 - clean up error messages for meaningfulness
 - add additional debug logging
 - add some syntax checks to close loopholes
 - Add new pertinent tests for selectBundle
 - migrate test.xml into build.xml
 - add execution of Tester (Version testing class) into
 - Add new pertinent tests to Tester
 - delete old test.xml 
 - additionally check for and trim leading or trailing
   white-space from version.
 - remove object-String value comparisons
   (would require parsing and evaluating string. No use-case)
 - fix object-object value comparisons
 - update matchCriteria() to use object-object comparisons 
diff --git a/ant_customizations.jar b/ant_customizations.jar
index e8e9542..850a4c7 100644
--- a/ant_customizations.jar
+++ b/ant_customizations.jar
Binary files differ
diff --git a/ant_customizations/.externalToolBuilders/New_Builder.launch b/ant_customizations/.externalToolBuilders/New_Builder.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..420bf30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ant_customizations/.externalToolBuilders/New_Builder.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<launchConfiguration type="org.eclipse.ant.AntBuilderLaunchConfigurationType">

+<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.ant.ui.ATTR_TARGETS_UPDATED" value="true"/>

+<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.ant.ui.DEFAULT_VM_INSTALL" value="false"/>

+<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.debug.ui.ATTR_LAUNCH_IN_BACKGROUND" value="false"/>

+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH_PROVIDER" value="org.eclipse.ant.ui.AntClasspathProvider"/>

+<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.DEFAULT_CLASSPATH" value="true"/>

+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR" value="AntCustomizations"/>

+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_LOCATION" value="${workspace_loc:/AntCustomizations/antbuild.xml}"/>

+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_RUN_BUILD_KINDS" value="full,incremental,"/>

+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_TOOL_ARGUMENTS" value="-verbose"/>

+<booleanAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_TRIGGERS_CONFIGURED" value="true"/>

+<stringAttribute key="org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ATTR_WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="${workspace_loc:/AntCustomizations}"/>


diff --git a/ant_customizations/.project b/ant_customizations/.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aaf7be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ant_customizations/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


+	<name>AntCustomizations</name>

+	<comment></comment>

+	<projects>

+	</projects>

+	<buildSpec>

+		<buildCommand>

+			<name>org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ExternalToolBuilder</name>

+			<triggers>full,incremental,</triggers>

+			<arguments>

+				<dictionary>

+					<key>LaunchConfigHandle</key>

+					<value>&lt;project&gt;/.externalToolBuilders/New_Builder.launch</value>

+				</dictionary>

+			</arguments>

+		</buildCommand>

+	</buildSpec>

+	<natures>

+	</natures>


diff --git a/ant_customizations/antbuild.xml b/ant_customizations/antbuild.xml
index 3934f3a..53df3e9 100644
--- a/ant_customizations/antbuild.xml
+++ b/ant_customizations/antbuild.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 <project name="Ant Customizations" default="all">
-    <target name="all"   depends="build, publish"/>
+    <target name="all"   depends="build, publish, test"/>
+    <target name="stage" depends="build, publish"/>
     <target name="build" depends="jar"/>
     <target name="init">
@@ -10,13 +11,45 @@
                 <pathelement location="${ant.dir_temp}"/>
-        <property name="publish.dir" value=".."/>
-        <property name="project.dir" value="."/>
-        <property name="output.dir"  value="${project.dir}/output"/>
-        <property name="src.dir"     value="${project.dir}/src"/>
+        <dirname  property="" file="${ant.file.ant_customizations}"/>
+        <pathconvert targetos="unix" property="">
+            <path>
+                <pathelement location="${}"/>
+            </path>
+        </pathconvert>
+        <property file="${user.home}/"/>
+        <!-- ant_customizations.2.base.dir needs to be explicit (not relative) for antcall usage -->
+        <!-- (I think the selectbundle call reverts to calling dir - despite the antcall "dir=") -->
+        <property name="ant_customizations.2.base.dir"            value="${}/../.."/>
+        <property name="ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir"  value="${ant_customizations.2.base.dir}/plugins"/>
+        <property name="ant_customizations.2.jpa.plugins.dir"     value="${ant_customizations.2.base.dir}/jpa/plugins"/>
+        <property name="ant_customizations.2.sdo.plugins.dir"     value="${ant_customizations.2.base.dir}/sdo/plugins"/>
+        <property name="ant_customizations.2.util.plugins.dir"    value="${ant_customizations.2.base.dir}/utils/plugins"/>
+        <echo message="                         ='${}'"/>
+        <echo message="basedir                                  ='${basedir}'"/>
+        <echo message="        ='${}'"/>
+        <echo message="ant_customizations.2.base.dir            ='${ant_customizations.2.base.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir  ='${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="ant_customizations.2.jpa.plugins.dir     ='${ant_customizations.2.jpa.plugins.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="ant_customizations.2.sdo.plugins.dir     ='${ant_customizations.2.sdo.plugins.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="ant_customizations.2.util.plugins.dir    ='${ant_customizations.2.util.plugins.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message=" ---"/>
+        <property name="publish.dir" value="${}/.."/>
+        <property name="output.dir"  value="${}/output"/>
+        <property name="src.dir"     value="${}/src"/>
         <property name="classes.dir" value="${output.dir}/classes"/>
         <property name="custom.jar"  value="ant_customizations.jar"/>
         <property name="custom.lib"  value="${output.dir}/${custom.jar}"/>
+        <echo message="publish.dir                              ='${publish.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="output.dir                               ='${output.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="src.dir                                  ='${src.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="classes.dir                              ='${classes.dir}'"/>
+        <echo message="custom.jar                               ='${custom.jar}'"/>
+        <echo message="custom.lib                               ='${custom.lib}'"/>
         <echo message="ant.dir = '${ant.dir}'"/>
         <available file="${ant.dir}" type="dir" property="ant.exists"/>
@@ -53,9 +86,6 @@
-    <target name="test">
-    </target>
     <target name="archive-old" if="pub.jar.exists">
         <move file="${publish.dir}/${custom.jar}" tofile="${publish.dir}/ant_customizations_bak_on_${DSTAMP}${TSTAMP}.jar"/>
@@ -63,4 +93,202 @@
     <target name="publish" depends="init, pub_init, archive-old">
         <copy file="${custom.lib}" todir="${publish.dir}"/>
+    <!-- TESTING TARGETS -->
+    <target name="test" depends="test-init, test-version-class, test-selectbundle, test-cleanRevision"/>
+    <target name="test-init" depends="init">
+        <property name="custom.tasks.lib" value="${publish.dir}/ant_customizations.jar"/>
+        <property name="custom.echo.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.Say"/>
+        <property name="custom.selectbundle.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.SelectBundle"/>
+        <property name="custom.cleanrev.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.CleanRevision"/>
+        <echo message="custom.tasks.lib = '${custom.tasks.lib}'"/>
+        <available file="${custom.tasks.lib}" property="antcustomizations.lib.exist"/>
+        <fail message="Ant customizations file not found!" unless="antcustomizations.lib.exist"/>
+        <taskdef name="say"          classname="${custom.echo.task.class}"         classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
+        <taskdef name="selectbundle" classname="${custom.selectbundle.task.class}" classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
+        <taskdef name="cleanRevision" classname="${custom.cleanrev.task.class}"    classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
+        <say message=" First test is passed. Customizations found and 'say' works!" if="antcustomizations.lib.exist"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-version-class" depends="test-init">
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Running Version Tester class..."/>
+        <java classname="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper.Tester">
+            <classpath>
+                <pathelement location="${publish.dir}/${custom.jar}"/>
+            </classpath>
+        </java>
+        <say message="Done."/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-selectbundle" depends="test-init">
+        <condition property="" value="${ant_customizations.2.base.dir}/../extension.lib.external"
+                                                    else="${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}">
+            <available file="${ant_customizations.2.base.dir}/../extension.lib.external" type="dir"/>
+        </condition>
+        <echo message="        = '${}'"/>
+        <property name="plugin.dir"     value="${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}"/>
+        <property name="bnd.prefix"       value="bnd"/>
+        <property name="bnd.separator"    value="-"/>
+        <property name="bnd.criteria"     value="[0.0.350, 0.1.0)"/>
+        <property name=""     value="selected.bnd.jar"/>
+        <property name="bnd.property2"    value="selected.bnd.lib"/>
+        <property name="xmlbind.prefix"     value="javax.xml.bind"/>
+        <property name="xmlbind.criteria"   value="[2.0, 3.0)"/>
+        <property name=""   value="selected.xmlbind.jar"/>
+        <property name="ant.prefix"           value="org.apache.ant"/>
+        <property name="ant.criteria"         value="[1.7, 1.8)"/>
+        <property name=""         value="selected.ant.jar"/>
+        <property name="" value="selected.ant.version"/>
+        <property name="jpa.prefix"      value="javax.persistence"/>
+        <property name="jpa.criteria"    value="[1.0, 2.2)"/>
+        <property name=""    value="selected.jpa.jar"/>
+        <property name="validation.prefix"      value="javax.validation"/>
+        <property name="validation.criteria"    value="[1.0, 2.2)"/>
+        <property name=""    value="selected.validation.jar"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Test basic find of bnd (using - separator)..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            criterion="${bnd.criteria}"
+            basename="${bnd.prefix}"
+            directory="${}"
+            property="${}"
+            separator="${bnd.separator}"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.bnd.jar}'" if="${}"/>
+        <say message="Bnd (${bnd.prefix}) bundle not found in '${}'!" unless="${}"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <selectbundle
+            criterion="${bnd.criteria}"
+            basename="${bnd.prefix}"
+            directory=".."
+            property="${}"
+            separator="${bnd.separator}"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.bnd.jar}'" if="${}"/>
+        <say message="Bnd (${bnd.prefix}) bundle not found in '${}'!" unless="${}"/>
+        <say message="If not found was overwritten by second search in '..'"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Test includepath flag using bnd..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            includepath="true"
+            criterion="${bnd.criteria}"
+            basename="${bnd.prefix}"
+            directory="${}"
+            property="${bnd.property2}"
+            separator="${bnd.separator}"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.bnd.lib}'" if="${bnd.property2}"/>
+        <say message="Bnd (${bnd.prefix}) bundle not found in '${}'!" unless="${bnd.property2}"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Test finding ${xmlbind.prefix} (using default separator)..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            criterion="${xmlbind.criteria}"
+            basename="${xmlbind.prefix}"
+            directory="${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}"
+            property="${}"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.xmlbind.jar}'" if="${}"/>
+        <say message="Javax.xml.bind (${xmlbind.prefix}) bundle not found in '${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}'!" unless="${}"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Test finding ${ant.prefix} (using default separator)..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            criterion="${ant.criteria}"
+            basename="${ant.prefix}"
+            directory="${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}"
+            property="${}"
+            suffix="zip"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.ant.jar}'" if="${}"/>
+        <say message="Ant (${ant.prefix}) bundle not found in '${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}'!" unless="${}"/>
+        <say message="Test finding ${ant.prefix} (using default separator, and specifying a 'zip' suffix) (version only)..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            versiononly="true"
+            criterion="${ant.criteria}"
+            basename="${ant.prefix}"
+            directory="${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}"
+            property="${}"
+            suffix="zip"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.ant.version}'" if="${}"/>
+        <say message="Ant (${ant.prefix}) bundle not found in '${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}'!" unless="${}"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Test finding ${jpa.prefix} (using default separator)..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            criterion="${jpa.criteria}"
+            basename="${jpa.prefix}"
+            directory="${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}"
+            property="selected.jpa1.jar"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.jpa1.jar}'" if="selected.jpa1.jar"/>
+        <say message="JPA (${jpa.prefix}) bundle not found in '${ant_customizations.2.common.plugins.dir}'!" unless="selected.jpa1.jar"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Test finding ${jpa.prefix} (using default separator)..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            criterion="${jpa.criteria}"
+            basename="${jpa.prefix}"
+            directory="${ant_customizations.2.jpa.plugins.dir}"
+            property="${}"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.jpa.jar}'" if="${}"/>
+        <say message="JPA (${jpa.prefix}) bundle not found in '${ant_customizations.2.jpa.plugins.dir}'!" unless="${}"/>
+        <say message=" "/>
+        <say message="Test finding ${validation.prefix} (using default separator)..."/>
+        <selectbundle
+            criterion="${validation.criteria}"
+            basename="${validation.prefix}"
+            directory="${ant_customizations.2.jpa.plugins.dir}"
+            property="${}"
+        />
+        <say message="selected file: '${selected.validation.jar}'" if="${}"/>
+        <say message="JPA (${validation.prefix}) bundle not found in '${ant_customizations.2.jpa.plugins.dir}'!" unless="${}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="test-cleanRevision" depends="test-init">
+        <property name="svn.exec"            value="svn"/>
+        <property name=""         value=""/>
+        <property name="branch.dir"          value="${}trunk"/>
+        <property name="svn.r.protocol"      value="http:"/>
+        <property name=""     value="svn+ssh:"/>
+        <property name=""    value="egwin@eldev"/>
+        <property name=""     value=""/>
+        <property name="svn.base.urlpath"    value="//${}/svnroot/rt/org.eclipse.persistence"/>
+        <property name="svn.base.url"        value="${svn.r.protocol}${svn.base.urlpath}"/>
+        <property name="svn.branch.url"      value="${svn.base.url}/${branch.dir}"/>
+        <exec outputproperty="svn.revision"
+            failonerror="false"
+            failifexecutionfails="false"
+            errorproperty="svnversion.failed"
+            logError="true"
+            executable="${svn.exec}">
+            <arg value="info"/>
+            <arg value="--revision"/>
+            <arg value="HEAD"/>
+            <arg value="${svn.branch.url}"/>
+        </exec>
+        <say message="SVN log command failed!" if="svnversion.failed"/>
+        <say message="b:svn.revision = '${svn.revision}'"/>
+        <cleanRevision input="${svn.revision}" property="svn.revision"/>
+        <say message="a:svn.revision = '${svn.revision}'"/>
+    </target>
diff --git a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
index a8398f1..8219527 100644
--- a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
+++ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/ant/taskdefs/
@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@


  * SelectBundle

- *   property to set

- *   basename     (bnd, org.eclipse.equinox) required

- *   separator    (-,_) default to _

- *   criterion    OSGi selection criteria [1.0,2.0) required

+ *   basename     (bnd, org.eclipse.equinox) : required

+ *   criterion    OSGi version selection criteria [1.0,2.0) : required

+ *   separator    separator used between basename and version in filename (such as - or _) : defaults to _

+ *   property     propety to set : required

+ *   includepath  boolean flag, if set will include path and filename in "property" : defaults to 'false'

+ *   versiononly  boolean flag, if set will only set full version of bundle in "property" : defaults to 'false'


  * Contributors:

  *     egwin - initial conception and implementation

@@ -25,6 +27,7 @@


 import org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper.Version;

+import org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.helper.VersionException;


 public class SelectBundle extends Task {

     private boolean includepath = false; // whether to include the path (directory property) in the value of property if selection is successful (default: no)

@@ -36,11 +39,12 @@
     private String separator = "_";      // the separator used to differentiate basename and jarversion

     private String suffix    = "jar";    // suffix of file to find (default: jar)


-    private boolean minInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'floor' version is inclusive or not "("=true "["=false

-    private boolean maxInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'ceiling' version is inclusive or not "("=true "["=false

+    private boolean minInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'floor' version is inclusive or not "["=true "("=false

+    private boolean maxInclusive = false;   // local: whether the 'ceiling' version is inclusive or not "]"=true ")"=false

     private Version minVersion   = null;    // local: the value of the "floor" version

     private Version maxVersion   = null;    // local: the value of the "ceiling" version

-    private String  version      = "";      // the 'version' component of the "bestmatch" string

+    private Version bestVersion  = null;    // the 'version' component of the "bestmatch" string

+    private Version version      = null;    // the 'version' currently being evaluated


     private void evaluateCriteria() throws BuildException {

         // ()= includes

@@ -62,12 +66,19 @@
             // validate end of string

             if ( !( maxSquareBracket || maxRoundBracket || endInt ) )

                 throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must end with ),], or a number.", getLocation());

-            // validate basic syntax

+            // validate basic syntax (should add check for multiple ",")

             if((initInt && !endInt) || (!initInt && endInt) || (!initInt && !commapresent) || (initInt && commapresent) )

                 throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must be a valid OSGi version range string", getLocation());

-            // determine "floor" version

+            // validate range syntax (add check for multiple ",")

+            if(commapresent) {

+                // if multiple comma present

+                if( criterion.substring(criterion.indexOf(',')+1,endIndex).contains(",") )

+                    throw new BuildException("The criterion attribute must be a valid OSGi version range string: multiple comma(,) detected.", getLocation());

+            }

+            // set "inclusion" status

             minInclusive = (minSquareBracket || initInt);

             maxInclusive = (maxSquareBracket || endInt);

+            // determine "floor" version

             //singleton version

             if(initInt) {

                 log("evaluateCriteria: Singleton detected", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

@@ -108,13 +119,15 @@


     private String matchCriteria() {

-        String bestMatch = null;       //filename of file selected

+        String bestMatch = null;   //filename of file selected

         String[] filelist = getListOfFiles(directory);



+        bestVersion = minVersion;  //Start search with bestVersion set to minimum acceptable

+        log("matchCriteria: bestVersion.getIdentifier='" + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

         log("matchCriteria: basename.length='" + Integer.toString(basename.length()) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

         log("matchCriteria: separator.length='" + Integer.toString(separator.length()) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

         int relativeVersionIndex = basename.length() + separator.length();

-        log("matchCriteria: relativeVersionIndex(" + Integer.toString(relativeVersionIndex) + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+        log("matchCriteria: relativeVersionIndex='" + Integer.toString(relativeVersionIndex) + "' (Should be '" + Integer.toString(basename.length()+separator.length()) + "')", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

         if( filelist != null ) {

             log("matchCriteria: filelist.length='" + Integer.toString(filelist.length) + "'", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

             for ( int i=0; i<filelist.length; i++ )

@@ -123,28 +136,61 @@
                 log("matchCriteria: versionEndIndex(" + Integer.toString(versionEndIndex)+")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

                 log("matchCriteria: filelist["+ Integer.toString(i) + "](" + filelist[i] + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

                 // Should add try block to test for version exception

-                version = filelist[i].substring(relativeVersionIndex,versionEndIndex);


-                log("matchCriteria: version string of found file(" + version + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

-                if(version.length()>0){

+                try {

+                    version = new Version( filelist[i].substring(relativeVersionIndex,versionEndIndex) );

+                } catch ( VersionException e){

+                    log("matchCriteria: Exception detected -> " + e, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                }


+                log("matchCriteria: version string of found file(" + version.getIdentifier() + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                if(!version.empty()) {

                     if(minInclusive && maxInclusive) {

+                        log("matchCriteria: Test:  " + minVersion.getIdentifier() + " <= " + version.getIdentifier() + " <= " + maxVersion.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

                         if(minVersion.le(version) && ){

-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                            log("matchCriteria:      Pass", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                            if( ){

+                                log("matchCriteria: " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                                bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                                bestVersion = version;

+                            } else

+                                log("matchCriteria: ! " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);



                     else if (minInclusive && !maxInclusive){

+                        log("matchCriteria: Test:  " + minVersion.getIdentifier() + " <= " + version.getIdentifier() + " < " + maxVersion.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                        log("matchCriteria:   Result:  " + Boolean.toString(minVersion.le(version)) + " && " + Boolean.toString(, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

                         if(minVersion.le(version) && ){

-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                             log("matchCriteria:      Pass", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                             if( ){

+                                log("matchCriteria: " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                                bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                                bestVersion = version;

+                             } else

+                                log("matchCriteria: ! " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);



                     else if (!minInclusive && maxInclusive){

+                        log("matchCriteria: Test:  " + minVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier() + " <= " + maxVersion.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

                         if( && ){

-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                             log("matchCriteria:      Pass", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                             if( ){

+                                log("matchCriteria: " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                                bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                                bestVersion = version;

+                             } else

+                                log("matchCriteria: ! " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);



                     else if (!minInclusive && !maxInclusive ){

+                        log("matchCriteria: Test:  " + minVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier() + " < " + maxVersion.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

                         if( && ){

-                            bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                             log("matchCriteria:      Pass", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                             if( ){

+                                log("matchCriteria: " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

+                                bestMatch = filelist[i];

+                                bestVersion = version;

+                             } else

+                                log("matchCriteria: ! " + bestVersion.getIdentifier() + " < " + version.getIdentifier(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);



                     log("matchCriteria: Best Match so far(" + bestMatch + ")", Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

@@ -192,7 +238,7 @@
                 getProject().setNewProperty(property, directory+"/"+file);

             else {  

                 if (versiononly)

-                    getProject().setNewProperty(property, version);

+                    getProject().setNewProperty(property, bestVersion.getIdentifier() );


                     getProject().setNewProperty(property, file);


diff --git a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
index 490b06b..4a9dda5 100644
--- a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
+++ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
@@ -5,11 +5,22 @@
 public class Tester {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
-        Version testversion = null;
+        Version testversion  = null;
+        Version testversion2 = null;
+        int testnum = 0;
+        String testVersion;
+        System.out.println("Constructor Testing: *** Expected failure testing...");
+        // Test version empty
         try {
-            testversion = new Version(".9.7");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = "";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test initial token missing");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
@@ -20,24 +31,16 @@
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test initial token missing
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("5.");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
-        } catch ( VersionException e){
-            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
-        }
-        try {
-            testversion = new Version("");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
-        } catch ( VersionException e){
-            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
-        }
-        try {
-            testversion = new Version("s6.6y98.0r.0p01");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = ".9.7";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test initial token missing");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
@@ -48,55 +51,369 @@
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test expected token missing 
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("6.y98.0r.0p01");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = "5.";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test expected token missing");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test exceed max tokens 
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("6.98.0r.0p01");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = "";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test exceed max tokens");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test invalid numeric tokens
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = "s6.6y98.0r.0p01";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test invalid numeric tokens");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            Throwable t=e.getCause();
+            System.out.println("cause: '" + t + "'");
+            t=e.getException();
+            System.out.println("exception: '" + t + "'");
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test invalid numeric tokens
+        try {
+            testVersion = "6x.698.0.0p01";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test invalid numeric tokens");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            Throwable t=e.getCause();
+            System.out.println("cause: '" + t + "'");
+            t=e.getException();
+            System.out.println("exception: '" + t + "'");
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test invalid numeric tokens
+        try {
+            testVersion = "7.6x98.0.0p01";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test invalid numeric tokens");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            Throwable t=e.getCause();
+            System.out.println("cause: '" + t + "'");
+            t=e.getException();
+            System.out.println("exception: '" + t + "'");
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test invalid numeric tokens
+        try {
+            testVersion = "8.0698.0x00.0p01";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test invalid numeric tokens");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            Throwable t=e.getCause();
+            System.out.println("cause: '" + t + "'");
+            t=e.getException();
+            System.out.println("exception: '" + t + "'");
+            System.out.println("-------------------------");
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test space as version
+        try {
+            testVersion = " ";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test space as version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test space in version (failure)
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("0.0.350");
-            System.out.println("test Version : '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = "3. 3.0 ";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test space as version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        System.out.println("Constructor Testing: *** Expected Success testing...");
+        // Test initial and trailing spaces in version
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("1.16.4");
-            System.out.println("test2 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = "    1.1.3    ";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test initial and trailing spaces in version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test initial and trailing tabs in version
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("3.00");
-            System.out.println("test4 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = "				1.1.3			";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test initial and trailing tabs in version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test mixed initial and trailing tabs and spaces in version
         try {
-            testversion = new Version("90.828.04.HooYah");
-            System.out.println("test3 Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+            testVersion = " 	 	 	 	1.1.3 	 	 	 ";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test mixed initial and trailing tabs and spaces in version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
         } catch ( VersionException e){
             System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test Micro as double 0 and fourth token as string ok
+        try {
+            testVersion = "";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test Micro as double 0 and fourth token as string ok");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test whole number version
+        try {
+            testVersion = "2";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test whole number version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test 'normal' version
+        try {
+            testVersion = "1.16.4";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test 'normal' version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test initial 0 in Major and Minor version
+        try {
+            testVersion = "0.0.350";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test initial 0 in Major and Minor version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test 00 in Minor and no micro version
+        try {
+            testVersion = "3.00";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test 00 in Minor and no micro version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+       // Test leading 0s in version
+        try {
+            testVersion = "090.0828.04.HooYah";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test leading 0s in version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+       // Test 0 in Minor and decimal digit retention in micro version
+        try {
+            testVersion = "2.0.100.v201202140850";
+            testnum+=1;
+            System.out.println("=========================");
+            System.out.println("= Test 0 in Minor and decimal digit retention in micro version");
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionString='" + testVersion + "':");
+            testversion = new Version(testVersion);
+            System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " Version: '" + testversion.getIdentifier() + "'.");
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        System.out.println("Equivilency Testing: *** Expected Success testing...");
+        // Setup 
+        try {
+            testVersion = "2.0.100.v201202140850";
+            String testVersion2 = "2.0.4.v201110091424";
+            testversion  = new Version(testVersion);
+            testversion2 = new Version(testVersion2);
+        } catch ( VersionException e){
+            System.out.println("Error: " + e);
+        }
+        // Test lt 
+        testnum+=1;
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        System.out.println("= Test lt with objects");
+        System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ") < versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("      versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ") < versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test le 
+        testnum+=1;
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        System.out.println("= Test le with objects");
+        System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ") <= versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( testversion.le(testversion2) )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("      versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ") <= versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( testversion2.le(testversion) )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test gt 
+        testnum+=1;
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        System.out.println("= Test gt with objects");
+        System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ") > versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("      versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ") > versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test ge 
+        testnum+=1;
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        System.out.println("= Test ge with objects");
+        System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ") >= versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("      versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ") >= versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        // Test eq 
+        testnum+=1;
+        System.out.println("=========================");
+        System.out.println("= Test eq with objects");
+        System.out.println("Test" + testnum + " versionObject(" + testversion.getIdentifier() + ") < versionObject(" + testversion2.getIdentifier() + ")");
+        if( testversion.eq(testversion2) )
+            System.out.println("    True.");            
+        else
+            System.out.println("    False.");            
+        System.out.println("=========================");
diff --git a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
index 800b10b..ed3da71 100644
--- a/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
+++ b/ant_customizations/src/org/eclipse/persistence/buildtools/helper/
@@ -36,12 +36,19 @@
         String validated=identifier;

         boolean error=false;


+        // clear leading whitespace

+        while ( validated.startsWith(" ") || validated.startsWith("\t") ) 

+            validated=validated.substring(1);

+        // clear trailing whitespace

+        while ( validated.endsWith(" ") || validated.endsWith("\t") ) 

+            validated=validated.substring(0,validated.length() - 1);


         if ( validated.startsWith(".") ) {

-            throw new VersionException("Initial '.' invalids version");

+            throw new VersionException("Initial version tokenizer found (.): Invalid version string '" + validated + "'.");


         else {

             if( validated.endsWith(".") ) {

-                throw new VersionException("Terminating '.' invalids version");

+                throw new VersionException("Terminating version tokenizer found (.): Invalid version string '" + validated + "'.");


             else {

                 int index = 0;

@@ -50,7 +57,7 @@
                 int maxindex = validated.lastIndexOf(".");

                 while( !error && ( (subindex = validated.substring(index).indexOf(".")) >0 || index<maxindex )) {

                     if(count>2 && subindex>0)

-                        throw new VersionException("Maximum tokens (4) exceeded.");

+                        throw new VersionException("Maximum (4) tokens exceeded: Invalid version string '" + validated + "'.");

                     else {

                         index += subindex;

                         indexList[count] = index;

@@ -99,7 +106,7 @@


         } catch ( NumberFormatException e){

-            throw new VersionException("A numeric version token is invalid. " + e.getMessage() + " in \"" + identifier + "\".", e);

+            throw new VersionException("Major.Minor.Micro tokens expected to be numeric. One or more is invalid. " + e.getMessage() + " in \"" + identifier + "\".", e);


         String validIdentifier = getMajorStr() + "." + getMinorStr() + "." + getMicroStr();

         if(getQualifier() != null && getQualifier() != "" ) {

@@ -151,15 +158,27 @@
     public boolean gt( Version comp ) {

         boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) > 0) {

-            result = true;

-        }

+        if(this.major > comp.getMajorInt()) result = true;

+        else if ( (this.major == comp.getMajorInt()) && (this.minor > comp.getMinorInt()) ) result = true;

+             else if ( (this.major == comp.getMajorInt()) && (this.minor == comp.getMinorInt()) && (this.micro > comp.getMicroInt()) ) result=true;

+                  else if ( (this.major == comp.getMajorInt()) && (this.minor == comp.getMinorInt()) && (this.micro == comp.getMicroInt()) && (this.qualifier.compareTo(comp.getQualifier()) > 0) ) result=true;


         return result;


     public boolean lt( Version comp ) {

         boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) < 0) {

+        if(this.major < comp.getMajorInt()) result = true;

+        else if ( (this.major == comp.getMajorInt()) && (this.minor < comp.getMinorInt()) ) result = true;

+             else if ( (this.major == comp.getMajorInt()) && (this.minor == comp.getMinorInt()) && (this.micro < comp.getMicroInt()) ) result=true;

+                  else if ( (this.major == comp.getMajorInt()) && (this.minor == comp.getMinorInt()) && (this.micro == comp.getMicroInt()) && (this.qualifier.compareTo(comp.getQualifier()) < 0) ) result=true;


+        return result;

+    }

+    public boolean eq( Version comp ) {

+        boolean result=false;


+        if( (this.major == comp.getMajorInt()) && (this.minor == comp.getMinorInt()) && (this.micro == comp.getMicroInt()) && (this.qualifier.compareTo(comp.getQualifier()) == 0) ) {

             result = true;


         return result;

@@ -167,67 +186,64 @@
     public boolean ge( Version comp ) {

         boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) >= 0) {

-            result = true;

-        }

+        if( ( || this.eq(comp) ) ) result = true;

         return result;


     public boolean le( Version comp ) {

         boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp.getIdentifier()) <= 0) {

-            result = true;

-        }

+        if( ( || this.eq(comp) ) ) result = true;

         return result;


-    public boolean eq( Version comp ) {


+    public boolean empty() {

         boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.equals(comp.getIdentifier())) {

+        if( (this.major == 0) && (this.minor == 0) && (this.micro == 0) && (this.qualifier.compareTo("") == 0) ) {

             result = true;


         return result;



     // Compare version strings

-    public boolean gt( String comp ) {

-        boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) > 0) {

-            result = true;

-        }

-        return result;

-    }

-    public boolean lt( String comp ) {

-        boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) < 0) {

-            result = true;

-        }

-        return result;

-    }

-    public boolean ge( String comp ) {

-        boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) >= 0) {

-            result = true;

-        }

-        return result;

-    }

-    public boolean le( String comp ) {

-        boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) <= 0) {

-            result = true;

-        }

-        return result;

-    }

-    public boolean eq( String comp ) {

-        boolean result=false;


-        if(this.identifier.equals(comp)) {

-            result = true;

-        }

-        return result;

-    }

+    //public boolean gt( String comp ) {

+    //    boolean result=false;

+    //

+    //    if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) > 0) {

+    //        result = true;

+    //    }

+    //    return result;

+    //}

+    //public boolean lt( String comp ) {

+    //    boolean result=false;

+    //

+    //    if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) < 0) {

+    //        result = true;

+    //    }

+    //    return result;

+    //}

+    //public boolean ge( String comp ) {

+    //    boolean result=false;

+    //

+    //    if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) >= 0) {

+    //        result = true;

+    //    }

+    //    return result;

+    //}

+    //public boolean le( String comp ) {

+    //    boolean result=false;

+    //

+    //    if(this.identifier.compareTo(comp) <= 0) {

+    //        result = true;

+    //    }

+    //    return result;

+    //}

+    //public boolean eq( String comp ) {

+    //    boolean result=false;

+    //

+    //    if(this.identifier.equals(comp)) {

+    //        result = true;

+    //    }

+    //    return result;

+    //}


diff --git a/ant_customizations/test.xml b/ant_customizations/test.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fa6433..0000000
--- a/ant_customizations/test.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<project name="test" default="test" basedir=".">
-    <target name="init">
-        <property name="custom.tasks.lib" value="../ant_customizations.jar"/>
-        <property name="custom.echo.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.Say"/>
-        <property name="custom.selectbundle.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.SelectBundle"/>
-        <property name="custom.cleanrev.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.CleanRevision"/>
-        <echo message="custom.tasks.lib = '${custom.tasks.lib}'"/>
-        <available file="../ant_customizations.jar" property="antcustomizations.lib.exist"/>
-        <fail message="Ant customizations file not found!" unless="antcustomizations.lib.exist"/>
-        <taskdef name="say"          classname="${custom.echo.task.class}"         classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
-        <taskdef name="selectbundle" classname="${custom.selectbundle.task.class}" classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
-        <taskdef name="cleanRevision" classname="${custom.cleanrev.task.class}"    classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="test" depends="init">
-        <say message="Whoo Hoo! First test is passed!" if="antcustomizations.lib.exist"/>
-        <property name=""   value="C:/__external.lib"/>
-        <property name="bnd.prefix"       value="bnd"/>
-        <property name="bnd.separator"    value="-"/>
-        <property name="bnd.criteria"     value="[0.0.350,0.1.0)"/>
-        <property name=""     value="selected.bnd.jar"/>
-        <property name="plugin.dir"        value="C:/_EL_trunk5/plugins"/>
-        <property name="bind.prefix"       value="javax.xml.bind"/>
-        <property name="bind.criteria"     value="[2.0,3.0)"/>
-        <property name=""     value="selected.bind.jar"/>
-        <property name="ant.prefix"       value="org.apache.ant"/>
-        <property name="ant.criteria"     value="[1.7,1.8)"/>
-        <property name=""     value="selected.ant.jar"/>
-        <selectbundle
-            criterion="${bnd.criteria}"
-            basename="${bnd.prefix}"
-            directory="${}"
-            property="${}"
-            separator="${bnd.separator}"
-        />
-        <selectbundle
-            criterion="${bnd.criteria}"
-            basename="${bnd.prefix}"
-            directory=".."
-            property="${}"
-            separator="${bnd.separator}"
-        />
-        <say message="selected file: '${selected.bnd.jar}'" if="${}"/>
-        <say message="Bnd (${bnd.prefix}) bundle not found in '${}'!" unless="${}"/>
-        <selectbundle
-            includepath="true"
-            criterion="${bnd.criteria}"
-            basename="${bnd.prefix}"
-            directory="${}"
-            property="selected.bndtool.lib"
-            separator="${bnd.separator}"
-        />
-        <say message="selected file: '${selected.bndtool.lib}'" if="selected.bndtool.lib"/>
-        <say message="Bnd (${bnd.prefix}) bundle not found in '${}'!" unless="selected.bndtool.lib"/>
-        <selectbundle
-            criterion="${bind.criteria}"
-            basename="${bind.prefix}"
-            directory="${plugin.dir}"
-            property="${}"
-        />
-        <say message="selected file: '${selected.bind.jar}'" if="selected.bind.jar"/>
-        <say message="Javax.xml.bind (${bind.prefix}) bundle not found in '${plugin.dir}'!" unless="selected.bind.jar"/>
-        <selectbundle
-            criterion="${ant.criteria}"
-            basename="${ant.prefix}"
-            directory="${plugin.dir}"
-            property="${}"
-            suffix="zip"
-        />
-        <say message="selected file: '${selected.ant.jar}'" if="selected.ant.jar"/>
-        <say message="Ant (${ant.prefix}) bundle not found in '${plugin.dir}'!" unless="selected.ant.jar"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="test2" depends="init">
-        <property name="svn.exec"            value="svn"/>
-        <property name=""         value=""/>
-        <property name="branch.dir"          value="${}trunk"/>
-        <property name="svn.r.protocol"     value="http:"/>
-        <property name=""     value="svn+ssh:"/>
-        <property name=""     value="egwin@eldev"/>
-        <property name=""     value=""/>
-        <property name="svn.base.urlpath"    value="//${}/svnroot/rt/org.eclipse.persistence"/>
-        <property name="svn.base.url"        value="${svn.r.protocol}${svn.base.urlpath}"/>
-        <property name="svn.branch.url"      value="${svn.base.url}/${branch.dir}"/>
-        <exec outputproperty="svn.revision"
-            failonerror="false"
-            failifexecutionfails="false"
-            errorproperty="svnversion.failed"
-            logError="true"
-            executable="${svn.exec}">
-            <arg value="info"/>
-            <arg value="--revision"/>
-            <arg value="HEAD"/>
-            <arg value="${svn.branch.url}"/>
-        </exec>
-        <say message="SVN log command failed!" if="svnversion.failed"/>
-        <say message="b:svn.revision = '${svn.revision}'"/>
-        <cleanRevision input="${svn.revision}" property="svn.revision"/>
-        <say message="a:svn.revision = '${svn.revision}'"/>
-    </target>
\ No newline at end of file