blob: 45cde423c768b6d52ce81bb43af8f395b151cdde [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2012 Oracle. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
* A database platform holds all the settings for a specific database platform (e.g. Oracle, MS SQL
* Server). This includes whether the platform supports certain features used by TopLink (e.g.
* native sequencing) and the various database types and their corresponding JDBC types.
* @version 2.6
public final class DatabasePlatform extends AbstractNode {
* a name uniquely identifying the platform within a
* database platform repository
private String name;
public static final String NAME_PROPERTY = "name";
* this is the short file name - the directory is determined
* by the parent repository;
* like the name, above, this must also be unique within the repository
private String shortFileName;
public static final String SHORT_FILE_NAME_PROPERTY = "shortFileName";
* store this as a string (as opposed to the actual class) because users
* can supply their own and it might not be on the classpath
private String runtimePlatformClassName;
public static final String RUNTIME_PLATFORM_CLASS_NAME_PROPERTY = "runtimePlatformClassName";
* whether the platform supports "native" sequencing, as opposed to
* using a "sequence" table
* (Oracle variants have SEQUENCEs; SQL Server variants have
* IDENTITY fields; Informix has SERIAL fields)
private boolean supportsNativeSequencing;
public static final String SUPPORTS_NATIVE_SEQUENCING_PROPERTY = "supportsNativeSequencing";
* whether the platform supports the IDENTITY clause in a column definition
* (SQL Server variants only)
private boolean supportsIdentityClause;
public static final String SUPPORTS_IDENTITY_CLAUSE_PROPERTY = "supportsIdentityClause";
* whether the platform supports returning on an update/insert natively
private boolean supportsNativeReturning;
public static final String SUPPORTS_NATIVE_RETURNING_PROPERTY = "supportsNativeReturning";
* collection of the database platform-specific datatypes
private Collection<DatabaseType> databaseTypes;
public static final String DATABASE_TYPES_COLLECTION = "databaseTypes";
* mappings of all the JDBC types to the database platform-specific datatypes
* (e.g. java.sql.Types.INTEGER maps to the Oracle NUMBER)
private Collection<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping> jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings;
public static final String JDBC_TYPE_TO_DATABASE_TYPE_MAPPINGS_COLLECTION = "jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings";
// ********** constructors **********
* this constructor is called when the platform is read from an XML file
DatabasePlatform(DatabasePlatformRepository repository, File file) throws CorruptXMLException {
* this constructor is called when the user (or a test case)
* creates a new platform (which shouldn't happen very often,
* since all the typical platforms have already been built and
* stored in XML files...)
DatabasePlatform(DatabasePlatformRepository repository, String name, String shortFileName) {
super(repository); = name;
this.shortFileName = shortFileName;
// ********** initialization **********
* @see
protected void initialize() {
this.runtimePlatformClassName = this.defaultRuntimePlatformClassName();
this.supportsNativeSequencing = false;
this.supportsNativeReturning = false;
this.supportsIdentityClause = false;
this.databaseTypes = new Vector<DatabaseType>();
this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings = new Vector<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping>();
private String defaultRuntimePlatformClassName() {
return "org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DatabasePlatform"; // this is the runtime default
* build an empty mapping for every JDBC type in the JDBC type repository
private void initializeJDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings() {
for (JDBCType jdbcType : this.jdbcTypeRepository().jdbcTypes()) {
this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings.add(new JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping(this, jdbcType));
// ********** accessors **********
public DatabasePlatformRepository getRepository() {
return (DatabasePlatformRepository) this.getParent();
// ***** name
public String getName() {
public void setName(String name) {
if ((name != null) && name.equals( {
Object old =; = name;
this.firePropertyChanged(NAME_PROPERTY, old, name);
// ***** short file name
public String getShortFileName() {
return this.shortFileName;
public void setShortFileName(String shortFileName) {
if ((shortFileName != null) && shortFileName.equals(this.shortFileName)) {
Object old = this.shortFileName;
this.shortFileName = shortFileName;
this.firePropertyChanged(SHORT_FILE_NAME_PROPERTY, old, shortFileName);
// ***** runtime platform class name
public String getRuntimePlatformClassName() {
return this.runtimePlatformClassName;
public void setRuntimePlatformClassName(String runtimePlatformClassName) {
if ((runtimePlatformClassName == null) || (runtimePlatformClassName.length() == 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("run-time platform class name is required");
Object old = runtimePlatformClassName;
this.runtimePlatformClassName = runtimePlatformClassName;
this.firePropertyChanged(RUNTIME_PLATFORM_CLASS_NAME_PROPERTY, old, runtimePlatformClassName);
// ***** supports native returning
public boolean supportsNativeReturning() {
return this.supportsNativeReturning;
public void setSupportsNativeReturning(boolean supportNativeReturning) {
boolean old = this.supportsNativeReturning;
this.supportsNativeReturning = supportNativeReturning;
this.firePropertyChanged(SUPPORTS_NATIVE_RETURNING_PROPERTY, old, supportNativeReturning);
// ***** supports native sequencing
public boolean supportsNativeSequencing() {
return this.supportsNativeSequencing;
public void setSupportsNativeSequencing(boolean supportsNativeSequencing) {
boolean old = this.supportsNativeSequencing;
this.supportsNativeSequencing = supportsNativeSequencing;
this.firePropertyChanged(SUPPORTS_NATIVE_SEQUENCING_PROPERTY, old, supportsNativeSequencing);
// if we don't support "native" sequencing, then we can't support the IDENTITY clause
if ( ! supportsNativeSequencing) {
// ***** supports IDENTITY clause
public boolean supportsIdentityClause() {
return this.supportsIdentityClause;
public void setSupportsIdentityClause(boolean supportsIdentityClause) {
boolean old = this.supportsIdentityClause;
this.supportsIdentityClause = supportsIdentityClause;
this.firePropertyChanged(SUPPORTS_IDENTITY_CLAUSE_PROPERTY, old, supportsIdentityClause);
// if we support the IDENTITY clause, then we must support "native" sequencing
if (supportsIdentityClause) {
// ***** database types
public Iterable<DatabaseType> databaseTypes() {
return new LiveCloneIterable<DatabaseType>(this.databaseTypes) {
protected void remove(DatabaseType current) {
public int databaseTypesSize() {
return this.databaseTypes.size();
public DatabaseType addDatabaseType(String typeName) {
return this.addDatabaseType(new DatabaseType(this, typeName));
private DatabaseType addDatabaseType(DatabaseType type) {
this.addItemToCollection(type, this.databaseTypes, DATABASE_TYPES_COLLECTION);
return type;
public void removeDatabaseType(DatabaseType type) {
this.removeItemFromCollection(type, this.databaseTypes, DATABASE_TYPES_COLLECTION);
private void databaseTypeRemoved(DatabaseType removedType) {
synchronized (this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) {
for (JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping mapping : this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) {
if (mapping.getDatabaseType() == removedType) {
public void removeDatabaseTypes(Collection<DatabaseType> types) {
this.removeItemsFromCollection(types, this.databaseTypes, DATABASE_TYPES_COLLECTION);
private void databaseTypesRemoved(Collection<DatabaseType> removedTypes) {
for (DatabaseType type : removedTypes) {
public void removeDatabaseTypes(Iterator<DatabaseType> types) {
// ***** JDBC type to database type mappings
public Iterator<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping> jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings() {
return new CloneIterator<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping>(this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings);
public int jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappingsSize() {
return this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings.size();
* adding and removing mappings is PRIVATE;
* these are done only in response to changes to the JDBC type repository
private JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping addJDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping(JDBCType jdbcType) {
return this.addJDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping(new JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping(this, jdbcType));
* adding and removing mappings is PRIVATE;
* these are done only in response to changes to the JDBC type repository
private JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping addJDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping(JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping mapping) {
this.addItemToCollection(mapping, this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings, JDBC_TYPE_TO_DATABASE_TYPE_MAPPINGS_COLLECTION);
return mapping;
* adding and removing mappings is PRIVATE;
* these are done only in response to changes to the JDBC type repository
private Iterable<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping> internalJDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings() {
return new LiveCloneIterable<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping>(this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) {
protected void remove(JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping current) {
* adding and removing mappings is PRIVATE;
* these are done only in response to changes to the JDBC type repository
void removeJDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping(JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping mapping) {
this.removeItemFromCollection(mapping, this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings, JDBC_TYPE_TO_DATABASE_TYPE_MAPPINGS_COLLECTION);
// ********** queries **********
* this is how a database field resolves its database type
* when the database field is read in from an XML file
public DatabaseType databaseTypeNamed(String databaseTypeName) {
synchronized (this.databaseTypes) {
for (DatabaseType databaseType : this.databaseTypes) {
if (databaseType.getName().equals(databaseTypeName)) {
return databaseType;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing database type named: "
+ databaseTypeName + " (platform: " + + ")");
public boolean containsDatabaseTypeNamed(String databaseTypeName) {
synchronized (this.databaseTypes) {
for (DatabaseType databaseType : this.databaseTypes) {
if (databaseType.getName().equals(databaseTypeName)) {
return true;
return false;
private JDBCTypeRepository jdbcTypeRepository() {
return this.getRepository().getJDBCTypeRepository();
private JDBCType jdbcTypeForCode(int jdbcTypeCode) {
return this.jdbcTypeRepository().jdbcTypeForCode(jdbcTypeCode);
JDBCType jdbcTypeNamed(String jdbcTypeName) {
return this.jdbcTypeRepository().jdbcTypeNamed(jdbcTypeName);
public DatabaseType defaultDatabaseType() {
return this.databaseTypeFor(this.jdbcTypeRepository().getDefaultJDBCType());
* Returns the database type from "this" platform that is a reasonable
* facsimile of the specified database type from some "other" platform;
* used for converting database tables from one platform to another
public DatabaseType databaseTypeFor(DatabaseType otherType) {
// if there is a type on this platform with the exact same name, use it;
// the platforms might simply be variants of each other (e.g. Sybase vs. MS SQL Server)
try {
return this.databaseTypeNamed(otherType.getName());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// if there is no direct match, convert to a JDBC type then to a database type for this platform
return this.databaseTypeFor(otherType.getJDBCType());
private Iterator<String> databaseTypeNames() {
return new TransformationIterator<DatabaseType, String>(this.databaseTypes()) {
protected String transform(DatabaseType next) {
return next.getName();
* this is only used during a read, when we are checking for duplicates
private boolean maps(JDBCType type) {
for (JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping mapping : this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) {
if (mapping.getJDBCType() == type) {
return true;
return false;
// * Returns a database type for a given JDBC type or code **********
* every platform will have every JDBC type mapped to a database type
private JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappingFor(JDBCType jdbcType) {
synchronized (this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) {
for (JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping mapping : this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) {
if (mapping.maps(jdbcType)) {
return mapping;
throw new IllegalStateException("JDBC type to database type mapping is missing: "
+ jdbcType.getName() + " (platform: " + + ")");
* every platform will have every JDBC type mapped to a database type
private DatabaseType databaseTypeFor(JDBCType jdbcType) {
return this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappingFor(jdbcType).getDatabaseType();
* every platform will have every JDBC type mapped to a database type
public DatabaseType databaseTypeForJDBCTypeCode(int jdbcTypeCode) {
return this.databaseTypeFor(this.jdbcTypeForCode(jdbcTypeCode));
// * Returns a database type for a given Java type declaration **********
* Returns whether the specified Java type declaration has a corresponding
* datatype; this can be used to determine whether a
* Java class can be mapped with a direct-to-field mapping
* (or a direct collection mapping), as opposed to needing its
* own descriptor
public boolean javaTypeDeclarationCanBeMappedToDatabaseType(String javaClassName, int arrayDepth) {
// if there is a JDBC type for the Java type declaration, then we have a database type...
return this.jdbcTypeRepository().javaTypeDeclarationCanBeMappedToJDBCType(javaClassName, arrayDepth);
* get the JDBC type for the specified type declaration, then
* get the database type for that JDBC type
public DatabaseType databaseTypeForJavaTypeDeclaration(String javaClassName, int arrayDepth) {
return this.databaseTypeFor(this.jdbcTypeRepository().jdbcTypeForJavaTypeDeclaration(javaClassName, arrayDepth));
// ********** behavior **********
* @see
protected void addChildrenTo(List<> children) {
synchronized (this.databaseTypes) { children.addAll(this.databaseTypes); }
synchronized (this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) { children.addAll(this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings); }
* @see
public void nodeRemoved( node) {
for (Iterator<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping> stream = this.internalJDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings().iterator(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
if ( == node) {
break; // there should be only one...
void jdbcTypeAdded(JDBCType newJDBCType) {
* copy all the settings from the original platform
* to this, newly-created, platform
void cloneFrom(DatabasePlatform originalPlatform) {
// the name and shortFileName have been set by the time we get here
this.runtimePlatformClassName = originalPlatform.getRuntimePlatformClassName();
this.supportsNativeSequencing = originalPlatform.supportsNativeSequencing();
this.supportsNativeReturning = originalPlatform.supportsNativeReturning();
this.supportsIdentityClause = originalPlatform.supportsIdentityClause();
for (Iterator<DatabaseType> stream = originalPlatform.databaseTypes().iterator(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
DatabaseType originalType =;
DatabaseType cloneType = this.addDatabaseType(originalType.getName());
// the JDBC mappings have been pre-built by the time we get here
for (Iterator<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping> stream = originalPlatform.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping originalMapping =;
JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping cloneMapping = this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappingFor(originalMapping.getJDBCType());
* disallow duplicate type names within a single platform
private void checkDatabaseType(DatabaseType databaseType) {
* disallow duplicate type names within a single platform
void checkDatabaseTypeName(String databaseTypeName) {
if ((databaseTypeName == null) || (databaseTypeName.length() == 0)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("database type name is required");
if (IteratorTools.contains(this.databaseTypeNames(), databaseTypeName)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate database type name: " + databaseTypeName);
// ********** i/o **********
// ***** read
private void read(File file) throws CorruptXMLException {
this.shortFileName = file.getName();
Document doc = XMLTools.parse(file);
Node root = XMLTools.getChild(doc, "database-platform");
if (root == null) {
throw new CorruptXMLException("missing root node: database-platform (" + file.getPath() + ")");
} = XMLTools.getChildTextContent(root, "name", null);
if (( == null) || ( == 0)) {
throw new CorruptXMLException("name is required (" + file.getPath() + ")");
this.runtimePlatformClassName = XMLTools.getChildTextContent(root, "runtime-platform-class", null);
if ((this.runtimePlatformClassName == null) || (this.runtimePlatformClassName.length() == 0)) {
throw this.buildCorruptXMLException("run-time platform class name is required");
this.supportsNativeSequencing = XMLTools.getChildBooleanContent(root, "supports-native-sequencing", false);
this.supportsNativeReturning = XMLTools.getChildBooleanContent(root, "supports-native-returning", false);
this.supportsIdentityClause = XMLTools.getChildBooleanContent(root, "supports-identity-clause", false);
if (this.supportsIdentityClause && ( ! this.supportsNativeSequencing)) {
throw this.buildCorruptXMLException("platform must support native sequencing if it supports the IDENTITY clause");
this.readDatabaseTypeNodes(XMLTools.getChild(root, "database-types"));
// wait until the database types have been read in before building the JDBC mappings
this.readJDBCMappingNodes(XMLTools.getChild(root, "jdbc-mappings"));
private void readDatabaseTypeNodes(Node databaseTypesNode) throws CorruptXMLException {
for (Node databaseTypeNode : XMLTools.getChildren(databaseTypesNode, "database-type")) {
DatabaseType databaseType = new DatabaseType(this, databaseTypeNode);
try {
this.checkDatabaseType(databaseType); // check for duplicates
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw this.buildCorruptXMLException(ex);
private void readJDBCMappingNodes(Node mappingsNode) throws CorruptXMLException {
for (Node mappingNode : XMLTools.getChildren(mappingsNode, "jdbc-mapping")) {
JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping mapping = new JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping(this, mappingNode);
// check for duplicates
if (this.maps(mapping.getJDBCType())) {
throw this.buildCorruptXMLException("duplicate JDBC to database type mapping: " + mapping);
// at this point, the mappings all have legitimate JDBC types and
// there are no duplicates; so we just need to make sure *every* JDBC type has been mapped
if (this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings.size() != this.jdbcTypeRepository().jdbcTypesSize()) {
throw this.buildCorruptXMLException("missing JDBC to database type mappings (number of mappings: " + this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings.size()
+ " - number of JDBC types: " + this.jdbcTypeRepository().jdbcTypesSize() + ")");
* tack the platform on to the message
private CorruptXMLException buildCorruptXMLException(String message) {
return new CorruptXMLException(message + " (platform: " + + ")");
* tack the platform on to the message
private CorruptXMLException buildCorruptXMLException(Throwable t) {
return new CorruptXMLException("platform: " +, t);
// ***** write
void write(File platformsDirectory) {
if (this.isCleanBranch()) {
Document document = XMLTools.newDocument();
Node root = document.createElement("database-platform");
XMLTools.addSimpleTextNode(root, "name",;
XMLTools.addSimpleTextNode(root, "runtime-platform-class", this.runtimePlatformClassName);
XMLTools.addSimpleTextNode(root, "supports-native-sequencing", this.supportsNativeSequencing, false);
XMLTools.addSimpleTextNode(root, "supports-native-returning", this.supportsNativeReturning, false);
XMLTools.addSimpleTextNode(root, "supports-identity-clause", this.supportsIdentityClause, false);
XMLTools.print(document, new File(platformsDirectory, this.shortFileName));
private void writeDatabaseTypeNodes(Node databaseTypesNode) {
Document document = databaseTypesNode.getOwnerDocument();
synchronized (this.databaseTypes) {
for (Iterator<DatabaseType> stream = new TreeSet<DatabaseType>(this.databaseTypes).iterator(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
Node databaseTypeNode = document.createElement("database-type");
private void writeJDBCMappingNodes(Node mappingsNode) {
Document document = mappingsNode.getOwnerDocument();
synchronized (this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings) {
for (Iterator<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping> stream = new TreeSet<JDBCTypeToDatabaseTypeMapping>(this.jdbcTypeToDatabaseTypeMappings).iterator(); stream.hasNext(); ) {
Node mappingNode = document.createElement("jdbc-mapping");
// ********** printing and displaying **********
* @see
public String displayString() {
* @see
public void toString(StringBuffer sb) {