="-Dbuild.deps.dir=${BldDepsDir} -Dreleng.repo.dir=${RELENG_REPO} -Dgit.exec=${GIT_EXEC}"
+        arguments="${arguments}${branch_nm} -Drelease.version=${version} -Dbuild.type=${milestone} -Dbranch=${branch}"
+        arguments="${arguments} -Dversion.qualifier=${qualifier}${blddate} -Dgit.hash=${githash}"
+        # Run Ant from ${exec_location} using ${buildfile} ${arguments}
+        echo "pwd='`pwd`"
+        echo "ant ${BUILDFILE} ${arguments} ${ANT_TARGET}"
+        if [ -f ${BUILDFILE} ] ; then
+            ant -f ${BUILDFILE} ${arguments} ${ANT_TARGET}
+            if [ "$?" = "0" ]
+            then
+                echo "Ant promote complete."
+            else
+                echo "Ant Promote Failed!"
+            fi
+        else
+            echo "'${BUILDFILE}' doesn't exist. Aborting ant run..."
+        fi
+    else
+        # Something is not right! skipping.."
+        echo "    Required locations and data failed to verify... aborting Promote...."
+        ERROR=true
+        if [ "${DEBUG}" = "true" ] ; then
+            echo "callAnt: Required locations and data:"
+            echo "   milestone = '${milestone}'"
+            echo "   branch    = '${branch}'"
+            echo "   blddate   = '${blddate}'"
+            echo "   version   = '${version}'"
+            echo "   qualifier = '${qualifier}'"
+            echo "   githash   = '${githash}'"
+        fi
+    fi
+#   Main Begins
+#   Validate run parameters
+if [ "${BUILD}" = "" ] ; then
+    usage
+    echo " "
+    echo "BUILD not specified! Exiting..."
+    exit 1
+if [ "${MILESTONE}" = "" ] ; then
+    usage
+    echo " "
+    echo "MILESTONE not specified! Exiting..."
+    exit 1
+if [ "${BRANCH_NM}" = "" ] ; then
+    usage
+    echo " "
+    echo "BRANCH_NM not specified! Exiting..."
+    exit 1
+#  If anything is in ARG4 then do a dummy "DEBUG" run
+#  (Do not call ant, do not modify or create files, do report variable states)
+if [ -n "$ARG4" ] ; then
+    DEBUG=true
+    echo "Debug is on!"
+#   Validate environment
+echo "-= Validate Environment =- "
+if [ ! -d ${JAVA_HOME} ] ; then
+    echo "Expecting Java at: '${JAVA_HOME}', but is not there!"
+    JAVA_HOME=/shared/common/jdk1.6.0_05
+    if [ ! -d ${JAVA_HOME} ] ; then
+        echo "Tried again. Expecting Java at: '${JAVA_HOME}', but is not there!"
+        #exit
+    fi
+echo "JAVA_HOME verified at: '${JAVA_HOME}'"
+if [ ! -d ${ANT_HOME} ] ; then
+    echo "Expecting Ant at: '${ANT_HOME}', but is not there!"
+    #exit
+echo "ANT_HOME verified at: '${ANT_HOME}'"
+if [ ! -d ${HOME_DIR} ] ; then
+    echo "Need to create HOME_DIR '${HOME_DIR}'"
+    if [ "${DEBUG}" = "false" ] ; then
+        echo "DEBUG=$DEBUG"
+        createPath ${HOME_DIR}
+    else
+        echo "    Debug on, No actual work being done."
+    fi
+if [ ! -d ${LOG_DIR} ] ; then
+    echo "Need to create LOG_DIR '${LOG_DIR}'"
+    if [ "${DEBUG}" = "false" ] ; then
+        createPath ${LOG_DIR}
+    else
+        echo "    Debug on, No actual work being done."
+    fi
+if [ ! -x ${GIT_EXEC} ] ; then
+    echo "Cannot find Git executable using default value '$GIT_EXEC'. Attempting Autofind..."
+    GIT_EXEC=`which git`
+    if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+        echo "Error: Unable to find GIT executable! Git functionality disabled."
+        GIT_EXEC=false
+        exit 1
+    else
+        echo "Found: ${GIT_EXEC}"
+    fi
+    echo "Found: ${GIT_EXEC}"
+if [ ! -d ${RELENG_REPO} ] ; then
+    echo "Releng repo missing! Will set flag to create."
+    #releng doest exist clone it (if git was found).
+    echo "Releng repo found."
+if [ ! -d ${RUNTIME_REPO} ] ; then
+    echo "EclipseLink Runtime repo missing! Will set flag to create."
+    #runtime doest exist clone it (if git was found).
+    echo "EclipseLink Runtime repo found."
+echo "   Validated."
+echo " "
+## Convert "BRANCH" to BRANCH_NM (version or trunk) and BRANCH (svn branch path)
+#    BRANCH_NM is used for reporting and naming purposes
+#    BRANCH    is used to quailify the actual Branch path
+#   Begin WORK
+echo "Promote begin at: ${START_DATE}"
+#Determine if 'release' run or regular Milestone promotion
+if [ "$qualifier" = "release" ] ; then
+    RELEASE=true
+    # TODO: If RELEASE is set need to verify Milestone, and afer resolving BRANCH_NM to BRANCH,
+    #       parse QUALIFIER from Milestone filename, and derive date and hash from qualifier
+# TODO: Need to change to verify branch from if possible, else just parse qualifier for date and hash
+    # Get needed info from BUILD
+    parseBuild $BUILD
+    # Validate BUILD Exists
+    validateBuild
+    # Validate MILESTONE against convention, and verify not preexisting
+    validateMilestone $MILESTONE
+echo "BUILD      ='${BUILD}'"
+echo "  BRANCH   ='$BRANCH'"
+echo "  VERSION  ='$VERSION'"
+echo "  BLD_DATE ='$BLD_DATE'"
+echo "  GIT_HASH ='$GIT_HASH'"
+echo "BRANCH_NM  ='${BRANCH_NM}'"
+echo "Promote complete at: `date '+%y%m%d-%H%M'`"
+echo " "
+echo " "