Removed old incubators not being actively worked on
Put 2010 summit files in zip archive for now
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d5ad74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/eclipselink.sdo.test.das/.classpath b/das/trunk/eclipselink.sdo.test.das/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d0263e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/eclipselink.sdo.test.das/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.junit.JUNIT_CONTAINER/4"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/commonj.sdo 2.1.0"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/eclipselink.sdo.test"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/eclipselink.moxy.test"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/eclipselink.sdo.test.das/.project b/das/trunk/eclipselink.sdo.test.das/.project
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index 21e6e28..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/eclipselink.sdo.test.das/.project
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-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

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-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/.classpath b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 68c2296..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/javax.persistence 1.99"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/commonj.sdo 2.1.0"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="lib" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/eclipselink-das.jar" sourcepath="/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/.project b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c85d19..0000000
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-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

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-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/data/samples/customer-1.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/data/samples/customer-1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aafcd3e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/data/samples/customer-1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<tns:ROOT xsi:type="tns:customer" id="1" xmlns:tns="urn:customer" xmlns:xsi="">

-   <tns:first-name>Jane</tns:first-name>

-   <tns:last-name>Doe</tns:last-name>

-   <tns:billing-address id="1">

-      <tns:street>1229111021156 Any Street</tns:street>

-      <tns:city>Ottawa</tns:city>

-      <tns:province>ON</tns:province>

-      <tns:postal-code>A1B2C3</tns:postal-code>

-   </tns:billing-address>

-   <tns:shipping-address id="2">

-      <tns:street>456 Another Road</tns:street>

-      <tns:city>Nepean</tns:city>

-      <tns:province>ON</tns:province>

-      <tns:postal-code>A2B4C6</tns:postal-code>

-   </tns:shipping-address>

-   <tns:phone-number id="1">

-      <tns:type>work</tns:type>

-      <tns:number>613-555-WORK</tns:number>

-   </tns:phone-number>

-   <tns:phone-number id="2">

-      <tns:type>home</tns:type>

-      <tns:number>613-555-HOME</tns:number>

-   </tns:phone-number>

-   <tns:spouse>

-   	  <tns:first-name>Jane</tns:first-name>

-   	  <tns:last-name>Doe</tns:last-name>

-      <tns:mailing-address>1</tns:mailing-address>

-   </tns:spouse>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e94951..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Manifest-Version: 1.0



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/customer-oxm.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/customer-oxm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb4fa6..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/customer-oxm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<object-persistence version="Eclipse Persistence Services - 1.0.1 (Build 20080905)" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:eclipselink="">

-   <name>MeetInTheMiddle</name>

-   <class-mapping-descriptors>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>com.example.customer.Address</class>

-         <alias>Address</alias>

-         <primary-key>

-            <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-         </primary-key>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>street</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:street/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>city</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:city/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>province</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:province/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>postalCode</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:postal-code/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <namespace-resolver>

-            <namespaces>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>tns</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri>urn:customer</namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-            </namespaces>

-         </namespace-resolver>

-         <schema xsi:type="schema-file-reference">

-            <resource>..\src\xsd\jpadas-customer.xsd</resource>

-            <schema-context>/tns:address</schema-context>

-            <node-type>complex-type</node-type>

-         </schema>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>com.example.customer.Customer</class>

-         <alias>Customer</alias>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:first-name/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:last-name/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-composite-object-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>billingAddress</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>com.example.customer.Address</reference-class>

-               <field name="tns:billing-address" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-composite-object-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>shippingAddress</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>com.example.customer.Address</reference-class>

-               <field name="tns:shipping-address" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-composite-collection-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>phoneNumbers</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</reference-class>

-               <field name="tns:phone-number" xsi:type="node"/>

-               <container xsi:type="container-policy">

-                  <collection-type>java.util.HashSet</collection-type>

-               </container>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-composite-object-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>spouse</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>com.example.customer.Spouse</reference-class>

-               <field name="tns:spouse" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <amendment>

-            <amendment-class>com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads</amendment-class>

-            <amendment-method>amendCustomerDescriptor</amendment-method>

-         </amendment>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <namespace-resolver>

-            <namespaces>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>tns</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri>urn:customer</namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-            </namespaces>

-         </namespace-resolver>

-         <schema xsi:type="schema-file-reference">

-            <resource>..\src\xsd\jpadas-customer.xsd</resource>

-            <schema-context>/tns:customer</schema-context>

-            <node-type>complex-type</node-type>

-         </schema>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</class>

-         <alias>PhoneNumber</alias>

-         <primary-key>

-            <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-         </primary-key>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>type</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:type/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>number</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:number/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <namespace-resolver>

-            <namespaces>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>tns</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri>urn:customer</namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-            </namespaces>

-         </namespace-resolver>

-         <schema xsi:type="schema-file-reference">

-            <resource>..\src\xsd\jpadas-customer.xsd</resource>

-            <schema-context>/tns:phone-number</schema-context>

-            <node-type>complex-type</node-type>

-         </schema>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>com.example.customer.Spouse</class>

-         <alias>Spouse</alias>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:first-name/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-               <field name="tns:last-name/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-object-reference-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>address</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>com.example.customer.Address</reference-class>

-               <source-to-target-key-field-association>

-                  <field-reference>

-                     <source-field name="tns:mailing-address/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-                     <target-field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-                  </field-reference>

-               </source-to-target-key-field-association>

-               <source-to-target-key-fields>

-                  <field name="tns:mailing-address/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-               </source-to-target-key-fields>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <namespace-resolver>

-            <namespaces>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>tns</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri>urn:customer</namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-            </namespaces>

-         </namespace-resolver>

-         <schema xsi:type="schema-file-reference">

-            <resource>..\src\xsd\jpadas-customer.xsd</resource>

-            <schema-context>/tns:spouse</schema-context>

-            <node-type>complex-type</node-type>

-         </schema>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-   </class-mapping-descriptors>

-   <login xsi:type="xml-login">

-      <platform-class>org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.platform.SAXPlatform</platform-class>

-      <user-name></user-name>

-      <password></password>

-   </login>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/orm.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/orm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d760a7d..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/orm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<entity-mappings xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.0">


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/persistence.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a9c61c..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

-	<persistence-unit name="MeetInTheMiddle" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

-		<class>

-		com.example.customer.Address</class>

-		<class>

-		com.example.customer.Customer</class>

-		<class>

-		com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</class>

-		<class>

-		com.example.customer.Spouse</class>

-		<properties>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.user" value="system"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.password" value="password"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>

-		</properties>

-	</persistence-unit>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/sessions.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/sessions.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ad10986..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/META-INF/sessions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<sessions version="1.0.1" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

-   <session xsi:type="database-session">

-      <name>com.example.customer</name>

-      <event-listener-classes/>

-      <logging xsi:type="eclipselink-log"/>

-      <primary-project xsi:type="xml">customer-oxm.xml</primary-project>

-      <login xsi:type="xml-login"/>

-   </session>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
deleted file mode 100644
index 883acfd..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package com.example.customer;


-import javax.persistence.*;



-public class Address {


-	@Id

-	private int id;


-	private String street;

-	private String city;

-	private String province;

-	private String postalCode;


-	@Transient

-	private Customer customer;


-	public Address() {

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return id;

-	}


-	public void setId(int id) {

- = id;

-	}


-	public String getStreet() {

-		return street;

-	}


-	public void setStreet(String street) {

-		this.street = street;

-	}


-	public String getCity() {

-		return city;

-	}


-	public void setCity(String city) {

- = city;

-	}


-	public String getProvince() {

-		return province;

-	}


-	public void setProvince(String province) {

-		this.province = province;

-	}


-	public String getPostalCode() {

-		return postalCode;

-	}


-	public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) {

-		this.postalCode = postalCode;

-	}


-    public Customer getCustomer() {

-        return customer;

-    }


-    public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {

-        this.customer = customer;

-    }


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ce2844..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package com.example.customer;


-import java.util.HashSet;

-import java.util.Set;

-import javax.persistence.*;


-import static javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL;



-public class Customer {


-	@Id

-	private int id;


-	private String firstName;

-	private String lastName;


-	@ManyToOne(cascade=ALL)

-	private Address billingAddress;


-	@ManyToOne(cascade=ALL)

-	private Address shippingAddress;


-	@OneToMany(targetEntity=PhoneNumber.class, mappedBy="customer", cascade = ALL)

-	private Set<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers;


-	@OneToOne

-    private Spouse spouse;


-	public Customer() {

-		phoneNumbers = new HashSet<PhoneNumber>();

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return id;

-	}


-	public void setId(int id) {

- = id;

-	}


-	public String getFirstName() {

-		return firstName;

-	}


-	public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

-		this.firstName = firstName;

-	}


-	public String getLastName() {

-		return lastName;

-	}


-	public void setLastName(String lastName) {

-		this.lastName = lastName;

-	}


-	public Address getBillingAddress() {

-		return billingAddress;

-	}


-	public void setBillingAddress(Address billingAddress) {

-		this.billingAddress = billingAddress;

-	}


-	public Address getShippingAddress() {

-		return shippingAddress;

-	}


-	public void setShippingAddress(Address shippingAddress) {

-		this.shippingAddress = shippingAddress;

-	}


-	public Set<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() {

-		return phoneNumbers;

-	}


-	public void setPhoneNumbers(Set<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers) {

-		this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;

-	}


-    public Spouse getSpouse() {

-        return spouse;

-    }


-    public void setSpouse(Spouse spouse) {

-        this.spouse = spouse;

-    }



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
deleted file mode 100644
index c341042..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package com.example.customer;


-import javax.persistence.*;

-import static javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL;



-public class PhoneNumber {


-	@Id

-	private int id;


-	private String type;


-	@Column(name="num")

-	private String number;


-	@ManyToOne(cascade=ALL)

-	private Customer customer;


-	public PhoneNumber() {

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return id;

-	}


-	public void setId(int id) {

- = id;

-	}


-	public String getType() {

-		return type;

-	}


-	public void setType(String type) {

-		this.type = type;

-	}


-	public String getNumber() {

-		return number;

-	}


-	public void setNumber(String number) {

-		this.number = number;

-	}


-	public Customer getCustomer() {

-		return customer;

-	}


-	public void setCustomer(Customer customer) {

-		this.customer = customer;

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
deleted file mode 100644
index 020dacc..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package com.example.customer;


-import static javax.persistence.CascadeType.ALL;


-import java.util.List;

-import javax.persistence.Entity;

-import javax.persistence.Id;

-import javax.persistence.ManyToOne;



-public class Spouse {


-    @Id

-    private int id;


-    private String firstName;

-    private String lastName;


-    @ManyToOne(cascade=ALL)

-    private Address address;


-    private List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers;


-    public Spouse() {

-    }


-    public int getId() {

-        return id;

-    }


-    public void setId(int id) {

- = id;

-    }


-    public String getFirstName() {

-        return firstName;

-    }


-    public void setFirstName(String firstName) {

-        this.firstName = firstName;

-    }


-    public String getLastName() {

-        return lastName;

-    }


-    public void setLastName(String lastName) {

-        this.lastName = lastName;

-    }


-    public Address getAddress() {

-        return address;

-    }


-    public void setAddress(Address address) {

-        this.address = address;

-    }


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/eclipselink/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/eclipselink/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dfcd6c..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/eclipselink/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package com.example.customer.eclipselink;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeCollectionMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeObjectMapping;




- * This class contains the after load methods referred to by the descriptors.

- * After load methods are required to specify settings that are not available

- * in the EclipseLink Workbench.

- */

-public class DescriptorAfterLoads  {


-	public static void amendCustomerDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-	    XMLCompositeCollectionMapping phoneNumbersMapping = (XMLCompositeCollectionMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-	    InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor containerAccessor = new InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor();

-	    containerAccessor.setAttributeName("customer");

-	    phoneNumbersMapping.setContainerAccessor(containerAccessor);


-        XMLCompositeObjectMapping billingAddressMapping = (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("billingAddress");

-        InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor containerAccessor3 = new InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor();

-        containerAccessor3.setAttributeName("customer");

-        billingAddressMapping.setContainerAccessor(containerAccessor3);


-        XMLCompositeObjectMapping shippingAddressMapping = (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("shippingAddress");

-        InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor containerAccessor2 = new InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor();

-        containerAccessor2.setAttributeName("customer");

-        shippingAddressMapping.setContainerAccessor(containerAccessor2);


-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5837a4c..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/com/example/customer/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad91f3e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package demo;



-import java.util.Date;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;

-import com.example.customer.Customer;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;


-public class JAXBDemo {


-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


-        /*

-         * Step #1

-         * Create the JPA EntityManager 

-         */

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = 

-            Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("MeetInTheMiddle");      

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        /*

-         * Step #2

-         * Create the JAXBContext

-         */

-        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.example.customer");


-        /*

-         * Step #3

-         * Create the JAXB aware SDO Helper Context

-         */

-        JAXBHelperContext jaxbHelperContext = new JAXBHelperContext(jaxbContext);


-        /*

-         * Step #4

-         * Define the SDO metadata from an XML Schema

-         */

-        FileInputStream xsd = new FileInputStream("xsd/jpadas-customer.xsd");

-        jaxbHelperContext.getXSDHelper().define(xsd, null);


-        /*

-         * Step #5

-         * Query the entities from the database using JPA APIs.

-         */

-        Customer customer = 

-            (Customer) em.createQuery("select c from Customer c where = 1").getSingleResult();


-        /*

-         * Step #6

-         * Wrap the JPA entity in a SDO data object.

-         */

-        DataObject customerDO = jaxbHelperContext.wrap(customer);


-        /*

-         * Step #7

-         * Interact with the SDO data object.

-         */

-        System.out.println(customerDO.getString("billing-address/street"));

-        customerDO.set("billing-address/street", new Date().getTime() + " Any Street");

-        String xml = jaxbHelperContext.getXMLHelper().save(customerDO, "", "ROOT");

-        System.out.println(xml);


-        /*

-         * Step #8 (Optional)

-         * If necessary, unwrap the SDO data object to get the JPA entity.

-         * Since the data object never left the VM it is still wrapping the 

-         * original entity.

-         */

-        System.out.println(customer == jaxbHelperContext.unwrap(customerDO));


-        /*

-         * Step #9

-         * Commit the JPA entity to the database.

-         */

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(jaxbHelperContext.unwrap(customerDO));

-        em.getTransaction().commit();   


-    }


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d25322..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package demo;




-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;



-import com.example.customer.Customer;

-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;


-public class JAXBDemo2 {


-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


-        /*

-         * Step #1

-         * Create the JAXBContext

-         */

-        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.example.customer");


-        /*

-        *Step #2

-        * Create the JAXB aware SDO Helper Context

-        */

-        JAXBHelperContext jaxbHelperContext = new JAXBHelperContext(jaxbContext);


-        /*

-         * Step #3

-         * Define the SDO metadata from an XML Schema

-         */

-        FileInputStream xsd = new FileInputStream("xsd/jpadas-customer.xsd");

-        jaxbHelperContext.getXSDHelper().define(xsd, null);


-        /*

-         * Step #4

-         * Create new DataObjects

-         */

-        DataObject customerDO = jaxbHelperContext.getDataFactory().create("urn:customer", "customer");

-        customerDO.set("first-name", "Jane");

-        Customer customer = (Customer) jaxbHelperContext.unwrap(customerDO);

-        System.out.println(customer.getFirstName());


-        DataObject billingAddressDO = customerDO.createDataObject("billing-address");

-        billingAddressDO.set("street", "123 Any Street");

-        System.out.println(customer.getBillingAddress().getStreet());


-        DataObject phoneNumberDO = jaxbHelperContext.getDataFactory().create("urn:customer", "phone-number");

-        customerDO.getList("phone-number").add(phoneNumberDO);


-        customerDO.unset("billing-address");

-        customerDO.unset("phone-number");

-    }




diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d1b81c..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package demo;




-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;


-import commonj.sdo.helper.XMLDocument;


-public class JAXBDemo3 {


-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


-        /*

-         * Step #1

-         * Create the JAXBContext

-         */

-        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.example.customer");


-        /*

-         * Step #2

-         * Create the JPA aware SDO Helper Context

-         */

-        JAXBHelperContext jaxbHelperContext = new JAXBHelperContext(jaxbContext);



-        /*

-         * Step #3

-         * Define the SDO metadata from an XML Schema

-         */

-        FileInputStream xsd = new FileInputStream("xsd/jpadas-customer.xsd");

-        jaxbHelperContext.getXSDHelper().define(xsd, null);


-        /*

-         * Step #4

-         * Unmarshal the XML document to DataObjects

-         */

-        FileInputStream xml = new FileInputStream("customer-1.xml");

-        XMLDocument xmlDocument = jaxbHelperContext.getXMLHelper().load(xml);


-        /*

-         * Step #5

-         * Marshal the DataObjects to XML

-         */

-        jaxbHelperContext.getXMLHelper().save(xmlDocument, System.out, null);

-    }



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2204a94..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/demo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package demo;




-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;


-import com.example.customer.Customer;

-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;


-public class JAXBDemo4 {


-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

-        /*

-         * Step #1

-         * Create the JPA EntityManager 

-         */

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = 

-            Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("MeetInTheMiddle");      

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        /*

-         * Step #2

-         * Create the JAXBContext

-         */

-        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.example.customer");


-        /*

-         * Step #3

-         * Create the JAXB aware SDO Helper Context

-         */

-        JAXBHelperContext jaxbHelperContext = new JAXBHelperContext(jaxbContext);


-        /*

-         * Step #4

-         * Define the SDO metadata from an XML Schema

-         */

-        FileInputStream xsd = new FileInputStream("Customer-XML.xsd");

-        jaxbHelperContext.getXSDHelper().define(xsd, null);


-        /*

-         * Step #5

-         * Query the entities from the database using JPA APIs.

-         */

-        Customer customer = 

-            (Customer) em.createQuery("select c from Customer c where = 1").getSingleResult();


-        /*

-         * Step #6

-         * Wrap the JPA entity in a SDO data object.

-         */

-        DataObject customerDO = jaxbHelperContext.wrap(customer);    


-        System.out.println(customer.getPhoneNumbers().size());


-        DataObject phoneNumberDO = jaxbHelperContext.getDataFactory().create("urn:customer", "phone-number");

-        customerDO.getList("phone-number").add(phoneNumberDO);


-        System.out.println(customer.getPhoneNumbers().size());

-    }



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/xsd/jpadas-customer.xsd b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/xsd/jpadas-customer.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f29065..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/src/xsd/jpadas-customer.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 
- * which accompanies this distribution. 
- * The Eclipse Public License is available at
- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057
- *
- *     
- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 
- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 
- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 
- * lists or the bug database.
-<xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0"
-	targetNamespace="urn:customer" xmlns:tns="urn:customer"
-	xmlns:xs="" xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo/xml">
-	<xs:import namespace="commonj.sdo/xml" />
-	<xs:complexType name="address">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="street" type="xs:ID" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="city" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="province" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="postal-code" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="customer">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="first-name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="last-name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="billing-address" type="tns:address"
-				minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="shipping-address" type="tns:address"
-				minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="phone-number" type="tns:phone-number"
-				nillable="true" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-			<xs:element name="spouse" type="tns:spouse" minOccurs="0"/>
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:int" use="required" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="phone-number">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="type" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="number" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:ID" use="required" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="spouse">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="first-name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="last-name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
-			<xs:element name="mailing-address" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0"
-				sdo:propertyType="tns:address" />
-			<!--  xs:element name="phone-number" type="xs:IDREF" minOccurs="0"
-				sdo:propertyType="tns:phone-number" maxOccurs="unbounded" /-->
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:int" use="required" />
-	</xs:complexType>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/MeetInTheMiddle.mwp b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/MeetInTheMiddle.mwp
deleted file mode 100644
index aa23ccb..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/MeetInTheMiddle.mwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<project type="o-x">

-   <name>MeetInTheMiddle</name>

-   <product-version>1.0</product-version>

-   <schema-version>7.0</schema-version>

-   <class-repository>

-      <classpath-entries>

-         <entry>../build/classes</entry>

-      </classpath-entries>

-      <user-type-names>

-         <name>com.example.customer.Address</name>

-         <name>com.example.customer.Customer</name>

-         <name>com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads</name>

-         <name>com.example.customer.package-info</name>

-         <name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</name>

-         <name>com.example.customer.Spouse</name>

-      </user-type-names>

-   </class-repository>

-   <descriptor-names>

-      <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.Address</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.Customer</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</descriptor-name>

-   </descriptor-names>

-   <defaults-policy type="o-x">

-      <use-method-accessing>false</use-method-accessing>

-   </defaults-policy>

-   <deployment-xml-file>../src/META-INF/customer-oxm.xml</deployment-xml-file>

-   <xml-schema-repository>

-      <schema-names>

-         <name>Customer-XML</name>

-      </schema-names>

-   </xml-schema-repository>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Address.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Address.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e1b8315..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Address.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>com.example.customer.Address</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-18T11:34:59.843</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>city</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>postalCode</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>province</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>street</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Address</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getCity</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getPostalCode</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getProvince</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getStreet</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setCity</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setPostalCode</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setProvince</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setStreet</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Customer.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Customer.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 24780b5..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Customer.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>com.example.customer.Customer</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-18T11:34:59.843</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>billingAddress</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>phoneNumbers</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.Set</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>shippingAddress</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>spouse</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Customer</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getBillingAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getFirstName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getLastName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getPhoneNumbers</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.Set</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getShippingAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getSpouse</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setBillingAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setFirstName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setLastName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setPhoneNumbers</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.util.Set</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setShippingAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setSpouse</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.PhoneNumber.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.PhoneNumber.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9423584..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.PhoneNumber.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-18T11:34:59.843</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>customer</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>number</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>type</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>PhoneNumber</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getCustomer</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getNumber</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getType</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setCustomer</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setNumber</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setType</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Spouse.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Spouse.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f14d721..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.Spouse.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>com.example.customer.Spouse</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-18T11:34:59.843</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>address</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>phoneNumbers</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Spouse</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getFirstName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getLastName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setFirstName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setLastName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 961a022..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-18T11:35:22.578</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>DescriptorAfterLoads</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>amendCustomerDescriptor</name>

-         <modifier>9</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.package-info.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.package-info.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1490bd2..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/classes/com.example.customer.package-info.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>com.example.customer.package-info</name>

-   <is-interface>true</is-interface>

-   <modifier>1024</modifier>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-15T19:59:40.5</last-refresh-timestamp>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Address.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Address.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bba7992..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Address.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="o-x">

-   <name>com.example.customer.Address</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>com.example.customer.Address</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="ox">

-      <descriptor-alias>Address</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="ox"/>

-      <locking-policy type="ox"/>

-      <primary-key-policy>

-         <primary-keys>

-            <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-         </primary-keys>

-      </primary-key-policy>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>city</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>city</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:city/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>postalCode</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>postalCode</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:postal-code/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>province</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>province</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:province/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>street</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>street</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:street/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <schema-context-handle>

-      <schema>Customer-XML</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="urn:customer" local-name="address"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </schema-context-handle>

-   <root-descriptor>false</root-descriptor>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Customer.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Customer.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dd8f2b..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Customer.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="o-x">

-   <name>com.example.customer.Customer</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="ox">

-      <descriptor-alias>Customer</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="ox"/>

-      <locking-policy type="ox"/>

-      <primary-key-policy/>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="composite-object">

-         <name>billingAddress</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>billingAddress</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.Address</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <xpath>tns:billing-address</xpath>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:first-name/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:last-name/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="composite-collection">

-         <name>phoneNumbers</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>phoneNumbers</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <xpath>tns:phone-number</xpath>

-         <container-policy type="set">

-            <container-class>

-               <uses-default-container-class>true</uses-default-container-class>

-            </container-class>

-         </container-policy>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="composite-object">

-         <name>shippingAddress</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>shippingAddress</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.Address</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <xpath>tns:shipping-address</xpath>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="composite-object">

-         <name>spouse</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Customer</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>spouse</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <xpath>tns:spouse</xpath>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <after-loading-policy>

-      <post-load-class-handle>

-         <type-name>com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads</type-name>

-      </post-load-class-handle>

-      <post-load-method-handle>

-         <method-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.eclipselink.DescriptorAfterLoads</method-declaring-type-name>

-         <method-signature>amendCustomerDescriptor(org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor)</method-signature>

-      </post-load-method-handle>

-   </after-loading-policy>

-   <schema-context-handle>

-      <schema>Customer-XML</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="urn:customer" local-name="customer"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </schema-context-handle>

-   <root-descriptor>false</root-descriptor>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.PhoneNumber.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.PhoneNumber.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e7e3c5f..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.PhoneNumber.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="o-x">

-   <name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="ox">

-      <descriptor-alias>PhoneNumber</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="ox"/>

-      <locking-policy type="ox"/>

-      <primary-key-policy>

-         <primary-keys>

-            <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-         </primary-keys>

-      </primary-key-policy>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>number</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>number</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:number/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>type</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.PhoneNumber</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>type</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:type/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <schema-context-handle>

-      <schema>Customer-XML</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="urn:customer" local-name="phone-number"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </schema-context-handle>

-   <root-descriptor>false</root-descriptor>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Spouse.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Spouse.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ce16d3..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/descriptors/com.example.customer.Spouse.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="o-x">

-   <name>com.example.customer.Spouse</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="ox">

-      <descriptor-alias>Spouse</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="ox"/>

-      <locking-policy type="ox"/>

-      <primary-key-policy/>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="xml-object-reference">

-         <name>address</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>address</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>com.example.customer.Address</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <xml-field-pairs>

-            <field-pair>

-               <source-xml-field>tns:mailing-address/text()</source-xml-field>

-               <target-xml-field>@id</target-xml-field>

-            </field-pair>

-         </xml-field-pairs>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:first-name/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>com.example.customer.Spouse</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>tns:last-name/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <schema-context-handle>

-      <schema>Customer-XML</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="urn:customer" local-name="spouse"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </schema-context-handle>

-   <root-descriptor>false</root-descriptor>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/schemas/Customer-XML.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/schemas/Customer-XML.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 11caba9..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.customer/workbench/schemas/Customer-XML.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>Customer-XML</name>

-   <target-namespace-url>urn:customer</target-namespace-url>

-   <schema-source type="file">

-      <location>../src/xsd/jpadas-customer.xsd</location>

-   </schema-source>

-   <built-in-namespaces>

-      <namespace url="" prefix="xs"/>

-      <namespace url="" prefix="xsi"/>

-   </built-in-namespaces>

-   <declared-namespaces>

-      <namespace>

-         <namespace-prefix>tns</namespace-prefix>

-         <namespace-prefix-is-user-defined>false</namespace-prefix-is-user-defined>

-         <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-         <declared>true</declared>

-         <type-definitions>

-            <type-definition type="complex-type">

-               <name>address</name>

-               <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-               <abstract>false</abstract>

-               <derivation-method>restriction</derivation-method>

-               <base-type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>anyType</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-               <attributes>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>id</name>

-                     <use>required</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>ID</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-               </attributes>

-               <content type="complex">

-                  <mixed-flag>false</mixed-flag>

-                  <particle compositor="sequence" type="model-group">

-                     <particles>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>street</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>ID</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>city</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>province</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>postal-code</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                     </particles>

-                  </particle>

-               </content>

-            </type-definition>

-            <type-definition type="complex-type">

-               <name>customer</name>

-               <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-               <abstract>false</abstract>

-               <derivation-method>restriction</derivation-method>

-               <base-type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>anyType</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-               <attributes>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>id</name>

-                     <use>required</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>int</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-               </attributes>

-               <content type="complex">

-                  <mixed-flag>false</mixed-flag>

-                  <particle compositor="sequence" type="model-group">

-                     <particles>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>first-name</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>last-name</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>billing-address</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                              <name>address</name>

-                              <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>shipping-address</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                              <name>address</name>

-                              <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>phone-number</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                              <name>phone-number</name>

-                              <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <nillable>true</nillable>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                           <max-occurs>-1</max-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>spouse</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                              <name>spouse</name>

-                              <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                     </particles>

-                  </particle>

-               </content>

-            </type-definition>

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-               <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

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-               <derivation-method>restriction</derivation-method>

-               <base-type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>anyType</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-               <attributes>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>id</name>

-                     <use>required</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>ID</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-               </attributes>

-               <content type="complex">

-                  <mixed-flag>false</mixed-flag>

-                  <particle compositor="sequence" type="model-group">

-                     <particles>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>type</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>number</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                     </particles>

-                  </particle>

-               </content>

-            </type-definition>

-            <type-definition type="complex-type">

-               <name>spouse</name>

-               <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-               <abstract>false</abstract>

-               <derivation-method>restriction</derivation-method>

-               <base-type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>anyType</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-               <attributes>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>id</name>

-                     <use>required</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>int</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-               </attributes>

-               <content type="complex">

-                  <mixed-flag>false</mixed-flag>

-                  <particle compositor="sequence" type="model-group">

-                     <particles>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>first-name</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>last-name</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>mailing-address</name>

-                           <namespace-url>urn:customer</namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>IDREF</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                     </particles>

-                  </particle>

-               </content>

-            </type-definition>

-         </type-definitions>

-      </namespace>

-   </declared-namespaces>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/.classpath b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index b6f3ddc..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


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-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="ORACLE_JDBC_LIB"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/commonj.sdo 2.1.0"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.antlr"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.asm"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.core"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.junit.JUNIT_CONTAINER/4"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/javax.persistence 1.99"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/.project b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index ddbda9f..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/.project
+++ /dev/null
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-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee</name>

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-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

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-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#Thu Dec 11 09:49:45 EST 2008




























































diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-1.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-1.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f7bc5..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-1.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="1" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Bob</first-name>

-   <last-name>Smith</last-name>

-   <gender>Male</gender>

-   <salary>35000.0</salary>

-   <address id="1">

-      <street>1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4</street>

-      <city>Toronto</city>

-      <state>ONT</state>

-      <zip-code>L5J2B5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="6135558812" type="Work"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-10.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-10.xml
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index 6deccfc..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-10.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="10" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Jill</first-name>

-   <last-name>May</last-name>

-   <gender>Female</gender>

-   <salary>56232.0</salary>

-   <address id="10">

-      <street>1111 Mooseland Rd.</street>

-      <city>Calgary</city>

-      <state>AB</state>

-      <zip-code>J5J2B5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="6135558812" type="Work"/>

-   <phone-number number="6135555943" type="Work Fax"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-11.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-11.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6822322..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-11.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="11" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Sarah-Lou</first-name>

-   <last-name>Smitty</last-name>

-   <gender>Female</gender>

-   <salary>75000.0</salary>

-   <address id="11">

-      <street>1 Hawthorne Drive</street>

-      <city>Arnprior</city>

-      <state>ONT</state>

-      <zip-code>W1A2B5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="6135551234" type="Home"/>

-   <phone-number number="4165551111" type="Cellular"/>

-   <phone-number number="6135555943" type="Work Fax"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-12.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-12.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc9a0dd..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-12.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="12" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Jim-Bob</first-name>

-   <last-name>Jefferson</last-name>

-   <gender>Male</gender>

-   <salary>50000.0</salary>

-   <address id="12">

-      <street>1112 Gold Rush Rd.</street>

-      <city>Yellowknife</city>

-      <state>YK</state>

-      <zip-code>Y5J2N5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="6135551234" type="Home"/>

-   <phone-number number="4165551111" type="Cellular"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-2.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-2.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index a1135fb..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-2.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="2" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>John</first-name>

-   <last-name>Way</last-name>

-   <gender>Male</gender>

-   <salary>53000.0</salary>

-   <address id="2">

-      <street>12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5</street>

-      <city>Ottawa</city>

-      <state>ONT</state>

-      <zip-code>K5J2B5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="9055553691" type="ISDN"/>

-   <phone-number number="6135558812" type="Work"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-3.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-3.xml
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index 479718d..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-3.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="3" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Charles</first-name>

-   <last-name>Chanley</last-name>

-   <gender>Male</gender>

-   <salary>43000.0</salary>

-   <address id="3">

-      <street>1 Canadien Place</street>

-      <city>Montreal</city>

-      <state>QUE</state>

-      <zip-code>Q2S5Z5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="9765556666" type="Pager"/>

-   <phone-number number="9055553691" type="ISDN"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-4.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-4.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c0f8ce..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-4.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="4" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Emanual</first-name>

-   <last-name>Smith</last-name>

-   <gender>Male</gender>

-   <salary>49631.0</salary>

-   <address id="4">

-      <street>20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6</street>

-      <city>Vancouver</city>

-      <state>BC</state>

-      <zip-code>N5J2N5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="9055553691" type="ISDN"/>

-   <phone-number number="9765556666" type="Pager"/>

-   <phone-number number="6135555943" type="Work Fax"/>

-   <phone-number number="4165551111" type="Cellular"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-5.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-5.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f4a0062..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-5.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="5" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Sarah</first-name>

-   <last-name>Way</last-name>

-   <gender>Female</gender>

-   <salary>87000.0</salary>

-   <address id="5">

-      <street>3254 Parkway Place</street>

-      <city>Prince Rupert</city>

-      <state>BC</state>

-      <zip-code>K3K5D5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="6135551234" type="Home"/>

-   <phone-number number="9055553691" type="ISDN"/>

-   <phone-number number="6135558812" type="Work"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-6.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-6.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b28b5f8..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-6.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="6" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Marcus</first-name>

-   <last-name>Saunders</last-name>

-   <gender>Male</gender>

-   <salary>54300.0</salary>

-   <address id="6">

-      <street>234 Caledonia Lane</street>

-      <city>Perth</city>

-      <state>ONT</state>

-      <zip-code>Y3Q2N9</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="9055553691" type="ISDN"/>

-   <phone-number number="6135558812" type="Work"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-7.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-7.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0544862..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-7.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="7" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Nancy</first-name>

-   <last-name>White</last-name>

-   <gender>Female</gender>

-   <salary>31000.0</salary>

-   <address id="7">

-      <street>2 Anderson Rd.</street>

-      <city>Metcalfe</city>

-      <state>ONT</state>

-      <zip-code>Y4F7V6</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="6135551234" type="Home"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-8.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-8.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2342ccf..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-8.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="8" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Fred</first-name>

-   <last-name>Jones</last-name>

-   <gender>Male</gender>

-   <salary>500000.0</salary>

-   <address id="8">

-      <street>382 Hyde Park Blvd.</street>

-      <city>Victoria</city>

-      <state>BC</state>

-      <zip-code>Z5J2N5</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="9055553691" type="ISDN"/>

-   <phone-number number="4165551111" type="Cellular"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-9.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-9.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 75de517..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/data/samples/employee-9.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<emp:employee id="9" version="1" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:emp="">

-   <first-name>Betty</first-name>

-   <last-name>Jones</last-name>

-   <gender>Female</gender>

-   <salary>500001.0</salary>

-   <address id="9">

-      <street>89 Chocolate Drive</street>

-      <city>Smith Falls</city>

-      <state>ONT</state>

-      <zip-code>C6C6C6</zip-code>

-      <country>Canada</country>

-   </address>

-   <phone-number number="9055553691" type="ISDN"/>

-   <phone-number number="6135558812" type="Work"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b8ae02..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>


- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.


-<entity-mappings xmlns=""

-	xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0">


-	<object-type-converter name="gender-converter"

-		object-type="model.Gender" data-type="java.lang.String">

-		<conversion-value object-value="Male" data-value="M" />

-		<conversion-value object-value="Female" data-value="F" />

-	</object-type-converter>


-	<sequence-generator name="EMP_SEQ"  sequence-name="EMP_SEQ" allocation-size="13" />

-	<sequence-generator name="ADDR_SEQ"  sequence-name="ADDR_SEQ" allocation-size="13" />


-	<named-query name="Employee.findAll">

-		<query>SELECT e FROM Employee e</query>

-	</named-query>


-	<entity class="model.Address">

-		<table name="JPADAS_ADDRESS" />

-		<attributes>

-			<id name="id">

-				<column name="ADDRESS_ID" />

-				<generated-value strategy="SEQUENCE" generator="ADDR_SEQ" />

-			</id>

-			<basic name="city" />

-			<basic name="country" />

-			<basic name="province" />

-			<basic name="postalCode">

-				<column name="P_CODE" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="street" />

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<entity class="model.PhoneNumber">

-		<table name="JPADAS_PHONE" />

-		<id-class class="model.PhoneNumber$ID" />

-		<attributes>

-			<id name="id">

-				<column name="EMP_ID" updatable="false" insertable="false" />

-			</id>

-			<id name="type">

-				<column updatable="false" />

-			</id>

-			<basic name="number">

-				<column name="P_NUMBER" column-definition="VARCHAR2(20)"/>

-			</basic>

-			<many-to-one name="owner">

-				<join-column name="EMP_ID" />

-			</many-to-one>

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<entity class="model.Employee">

-		<table name="JPADAS_EMPLOYEE" />

-		<secondary-table name="JPADAS_SALARY" />

-		<attributes>

-			<id name="id">

-				<column name="EMP_ID" />

-				<generated-value strategy="SEQUENCE" generator="EMP_SEQ" />

-			</id>

-			<basic name="firstName">

-				<column name="F_NAME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="lastName">

-				<column name="L_NAME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="startTime">

-				<column name="START_TIME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="endTime">

-				<column name="END_TIME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="gender">

-				<column name="GENDER" />

-				<convert>gender-converter</convert>

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="salary">

-				<column table="JPADAS_SALARY" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic-collection name="responsibilities">

-				<value-column name="JPADAS_RESPON_DESC" />

-				<collection-table name="RESPONS" />

-			</basic-collection>

-			<version name="version" />

-			<many-to-one name="manager" fetch="LAZY" optional="true">

-				<join-column name="MANAGER_ID" />

-			</many-to-one>

-			<one-to-many name="managedEmployees" mapped-by="manager" />

-			<one-to-many name="phoneNumbers" mapped-by="owner">

-				<cascade>

-					<cascade-all />

-				</cascade>

-				<private-owned />

-			</one-to-many>

-			<one-to-one name="address" fetch="LAZY">

-				<join-column name="ADDR_ID" />

-				<cascade>

-					<cascade-all />

-				</cascade>

-				<private-owned />

-			</one-to-one>

-			<embedded name="period">

-				<attribute-override name="startDate">

-					<column name="START_DATE" />

-				</attribute-override>

-				<attribute-override name="endDate">

-					<column name="END_DATE" />

-				</attribute-override>

-			</embedded>

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<embeddable class="model.EmploymentPeriod">

-		<attributes>

-			<basic name="startDate">

-				<temporal>DATE</temporal>

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="endDate">

-				<temporal>DATE</temporal>

-			</basic>

-		</attributes>

-	</embeddable>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/employee-oxm.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/employee-oxm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b706b7..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/employee-oxm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<object-persistence version="Eclipse Persistence Services - 1.1.0 (Build 20081209)" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:eclipselink="">

-   <name>jpadas-employee</name>

-   <class-mapping-descriptors>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>model.Address</class>

-         <alias>Address</alias>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>street</attribute-name>

-               <field name="street/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>city</attribute-name>

-               <field name="city/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>province</attribute-name>

-               <field name="state/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>postalCode</attribute-name>

-               <field name="zip-code/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>country</attribute-name>

-               <field name="country/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <namespace-resolver>

-            <namespaces>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>xs</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>xsi</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>emp</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-            </namespaces>

-            <default-namespace-uri></default-namespace-uri>

-         </namespace-resolver>

-         <schema xsi:type="schema-file-reference">

-            <resource>..\src\xsd\jpadas-employee.xsd</resource>

-            <schema-context>/emp:address-type</schema-context>

-            <node-type>complex-type</node-type>

-         </schema>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>model.Employee</class>

-         <alias>Employee</alias>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@id" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>version</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@version" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-               <field name="first-name/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-               <field name="last-name/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>gender</attribute-name>

-               <field name="gender/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>salary</attribute-name>

-               <field name="salary/text()" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-composite-object-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>address</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>model.Address</reference-class>

-               <field name="address" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-composite-collection-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>phoneNumbers</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>model.PhoneNumber</reference-class>

-               <field name="phone-number" xsi:type="node"/>

-               <container xsi:type="list-container-policy">

-                  <collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>

-               </container>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <amendment>

-            <amendment-class>model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers</amendment-class>

-            <amendment-method>afterLoadEmployee</amendment-method>

-         </amendment>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <default-root-element>emp:employee</default-root-element>

-         <default-root-element-field name="emp:employee" xsi:type="node">

-            <leaf-element-type>emp:employee-type</leaf-element-type>

-         </default-root-element-field>

-         <namespace-resolver>

-            <namespaces>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>xs</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>xsi</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>emp</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-            </namespaces>

-            <default-namespace-uri></default-namespace-uri>

-         </namespace-resolver>

-         <schema xsi:type="schema-file-reference">

-            <resource>..\src\xsd\jpadas-employee.xsd</resource>

-            <schema-context>/emp:employee-type</schema-context>

-            <node-type>complex-type</node-type>

-         </schema>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="xml-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>model.PhoneNumber</class>

-         <alias>PhoneNumber</alias>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>number</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@number" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="xml-direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>type</attribute-name>

-               <field name="@type" xsi:type="node"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <namespace-resolver>

-            <namespaces>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>xs</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>xsi</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-               <namespace>

-                  <prefix>emp</prefix>

-                  <namespace-uri></namespace-uri>

-               </namespace>

-            </namespaces>

-            <default-namespace-uri></default-namespace-uri>

-         </namespace-resolver>

-         <schema xsi:type="schema-file-reference">

-            <resource>..\src\xsd\jpadas-employee.xsd</resource>

-            <schema-context>/emp:phone-type</schema-context>

-            <node-type>complex-type</node-type>

-         </schema>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-   </class-mapping-descriptors>

-   <login xsi:type="xml-login">

-      <platform-class>org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.platform.SAXPlatform</platform-class>

-      <user-name></user-name>

-   </login>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/persistence.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b69c5a..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>


- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.


-<persistence xmlns:xsi=""

-	xsi:schemaLocation=""

-	version="1.0" xmlns="">

-	<persistence-unit name="employee" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

-		<properties>

-			<!-- Default Login using Oracle -->

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.user" value="user" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.password" value="password" />

-			<property name="" value="Oracle" />


-			<!-- Minimal connections in internal pool -->

-			<property name="" value="1" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.min" value="1" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing" value="JDBC" />


-			<!-- Default Login using Oracle -->

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.timestamp" value="false" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.thread" value="false" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.session" value="false" />

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.exceptions" value="false" />

-		</properties>

-	</persistence-unit>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/sessions.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/sessions.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d21fce..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/META-INF/sessions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<sessions version="1.1" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

-   <session xsi:type="database-session">

-      <name>model</name>

-      <event-listener-classes/>

-      <logging xsi:type="eclipselink-log"/>

-      <primary-project xsi:type="xml">META-INF/employee-oxm.xml</primary-project>

-      <login xsi:type="xml-login"/>

-   </session>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index f0aed3e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;




-import javax.persistence.*;


-public class Address implements Serializable {

-	private int id;

-	private String city;


-	@Lob

-	@Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY)

-	private String country;

-	private String province;

-	private String postalCode;

-	private String street; 


-	@OneToOne(mappedBy="address")

-	private Employee owner;


-	public Address() {

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return;

-	}


-	public void setId(int addressId) {

- = addressId;

-	}


-	public String getCity() {

-		return city;

-	}


-	public void setCity(String city) {

- = city;

-	}


-	public String getCountry() {

-		return country;

-	}


-	public void setCountry(String country) {

- = country;

-	}


-	public String getProvince() {

-		return province;

-	}


-	public void setProvince(String province) {

-		this.province = province;

-	}


-	public String getPostalCode() {

-		return this.postalCode;

-	}


-	public void setPostalCode(String pCode) {

-		this.postalCode = pCode;

-	}


-	public String getStreet() {

-		return street;

-	}


-	public void setStreet(String street) {

-		this.street = street;

-	}


-	public Employee getOwner() {

-		return this.owner;

-	}


-	public void setOwner(Employee owner) {

-		this.owner = owner;

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index ffd1ff5..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;


-import java.sql.Time;

-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class Employee {

-	private int id;

-	private String firstName;

-	private Gender gender = Gender.Male;

-	private String lastName;

-	private Time startTime;

-	private Time endTime;

-	private long version;

-	private Employee manager;

-	private List<Employee> managedEmployees = new ArrayList<Employee>();

-	private List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers = new ArrayList<PhoneNumber>();

-	private Address address;

-	private EmploymentPeriod period;

-	private double salary;

-	private List<String> responsibilities = new ArrayList<String>();


-	public Employee() {

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return id;

-	}


-	public void setId(int empId) {

- = empId;

-	}


-	public Time getEndTime() {

-		return this.endTime;

-	}


-	public void setEndTime(Time endTime) {

-		this.endTime = endTime;

-	}


-	public String getFirstName() {

-		return firstName;

-	}


-	public void setFirstName(String fName) {

-		this.firstName = fName;

-	}


-	public Gender getGender() {

-		return this.gender;

-	}


-	public void setGender(Gender gender) {

-		this.gender = gender;

-	}


-	public String getLastName() {

-		return lastName;

-	}


-	public void setLastName(String lName) {

-		this.lastName = lName;

-	}


-	public Time getStartTime() {

-		return startTime;

-	}


-	public void setStartTime(Time startTime) {

-		this.startTime = startTime;

-	}


-	public long getVersion() {

-		return version;

-	}


-	public void setVersion(long version) {

-		this.version = version;

-	}


-	public Employee getManager() {

-		return manager;

-	}


-	public void setManager(Employee employee) {

-		this.manager = employee;

-	}


-	public List<Employee> getManagedEmployees() {

-		return this.managedEmployees;

-	}


-	public void setManagedEmployees(List<Employee> employeeList) {

-		this.managedEmployees = employeeList;

-	}


-	public Employee addManagedEmployee(Employee employee) {

-		getManagedEmployees().add(employee);

-		employee.setManager(this);

-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee removeManagedEmployee(Employee employee) {

-		getManagedEmployees().remove(employee);

-		employee.setManager(null);

-		return employee;

-	}


-	public List<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() {

-		return phoneNumbers;

-	}


-	public void setPhoneNumbers(List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumberList) {

-		this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumberList;

-	}


-	public PhoneNumber addPhoneNumber(PhoneNumber phoneNumber) {

-		getPhoneNumbers().add(phoneNumber);

-		phoneNumber.setOwner(this);

-		return phoneNumber;

-	}


-	public PhoneNumber addPhoneNumber(String type, String number) {

-		PhoneNumber phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(type, number);

-		return addPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);

-	}


-	public PhoneNumber removePhoneNumber(PhoneNumber phoneNumber) {

-		getPhoneNumbers().remove(phoneNumber);

-		phoneNumber.setOwner(null);

-		return phoneNumber;

-	}


-	public void setAddress(Address address) {

-		this.address = address;

-	}


-	public Address getAddress() {

-		return address;

-	}


-	public void setPeriod(EmploymentPeriod period) {

-		this.period = period;

-	}


-	public EmploymentPeriod getPeriod() {

-		return period;

-	}


-	public double getSalary() {

-		return salary;

-	}


-	public void setSalary(double salary) {

-		this.salary = salary;

-	}


-	public List<String> getResponsibilities() {

-		return this.responsibilities;

-	}


-	public void setResponsibilities(List<String> responsibilities) {

-		this.responsibilities = responsibilities;

-	}


-	public void addResponsibility(String responsibility) {

-		getResponsibilities().add(responsibility);

-	}


-	public void removeResponsibility(String responsibility) {

-		getResponsibilities().remove(responsibility);

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64795c6..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;


-import java.util.Calendar;



- * Represents the period of time an employee has worked for the company. A null

- * endDate indicates that the employee is current.

- * 

- * @author djclarke

- */

-public class EmploymentPeriod {

-	private Calendar startDate;

-	private Calendar endDate;


-	public Calendar getStartDate() {

-		return startDate;

-	}


-	public void setStartDate(Calendar startDate) {

-		this.startDate = startDate;

-	}


-	public void setStartDate(int year, int month, int date) {

-		if (this.startDate == null) {

-			setStartDate(Calendar.getInstance());

-		}

-		getStartDate().set(year, month, date);

-	}


-	public Calendar getEndDate() {

-		return endDate;

-	}


-	public void setEndDate(Calendar endDate) {

-		this.endDate = endDate;

-	}


-	public void setEndDate(int year, int month, int date) {

-		if (this.endDate == null) {

-			setEndDate(Calendar.getInstance());

-		}

-		getEndDate().set(year, month, date);

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3ee544..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;



- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.0

- */

-public enum Gender {

-	Female, Male, ;


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
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index 9242b3a..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;




-public class PhoneNumber implements Serializable {

-	private int id;

-	private String number;

-	private String type;

-	private Employee owner;


-	public PhoneNumber() {

-	}


-	public PhoneNumber(String type, String number) {

-		this();

-		setType(type);

-		setNumber(number);

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return;

-	}


-	public void setId(int empId) {

- = empId;

-	}


-	public String getNumber() {

-		return this.number;

-	}


-	public void setNumber(String pNumber) {

-		this.number = pNumber;

-	}


-	public String getType() {

-		return type;

-	}


-	public void setType(String type) {

-		this.type = type;

-	}


-	public Employee getOwner() {

-		return this.owner;

-	}


-	public void setOwner(Employee employee) {

-		this.owner = employee;

- = employee.getId();

-	}


-	public static class ID implements Serializable {

-		public int id;

-		public String type;


-		public ID() {

-		}


-		public ID(int empId, String type) {

- = empId;

-			this.type = type;

-		}


-		public boolean equals(Object other) {

-			if (other instanceof ID) {

-				final ID otherID = (ID) other;

-				return == id && otherID.type.equals(type);

-			}

-			return false;

-		}


-		public int hashCode() {

-			return super.hashCode();

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5837a4c..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/persistence/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/persistence/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3daa465..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/persistence/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-package model.persistence;


-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.converters.ObjectTypeConverter;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeCollectionMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeObjectMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLDirectMapping;


-public class MOXyDescriptorCustomizers {


-	public static void afterLoadEmployee(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-		XMLDirectMapping genderMapping = (XMLDirectMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("gender");


-		ObjectTypeConverter converter = new ObjectTypeConverter();

-		converter.setFieldClassification(String.class);

-		converter.addConversionValue(, Gender.Male);

-		converter.addConversionValue(, Gender.Female);


-		genderMapping.setConverter(converter);


-		XMLCompositeCollectionMapping phoneMapping = (XMLCompositeCollectionMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-		phoneMapping.setContainerAttributeName("owner");


-		XMLCompositeObjectMapping addressMapping = (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-		addressMapping.setContainerAttributeName("owner");


-		descriptor.getDescriptorEventManager().addListener(new FixPhonesListener());

-	}


-	public static class FixPhonesListener extends DescriptorEventAdapter {


-		@Override

-		public void postBuild(DescriptorEvent event) {

-			Employee emp = (Employee) event.getSource();


-			for (PhoneNumber phone: emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-				phone.setOwner(emp);

-			}

-		}


-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/persistence/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/persistence/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8e6ee..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/model/persistence/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model.persistence;



-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.*;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.0

- */

-public abstract class PersistenceHelper {


-	public static final String PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME = "employee";


-	public static EntityManagerFactory createEMF() {

-		return createEMF(null);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * 

-	 * @param properties

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public static EntityManagerFactory createEMF(Map properties) {

-		Map puProperties = properties == null ? new HashMap() : properties;


-		try {

-			applyUserHomeProperties(puProperties);

-			return Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME, puProperties);


-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {

-			System.out.println("Persistence.createEMF FAILED: " + e.getMessage());

-			e.printStackTrace();

-			throw e;

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * 

-	 * @param properties

-	 */

-	public static void applyUserHomeProperties(Map puProperties) {

-		String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home");


-		if (userHome != null && !userHome.isEmpty()) {

-			if (!userHome.endsWith(System.getProperty("file.separator"))) {

-				userHome = userHome + System.getProperty("file.separator");

-			}


-			File testPropFile = new File(userHome + "");


-			if (testPropFile.exists()) {

-				Properties testProperties = new Properties();

-				FileInputStream in = null;


-				try {

-					in = new FileInputStream(testPropFile);

-					testProperties.load(in);

-				} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {

-					return;

-				} catch (IOException e) {

-					e.printStackTrace();

-				}


-				// Now process the test properties into the PU properties

-				copyProperty(testProperties, "db.driver", puProperties, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_DRIVER);

-				copyProperty(testProperties, "db.url", puProperties, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_URL);

-				copyProperty(testProperties, "db.user", puProperties, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_USER);

-				copyProperty(testProperties, "db.pwd", puProperties, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD);

-				copyProperty(testProperties, "db.platform", puProperties, PersistenceUnitProperties.TARGET_DATABASE);

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	private static void copyProperty(Properties testProperties, String testProp, Map puProperties, String puProperty) {

-		if (testProperties.containsKey(testProp)) {

-			puProperties.put(puProperty, testProperties.get(testProp));

-		}

-	}


-	public static final String MODEL_PACKAGE = "model";


-	public static final String SCHEMA_REOSURCE = "xsd/jpadas-employee.xsd";


-	public static final String URI = "";


-	public static final String EMPLOYEE_TYPE = "employee-type";

-	public static final String ADDRESS_TYPE = "address-type";

-	public static final String PHONE_TYPE = "phone-type";


-	/**

-	 * Return the JAXBHelperContext and lazily create one if null.

-	 */

-	public static JAXBHelperContext createJAXBHelperContext() {

-			JAXBHelperContext context = null;

-			InputStream xsdIn = null;


-			try {

-				JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(MODEL_PACKAGE);

-				context = new JAXBHelperContext(jaxbContext);


-				xsdIn = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(SCHEMA_REOSURCE);

-				context.getXSDHelper().define(xsdIn, null);


-				// Make this the default context

-				context.makeDefaultContext();

-			} catch (JAXBException e) {

-				throw new RuntimeException("EmployeeDAS.getContext()::Could not create JAXBContext for: " + MODEL_PACKAGE, e);

-			} finally {

-				if (xsdIn != null) {

-					try {

-						xsdIn.close();

-					} catch (IOException e) {

-					}

-				}

-			}

-		return context;

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/service/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/service/
deleted file mode 100644
index adf0d48..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/service/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package service;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class EmployeeDAS {


-	private JAXBHelperContext context;


-	private EntityManager entityManager;


-	public void setHelperContext(JAXBHelperContext context) {

-		this.context = context;

-	}


-	public JAXBHelperContext getContext() {

-		return this.context;

-	}


-	@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-	public void setEMF(EntityManager em) {

-		this.entityManager = em;

-	}


-	public EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-		return this.entityManager;

-	}


-	public void close() {

-		if (this.entityManager != null && this.entityManager.isOpen()) {

-			if (this.entityManager.getTransaction().isActive()) {

-				this.entityManager.getTransaction().rollback();

-			}

-			this.entityManager.close();

-		}


-		this.entityManager = null;

-		this.context = null;

-	}


-	public DataObject findEmployee(int id) {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, id);


-		if (emp == null) {

-			return null;

-		}


-		return getContext().wrap(emp);

-	}


-	public DataObject merge(DataObject empDO) {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-		Employee emp = (Employee) getContext().unwrap(empDO);


-		try {

-			em.getTransaction().begin();

-			emp = em.merge(emp);

-			em.getTransaction().commit();

-			return getContext().wrap(em.find(Employee.class, emp.getId()));

-		} finally {

-			if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {

-				em.getTransaction().rollback();

-			}

-		}


-	}


-	public void remove(DataObject empDO) {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		em.getTransaction().begin();

-		Employee emp = (Employee) getContext().unwrap(empDO);


-		if (emp == null) {

-			return;

-		}

-		emp = em.find(Employee.class, emp.getId());


-		em.remove(emp);


-		em.getTransaction().commit();

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d28906..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { testing.jpa.AllTests.class, testing.jaxb.AllTests.class, testing.sdo.AllTests.class, testing.das.AllTests.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8258f48..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import junit.framework.Assert;

-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EJBQueryImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;


-public class SamplePopulation {


-	public static SamplePopulation population = new SamplePopulation();


-	private Employee[] employees = { basicEmployeeExample1(), basicEmployeeExample2(), basicEmployeeExample3(), basicEmployeeExample4(), basicEmployeeExample5(), basicEmployeeExample6(),

-			basicEmployeeExample7(), basicEmployeeExample8(), basicEmployeeExample9(), basicEmployeeExample10(), basicEmployeeExample11(), basicEmployeeExample12() };


-	private SamplePopulation() {

-		addManagedEmployees(0, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });

-		addManagedEmployees(1, new int[] { 5, 0 });

-		addManagedEmployees(2, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(3, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(4, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(5, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(6, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(7, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(8, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(9, new int[] { 11 });

-		addManagedEmployees(10, new int[] { 6 });

-		addManagedEmployees(11, new int[] { 1 });

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample1() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(35000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Toronto");

-		address.setPostalCode("L5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Water the office plants.");

-		employee.addResponsibility("Maintain the kitchen facilities.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample10() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jill");

-		employee.setLastName("May");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Calgary");

-		address.setPostalCode("J5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("AB");

-		address.setStreet("1111 Mooseland Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(56232);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "6135555943");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample11() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah-Lou");

-		employee.setLastName("Smitty");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Arnprior");

-		address.setPostalCode("W1A2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1 Hawthorne Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(75000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "6135555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample12() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jim-Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Jefferson");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Yellowknife");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("YK");

-		address.setStreet("1112 Gold Rush Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(50000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample2() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("John");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(53000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Ottawa");

-		address.setPostalCode("K5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Hire people when more people are required.");

-		employee.addResponsibility("Lay off employees when less people are required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample3() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Charles");

-		employee.setLastName("Chanley");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(43000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Montreal");

-		address.setPostalCode("Q2S5Z5");

-		address.setProvince("QUE");

-		address.setStreet("1 Canadien Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Perform code reviews as required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "9765556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample4() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Emanual");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(49631);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Vancouver");

-		address.setPostalCode("N5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Have to fix the Database problem.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "6135555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "9765556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample5() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(87000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 6, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 4, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Prince Rupert");

-		address.setPostalCode("K3K5D5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("3254 Parkway Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write code documentation.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample6() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Marcus");

-		employee.setLastName("Saunders");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(54300);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Perth");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y3Q2N9");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("234 Caledonia Lane");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write user specifications.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample7() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Nancy");

-		employee.setLastName("White");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(31000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Metcalfe");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y4F7V6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("2 Anderson Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample8() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Fred");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(500000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Victoria");

-		address.setPostalCode("Z5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("382 Hyde Park Blvd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample9() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Betty");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(500001);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Smith Falls");

-		address.setPostalCode("C6C6C6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("89 Chocolate Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	private void addManagedEmployees(int managerIndex, int[] employeeIndeces) {

-		Employee manager = this.employees[managerIndex];


-		if (manager.getManagedEmployees().isEmpty()) {

-			for (int index = 0; index < employeeIndeces.length; index++) {

-				manager.addManagedEmployee(this.employees[employeeIndeces[index]]);

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Register all of the population in the provided EntityManager to be

-	 * persisted This method should only be called from within a test case. It

-	 * asserts that the provided EntityManager is in a transaction and that the

-	 * database tables are empty.

-	 */

-	public void persistAll(EntityManager em) {

-		Assert.assertTrue("EntityManager not in Transaction", em.getTransaction().isActive());


-		// Verify that the database tables are empty

-		assertCount(em, Employee.class, 0);

-		assertCount(em, Address.class, 0);

-		assertCount(em, PhoneNumber.class, 0);


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.employees[index]);

-		}


-		em.flush();

-		verifyCounts(em);

-	}


-	public void verifyCounts(EntityManager em) {

-		assertCount(em, Employee.class, this.employees.length);

-		assertCount(em, Address.class, this.employees.length);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Verify that the provided entity type has no rows in the database using a

-	 * native ReportQuery.

-	 * 

-	 * @param entityClass

-	 * @param count

-	 */

-	public void assertCount(EntityManager em, Class entityClass, int count) {

-		ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(entityClass, new ExpressionBuilder());

-		query.addCount();

-		query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-		int dbCount = ((Number) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(query)).intValue();

-		Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity found of " + entityClass, count, dbCount);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Verify that the provided list of Employee instances matches the sample

-	 * population.

-	 * 

-	 * @param employees

-	 */

-	public void assertSame(List<Employee> dbEmps) {

-		Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity of employees", this.employees.length, dbEmps.size());


-		Collections.sort(dbEmps, new EmployeeComparator());


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			Employee emp = employees[index];

-			Employee dbEmp = dbEmps.get(index);


-			Assert.assertEquals("First name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getFirstName(), dbEmp.getFirstName());

-			Assert.assertEquals("Last name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getLastName(), dbEmp.getLastName());

-			Assert.assertEquals("Salary does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getSalary(), dbEmp.getSalary());

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Simple comparator used to order the employees for use within assertSame

-	 */

-	class EmployeeComparator implements Comparator<Employee> {


-		public int compare(Employee emp1, Employee emp2) {

-			return emp1.getId() - emp2.getId();

-		}


-	}


-	/**

-	 * Extract the id's from the sample Employee instances.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public int[] getEmployeeIds(EntityManager em) {

-		int[] ids = new int[this.employees.length];


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			if (this.employees[index].getId() <= 0) {

-				Employee emp = queryByExample(em, this.employees[index]);


-				if (emp == null) {

-					throw new RuntimeException("Could not find Employee: " + this.employees[index]);

-				}

-				this.employees[index].setId(emp.getId());

-			}

-			ids[index] = this.employees[index].getId();

-		}


-		return ids;

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Reset the database so that only the sample population exists.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 */

-	public void resetDatabase(EntityManager em) {

-		em.getTransaction().begin();


-		DeleteAllQuery deleteEmpsQuery = new DeleteAllQuery(Employee.class);

-		ExpressionBuilder eb = deleteEmpsQuery.getExpressionBuilder();

-		deleteEmpsQuery.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").notIn(getEmployeeIds(em)));

-		deleteEmpsQuery.setFlushOnExecute(true);


-		JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(deleteEmpsQuery);


-		em.getTransaction().commit();

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Example of EclipseLink's native query-by-example support.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 * @param sampleEmployee

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public Employee queryByExample(EntityManager em, Employee sampleEmployee) {

-		QueryByExamplePolicy policy = new QueryByExamplePolicy();

-		policy.excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues();

-		ReadObjectQuery roq = new ReadObjectQuery(sampleEmployee, policy);

-		// Wrap the native query in a JPA Query and execute it.

-		Query query = new EJBQueryImpl(roq, (EntityManagerImpl) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em));

-		return (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-	}


-	public static void compare(Employee emp1, Employee emp2) {


-		return;

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
deleted file mode 100644
index 09041c6..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.das;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { TestEmployeeDAS_Config.class, TestEmployeeDAS_Queries.class, TestEmployeeDAS_Modify.class, TestEmployeeDAS_Create.class, TestEmployeeDAS_Delete.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
deleted file mode 100644
index 463b40b..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.das;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.persistence.PersistenceHelper;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.SerializationHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContext;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContextFactory;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;

-import org.junit.*;


-import service.EmployeeDAS;

-import testing.jpa.QuerySQLTracker;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;



- * 

- * @author dclarke EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public abstract class TestEmployeeDAS {


-	private EmployeeDAS das;


-	private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-	private static JAXBHelperContext context;


-	public EmployeeDAS getDAS() {

-		return this.das;

-	}


-	protected EntityManagerFactory getEMF() {

-		return emf;

-	}


-	protected JAXBHelperContext getSDOContext() {

-		return context;

-	}


-	public int findMinimumEmployeeId() {

-		EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();


-		try {

-			return (Integer) em.createQuery("SELECT MIN( FROM Employee e").getSingleResult();

-		} finally {

-			em.close();

-		}

-	}


-	public int findMaximumEmployeeId() {

-		EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();


-		try {

-			return (Integer) em.createQuery("SELECT MAX( FROM Employee e").getSingleResult();

-		} finally {

-			em.close();

-		}

-	}


-	protected DataObject serialize(DataObject dataObject) {

-		try {

-			byte[] bytes = SerializationHelper.serialize(dataObject);

-			return (DataObject) SerializationHelper.deserialize(bytes);

-		} catch (Exception e) {

-"Exception thrown serializing: " + dataObject + "::" + e);

-			return null;

-		}

-	}


-	protected QuerySQLTracker getTracker() {

-		return QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()));

-	}


-	@Before

-	public void initializeDAS() {

-		this.das = new EmployeeDAS();


-		this.das.setEMF(emf.createEntityManager());

-		this.das.setHelperContext(context);


-		getTracker().reset();

-	}


-	@After

-	public void shutdown() {

-		EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-		em.getTransaction().begin();

-		List<Employee> deleteEmps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.firstName = 'Delete' and e.lastName = 'Me'").getResultList();

-		for (Employee emp : deleteEmps) {

-			em.remove(emp);

-		}

-		em.getTransaction().commit();

-		em.close();


-		this.das.close();

-		this.das = null;

-	}


-	@BeforeClass

-	public static void intialize() {

-		emf = PersistenceHelper.createEMF(null);

-		context = PersistenceHelper.createJAXBHelperContext();


-		JAXBContext  jaxbContext = (JAXBContext)context.getJAXBContext();

-		jaxbContext.applyORMMetadata(((EntityManagerFactoryImpl)emf).getServerSession());

-		QuerySQLTracker.install(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf));

-	}


-	@AfterClass

-	public static void afterClass() {

-		if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-			emf.close();

-			emf = null;

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
deleted file mode 100644
index 197348e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.das;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import java.util.Iterator;


-import model.*;

-import model.persistence.PersistenceHelper;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.PersistenceEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SDODataFactory;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.SDOXMLHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb.JAXBHelperContext;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import commonj.sdo.Type;

-import commonj.sdo.helper.*;

-import commonj.sdo.impl.HelperProvider;



- * 

- * @author dclarke EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class TestEmployeeDAS_Config extends TestEmployeeDAS {


-	/**

-	 * This test is intended to verify that the DAS properly makes its

-	 * JAXBHelperContext the default one.

-	 */

-	@Test

-	public void verifyConfig_JAXBHelperContext() {

-		// Note: This call also sets the JAXBHelperContext to be the default so

-		// it must be made first

-		JAXBHelperContext dasCtx = getDAS().getContext();

-		assertNotNull(dasCtx);


-		HelperContext sdoCtx = HelperProvider.getDefaultContext();

-		assertNotNull(sdoCtx);


-		DataFactory dataFactory = sdoCtx.getDataFactory();

-		assertTrue(dataFactory instanceof SDODataFactory);

-		//TODO: assertTrue(((SDODataFactory) dataFactory).getHelperContext() instanceof JAXBHelperContext);


-		XMLHelper xmlHelper = sdoCtx.getXMLHelper();

-		assertTrue(xmlHelper instanceof SDOXMLHelper);

-		//TODO: assertTrue(((SDOXMLHelper) xmlHelper).getHelperContext() instanceof JAXBHelperContext);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void verifyConfig_JPA() {

-		assertNotNull(getEMF());

-		Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());


-		assertNotNull(session);


-		for (Iterator dI = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator(); dI.hasNext();) {

-			ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);

-			Class javaClass = descriptor.getJavaClass();


-			if (!descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor()) {

-				assertTrue("Entity class not Woven - PersistenceEntity: " + javaClass, PersistenceEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass));

-				assertTrue("Entity class not Woven - ChangeTracker: " + javaClass, ChangeTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(javaClass));

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void verifyConfig_SDOTypes() {

-		Type employeeType = getDAS().getContext().getTypeHelper().getType(PersistenceHelper.URI, PersistenceHelper.EMPLOYEE_TYPE);

-		assertNotNull(employeeType);

-		assertSame(employeeType, getDAS().getContext().getType(Employee.class));


-		Type addressType = getDAS().getContext().getTypeHelper().getType(PersistenceHelper.URI, PersistenceHelper.ADDRESS_TYPE);

-		assertNotNull(addressType);

-		assertSame(addressType, getDAS().getContext().getType(Address.class));


-		Type phoneType = getDAS().getContext().getTypeHelper().getType(PersistenceHelper.URI, PersistenceHelper.PHONE_TYPE);

-		assertNotNull(phoneType);

-		assertSame(phoneType, getDAS().getContext().getType(PhoneNumber.class));

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8000e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.das;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;


-import org.junit.Test;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;

-import commonj.sdo.Type;



- * 

- * @author dclarke EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class TestEmployeeDAS_Create extends TestEmployeeDAS {


-	@Test

-	public void createNewEmployee() {

-		createNewEmployee(this, "Delete", "Me", Gender.Male);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void createNewEmplyeeWithAddress() {

-		Type type = getDAS().getContext().getType(Employee.class);

-		DataObject empDO = getDAS().getContext().getDataFactory().create(type);


-		assertNotNull(empDO);


-		assertEquals(0, empDO.getInt("id"));


-		Employee emp = (Employee) getSDOContext().unwrap(empDO);

-		assertNotNull(emp);

-		assertEquals(0, emp.getId());


-		empDO.setString("first-name", "Delete");

-		empDO.setString("last-name", "Me");

-		empDO.setString("gender",;


-		DataObject addressDO = empDO.createDataObject("address");

-		addressDO.setString("city", "Ottawa");


-		getTracker().reset();


-		getDAS().merge(empDO);


-		assertEquals(3, getTracker().getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void createNewEmplyeeWithAddressAndPhone() {

-		Type type = getDAS().getContext().getType(Employee.class);

-		DataObject empDO = getDAS().getContext().getDataFactory().create(type);


-		assertNotNull(empDO);


-		assertEquals(0, empDO.getInt("id"));


-		Employee emp = (Employee) getSDOContext().unwrap(empDO);

-		assertNotNull(emp);

-		assertEquals(0, emp.getId());


-		empDO.setString("first-name", "Delete");

-		empDO.setString("last-name", "Me");

-		empDO.setString("gender",;


-		DataObject addressDO = empDO.createDataObject("address");

-		addressDO.setString("city", "Ottawa");


-		DataObject phoneDO =  empDO.createDataObject("phone-number");

-		phoneDO.setString("number", "6135551212");

-		phoneDO.setString("type", "cell");


-		getTracker().reset();


-		getDAS().merge(empDO);


-		assertEquals(4, getTracker().getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-	}


-	public static DataObject createNewEmployee(TestEmployeeDAS test, String firstName, String lastName, Gender gender) {

-		Type type = test.getDAS().getContext().getType(Employee.class);

-		DataObject empDO = test.getDAS().getContext().getDataFactory().create(type);


-		assertNotNull(empDO);


-		assertEquals(0, empDO.getInt("id"));


-		Employee emp = (Employee) test.getSDOContext().unwrap(empDO);

-		assertNotNull(emp);

-		assertEquals(0, emp.getId());


-		empDO.setString("first-name", firstName);

-		empDO.setString("last-name", lastName);

-		empDO.setString("gender",;


-		assertEquals(firstName, empDO.getString("first-name"));

-		assertEquals(lastName, empDO.getString("last-name"));

-		assertEquals(, empDO.getString("gender"));


-		assertEquals(firstName, emp.getFirstName());

-		assertEquals(lastName, emp.getLastName());

-		assertEquals(gender, emp.getGender());

-		assertNull(emp.getAddress());

-		assertTrue(emp.getPhoneNumbers().isEmpty());


-		DataObject persistedDO = test.getDAS().merge(empDO);


-		assertNotNull("Null DataObject returned from DAS merge", persistedDO);

-		int maxId = test.findMaximumEmployeeId();

-		assertEquals(maxId, persistedDO.getInt("id"));


-		return persistedDO;

-	}


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deleted file mode 100644
index 56a52a9..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.das;


-import model.Gender;


-import org.junit.Test;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;



- * 

- * @author dclarke EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class TestEmployeeDAS_Delete extends TestEmployeeDAS {


-	@Test

-	public void deleteEmployee() {

-		DataObject newEmpDO = TestEmployeeDAS_Create.createNewEmployee(this, "Delete", "Me", Gender.Male);


-		getDAS().remove(newEmpDO);

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6fc12e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.das;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.changetracking.AttributeChangeListener;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;



- * 

- * @author dclarke EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class TestEmployeeDAS_Modify extends TestEmployeeDAS {


-	@Test

-	public void incrementSalary_Local() {

-		int empId = findMinimumEmployeeId();


-		DataObject empDO = getDAS().findEmployee(empId);


-		assertNotNull("No Employee DO returned for known employee id", empDO);

-		Employee emp = (Employee) getSDOContext().unwrap(empDO);

-		assertNotNull("Null POJO in DataObject wrapper", emp);



-		long initialVersion = empDO.getLong("version");

-		double initialSalary = empDO.getDouble("salary");


-		// Double check values in POJO match

-		assertEquals(initialVersion, emp.getVersion());

-		assertEquals(initialSalary, emp.getSalary());


-		if (emp instanceof ChangeTracker && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() != null && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AttributeChangeListener) {

-			assertFalse(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().hasChanges());

-		}


-		empDO.setDouble("salary", initialSalary + 1);


-		if (emp instanceof ChangeTracker && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() != null && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AttributeChangeListener) {

-			assertTrue(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().hasChanges());

-		}


-		assertEquals("Salary in POJO not incremented", initialSalary + 1, emp.getSalary());

-		assertEquals(initialVersion, emp.getVersion());


-		DataObject empDO2 = getDAS().merge(empDO);


-		assertSame(empDO, empDO2);

-		assertEquals(initialVersion + 1, empDO2.getLong("version"));

-		assertEquals(initialSalary + 1, empDO2.getDouble("salary"));

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void incrementSalary_Remote() {

-		int empId = findMinimumEmployeeId();


-		DataObject empDO = serialize(getDAS().findEmployee(empId));


-		assertNotNull("No Employee DO returned for known employee id", empDO);

-		Employee emp = (Employee) getSDOContext().unwrap(empDO);

-		assertNotNull("Null POJO in DataObject wrapper", emp);



-		long initialVersion = empDO.getLong("version");

-		double initialSalary = empDO.getDouble("salary");


-		// Double check values in POJO match

-		assertEquals(initialVersion, emp.getVersion());

-		assertEquals(initialSalary, emp.getSalary());


-		empDO.setDouble("salary", initialSalary + 1);

-		assertEquals("Salary in POJO not incremented", initialSalary + 1, emp.getSalary());

-		assertEquals(initialVersion, emp.getVersion());


-		DataObject empDO2 = serialize(getDAS().merge(serialize(empDO)));


-		assertNotSame(empDO, empDO2);

-		assertEquals(initialVersion + 1, empDO2.getLong("version"));

-		assertEquals(initialSalary + 1, empDO2.getDouble("salary"));

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testIncrementSalaryWithChangeSummary() {

-		int empId = findMinimumEmployeeId();


-		DataObject empDO = getDAS().findEmployee(empId);


-		assertNotNull(empDO);


-		try {

-			empDO.getChangeSummary().beginLogging();

-		} catch (NullPointerException e) {

-			return;

-		}

-		fail("No NullPOinterException throws accessing ChangeSummary from dataObject");

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testModifyAddress() {

-		int empId = findMinimumEmployeeId();

-		int maxId = findMaximumEmployeeId();

-		DataObject emp1DO = getDAS().findEmployee(empId);

-		DataObject emp2DO = getDAS().findEmployee(maxId);


-		Employee emp = (Employee)getSDOContext().unwrap(emp1DO);

-		Employee emp2 = (Employee)getSDOContext().unwrap(emp2DO);

-		//Address addrx = emp2.getAddress();


-		DataObject addrDO = (DataObject)emp2DO.get("address");

-		Address addr = (Address)getSDOContext().unwrap(addrDO);


-		if (emp instanceof ChangeTracker && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() != null && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AttributeChangeListener) {

-			assertFalse(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().hasChanges());

-		}


-		emp1DO.set("address", addrDO);

-		if (emp instanceof ChangeTracker && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() != null && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AttributeChangeListener) {

-			assertTrue(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges().getObjectChangeSetForClone(emp).hasChangeFor("address"));

-			assertTrue(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges().getObjectChangeSetForClone(emp2).hasChangeFor("address"));

-			assertTrue(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges().getObjectChangeSetForClone(addr).hasChangeFor("owner"));

-		}

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testModifyPhoneNumbers() {

-		int empId = findMinimumEmployeeId();

-		int maxId = findMaximumEmployeeId();

-		DataObject emp1DO = getDAS().findEmployee(empId);

-		DataObject emp2DO = getDAS().findEmployee(maxId);


-		Employee emp = (Employee)getSDOContext().unwrap(emp1DO);

-		Employee emp2 = (Employee)getSDOContext().unwrap(emp2DO);


-		DataObject phoneDO = (DataObject)emp1DO.getList("phone-number").get(0);

-		PhoneNumber phone = (PhoneNumber)getSDOContext().unwrap(phoneDO);


-		if (emp instanceof ChangeTracker && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() != null && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AttributeChangeListener) {

-			assertFalse(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().hasChanges());

-		}


-		emp2DO.getList("phone-number").add(phoneDO);

-		assertFalse(emp.getPhoneNumbers().contains(phone));

-		if (emp instanceof ChangeTracker && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() != null && ((ChangeTracker) emp)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AttributeChangeListener) {

-			assertTrue(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges().getObjectChangeSetForClone(emp).hasChangeFor("phoneNumbers"));

-			assertTrue(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges().getObjectChangeSetForClone(emp2).hasChangeFor("phoneNumbers"));

-			assertTrue(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(getDAS().getEntityManager()).getUnitOfWork().getCurrentChanges().getObjectChangeSetForClone(phone).hasChangeFor("owner"));

-		}

-	}	



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
deleted file mode 100644
index c92ea61..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.das;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.SerializationHelper;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.SamplePopulation;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;



- * 

- * @author dclarke EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class TestEmployeeDAS_Queries extends TestEmployeeDAS {

-	@Test

-	public void testFind() {

-		int empId = findMinimumEmployeeId();

-		DataObject empDO = findEmployee(this, empId);


-		assertNotNull(empDO);

-		assertEquals(empId, empDO.getInt("id"));


-		Employee emp = (Employee) getDAS().getContext().unwrap(empDO);

-		assertNotNull(emp);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void serializeExisting() throws Exception {

-		int empId = findMinimumEmployeeId();

-		DataObject empDO = findEmployee(this, empId);


-		Employee emp = (Employee) getSDOContext().unwrap(empDO);

-		assertEquals(empId, emp.getId());


-		DataObject serializedDO = (DataObject) SerializationHelper.deserialize(SerializationHelper.serialize(empDO));


-		assertNotNull(serializedDO);

-		assertEquals(empId, serializedDO.getInt("id"));


-		Employee serializedEmp = (Employee) getSDOContext().unwrap(serializedDO);


-		assertNotNull(serializedEmp);


-, serializedEmp);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * 

-	 * @param test

-	 * @param id

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public static DataObject findEmployee(TestEmployeeDAS test, int id) {

-		DataObject empDO = test.getDAS().findEmployee(id);


-		assertNotNull(empDO);

-		assertEquals(id, empDO.getInt("id"));


-		return empDO;

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
deleted file mode 100644
index fb65833..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jaxb;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { CreateNewEmployees.class,  ReadEmployeesFromDB.class, UpdateDBFromFiles.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
deleted file mode 100644
index b60a4f8..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jaxb;





-import javax.xml.bind.*;


-import model.*;


-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-public class CreateNewEmployees {


-	private static JAXBContext jaxbContext;


-	@Test

-	public void simple() throws Exception {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();

-		employee.setId(1);

-		employee.setFirstName("John");

-		employee.setLastName("Doe");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(49999.99);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setId(1);

-		address.setCity("Ottawa");

-		address.setStreet("123 Somewhere Lane");

-		address.setProvince("ON");

-		address.setPostalCode("K1A1A1");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		PhoneNumber p1 = employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551212");

-		assertSame(employee, p1.getOwner());

-		PhoneNumber p2 = employee.addPhoneNumber("Mobile", "6135552121");

-		assertSame(employee, p2.getOwner());


-		Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();

-		marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);

-		StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-		marshaller.marshal(employee, writer);


-		System.out.println("XML::\n" + writer.toString());


-		Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();


-		Employee emp2 = (Employee) unmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader(writer.toString()));


-		assertNotNull(emp2);

-		assertNotSame(employee, emp2);

-		assertEquals(employee.getId(), emp2.getId());

-		assertEquals(employee.getFirstName(), emp2.getFirstName());

-		assertEquals(employee.getLastName(), emp2.getLastName());

-		assertEquals(employee.getGender(), emp2.getGender());

-		assertEquals(employee.getSalary(), emp2.getSalary());

-		assertEquals(employee.getVersion(), emp2.getVersion());


-		assertNotNull(emp2.getAddress());

-		assertEquals(employee.getAddress().getId(), emp2.getId());

-		assertEquals(employee.getAddress().getCity(), emp2.getAddress().getCity());

-		assertEquals(employee.getAddress().getStreet(), emp2.getAddress().getStreet());

-		assertEquals(employee.getAddress().getProvince(), emp2.getAddress().getProvince());

-		assertEquals(employee.getAddress().getPostalCode(), emp2.getAddress().getPostalCode());

-		assertEquals(employee.getAddress().getCountry(), emp2.getAddress().getCountry());


-		assertEquals(2, emp2.getPhoneNumbers().size());

-		assertSame(emp2, emp2.getPhoneNumbers().get(0).getOwner());

-		assertSame(emp2, emp2.getPhoneNumbers().get(1).getOwner());

-	}


-	@BeforeClass

-	public static void initializeContext() throws JAXBException {

-		jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("model");

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
deleted file mode 100644
index d221ccb..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jaxb;




-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.xml.bind.*;


-import model.Employee;


-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.jpa.EclipseLinkJPATest;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class ReadEmployeesFromDB extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-	private static JAXBContext jaxbContext;


-	@Test

-	public void simple() throws Exception {

-		Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();

-		marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		List<Employee> emps = em.createNamedQuery("Employee.findAll").getResultList();


-		new File("./data/temp/").mkdirs();


-		for (Employee employee : emps) {

-			FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("./data/temp/employee-" + employee.getId() + ".xml");

-			marshaller.marshal(employee, System.out);

-			marshaller.marshal(employee, out);

-			out.close();

-		}

-	}


-	@BeforeClass

-	public static void initializeContext() throws JAXBException {

-		jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("model");

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8377532..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jaxb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jaxb;


-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext;

-import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;


-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.jpa.EclipseLinkJPATest;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class UpdateDBFromFiles extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-	private static JAXBContext jaxbContext;


-	@Test

-	public void test() throws Exception {

-		jaxbContext.toString();

-	}


-	@BeforeClass

-	public static void initializeContext() throws JAXBException {

-		jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("model");

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05cc4e3..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { MappingConfigTests.class,  CreateDatabase.class, QueryTests.class, TransactionExamples.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 12081b5..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;


-import static org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties.DDL_GENERATION;

-import static org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties.DROP_AND_CREATE;


-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;



-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;


-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.SamplePopulation;



- * Utility class to create the database schema and populate it for the Employee

- * JPA example using XML configuration. This

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class CreateDatabase extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-	@Test

-	public void createDatabase() {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		new SchemaManager(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession()).replaceSequences();


-		em.getTransaction().begin();


-		SamplePopulation.population.persistAll(em);


-		em.getTransaction().commit();

-	}


-	@Override

-	protected Map getEMFProperties() {

-		Map properties = super.getEMFProperties();


-		return properties;

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 52523c3..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.*;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import model.persistence.PersistenceHelper;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;


-import testing.jpa.util.QuerySQLTracker;




- * Base test case for testing a JPA persistence unit in JavaSE using JUnit4.

- * 

- * Through the usage

- * 

- * @PersistenceContext on subclasses a developer can indicate the persistence

- *                     unit name that the

- * @BeforeClass method should use to access the entityManager.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */


-public abstract class EclipseLinkJPATest {


-	/**

-	 * This is he current EMF in use

-	 */

-	private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-	private EntityManager entityManager;


-	protected EntityManagerFactory getEMF() {

-		if (emf == null) {

-			emf = createEMF();

-		}


-		return emf;

-	}


-	protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-		if (this.entityManager == null) {

-			this.entityManager = getEMF().createEntityManager();

-		}


-		return this.entityManager;

-	}


-	private EntityManagerFactory createEMF() {

-		try {

-			return createEMF(getUnitName(), null);

-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {

-			System.out.println("Persistence.createEMF FAILED: " + e.getMessage());

-			e.printStackTrace();

-			throw e;

-		}

-	}


-	private String getUnitName() {

-		PersistenceContext context = null;

-		Class javaClass = getClass();


-		while (context == null && javaClass != Object.class) {

-			context = (PersistenceContext) javaClass.getAnnotation(PersistenceContext.class);

-			javaClass = javaClass.getSuperclass();

-		}

-		Assert.assertNotNull("No @PersistenceContext found", context);


-		return context.unitName();

-	}


-	/**

-	 * 

-	 * @param properties

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName, Map properties) {

-		Map emfProps = getEMFProperties();


-		if (properties != null) {

-			emfProps.putAll(properties);

-		}


-		try {

-			EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(unitName, emfProps);

-			QuerySQLTracker.install(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf));

-			return emf;

-		} catch (RuntimeException e) {

-			System.out.println("Persistence.createEMF FAILED: " + e.getMessage());

-			e.printStackTrace();

-			throw e;

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * 

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	protected Map getEMFProperties() {

-		Map properties = new HashMap();

-		PersistenceHelper.applyUserHomeProperties(properties);

-		return properties;

-	}



-	protected QuerySQLTracker getQuerySQLTracker(EntityManager em) {

-		return QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getActiveSession());

-	}


-	@After

-	public void cleanupClosedEMF() {

-		if (this.entityManager != null) {


-			if (this.entityManager.getTransaction().isActive()) {

-				this.entityManager.getTransaction().rollback();

-			}

-			if (this.entityManager.isOpen()) {

-				this.entityManager.close();

-			}

-		}

-		this.entityManager = null;


-		if (emf != null) {

-			if (!emf.isOpen()) {

-				emf = null;

-			} else {

-				QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf)).reset();

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	@AfterClass

-	public static void closeEMF() throws Exception {

-		if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-			emf.close();

-			emf = null;

-		}

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 394dba2..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;

-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Test;



- * Set of tests to ensure the mappings are properly populated from the provided

- * annotations/xml.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class MappingConfigTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-	@Test

-	public void verifyServerSession() {

-		Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());


-		assertNotNull(session);

-		assertTrue(session.isConnected());

-		assertTrue(session.isServerSession());

-		assertEquals(1, session.getReadConnectionPool().getMinNumberOfConnections());

-		assertEquals(1, session.getDefaultConnectionPool().getMinNumberOfConnections());


-		assertTrue(session.getName().startsWith("file"));

-		assertTrue(session.getName().endsWith("employee"));

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void verifyEmployeeDescriptor() {

-		Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-		ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(Employee.class);


-		assertNotNull(descriptor);

-		assertEquals("Employee", descriptor.getAlias());

-		assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());


-		// Address Mapping

-		OneToOneMapping addrMapping = (OneToOneMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-		assertNotNull(addrMapping);

-		assertTrue(addrMapping.isPrivateOwned());


-		// PhoenNumber Mapping

-		OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-		assertNotNull(phoneMapping);

-		assertTrue(phoneMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void verifyAddressDescriptor() {

-		Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-		ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(Address.class);


-		assertNotNull(descriptor);

-		assertEquals("Address", descriptor.getAlias());

-		assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void verifyPhoneNumberDescriptor() {

-		Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-		ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(PhoneNumber.class);


-		assertNotNull(descriptor);

-		assertEquals("PhoneNumber", descriptor.getAlias());

-		assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2d609b..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *    

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;



-import java.util.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEventAdapter;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since TopLink 10.1.3

- */

-public class QuerySQLTracker extends SessionEventAdapter {

-	private List<QueryResult> queries;


-	/**

-	 * Constructs and installs the event listener and sql tracking session log

-	 * 

-	 * @param session

-	 */

-	private QuerySQLTracker(Session session) {

-		session.getEventManager().addListener(this);

-		session.setSessionLog(new SQLTrackingSessionLog(session, this));

-		reset();

-	}


-	public static QuerySQLTracker install(Session session) {

-		if (session.getSessionLog() instanceof SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((SQLTrackingSessionLog) session.getSessionLog()).getTracker();

-		}

-		return new QuerySQLTracker(session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Helper method to retrieve a tracker from a session where it was installed

-	 * If the session exists but does not have a tracler installed then an

-	 * exception is thrown.

-	 */

-	public static QuerySQLTracker getTracker(Session session) {

-		if (session == null) {

-			return null;

-		}

-		SessionLog sessionLog = session.getSessionLog();


-		if (sessionLog instanceof QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) sessionLog).getTracker();

-		}

-		throw new RuntimeException("Could not retireve QuerySQLTracke from session: " + session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Reset the lists of SQL and queries being tracked

-	 */

-	public void reset() {

-		this.queries = new ArrayList<QueryResult>();

-	}


-	public List<QueryResult> getQueries() {

-		return this.queries;

-	}


-	protected void addBuiltObject(DatabaseQuery query, Object object) {


-	}


-	protected QuerySQLTracker.QueryResult getCurrentResult() {

-		if (getQueries().size() == 0) {

-			getQueries().add(new QueryResult(null));

-			// throw new RuntimeException("Received SQL without a Query ???");

-		}

-		return getQueries().get(getQueries().size() - 1);

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls() {

-		int totalSQLCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			totalSQLCalls += result.sqlStatements.size();

-		}


-		return totalSQLCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls(String startsWith) {

-		int sqlCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			for (String sql : result.sqlStatements) {

-				String sub = sql.substring(0, startsWith.length());

-				if (sub.equalsIgnoreCase(startsWith)) {

-					sqlCalls++;

-				}

-			}

-		}


-		return sqlCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLSELECTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("SELECT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLINSERTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("INSERT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLUPDATECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("UPDATE");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLDELETECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("DELETE");

-	}


-	public void preExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		if (event.getQuery() == null) {

-			System.out.println("HOW?");

-		}

-		QueryResult result = new QueryResult(event.getQuery());

-		getQueries().add(result);

-	}


-	public void postExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		if (getCurrentResult().query == null) {

-			getCurrentResult().setQuery(event.getQuery());

-		}

-		getCurrentResult().setResult(event.getResult());

-	}


-	protected class QueryResult {

-		private DatabaseQuery query;

-		private String resultString = null;

-		private List<String> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<String>();


-		QueryResult(DatabaseQuery q) {

-			query = q;

-		}


-		protected void setQuery(DatabaseQuery query) {

-			this.query = query;

-		}


-		protected void setResult(Object queryResult) {

-			StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-			writer.write(Helper.getShortClassName(query));

-			writer.write("[" + System.identityHashCode(query) + "]");

-			writer.write(" result = ");


-			Object result = queryResult;

-			if (queryResult instanceof Collection) {

-				result = ((Collection) queryResult).toArray();

-			}


-			if (result == null) {

-				writer.write("NONE");

-			} else {

-				if (result instanceof Object[]) {

-					Object[] results = (Object[]) result;

-					writer.write("<" + results.length + "> [");

-					for (int index = 0; index < results.length; index++) {

-						if (index > 0) {

-							writer.write(", ");

-						}

-						writer.write(results[index] + "");

-					}

-					writer.write("]");

-					resultString = writer.toString();

-				} else {

-					writer.write(result.toString());

-				}

-			}


-			this.resultString = writer.toString();

-		}


-		public void addSQL(String sql) {

-			sqlStatements.add(sql);

-		}


-		public String toString() {

-			if (this.resultString == null) {

-				setResult(null);

-			}

-			return this.resultString;

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * This custom SessionLog implementation wraps the existng one and redirects

-	 * all SQL calls to the tracker. All messages are also passed to the orginal

-	 * tracker.

-	 */

-	public class SQLTrackingSessionLog extends DefaultSessionLog {

-		private QuerySQLTracker tracker;


-		private SessionLog originalLog;


-		protected SQLTrackingSessionLog(Session session, QuerySQLTracker aTracker) {

-			this.tracker = aTracker;

-			this.originalLog = session.getSessionLog();

-			setLevel(this.originalLog.getLevel());

-			setSession(session);

-			setWriter(this.originalLog.getWriter());

-		}


-		public QuerySQLTracker getTracker() {

-			return this.tracker;

-		}


-		public synchronized void log(SessionLogEntry entry) {


-			if (entry.getNameSpace() != null && entry.getNameSpace().equalsIgnoreCase(SessionLog.SQL)) {

-				getTracker().getCurrentResult().addSQL(entry.getMessage());

-			}

-			super.log(entry);

-		}

-	}


-	public void printResults(String prefix) {

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries:");


-		int sql = 0;

-		for (int index = 0; index < getQueries().size(); index++) {

-			QueryResult result = getQueries().get(index);


-			System.out.println("\t" + (index + 1) + "> " + result);


-			for (int sqlNum = 0; sqlNum < result.sqlStatements.size(); sqlNum++) {

-				sql++;

-				System.out.println("\t\t" + (index + 1) + "." + (sqlNum + 1) + "-" + sql + "> " + result.sqlStatements.get(sqlNum));

-			}

-		}


-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries: " + getQueries().size());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-INSERT: " + getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-SELECT: " + getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-UPDATE: " + getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-DELETE: " + getTotalSQLDELETECalls());

-	}


-	static class DescriptorBuildCounter extends DescriptorEventAdapter {

-		private QuerySQLTracker querySQLTracker;


-		private DescriptorBuildCounter(QuerySQLTracker tracker) {

-			this.querySQLTracker = tracker;

-		}


-		public void postBuild(DescriptorEvent event) {

-			this.querySQLTracker.addBuiltObject(event.getQuery(), event.getSource());

-		}

-	}


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deleted file mode 100644
index be4c4e2..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.*;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.SamplePopulation;



- * Simple query examples for the XML mapped Employee domain model.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.0

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class QueryTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-	protected static int minimumEmployeeId(EntityManager em) {

-		return ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT MIN( FROM Employee e").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Simple example using dynamic JP QL to retrieve all Employee instances

-	 * sorted by lastName and firstName.

-	 */

-	@Test

-	public void readAllEmployees_JPQL() {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC").getResultList();


-		SamplePopulation.population.assertSame(emps);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void joinFetchJPQL() {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC").getResultList();


-		assertNotNull(emps);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void joinFetchHint() {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = 'Ottawa' ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.address");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager.address");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.manager.phoneNumbers");

-		List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-		for (Employee emp : emps) {

-			emp.getManager().getPhoneNumbers().size();

-		}


-		assertNotNull(emps);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void minEmployeeId() {

-		int minId = minimumEmployeeId(getEntityManager());


-		assertTrue(minId > 0);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testLazyLoading() {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-		int minEmpId = minimumEmployeeId(em);


-		Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, minEmpId);

-		assertNotNull(emp);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testGenderIn() throws Exception {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IN (:GENDER1, :GENDER2)").setParameter("GENDER1", Gender.Male).setParameter("GENDER2", Gender.Female)

-				.getResultList();


-		assertNotNull(emps);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void testReadAllExressions() throws Exception {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);

-		ExpressionBuilder eb = raq.getExpressionBuilder();

-		raq.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("gender").equal(Gender.Male));


-		Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(raq, em);


-		List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-		assertNotNull(emps);

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ead2b7..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;


-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import junit.framework.Assert;

-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EJBQueryImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;


-public class SamplePopulation {


-	public static SamplePopulation population = new SamplePopulation();


-	private Employee[] employees = { basicEmployeeExample1(), basicEmployeeExample2(), basicEmployeeExample3(), basicEmployeeExample4(), basicEmployeeExample5(), basicEmployeeExample6(),

-			basicEmployeeExample7(), basicEmployeeExample8(), basicEmployeeExample9(), basicEmployeeExample10(), basicEmployeeExample11(), basicEmployeeExample12() };


-	private SamplePopulation() {

-		addManagedEmployees(0, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });

-		addManagedEmployees(1, new int[] { 5, 0 });

-		addManagedEmployees(2, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(3, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(4, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(5, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(6, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(7, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(8, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(9, new int[] { 11 });

-		addManagedEmployees(10, new int[] { 6 });

-		addManagedEmployees(11, new int[] { 1 });

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample1() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(35000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Toronto");

-		address.setPostalCode("L5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Water the office plants.");

-		employee.addResponsibility("Maintain the kitchen facilities.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample10() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jill");

-		employee.setLastName("May");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Calgary");

-		address.setPostalCode("J5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("AB");

-		address.setStreet("1111 Mooseland Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(56232);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "6135555943");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample11() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah-Lou");

-		employee.setLastName("Smitty");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Arnprior");

-		address.setPostalCode("W1A2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1 Hawthorne Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(75000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "6135555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample12() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jim-Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Jefferson");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Yellowknife");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("YK");

-		address.setStreet("1112 Gold Rush Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(50000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample2() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("John");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(53000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Ottawa");

-		address.setPostalCode("K5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Hire people when more people are required.");

-		employee.addResponsibility("Lay off employees when less people are required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample3() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Charles");

-		employee.setLastName("Chanley");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(43000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Montreal");

-		address.setPostalCode("Q2S5Z5");

-		address.setProvince("QUE");

-		address.setStreet("1 Canadien Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Perform code reviews as required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "9765556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample4() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Emanual");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(49631);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Vancouver");

-		address.setPostalCode("N5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Have to fix the Database problem.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "6135555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "9765556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample5() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(87000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 6, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 4, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Prince Rupert");

-		address.setPostalCode("K3K5D5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("3254 Parkway Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write code documentation.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample6() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Marcus");

-		employee.setLastName("Saunders");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(54300);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Perth");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y3Q2N9");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("234 Caledonia Lane");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write user specifications.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample7() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Nancy");

-		employee.setLastName("White");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(31000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Metcalfe");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y4F7V6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("2 Anderson Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "6135551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample8() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Fred");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(500000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Victoria");

-		address.setPostalCode("Z5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("382 Hyde Park Blvd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "4165551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample9() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Betty");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(500001);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Smith Falls");

-		address.setPostalCode("C6C6C6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("89 Chocolate Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "6135558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "9055553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	private void addManagedEmployees(int managerIndex, int[] employeeIndeces) {

-		Employee manager = this.employees[managerIndex];


-		if (manager.getManagedEmployees().isEmpty()) {

-			for (int index = 0; index < employeeIndeces.length; index++) {

-				manager.addManagedEmployee(this.employees[employeeIndeces[index]]);

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Register all of the population in the provided EntityManager to be

-	 * persisted This method should only be called from within a test case. It

-	 * asserts that the provided EntityManager is in a transaction and that the

-	 * database tables are empty.

-	 */

-	public void persistAll(EntityManager em) {

-		Assert.assertTrue("EntityManager not in Transaction", em.getTransaction().isActive());


-		// Verify that the database tables are empty

-		assertCount(em, Employee.class, 0);

-		assertCount(em, Address.class, 0);

-		assertCount(em, PhoneNumber.class, 0);


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.employees[index]);

-		}


-		em.flush();

-		verifyCounts(em);

-	}


-	public void verifyCounts(EntityManager em) {

-		assertCount(em, Employee.class, this.employees.length);

-		assertCount(em, Address.class, this.employees.length);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Verify that the provided entity type has no rows in the database using a

-	 * native ReportQuery.

-	 * 

-	 * @param entityClass

-	 * @param count

-	 */

-	public void assertCount(EntityManager em, Class entityClass, int count) {

-		ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(entityClass, new ExpressionBuilder());

-		query.addCount();

-		query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-		int dbCount = ((Number) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(query)).intValue();

-		Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity found of " + entityClass, count, dbCount);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Verify that the provided list of Employee instances matches the sample

-	 * population.

-	 * 

-	 * @param employees

-	 */

-	public void assertSame(List<Employee> dbEmps) {

-		Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity of employees", this.employees.length, dbEmps.size());


-		Collections.sort(dbEmps, new EmployeeComparator());


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			Employee emp = employees[index];

-			Employee dbEmp = dbEmps.get(index);


-			Assert.assertEquals("First name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getFirstName(), dbEmp.getFirstName());

-			Assert.assertEquals("Last name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getLastName(), dbEmp.getLastName());

-			Assert.assertEquals("Salary does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getSalary(), dbEmp.getSalary());

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Simple comparator used to order the employees for use within assertSame

-	 */

-	class EmployeeComparator implements Comparator<Employee> {


-		public int compare(Employee emp1, Employee emp2) {

-			return emp1.getId() - emp2.getId();

-		}


-	}


-	/**

-	 * Extract the id's from the sample Employee instances.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public int[] getEmployeeIds(EntityManager em) {

-		int[] ids = new int[this.employees.length];


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			if (this.employees[index].getId() <= 0) {

-				Employee emp = queryByExample(em, this.employees[index]);


-				if (emp == null) {

-					throw new RuntimeException("Could not find Employee: " + this.employees[index]);

-				}

-				this.employees[index].setId(emp.getId());

-			}

-			ids[index] = this.employees[index].getId();

-		}


-		return ids;

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Reset the database so that only the sample population exists.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 */

-	public void resetDatabase(EntityManager em) {

-		em.getTransaction().begin();


-		DeleteAllQuery deleteEmpsQuery = new DeleteAllQuery(Employee.class);

-		ExpressionBuilder eb = deleteEmpsQuery.getExpressionBuilder();

-		deleteEmpsQuery.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").notIn(getEmployeeIds(em)));

-		deleteEmpsQuery.setFlushOnExecute(true);


-		JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(deleteEmpsQuery);


-		em.getTransaction().commit();

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Example of EclipseLink's native query-by-example support.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 * @param sampleEmployee

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public Employee queryByExample(EntityManager em, Employee sampleEmployee) {

-		QueryByExamplePolicy policy = new QueryByExamplePolicy();

-		policy.excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues();

-		ReadObjectQuery roq = new ReadObjectQuery(sampleEmployee, policy);

-		// Wrap the native query in a JPA Query and execute it.

-		Query query = new EJBQueryImpl(roq, (EntityManagerImpl) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em));

-		return (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f60bcf..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;


-import junit.framework.Assert;

-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PessimisticLock;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.SamplePopulation;


-public class TransactionExamples extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-	@Test

-	public void pessimisticLocking() throws Exception {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		// Find the Employee with the minimum ID

-		int minId = QueryTests.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-		em.getTransaction().begin();


-		// Lock Employee using query with hint

-		Employee emp = (Employee) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID").setParameter("ID", minId).setHint(QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK, PessimisticLock.Lock).getSingleResult();


-		emp.setSalary(emp.getSalary() - 1);


-		em.flush();

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void updateEmployeeWithCity() throws Exception {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		em.getTransaction().begin();


-		List<Object[]> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e, FROM Employee e").getResultList();

-		Employee emp = (Employee) emps.get(0)[0];

-		emp.setSalary(emp.getSalary() + 1);


-		em.flush();


-		em.getTransaction().rollback();


-		SamplePopulation.population.resetDatabase(em);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void createUsingPersist() throws Exception {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		Employee emp = new Employee();

-		emp.setFirstName("Sample");

-		emp.setLastName("Employee");

-		emp.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		emp.setSalary(123456);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		emp.setAddress(address);


-		emp.addPhoneNumber("Mobile", "6135551212");


-		em.getTransaction().begin();

-		em.persist(emp);

-		em.getTransaction().commit();


-		Assert.assertNotNull(emp);

-		Assert.assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);


-		em.getTransaction().begin();

-		em.createQuery("DELETE from PhoneNumber p WHERE = " + emp.getId()).executeUpdate();

-		em.createQuery("DELETE from Employee e WHERE = " + emp.getId()).executeUpdate();

-		em.createQuery("DELETE from Address a WHERE = " + emp.getAddress().getId()).executeUpdate();

-		em.getTransaction().commit();


-		SamplePopulation.population.verifyCounts(em);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void createUsingMerge() throws Exception {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		Employee emp = new Employee();

-		emp.setFirstName("Sample");

-		emp.setLastName("Employee");

-		emp.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		emp.setSalary(123456);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		emp.setAddress(address);


-		emp.addPhoneNumber("Mobile", "6135551212");


-		em.getTransaction().begin();

-		// When merging the managed instance is returned from the call.

-		// Further usage within the transaction must be done with this managed

-		// entity.

-		emp = em.merge(emp);

-		em.getTransaction().commit();


-		Assert.assertNotNull(emp);

-		Assert.assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);


-		em.getTransaction().begin();

-		em.createQuery("DELETE from PhoneNumber p WHERE = " + emp.getId()).executeUpdate();

-		em.createQuery("DELETE from Employee e WHERE = " + emp.getId()).executeUpdate();

-		em.createQuery("DELETE from Address a WHERE = " + emp.getAddress().getId()).executeUpdate();

-		em.getTransaction().commit();


-		SamplePopulation.population.verifyCounts(em);

-	}


-	@Test

-	public void incrementSalary() {

-		EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-		Employee emp = (Employee) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM Employee ee)").getSingleResult();

-		assertNotNull("Null POJO in DataObject wrapper", emp);


-		long initialVersion = emp.getVersion();

-		double initialSalary = emp.getSalary();


-		emp.setSalary(initialSalary + 1);


-		em.getTransaction().begin();

-		em.merge(emp);

-		em.getTransaction().commit();


-		assertEquals(initialVersion + 1, emp.getVersion());

-		assertEquals(initialSalary + 1, emp.getSalary());

-	}



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/util/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5b463b..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/jpa/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,269 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.jpa.util;



-import java.util.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEventAdapter;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since TopLink 10.1.3

- */

-public class QuerySQLTracker extends SessionEventAdapter {

-	private List<QueryResult> queries;


-	/**

-	 * Constructs and installs the event listener and sql tracking session log

-	 * 

-	 * @param session

-	 */

-	private QuerySQLTracker(Session session) {

-		session.getEventManager().addListener(this);

-		session.setSessionLog(new SQLTrackingSessionLog(session, this));

-		reset();

-	}


-	public static QuerySQLTracker install(Session session) {

-		if (session.getSessionLog() instanceof SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((SQLTrackingSessionLog) session.getSessionLog()).getTracker();

-		}

-		return new QuerySQLTracker(session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Helper method to retrieve a tracker from a session where it was installed

-	 * If the session exists but does not have a tracler installed then an

-	 * exception is thrown.

-	 */

-	public static QuerySQLTracker getTracker(Session session) {

-		if (session == null) {

-			return null;

-		}

-		SessionLog sessionLog = session.getSessionLog();


-		if (sessionLog instanceof QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) sessionLog).getTracker();

-		}

-		throw new RuntimeException("Could not retireve QuerySQLTracke from session: " + session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Reset the lists of SQL and queries being tracked

-	 */

-	public void reset() {

-		this.queries = new ArrayList<QueryResult>();

-	}


-	public List<QueryResult> getQueries() {

-		return this.queries;

-	}


-	protected void addBuiltObject(DatabaseQuery query, Object object) {


-	}


-	protected QuerySQLTracker.QueryResult getCurrentResult() {

-		if (getQueries().size() == 0) {

-			getQueries().add(new QueryResult(null));

-			// throw new RuntimeException("Received SQL without a Query ???");

-		}

-		return getQueries().get(getQueries().size() - 1);

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls() {

-		int totalSQLCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			totalSQLCalls += result.sqlStatements.size();

-		}


-		return totalSQLCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls(String startsWith) {

-		int sqlCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			for (String sql : result.sqlStatements) {

-				String sub = sql.substring(0, startsWith.length());

-				if (sub.equalsIgnoreCase(startsWith)) {

-					sqlCalls++;

-				}

-			}

-		}


-		return sqlCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLSELECTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("SELECT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLINSERTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("INSERT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLUPDATECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("UPDATE");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLDELETECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("DELETE");

-	}


-	public void preExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		if (event.getQuery() == null) {

-			System.out.println("HOW?");

-		}

-		QueryResult result = new QueryResult(event.getQuery());

-		getQueries().add(result);

-	}


-	public void postExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		if (getCurrentResult().query == null) {

-			getCurrentResult().setQuery(event.getQuery());

-		}

-		getCurrentResult().setResult(event.getResult());

-	}


-	protected class QueryResult {

-		private DatabaseQuery query;

-		private String resultString = null;

-		private List<String> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<String>();


-		QueryResult(DatabaseQuery q) {

-			query = q;

-		}


-		protected void setQuery(DatabaseQuery query) {

-			this.query = query;

-		}


-		protected void setResult(Object queryResult) {

-			StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-			writer.write(Helper.getShortClassName(query));

-			writer.write("[" + System.identityHashCode(query) + "]");

-			writer.write(" result = ");


-			Object result = queryResult;

-			if (queryResult instanceof Collection) {

-				result = ((Collection) queryResult).toArray();

-			}


-			if (result == null) {

-				writer.write("NONE");

-			} else {

-				if (result instanceof Object[]) {

-					Object[] results = (Object[]) result;

-					writer.write("<" + results.length + "> [");

-					for (int index = 0; index < results.length; index++) {

-						if (index > 0) {

-							writer.write(", ");

-						}

-						writer.write(results[index] + "");

-					}

-					writer.write("]");

-					resultString = writer.toString();

-				} else {

-					writer.write(result.toString());

-				}

-			}


-			this.resultString = writer.toString();

-		}


-		public void addSQL(String sql) {

-			sqlStatements.add(sql);

-		}


-		public String toString() {

-			if (this.resultString == null) {

-				setResult(null);

-			}

-			return this.resultString;

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * This custom SessionLog implementation wraps the existng one and redirects

-	 * all SQL calls to the tracker. All messages are also passed to the orginal

-	 * tracker.

-	 */

-	public class SQLTrackingSessionLog extends DefaultSessionLog {

-		private QuerySQLTracker tracker;


-		private SessionLog originalLog;


-		protected SQLTrackingSessionLog(Session session, QuerySQLTracker aTracker) {

-			this.tracker = aTracker;

-			this.originalLog = session.getSessionLog();

-			setLevel(this.originalLog.getLevel());

-			setSession(session);

-			setWriter(this.originalLog.getWriter());

-		}


-		public QuerySQLTracker getTracker() {

-			return this.tracker;

-		}


-		public synchronized void log(SessionLogEntry entry) {


-			if (entry.getNameSpace() != null && entry.getNameSpace().equalsIgnoreCase(SessionLog.SQL)) {

-				getTracker().getCurrentResult().addSQL(entry.getMessage());

-			}

-			super.log(entry);

-		}

-	}


-	public void printResults(String prefix) {

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries:");


-		int sql = 0;

-		for (int index = 0; index < getQueries().size(); index++) {

-			QueryResult result = getQueries().get(index);


-			System.out.println("\t" + (index + 1) + "> " + result);


-			for (int sqlNum = 0; sqlNum < result.sqlStatements.size(); sqlNum++) {

-				sql++;

-				System.out.println("\t\t" + (index + 1) + "." + (sqlNum + 1) + "-" + sql + "> " + result.sqlStatements.get(sqlNum));

-			}

-		}


-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries: " + getQueries().size());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-INSERT: " + getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-SELECT: " + getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-UPDATE: " + getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-DELETE: " + getTotalSQLDELETECalls());

-	}


-	static class DescriptorBuildCounter extends DescriptorEventAdapter {

-		private QuerySQLTracker querySQLTracker;


-		private DescriptorBuildCounter(QuerySQLTracker tracker) {

-			this.querySQLTracker = tracker;

-		}


-		public void postBuild(DescriptorEvent event) {

-			this.querySQLTracker.addBuiltObject(event.getQuery(), event.getSource());

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/sdo/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/sdo/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b85d7e..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/sdo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.sdo;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/sdo/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/sdo/
deleted file mode 100644
index cebd2cf..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/testing/sdo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package testing.sdo;




-import org.junit.Test;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;

-import commonj.sdo.helper.*;


-public class DynamicSDO_NewEmployee {


-	@Test

-	public void readSamples() throws Exception {

-		InputStream xsdIn = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("xsd/jpadas-employee.xsd");

-		XSDHelper.INSTANCE.define(xsdIn, null);


-		File sampleFolder = new File("./data/samples");

-		File[] sampleFiles = sampleFolder.listFiles();


-		for (int index = 0; index < sampleFiles.length; index++) {

-			if (sampleFiles[index].isFile()) {

-				System.out.println("READING> " + sampleFiles[index].getName());

-				FileInputStream xmlInputStream = new FileInputStream(sampleFiles[index]);

-				XMLDocument xmlDocument = XMLHelper.INSTANCE.load(xmlInputStream);

-				DataObject employeeDO = xmlDocument.getRootObject();

-				System.out.println("\t> DataObject: " + employeeDO);

-				xmlInputStream.close();

-			}

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/xsd/jpadas-employee.xsd b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/xsd/jpadas-employee.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad7919..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/src/xsd/jpadas-employee.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.


-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns=""

-	xmlns:sdo="commonj.sdo" targetNamespace=""

-	elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">


-	<xs:import namespace="commonj.sdo" />

-	<xs:element name="employee" type="employee-type" />

-	<xs:complexType name="employee-type">

-		<xs:sequence>

-			<xs:element name="first-name" type="xs:string" />

-			<xs:element name="last-name" type="xs:string" />

-			<xs:element name="gender" type="gender" />

-			<xs:element name="salary" type="xs:double" />

-			<xs:element name="address" type="address-type" />

-			<xs:element name="phone-number" type="phone-type" maxOccurs="unbounded" />

-			<!--   xs:element name="sdo-change-summary" type="sdo:ChangeSummaryType"

-				minOccurs="0" / -->

-		</xs:sequence>

-		<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:integer" />

-		<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:long" use="required"/>

-	</xs:complexType>

-	<xs:simpleType name="gender">

-		<xs:restriction base="xs:token">

-			<xs:enumeration value="Male" />

-			<xs:enumeration value="Female" />

-		</xs:restriction>

-	</xs:simpleType>

-	<xs:complexType name="address-type">

-		<xs:sequence>

-			<xs:element name="street" type="xs:string" />

-			<xs:element name="city" type="xs:string" />

-			<xs:element name="state" type="xs:string" />

-			<xs:element name="zip-code" type="xs:string" />

-			<xs:element name="country" type="xs:string" />

-		</xs:sequence>

-		<xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:integer" />

-	</xs:complexType>

-	<xs:complexType name="phone-type">

-		<xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:string" />

-		<xs:attribute name="number" type="xs:string" />

-	</xs:complexType>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Address.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Address.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index be426af..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Address.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.Address</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-11T10:18:32.343</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <interface-handles>

-      <class-handle>

-         <type-name></type-name>

-      </class-handle>

-   </interface-handles>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>city</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>country</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>postalCode</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>province</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>street</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Address</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getCity</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getCountry</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getPostalCode</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getProvince</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getStreet</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setCity</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setCountry</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setPostalCode</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setProvince</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setStreet</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Employee.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Employee.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ccebf..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Employee.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,662 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.Employee</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-11T10:18:32.156</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>address</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>endTime</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.sql.Time</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>gender</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Gender</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>managedEmployees</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>manager</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>period</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.EmploymentPeriod</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>phoneNumbers</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>responsibilities</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>salary</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>double</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>startTime</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.sql.Time</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>version</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Long</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Employee</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>addManagedEmployee</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>addPhoneNumber</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.PhoneNumber</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>addPhoneNumber</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.PhoneNumber</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.PhoneNumber</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>addResponsibility</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Address</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getEndTime</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.sql.Time</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getFirstName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getGender</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Gender</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getLastName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getManagedEmployees</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getManager</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getPeriod</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.EmploymentPeriod</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getPhoneNumbers</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getResponsibilities</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getSalary</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>double</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getStartTime</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.sql.Time</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getVersion</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Long</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>removeManagedEmployee</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>removePhoneNumber</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.PhoneNumber</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.PhoneNumber</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>removeResponsibility</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setAddress</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.Address</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setEndTime</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.sql.Time</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setFirstName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setGender</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.Gender</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setLastName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setManagedEmployees</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setManager</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setPeriod</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.EmploymentPeriod</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setPhoneNumbers</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setResponsibilities</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.util.List</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setSalary</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>double</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setStartTime</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.sql.Time</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setVersion</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.Long</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.EmploymentPeriod.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.EmploymentPeriod.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4459029..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.EmploymentPeriod.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.EmploymentPeriod</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-11T10:18:32.281</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>endDate</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.Calendar</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>startDate</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.Calendar</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>EmploymentPeriod</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getEndDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.Calendar</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getStartDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.util.Calendar</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setEndDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setEndDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.util.Calendar</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setStartDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setStartDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.util.Calendar</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Gender.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Gender.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16fe3bf..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.Gender.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.Gender</name>

-   <modifier>17</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Enum</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-11T14:55:20.281</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>Female</name>

-         <modifier>25</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Gender</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>Male</name>

-         <modifier>25</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Gender</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Gender</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>valueOf</name>

-         <modifier>9</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Gender</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>values</name>

-         <modifier>9</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Gender</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-            <dimensionality>1</dimensionality>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.PhoneNumber.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.PhoneNumber.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 16e85c6..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.PhoneNumber.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.PhoneNumber</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-11T14:13:29.531</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <interface-handles>

-      <class-handle>

-         <type-name></type-name>

-      </class-handle>

-   </interface-handles>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>number</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>owner</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>type</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>PhoneNumber</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>PhoneNumber</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getNumber</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getOwner</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getType</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setNumber</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setOwner</name>

-         <modifier>4</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setType</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>

-   <type-handles>

-      <class-handle>

-         <type-name>model.PhoneNumber$ID</type-name>

-      </class-handle>

-   </type-handles>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 033db79..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/classes/model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <last-refresh-timestamp>2008-12-11T15:03:33.875</last-refresh-timestamp>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>MOXyDescriptorCustomizers</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>afterLoadEmployee</name>

-         <modifier>9</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.Address.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.Address.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a3c19a..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.Address.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="o-x">

-   <name>model.Address</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.Address</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="ox">

-      <descriptor-alias>Address</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="ox"/>

-      <locking-policy type="ox"/>

-      <primary-key-policy/>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>city</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>city</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>city/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>country</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>country</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>country/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>postalCode</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>postalCode</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>zip-code/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>province</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>province</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>state/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>street</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>street</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>street/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <schema-context-handle>

-      <schema>employee</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="" local-name="address-type"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </schema-context-handle>

-   <root-descriptor>false</root-descriptor>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.Employee.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.Employee.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ce70b68..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.Employee.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="o-x">

-   <name>model.Employee</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.Employee</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="ox">

-      <descriptor-alias>Employee</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="ox"/>

-      <locking-policy type="ox"/>

-      <primary-key-policy/>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="composite-object">

-         <name>address</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>address</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>model.Address</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <xpath>address</xpath>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>first-name/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>gender</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>gender</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>gender/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@id</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>last-name/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="composite-collection">

-         <name>phoneNumbers</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>phoneNumbers</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>model.PhoneNumber</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <xpath>phone-number</xpath>

-         <container-policy type="list">

-            <container-class>

-               <uses-default-container-class>true</uses-default-container-class>

-            </container-class>

-         </container-policy>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>salary</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>salary</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>salary/text()</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>version</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>version</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@version</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <after-loading-policy>

-      <post-load-class-handle>

-         <type-name>model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers</type-name>

-      </post-load-class-handle>

-      <post-load-method-handle>

-         <method-declaring-type-name>model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers</method-declaring-type-name>

-         <method-signature>afterLoadEmployee(org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor)</method-signature>

-      </post-load-method-handle>

-   </after-loading-policy>

-   <schema-context-handle>

-      <schema>employee</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="" local-name="employee-type"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </schema-context-handle>

-   <default-root-element-handle>

-      <schema>employee</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="element" namespace-uri="" local-name="employee"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </default-root-element-handle>

-   <root-descriptor>true</root-descriptor>

-   <default-root-element-type-handle>

-      <schema>employee</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="" local-name="employee-type"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </default-root-element-type-handle>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.PhoneNumber.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.PhoneNumber.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f5b72fc..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/descriptors/model.PhoneNumber.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="o-x">

-   <name>model.PhoneNumber</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.PhoneNumber</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="ox">

-      <descriptor-alias>PhoneNumber</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="ox"/>

-      <locking-policy type="ox"/>

-      <primary-key-policy/>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>number</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.PhoneNumber</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>number</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@number</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="xml-direct">

-         <name>type</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.PhoneNumber</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>type</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <xml-field>@type</xml-field>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <schema-context-handle>

-      <schema>employee</schema>

-      <qname-path>

-         <qname component-type="complex-type" namespace-uri="" local-name="phone-type"/>

-      </qname-path>

-   </schema-context-handle>

-   <root-descriptor>false</root-descriptor>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/jpadas-employee.mwp b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/jpadas-employee.mwp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a5d7ae..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/jpadas-employee.mwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<project type="o-x">

-   <name>jpadas-employee</name>

-   <product-version>1.0</product-version>

-   <schema-version>7.0</schema-version>

-   <class-repository>

-      <classpath-entries>

-         <entry>../classes</entry>

-      </classpath-entries>

-      <user-type-names>

-         <name>model.Address</name>

-         <name>model.Employee</name>

-         <name>model.EmploymentPeriod</name>

-         <name>model.Gender</name>

-         <name>model.persistence.MOXyDescriptorCustomizers</name>

-         <name>model.PhoneNumber</name>

-      </user-type-names>

-   </class-repository>

-   <descriptor-names>

-      <descriptor-name>model.Address</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>model.Employee</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>model.PhoneNumber</descriptor-name>

-   </descriptor-names>

-   <defaults-policy type="o-x">

-      <use-method-accessing>false</use-method-accessing>

-   </defaults-policy>

-   <deployment-xml-file>../src/META-INF/employee-oxm.xml</deployment-xml-file>

-   <xml-schema-repository>

-      <schema-names>

-         <name>employee</name>

-      </schema-names>

-   </xml-schema-repository>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/schemas/employee.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/schemas/employee.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e0846d5..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.sdo.das.employee/workbench/schemas/employee.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>employee</name>

-   <target-namespace-url></target-namespace-url>

-   <default-namespace-url></default-namespace-url>

-   <should-default-namespace-url>true</should-default-namespace-url>

-   <schema-source type="file">

-      <location>../src/xsd/jpadas-employee.xsd</location>

-   </schema-source>

-   <built-in-namespaces>

-      <namespace url="" prefix="xs" declared="true"/>

-      <namespace url="" prefix="xsi" declared="true"/>

-   </built-in-namespaces>

-   <declared-namespaces>

-      <namespace>

-         <namespace-prefix>emp</namespace-prefix>

-         <namespace-prefix-is-user-defined>false</namespace-prefix-is-user-defined>

-         <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-         <declared>true</declared>

-         <element-declarations>

-            <element-declaration type="element">

-               <name>employee</name>

-               <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>employee-type</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </type>

-            </element-declaration>

-         </element-declarations>

-         <type-definitions>

-            <type-definition type="complex-type">

-               <name>address-type</name>

-               <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               <abstract>false</abstract>

-               <derivation-method>restriction</derivation-method>

-               <base-type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>anyType</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-               <attributes>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>id</name>

-                     <use>optional</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>integer</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-               </attributes>

-               <content type="complex">

-                  <mixed-flag>false</mixed-flag>

-                  <particle compositor="sequence" type="model-group">

-                     <particles>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>street</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>city</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>state</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>zip-code</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>country</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                     </particles>

-                  </particle>

-               </content>

-            </type-definition>

-            <type-definition type="complex-type">

-               <name>employee-type</name>

-               <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               <abstract>false</abstract>

-               <derivation-method>restriction</derivation-method>

-               <base-type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>anyType</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-               <attributes>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>id</name>

-                     <use>optional</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>integer</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>version</name>

-                     <use>required</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>long</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-               </attributes>

-               <content type="complex">

-                  <mixed-flag>false</mixed-flag>

-                  <particle compositor="sequence" type="model-group">

-                     <particles>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>first-name</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>last-name</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>string</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>gender</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>gender</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>salary</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                              <name>double</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>address</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                              <name>address-type</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>phone-number</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                              <name>phone-type</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <max-occurs>2147483640</max-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                        <particle type="element">

-                           <name>sdo-change-summary</name>

-                           <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           <type type="complex-type-ref">

-                              <name>anyType</name>

-                              <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                           </type>

-                           <min-occurs>0</min-occurs>

-                        </particle>

-                     </particles>

-                  </particle>

-               </content>

-            </type-definition>

-            <type-definition type="simple-type">

-               <name>gender</name>

-               <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               <variety>atomic</variety>

-               <base-type type="simple-type-ref">

-                  <name>token</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-            </type-definition>

-            <type-definition type="complex-type">

-               <name>phone-type</name>

-               <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               <abstract>false</abstract>

-               <derivation-method>restriction</derivation-method>

-               <base-type type="complex-type-ref">

-                  <name>anyType</name>

-                  <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-               </base-type>

-               <attributes>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>number</name>

-                     <use>optional</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>string</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-                  <attribute type="attribute">

-                     <name>type</name>

-                     <use>optional</use>

-                     <type type="simple-type-ref">

-                        <name>string</name>

-                        <namespace-url></namespace-url>

-                     </type>

-                  </attribute>

-               </attributes>

-               <content type="empty"/>

-            </type-definition>

-         </type-definitions>

-      </namespace>

-   </declared-namespaces>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.classpath b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 1003fe4..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>

-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" exported="true" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" exported="true" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.moxy"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" exported="true" kind="src" path="/commonj.sdo 2.1.0"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.project b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c56a5..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.sdo</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5886240..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#Tue Oct 09 11:37:25 EDT 2007




















































diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.settings/org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.settings/org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index b8308ee..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/.settings/org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#Wed May 07 14:06:24 EDT 2008





diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff66a5a..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@

-# Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

-# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

-# terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

-# which accompanies this distribution. 

-# The Eclipse Public License is available at

-# and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 



-# Contributors:

-#     dclarke - DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057



-# This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

-# in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

-# may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

-# lists or the bug database.

-#***************************************************************************** -->



-source.. = src/

diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/build.xml b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b5723ac..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>

-<!-- *******************************************************************************

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ****************************************************************************** -->

-<project name="incubation.das" default="build" basedir=".">


-    <property file="./"/>

-    <property file="${trunk.dir}/"/>


-    <!-- Set Compile Path-->

-    <path id="compile.path">

-        <pathelement path="${trunk.dir}/sdo/plugins/${commonj.sdo.lib}"/>

-    	<pathelement path="${trunk.dir}/moxy/plugins/javax.xml.bind_2.0.0.jar" />

-    	<pathelement path="${trunk.dir}/plugins/javax.xml.stream_1.0.0.jar"/>

-        <pathelement path="${trunk.dir}/${}"/>

-    </path>


-	<target name="build" depends="clean,compile,package" />


-    <!-- clean -->

-    <target name="clean" description="Clean all generated content">

-        <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">

-            <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"/>

-        </delete>

-    </target>


-    <!-- compile -->

-    <target name="compile" description="Compile EclipseLink DAS">

-        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>

-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"

-               destdir="${classes.dir}"

-               includes="**/*.java"

-               debug="${javac.debug}"

-               optimize="${javac.optimize}"

-               source="${javac.version}"

-               target="${javac.version}"

-               deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"

-               failonerror="true"

-               memoryMaximumSize="512m"

-               fork="true"

-               classpathref="compile.path"

-        />

-    </target>


-    <target name="package" >

-        <delete file="eclipselink-das.jar"/>

-        <delete file=""/>


-        <!-- include order is important. original eclipselink jar must be -->

-        <!-- included last to allow inclusion of incubation classes, and  -->

-        <!-- exclusion of original eclipselink classes                    -->

-        <jar jarfile="eclipselink-das.jar" duplicate="preserve">

-             <manifest>

-                <attribute name="Specification-Title"    value="${eclipselink.specification.title}"/>

-                <attribute name="Specification-Vendor"   value="${specification.vendor}"/>

-                <attribute name="Specification-Version"  value="${release.version}"/>

-                <attribute name="Implementation-Title"   value="${eclipselink.implementation.title}"/>

-                <attribute name="Implementation-Vendor"  value="${implementation.vendor}"/>

-                <attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version.string}-INCUBATION"/>

-                <attribute name="Release-Designation"    value="${release.designation}"/>

-                <attribute name="Premain-Class"          value="${eclipselink.premain.class}"/>

-            </manifest>

-            <fileset dir="${classes.dir}" />

-            <zipgroupfileset dir="${trunk.dir}">

-                <include name="eclipselink.jar" />

-            </zipgroupfileset>

-        	<filename name="readme.txt"/>

-        </jar>


-        <jar jarfile="" duplicate="preserve">

-            <fileset dir="${src.dir}" />

-            <zipgroupfileset dir="${trunk.dir}">

-                <include name="" />

-            </zipgroupfileset>

-        	<filename name="readme.txt"/>

-        </jar>




diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/
deleted file mode 100644
index 15be137..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/eclipselink-das.jar b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/eclipselink-das.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 38daeb1..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/eclipselink-das.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/readme.txt b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c7c5136..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-The contents of this library are provided as part of the EclipseLink Incubator component and should only be used for testing 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/oxm/accessor/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/oxm/accessor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b33ab4..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/oxm/accessor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@

-* Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

-* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

-* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

-* which accompanies this distribution.

-* The Eclipse Public License is available at

-* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at



-* Contributors:

-* mmacivor - Feb 06/2009 - Initial implementation


-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.accessor;


-import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

-import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.AttributeAccessor;



- * A custom AttriuteAccessor to be used when the same object is mapped in both

- * OXM and ORM. This will bridge the gap between the two for attributes that use

- * ValueHolders. Specifically for JPA weaving.

- * @author matt.macivor

- *

- */

-public class OrmAttributeAccessor extends AttributeAccessor {

-    private AttributeAccessor ormAccessor;

-    private AttributeAccessor oxmAccessor;

-    private boolean isValueHolderProperty;

-    private boolean isChangeTracking;


-    public OrmAttributeAccessor(AttributeAccessor ormAccessor, AttributeAccessor oxmAccessor) {

-        this.ormAccessor = ormAccessor;

-        this.oxmAccessor = oxmAccessor;

-    }


-    public void setValueHolderProperty(boolean isValueHolder) {

-        isValueHolderProperty = isValueHolder;

-    }


-    public void setChangeTracking(boolean changeTracking) {

-        this.isChangeTracking = changeTracking;

-    }


-    public boolean isValueHolderProperty() {

-        return this.isValueHolderProperty;

-    }


-    public boolean isChangeTracking() {

-        return this.isChangeTracking;

-    }


-    public Object getAttributeValueFromObject(Object object) {

-        if(isValueHolderProperty) {

-            ValueHolderInterface vh = (ValueHolderInterface)ormAccessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(object);

-            if(vh != null && !vh.isInstantiated()) {

-                Object value = vh.getValue();

-                oxmAccessor.setAttributeValueInObject(object, value);

-                if(vh instanceof WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface) {

-                    ((WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface)vh).setIsCoordinatedWithProperty(true);

-                }

-            }

-        }

-        return oxmAccessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(object);

-    }


-    public void setAttributeValueInObject(Object object, Object value) {

-        if(isChangeTracking) {

-            Object oldValue = getAttributeValueFromObject(object);

-            PropertyChangeListener listener = ((ChangeTracker)object)._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener();

-            if(listener != null) {

-                listener.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(object, oxmAccessor.getAttributeName(), value, oldValue));

-            }

-        }

-        if(isValueHolderProperty) {

-            ValueHolderInterface vh = (ValueHolderInterface)ormAccessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(object);

-            if(vh == null) {

-                vh = new ValueHolder();

-                ((ValueHolder)vh).setIsNewlyWeavedValueHolder(true);

-            }

-            vh.setValue(value);

-            ormAccessor.setAttributeValueInObject(object, vh);

-        }

-        oxmAccessor.setAttributeValueInObject(object, value);

-    }


-    public AttributeAccessor getOrmAccessor() {

-        return this.ormAccessor;

-    }


-    public AttributeAccessor getOxmAccessor() {

-        return this.oxmAccessor;

-    }


-    public void setOrmAccessor(AttributeAccessor accessor) {

-        this.ormAccessor = accessor;

-    }


-    public void setOxmAccessor(AttributeAccessor accessor) {

-        this.oxmAccessor = accessor;

-    }


-    public Class getAttributeClass() {

-        return oxmAccessor.getAttributeClass();

-    }


-    public boolean isMethodAttributeAccessor() {

-        return oxmAccessor.isMethodAttributeAccessor();

-    }


-    public String getAttributeName() {

-        return oxmAccessor.getAttributeName();

-    }


diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jaxb/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jaxb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88c7acc..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jaxb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink

- ******************************************************************************/  

-package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb;


-import java.util.Iterator;


-import javax.xml.bind.Binder;

-import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller;

-import javax.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver;

-import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller;

-import javax.xml.bind.Validator;

-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

-import java.util.HashMap;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLContext;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.Generator;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.MarshalCallback;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.UnmarshalCallback;




- * <p><b>Purpose:</b>Provide a TopLink implementation of the JAXBContext interface.

- * <p><b>Responsibilities:</b><ul>

- * <li>Create Marshaller instances</li>

- * <li>Create Unmarshaller instances</li>

- * <li>Create Binder instances</li>

- * <li>Create Introspector instances</li>

- * <li>Create Validator instances</li>

- * <li>Generate Schema Files</li>

- * <ul>

- * <p>This is the TopLink JAXB 2.0 implementation of javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext. This class

- * is created by the JAXBContextFactory and is used to create Marshallers, Unmarshallers, Validators,

- * Binders and Introspectors. A JAXBContext can also be used to create Schema Files.

- * 

- * @see javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext

- * @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBMarshaller

- * @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBUnmarshaller

- * @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBBinder

- * @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBIntrospector

- * 

- * @author mmacivor

- * @since Oracle TopLink

- */


-public class JAXBContext extends javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext {

-    private XMLContext xmlContext;

-    private org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.Generator generator;

-    private HashMap<Class, QName> generatedClassesToQName;


-    public JAXBContext(XMLContext context) {

-        super();

-        xmlContext = context;

-    }


-    public JAXBContext(XMLContext context, Generator generator) {

-        super();

-        this.xmlContext = context;

-        this.generator = generator;

-        this.generatedClassesToQName = generator.getMappingsGenerator().getGeneratedClassesToQName();

-    }


-    public XMLContext getXMLContext() {

-        return this.xmlContext;

-    }


-    public void generateSchema(SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver) {

-        if(generator == null) {

-            return;

-        }

-        generator.generateSchemaFiles(outputResolver, null);

-    }


-    public Marshaller createMarshaller() {

-    	// create a JAXBIntrospector and set it on the marshaller

-        JAXBMarshaller marshaller = new JAXBMarshaller(xmlContext.createMarshaller(), new JAXBIntrospector(xmlContext));

-        if (generator != null && generator.hasMarshalCallbacks()) {

-            // initialize each callback in the map

-            for (Iterator callIt = generator.getMarshalCallbacks().keySet().iterator(); callIt.hasNext(); ) {

-                MarshalCallback cb = (MarshalCallback) generator.getMarshalCallbacks().get(;

-                // TODO:  what classloader do we want to use here?

-                cb.initialize(generator.getClass().getClassLoader());

-            }

-            marshaller.setMarshalCallbacks(generator.getMarshalCallbacks());

-        }

-        return marshaller;

-    }


-    public Unmarshaller createUnmarshaller() {

-        JAXBUnmarshaller unmarshaller = new JAXBUnmarshaller(xmlContext.createUnmarshaller());

-        if (generator != null && generator.hasUnmarshalCallbacks()) {

-            // initialize each callback in the map

-            for (Iterator callIt = generator.getUnmarshalCallbacks().keySet().iterator(); callIt.hasNext(); ) {

-                UnmarshalCallback cb = (UnmarshalCallback) generator.getUnmarshalCallbacks().get(;

-                // TODO:  what classloader do we want to use here?

-                cb.initialize(generator.getClass().getClassLoader());

-            }

-            unmarshaller.setUnmarshalCallbacks(generator.getUnmarshalCallbacks());

-        }

-        unmarshaller.setGeneratedClassesToQName(this.generatedClassesToQName);

-        return unmarshaller;

-    }


-    public Validator createValidator() {

-        return new JAXBValidator(xmlContext.createValidator());

-    }


-    public Binder createBinder() {

-        return new JAXBBinder(this.xmlContext);

-    }


-    public JAXBIntrospector createJAXBIntrospector() {

-        return new JAXBIntrospector(xmlContext);

-    }


-    public void setGeneratedClassesToQName(HashMap<Class, QName> classesToQName) {

-    	this.generatedClassesToQName = classesToQName;

-    }


-    /**

-     * ADVANCED:

-     * Adjust the OXM metadata to take into accound ORM mapping metadata,

-     */

-     public void applyORMMetadata(AbstractSession ormSession) {

-    	 this.xmlContext.applyORMMetadata(ormSession);

-     }



diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/oxm/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/oxm/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5364e8a..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/oxm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.oxm;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.StringTokenizer;

-import java.util.Vector;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.XMLMarshalException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.accessor.OrmAttributeAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.documentpreservation.DescriptorLevelDocumentPreservationPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.documentpreservation.NoDocumentPreservationPolicy;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.AttributeAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.documentpreservation.DocumentPreservationPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeCollectionMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeObjectMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.platform.SAXPlatform;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.platform.XMLPlatform;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.schema.XMLSchemaReference;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEventListener;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.SessionManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.XMLSessionConfigLoader;



- * <p>

- * An XMLContext is created based on EclipseLink sessions or projects and can then

- * used to create instances of XMLMarshaller, XMLUnmarshaller and XMLValidator.

- *

- * <p>

- * There are constructors to create an XMLContext with a single EclipseLink project

- * or with a String which is a single EclipseLink session name or a ':' separated

- * list of EclipseLink session names.

- *

- * <p>

- * <em>Code Sample</em><br>

- * <code>

- *  XMLContext context = new XMLContext("mySessionName");<br>

- *  XMLMarshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();<br>

- *  XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = context.createUnmarshaller();<br>

- *  XMLValidator validator = context.createValidator();<br>

- *  <code>

- *

- *  <p>The XMLContext is thread-safe.  If multiple threads accessing the same XMLContext object

- *  request an XMLMarshaller, each will receive their own instance of XMLMarshaller, so any

- *  state that the XMLMarshaller maintains will be unique to that process.  The same is true

- *  of instances of XMLUnmarshaller and XMLValidator.

- *

- *  @see org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLMarshaller

- *  @see org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLUnmarshaller

- *  @see org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLValidator

- *

- */

-public class XMLContext {

-    private List sessions;

-    private Map descriptorsByQName;

-    private Map descriptorsByGlobalType;

-    private boolean hasDocumentPreservation = false;


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLContext based on the specified session name or list of

-     * session names

-     *

-     * @param sessionNames

-     *            A single session name or multiple session names separated by a :

-     */

-    public XMLContext(String sessionNames) {

-        this(sessionNames, PrivilegedAccessHelper.privilegedGetClassLoaderForClass(XMLContext.class));

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLContext based on the specified session name or list of

-     * session names

-     *

-     * @param sessionNames

-     *            A single session name or multiple session names separated by a :

-     * @param classLoader

-     *            classloader for loading sessions.xml

-     */

-    public XMLContext(String sessionNames, ClassLoader classLoader) {

-        this(sessionNames, classLoader, null);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLContext based on passed in session names and session meta

-     * XML.

-     *

-     * @param sessionNames

-     *            A single session name or multiple session names separated by

-     *            a:

-     * @param xmlResource

-     *            path to XML file containing session meta data to initialize

-     *            and load sessions.

-     */

-    public XMLContext(String sessionNames, String xmlResource) {

-        this(sessionNames, PrivilegedAccessHelper.privilegedGetClassLoaderForClass(XMLContext.class), xmlResource);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLContext based on passed in session names, classloader and

-     * session meta XML.

-     *

-     * @param sessionNames

-     *            A single session name or multiple session names separated by a :

-     * @param classLoader

-     *            classloader for loading sessions.xml

-     * @param xmlResource

-     *            path to XML file containing session meta data to initialize

-     *            and load sessions.

-     */

-    public XMLContext(String sessionNames, ClassLoader classLoader, String xmlResource) {

-        XMLSessionConfigLoader loader = null;

-        if (xmlResource != null) {

-            loader = new XMLSessionConfigLoader(xmlResource);

-        } else {

-            loader = new XMLSessionConfigLoader();

-        }

-        descriptorsByQName = new HashMap();

-        descriptorsByGlobalType = new HashMap();

-        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(sessionNames, ":");

-        sessions = new ArrayList(st.countTokens());

-        int index = 0;

-        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {

-            sessions.add(buildSession(st.nextToken(), classLoader, loader));

-            index++;

-        }

-        for (int x = index - 1; x >= 0; x--) {

-            storeXMLDescriptorsByQName((DatabaseSession) sessions.get(x));

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLContext based on the specified project

-     *

-     * @param project

-     *            An EclipseLink project

-     */

-    public XMLContext(Project project) {

-        this(project, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());

-    }


-    public XMLContext(Project project, ClassLoader classLoader) {

-        if ((project.getDatasourceLogin() == null) || !(project.getDatasourceLogin().getDatasourcePlatform() instanceof XMLPlatform)) {

-            XMLPlatform platform = new SAXPlatform();

-            platform.getConversionManager().setLoader(classLoader);

-            project.setLogin(new XMLLogin(platform));

-        }

-        sessions = new ArrayList(1);

-        DatabaseSession session = project.createDatabaseSession();


-        // turn logging for this session off and leave the global session up

-        // Note: setting level to SEVERE or WARNING will printout stacktraces for expected exceptions

-        session.setLogLevel(SessionLog.OFF);

-        // dont turn off global static logging

-        //AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(AbstractSessionLog.INFO, "ox_turn_global_logging_off", getClass());        			

-        //AbstractSessionLog.getLog().setLevel(AbstractSessionLog.OFF);

-        setupDocumentPreservationPolicy(session);

-        session.login();

-        sessions.add(session);

-        descriptorsByQName = new HashMap();

-        descriptorsByGlobalType = new HashMap();

-        storeXMLDescriptorsByQName(session);

-    }


-    public XMLContext(Collection projects) {

-    	this(projects, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());

-    }


-    public XMLContext(Collection projects, ClassLoader classLoader) {

-    	Iterator iterator = projects.iterator();

-    	sessions = new ArrayList(projects.size());

-		descriptorsByQName = new HashMap();

-		descriptorsByGlobalType = new HashMap();

-    	while(iterator.hasNext()) {

-    		Project project = (Project);

-    		if ((project.getDatasourceLogin() == null) || !(project.getDatasourceLogin().getDatasourcePlatform() instanceof XMLPlatform)) {

-    			XMLPlatform platform = new SAXPlatform();

-    			platform.getConversionManager().setLoader(classLoader);

-    			project.setLogin(new XMLLogin(platform));

-    		}

-    		DatabaseSession session = project.createDatabaseSession();


-    		// turn logging for this session off and leave the global session up

-    		// Note: setting level to SEVERE or WARNING will printout stacktraces for expected exceptions

-    		session.setLogLevel(SessionLog.OFF);

-    		// dont turn off global static logging

-    		//AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(AbstractSessionLog.INFO, "ox_turn_global_logging_off", getClass());        			

-    		//AbstractSessionLog.getLog().setLevel(AbstractSessionLog.OFF);

-    		setupDocumentPreservationPolicy(session);

-    		session.login();

-    		sessions.add(session);

-    		storeXMLDescriptorsByQName(session);

-    	}

-    }


-    private DatabaseSession buildSession(String sessionName, ClassLoader classLoader, XMLSessionConfigLoader sessionLoader) throws XMLMarshalException {

-        DatabaseSession dbSession;

-        if (classLoader != null) {

-            dbSession = (DatabaseSession) SessionManager.getManager().getSession(sessionLoader, sessionName, classLoader, false, true);

-        } else {

-            dbSession = (DatabaseSession) SessionManager.getManager().getSession(sessionLoader, sessionName, PrivilegedAccessHelper.privilegedGetClassLoaderForClass(this.getClass()), false, false, false);

-        }

-        if ((dbSession.getDatasourceLogin() == null) || !(dbSession.getDatasourceLogin().getDatasourcePlatform() instanceof XMLPlatform)) {

-            XMLPlatform platform = new SAXPlatform();

-            dbSession.setLogin(new XMLLogin(platform));

-        }

-        DatabaseSession session = dbSession.getProject().createDatabaseSession();

-        if (dbSession.getEventManager().hasListeners()) {

-            List listeners = dbSession.getEventManager().getListeners();

-            int listenersSize = listeners.size();

-            for (int x = 0; x < listenersSize; x++) {

-                session.getEventManager().addListener((SessionEventListener) listeners.get(x));

-            }

-        }

-        session.setExceptionHandler(dbSession.getExceptionHandler());

-        session.setLogLevel(SessionLog.OFF);

-        setupDocumentPreservationPolicy(session);

-        session.login();

-        return session;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Add and initialize a new session to the list of sessions

-     * associated with this XMLContext.

-     */

-    public void addSession(DatabaseSession sessionToAdd) {

-        if ((sessionToAdd.getDatasourceLogin() == null) || !(sessionToAdd.getDatasourceLogin().getDatasourcePlatform() instanceof XMLPlatform)) {

-            XMLPlatform platform = new SAXPlatform();

-            sessionToAdd.setLogin(new XMLLogin(platform));

-        }

-        DatabaseSession session = sessionToAdd.getProject().createDatabaseSession();

-        if (sessionToAdd.getEventManager().hasListeners()) {

-            List listeners = sessionToAdd.getEventManager().getListeners();

-            int listenersSize = listeners.size();

-            for (int x = 0; x < listenersSize; x++) {

-                session.getEventManager().addListener((SessionEventListener) listeners.get(x));

-            }

-        }

-        session.setExceptionHandler(sessionToAdd.getExceptionHandler());

-        session.setLogLevel(SessionLog.OFF);

-        this.setupDocumentPreservationPolicy(session);

-        session.login();

-        sessions.add(session);


-        storeXMLDescriptorsByQName(session);


-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLUnmarshaller

-     *

-     * @return An XMLUnmarshaller based on this XMLContext

-     */

-    public XMLUnmarshaller createUnmarshaller() {

-        XMLUnmarshaller unmarshaller = new XMLUnmarshaller(this);

-        return unmarshaller;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLBinder

-     * @return an XMLBinder based on this XMLContext

-     */

-    public XMLBinder createBinder() {

-        return new XMLBinder(this);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLMarshaller

-     *

-     * @return An XMLMarshaller based on this XMLContext

-     */

-    public XMLMarshaller createMarshaller() {

-        XMLMarshaller marshaller = new XMLMarshaller(this);

-        return marshaller;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new XMLValidator

-     *

-     * @return An XMLValidator based on this XMLContext

-     */

-    public XMLValidator createValidator() {

-        XMLValidator validator = new XMLValidator(this);

-        return validator;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Return the session corresponding to this object. Since the

-     * object may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create the

-     * XML Context, this method will return the first match.

-     *

-     * The session will be a unit of work if document preservation is not

-     * enabled.  This method will typically  be used for unmarshalling

-     * when a non-shared cache is desired.

-     */

-    public AbstractSession getReadSession(Object object) {

-        if (null == object) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        int numberOfSessions = sessions.size();

-        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSessions; x++) {

-            AbstractSession next = ((AbstractSession) sessions.get(x));

-            XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor = (XMLDescriptor) next.getDescriptor(object);

-            if (xmlDescriptor != null) {

-                // we don't currently support document preservation

-                // and non-shared cache (via unit of work)

-                //if (!documentPreservationPolicy.shouldPreserveDocument()) {

-                next = next.acquireUnitOfWork();

-                //}

-                return next;

-            }

-        }

-        throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(object.getClass().getName());

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Return the session corresponding to this class. Since the class

-     * may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create the XML

-     * Context, this method will return the first match.

-     *

-     * The session will be a unit of work if document preservation is not

-     * enabled.  This method will typically  be used for unmarshalling

-     * when a non-shared cache is desired.

-     */

-    public AbstractSession getReadSession(Class clazz) {

-        if (null == clazz) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        int numberOfSessions = sessions.size();

-        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSessions; x++) {

-            AbstractSession next = ((AbstractSession) sessions.get(x));

-            XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor = (XMLDescriptor) next.getDescriptor(clazz);

-            if (xmlDescriptor != null) {

-                // we don't currently support document preservation

-                // and non-shared cache (via unit of work)

-                //if (!documentPreservationPolicy.shouldPreserveDocument()) {

-                next = next.acquireUnitOfWork();

-                //}

-                return next;

-            }

-        }

-        throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(clazz.getName());

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Return the session corresponding to this XMLDescriptor. Since

-     * the class may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create

-     * the XML Context, this method will return the first match.

-     *

-     * The session will be a unit of work if document preservation is not

-     * enabled.  This method will typically  be used for unmarshalling

-     * when a non-shared cache is desired.

-     */

-    public AbstractSession getReadSession(XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor) {

-        if (null == xmlDescriptor) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        int numberOfSessions = sessions.size();

-        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSessions; x++) {

-            AbstractSession next = ((AbstractSession) sessions.get(x));

-            if (next.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().contains(xmlDescriptor)) {

-                // we don't currently support document preservation

-                // and non-shared cache (via unit of work)

-                //if (!documentPreservationPolicy.shouldPreserveDocument()) {

-                next = next.acquireUnitOfWork();

-                //}

-                return next;

-            }

-        }

-        throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(xmlDescriptor.getJavaClass().getName());

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Return the EclipseLink session used to marshall.

-     */

-    public List getSessions() {

-        return sessions;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: <code>

-     * XMLContext xmlContext = new XMLContext("path0:path1");<br>

-     * DatabaseSession session = xmlContext.getSession(0);  // returns session for path0<br>

-     * </code>

-     */

-    public DatabaseSession getSession(int index) {

-        if (null == sessions) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        return (DatabaseSession) sessions.get(index);

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Return the session corresponding to this object. Since the

-     * object may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create the

-     * XML Context, this method will return the first match.

-     */

-    public AbstractSession getSession(Object object) {

-    	if (null == object) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        int numberOfSessions = sessions.size();

-        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSessions; x++) {

-            AbstractSession next = ((AbstractSession) sessions.get(x));

-            if (next.getDescriptor(object) != null) {

-                return next;

-            }

-        }

-        throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(object.getClass().getName());

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Return the session corresponding to this class. Since the class

-     * may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create the XML

-     * Context, this method will return the first match.

-     */

-    public AbstractSession getSession(Class clazz) {

-        if (null == clazz) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        int numberOfSessions = sessions.size();

-        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSessions; x++) {

-            AbstractSession next = ((AbstractSession) sessions.get(x));

-            if (next.getDescriptor(clazz) != null) {

-                return next;

-            }

-        }

-        throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(clazz.getName());

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Return the session corresponding to this XMLDescriptor. Since

-     * the class may be mapped by more that one of the projects used to create

-     * the XML Context, this method will return the first match.

-     */

-    public AbstractSession getSession(XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor) {

-        if (null == xmlDescriptor) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        int numberOfSessions = sessions.size();

-        for (int x = 0; x < numberOfSessions; x++) {

-            AbstractSession next = ((AbstractSession) sessions.get(x));

-            if (next.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().contains(xmlDescriptor)) {

-                return next;

-            }

-        }

-        throw XMLMarshalException.descriptorNotFoundInProject(xmlDescriptor.getJavaClass().getName());

-    }


-    private void storeXMLDescriptorsByQName(DatabaseSession session) {

-        Iterator iterator = session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().iterator();

-        while (iterator.hasNext()) {

-            XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor = (XMLDescriptor);

-            storeXMLDescriptorByQName(xmlDescriptor);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     */

-    public void storeXMLDescriptorByQName(XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor) {

-        QName descriptorQName;

-        String defaultRootName;


-        Vector tableNames = xmlDescriptor.getTableNames();

-        for (int i = 0; i < tableNames.size(); i++) {

-            defaultRootName = (String) tableNames.get(i);


-            if (null != defaultRootName) {

-                int index = defaultRootName.indexOf(':');

-                String defaultRootLocalName = defaultRootName.substring(index + 1);

-                if (index > -1) {

-                    String defaultRootPrefix = defaultRootName.substring(0, index);

-                    String defaultRootNamespaceURI = xmlDescriptor.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespacePrefix(defaultRootPrefix);

-                    descriptorQName = new QName(defaultRootNamespaceURI, defaultRootLocalName);

-                } else {

-                    if(xmlDescriptor.getNamespaceResolver() != null) {

-                        descriptorQName = new QName(xmlDescriptor.getNamespaceResolver().getDefaultNamespaceURI(), defaultRootLocalName);

-                    } else {

-                        descriptorQName = new QName(defaultRootLocalName);

-                    }

-                }

-                if (!xmlDescriptor.hasInheritance() || xmlDescriptor.getInheritancePolicy().isRootParentDescriptor()) {

-                    descriptorsByQName.put(descriptorQName, xmlDescriptor);

-                } else {

-                    //this means we have a descriptor that is a child in an inheritance hierarchy

-                    XMLDescriptor existingDescriptor = (XMLDescriptor) descriptorsByQName.get(descriptorQName);

-                    if (existingDescriptor == null) {

-                        descriptorsByQName.put(descriptorQName, xmlDescriptor);

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        XMLSchemaReference xmlSchemaReference = xmlDescriptor.getSchemaReference();

-        if (null != xmlSchemaReference) {

-            String schemaContext = xmlSchemaReference.getSchemaContext();

-            if ((xmlSchemaReference.getType() == XMLSchemaReference.COMPLEX_TYPE) || (xmlSchemaReference.getType() == XMLSchemaReference.SIMPLE_TYPE)) {

-                if ((null != schemaContext) && (schemaContext.lastIndexOf('/') == 0)) {

-                    schemaContext = schemaContext.substring(1, schemaContext.length());

-                    XPathFragment typeFragment = new XPathFragment(schemaContext);

-                    if (null != xmlDescriptor.getNamespaceResolver()) {

-                        typeFragment.setNamespaceURI(xmlDescriptor.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespacePrefix(typeFragment.getPrefix()));

-                    }

-                    this.descriptorsByGlobalType.put(typeFragment, xmlDescriptor);

-                } else {

-                    QName qname = xmlSchemaReference.getSchemaContextAsQName();

-                    if (qname != null) {

-                        if (xmlDescriptor.isWrapper() && xmlDescriptor.getJavaClassName().contains("ObjectWrapper")) {

-                            return;

-                        }

-                        XPathFragment typeFragment = new XPathFragment();

-                        typeFragment.setLocalName(qname.getLocalPart());

-                        typeFragment.setNamespaceURI(qname.getNamespaceURI());

-                        this.descriptorsByGlobalType.put(typeFragment, xmlDescriptor);

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Return the XMLDescriptor with the default root mapping matchin

-     * the QName paramater.

-     */

-    public XMLDescriptor getDescriptor(QName qName) {

-        return (XMLDescriptor) descriptorsByQName.get(qName);

-    }


-    public void addDescriptorByQName(QName qName, XMLDescriptor descriptor) {

-    	descriptorsByQName.put(qName, descriptor);

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL: Return the XMLDescriptor mapped to the global type matching the

-     * XPathFragment parameter.

-     */

-    public XMLDescriptor getDescriptorByGlobalType(XPathFragment xPathFragment) {

-        return (XMLDescriptor) this.descriptorsByGlobalType.get(xPathFragment);

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Return the DocumentPreservationPolicy associated with this session

-     * @param session

-     * @return

-     */

-    public DocumentPreservationPolicy getDocumentPreservationPolicy(AbstractSession session) {

-        XMLLogin login = (XMLLogin) session.getDatasourceLogin();

-        return login.getDocumentPreservationPolicy();

-    }


-    public void setupDocumentPreservationPolicy(DatabaseSession session) {

-        XMLLogin login = (XMLLogin) session.getDatasourceLogin();

-        if (login.getDocumentPreservationPolicy() == null) {

-            Iterator iterator = session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().iterator();

-            while (iterator.hasNext()) {

-                XMLDescriptor xmlDescriptor = (XMLDescriptor);

-                if (xmlDescriptor.shouldPreserveDocument()) {

-                    login.setDocumentPreservationPolicy(new DescriptorLevelDocumentPreservationPolicy());

-                    break;

-                }

-            }

-        }

-        if (login.getDocumentPreservationPolicy() == null) {

-            login.setDocumentPreservationPolicy(new NoDocumentPreservationPolicy());

-        }


-        login.getDocumentPreservationPolicy().initialize(this);


-        if (login.getDocumentPreservationPolicy().shouldPreserveDocument() && !hasDocumentPreservation) {

-            hasDocumentPreservation = true;

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Return true if any session held onto by this context has a document preservation

-     * policy that requires unmarshalling from a Node.

-     */

-    public boolean hasDocumentPreservation() {

-        return this.hasDocumentPreservation;

-    }


-    /**

-    * ADVANCED:

-    * Adjust the OXM metadata to take into accound ORM mapping metadata,

-    */

-    public void applyORMMetadata(AbstractSession ormSession) {

-        //Iterate over the ORM descriptors and check for matching OXM descriptors

-        Iterator ormDescriptors = ormSession.getDescriptors().values().iterator();

-        while(ormDescriptors.hasNext()) {

-            ClassDescriptor ormDescriptor = (ClassDescriptor);

-            Class javaClass = ormDescriptor.getJavaClass();

-            AbstractSession oxmSession = null;

-            try {

-                oxmSession = this.getSession(javaClass);

-            } catch(XMLMarshalException ex) {

-                //if we couldn't find a session for this class, we

-                //don't have an OX descriptor for it. 

-            }

-            if(oxmSession != null) {

-                ClassDescriptor oxmDescriptor = oxmSession.getDescriptor(javaClass);

-                //If we have an oxmDescriptor for this ORM descriptor, iterate over

-                //mappings, and update the required OXM mappings attribute accessors

-                Iterator<DatabaseMapping> ormMappings = ormDescriptor.getMappings().iterator();

-                while(ormMappings.hasNext()) {

-                    DatabaseMapping ormMapping =;

-                    DatabaseMapping oxmMapping = oxmDescriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(ormMapping.getAttributeName());

-                    if(oxmMapping != null) {

-                        AttributeAccessor oxmAccessor = oxmMapping.getAttributeAccessor();

-                        OrmAttributeAccessor newAccessor = new OrmAttributeAccessor(ormMapping.getAttributeAccessor(), oxmAccessor);

-                        if(ormMapping.isOneToOneMapping() && ((OneToOneMapping)ormMapping).usesIndirection()) {

-                            newAccessor.setValueHolderProperty(true);

-                        }

-                        newAccessor.setChangeTracking(ormDescriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy());

-                        oxmMapping.setAttributeAccessor(newAccessor);


-                        //check to see if we need to deal with containerAccessor

-                        AttributeAccessor containerAccessor = null;

-                        Class containerClass = null;

-                        if(oxmMapping instanceof XMLCompositeObjectMapping) {

-                            containerAccessor = ((XMLCompositeObjectMapping)oxmMapping).getContainerAccessor();

-                            containerClass = ((XMLCompositeObjectMapping)oxmMapping).getReferenceClass();

-                        } else if(oxmMapping instanceof XMLCompositeCollectionMapping) {

-                            containerAccessor = ((XMLCompositeCollectionMapping)oxmMapping).getContainerAccessor();

-                            containerClass = ((XMLCompositeCollectionMapping)oxmMapping).getReferenceClass();

-                        }

-                        if(containerAccessor != null) {

-                            ClassDescriptor containerDescriptor = ormSession.getDescriptor(containerClass);

-                            if(containerDescriptor != null) {

-                                DatabaseMapping ormContainerMapping = containerDescriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(containerAccessor.getAttributeName());

-                                if(ormContainerMapping != null) {

-                                    //Check for indirection on the container mapping

-                                    OrmAttributeAccessor ormAccessor = new OrmAttributeAccessor(ormContainerMapping.getAttributeAccessor(), containerAccessor);

-                                    ormAccessor.setChangeTracking(containerDescriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().isAttributeChangeTrackingPolicy());

-                                    ormAccessor.setValueHolderProperty(ormContainerMapping instanceof OneToOneMapping && ((OneToOneMapping)ormContainerMapping).usesIndirection());

-                                    if(oxmMapping instanceof XMLCompositeObjectMapping) {

-                                        ((XMLCompositeObjectMapping)oxmMapping).setContainerAccessor(ormAccessor);

-                                    } else if(oxmMapping instanceof XMLCompositeCollectionMapping) {

-                                        ((XMLCompositeCollectionMapping)oxmMapping).setContainerAccessor(ormAccessor);

-                                    }


-                                }

-                            }

-                        }

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }

-    } 

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/sdo/helper/jaxb/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/sdo/helper/jaxb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7aaa973..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/sdo/helper/jaxb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@

-* Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

-* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

-* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

-* which accompanies this distribution.

-* The Eclipse Public License is available at

-* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at



-* Contributors:

-*     mmacivor - Jan 27/2009 - 1.1 - Initial implementation


-package org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb;


-import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

-import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.ListIterator;

-import java.util.Vector;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.ContainerPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContext;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeCollectionMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOChangeSummary;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOProperty;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.ListWrapper;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;


-public class JAXBListWrapper extends ListWrapper {


-    private JAXBValueStore jaxbValueStore;

-    private DatabaseMapping mapping;

-    private ContainerPolicy containerPolicy;

-    private AbstractSession session;

-    private Object elements;


-    public JAXBListWrapper(JAXBValueStore theJAXBValueStore, SDOProperty theProperty) {

-        super(theJAXBValueStore.getDataObject(), theProperty);


-        this.jaxbValueStore = theJAXBValueStore;

-        JAXBContext jaxbContext = (JAXBContext) jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().getJAXBContext();

-        this.session = jaxbContext.getXMLContext().getSession(jaxbValueStore.getEntity().getClass());

-        this.mapping = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBMappingForProperty(theProperty);

-        this.containerPolicy = mapping.getContainerPolicy();

-        this.elements = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(jaxbValueStore.getEntity());

-        if(this.elements == null) {

-            this.elements = containerPolicy.containerInstance();

-            mapping.setAttributeValueInObject(jaxbValueStore.getEntity(), elements);

-        }

-    }


-    public JAXBListWrapper(JAXBValueStore theJAXBValueStore, SDOProperty theProperty, List list) {

-        this(theJAXBValueStore, theProperty);

-        this.elements  = list;

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unused")

-	private List getEmptyList() {

-        if(containerPolicy == null) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        return (List)containerPolicy.containerInstance();

-    }


-    public boolean add(Object item, boolean updateSequence) {

-        // Not allowed to add null if the property is non-nullable

-        if (item == null && (property != null && !property.isNullable())) {

-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Property [" + property.getName() + "] is non-nullable");

-        }


-        // update element arrays before we modify original object

-        // copyElements();


-        Object itemToAdd = item;

-        if(! {

-            itemToAdd = this.jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)item); 

-        }


-        boolean result = this.containerPolicy.addInto(itemToAdd, elements, session);


-        // update containment    	

-        updateContainment(item, updateSequence);


-        return result;

-    }


-    public void add(int index, Object item, boolean updateSequence) {

-        // Not allowed to add null if the property is non-nullable

-        if (item == null && (property != null && !property.isNullable())) {

-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Property [" + property.getName() + "] is non-nullable");

-        }


-        // fail-fast range checking

-        if ((index < 0) || (index > size())) {

-            return;

-        }


-        // update element arrays before we modify original object

-        copyElements();


-        // delegate to superclass

-        Object itemToAdd = item;

-        if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            itemToAdd = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)item);

-        }

-        //ContainerPolicy doesn't support adding with index. 

-        Vector v = containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session);

-        v.add(index, itemToAdd);

-        containerPolicy.clear(elements);

-        for(Object next:v) {

-            containerPolicy.addInto(next, elements, session);

-        }


-        // update containment

-        updateContainment(item, updateSequence);

-    }


-    protected void copyElements() {

-        // update element arrays before we modify original object

-        if (isLogging() && (!((SDOChangeSummary)dataObject.getChangeSummary()).isDirty(this))) {

-            //getElements will return a new Vector containing the elements. No need to update the main collection.

-            ((SDOChangeSummary)dataObject.getChangeSummary()).getOriginalElements().put(this, getCurrentElements());

-        }

-    }


-    private boolean isLogging() {

-        return ((dataObject != null) && (dataObject.getChangeSummary() != null) && dataObject.getChangeSummary().isLogging());

-    }


-    public List getCurrentElements() {

-        if(property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            return containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session);

-        } else {

-            if(property.isContainment()) {

-                return jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session), property, jaxbValueStore.getDataObject());

-            } else {

-                return jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public void setCurrentElements(List newElements) {

-        if(newElements == null || newElements.size() == 0) {

-            this.elements = containerPolicy.containerInstance();

-        }

-        this.elements = containerPolicy.containerInstance(newElements.size());

-        List elementsToAdd = newElements;

-        if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            elementsToAdd = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap(newElements);

-        }

-        for(int i = 0; i < newElements.size(); i++) {

-            if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-                containerPolicy.addInto(elementsToAdd.get(i), this.elements, session);

-            }

-        }

-        this.mapping.setAttributeValueInObject(jaxbValueStore.getEntity(), elements);

-    }


-    public void undoChanges(SDOChangeSummary cs) {

-        // ignore logging state  

-        if (null == cs) {

-            return;

-        }

-        if (cs.isDirty(this)) {

-            // swap elements, discard current state

-            setCurrentElements((List)cs.getOriginalElements().get(this));

-            cs.getOriginalElements().remove(this);

-        }

-    }


-    public boolean remove(Object item, boolean fromDelete, boolean updateSequence) {

-        // update element arrays before we modify original object

-        copyElements();

-        // pass the remove containment (fromDelete) flag back to the recursive delete/detach call to dataObject

-        // fromDelete will always be false when called within ListWrapper

-        removeContainment(item, fromDelete, updateSequence);

-        // remove the first occurrence of any duplicates

-        Object toRemove = item;

-        if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            toRemove = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)item);

-        }

-        return containerPolicy.removeFrom(toRemove, elements, session);

-    }


-    public boolean addAll(Collection items, boolean updateSequence) {

-        // Not allowed to add null if the property is non-nullable

-        if (items.contains(null) && (property != null && !property.isNullable())) {

-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Property [" + property.getName() + "] is non-nullable");

-        }


-        // update element arrays before we modify original object

-        copyElements();


-        // add new elements before we have updated containment on the items - duplicates will be removed 

-        boolean modified = false;

-        if(items != null && !(items.size() == 0)) {

-            modified = true;

-            Iterator itemsIterator = items.iterator();

-            while(itemsIterator.hasNext()) {

-                Object next =;

-                if(!(property.getType().isDataType())) {

-                    next = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)next);

-                }

-                containerPolicy.addInto(next, elements, session);

-            }

-        }


-        dataObject._getCurrentValueStore().setManyProperty(property, this);


-        /**

-         * Corner case: Duplicate DataObjects

-         * The effect of updateContainment on duplicates will be the removal of all but one of the duplicates

-         * in the items collection that was added.

-         * For sequences we must remove duplicates from items to match updateContainment for containment dataObjects

-         */

-        dataObject.updateContainment(property, items, updateSequence);


-        // create new settings outside of updateContainment as we do earlier in currentElements.add

-        updateSequence(property, items, updateSequence);


-        return modified;

-    }


-    public boolean addAll(int position, Collection items, boolean updateSequence) {

-        // fail-fast range checking

-        if ((position < 0) || (position > size())) {

-            return false;

-        }

-        if ((items == null) || (items.size() == 0)) {

-            return false;

-        }


-        // Not allowed to add null if the property is non-nullable

-        if (items.contains(null) && (property != null && !property.isNullable())) {

-            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Property [" + property.getName() + "] is non-nullable");

-        }


-        boolean modified = true;

-        // update element arrays before we modify original object

-        copyElements();


-        //need to use Vector for indexed operations

-        Vector v = containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session);

-        Collection unwrappedItems = items;

-        if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            unwrappedItems = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((Collection<DataObject>)items);

-        }

-        v.addAll(position, unwrappedItems);


-        containerPolicy.clear(elements);

-        for(Object next:v) {

-            containerPolicy.addInto(next, elements, session);

-        }


-        // update containment

-        dataObject.updateContainment(property, items);


-        // create new settings outside of updateContainment as we do earlier in currentElements.add

-        updateSequence(property, items, updateSequence);


-        return modified;

-    }


-    public int size() {

-        return containerPolicy.sizeFor(elements);

-    }


-    public boolean isEmpty() {

-        return containerPolicy.isEmpty(elements);

-    }


-    public boolean contains(Object item) {

-        if(property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            return containerPolicy.contains(item, elements, session);

-        } else {

-            return containerPolicy.contains(jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)item), elements, session);

-        }

-    }


-    public boolean containsAll(Collection items) {

-        for(Object next:items) {

-            if(!(contains(next))) {

-                return false;

-            }

-        }

-        return true;

-    }


-    public Object remove(int index, boolean updateSequence) {

-        // fail-fast range checking

-        if ((index < 0) || (index >= size())) {

-            return null;

-        }


-        // update element arrays before we modify original object

-        copyElements();


-        // Update containment of object and container, do not recursively remove containment

-        Object toRemove = get(index);

-        int occurrence = getOccurrenceIndex(toRemove);

-        removeContainment(occurrence, toRemove, false, updateSequence);


-        // may need to unwrap

-        if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            toRemove = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)toRemove);

-        }

-        return containerPolicy.removeFrom(toRemove, elements, session);

-    }


-    public Object get(int index) {

-        Object toReturn = containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session).elementAt(index);

-        if(!(property.getType().isDataType())) {

-            if(property.isContainment()) {

-                toReturn = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(toReturn, property, jaxbValueStore.getDataObject());

-            } else {

-                toReturn = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(toReturn);                

-            }

-        }

-        return toReturn;

-    }


-    private int getOccurrenceIndex(Object element) {

-        int occurrence = 0;

-        boolean skipFirstOccurrence = true;

-        Vector currentElements = containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session);

-        for (int position = 0, size = size(); position < size; position++) {

-            Object searchIndexObject = currentElements.get(position);

-            // match only objects that are duplicates of this current one

-            if (element == searchIndexObject) {

-                //skip counting the first occurrence

-                if (skipFirstOccurrence) {

-                    skipFirstOccurrence = false;

-                } else {

-                    occurrence++;

-                }

-            }

-        }

-        return occurrence;

-    }


-    public ListIterator listIterator() {

-        List currentElements = containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session);

-        if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            currentElements = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(currentElements);

-        }

-        return currentElements.listIterator();

-    }


-    public ListIterator listIterator(int position) {

-        List currentElements = containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session);

-        if(!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            currentElements = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(currentElements);

-        }

-        return currentElements.listIterator(position);

-    }


-    public int indexOf(Object item) {

-        if(property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            return containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session).indexOf(item);

-        } else {

-            return containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session).indexOf(jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)item));

-        }

-    }


-    public int lastIndexOf(Object item) {

-        if(property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            return containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session).lastIndexOf(item);

-        } else {

-            return containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session).lastIndexOf(jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject)item));

-        }

-    }


-    public Object writeReplace() {

-        if(property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            return containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session);

-        } else {

-            return jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session));

-        }

-    }


-    public Iterator iterator() {

-        if(property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            return containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session).iterator();

-        } else {

-            return jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().wrap(containerPolicy.vectorFor(elements, session)).iterator();

-        }

-    }


-    protected void updateContainment(Object item, boolean updateSequence) {

-        if(mapping.isAbstractCompositeCollectionMapping() && null != item) {

-            XMLCompositeCollectionMapping compositeMapping = (XMLCompositeCollectionMapping) mapping;

-            if(compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor() != null) {

-                Object itemEntity = jaxbValueStore.getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap((DataObject) item);

-                compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(itemEntity, jaxbValueStore.getEntity());

-            }

-        }

-        super.updateContainment(item, updateSequence);

-    }


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/sdo/helper/jaxb/ b/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/sdo/helper/jaxb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d8353d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@

-* Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

-* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

-* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

-* which accompanies this distribution.

-* The Eclipse Public License is available at

-* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at



-* Contributors:

-*     bdoughan - Jan 27/2009 - 1.1 - Initial implementation


-package org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.jaxb;


-import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

-import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.WeakHashMap;


-import javax.xml.namespace.QName;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.SDOException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.MappingNodeValue;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.TreeObjectBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathNode;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.ContainerPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.JAXBContext;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ContainerMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLField;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeCollectionMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLCompositeObjectMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLDirectMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.XMLObjectReferenceMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDODataObject;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOProperty;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.SDOType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.ValueStore;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.ListWrapper;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;

-import commonj.sdo.Property;



- * The JAXBValueStore enables a DataObject to access data from a POJO.

- * The link between an SDO property and a POJO property is through their

- * XML representation.  For the POJO property this corresponds to its

- * JAXB mapping.

- */

-public class JAXBValueStore implements ValueStore {


-    private JAXBHelperContext jaxbHelperContext;

-    private Object entity;

-    private XMLDescriptor descriptor;

-    private SDODataObject dataObject;

-    private Map<Property, ListWrapper> listWrappers;


-    public JAXBValueStore(JAXBHelperContext aJAXBHelperContext, SDOType sdoType) {

-        this.jaxbHelperContext = aJAXBHelperContext;

-        QName xsdQName = sdoType.getXsdType();

-        if(null == xsdQName) {

-            xsdQName = sdoType.getQName();

-        }

-        listWrappers = new WeakHashMap<Property, ListWrapper>();

-        XPathFragment xPathFragment = new XPathFragment(xsdQName.getLocalPart());

-        xPathFragment.setNamespaceURI(xsdQName.getNamespaceURI());

-        JAXBContext jaxbContext = (JAXBContext) jaxbHelperContext.getJAXBContext();

-        this.descriptor = jaxbContext.getXMLContext().getDescriptorByGlobalType(xPathFragment);

-        if (null == this.descriptor) {

-            this.descriptor = jaxbContext.getXMLContext().getDescriptor(xsdQName);

-            if (null == this.descriptor) {

-                throw SDOException.sdoJaxbNoDescriptorForType(sdoType.getQName(), xsdQName);

-            }

-        }

-        this.entity = descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-    }


-    public JAXBValueStore(JAXBHelperContext aJAXBHelperContext, Object anEntity) {

-        this.jaxbHelperContext = aJAXBHelperContext;

-        this.listWrappers = new WeakHashMap<Property, ListWrapper>();

-        JAXBContext jaxbContext = (JAXBContext) jaxbHelperContext.getJAXBContext();

-        this.descriptor = (XMLDescriptor) jaxbContext.getXMLContext().getSession(anEntity).getDescriptor(anEntity);

-        this.entity = anEntity;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return the DataObject associated with this value store.

-     */

-    SDODataObject getDataObject() {

-        return dataObject;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return the POJO associated with this value store. 

-     */

-    Object getEntity() {

-        return entity;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return the XMLDescriptor associated with this value store.

-     * This is the XMLDescriptor for the associated POJO. 

-     */

-    XMLDescriptor getEntityDescriptor() {

-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return the JAXBHelperContext.  This is the JAXBHelperContext

-     * used to create the DataObject.  

-     */

-    JAXBHelperContext getJAXBHelperContext() {

-        return jaxbHelperContext;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Initialize the value store with its associated DataObject.

-     */

-    public void initialize(DataObject aDataObject) {

-        this.dataObject = (SDODataObject) aDataObject;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Get the value from the wrapped POJO, wrapping in DataObjects as

-     * necessary.

-     */

-    public Object getDeclaredProperty(int propertyIndex) {

-        SDOProperty declaredProperty = (SDOProperty) dataObject.getType().getDeclaredProperties().get(propertyIndex);

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = this.getJAXBMappingForProperty(declaredProperty);

-        Object value = mapping.getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-        if (null == value || declaredProperty.getType().isDataType()) {

-            if (declaredProperty.isMany()) {

-                return new JAXBListWrapper(this, declaredProperty);

-            } else {

-                return value;

-            }

-        } else if (declaredProperty.isMany()) {

-            ListWrapper listWrapper = listWrappers.get(declaredProperty);

-            if (null != listWrapper) {

-                return listWrapper;

-            }

-            listWrapper = new JAXBListWrapper(this, declaredProperty);

-            listWrappers.put(declaredProperty, listWrapper);

-            return listWrapper;

-        } else {

-            if(declaredProperty.isContainment()) {

-                return jaxbHelperContext.wrap(value, declaredProperty, dataObject);

-            } else {

-                return jaxbHelperContext.wrap(value);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Set the value on the underlying POJO, unwrapping values as necessary.

-     */

-    public void setDeclaredProperty(int propertyIndex, Object value) {

-        SDOProperty declaredProperty = (SDOProperty) dataObject.getType().getDeclaredProperties().get(propertyIndex);

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = this.getJAXBMappingForProperty(declaredProperty);


-        Object newValue = value;

-        Object oldValue = mapping.getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);


-        if (declaredProperty.getType().isDataType()) {

-            if (!declaredProperty.isMany()) {

-                AbstractSession session = ((JAXBContext) jaxbHelperContext.getJAXBContext()).getXMLContext().getSession(entity);

-                XMLDirectMapping directMapping = (XMLDirectMapping) mapping;

-                if (directMapping.hasConverter()) {

-                    newValue = directMapping.getConverter().convertDataValueToObjectValue(newValue, session);

-                } else {

-                    DatabaseField field = mapping.getField();

-                    newValue = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getConversionManager().convertObject(newValue, descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getFieldClassification(field));

-                }

-            }

-            mapping.setAttributeValueInObject(entity, newValue);

-        } else if (declaredProperty.isMany()) {

-            // Get a ListWrapper and set it's current elements

-            ListWrapper listWrapper = (ListWrapper) getDeclaredProperty(propertyIndex);

-            listWrapper.setCurrentElements((List) newValue);

-        } else {

-            // OLD VALUE

-            if (mapping.isAbstractCompositeObjectMapping()) {

-                XMLCompositeObjectMapping compositeMapping = (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) mapping;

-                if (oldValue != null && compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor() != null) {

-                    compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(oldValue, null);

-                }

-            }


-            // NEW VALUE

-            newValue = jaxbHelperContext.unwrap((DataObject) value);

-            mapping.getAttributeAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(entity, newValue);

-            if (mapping.isAbstractCompositeObjectMapping()) {

-                XMLCompositeObjectMapping compositeMapping = (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) mapping;

-                if (value != null && compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor() != null) {

-                    compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(newValue, entity);

-                }

-            }

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * For isMany=false properties return true if not null. For collection properties

-     * return true if the collection is not empty.

-     */

-    public boolean isSetDeclaredProperty(int propertyIndex) {

-        SDOProperty declaredProperty = (SDOProperty) dataObject.getType().getDeclaredProperties().get(propertyIndex);

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = this.getJAXBMappingForProperty(declaredProperty);

-        if (declaredProperty.isMany()) {

-            Collection collection = (Collection) mapping.getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-            if (null == collection) {

-                return false;

-            }

-            return !collection.isEmpty();

-        } else {

-            return null != mapping.getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * For isMany=false properties set the value to null. For isMany=true set

-     * the value to an empty container of the appropriate type.

-     */

-    public void unsetDeclaredProperty(int propertyIndex) {

-        SDOProperty declaredProperty = (SDOProperty) dataObject.getType().getDeclaredProperties().get(propertyIndex);

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = this.getJAXBMappingForProperty(declaredProperty);

-        if (declaredProperty.isMany()) {

-            ContainerMapping containerMapping = (ContainerMapping) mapping;

-            ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = containerMapping.getContainerPolicy();


-            // OLD VALUE

-            if (mapping.isAbstractCompositeCollectionMapping()) {

-                XMLCompositeCollectionMapping compositeMapping = (XMLCompositeCollectionMapping) mapping;

-                if (compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor() != null) {


-                    Object oldContainer = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-                    if (oldContainer != null) {

-                        AbstractSession session = ((JAXBContext) jaxbHelperContext.getJAXBContext()).getXMLContext().getSession(entity);

-                        Object iterator = containerPolicy.iteratorFor(oldContainer);

-                        while (containerPolicy.hasNext(iterator)) {

-                            Object oldValue =, session);

-                            compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(oldValue, null);

-                        }

-                    }

-                }

-            }


-            // NEW VALUE

-            Object container = containerPolicy.containerInstance();

-            mapping.getAttributeAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(entity, container);

-        } else {

-            // OLD VALUE

-            Object oldValue = mapping.getAttributeAccessor().getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-            if (mapping.isAbstractCompositeObjectMapping()) {

-                XMLCompositeObjectMapping compositeMapping = (XMLCompositeObjectMapping) mapping;

-                if (compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor() != null) {

-                    if (oldValue != null) {

-                        compositeMapping.getContainerAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(oldValue, null);

-                    }

-                }

-            }


-            // NEW VALUE

-            mapping.getAttributeAccessor().setAttributeValueInObject(entity, null);

-        }

-    }


-    public Object getOpenContentProperty(Property property) {

-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

-    }


-    public void setOpenContentProperty(Property property, Object value) {

-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

-    }


-    public boolean isSetOpenContentProperty(Property property) {

-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

-    }


-    public void unsetOpenContentProperty(Property property) {

-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

-    }


-    public void setManyProperty(Property property, Object value) {

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = this.getJAXBMappingForProperty((SDOProperty) property);

-        ContainerMapping containerMapping = (ContainerMapping) mapping;

-        ContainerPolicy containerPolicy = containerMapping.getContainerPolicy();

-        AbstractSession session = ((JAXBContext) jaxbHelperContext.getJAXBContext()).getXMLContext().getSession(entity);

-        Collection collection = (Collection) value;

-        if (!property.getType().isDataType()) {

-            collection = getJAXBHelperContext().unwrap(collection);

-        }


-        Iterator collectionIterator = collection.iterator();

-        Object container = containerMapping.getContainerPolicy().containerInstance();

-        while (collectionIterator.hasNext()) {

-            Object collectionValue =;

-            containerPolicy.addInto(collectionValue, container, session);

-        }

-        mapping.setAttributeValueInObject(entity, container);

-    }


-    public ValueStore copy() {

-        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return the JAXB mapping for the SDO property.  They are matched

-     * on their XML schema representation. 

-     */

-    DatabaseMapping getJAXBMappingForProperty(SDOProperty sdoProperty) {

-        DatabaseMapping sdoMapping = sdoProperty.getXmlMapping();

-        XMLField field;

-        if (sdoMapping instanceof XMLObjectReferenceMapping) {

-            XMLObjectReferenceMapping referenceMapping = (XMLObjectReferenceMapping) sdoMapping;

-            field = (XMLField) referenceMapping.getFields().get(0);

-        } else {

-            field = (XMLField) sdoMapping.getField();

-        }

-        TreeObjectBuilder treeObjectBuilder = (TreeObjectBuilder) descriptor.getObjectBuilder();

-        XPathNode xPathNode = treeObjectBuilder.getRootXPathNode();

-        XPathFragment xPathFragment = field.getXPathFragment();

-        while (xPathNode != null && xPathFragment != null) {

-            if (xPathFragment.isAttribute()) {

-                if (sdoProperty.isMany() && !sdoProperty.isContainment() && !sdoProperty.getType().isDataType()) {

-                    xPathFragment = null;

-                    break;

-                }

-                Map attributeChildrenMap = xPathNode.getAttributeChildrenMap();

-                if (null == attributeChildrenMap) {

-                    xPathNode = null;

-                } else {

-                    xPathNode = (XPathNode) xPathNode.getAttributeChildrenMap().get(xPathFragment);

-                }

-            } else {

-                Map nonAttributeChildrenMap = xPathNode.getNonAttributeChildrenMap();

-                if (null == nonAttributeChildrenMap) {

-                    xPathNode = null;

-                } else {

-                    xPathNode = (XPathNode) xPathNode.getNonAttributeChildrenMap().get(xPathFragment);

-                }

-            }

-            xPathFragment = xPathFragment.getNextFragment();

-            if (xPathFragment != null && xPathFragment.nameIsText()) {

-                if (sdoProperty.isMany() && !sdoProperty.isContainment()) {

-                    xPathFragment = null;

-                    break;

-                }

-            }

-        }

-        if (null == xPathFragment && xPathNode != null) {

-            if (xPathNode.getNodeValue().isMappingNodeValue()) {

-                MappingNodeValue mappingNodeValue = (MappingNodeValue) xPathNode.getNodeValue();

-                return mappingNodeValue.getMapping();

-            }

-        }

-        throw SDOException.sdoJaxbNoMappingForProperty(sdoProperty.getName(), field.getXPath());

-    }


\ No newline at end of file
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index b3d6d9c..0000000
--- a/das/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.das/src/org/eclipse/persistence/sdo/internal/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *    bdoughan - JPA DAS INCUBATOR - Enhancement 258057

- *     

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.internal.jpa;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;


-import commonj.sdo.DataObject;



- * <b>Purpose</b>: Converts SDO DataObject with ChangeSummary into EclipseLink

- * ChangeSets.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class ChangeSetBuilder { 


-	public static UnitOfWorkChangeSet buildChangeSet(DataObject dataobject, 

-			DatabaseSession jaxbSession, DatabaseSession jpaSession) {

-		return null;

-	}



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/.classpath b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/.classpath
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diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/.project b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/.project
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#Mon Dec 08 13:12:29 EST 2008




























































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-	version="Eclipse Persistence Services - 1.0.2 (Build 20081024)" xmlns=""

-	xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""

-	xmlns:eclipselink="">

-	<name>comics</name>

-	<class-mapping-descriptors>

-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-			<class>model.Issue</class>

-			<alias>Issue</alias>

-			<primary-key>

-				<field table="ISSUE" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-			</primary-key>

-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />

-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />

-			<attribute-mappings>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>comments</attribute-name>

-					<field table="ISSUE" name="COMMENTS" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>condition</attribute-name>

-					<field table="ISSUE" name="CONDITION" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>copies</attribute-name>

-					<field table="ISSUE" name="COPIES" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-					<field table="ISSUE" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>number</attribute-name>

-					<field table="ISSUE" name="NUM" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-one-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>title</attribute-name>

-					<reference-class>model.Title</reference-class>

-					<foreign-key>

-						<field-reference>

-							<source-field table="ISSUE" name="TTITLE_ID"

-								xsi:type="column" />

-							<target-field table="TITLE" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-						</field-reference>

-					</foreign-key>

-					<foreign-key-fields>

-						<field table="ISSUE" name="TTITLE_ID" xsi:type="column" />

-					</foreign-key-fields>

-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />

-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-object-query" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-			</attribute-mappings>

-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>

-			<instantiation />

-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />

-			<tables>

-				<table name="ISSUE" />

-			</tables>

-		</class-mapping-descriptor>

-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-			<class>model.Publisher</class>

-			<alias>Publisher</alias>

-			<primary-key>

-				<field table="PUBLISHER" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-			</primary-key>

-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />

-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />

-			<attribute-mappings>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-					<field table="PUBLISHER" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-					<field table="PUBLISHER" name="NAME" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-			</attribute-mappings>

-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>

-			<instantiation />

-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />

-			<tables>

-				<table name="PUBLISHER" />

-			</tables>

-		</class-mapping-descriptor>

-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-			<class>model.Title</class>

-			<alias>Title</alias>

-			<primary-key>

-				<field table="TITLE" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-			</primary-key>

-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />

-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />

-			<attribute-mappings>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>format</attribute-name>

-					<field table="TITLE" name="FORMAT" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-					<field table="TITLE" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-					<field table="TITLE" name="NAME" xsi:type="column" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-one-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>publisher</attribute-name>

-					<reference-class>model.Publisher</reference-class>

-					<foreign-key>

-						<field-reference>

-							<source-field table="TITLE" name="PUB_ID" xsi:type="column" />

-							<target-field table="PUBLISHER" name="ID" xsi:type="column" />

-						</field-reference>

-					</foreign-key>

-					<foreign-key-fields>

-						<field table="TITLE" name="PUB_ID" xsi:type="column" />

-					</foreign-key-fields>

-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-object-query" />

-				</attribute-mapping>

-			</attribute-mappings>

-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>

-			<instantiation />

-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />

-			<tables>

-				<table name="TITLE" />

-			</tables>

-		</class-mapping-descriptor>

-	</class-mapping-descriptors>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/META-INF/sessions.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/META-INF/sessions.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aaae311..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/META-INF/sessions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<sessions version="1.0.2" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

-   <session xsi:type="server-session">

-      <name>dynamic-comics</name>

-      <event-listener-classes/>

-      <logging xsi:type="eclipselink-log">

-         <log-level>fine</log-level>

-         <logging-options>

-            <log-exception-stacktrace>false</log-exception-stacktrace>

-            <print-thread>false</print-thread>

-            <print-session>false</print-session>

-            <print-connection>false</print-connection>

-            <print-date>false</print-date>

-         </logging-options>

-      </logging>

-      <session-customizer-class>org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper$SessionCustomizer</session-customizer-class>

-      <primary-project xsi:type="xml">META-INF/dynamic-comics-map.xml</primary-project>

-      <login xsi:type="database-login">

-         <platform-class>org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform</platform-class>

-         <user-name>scott</user-name>

-         <password>tiger</password>

-         <sequencing>

-            <default-sequence xsi:type="table-sequence">

-               <name>Default</name>

-            </default-sequence>

-         </sequencing>

-         <driver-class>oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver</driver-class>

-         <connection-url>jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL</connection-url>

-         <batch-writing>true</batch-writing>

-         <struct-converters/>

-      </login>

-      <connection-pools>

-         <read-connection-pool>

-            <name>ReadConnectionPool</name>

-            <min-connections>1</min-connections>

-            <exclusive>false</exclusive>

-         </read-connection-pool>

-         <write-connection-pool>

-            <name>default</name>

-            <min-connections>1</min-connections>

-         </write-connection-pool>

-      </connection-pools>

-      <connection-policy/>

-   </session>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb302ed..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.dynamic.employee;


-import java.sql.Date;

-import java.util.Calendar;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;



- * Factory for the creation of the dynamic {@link DynamicTypeImpl}'s required

- * for the employee example.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class EmployeeDynamicMappings {


-    public static void createTypes(DatabaseSession session, String packageName, boolean createMissingTables) {

-        String packagePrefix = packageName.endsWith(".") ? packageName : packageName + ".";


-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(session);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> employeeClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Employee");

-        Class<?> addressClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Address");

-        Class<?> phoneClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "PhoneNumber");

-        Class<?> periodClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "EmploymentPeriod");

-        Class<?> projectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Project");

-        Class<?> smallProjectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "SmallProject", projectClass);

-        Class<?> largeProjectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "LargeProject", projectClass);


-        DynamicTypeBuilder employee = new DynamicTypeBuilder(employeeClass, null, "D_EMPLOYEE", "D_SALARY");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder address = new DynamicTypeBuilder(addressClass, null, "D_ADDRESS");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder phone = new DynamicTypeBuilder(phoneClass, null, "D_PHONE");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder period = new DynamicTypeBuilder(periodClass, null);

-        DynamicTypeBuilder project = new DynamicTypeBuilder(projectClass, null, "D_PROJECT");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder smallProject = new DynamicTypeBuilder(smallProjectClass, project.getType(), "D_PROJECT");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder largeProject = new DynamicTypeBuilder(largeProjectClass, project.getType(), "D_LPROJECT");


-        configureAddress(address);

-        configureEmployee(employee, address, phone, period, project);

-        configurePhone(phone, employee);

-        configurePeriod(period);

-        configureProject(project, smallProject, largeProject, employee);

-        configureSmallProject(smallProject, project);

-        configureLargeProject(largeProject, project);


-        employee.addManyToManyMapping("projects", project.getType(), "D_PROJ_EMP");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, employee.getType(), address.getType(), phone.getType(), period.getType(), project.getType(), smallProject.getType(), largeProject.getType());

-    }


-    private static void configurePhone(DynamicTypeBuilder phone, DynamicTypeBuilder employee) {

-        phone.setPrimaryKeyFields("PHONE_TYPE", "EMP_ID");


-        phone.addDirectMapping("type", String.class, "PHONE_TYPE");

-        phone.addDirectMapping("ownerId", int.class, "EMP_ID").readOnly();

-        phone.addDirectMapping("areaCode", String.class, "AREA_CODE");

-        phone.addDirectMapping("number", String.class, "PNUMBER");


-        phone.addOneToOneMapping("owner", employee.getType(), "EMP_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureAddress(DynamicTypeBuilder address) {

-        address.setPrimaryKeyFields("ADDR_ID");


-        address.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "ADDR_ID");

-        address.addDirectMapping("street", String.class, "STREET");

-        address.addDirectMapping("city", String.class, "CITY");

-        address.addDirectMapping("province", String.class, "PROV");

-        address.addDirectMapping("postalCode", String.class, "P_CODE");

-        address.addDirectMapping("country", String.class, "COUNTRY");


-        address.configureSequencing("ADDR_SEQ", "ADDR_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureEmployee(DynamicTypeBuilder employee, DynamicTypeBuilder address, DynamicTypeBuilder phone, DynamicTypeBuilder period, DynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        employee.setPrimaryKeyFields("EMP_ID");


-        employee.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.EMP_ID");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("firstName", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.F_NAME");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("lastName", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.L_NAME");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("gender", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.GENDER");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("salary", int.class, "D_SALARY.SALARY");


-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = employee.addOneToOneMapping("address", address.getType(), "ADDR_ID");

-        addressMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        addressMapping.setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        employee.addOneToOneMapping("manager", employee.getType(), "MANAGER_ID");


-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = employee.addOneToManyMapping("phoneNumbers", phone.getType(), "EMP_ID");

-        phoneMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        phoneMapping.setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        employee.addAggregateObjectMapping("period", period.getType(), true);

-        employee.addOneToManyMapping("managedEmployees", employee.getType(), "MANAGER_ID");


-        employee.configureSequencing("EMP_SEQ", "EMP_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configurePeriod(DynamicTypeBuilder period) {

-        period.addDirectMapping("startDate", Date.class, "START_DATE");

-        period.addDirectMapping("endDate", Date.class, "END_DATE");

-    }


-    private static void configureProject(DynamicTypeBuilder project, DynamicTypeBuilder smallProject, DynamicTypeBuilder largeProject, DynamicTypeBuilder employee) {

-        project.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        project.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "PROJ_ID");

-        project.addDirectMapping("name", String.class, "NAME");

-        project.addDirectMapping("description", String.class, "DESCRIP");


-        project.addOneToOneMapping("teamLeader", employee.getType(), "EMP_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = project.getType().getDescriptor();


-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setClassIndicatorFieldName("PROJ_TYPE");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(smallProject.getType().getJavaClass(), "S");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(largeProject.getType().getJavaClass(), "L");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(project.getType().getJavaClass(), "P");


-        project.configureSequencing("PROJ_SEQ", "PROJ_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureLargeProject(DynamicTypeBuilder largeProject, DynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        largeProject.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = largeProject.getType().getDescriptor();

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setClassIndicatorFieldName("PROJ_TYPE");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setParentClass(project.getType().getJavaClass());


-        largeProject.addDirectMapping("budget", double.class, "BUDGET");

-        largeProject.addDirectMapping("milestone", Calendar.class, "MILESTONE");

-    }


-    private static void configureSmallProject(DynamicTypeBuilder smallProject, DynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        smallProject.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = smallProject.getType().getDescriptor();

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setParentClass(project.getType().getJavaClass());

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d04ba7..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.dynamic.employee;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.Expression;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;



- * Simple query examples for the XML mapped Employee domain model.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class Queries {


-    /**

-     * Simple example using dynamic JP QL to retrieve all Employee instances

-     * sorted by lastName and firstName.

-     */

-    public List<DynamicEntity> readAllEmployees(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        ReadAllQuery query = helper.newReadAllQuery("Employee");

-        query.addAscendingOrdering("id");

-        return (List<DynamicEntity>) session.executeQuery(query);

-    }


-    public List<DynamicEntity> readAllEmployeesWithAddress(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        ReadAllQuery query = helper.newReadAllQuery("Employee");

-        query.addJoinedAttribute("address");

-        query.addAscendingOrdering("lastName");

-        query.addAscendingOrdering("firstName");

-        return (List<DynamicEntity>) session.executeQuery(query);

-    }


-    public List<DynamicEntity> readAllEmployeesWithAddressAndPhones(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        ReadAllQuery query = helper.newReadAllQuery( "Employee");

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.addJoinedAttribute("address");

-        Expression managerExp = eb.get("manager");

-        query.addJoinedAttribute(managerExp);

-        query.addJoinedAttribute(managerExp.get("address"));

-        query.addBatchReadAttribute(managerExp.get("phoneNumbers"));

-        query.addAscendingOrdering("lastName");

-        query.addAscendingOrdering("firstName");


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = (List<DynamicEntity>) session.executeQuery(query);


-        for (DynamicEntity emp : emps) {

-            emp.<DynamicEntity> get("manager").<Collection> get("phoneNumbers").size();

-        }


-        return emps;

-    }


-    public static int minimumEmployeeId(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        ReportQuery query = helper.newReportQuery("Employee", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        query.addMinimum("id");

-        query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        return ((Number) session.executeQuery(query)).intValue();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity minimumEmployee(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        ReportQuery minIdQuery = helper.newReportQuery("Employee", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        minIdQuery.addMinimum("id");


-        ReadObjectQuery query = helper.newReadObjectQuery( "Employee");

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").in(minIdQuery));


-        return (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(query);

-    }


-    public List<DynamicEntity> findUsingNativeReadAllQuery(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        ReadAllQuery query = helper.newReadAllQuery("Employee");

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("gender").equal("Male"));


-        return (List<DynamicEntity>) session.executeQuery(query);

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(Session session) {

-        Class<?> employeeClass = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias("Employee").getJavaClass();

-        Class<?> phoneClass = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias("PhoneNumber").getJavaClass();


-        ReportQuery minIdQuery = new ReportQuery(phoneClass, new ExpressionBuilder());

-        minIdQuery.addMinimum("id");


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(employeeClass);

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();


-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").in(minIdQuery));

-        query.addJoinedAttribute("address");


-        return (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(query);

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed3461b..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.dynamic.employee;


-import java.sql.Date;

-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Calendar;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Collections;

-import java.util.Comparator;

-import java.util.List;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.Expression;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DeleteAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */


-public class Sample {

-    private DatabaseSession session;

-    public DynamicEntity[] employees;

-    public DynamicEntity[] smallProjects;

-    public DynamicEntity[] largeProjects;


-    public Sample(DatabaseSession session) {

-        this.session = session;


-        this.employees = new DynamicEntity[] { basicEmployeeExample1(), basicEmployeeExample2(), basicEmployeeExample3(), basicEmployeeExample4(), basicEmployeeExample5(), basicEmployeeExample6(), basicEmployeeExample7(), basicEmployeeExample8(), basicEmployeeExample9(), basicEmployeeExample10(), basicEmployeeExample11(), basicEmployeeExample12() };


-        this.smallProjects = new DynamicEntity[] { basicSmallProjectExample1(), basicSmallProjectExample2(), basicSmallProjectExample3(), basicSmallProjectExample4(), basicSmallProjectExample5(), basicSmallProjectExample7(), basicSmallProjectExample8(), basicSmallProjectExample9(), basicSmallProjectExample10() };


-        this.largeProjects = new DynamicEntity[] { basicLargeProjectExample1(), basicLargeProjectExample2(), basicLargeProjectExample3(), basicLargeProjectExample4(), basicLargeProjectExample5() };


-        // Setup management hierarchy

-        addManagedEmployees(0, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });

-        addManagedEmployees(1, new int[] { 5, 0 });

-        addManagedEmployees(2, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(3, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(4, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(5, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(6, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(7, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(8, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(9, new int[] { 7, 8, 10, 11 });

-        addManagedEmployees(10, new int[] { 6 });

-        addManagedEmployees(11, new int[] { 1 });


-        // Setup Employee-Project associations

-        addProjects(0, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new int[] {});

-        addProjects(1, new int[] { 3, 4, 0 }, new int[] {});

-        addProjects(2, new int[] { 3 }, new int[] { 3, 4 });

-        addProjects(4, new int[] { 3, 1 }, new int[] { 2, 4 });

-        addProjects(5, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });

-        addProjects(6, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });


-        // Setup LargeProject leads

-        this.largeProjects[0].set("teamLeader", this.employees[1]);

-        this.largeProjects[3].set("teamLeader", this.employees[2]);

-        this.largeProjects[4].set("teamLeader", this.employees[2]);


-    }


-    private DynamicEntity newInstance(String entityAlias) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = this.session.getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-        return (DynamicEntity) descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-    }


-    private Class getDynamicClass(String entityAlias) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = this.session.getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-        return descriptor.getJavaClass();

-    }


-    private DynamicEntity addPhoneNumber(DynamicEntity employee, String type, String areaCode, String number) {

-        DynamicEntity phone = newInstance("PhoneNumber");

-        phone.set("type", type);

-        phone.set("areaCode", areaCode);

-        phone.set("number", number);

-        phone.set("owner", employee);

-        employee.<Collection> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);

-        return phone;

-    }


-    private void setPeriod(DynamicEntity employee, Date startDate, Date endDate) {

-        DynamicEntity period = newInstance("EmploymentPeriod");

-        period.set("startDate", startDate);

-        period.set("endDate", endDate);

-        employee.set("period", period);

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Bob");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smith");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 35000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1993, 0, 1), new Date(1996, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Toronto");

-        address.set("postalCode", "L5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Water the office plants.");

-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Maintain the kitchen facilities.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample10() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Jill");

-        employee.set("lastName", "May");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1991, 10, 111), null);


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Calgary");

-        address.set("postalCode", "J5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "AB");

-        address.set("street", "1111 Mooseland Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 56232);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample11() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Sarah-Lou");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smitty");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1993, 0, 1), new Date(1996, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Arnprior");

-        address.set("postalCode", "W1A2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "1 Hawthorne Drive");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 75000);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample12() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Jim-Bob");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jefferson");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1995, 0, 12), new Date(2001, 11, 31));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Yellowknife");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "YK");

-        address.set("street", "1112 Gold Rush Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 50000);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "John");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Way");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 53000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1991, 10, 11), null);


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Ottawa");

-        address.set("postalCode", "K5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Hire people when more people are required.");

-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Lay off employees when less people are required.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Charles");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Chanley");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 43000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1995, 0, 1), new Date(2001, 11, 31));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Montreal");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Q2S5Z5");

-        address.set("province", "QUE");

-        address.set("street", "1 Canadien Place");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Perform code reviews as required.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Pager", "976", "5556666");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Emanual");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smith");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 49631);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Vancouver");

-        address.set("postalCode", "N5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Have to fix the Database problem.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Pager", "976", "5556666");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Sarah");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Way");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 87000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 6, 31), new Date(1995, 4, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Prince Rupert");

-        address.set("postalCode", "K3K5D5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "3254 Parkway Place");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Write code documentation.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample6() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Marcus");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Saunders");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 54300);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 12));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Perth");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y3Q2N9");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "234 Caledonia Lane");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Write user specifications.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample7() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Nancy");

-        employee.set("lastName", "White");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 31000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1996, 0, 1), new Date(1993, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Metcalfe");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y4F7V6");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "2 Anderson Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample8() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Fred");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jones");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 500000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Victoria");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Z5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "382 Hyde Park Blvd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample9() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Betty");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jones");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 500001);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Smith Falls");

-        address.set("postalCode", "C6C6C6");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "89 Chocolate Drive");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    private void setCalendar(DynamicEntity entity, String name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int seconds) {

-        Calendar cal = entity.<Calendar> get(name);


-        if (cal == null) {

-            cal = Calendar.getInstance();

-            entity.set(name, cal);

-        }

-        cal.set(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds);

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Sales Reporting");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", (double) 5000);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1991, 10, 11, 12, 0, 0);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Light Reporter");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 100.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1999, 11, 25, 11, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "TOPEmployee Management");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 4000.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1997, 10, 12, 1, 0, 0);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Enterprise System");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 40.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1996, 8, 6, 6, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Problem Reporting System");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 101.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1997, 9, 6, 1, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Enterprise");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample10() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Staff Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help staff query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Sales Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "TOP-Employee Manager");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Problem Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Feather Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "An extremely lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample6() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Makework");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A makework project.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample7() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Marketing Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help marketing query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample8() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Shipping Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help shipping query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample9() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Accounting Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help accounting query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    private void addManagedEmployees(int managerIndex, int[] employeeIndeces) {

-        DynamicEntity manager = this.employees[managerIndex];


-        if (manager.<Collection> get("managedEmployees").isEmpty()) {

-            for (int index = 0; index < employeeIndeces.length; index++) {

-                manager.<Collection> get("managedEmployees").add(this.employees[employeeIndeces[index]]);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    private void addProjects(int empIndex, int[] smallProjIndeces, int[] largeProjIndeces) {

-        DynamicEntity employee = this.employees[empIndex];


-        for (int index = 0; index < smallProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-            employee.<Collection> get("projects").add(this.smallProjects[smallProjIndeces[index]]);

-        }


-        for (int index = 0; index < largeProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-            employee.<Collection> get("projects").add(this.largeProjects[largeProjIndeces[index]]);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Register all of the population in the provided EntityManager to be

-     * persisted This method should only be called from within a test case. It

-     * asserts that the provided EntityManager is in a transaction and that the

-     * database tables are empty.

-     */

-    public void persistAll(Session session) {

-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        // Verify that the database tables are empty

-        assertCount(session, "Employee", 0);

-        assertCount(session, "Address", 0);

-        assertCount(session, "PhoneNumber", 0);

-        assertCount(session, "Project", 0);


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            uow.registerNewObject(this.employees[index]);

-        }

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.smallProjects.length; index++) {

-            uow.registerNewObject(this.smallProjects[index]);

-        }

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.largeProjects.length; index++) {

-            uow.registerNewObject(this.largeProjects[index]);

-        }


-        uow.commit();

-        verifyCounts(session);

-    }


-    public void verifyCounts(Session session) {

-        assertCount(session, "Employee", this.employees.length);

-        assertCount(session, "Address", this.employees.length);

-        assertCount(session, "Project", this.smallProjects.length + this.largeProjects.length);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the provided entity type has no rows in the database using a

-     * native ReportQuery.

-     * 

-     * @param entityClass

-     * @param count

-     */

-    public void assertCount(Session session, String entityAlias, int count) {

-        Class entityClass = getDynamicClass(entityAlias);

-        ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(entityClass, new ExpressionBuilder());

-        query.addCount();

-        query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        int dbCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(query)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity found of " + entityClass, count, dbCount);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the provided list of Employee instances matches the sample

-     * population.

-     * 

-     * @param employees

-     */

-    public void assertSame(List<DynamicEntity> dbEmps) {

-        Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity of employees", this.employees.length, dbEmps.size());

-        Collections.sort(dbEmps, new DynamicEntityComparator());


-        List<DynamicEntity> sampleEmps = new ArrayList<DynamicEntity>();

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            sampleEmps.add(this.employees[index]);

-        }

-        Collections.sort(sampleEmps, new DynamicEntityComparator());


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            DynamicEntity emp = sampleEmps.get(index);

-            DynamicEntity dbEmp = dbEmps.get(index);


-            Assert.assertEquals("First name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<String> get("firstName"), dbEmp.<String> get("firstName"));

-            Assert.assertEquals("Last name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<String> get("lastName"), dbEmp.<String> get("lastName"));

-            Assert.assertEquals("Salary does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<Integer> get("salary"), dbEmp.<Integer> get("salary"));

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple comparator used to order the employees for use within assertSame

-     */

-    class DynamicEntityComparator implements Comparator<DynamicEntity> {


-        public int compare(DynamicEntity emp1, DynamicEntity emp2) {

-            return emp1.<Integer> get("id") - emp2.<Integer> get("id");

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * Extract the id's from the sample Employee instances.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @return

-     */

-    public int[] getEmployeeIds(Session session) {

-        int[] ids = new int[this.employees.length];


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            ids[index] = this.employees[index].<Integer> get("id");

-        }


-        return ids;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Reset the database so that only the sample population exists.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     */

-    public void resetDatabase(DatabaseSession session) {

-        DeleteAllQuery deleteEmpsQuery = new DeleteAllQuery(getDynamicClass("Employee"));

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = deleteEmpsQuery.getExpressionBuilder();

-        deleteEmpsQuery.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").notIn(getEmployeeIds(session)));

-        deleteEmpsQuery.setFlushOnExecute(true);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.executeQuery(deleteEmpsQuery);

-        uow.commit();

-    }


-    public void resetSalary(UnitOfWork uow) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(this.session);


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            DynamicEntity emp = this.employees[index];


-            ReadObjectQuery query = helper.newReadObjectQuery("Employee");

-            ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-            Expression fnExp = eb.get("firstName").equal(emp.get("firstName"));

-            Expression lnExp = eb.get("lastName").equal(emp.get("lastName"));

-            query.setSelectionCriteria(fnExp.and(lnExp));


-            DynamicEntity dbEmp = (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(query);

-            dbEmp.set("salary", this.employees[index].<Integer> get("salary"));

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b20f2b..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/dynamic/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.dynamic.employee;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class Transactions {


-    /**

-     * New entities with new related related entities can be persisted using

-     * <code>EntityManager.persist(newEntity)</code>. The cascade setting on the

-     * mappings determine how the related entities are handled. In this case

-     * Employee has its relationship to Address and PhoneNumber configured with

-     * cascade-all so the associated new entities will also be persisted.

-     */

-    public DynamicEntity createUsingPersist(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        DynamicEntity emp = helper.newDynamicEntity("Employee");

-        emp.set("firstName", "Sample");

-        emp.set("lastName", "Employee");

-        emp.set("gender", "Male");

-        emp.set("salary", 123456);


-        DynamicEntity address = helper.newDynamicEntity("Address");

-        emp.set("address", address);


-        DynamicEntity phone = helper.newDynamicEntity("PhoneNumber");

-        phone.set("type", "Mobile");

-        phone.set("areaCode", "613");

-        phone.set("number", "555-1212");

-        phone.set("owner", emp);

-        emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(emp);

-        uow.commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-	 * 

-	 */

-    public DynamicEntity createUsingMerge(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {


-        DynamicEntity emp = helper.newDynamicEntity("Employee");

-        emp.set("firstName", "Sample");

-        emp.set("lastName", "Employee");

-        emp.set("gender", "Male");

-        emp.set("salary", 123456);


-        DynamicEntity address = helper.newDynamicEntity("Address");

-        emp.set("address", address);


-        DynamicEntity phone = helper.newDynamicEntity("PhoneNumber");

-        phone.set("type", "Mobile");

-        phone.set("areaCode", "613");

-        phone.set("number", "555-1212");

-        phone.set("owner", emp);

-        emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        // When merging the managed instance is returned from the call.

-        // Further usage within the transaction must be done with this managed

-        // entity.

-        emp = (DynamicEntity) uow.registerNewObject(emp);

-        uow.commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    public void pessimisticLocking(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) throws Exception {


-        // Find the Employee with the minimum ID

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(helper, session);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        // Lock Employee

-        ReadObjectQuery query = helper.newReadObjectQuery("Employee");

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(query.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(minId));

-        query.setLockMode(ObjectLevelReadQuery.LOCK);


-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) uow.executeQuery(query);


-        emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") - 1);


-        uow.commit();

-    }


-    /**

-     * This example illustrates the use of a query returning an entity and data

-     * from a related entity within a transaction. The returned entities are

-     * managed and thus any changes are reflected in the database upon flush.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    public void updateEmployeeWithCity(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) throws Exception {

-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = new Queries().readAllEmployeesWithAddress(helper, uow);

-        DynamicEntity emp = emps.get(0);

-        emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") + 1);


-        uow.writeChanges();


-        uow.release();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd7460..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { DynamicClassLoaderTests.class, 

-                       DynamicHelperTests.class, 

-                       EntityTypeFromDescriptor.class, 

-                       EntityTypeFromScratch.class, 

-                       org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.AllTests.class, 

-                       org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.comics.AllTests.class, 

-                       org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.projectxml.AllTests.class,

-                       org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.employee.AllTests.class})

-public class AllTests {



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1af33fe..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;




-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassWriter;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DynamicException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.ConversionManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.SerializationHelper;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class DynamicClassLoaderTests {


-    @Test

-    public void constructor() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(null);


-        assertNull(dcl.getParent());


-        dcl.createDynamicClass("java.lang.String");


-        try {

-            dcl.createDynamicClass("test.MyClass");

-        } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("Expected NoClassDefFoundError not thrown");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void loadClass_DynamicEntityImpl() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        dcl.addClass("test.MyClass");

-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertEquals("test.MyClass", dynamicClass.getName());

-        assertSame(DynamicEntityImpl.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));


-        ConversionManager.setDefaultLoader(dcl);

-        ConversionManager.getDefaultManager().setLoader(dcl);


-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.getDefaultManager().convertClassNameToClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.getDefaultManager().convertObject("test.MyClass", Class.class));

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.getDefaultLoader().loadClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.loadClass("test.MyClass"));


-        InstantiationException instEx = null;

-        try {

-            dynamicClass.newInstance();

-        } catch (InstantiationException ie) {

-            instEx = ie;

-        }

-        assertNotNull("InstantiationException not thrown as expected for default constructor", instEx);


-        Constructor[] constructors = dynamicClass.getConstructors();

-        assertEquals(1, constructors.length);

-        assertEquals(1, constructors[0].getParameterTypes().length);

-        assertEquals(DynamicTypeImpl.class, constructors[0].getParameterTypes()[0]);


-        Constructor<DynamicEntity> constructor = dynamicClass.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] { DynamicTypeImpl.class });

-        assertNotNull(constructor);

-        constructor = dynamicClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { DynamicTypeImpl.class });

-        assertNotNull(constructor);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createDynamicClass_DynamicEntityImpl() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.createDynamicClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertEquals("test.MyClass", dynamicClass.getName());

-        assertSame(DynamicEntityImpl.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));


-        ConversionManager.setDefaultLoader(dcl);

-        ConversionManager.getDefaultManager().setLoader(dcl);


-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.getDefaultManager().convertClassNameToClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.getDefaultManager().convertObject("test.MyClass", Class.class));

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.getDefaultLoader().loadClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, ConversionManager.loadClass("test.MyClass"));


-        InstantiationException instEx = null;

-        try {

-            dynamicClass.newInstance();

-        } catch (InstantiationException ie) {

-            instEx = ie;

-        }

-        assertNotNull("InstantiationException not thrown as expected for default constructor", instEx);


-        Constructor[] constructors = dynamicClass.getConstructors();

-        assertEquals(1, constructors.length);

-        assertEquals(1, constructors[0].getParameterTypes().length);

-        assertEquals(DynamicTypeImpl.class, constructors[0].getParameterTypes()[0]);


-        Constructor<DynamicEntity> constructor = dynamicClass.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] { DynamicTypeImpl.class });

-        assertNotNull(constructor);

-        constructor = dynamicClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { DynamicTypeImpl.class });

-        assertNotNull(constructor);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createDynamicClass_Twice() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        assertNull(dcl.getClassWriter("test.MyClass"));

-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.createDynamicClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertEquals("test.MyClass", dynamicClass.getName());


-        DynamicClassWriter writer = dcl.getClassWriter("test.MyClass");

-        assertNotNull(writer);


-        Class dynamicClass2 = dcl.createDynamicClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dynamicClass2);


-        DynamicClassWriter writer2 = dcl.getClassWriter("test.MyClass");

-        assertNotNull(writer);

-        assertSame(writer, writer2);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void defaultWriter() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        assertEquals(DynamicClassWriter.class, dcl.getDefaultWriter().getClass());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void loadClass_DefaultConstructor() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        dcl.addClass("test.MyClass", DefaultConstructor.class);

-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(DefaultConstructor.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());


-        DefaultConstructor entity = (DefaultConstructor) dynamicClass.newInstance();


-        assertNotNull(entity);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void loadClass_StringConstructor() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        dcl.addClass("test.MyClass", StringConstructor.class);

-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(StringConstructor.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());


-        InstantiationException instEx = null;

-        try {

-            dynamicClass.newInstance();

-        } catch (InstantiationException ie) {

-            instEx = ie;

-        }

-        assertNotNull("InstantiationException not thrown as expected for default constructor", instEx);


-        Constructor[] constructors = dynamicClass.getConstructors();

-        assertEquals(1, constructors.length);

-        assertEquals(1, constructors[0].getParameterTypes().length);

-        assertEquals(String.class, constructors[0].getParameterTypes()[0]);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void loadClass_WriteReplace() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        dcl.addClass("test.MyClass", WriteReplace.class);

-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertEquals("test.MyClass", dynamicClass.getName());

-        assertSame(WriteReplace.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));


-        WriteReplace entity = (WriteReplace) dynamicClass.newInstance();


-        assertNotNull(entity);


-        byte[] entityBytes = SerializationHelper.serialize(entity);

-        byte[] stringBytes = SerializationHelper.serialize(entity.getClass().getName());


-        assertEquals(stringBytes.length, entityBytes.length);

-        for (int index = 0; index < stringBytes.length; index++) {

-            assertEquals(stringBytes[index], entityBytes[index]);

-        }


-        Object deserializedValue = SerializationHelper.deserialize(entityBytes);


-        assertNotNull(deserializedValue);

-        assertEquals(String.class, deserializedValue.getClass());

-        assertEquals(dynamicClass.getName(), deserializedValue);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createDynamicClass_WriteReplace() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.createDynamicClass("test.MyClass", WriteReplace.class);


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertEquals("test.MyClass", dynamicClass.getName());

-        assertSame(WriteReplace.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));


-        WriteReplace entity = (WriteReplace) dynamicClass.newInstance();


-        assertNotNull(entity);


-        byte[] entityBytes = SerializationHelper.serialize(entity);

-        byte[] stringBytes = SerializationHelper.serialize(entity.getClass().getName());


-        assertEquals(stringBytes.length, entityBytes.length);

-        for (int index = 0; index < stringBytes.length; index++) {

-            assertEquals(stringBytes[index], entityBytes[index]);

-        }


-        Object deserializedValue = SerializationHelper.deserialize(entityBytes);


-        assertNotNull(deserializedValue);

-        assertEquals(String.class, deserializedValue.getClass());

-        assertEquals(dynamicClass.getName(), deserializedValue);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void duplicateAddClassWithSameParent() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        dcl.addClass("test.MyClass", DefaultConstructor.class);

-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(DefaultConstructor.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());

-        DynamicClassWriter firstWriter = dcl.getClassWriter("test.MyClass");


-        DefaultConstructor entity = (DefaultConstructor) dynamicClass.newInstance();


-        assertNotNull(entity);

-        assertNotNull("DCL does not contain expected writer", dcl.getClassWriter("test.MyClass"));


-        dcl.addClass("test.MyClass", DefaultConstructor.class);

-        DynamicClassWriter secondWriter = dcl.getClassWriter("test.MyClass");


-        assertSame(firstWriter, secondWriter);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that a second request to create a class with the same name and

-     * different parents fails.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void duplicateAddClassWithDifferentParent() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-        dcl.addClass("test.MyClass", DefaultConstructor.class);

-        Class dynamicClass = dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass");


-        assertNotNull(dynamicClass);

-        assertSame(dynamicClass, dcl.loadClass("test.MyClass"));

-        assertSame(DefaultConstructor.class, dynamicClass.getSuperclass());


-        DefaultConstructor entity = (DefaultConstructor) dynamicClass.newInstance();


-        assertNotNull(entity);

-        assertNotNull("DCL does not contain expected writer", dcl.getClassWriter("test.MyClass"));


-        try {

-            dcl.addClass("test.MyClass", WriteReplace.class);

-        } catch (DynamicException de) {

-            String errorMessage = de.getMessage();

-            int errorCode = de.getErrorCode();


-            assertTrue("Incorrect dynamic exception", errorMessage.startsWith("\r\nException Description: Duplicate addClass request with incompatible writer:"));

-            assertEquals("Unexpected error code", 0, errorCode);

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("No DynamicException thrown for duplicate addClass with different parent");

-    }


-    public static class DefaultConstructor {

-    }


-    public static class StringConstructor {

-        public StringConstructor(String arg) {


-        }

-    }


-    public static class WriteReplace implements Serializable {

-        protected Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {

-            return getClass().getName();

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e691e6..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-import java.util.List;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.junit.Test;



- * Set of tests verifying that the DynamicHelper functions as expected.

- */

-public class DynamicHelperTests {


-    @Test

-    public void createQuery_ValidReadAllQuery() throws Exception {

-        DatabaseSession session = createEmployeeSession();


-        ReadAllQuery query = new DynamicHelper(session).newReadAllQuery("Employee");


-        assertNotNull(query);


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = (List<DynamicEntity>) session.executeQuery(query);

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        session.logout();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createQuery_ValidReadObjectQuery() throws Exception {

-        DatabaseSession session = createEmployeeSession();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new DynamicHelper(session).newReadObjectQuery("Employee");


-        assertNotNull(query);


-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(query);

-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        session.logout();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createQuery_ValidReportQuery() throws Exception {

-        DatabaseSession session = createEmployeeSession();


-        ReportQuery query = new DynamicHelper(session).newReportQuery("Employee", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        query.addCount();

-        query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        assertNotNull(query);


-        Number count = (Number) session.executeQuery(query);

-        assertNotNull(count);

-        assertTrue(count.intValue() > 0);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void nullArgs() {

-        try {

-            new DynamicHelper(null).newReadAllQuery(null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }


-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    protected DatabaseSession createEmployeeSession() throws Exception {

-        DatabaseSession session = DynamicTestHelper.createEmptySession();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(session);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> empClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(getClass().getName() + ".Employee");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(empClass, null, "D_EMPLOYEE");

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("EMP_ID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "EMP_ID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("firstName", String.class, "F_NAME");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("lastName", String.class, "L_NAME");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());


-        DynamicType empType = helper.getType("Employee");

-        assertNotNull("No type found for Employee", empType);


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("Employee", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int empCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();


-        if (empCount == 0) {

-            UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-            DynamicEntity emp = empType.newDynamicEntity();

-            emp.set("id", 1);

-            emp.set("firstName", "John");

-            emp.set("lastName", "Doe");

-            uow.registerNewObject(emp);

-            uow.commit();

-        }


-        return session;

-    }



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deleted file mode 100644
index 782d143..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic;




-import java.util.Properties;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;

-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { DynamicClassLoaderTests.class, DynamicHelperTests.class, EntityTypeFromDescriptor.class, EntityTypeFromScratch.class, org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.comics.AllTests.class, org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.projectxml.AllTests.class })

-public class DynamicTestHelper {


-    /**

-     * Configure and return a {@link DatabaseLogin} based on

-     * 

-     * db.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

-     * db.user=user

-     * db.pwd=password

-     *

-     * .Oracle11Platform

-     * 

-     * @return

-     */

-    public static DatabaseLogin getTestLogin() {

-        DatabaseLogin login = new DatabaseLogin();

-        Properties props = new Properties();


-        try {

-            FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("./");

-            props.load(in);

-            in.close();


-            if (props.containsKey("db.platform")) {

-                Class<DatabasePlatform> platformClass = (Class<DatabasePlatform>) Class.forName(props.getProperty("db.platform"));

-                login.setPlatform(platformClass.newInstance());

-            } else {

-                login.setPlatform(new DatabasePlatform());

-            }

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("DynamicTestHelper.getTestLogin()::", e);

-        } catch (InstantiationException e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("DynamicTestHelper.getTestLogin()::", e);

-        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("DynamicTestHelper.getTestLogin()::", e);

-        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("DynamicTestHelper.getTestLogin()::", e);

-        }


-        login.setConnectionString(props.getProperty("db.url"));

-        login.setUserName(props.getProperty("db.user"));

-        login.setPassword(props.getProperty("db.pwd"));


-        return login;

-    }


-    public static DatabaseSession createEmptySession() {

-        Project project = new Project(getTestLogin());

-        DatabaseSession session = project.createDatabaseSession();

-        session.getSessionLog().setLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-        return session;

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a6fc91..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.util.QuerySQLTracker;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;


-public class EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    protected static DatabaseSession sharedSession;


-    private Session session;


-    protected DatabaseSession getSharedSession() {

-        if (sharedSession == null) {

-            sharedSession = createSharedSession();

-            sharedSession.getSessionLog().setLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-            sharedSession.getSessionLog().setShouldPrintConnection(false);

-            sharedSession.getSessionLog().setShouldPrintDate(false);

-            sharedSession.getSessionLog().setShouldPrintSession(false);

-            sharedSession.getSessionLog().setShouldPrintThread(false);

-            QuerySQLTracker.install(sharedSession);

-            if (!sharedSession.isConnected()) {

-                sharedSession.login();

-            }

-        }


-        return sharedSession;

-    }


-    protected Session getSession() {

-        if (this.session == null || !this.session.isConnected()) {

-            this.session = getSharedSession();


-            if (this.session.isServerSession()) {

-                this.session = ((Server) this.session).acquireClientSession();

-            }

-        }


-        return this.session;

-    }


-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        if (sharedSession != null) {

-            if (sharedSession.isConnected()) {

-                sharedSession.logout();

-            }

-        }

-        try {

-            sharedSession = DynamicTestHelper.createEmptySession();

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException(e);

-        }


-        return sharedSession;

-    }


-    protected QuerySQLTracker getQuerySQLTracker(Session session) {

-        return QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(session);

-    }


-    @After

-    public void cleanupClosedSharedSession() {

-        if (this.session != null && this.session.isClientSession()) {

-            this.session.release();

-        }

-        this.session = null;


-        if (sharedSession != null) {

-            if (!sharedSession.isConnected()) {

-                sharedSession = null;

-            } else {

-                QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(sharedSession).reset();

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void closeSharedSession() throws Exception {

-        if (sharedSession != null && sharedSession.isConnected()) {

-            sharedSession.logout();

-            sharedSession = null;

-        }

-    }



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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.RelationalDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.IntegrityException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;


-import org.junit.Test;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class EntityTypeFromDescriptor {


-    @Test

-    public void entityTypeFromDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        DatabaseSession session = new Project(buildDatabaseLogin()).createDatabaseSession();

-        session.getSessionLog().setLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-        session.login();


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = DynamicClassLoader.lookup(session);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = buildMyEntityDescriptor();

-        assertFalse(descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor());


-        DynamicTypeImpl entityType = (DynamicTypeImpl) new DynamicTypeBuilder(dcl, descriptor, null).getType();


-        assertFalse(descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor());

-        assertEquals(MyEntity.class, entityType.getJavaClass());


-        session.addDescriptor(entityType.getDescriptor());

-        new SchemaManager(session).replaceDefaultTables();


-        DynamicEntity entity = entityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        entity.set("id", 1);

-        entity.set("name", "Name");


-        session.insertObject(entity);


-        session.logout();


-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the descriptor for a dynamic type fails without the

-     * additional configuration which is applied to the descriptor during the

-     * EntityType creation.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void invalidDescriptorWithoutEntityType() throws Exception {

-        RelationalDescriptor descriptor = buildMyEntityDescriptor();


-        DatabaseSession session = new Project(buildDatabaseLogin()).createDatabaseSession();

-        session.getSessionLog().setLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-        session.addDescriptor(descriptor);


-        try {

-            session.login();

-        } catch (IntegrityException ie) {

-            assertEquals(descriptor.getMappings().size() + 1, ie.getIntegrityChecker().getCaughtExceptions().size());


-            // Verify NoSuchField errors for each mapping

-            for (int index = 0; index < descriptor.getMappings().size(); index++) {

-                DescriptorException ex = (DescriptorException) ie.getIntegrityChecker().getCaughtExceptions().get(index);

-                assertEquals(DescriptorException.NO_SUCH_FIELD_WHILE_INITIALIZING_ATTRIBUTES_IN_INSTANCE_VARIABLE_ACCESSOR, ex.getErrorCode());

-            }

-            DescriptorException de = (DescriptorException) ie.getIntegrityChecker().getCaughtExceptions().lastElement();

-            assertEquals(DescriptorException.NO_SUCH_METHOD_WHILE_INITIALIZING_INSTANTIATION_POLICY, de.getErrorCode());


-            return;

-        }


-        fail("Expected IntegrityException not thrown");

-    }


-    private RelationalDescriptor buildMyEntityDescriptor() {

-        RelationalDescriptor descriptor = new RelationalDescriptor();


-        descriptor.setJavaClass(MyEntity.class);

-        descriptor.setTableName("MY_ENTITY");

-        descriptor.addPrimaryKeyFieldName("ID");


-        AbstractDirectMapping mapping = (AbstractDirectMapping) descriptor.addDirectMapping("id", "ID");

-        mapping.setAttributeClassification(int.class);

-        mapping = (AbstractDirectMapping) descriptor.addDirectMapping("name", "NAME");

-        mapping.setAttributeClassification(String.class);


-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return

-     */

-    private DatabaseLogin buildDatabaseLogin() {

-        DatabaseLogin login = new DatabaseLogin();


-        login.useOracleThinJDBCDriver();

-        login.setDatabaseURL("localhost:1521:ORCL");

-        login.setUserName("scott");

-        login.setPassword("tiger");


-        // TODO - override with values from system properties


-        return login;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple concrete subclass of DynamicEntityImpl to test the functionality

-     * of EntityType independently of the {@link DynamicClassLoader}

-     * functionality which typically generates subclasses.

-     */

-    public static class MyEntity extends DynamicEntityImpl {


-        protected MyEntity(DynamicTypeImpl type) {

-            super(type);

-        }


-    }


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deleted file mode 100644
index 01b4176..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicEntityImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseLogin;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project;


-import org.junit.Test;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class EntityTypeFromScratch {


-    @Test

-public void entityTypeFromDescriptor() throws Exception {

-    DynamicTypeImpl entityType = buildMyEntityType();


-    assertEquals(MyEntity.class, entityType.getJavaClass());


-    DatabaseSession session = new Project(buildDatabaseLogin()).createDatabaseSession();

-    session.getSessionLog().setLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-    session.login();


-    session.addDescriptor(entityType.getDescriptor());

-    new SchemaManager(session).replaceDefaultTables();


-    DynamicEntity entity = entityType.newDynamicEntity();

-    entity.set("id", 1);

-    entity.set("name", "Name");


-    session.insertObject(entity);


-    session.logout();




-private DynamicTypeImpl buildMyEntityType() {

-    DynamicTypeBuilder factory = new DynamicTypeBuilder(MyEntity.class, null, "MY_ENTITY");

-    factory.setPrimaryKeyFields("ID");

-    factory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "ID");

-    factory.addDirectMapping("name", String.class, "NAME");


-    return (DynamicTypeImpl) factory.getType();



-    /**

-     * Return

-     */

-    private DatabaseLogin buildDatabaseLogin() {

-        DatabaseLogin login = new DatabaseLogin();


-        login.useOracleThinJDBCDriver();

-        login.setDatabaseURL("localhost:1521:ORCL");

-        login.setUserName("scott");

-        login.setPassword("tiger");


-        // TODO - override with values from system properties


-        return login;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple concrete subclass of DynamicEntityImpl to test the functionality

-     * of EntityType independently of the {@link DynamicClassLoader}

-     * functionality which typically generates subclasses.

-     */

-    public static class MyEntity extends DynamicEntityImpl {


-        protected MyEntity(DynamicTypeImpl type) {

-            super(type);

-        }


-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index b73a649..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.employee;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { MappingConfigTests.class,  QueryTests.class, TransactionTests.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e8d9b..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.employee;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.dynamic.employee.EmployeeDynamicMappings;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;

-import org.junit.Test;



- * Set of tests to ensure the mappings are properly populated from the provided

- * annotations/xml.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class MappingConfigTests extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifySharedSession() throws Exception {


-        assertNotNull(getSharedSession());

-        assertTrue(getSharedSession().isConnected());

-        assertTrue(getSharedSession().isDatabaseSession());


-        //assertTrue(getSharedSession().getName().startsWith("file"));

-        //assertTrue(getSharedSession().getName().endsWith("empty"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyEmployeeDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        Session session = getSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("Employee");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("Employee", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());


-        // Address Mapping

-        OneToOneMapping addrMapping = (OneToOneMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-        assertNotNull(addrMapping);

-        assertTrue(addrMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(session.getDescriptorForAlias("Address"), addrMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // PhoenNumber Mapping

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotNull(phoneMapping);

-        assertTrue(phoneMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(session.getDescriptorForAlias("PhoneNumber"), phoneMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // Manager Mapping

-        OneToOneMapping managerMapping = (OneToOneMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("manager");

-        assertNotNull(managerMapping);

-        assertFalse(managerMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(descriptor, managerMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // Managed Employees Mapping

-        OneToManyMapping managedEmployeesMapping = (OneToManyMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("managedEmployees");

-        assertNotNull(managedEmployeesMapping);

-        assertFalse(managedEmployeesMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(descriptor, managedEmployeesMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // Projects Mapping

-        ManyToManyMapping projectsMapping = (ManyToManyMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("projects");

-        assertNotNull(projectsMapping);

-        assertFalse(projectsMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(session.getDescriptorForAlias("Project"), projectsMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddressDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        Session session = getSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("Address");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("Address", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyPhoneNumberDescriptor() {

-        Session session = getSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("PhoneNumber");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("PhoneNumber", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyProjectDescriptor() {

-        Session session = getSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("Project");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("Project", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifySmallProjectDescriptor() {

-        Session session = getSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("SmallProject");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("SmallProject", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyLargeProjectDescriptor() {

-        Session session = getSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("LargeProject");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("LargeProject", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseSession shared = super.createSharedSession();


-        if (shared.getDescriptors().isEmpty()) {

-            EmployeeDynamicMappings.createTypes(shared, "model.dynamic.employee", false);

-        }


-        return shared;

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7152a16..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.employee;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.dynamic.employee.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;


-import org.junit.Test;



- * Simple query examples for the XML mapped Employee domain model.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "empty")

-public class QueryTests extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    private Queries examples = new Queries();


-    private Sample samples;


-    public Queries getQueries() {

-        return this.examples;

-    }


-    public Sample getSamples() {

-        if (this.samples == null) {

-            this.samples = new Sample(getSharedSession());

-        }

-        return this.samples;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple example using dynamic JP QL to retrieve all Employee instances

-     * sorted by lastName and firstName.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void readAllEmployees() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getQueries().readAllEmployees(helper, session);


-        getSamples().assertSame(emps);

-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void readAllEmployeesWithAddress() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getQueries().readAllEmployeesWithAddress(helper, session);

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchHint() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getQueries().readAllEmployeesWithAddress(helper, session);

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void minEmployeeId() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(helper, session);


-        assertTrue(minId > 0);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void testReadAllExressions() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getQueries().findUsingNativeReadAllQuery(helper, session);


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseSession shared = super.createSharedSession();


-        if (shared.getDescriptors().isEmpty()) {

-            EmployeeDynamicMappings.createTypes(shared, "model.dynamic.employee", false);

-        }

-        new SchemaManager(shared).replaceDefaultTables();

-        this.samples = new Sample(shared);

-        this.samples.persistAll(shared);


-        return shared;

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f247e..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.employee;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.dynamic.employee.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;


-import org.junit.Test;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "empty")

-public class TransactionTests extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    Transactions transactions = new Transactions();

-    Queries queries = new Queries();

-    private static Sample samplePopulation;


-    @Test

-    public void pessimisticLocking() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        transactions.pessimisticLocking(helper, getSession());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createUsingPersist() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicEntity emp = transactions.createUsingPersist(helper, session);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertTrue(emp.<Integer> get("id") > 0);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        DynamicEntity empWC = (DynamicEntity) uow.readObject(emp);

-        // Delete assuming private owned relationships;

-        uow.deleteObject(empWC);

-        uow.commit();


-        getSample().verifyCounts(session);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createUsingMerge() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicEntity emp = transactions.createUsingMerge(helper, session);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertTrue(emp.<Integer> get("id") > 0);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        DynamicEntity empWC = (DynamicEntity) uow.readObject(emp);

-        // Delete assuming private owned relationships;

-        uow.deleteObject(empWC);

-        uow.commit();


-        getSample().verifyCounts(session);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void mergeDetached_UOW() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        // get shared copy

-        DynamicEntity emp = this.queries.minimumEmployee(helper, session);

-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        // Create detached copy using separate UOW

-        UnitOfWork detachUOW = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        DynamicEntity detachedEmp = (DynamicEntity) detachUOW.readObject(emp);

-        detachUOW.release();


-        detachedEmp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") + 1);


-        getQuerySQLTracker(session).reset();

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(session).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.deepMergeClone(detachedEmp);

-        uow.writeChanges();

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(session).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        uow.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void mergeDetached_Copy() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        // get shared copy

-        DynamicEntity emp = this.queries.minimumEmployee(helper, session);

-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        // Create detached copy using session.copyObject

-        ObjectCopyingPolicy policy = new ObjectCopyingPolicy();

-        policy.setShouldResetPrimaryKey(false);

-        policy.setDepth(2);

-        DynamicEntity detachedEmp = (DynamicEntity) session.copyObject(emp, policy);


-        detachedEmp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") + 1);


-        getQuerySQLTracker(session).reset();

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(session).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.deepMergeClone(detachedEmp);

-        uow.writeChanges();

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(session).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        uow.release();

-    }


-    public Sample getSample() {

-        if (samplePopulation == null) {

-            samplePopulation = new Sample(getSharedSession());

-        }

-        return samplePopulation;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseSession shared = super.createSharedSession();


-        EmployeeDynamicMappings.createTypes(shared, "example.model.employee", true);


-        DynamicSchemaManager dsm = new DynamicSchemaManager(shared);

-        dsm.replaceDefaultTables(true, true);


-        getSample().persistAll(shared);


-        return shared;

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06ad76b..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.comics;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { ConfigTests.class, CreateAndInitDatabase.class, QueryTests.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d23b7..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.comics;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Test;



-public class ConfigTests {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyDescriptorClasses() {

-        Server server = SessionHelper.getComicsSession();


-        assertNotNull(server);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = server.getClassDescriptorForAlias("Issue");

-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertTrue(DynamicEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getJavaClass()));


-        descriptor = server.getClassDescriptorForAlias("Publisher");

-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertTrue(DynamicEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getJavaClass()));


-        descriptor = server.getClassDescriptorForAlias("Title");

-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertTrue(DynamicEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getJavaClass()));

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2164bb0..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     shsmith,dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.comics;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;





-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;


-import org.junit.Test;


-public class CreateAndInitDatabase {


-    private static final String DATA_HOME = "org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/";


-    @Test

-    public void populate() throws Exception {

-        Server server = null;

-        Session session = null;

-        UnitOfWork uow = null;


-        try {

-            server = SessionHelper.getComicsSession();

-            DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(server);

-            session = server.acquireClientSession();


-            uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-            URL publisherFileURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(DATA_HOME + "");

-            Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> publishers = loadPublishers(server, publisherFileURL);

-            persist(uow, publishers);


-            URL titleFileURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(DATA_HOME + "");

-            Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> titles = loadTitles(server, titleFileURL, publishers);

-            persist(uow, titles);


-            URL issueFileURL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(DATA_HOME + "");

-            Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> issues = loadIssues(server, issueFileURL, titles);

-            persist(uow, issues);


-            SchemaManager sm = new SchemaManager(server);

-            sm.replaceDefaultTables();

-            sm.replaceSequences();


-            uow.commit();


-            ReportQuery countQuery = new ReportQuery(helper.getType("Publisher").getJavaClass(), new ExpressionBuilder());

-            countQuery.addCount();

-            countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-            assertEquals(publishers.size(), ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-            countQuery = new ReportQuery(helper.getType("Title").getJavaClass(), new ExpressionBuilder());

-            countQuery.addCount();

-            countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-            assertEquals(titles.size(), ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-            countQuery = new ReportQuery(helper.getType("Issue").getJavaClass(), new ExpressionBuilder());

-            countQuery.addCount();

-            countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-            assertEquals(issues.size(), ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());

-        } finally {

-            if (uow != null && uow.isActive()) {

-                uow.release();

-            }

-            if (session != null) {

-                session.release();

-            }

-            if (server != null) {

-                server.release();

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    private static void persist(UnitOfWork uow, Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> entities) {

-        for (DynamicEntity entity : entities.values()) {

-            uow.registerNewObject(entity);

-        }

-    }


-    private static Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> loadIssues(Server server, URL fileURL, Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> titles) throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(server);

-        DynamicType type = helper.getType("Issue");

-        Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> issues = new HashMap<Integer, DynamicEntity>();


-        BufferedReader reader = null;


-        try {

-            reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileURL.openStream()));

-            String nextLine = null;

-            while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {

-                DynamicEntity issue = buildIssue(type, nextLine, titles);

-                issues.put(issue.<Integer> get("id"), issue);

-            }

-        } finally {

-            if (reader != null) {

-                reader.close();

-            }

-        }

-        return issues;

-    }


-    private static DynamicEntity buildIssue(DynamicType issueType, String line, Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> titles) {


-        String[] columns = line.split("\t");

-        DynamicEntity issue = issueType.newDynamicEntity();

-        issue.set("number", Integer.valueOf(columns[1]));

-        issue.set("condition", columns[3]);

-        issue.set("comments", columns[4]);

-        String numCopiesString = columns[5];

-        if (numCopiesString.length() > 0) {

-            issue.set("copies", Integer.valueOf(numCopiesString));

-        }

-        issue.set("id", Integer.valueOf(columns[6]));

-        issue.set("title", titles.get(Integer.valueOf(columns[7])));

-        return issue;

-    }


-    private static Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> loadPublishers(Server server, URL fileURL) throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(server);

-        DynamicType type = helper.getType("Publisher");

-        Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> publishers = new HashMap<Integer, DynamicEntity>();


-        BufferedReader reader = null;

-        try {

-            reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileURL.openStream()));

-            String nextLine = null;

-            while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {

-                DynamicEntity publisher = buildPublisher(type, nextLine);

-                publishers.put(publisher.<Integer> get("id"), publisher);

-            }

-        } finally {

-            if (reader != null) {

-                reader.close();

-            }

-        }

-        return publishers;

-    }


-    private static DynamicEntity buildPublisher(DynamicType publisherType, String line) {

-        // NAME ID

-        String[] columns = line.split("\t");

-        assert columns.length == 2;

-        DynamicEntity publisher = publisherType.newDynamicEntity();

-        publisher.set("name", columns[0]);

-        publisher.set("id", Integer.valueOf(columns[1]));

-        return publisher;

-    }


-    private static Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> loadTitles(Server server, URL fileURL, Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> publishers) throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(server);

-        DynamicType type = helper.getType("Title");

-        Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> titles = new HashMap<Integer, DynamicEntity>();


-        BufferedReader reader = null;

-        try {

-            reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fileURL.openStream()));

-            String nextLine = null;

-            while ((nextLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {

-                DynamicEntity title = buildTitle(type, nextLine, publishers);

-                titles.put(title.<Integer> get("id"), title);

-            }

-        } finally {

-            if (reader != null) {

-                reader.close();

-            }

-        }

-        return titles;

-    }


-    private static DynamicEntity buildTitle(DynamicType type, String line, Map<Integer, DynamicEntity> publishers) {


-        String[] columns = line.split("\t");


-        DynamicEntity title = type.newDynamicEntity();

-        title.set("name", columns[0]);

-        title.set("format", columns[2]);

-        title.set("id", Integer.valueOf(columns[4]));

-        title.set("publisher", publishers.get(Integer.valueOf(columns[5])));

-        return title;

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
deleted file mode 100644
index d31242c..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.comics;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class QueryTests {


-	@Test

-	public void readAll() {

-		Session session = SessionHelper.getComicsSession().acquireClientSession();


-		session.readAllObjects(session.getDescriptorForAlias("Issue").getJavaClass());

-		session.readAllObjects(session.getDescriptorForAlias("Publisher").getJavaClass());

-		session.readAllObjects(session.getDescriptorForAlias("Title").getJavaClass());


-		session.release();

-	}



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index 98f7978..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.comics;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.SessionManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.XMLSessionConfigLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;


-public class SessionHelper {


-    private static final String SESSION_NAME = "dynamic-comics";


-    public static Server getComicsSession() {

-        if (!SessionManager.getManager().getSessions().containsKey(SESSION_NAME)) {


-            DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());


-            new DynamicTypeBuilder(dcl.createDynamicClass("model.Issue"), null);

-            new DynamicTypeBuilder(dcl.createDynamicClass("model.Publisher"), null);

-            new DynamicTypeBuilder(dcl.createDynamicClass("model.Title"), null);


-            XMLSessionConfigLoader loader = new XMLSessionConfigLoader();

-            loader.setClassLoader(dcl);

-            loader.setSessionName(SESSION_NAME);


-            Server session = (Server) SessionManager.getManager().getSession(loader);


-            return session;

-        }

-        return (Server) SessionManager.getManager().getSession(SESSION_NAME);

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c4c30c..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4201 +0,0 @@
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	5		Near Mint		1	96	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	6		Near Mint		1	97	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	7		Near Mint		1	98	20	
-Cerebus	104		Near Mint	Flaming Carrot	1	99	123	
-Hardware	1		Near Mint		1	100	22	
-Hardware	2		Near Mint		1	101	22	
-Legionnaires	3		Near Mint		2	102	11	
-Maxx, The	1		Near Mint		1	103	2	
-Maxx, The	2		Near Mint		1	104	2	
-Maxx, The	3		Near Mint		1	105	2	
-Maxx, The	4		Near Mint		1	106	2	
-Maxx, The	5		Near Mint		1	107	2	
-Justice League Task Force	1		Near Mint		1	108	24	
-Justice League Task Force	2		Near Mint		1	109	24	
-Justice Society of America	9		Near Mint		1	110	25	
-Justice Society of America	10		Near Mint		1	111	25	
-Books of Magic (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	112	434	
-Books of Magic (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	113	434	
-Books of Magic (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	114	434	
-Books of Magic (mini-series)	4		Near Mint		1	115	434	
-Enigma	1		Near Mint		1	116	26	
-Enigma	2		Near Mint		1	117	26	
-Enigma	3		Near Mint		1	118	26	
-DC Special	11		Fine	"Monsters are Coming", Kirby reprints	1	119	27	
-Justice League Quarterly	4		Near Mint		1	120	289	
-Superman (vol. 2)	10		Near Mint		1	121	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	460		Near Mint	Eradicator	1	122	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	461		Near Mint	Eradicator	1	123	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	480		Near Mint	Eradicator	1	124	51	
-Justice League America	69		Near Mint		1	125	12	
-Justice League America	70		Near Mint		2	126	12	
-Vertigo Preview	1		Near Mint		1	127	29	
-Spawn	8		Near Mint		1	128	30	
-Spawn	9		Near Mint		1	129	30	
-Spawn	10		Near Mint		1	130	30	
-Spawn	11		Near Mint		1	131	30	
-Spawn	12		Near Mint		1	132	30	
-Stanley and His Monster	3		Near Mint		1	133	31	
-Stanley and His Monster	4		Near Mint		1	134	31	
-Trencher	1		Near Mint		1	135	32	
-Trencher	2		Near Mint		1	136	32	
-Trencher	3		Near Mint		1	137	32	
-Trinity	1		Near Mint		1	138	34	
-Trinity	2		Near Mint		1	139	34	
-Swamp Thing (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	140	35	
-Sandman	10		Near Mint		1	141	10	
-Sandman	11		Near Mint		1	142	10	
-Sandman	12		Near Mint		1	143	10	
-Sandman	13		Near Mint		1	144	10	
-Sandman	14		Near Mint		1	145	10	
-Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes	3		Near Mint		1	146	36	
-Legionnaires	2		Near Mint		1	147	11	
-Legionnaires	4		Near Mint		1	148	11	
-Legionnaires	5		Near Mint		1	149	11	
-Legionnaires	6		Near Mint		1	150	11	
-Legionnaires	7		Near Mint		1	151	11	
-Martian Manhunter: American Secrets	1		Near Mint		1	152	38	
-Martian Manhunter: American Secrets	2		Near Mint		1	153	38	
-Martian Manhunter: American Secrets	3		Near Mint		1	154	38	
-Ray, The	1		Near Mint		1	155	40	
-Ray, The	2		Near Mint		1	156	40	
-Ray, The	3		Near Mint		1	157	40	
-Ray, The	4		Near Mint		1	158	40	
-Ray, The	5		Near Mint		1	159	40	
-Ray, The	6		Near Mint		1	160	40	
-Last One, The	1		Near Mint		1	161	41	
-Last One, The	2		Near Mint		1	162	41	
-Last One, The	3		Near Mint		1	163	41	
-Last One, The	4		Near Mint		1	164	41	
-Hellblazer	11		Near Mint		1	165	15	
-Heckler, The	1		Near Mint	Kieth Giffen	1	166	42	
-Heckler, The	2		Near Mint	Kieth Giffen	1	167	42	
-Heckler, The	3		Near Mint	Kieth Giffen	1	168	42	
-Heckler, The	4		Near Mint	Kieth Giffen	1	169	42	
-Heckler, The	5		Near Mint	Kieth Giffen	1	170	42	
-Heckler, The	6		Near Mint	Kieth Giffen	1	171	42	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	172	43	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	173	43	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	174	43	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	4		Near Mint		1	175	43	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	5		Near Mint		1	176	43	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	6		Near Mint		1	177	43	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	7		Near Mint		1	178	43	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	8		Near Mint		1	179	43	
-Akira	19		Near Mint		1	265	58	
-Akira	20		Near Mint		1	266	58	
-Akira	21		Near Mint		1	267	58	
-Akira	22		Near Mint		1	268	58	
-Akira	23		Near Mint		1	269	58	
-Akira	24		Near Mint		1	270	58	
-Akira	25		Near Mint		1	271	58	
-Akira	26		Near Mint		1	272	58	
-Akira	27		Near Mint		1	273	58	
-Akira	28		Near Mint		1	274	58	
-Akira	29		Near Mint		1	275	58	
-Akira	30		Near Mint		1	276	58	
-Akira	31		Near Mint		1	277	58	
-Akira	32		Near Mint		1	278	58	
-Akira	33		Near Mint		1	279	58	
-Ambush Bug Nothing Special	1		Near Mint		1	280	284	
-Animal Man	49		Near Mint		1	281	59	
-Animal Man	50		Near Mint		1	282	59	
-Animal Man	51		Near Mint		1	283	59	
-Batman Shadow of the Bat	1		Near Mint		1	284	60	
-Batman Shadow of the Bat	2		Near Mint		1	285	60	
-Batman Shadow of the Bat	3		Near Mint		1	286	60	
-Batman Shadow of the Bat	4		Near Mint		1	287	60	
-Cosmic Boy	1		Near Mint		1	288	61	
-Cosmic Boy	2		Near Mint		1	289	61	
-Cosmic Boy	3		Near Mint		1	290	61	
-Cosmic Boy	4		Near Mint		1	291	61	
-Dare	1		Near Mint		1	292	62	
-Dare	2		Near Mint		1	293	62	
-Dare	3		Near Mint		1	294	62	
-Dare	4		Near Mint		1	295	62	
-Doom Force	1		Near Mint		1	296	63	
-Doom Patrol	39		Near Mint		1	297	252	
-Doom Patrol	40		Near Mint		1	298	252	
-Doom Patrol	41		Near Mint		1	299	252	
-Doom Patrol	42		Near Mint		1	300	252	
-Doom Patrol	43		Near Mint		1	301	252	
-Doom Patrol	44		Near Mint		1	302	252	
-Doom Patrol	45		Near Mint		1	303	252	
-Doom Patrol	46		Near Mint		1	304	252	
-Doom Patrol	47		Near Mint		1	305	252	
-Doom Patrol	48		Near Mint		1	306	252	
-Doom Patrol	49		Near Mint		1	307	252	
-Doom Patrol	50		Near Mint		1	308	252	
-Doom Patrol	51		Near Mint		1	309	252	
-Doom Patrol	52		Near Mint		1	310	252	
-Doom Patrol	53		Near Mint		1	311	252	
-Doom Patrol	54		Near Mint		1	312	252	
-Doom Patrol	55		Near Mint		1	313	252	
-Doom Patrol	56		Near Mint		1	314	252	
-Doom Patrol	57		Near Mint		1	315	252	
-Doom Patrol	58		Near Mint		1	316	252	
-Doom Patrol	59		Near Mint		1	317	252	
-Doom Patrol	60		Near Mint		1	318	252	
-Doom Patrol	61		Near Mint		1	319	252	
-Doom Patrol	62		Near Mint		1	320	252	
-Doom Patrol	63		Near Mint		1	321	252	
-Doom Patrol	64		Near Mint		1	322	252	
-Doom Patrol	65		Near Mint		1	323	252	
-Doom Patrol	66		Near Mint		1	324	252	
-Eclipso	1		Near Mint		1	325	64	
-Green Lantern, Ganthet's Tale	1		Near Mint		1	326	65	
-Gotham by Gaslight	1		Near Mint		1	327	66	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	142		Near Mint		1	328	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	143		Near Mint		1	329	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	161		Near Mint		1	330	67	
-Green Lantern, Mosaic	1		Near Mint		1	331	68	
-Green Lantern, Mosaic	2		Near Mint		1	332	68	
-Guy Gardner	1		Near Mint		1	333	69	
-Invasion	1		Near Mint		1	334	70	
-Invasion	2		Near Mint		1	335	70	
-Invasion	3		Near Mint		2	336	70	
-Justice League Europe (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	337	71	
-Justice Society of America	1		Near Mint		1	338	25	
-Justice Society of America	2		Near Mint		1	339	25	
-Justice Society of America	3		Near Mint		1	340	25	
-Justice Society of America	4		Near Mint		1	341	25	
-Justice Society of America	5		Near Mint		1	342	25	
-Justice Society of America	6		Near Mint		1	343	25	
-Kamandi	14		Near Mint	Kirby	1	344	72	
-Kamandi	15		Near Mint	Kirby	1	345	72	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	1		Near Mint		1	346	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	2		Near Mint		1	347	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	3		Near Mint		1	348	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	4		Near Mint		1	349	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	5		Near Mint		1	350	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	6		Near Mint		1	351	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	7		Near Mint		1	352	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	8		Near Mint		1	353	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	9		Near Mint		1	354	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	10		Near Mint		1	355	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	11		Near Mint		1	356	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	12		Near Mint		1	357	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	13		Near Mint		1	358	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	14		Near Mint		1	359	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	15		Near Mint		1	360	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	16		Near Mint		1	361	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	17		Near Mint		1	362	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	18		Near Mint		1	363	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	19		Near Mint		1	364	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	20		Near Mint		1	365	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	21		Near Mint		1	366	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	22		Near Mint		1	367	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	23		Near Mint		1	368	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	24		Near Mint		1	369	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	25		Near Mint		1	370	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	26		Near Mint		1	371	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	27		Near Mint		1	372	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	28		Near Mint		1	373	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	29		Near Mint		1	374	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	30		Near Mint		1	375	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	31		Near Mint		1	376	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	32		Near Mint		1	377	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	33		Near Mint		1	378	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	34		Near Mint		1	379	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	35		Near Mint		1	380	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	36		Near Mint		1	381	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	37		Near Mint		1	382	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	38		Near Mint		1	383	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	39		Near Mint		1	384	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	40		Near Mint		1	385	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	41		Near Mint		1	386	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	42		Near Mint		1	387	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	43		Near Mint		1	388	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	44		Near Mint		1	389	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	45		Near Mint		1	390	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	46		Near Mint		1	391	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	47		Near Mint		1	392	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	48		Near Mint		1	393	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	49		Near Mint		1	394	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	50		Near Mint		1	395	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	51		Near Mint		1	396	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	52		Near Mint		1	397	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	53		Near Mint		1	398	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	54		Near Mint		1	399	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	55		Near Mint		1	400	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	56		Near Mint		1	401	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	57		Near Mint		1	402	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	58		Near Mint		1	403	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	59		Near Mint		1	404	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	60		Near Mint		1	405	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	61		Near Mint		1	406	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	62		Near Mint		1	407	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	63		Near Mint		1	408	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	64		Near Mint		1	409	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N. (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	410	73	
-L.E.G.I.O.N. (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	411	73	
-L.E.G.I.O.N. (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	412	73	
-L.E.G.I.O.N. (Annual)	4		Near Mint		1	413	73	
-L.E.G.I.O.N. (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	414	73	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	2		Near Mint		2	415	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	3		Near Mint		2	416	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	4		Near Mint		1	417	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	5		Near Mint		1	418	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	6		Near Mint		1	419	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	7		Near Mint		1	420	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	8		Near Mint		1	421	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	9		Near Mint		1	422	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	10		Near Mint		1	423	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	11		Near Mint		1	424	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	13		Near Mint		2	425	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	19		Near Mint		1	426	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	20		Near Mint		1	427	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	25		Near Mint		1	428	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	26		Near Mint		1	429	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	27		Near Mint		1	430	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	28		Near Mint		1	431	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	40		Near Mint		1	432	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	41		Near Mint		1	433	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	42		Near Mint		1	434	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	43		Near Mint		1	435	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	44		Near Mint		1	436	147	
-Kamandi at Earth's End	1		Near Mint		1	180	44	
-Kamandi at Earth's End	2		Near Mint		1	181	44	
-Kid Eternity (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	182	45	
-Kid Eternity (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	183	45	
-Kid Eternity (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	184	45	
-Armageddon Inferno	4		Near Mint		1	185	46	
-Armageddon 2001	1		Near Mint		1	186	47	
-Armageddon 2001	2		Near Mint		1	187	47	
-Blackhawk	1		Near Mint		1	188	48	
-Blackhawk	2		Near Mint		1	189	48	
-Blackhawk	3		Near Mint		1	190	48	
-Darkstars	1		Near Mint		2	191	3	
-Darkstars	20		Near Mint		1	192	3	
-Darkstars	21		Near Mint		1	193	3	
-Death, The High Cost of Living	1		Near Mint		1	194	23	
-Death, The High Cost of Living	2		Near Mint		1	195	23	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	44	Trinity	Near Mint	Part 2	1	196	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	45	Trinity	Near Mint	Part 5	1	197	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	46	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	198	49	
-World of Krypton	1		Near Mint		1	199	50	
-World of Krypton	2		Near Mint		1	200	50	
-World of Krypton	3		Near Mint		1	201	50	
-World of Krypton	4		Near Mint		1	202	50	
-Action Comics (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	203	258	
-Action Comics (Annual)	6		Near Mint		1	204	258	
-Giant Size Man-Thing	5		Near Mint		1	205	52	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		1	206	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	207	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		1	208	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	209	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	210	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	211	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	212	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	213	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	214	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	10		Near Mint		1	215	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	216	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	12		Near Mint		1	217	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	13		Near Mint		1	218	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	14		Near Mint		1	219	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	15		Near Mint		1	220	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	16		Near Mint		1	221	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	17		Near Mint		1	222	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	18		Near Mint		1	223	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	19		Near Mint		1	224	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	20		Near Mint		1	225	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	21		Near Mint		1	226	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	22		Near Mint		1	227	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	23		Near Mint		1	228	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	24		Near Mint		1	229	49	
-Legends	2		Near Mint		1	230	53	
-Legends	4		Near Mint		1	231	53	
-Legends	5		Near Mint		1	232	53	
-Superman, The Man of Steel (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	233	55	
-Superman, The Man of Steel (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	234	55	
-Action Comics	583		Near Mint	Last Superman Story by Alan Moore	1	235	142	
-Action Comics	664	Time and Time Again	Near Mint	Phase 5	1	236	142	
-Superman, The Adventures of	424		Near Mint		1	237	51	
-Superman (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		1	238	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	57		Near Mint	Krypton Man	1	239	165	
-Superman (vol. 2) (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	240	166	
-Superman (vol. 2) (Annual)	2		Near Mint	Cadmus/Newsboy Legion	1	241	166	
-Superman (vol. 2) (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	242	166	
-Supergirl and Team Luthor	1		Near Mint		1	243	56	
-Adam Strange	1		Near Mint		1	244	57	
-Adam Strange	2		Near Mint		1	245	57	
-Adam Strange	3		Near Mint		1	246	57	
-Akira	1		Near Mint		1	247	58	
-Akira	2		Near Mint		1	248	58	
-Akira	3		Near Mint		1	249	58	
-Akira	4		Near Mint		1	250	58	
-Akira	5		Near Mint		1	251	58	
-Akira	6		Near Mint		1	252	58	
-Akira	7		Near Mint		1	253	58	
-Akira	8		Near Mint		1	254	58	
-Akira	9		Near Mint		1	255	58	
-Akira	10		Near Mint		1	256	58	
-Akira	11		Near Mint		1	257	58	
-Akira	12		Near Mint		1	258	58	
-Akira	13		Near Mint		1	259	58	
-Akira	14		Near Mint		1	260	58	
-Akira	15		Near Mint		1	261	58	
-Akira	16		Near Mint	Second copy very fine	2	262	58	
-Akira	17		Near Mint		1	263	58	
-Akira	18		Near Mint		1	264	58	
-Static	1		Near Mint	Collector's Edition	1	1	33	
-Static	2		Near Mint		1	2	33	
-Static	3		Near Mint		1	3	33	
-Static	4		Near Mint		1	4	33	
-Darkstars	2		Near Mint		1	5	3	
-Darkstars	3		Near Mint		1	6	3	
-Darkstars	4		Near Mint		1	7	3	
-Darkstars	5		Near Mint		1	8	3	
-Darkstars	6		Near Mint		1	9	3	
-Darkstars	7		Near Mint		1	10	3	
-Darkstars	8		Near Mint		1	11	3	
-Darkstars	9		Near Mint		1	12	3	
-Darkstars	10		Near Mint		1	13	3	
-Darkstars	11	Trinity	Near Mint	Part 4	1	14	3	
-Darkstars	12	Trinity	Near Mint	Part 7	1	15	3	
-Secret City Saga	0		Near Mint		2	16	4	
-Darker Image	1		Near Mint		1	17	5	
-Sebastian O	1		Near Mint		1	18	37	
-Sebastian O	2		Near Mint		1	19	37	
-Sebastian O	3		Near Mint		1	20	37	
-Captain Glory	1		Near Mint		1	21	7	
-Night Glider	1		Near Mint		1	22	8	
-Spider-Man 2099	7		Near Mint		1	23	9	
-Spider-Man 2099	8		Near Mint		1	24	9	
-1963	1		Near Mint		1	25	39	
-1963	2		Near Mint		1	26	39	
-1963	3		Near Mint		1	27	39	
-1963	4		Near Mint		1	28	39	
-1963	5		Near Mint		1	29	39	
-1963	6		Near Mint		1	30	39	
-Sandman	48		Near Mint		1	31	10	
-Sandman	49		Near Mint		1	32	10	
-Sandman	50		Near Mint		1	33	10	
-Sandman	51		Near Mint		1	34	10	
-Sandman	52		Near Mint		1	35	10	
-Sandman	53		Near Mint		1	36	10	
-Sandman	54		Near Mint		1	37	10	
-Legionnaires	1		Near Mint		2	38	11	
-Justice League America	72		Near Mint		1	39	12	
-Justice League America	73		Near Mint		1	40	12	
-Justice League America	74		Near Mint		1	41	12	
-Justice League America	75		Near Mint		1	42	12	
-Justice League America	76		Near Mint		1	43	12	
-Justice League America	77		Near Mint		1	44	12	
-Justice League America	78		Near Mint		1	45	12	
-Justice League America	79		Near Mint		1	46	12	
-Valor	6		Near Mint		1	47	13	
-Valor	7		Near Mint		1	48	13	
-Valor	8		Near Mint		1	49	13	
-Valor	9		Near Mint		1	50	13	
-Valor	10		Near Mint		1	51	13	
-Valor	11		Near Mint		1	52	13	
-Valor	12	D.O.A.	Near Mint	Part 1	1	53	13	
-Bombast	1		Near Mint		1	54	14	
-Hellblazer	63		Near Mint		1	55	15	
-Hellblazer	64		Near Mint		1	56	15	
-Hellblazer	65		Near Mint		1	57	15	
-Hellblazer	66		Near Mint		1	58	15	
-Hellblazer	67		Near Mint		1	59	15	
-Hellblazer	68		Near Mint		1	60	15	
-Hellblazer	69		Near Mint		1	61	15	
-Hellblazer	70		Near Mint		1	62	15	
-Hellblazer	71		Near Mint		1	63	15	
-Hellblazer	72		Near Mint		1	64	15	
-Satan's Six	1		Near Mint		1	65	281	
-Satan's Six	2		Near Mint		1	66	281	
-Kid Eternity	1		Near Mint		1	67	16	
-Kid Eternity	2		Near Mint		1	68	16	
-Icon	1		Near Mint	one newsstand, one collector's edition	2	69	17	
-Icon	2		Near Mint		1	70	17	
-Icon	3		Near Mint		1	71	17	
-Icon	4		Near Mint		1	72	17	
-Icon	5		Near Mint		1	73	17	
-Icon	6		Near Mint		1	74	17	
-Action Comics	687	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	75	142	
-Action Comics	688	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	76	142	
-Action Comics	689	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	77	142	
-Action Comics	690	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	78	142	
-Action Comics	691	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	79	142	
-Superman (vol. 2)	78	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	80	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	79	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	81	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	80	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	82	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	81	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	83	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	82	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint	one newstand, one collector's edition	2	84	165	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	22	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	85	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	23	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	86	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	24	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	87	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	25	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	88	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	26	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	89	18	
-Hepcats	7		Near Mint		1	90	19	
-Action Comics	643		Near Mint		1	91	142	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	1		Near Mint		1	92	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	2		Near Mint		1	93	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	3		Near Mint		1	94	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	4		Near Mint		1	95	20	
-Omac	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	592	111	
-Ragman	1		Near Mint		1	593	94	
-Ragman	2		Near Mint		1	594	94	
-Ragman	3		Near Mint		1	595	94	
-Ragman	4		Near Mint		1	596	94	
-Ragman	5		Near Mint		1	597	94	
-Ragman	6		Near Mint		1	598	94	
-Ragman	7		Near Mint		1	599	94	
-Ragman	8		Near Mint		1	600	94	
-Sandman	19		Near Mint		1	601	10	
-Sandman	20		Near Mint		1	602	10	
-Sandman	21		Near Mint		1	603	10	
-Sandman	22		Near Mint		1	604	10	
-Sandman	23		Near Mint		1	605	10	
-Sandman	24		Near Mint		1	606	10	
-Sandman	25		Near Mint		1	607	10	
-Sandman	26		Near Mint		1	608	10	
-Sandman	27		Near Mint		1	609	10	
-Sandman	28		Near Mint		1	610	10	
-Sandman	29		Near Mint		1	611	10	
-Sandman	30		Near Mint		1	612	10	
-Sandman	31		Near Mint		1	613	10	
-Sandman	32		Near Mint		1	614	10	
-Sandman	33		Near Mint		1	615	10	
-Sandman	34		Near Mint		1	616	10	
-Sandman	35		Near Mint		1	617	10	
-Sandman	36		Near Mint		1	618	10	
-Sandman	37		Near Mint		1	619	10	
-Sandman	38		Near Mint		1	620	10	
-Sandman	39		Near Mint		1	621	10	
-Sandman	40		Near Mint		1	622	10	
-Sandman	41		Near Mint		1	623	10	
-Sandman	42		Near Mint		1	624	10	
-Sandman	43		Near Mint		1	625	10	
-Sandman	44		Near Mint		1	626	10	
-Sandman	45		Near Mint		1	627	10	
-Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes	1		Near Mint		2	628	36	
-Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes	2		Near Mint		2	629	36	
-The Shadow (1987)	1		Near Mint		2	630	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	2		Near Mint		1	631	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	3		Near Mint		1	632	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	4		Near Mint		1	633	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	5		Near Mint		1	634	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	6		Near Mint		1	635	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	7		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	636	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	8		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	637	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	9		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	638	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	10		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	639	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	11		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	640	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	12		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	641	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	13		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	642	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	14		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	643	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	15		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	644	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	16		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	645	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	17		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	646	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	18		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	647	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	19		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	648	96	
-The Shadow (1987)	1		Near Mint		1	649	96	
-Shadow Stikes, The	14		Near Mint		1	650	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	15		Near Mint		1	651	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	16		Near Mint		1	652	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	17		Near Mint		1	653	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	18		Near Mint		1	654	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	19		Near Mint		1	655	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	20		Near Mint		1	656	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	21		Near Mint		1	657	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	22		Near Mint		1	658	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	23		Near Mint		1	659	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	24		Near Mint		1	660	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	25		Near Mint		1	661	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	26		Near Mint		1	662	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	27		Near Mint		1	663	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	28		Near Mint		1	664	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	29		Near Mint		1	665	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	30		Near Mint		1	666	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	31		Near Mint		1	667	133	
-Shadow, The (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	668	95	
-Shadow, The (mini-series)	4		Near Mint		1	669	95	
-Showcase '93	1		Near Mint		1	670	97	
-DC Silver Age Classics Adventure 247	1		Near Mint		1	671	98	
-DC Silver Age Classics Adventure Comics	247		Near Mint		1	672	98	
-DC Silver Age Classics The Brave And The Bold	28		Near Mint		1	673	99	
-Spawn	1		Near Mint		1	674	30	
-Spawn	2		Near Mint		1	675	30	
-Spawn	3		Near Mint		1	676	30	
-Spawn	4		Near Mint		1	677	30	
-Spawn	5		Near Mint		1	678	30	
-Spectre, The (vol. 3)	1		Near Mint		1	679	294	
-Spider-Man 2099	1		Near Mint		1	680	9	
-Spider-Man 2099	2		Near Mint		1	681	9	
-Spider-Man 2099	3		Near Mint		1	682	9	
-Spider-Man 2099	4		Near Mint		1	683	9	
-Superman (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	684	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		1	685	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	686	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	21		Near Mint		1	687	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	65	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	Second Strike	1	688	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	66	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	Final Strike	1	689	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	74		Near Mint		1	690	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	75		Near Mint	One newstand, one collector's edition	2	691	165	
-Superman Special	1		Near Mint		1	692	100	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	9	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	First Strike	1	693	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	10	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	Fifth Strike	1	694	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	17		Near Mint	Second Printing	1	695	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	18		Near Mint		1	696	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	19		Near Mint		1	697	18	
-Valor	1		Near Mint		1	698	13	
-Valor	2		Near Mint		1	699	13	
-Valor	3		Near Mint		1	700	13	
-Weird Science Fantasy (Reprint)	1		Near Mint		1	701	101	
-Weird Fantasy (Reprint)	1		Near Mint		1	702	102	
-WildC.A.T.S.	1		Near Mint		2	703	103	
-Spectacular Spider-Man, The	158		Near Mint		1	704	105	
-Musings	1		Near Mint	Fanzine about Sandman	1	705	106	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	22		Near Mint		1	706	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	23		Near Mint		1	707	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	24		Near Mint		1	708	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	25		Near Mint		1	709	107	
-Video Jack	1		Near Mint	Giffen	1	710	108	
-Video Jack	2		Near Mint	Giffen	1	711	108	
-Wanderers, The	1		Near Mint		1	712	109	
-Wanderers, The	2		Near Mint		1	713	109	
-Wanderers, The	3		Near Mint		1	714	109	
-Wanderers, The	4		Near Mint		1	715	109	
-Sandman (Vol. 1)	1		Near Mint	Kirby, Simon	1	716	110	
-Sandman (Vol. 1)	2		Near Mint	Kirby cover	1	717	110	
-Sandman (Vol. 1)	3		Near Mint	Kirby cover	1	718	110	
-Sandman (Vol. 1)	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	719	110	
-Sandman (Vol. 1)	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	720	110	
-Sandman (Vol. 1)	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	721	110	
-Omac (mini-series)	1		Near Mint	Byrne	1	722	93	
-Omac (mini-series)	2		Near Mint	Byrne	1	723	93	
-Omac (mini-series)	3		Near Mint	Byrne	1	724	93	
-Omac (mini-series)	4		Near Mint	Byrne	1	725	93	
-Omac	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	726	111	
-Omac	7		Near Mint	Kirby	1	727	111	
-Omac	8		Near Mint	Kirby	1	728	111	
-Vertigo Jam	1		Near Mint		1	729	112	
-Cerebus	112		Near Mint	112 and 113 were published as one issue	1	730	123	
-Cerebus	113		Near Mint	112 and 113 were published as one issue	1	731	123	
-Cerebus	114	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	732	123	
-Cerebus	115	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	733	123	
-Cerebus	116	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	734	123	
-Cerebus	117	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	735	123	
-Cerebus	118	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	736	123	
-Cerebus	119	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	737	123	
-Cerebus	120	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	738	123	
-Cerebus	121	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	739	123	
-Cerebus	122	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	740	123	
-Cerebus	123	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	741	123	
-Cerebus	124	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	742	123	
-Cerebus	125	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	743	123	
-Cerebus	126	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	744	123	
-Cerebus	127	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	745	123	
-Cerebus	128	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	746	123	
-Cerebus	129	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	747	123	
-Cerebus	130	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	748	123	
-Cerebus	131	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	749	123	
-Cerebus	132	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	750	123	
-Cerebus	133	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	751	123	
-Cerebus	134	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	752	123	
-Cerebus	135	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	753	123	
-Cerebus	136	Jaka's Story	Near Mint		1	754	123	
-Cerebus	137	Jaka's Story	Near Mint	Epilogue Part 1	1	755	123	
-Cerebus	138	Jaka's Story	Near Mint	Epilogue Part 2	1	756	123	
-Cerebus	139		Near Mint		1	757	123	
-Cerebus	140		Near Mint		1	758	123	
-Cerebus	141		Near Mint		1	759	123	
-Cerebus	142		Near Mint		1	760	123	
-Cerebus	143		Near Mint		1	761	123	
-Cerebus	144		Near Mint		1	762	123	
-Cerebus	145		Near Mint		1	763	123	
-Cerebus	146		Near Mint		1	764	123	
-Cerebus	147		Near Mint		1	765	123	
-Cerebus	148		Near Mint		1	766	123	
-Cerebus	149		Near Mint		1	767	123	
-Cerebus	150		Near Mint		1	768	123	
-Cerebus	151	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	769	123	
-Cerebus	152	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	770	123	
-Cerebus	153	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	771	123	
-Cerebus	154	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	772	123	
-Cerebus	155	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	773	123	
-Cerebus	156	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	774	123	
-Cerebus	157	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	775	123	
-Cerebus	158	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	776	123	
-World of Smallville	2		Near Mint		1	931	119	
-Superman (vol. 2)	37		Near Mint		1	932	165	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	49	Emerald Twilight	Near Mint	Part 2	1	933	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	50	Emerald Twilight	Near Mint	Part 3	1	934	49	
-Valor	17	D.O.A.	Near Mint	Part 6	1	935	13	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	936	120	
-Steel	1		Near Mint		1	937	121	
-Icon	10		Near Mint		1	938	17	
-Static	9		Near Mint		1	939	33	
-Static	10		Near Mint		1	940	33	
-Static	11		Near Mint		1	941	33	
-Static	12		Near Mint		1	942	33	
-Superman, The Adventures of (Annual)	2		Near Mint	L.E.G.I.O.N./Brainiac	1	943	122	
-Cerebus Bi-weekly	1		Near Mint		1	944	124	
-Cerebus Bi-weekly	3		Near Mint		1	945	124	
-Cerebus, Free	1		Near Mint		1	946	125	
-Cerebus High Society	1		Near Mint		1	947	126	
-Cerebus High Society	2		Near Mint		1	948	126	
-Cerebus High Society	3		Near Mint		1	949	126	
-Cerebus High Society	4		Near Mint		1	950	126	
-Cerebus High Society	5		Near Mint		1	951	126	
-Cerebus High Society	6		Near Mint		1	952	126	
-Cerebus High Society	7		Near Mint		1	953	126	
-Demon, The (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	954	127	
-Demon, The (vol. 2)	14		Near Mint		1	955	127	
-Lobo	1		Near Mint		1	956	128	
-Lobo	2		Near Mint		1	957	128	
-Lobo	3		Near Mint		1	958	128	
-Lobo	4		Near Mint		1	959	128	
-Power Pack Holiday Special	1		Near Mint		1	960	129	
-Sandman	1		Near Mint		1	961	10	
-Sandman	17		Near Mint		1	962	10	
-Sandman Special	1		Near Mint		1	963	130	
-Shade, The Changing Man	5		Near Mint		1	964	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	6		Near Mint		1	965	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	7		Near Mint		1	966	446	
-Shadow, The (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	967	131	
-Shadow, The (Annual)	2		Near Mint	Kyle Baker	1	968	131	
-Shadow Stikes, The	1		Near Mint		1	969	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	4		Near Mint		1	970	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	6		Near Mint		1	971	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	7		Near Mint		1	972	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	8		Near Mint		1	973	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	9		Near Mint		1	974	133	
-Doom Patrol	34		Near Mint		2	975	252	
-Suicide Squad	47		Near Mint		1	976	132	
-Suicide Squad	48		Near Mint		1	977	132	
-Suicide Squad	49		Near Mint		1	978	132	
-Suicide Squad	50		Near Mint		1	979	132	
-Suicide Squad	51		Near Mint		1	980	132	
-Suicide Squad	52		Near Mint		1	981	132	
-Suicide Squad	53	Dragon's Hoard	Near Mint		1	982	132	
-Suicide Squad	54	Dragon's Hoard	Near Mint		1	983	132	
-Destroyer Duck	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	984	81	
-Destroyer Duck	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	985	81	
-1st Issue Special	6		Near Mint	Kirby, Dingbats	1	986	134	
-Demon, The (vol. 1)	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	987	135	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	137		Near Mint	Kirby	1	988	82	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	138		Near Mint	Kirby	1	989	82	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	139		Near Mint	Kirby	1	990	82	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	141		Near Mint	Kirby, Don Rickles photo cover	1	991	82	
-Forever People	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	992	136	
-Forever People	10		Near Mint	Kirby, one copy is reading quality	2	993	136	
-Forever People	11		Near Mint	Kirby	1	994	136	
-Kamandi	7		Near Mint	Kirby	1	995	72	
-Kamandi	8		Near Mint	Kirby	1	996	72	
-Kamandi	17		Near Mint	Kirby	1	997	72	
-Kamandi	18		Near Mint	Kirby	2	998	72	
-Kamandi	19		Near Mint	Kirby	1	999	72	
-Kamandi	20		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1000	72	
-Kamandi	21		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1001	72	
-Kamandi	22		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1002	72	
-Kamandi	25		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1003	72	
-Kamandi	26		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1004	72	
-Kamandi	27		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1005	72	
-Kamandi	29		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1006	72	
-2001: A Space Odyssey	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1007	137	
-DC Comics Presents	84		Near Mint		1	1008	138	
-Shade, The Changing Man	19		Near Mint		1	1009	446	
-Buck Godot, Zap Gun for Hire	1		Near Mint		1	1010	139	
-E-Man (vol 3.)	1		Near Mint		1	1011	140	
-Blue Devil	2		Near Mint		1	1012	141	
-Blue Devil	3		Near Mint		1	1013	141	
-Blue Devil	4		Near Mint		1	1014	141	
-Blue Devil	5		Near Mint		1	1015	141	
-Blue Devil	6		Near Mint		1	1016	141	
-Blue Devil	7		Near Mint		1	1017	141	
-Blue Devil	8		Near Mint		1	1018	141	
-Blue Devil	9		Near Mint		1	1019	141	
-Blue Devil	10		Near Mint		1	1020	141	
-Blue Devil	11		Near Mint		1	1021	141	
-Blue Devil	12		Near Mint		1	1022	141	
-Blue Devil	13		Near Mint		1	1023	141	
-Blue Devil	14		Near Mint		1	1024	141	
-Blue Devil	15		Near Mint		1	1025	141	
-Blue Devil	16		Near Mint		1	1026	141	
-Blue Devil	17		Near Mint		1	1027	141	
-Blue Devil	18		Near Mint		1	1028	141	
-Blue Devil	19		Near Mint		1	1029	141	
-Blue Devil	20		Near Mint		1	1030	141	
-Blue Devil	24		Near Mint		1	1031	141	
-Blue Devil	25		Near Mint		1	1032	141	
-Blue Devil	26		Near Mint		1	1033	141	
-Blue Devil	28		Near Mint		1	1034	141	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	1		Near Mint		1	1035	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	2		Near Mint		1	1036	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	3	War of the Gods	Near Mint		1	1037	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	4		Near Mint		1	1038	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	5		Near Mint		1	1039	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	13		Near Mint		1	1040	18	
-Hellblazer	30		Near Mint		1	1041	15	
-Hellblazer	50		Near Mint		1	1042	15	
-Animal Man	53		Near Mint		1	1043	59	
-Action Comics	654	Dark Knight over Metropolis	Near Mint	Part 3	1	1044	142	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	10		Reading	Alan Moore, Phantom Stranger	1	1045	143	
-Timber Wolf	3		Near Mint		1	1046	144	
-Timber Wolf	4		Near Mint		1	1047	144	
-Timber Wolf	5		Near Mint		1	1048	144	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	15		Near Mint		2	1049	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	37		Near Mint		1	1050	147	
-Boy Commandos (Reprint)	2		Near Mint		1	1051	149	
-Black Lightning	1		Near Mint		1	1052	150	
-Bloodshot	1		Near Mint		1	1053	151	
-Magneto	0		Near Mint		1	1054	152	
-Black Magic (Reprint)	1		Near Mint		1	1055	153	
-Captain America	193		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1056	154	
-Captain America	194		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1057	154	
-Captain America	195		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1058	154	
-Captain America	196		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1059	154	
-Captain America	197		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1060	154	
-Captain America	198		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1061	154	
-Captain America	199		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1062	154	
-Captain America	208		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1063	154	
-Captain America	209		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1064	154	
-Captain America	210		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1065	154	
-Captain America	211		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1066	154	
-Captain America	212		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1067	154	
-Phantom Force	0		Near Mint		1	1068	155	
-Phantom Force	1		Near Mint		1	1069	155	
-Phantom Force	2		Near Mint		1	1070	155	
-Phantom Force	3		Near Mint		1	1071	155	
-Phantom Force	4		Near Mint		1	1072	155	
-Gilgamesh	1		Near Mint		1	1073	156	
-Gilgamesh	3		Near Mint		1	1074	156	
-Gilgamesh	4		Near Mint		1	1075	156	
-Demon, The (vol. 1)	8		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1076	135	
-Curse of the Weird	2		Near Mint		1	1077	157	
-Curse of the Weird	3		Near Mint		1	1078	157	
-Curse of the Weird	4		Near Mint		1	1079	157	
-Monster Menace	2		Near Mint		1	1080	158	
-Monster Menace	3		Near Mint		1	1081	158	
-Cerebus	55		Near Mint		1	1082	123	
-Black Orchid (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	1083	159	
-Scarab	1		Near Mint		1	1084	160	
-Scarab	2		Near Mint		1	1085	160	
-Scarab	3		Near Mint		1	1086	160	
-Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children	27		Near Mint		1	1087	161	
-Super Powers (vol. 3)	1		Near Mint		1	1088	295	
-Super Powers (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	1089	162	
-Super Powers (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	1090	162	
-Video Jack	5		Near Mint	Giffen	1	1091	108	
-Children's Crusade, The	2		Near Mint		1	1092	163	
-Miracle Man 3D	1		Near Mint		1	1093	164	
-Superman (vol. 1) (Annual)	11		Near Mint		1	1094	54	
-Cages	1		Near Mint		1	1095	167	
-Big Numbers	1		Near Mint		1	1096	168	
-Big Numbers	2		Near Mint		1	1097	168	
-Hard Boiled	1		Near Mint	Frank Miller/Geoff Darrow	1	1098	169	
-Hard Boiled	2		Near Mint	Frank Miller/Geoff Darrow	1	1099	169	
-Hard Boiled	3		Near Mint	Frank Miller/Geoff Darrow	1	1100	169	
-Action Comics	384		Near Mint		1	1101	142	
-Cerebus	159	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	777	123	
-Cerebus	160	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	778	123	
-Cerebus	161	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	779	123	
-Cerebus	162	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	780	123	
-Cerebus	163	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	781	123	
-Cerebus	164	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	782	123	
-Cerebus	165	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	783	123	
-Cerebus	166	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	784	123	
-Cerebus	167	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	785	123	
-Cerebus	168	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	786	123	
-Cerebus	169	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	787	123	
-Cerebus	170	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	788	123	
-Cerebus	171	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	789	123	
-Cerebus	172	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	790	123	
-Eclipso Special	1		Near Mint		1	791	113	
-Eclipso Special	2		Near Mint		1	792	113	
-Superman, The Adventures of	477	Time and Time Again	Near Mint	Phase 4	1	793	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	478	Time and Time Again	Near Mint	Phase 7	1	794	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	488	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	Third Strike	1	795	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	489	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	Epilogue	1	796	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	495		Near Mint	Forever People	1	797	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	496		Near Mint		1	798	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	497		Near Mint		1	799	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	498	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 1	1	800	51	
-Miracle Man	24		Near Mint		1	801	92	
-Jonah Hex, Two Gun Mojo	1		Near Mint		1	802	79	
-Jonah Hex, Two Gun Mojo	2		Near Mint		1	803	79	
-Jonah Hex, Two Gun Mojo	3		Near Mint		1	804	79	
-Jonah Hex, Two Gun Mojo	4		Near Mint		1	805	79	
-Jonah Hex, Two Gun Mojo	5		Near Mint		1	806	79	
-Legends	1		Near Mint		2	807	53	
-Action Comics	599		Near Mint		1	808	142	
-Superman, The Adventures of	427		Near Mint		1	809	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	428		Near Mint		2	810	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	429		Near Mint		1	811	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	437		Near Mint		1	812	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	439		Near Mint		1	813	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	443		Near Mint		1	814	51	
-Stray Toasters	1		Near Mint		1	815	114	
-Stray Toasters	3		Near Mint		1	816	114	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	1		Near Mint		1	817	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	214		Near Mint		1	818	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	215		Near Mint		1	819	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	216		Near Mint		1	820	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	217		Near Mint		1	821	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	218		Near Mint		1	822	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	219		Near Mint		1	823	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	220		Near Mint		1	824	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	221		Near Mint		1	825	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	222		Near Mint		1	826	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	223		Near Mint		1	827	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	224		Near Mint		1	828	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	225		Near Mint		1	829	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	227		Near Mint		1	830	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	228		Near Mint		1	831	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	229		Near Mint		1	832	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	230		Near Mint		1	833	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	232		Near Mint		1	834	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	233		Near Mint		1	835	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	235		Near Mint		1	836	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	236		Near Mint		1	837	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	237		Near Mint		1	838	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	238		Near Mint		1	839	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	239		Near Mint		1	840	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	240		Near Mint		1	841	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	241		Near Mint		1	842	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	242		Near Mint		1	843	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	243		Near Mint		1	844	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	244		Near Mint		1	845	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	245		Near Mint		1	846	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	246		Near Mint		1	847	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	247		Near Mint		1	848	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	248		Near Mint		1	849	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	249		Near Mint		1	850	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	251		Near Mint		1	851	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	252		Near Mint		1	852	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	253		Near Mint		1	853	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	254		Near Mint		1	854	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	255		Near Mint		1	855	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	256		Near Mint		1	856	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	258		Near Mint		1	857	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	259		Near Mint		4	858	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	260		Near Mint		1	859	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	261		Near Mint		1	860	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	262		Near Mint		1	861	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	263		Near Mint		1	862	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	264		Near Mint		1	863	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	265		Near Mint		1	864	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	266		Near Mint		1	865	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	267		Near Mint		1	866	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	268		Near Mint		1	867	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	269		Near Mint		1	868	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	270		Near Mint		1	869	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	271		Near Mint		1	870	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	272		Near Mint		1	871	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	274		Near Mint		1	872	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	275		Near Mint		1	873	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	276		Near Mint		1	874	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	277		Near Mint		1	875	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	278		Near Mint		1	876	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	279		Near Mint		1	877	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	280		Near Mint		1	878	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	281		Near Mint		2	879	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	282		Near Mint		1	880	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	283		Near Mint		1	881	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	284		Near Mint		1	882	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	285		Near Mint		1	883	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	286		Near Mint		1	884	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	287		Near Mint		1	885	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	288		Near Mint		1	886	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	289		Near Mint		1	887	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	290		Near Mint		1	888	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	291		Near Mint		1	889	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	292		Near Mint		1	890	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	293		Near Mint		1	891	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	294		Near Mint		1	892	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	295		Near Mint		1	893	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	296		Near Mint		2	894	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	297		Near Mint		1	895	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	298		Near Mint		1	896	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	299		Near Mint		1	897	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	300		Near Mint		1	898	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	301		Near Mint		1	899	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	302		Near Mint		1	900	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	303		Near Mint		1	901	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	304		Near Mint		1	902	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	305		Near Mint		1	903	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	306		Near Mint		1	904	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	307		Near Mint		1	905	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	308		Near Mint		1	906	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	309		Near Mint		1	907	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	310		Near Mint		1	908	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	311		Near Mint		1	909	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	312		Near Mint		1	910	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	313		Near Mint		1	911	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	314		Near Mint		1	912	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	315		Near Mint		1	913	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2) (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	914	116	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2) (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	915	116	
-Hellblazer	25		Near Mint		1	916	15	
-Hellblazer	26		Near Mint		1	917	15	
-Hellblazer (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	918	117	
-Shade, The Changing Man	33		Near Mint		1	919	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	35		Near Mint		1	920	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	36		Near Mint		1	921	446	
-Animal Man	57		Near Mint		1	922	59	
-Animal Man	58		Near Mint		1	923	59	
-Animal Man	59		Near Mint		1	924	59	
-World of Metropolis	2		Near Mint		1	925	118	
-World of Metropolis	3		Near Mint		1	926	118	
-World of Metropolis	4		Near Mint		1	927	118	
-Superboy, The New Adventures of	50		Near Mint	LSH appearance	1	928	148	
-Kamandi	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	929	72	
-World of Smallville	1		Near Mint		1	930	119	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	45		Near Mint		1	437	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	46		Near Mint		1	438	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	47		Near Mint		1	439	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	48		Near Mint		1	440	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	49		Near Mint		1	441	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	50		Near Mint		1	442	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	51		Near Mint		1	443	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	52		Near Mint		1	444	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	53		Near Mint		1	445	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	54		Near Mint		1	446	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	55		Near Mint		1	447	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	56		Near Mint		1	448	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	57		Near Mint		1	449	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	58		Near Mint		1	450	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	59		Near Mint		1	451	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	60		Near Mint		1	452	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	61		Near Mint		1	453	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	62		Near Mint		1	454	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	63		Near Mint		1	455	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3) (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	456	292	
-Crisis on Infinite Earths	1		Near Mint		1	457	74	
-Crisis on Infinite Earths	2		Near Mint		1	458	74	
-Crisis on Infinite Earths	3		Near Mint		1	459	74	
-Crisis on Infinite Earths	4		Near Mint		1	460	74	
-Crisis on Infinite Earths	8		Near Mint		1	461	74	
-Crisis on Infinite Earths	11		Near Mint		1	462	74	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	1		Near Mint		1	463	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	2		Near Mint		1	464	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	3		Near Mint		1	465	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	4		Near Mint		1	466	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	5		Near Mint		1	467	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	6		Near Mint		1	468	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	7		Near Mint		1	469	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	8		Near Mint		1	470	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	9		Near Mint		1	471	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	10		Near Mint		1	472	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	11		Near Mint		1	473	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	12		Near Mint		1	474	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	13		Near Mint		1	475	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	14		Near Mint		1	476	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	15		Near Mint		1	477	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	16		Near Mint		1	478	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	17		Near Mint		1	479	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	18		Near Mint		1	480	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	19		Near Mint		1	481	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	20		Near Mint		1	482	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	21		Near Mint		1	483	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	22		Near Mint		1	484	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	23		Near Mint		1	485	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	24		Near Mint		1	486	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	25		Near Mint		1	487	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	26		Near Mint		1	488	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	27		Near Mint		1	489	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	28		Near Mint		1	490	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	29		Near Mint		1	491	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	30		Near Mint		1	492	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	31		Near Mint		1	493	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	32		Near Mint		1	494	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	33		Near Mint		1	495	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	34		Near Mint		1	496	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	35		Near Mint		1	497	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	36		Near Mint		1	498	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	37		Near Mint		1	499	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	38		Near Mint		1	500	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	39		Near Mint		1	501	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	40		Near Mint		1	502	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	41		Near Mint		1	503	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	42		Near Mint		1	504	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	43		Near Mint		1	505	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	44		Near Mint		1	506	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	45		Near Mint		1	507	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	46		Near Mint		1	508	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	47		Near Mint		1	509	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	48		Near Mint		1	510	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	511	256	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	512	256	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	513	256	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	4		Near Mint		1	514	256	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	515	256	
-Legionnaires 3	1		Near Mint		1	516	75	
-Legionnaires 3	2		Near Mint		1	517	75	
-Legionnaires 3	3		Near Mint		1	518	75	
-Legionnaires 3	4		Near Mint		1	519	75	
-Warriors of Plasm	1		Near Mint		1	520	76	
-Golden Age, The	1		Near Mint		1	521	77	
-Golden Age, The	2		Near Mint		1	522	77	
-Golden Age, The	3		Near Mint		1	523	77	
-Cerebus	0		Near Mint		1	524	123	
-Black Orchid	1		Near Mint		1	525	78	
-Black Orchid	2		Near Mint		1	526	78	
-Black Panther	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	527	80	
-Destroyer Duck	1		Near Mint	Kirby, First Groo by Aragones	1	528	81	
-Destroyer Duck	2		Near Mint	KIrby	1	529	81	
-Kamandi	30		Near Mint	Kirby	1	530	72	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	144		Near Mint	Kirby	1	531	82	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	145		Near Mint	Kirby	1	532	82	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	146		Near Mint	Kirby	1	533	82	
-Mister Miracle	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	534	307	
-Mister Miracle	2		Near Mint	Kirby	1	535	307	
-Mister Miracle	3		Near Mint	Kirby	1	536	307	
-Mister Miracle	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	537	307	
-Mister Miracle	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	538	307	
-Mister Miracle	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	539	307	
-Mister Miracle	9		Near Mint	Kirby	1	540	307	
-Mister Miracle	10		Near Mint	Kirby	1	541	307	
-Mister Miracle	12		Near Mint	Kirby	1	542	307	
-Mister Miracle	13		Near Mint	Kirby	1	543	307	
-Mister Miracle	14		Near Mint	Kirby	1	544	307	
-Mister Miracle	15		Near Mint	Kirby	1	545	307	
-Mister Miracle	16		Near Mint	Kirby	1	546	307	
-Mister Miracle	17		Near Mint	Kirby	1	547	307	
-Mister Miracle	18		Near Mint	Kirby	1	548	307	
-New Gods	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	549	84	
-New Gods	2		Near Mint	Kirby	1	550	84	
-New Gods	3		Near Mint	Kirby	1	551	84	
-New Gods	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	552	84	
-New Gods	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	553	84	
-New Gods	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	554	84	
-New Gods	7		Near Mint	Kirby	1	555	84	
-New Gods	9		Near Mint	Kirby	1	556	84	
-New Gods (Reprints)	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	557	85	
-Hellblazer	57		Near Mint		1	558	15	
-Hellblazer	58		Near Mint		1	559	15	
-Hellblazer	59		Near Mint		1	560	15	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	257		Near Mint		1	561	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	130		Near Mint		2	562	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	132		Near Mint		2	563	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	135		Near Mint		2	564	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	145		Near Mint		4	565	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	146		Near Mint		3	566	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	147		Near Mint		3	567	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	153		Near Mint		3	568	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	149		Near Mint		3	569	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	150		Near Mint		3	570	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	152		Near Mint		2	571	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	154		Near Mint		4	572	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	155		Near Mint		4	573	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	186		Near Mint		2	574	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny (Annual)	5		Near Mint		4	575	87	
-Lex Luthor, The Unauthorized Biography	1		Near Mint		1	576	88	
-Lobo's Back	1		Near Mint		1	577	90	
-Lobo Infanticide	1		Near Mint		1	578	89	
-Man of Steel, The	1		Near Mint	one newstand, one collector's edition	2	579	91	
-Man of Steel, The	2		Near Mint		1	580	91	
-Man of Steel, The	3		Near Mint		1	581	91	
-Man of Steel, The	4		Near Mint		1	582	91	
-Man of Steel, The	5		Near Mint		1	583	91	
-Man of Steel, The	6		Near Mint		1	584	91	
-Miracle Man	2		Near Mint		1	585	92	
-Miracle Man	3		Near Mint		1	586	92	
-Miracle Man	4		Near Mint		1	587	92	
-Miracle Man	5		Near Mint		1	588	92	
-Miracle Man	6		Near Mint		1	589	92	
-Miracle Man	8		Near Mint		1	590	92	
-Miracle Man	10		Near Mint		1	591	92	
-Action Comics	415		Near Mint		1	1102	142	
-Action Comics	417		Near Mint		1	1103	142	
-Action Comics	426		Near Mint		1	1104	142	
-Action Comics	427		Near Mint		1	1105	142	
-Action Comics	428		Near Mint		1	1106	142	
-Action Comics	431		Near Mint		1	1107	142	
-Action Comics	432		Near Mint		1	1108	142	
-Action Comics	433		Near Mint		1	1109	142	
-Action Comics	434		Near Mint		1	1110	142	
-Action Comics	436		Near Mint		1	1111	142	
-Action Comics	438		Near Mint		1	1112	142	
-Action Comics	439		Near Mint		1	1113	142	
-Action Comics	440		Near Mint		1	1114	142	
-Action Comics	441		Near Mint		1	1115	142	
-Action Comics	442		Near Mint		1	1116	142	
-Action Comics	443		Near Mint		1	1117	142	
-Action Comics	444		Near Mint		1	1118	142	
-Action Comics	445		Near Mint		1	1119	142	
-Action Comics	446		Near Mint		1	1120	142	
-Action Comics	447		Near Mint		1	1121	142	
-Action Comics	448		Near Mint		1	1122	142	
-Action Comics	449		Near Mint		1	1123	142	
-Action Comics	450		Near Mint		1	1124	142	
-Action Comics	452		Near Mint		1	1125	142	
-Action Comics	453		Near Mint		1	1126	142	
-Action Comics	454		Near Mint		1	1127	142	
-Action Comics	455		Near Mint		1	1128	142	
-Action Comics	456		Near Mint		1	1129	142	
-Action Comics	457		Near Mint		1	1130	142	
-Action Comics	458		Near Mint		1	1131	142	
-Action Comics	459		Near Mint		1	1132	142	
-Action Comics	460		Near Mint		1	1133	142	
-Action Comics	461		Near Mint		1	1134	142	
-Action Comics	462		Near Mint		1	1135	142	
-Action Comics	463		Near Mint		1	1136	142	
-Action Comics	464		Near Mint		1	1137	142	
-Action Comics	465		Near Mint		1	1138	142	
-Action Comics	466		Near Mint		1	1139	142	
-Action Comics	467		Near Mint		1	1140	142	
-Action Comics	468		Near Mint		1	1141	142	
-Action Comics	469		Near Mint		1	1142	142	
-Action Comics	470		Near Mint		1	1143	142	
-Action Comics	471		Near Mint		1	1144	142	
-Action Comics	472		Near Mint		1	1145	142	
-Action Comics	473		Near Mint		1	1146	142	
-Action Comics	474		Near Mint		1	1147	142	
-Action Comics	475		Near Mint		1	1148	142	
-Action Comics	476		Near Mint		1	1149	142	
-Action Comics	477		Near Mint		1	1150	142	
-Action Comics	478		Near Mint		1	1151	142	
-Action Comics	479		Near Mint		1	1152	142	
-Action Comics	480		Near Mint		1	1153	142	
-Action Comics	481		Near Mint		1	1154	142	
-Action Comics	482		Near Mint		1	1155	142	
-Action Comics	483		Near Mint		1	1156	142	
-Action Comics	484		Near Mint		1	1157	142	
-Action Comics	486		Near Mint		1	1158	142	
-Action Comics	487		Near Mint		1	1159	142	
-Action Comics	488		Near Mint		1	1160	142	
-Action Comics	489		Near Mint		1	1161	142	
-Action Comics	490		Near Mint		1	1162	142	
-Action Comics	491		Near Mint		1	1163	142	
-Action Comics	492		Near Mint		1	1164	142	
-Action Comics	493		Near Mint		1	1165	142	
-Action Comics	494		Near Mint		1	1166	142	
-Action Comics	495		Near Mint		1	1167	142	
-Action Comics	496		Near Mint		1	1168	142	
-Action Comics	497		Near Mint		1	1169	142	
-Action Comics	498		Near Mint		1	1170	142	
-Action Comics	499		Near Mint		1	1171	142	
-Action Comics	500		Near Mint		2	1172	142	
-Action Comics	501		Near Mint		1	1173	142	
-Action Comics	502		Near Mint		1	1174	142	
-Action Comics	503		Near Mint		1	1175	142	
-Action Comics	504		Near Mint		1	1176	142	
-Action Comics	506		Near Mint		1	1177	142	
-Action Comics	638		Near Mint	Kirby cover	1	1178	142	
-Adventure Comics	340		Near Mint		1	1179	170	
-Adventure Comics	367		Near Mint		1	1180	170	
-Adventure Comics	467		Near Mint		1	1181	170	
-Adventure Comics	468		Near Mint		1	1182	170	
-Adventure Comics	469		Near Mint		1	1183	170	
-Adventure Comics	470		Near Mint		1	1184	170	
-Adventure Comics	471		Near Mint		1	1185	170	
-Adventure Comics	472		Near Mint		1	1186	170	
-Adventure Comics	474		Near Mint		1	1187	170	
-Adventure Comics	479		Near Mint		1	1188	170	
-Alien Legion	1		Near Mint		1	1189	171	
-Alien Legion	2		Near Mint		1	1190	171	
-DC Comics Presents	23		Near Mint		1	1520	138	
-DC Comics Presents	24		Near Mint		1	1521	138	
-DC Comics Presents	27		Near Mint		1	1522	138	
-DC Comics Presents	30		Near Mint		1	1523	138	
-DC Comics Presents	31		Near Mint		1	1524	138	
-DC Comics Presents	32		Near Mint		1	1525	138	
-DC Comics Presents	33		Near Mint		1	1526	138	
-DC Comics Presents	34		Near Mint		1	1527	138	
-DC Comics Presents	35		Near Mint		2	1528	138	
-DC Comics Presents	37		Near Mint		1	1529	138	
-DC Comics Presents	38		Near Mint		1	1530	138	
-DC Comics Presents	39		Near Mint		1	1531	138	
-DC Comics Presents	40		Near Mint		1	1532	138	
-DC Comics Presents	41		Near Mint		1	1533	138	
-DC Comics Presents	42		Near Mint		1	1534	138	
-DC Comics Presents	43		Near Mint		1	1535	138	
-Deadman (reprints)	6		Near Mint		1	1536	210	
-Death, The High Cost of Living	3		Near Mint	one has no price, one has page reversal	2	1537	23	
-Defenders, The	11		Near Mint		1	1538	211	
-Defenders, The	13		Near Mint		1	1539	211	
-Defenders, The	18		Near Mint		1	1540	211	
-Defenders, The	20		Near Mint		1	1541	211	
-Defenders, The	21		Near Mint		1	1542	211	
-Defenders, The	22		Near Mint		1	1543	211	
-Defenders, The	25		Near Mint		1	1544	211	
-Defenders, The	65		Near Mint		1	1545	211	
-Defenders, The	66		Near Mint		1	1546	211	
-Defenders, The	67		Near Mint		1	1547	211	
-Defenders, The	68		Near Mint		1	1548	211	
-Defenders, The	69		Near Mint		1	1549	211	
-Defenders, The	70		Near Mint		1	1550	211	
-Defenders, The	71		Near Mint		1	1551	211	
-Defenders, The	72		Near Mint		1	1552	211	
-Defenders, The	73		Near Mint		1	1553	211	
-Defenders, The	74		Near Mint		1	1554	211	
-Defenders, The	75		Near Mint		1	1555	211	
-Defenders, The	76		Near Mint		1	1556	211	
-Defenders, The	77		Near Mint		1	1557	211	
-Defenders, The	78		Near Mint		2	1558	211	
-Defenders, The	79		Near Mint		1	1559	211	
-Defenders, The	80		Near Mint		1	1560	211	
-Defenders, The	81		Near Mint		1	1561	211	
-Defenders, The	82		Near Mint		1	1562	211	
-Defenders, The	83		Near Mint		1	1563	211	
-Defenders, The	84		Near Mint		1	1564	211	
-Defenders, The	85		Near Mint		1	1565	211	
-Defenders, The	86		Near Mint		1	1566	211	
-Defenders, The	87		Near Mint		1	1567	211	
-Defenders, The	88		Near Mint		1	1568	211	
-Defenders, The	89		Near Mint		1	1569	211	
-Defenders, The	90		Near Mint		1	1570	211	
-Defenders, The	93		Near Mint		1	1571	211	
-Defenders, The	94		Near Mint		1	1572	211	
-Defenders, The	95		Near Mint		1	1573	211	
-Defenders, The	96		Near Mint		1	1574	211	
-Defenders, The	97		Near Mint		1	1575	211	
-Defenders, The	98		Near Mint		1	1576	211	
-Defenders, The	100		Near Mint		1	1577	211	
-Defenders, The	103		Near Mint		1	1578	211	
-Defenders, The	104		Near Mint		1	1579	211	
-D.N.Agents	1		Near Mint		1	1580	212	
-D.N.Agents	2		Near Mint		1	1581	212	
-D.N.Agents	3		Near Mint		1	1582	212	
-Doc Savage (1988)	2		Near Mint		1	1583	213	
-Doc Savage (1988)	3		Near Mint		1	1584	213	
-Doc Savage (1988)	5		Near Mint		1	1585	213	
-Dr. Who	2		Near Mint		1	1586	214	
-Dr. Who	3		Near Mint		1	1587	214	
-Dr. Who	4		Near Mint		1	1588	214	
-Dragon Slayer	1		Near Mint		1	1589	215	
-Dragon Slayer	2		Near Mint		1	1590	215	
-Dreadstar	1		Near Mint		1	1591	5044	
-Dreadstar	6		Near Mint		1	1592	5044	
-Dreadstar (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	1593	216	
-Dynamic Classics	1		Near Mint			1594	217	
-Elementals	1		Near Mint		1	1595	220	
-Elementals	2		Near Mint		1	1596	220	
-Elementals	3		Near Mint		1	1597	220	
-Elementals	4		Near Mint		1	1598	220	
-Elementals	5		Near Mint		1	1599	220	
-Elementals	6		Near Mint		1	1600	220	
-Elementals	7		Near Mint		1	1601	220	
-Elementals	8		Near Mint		1	1602	220	
-Elementals	9		Near Mint		1	1603	220	
-Elementals	25		Near Mint		1	1604	220	
-Elementals	26		Near Mint		1	1605	220	
-Elementals Special	1		Near Mint		1	1606	219	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		1	1607	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	1608	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		1	1609	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	1610	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	1611	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	1612	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	1613	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	1614	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	1615	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	10		Near Mint		1	1616	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	1617	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	12		Near Mint		1	1618	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	13		Near Mint		1	1619	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	14		Near Mint		1	1620	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	15		Near Mint		1	1621	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	16		Near Mint		1	1622	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	17		Near Mint		1	1623	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	18		Near Mint		1	1624	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	19		Near Mint		1	1625	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	20		Near Mint		1	1626	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	21		Near Mint		1	1627	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	22		Near Mint		1	1628	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	23		Near Mint		1	1629	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	24		Near Mint		1	1630	221	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	25		Near Mint		1	1631	221	
-E-Man (vol. 4)	2		Near Mint		1	1632	222	
-Eternals	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1633	223	
-Eternals	2		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1634	223	
-Eternals	3		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1635	223	
-Eternals	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1636	223	
-Eternals	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1637	223	
-Eternals	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1638	223	
-Eternals	7		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1639	223	
-Eternals	8		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1640	223	
-Eternals	9		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1641	223	
-Eternals	10		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1642	223	
-Eternals	11		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1643	223	
-Eternals	12		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1644	223	
-Eternals	13		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1645	223	
-Eternals	14		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1646	223	
-Eternals	15		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1647	223	
-Eternals	16		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1648	223	
-Eternals	17		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1649	223	
-Eternals	18		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1650	223	
-Eternals	19		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1651	223	
-Eternals (Annual)	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1652	224	
-Eternals (maxi-series)	2		Near Mint		1	1653	225	
-Eternals (maxi-series)	3		Near Mint		1	1654	225	
-Eternals (maxi-series)	4		Near Mint		1	1655	225	
-Eternals (maxi-series)	5		Near Mint		1	1656	225	
-Eternals (maxi-series)	6		Near Mint		1	1657	225	
-Fantastic Four	176		Near Mint		1	1658	226	
-Fantastic Four	200		Near Mint		2	1659	226	
-Fantastic Four	201		Near Mint		1	1660	226	
-Fantastic Four	202		Near Mint		1	1661	226	
-Fantastic Four	203		Near Mint		1	1662	226	
-Fantastic Four	204		Near Mint		1	1663	226	
-Fantastic Four	205		Near Mint		1	1664	226	
-Fantastic Four	206		Near Mint		1	1665	226	
-Fantastic Four	207		Near Mint		1	1666	226	
-Fantastic Four	208		Near Mint		1	1667	226	
-Fantastic Four	209		Near Mint		1	1668	226	
-Fantastic Four	210		Near Mint		1	1669	226	
-Fantastic Four	211		Near Mint		1	1670	226	
-Fantastic Four	212		Near Mint		1	1671	226	
-Fantastic Four	213		Near Mint		2	1672	226	
-Fantastic Four	214		Near Mint		1	1673	226	
-Fantastic Four	215		Near Mint		1	1674	226	
-Fantastic Four	216		Near Mint		1	1675	226	
-Fantastic Four	217		Near Mint		2	1676	226	
-Fantastic Four	218		Near Mint		1	1677	226	
-Fantastic Four	219		Near Mint		1	1678	226	
-Fantastic Four	220		Near Mint		1	1679	226	
-Fantastic Four	221		Near Mint		1	1680	226	
-Fantastic Four	222		Near Mint		1	1681	226	
-Fantastic Four	224		Near Mint		1	1682	226	
-Fantastic Four	225		Near Mint		1	1683	226	
-Fantastic Four	228		Near Mint		1	1684	226	
-Fantastic Four	229		Near Mint		2	1685	226	
-Fantastic Four	230		Near Mint		1	1686	226	
-Fantastic Four	231		Near Mint		2	1687	226	
-Fantastic Four	232		Near Mint		1	1688	226	
-Fantastic Four	233		Near Mint		1	1689	226	
-Fantastic Four	234		Near Mint		1	1690	226	
-Fantastic Four	235		Near Mint		1	1691	226	
-Alien Legion	3		Near Mint		1	1191	171	
-Alien Legion	4		Near Mint		1	1192	171	
-Alien Legion	5		Near Mint		1	1193	171	
-Alpha Flight	17		Near Mint		1	1194	172	
-Alpha Flight	18		Near Mint		1	1195	172	
-Alpha Flight	19		Near Mint		1	1196	172	
-Alpha Flight	20		Near Mint		1	1197	172	
-Alpha Flight	21		Near Mint		1	1198	172	
-Alpha Flight	22		Near Mint		1	1199	172	
-Alpha Flight	24		Near Mint		1	1200	172	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		8	1201	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		5	1202	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		2	1203	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		2	1204	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		4	1205	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	1206	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	1207	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	1208	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	1209	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	1210	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	12		Near Mint		1	1211	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	13		Near Mint		1	1212	173	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	14		Near Mint		1	1213	173	
-Amazing Comics Premieres	2		Near Mint		1	1214	174	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	163		Near Mint		1	1215	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	167		Near Mint		1	1216	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	168		Near Mint		1	1217	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	170		Near Mint		1	1218	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	171		Near Mint		2	1219	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	172		Near Mint		1	1220	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	173		Near Mint		1	1221	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	174		Near Mint		1	1222	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	175		Near Mint		1	1223	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	176		Near Mint		1	1224	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	177		Near Mint		1	1225	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	178		Near Mint		1	1226	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	179		Near Mint		1	1227	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	180		Near Mint		1	1228	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	181		Near Mint		1	1229	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	182		Near Mint		1	1230	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	183		Near Mint		1	1231	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	184		Near Mint		1	1232	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	185		Near Mint		1	1233	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	186		Near Mint		1	1234	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	187		Near Mint		1	1235	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	188		Near Mint		2	1236	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	189		Near Mint		2	1237	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	190		Near Mint		2	1238	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	191		Near Mint		2	1239	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	193		Near Mint		2	1240	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	194		Near Mint		1	1241	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	195		Near Mint		10	1242	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	196		Near Mint		2	1243	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	197		Near Mint		1	1244	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	198		Near Mint		1	1245	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	199		Near Mint		1	1246	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	200		Near Mint		3	1247	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	201		Near Mint		1	1248	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	202		Near Mint		1	1249	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	203		Near Mint		1	1250	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	204		Near Mint		1	1251	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	205		Near Mint		1	1252	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	206		Near Mint		1	1253	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	207		Near Mint		1	1254	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	208		Near Mint		1	1255	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	210		Near Mint		1	1256	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	211		Near Mint		1	1257	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	212		Near Mint		1	1258	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	213		Near Mint		1	1259	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	214		Near Mint		1	1260	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	215		Near Mint		2	1261	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	216		Near Mint		1	1262	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	217		Near Mint		3	1263	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	218		Near Mint		1	1264	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	219		Near Mint		1	1265	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	220		Near Mint		1	1266	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	224		Near Mint		1	1267	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	225		Near Mint		1	1268	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	266		Near Mint		1	1269	175	
-Amazing Spiderman, The (Annual)	11		Near Mint		1	1270	176	
-Amazing Spiderman, The (Annual)	12		Near Mint		1	1271	176	
-Amazing Spiderman, The (Annual)	13		Near Mint		1	1272	176	
-Amazing Spiderman, The (Annual)	15		Near Mint		1	1273	176	
-Amazing Spiderman, Skating on Thin Ice	1		Near Mint		1	1274	283	
-Ambush Bug	1		Near Mint		1	1275	178	
-Andromeda	1		Near Mint		1	1276	179	
-Andromeda	2		Near Mint		1	1277	179	
-Andromeda	3		Near Mint		1	1278	179	
-Andromeda	4		Near Mint		1	1279	179	
-Andromeda	5		Near Mint		1	1280	179	
-Andromeda	6		Near Mint		1	1281	179	
-Angel and the Ape	1		Near Mint		1	1282	180	
-Angel and the Ape	2		Near Mint		1	1283	180	
-Angel and the Ape	3		Near Mint		1	1284	180	
-Angel and the Ape	4		Near Mint		1	1285	180	
-Arctic Comics	1		Near Mint		2	1286	181	
-Arion, Lord of Atlantis	1		Near Mint		1	1287	182	
-Aquaman	44		Good		1	1288	183	
-Avengers, The	140		Near Mint		1	1289	184	
-Avengers, The	141		Near Mint		1	1290	184	
-Avengers, The	142		Near Mint		1	1291	184	
-Avengers, The	143		Near Mint		1	1292	184	
-Avengers, The	144		Near Mint		1	1293	184	
-Avengers, The	145		Near Mint		1	1294	184	
-Avengers, The	146		Near Mint		1	1295	184	
-Avengers, The	147		Near Mint		1	1296	184	
-Avengers, The	148		Near Mint		1	1297	184	
-Avengers, The	149		Near Mint		1	1298	184	
-Avengers, The	151		Near Mint		1	1299	184	
-Avengers, The	152		Near Mint		1	1300	184	
-Avengers, The	153		Near Mint		1	1301	184	
-Avengers, The	154		Near Mint		1	1302	184	
-Avengers, The	155		Near Mint		1	1303	184	
-Avengers, The	156		Near Mint		1	1304	184	
-Avengers, The	157		Near Mint		1	1305	184	
-Avengers, The	158		Near Mint		1	1306	184	
-Avengers, The	159		Near Mint		1	1307	184	
-Avengers, The	160		Near Mint		1	1308	184	
-Avengers, The	161		Near Mint		1	1309	184	
-Avengers, The	162		Near Mint		1	1310	184	
-Avengers, The	163		Near Mint		1	1311	184	
-Avengers, The	164		Near Mint		1	1312	184	
-Avengers, The	165		Near Mint		1	1313	184	
-Avengers, The	166		Near Mint		1	1314	184	
-Avengers, The	167		Near Mint		1	1315	184	
-Avengers, The	168		Near Mint		1	1316	184	
-Avengers, The	169		Near Mint		1	1317	184	
-Avengers, The	170		Near Mint		1	1318	184	
-Avengers, The	171		Near Mint		1	1319	184	
-Avengers, The	172		Near Mint		1	1320	184	
-Avengers, The	173		Near Mint		1	1321	184	
-Avengers, The	174		Near Mint		1	1322	184	
-Avengers, The	175		Near Mint		1	1323	184	
-Avengers, The	182		Near Mint		1	1324	184	
-Avengers, The	192		Near Mint		1	1325	184	
-Avengers, The	197		Near Mint		1	1326	184	
-Avengers, The	199		Near Mint		1	1327	184	
-Avengers, The	200		Near Mint		1	1328	184	
-Avengers, The	206		Near Mint		1	1329	184	
-Avengers, The	207		Near Mint		1	1330	184	
-Avengers, The	208		Near Mint		2	1331	184	
-Avengers, The	209		Near Mint		1	1332	184	
-Avengers, The	210		Near Mint		1	1333	184	
-Avengers, The	211		Near Mint		1	1334	184	
-Avengers, The	214		Near Mint		1	1335	184	
-Avengers, The	215		Near Mint		1	1336	184	
-Avengers, The	216		Near Mint		1	1337	184	
-Avengers, The	217		Near Mint		1	1338	184	
-Avengers, The	219		Near Mint		1	1339	184	
-Avengers, The	220		Near Mint		1	1340	184	
-Avengers, The	257		Near Mint		1	1341	184	
-Avengers, The (Annual)	7		Near Mint		1	1342	185	
-Avengers, The (Annual)	8		Near Mint		1	1343	185	
-Avengers, The (Annual)	9		Near Mint		1	1344	185	
-Avengers, The (Annual)	10		Near Mint		1	1345	185	
-Battlestar Galactica	1		Near Mint		6	1346	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	2		Near Mint		5	1347	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	3		Near Mint		5	1348	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	4		Near Mint		5	1349	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	5		Near Mint		2	1350	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	6		Near Mint		1	1351	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	7		Near Mint		1	1352	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	8		Near Mint		1	1353	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	9		Near Mint		1	1354	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	10		Near Mint		1	1355	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	11		Near Mint		1	1356	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	12		Near Mint		1	1357	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	13		Near Mint		1	1358	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	14		Near Mint		1	1359	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	15		Near Mint		1	1360	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	16		Near Mint		1	1361	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	17		Near Mint		1	1362	186	
-Battlestar Galactica	18		Near Mint		1	1363	186	
-Batman	400		Near Mint		1	1364	187	
-Batman and Other DC Classics	1		Near Mint		1	1365	188	
-Beagle Boys Versus Uncle Scrooge	1		Near Mint		1	1366	189	
-Beagle Boys Versus Uncle Scrooge	2		Near Mint		1	1367	189	
-Beagle Boys Versus Uncle Scrooge	3		Near Mint		1	1368	189	
-Beagle Boys Versus Uncle Scrooge	4		Near Mint		1	1369	189	
-Beauty and the Beast	1		Near Mint		1	1370	190	
-Beauty and the Beast	2		Near Mint		1	1371	190	
-Beauty and the Beast	3		Near Mint		1	1372	190	
-Blackhawk (vol. 1)	251		Near Mint		1	1373	191	
-Blackhawk (vol. 1)	252		Near Mint		1	1374	191	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	1375	192	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		1	1376	192	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	1377	192	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	1378	192	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	1379	192	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	1380	192	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	1381	192	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2) (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	1382	193	
-Blue Devil (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	1383	194	
-Captain America	230		Near Mint		1	1384	154	
-Captain America	231		Near Mint		1	1385	154	
-Captain America	232		Near Mint		1	1386	154	
-Captain America	233		Near Mint		1	1387	154	
-Captain America	234		Near Mint		1	1388	154	
-Captain America	235		Near Mint		1	1389	154	
-Captain America	236		Near Mint		1	1390	154	
-Captain America	237		Near Mint		1	1391	154	
-Captain America	238		Near Mint		1	1392	154	
-Captain America	239		Near Mint		1	1393	154	
-Captain America	240		Near Mint		1	1394	154	
-Captain America	241		Near Mint		1	1395	154	
-Captain America	242		Near Mint		1	1396	154	
-Captain America	243		Near Mint		1	1397	154	
-Captain America	244		Near Mint		1	1398	154	
-Captain America	246		Near Mint		1	1399	154	
-Captain America	254		Near Mint		2	1400	154	
-Captain America	256		Near Mint		1	1401	154	
-Captain America	257		Near Mint		1	1402	154	
-Captain America	258		Near Mint		2	1403	154	
-Captain America	259		Near Mint		1	1404	154	
-Captain America	260		Near Mint		1	1405	154	
-Captain America	261		Near Mint		1	1406	154	
-Captain America	262		Near Mint		1	1407	154	
-Captain America	263		Near Mint		1	1408	154	
-Captain America	264		Near Mint		1	1409	154	
-Captain America	265		Near Mint		2	1410	154	
-Captain America	266		Near Mint		2	1411	154	
-Captain America	267		Near Mint		2	1412	154	
-Captain America	268		Near Mint		1	1413	154	
-Captain America	269		Near Mint		1	1414	154	
-Captain America	270		Near Mint		1	1415	154	
-Captain America	271		Near Mint		1	1416	154	
-Captain America	272		Near Mint		1	1417	154	
-Captain America	273		Near Mint		1	1418	154	
-Captain America	274		Near Mint		1	1419	154	
-Captain America	275		Near Mint		1	1420	154	
-Captain America	276		Near Mint		1	1421	154	
-Captain America	277		Near Mint		1	1422	154	
-Captain America	278		Near Mint		1	1423	154	
-Captain America (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	1424	195	
-Captain Canuck	1		Near Mint	autographed by Richard Comely	7	1425	196	
-Captain Canuck	2		Near Mint	autographed by Richard Comely	1	1426	196	
-Captain Canuck	3		Near Mint	autographed by Richard Comely	1	1427	196	
-Captain Canuck	4		Near Mint	autographed by Richard Comely	2	1428	196	
-Captain Canuck	5		Near Mint		1	1429	196	
-Captain Canuck	6		Near Mint		1	1430	196	
-Captain Canuck	7		Near Mint		1	1431	196	
-Captain Canuck	8		Near Mint		1	1432	196	
-Captain Canuck	9		Near Mint		1	1433	196	
-Captain Canuck	10		Near Mint		1	1434	196	
-Captain Canuck	14		Near Mint		1	1435	196	
-Captain Canuck Summer Special	1		Near Mint		1	1436	197	
-Captain Marvel	59		Near Mint		1	1437	198	
-Captain Marvel	61		Near Mint		1	1438	198	
-Captain Marvel	62		Near Mint		1	1439	198	
-Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt	1		Near Mint		1	1440	199	
-Captain Victory	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1441	200	
-Captain Victory	2		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1442	200	
-Captain Victory	3		Near Mint	Kirby	4	1443	200	
-Captain Victory	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1444	200	
-Captain Victory	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1445	200	
-Captain Victory	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1446	200	
-Captain Victory	7		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1447	200	
-Captain Victory	8		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1448	200	
-Captain Victory	9		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1449	200	
-Captain Victory	10		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1450	200	
-Captain Victory	11		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1451	200	
-Captain Victory	12		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1452	200	
-Captain Victory Special	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	1453	201	
-Cloak and Dagger	1		Near Mint		1	1454	202	
-Conan The Barbarian	88		Near Mint		1	1455	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	89		Near Mint		1	1456	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	90		Near Mint		1	1457	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	91		Near Mint		1	1458	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	92		Near Mint		1	1459	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	95		Near Mint		1	1460	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	96		Near Mint		1	1461	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	97		Near Mint		1	1462	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	98		Near Mint		1	1463	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	99		Near Mint		1	1464	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	100		Near Mint		2	1465	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	101		Near Mint		1	1466	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	102		Near Mint		1	1467	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	103		Near Mint		1	1468	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	104		Near Mint		1	1469	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	105		Near Mint		1	1470	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	106		Near Mint		1	1471	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	107		Near Mint		1	1472	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	108		Near Mint		1	1473	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	109		Near Mint		1	1474	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	120		Near Mint		1	1475	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	121		Near Mint		1	1476	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	122		Near Mint		1	1477	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	123		Near Mint		1	1478	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	124		Near Mint		1	1479	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	125		Near Mint		1	1480	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	126		Near Mint		1	1481	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	129		Near Mint		1	1482	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	130		Near Mint		1	1483	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	131		Near Mint		1	1484	203	
-Conan The Barbarian	132		Near Mint		1	1485	203	
-Conan The Barbarian (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	1486	204	
-Conan The Barbarian (Annual)	6		Near Mint		1	1487	204	
-Crimson Avenger, The	1		Near Mint		1	1488	205	
-Crimson Avenger, The	3		Near Mint		1	1489	205	
-Crimson Avenger, The	4		Near Mint		1	1490	205	
-Cyberpunk (Book Two)	1		Near Mint		1	1491	206	
-Damage Control (vol. 3)	1		Near Mint		1	1492	207	
-Daredevil, The Man Without Fear	181		Near Mint		6	1493	208	
-Daredevil, The Man Without Fear	214		Near Mint		1	1494	208	
-Daredevil, The Man Without Fear	220		Near Mint		1	1495	208	
-Dazzler	1		Near Mint		1	1496	209	
-Dazzler	2		Near Mint		1	1497	209	
-DC Comics Presents	1		Near Mint		2	1498	138	
-DC Comics Presents	2		Near Mint		1	1499	138	
-DC Comics Presents	3		Near Mint		1	1500	138	
-DC Comics Presents	4		Near Mint		1	1501	138	
-DC Comics Presents	5		Near Mint		1	1502	138	
-DC Comics Presents	6		Near Mint		1	1503	138	
-DC Comics Presents	7		Near Mint		1	1504	138	
-DC Comics Presents	8		Near Mint		1	1505	138	
-DC Comics Presents	9		Near Mint		1	1506	138	
-DC Comics Presents	10		Near Mint		1	1507	138	
-DC Comics Presents	11		Near Mint		1	1508	138	
-DC Comics Presents	12		Near Mint		1	1509	138	
-DC Comics Presents	13		Near Mint		1	1510	138	
-DC Comics Presents	14		Near Mint		1	1511	138	
-DC Comics Presents	15		Near Mint		1	1512	138	
-DC Comics Presents	16		Near Mint		1	1513	138	
-DC Comics Presents	17		Near Mint		1	1514	138	
-DC Comics Presents	18		Near Mint		1	1515	138	
-DC Comics Presents	19		Near Mint		1	1516	138	
-DC Comics Presents	20		Near Mint		1	1517	138	
-DC Comics Presents	21		Near Mint		1	1518	138	
-DC Comics Presents	22		Near Mint		1	1519	138	
-Howard the Duck (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	1855	242	
-Howard the Duck (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	1856	243	
-Howard the Duck (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	1857	243	
-Incredible Hulk, The	231		Near Mint		1	1858	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	232		Near Mint		1	1859	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	233		Near Mint		1	1860	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	234		Near Mint		1	1861	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	235		Near Mint		1	1862	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	236		Near Mint		1	1863	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	237		Near Mint		1	1864	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	238		Near Mint		1	1865	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	239		Near Mint		1	1866	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	240		Near Mint		1	1867	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	241		Near Mint		1	1868	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	242		Near Mint		1	1869	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	243		Near Mint		1	1870	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	244		Near Mint		1	1871	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	245		Near Mint		1	1872	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	246		Near Mint		1	1873	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	247		Near Mint		1	1874	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	248		Near Mint		1	1875	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	249		Near Mint		1	1876	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	250		Near Mint		1	1877	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	251		Near Mint		1	1878	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	253		Near Mint		1	1879	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	255		Near Mint		1	1880	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	257		Near Mint		1	1881	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	258		Near Mint		1	1882	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	259		Near Mint		1	1883	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	260		Near Mint		2	1884	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	261		Near Mint		1	1885	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	262		Near Mint		1	1886	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	263		Near Mint		1	1887	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	266		Near Mint		1	1888	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	267		Near Mint		1	1889	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	268		Near Mint		1	1890	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	269		Near Mint		1	1891	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The	272		Near Mint		1	1892	244	
-Incredible Hulk, The (Annual)	8		Near Mint		1	1893	245	
-Incredible Hulk, The (Annual)	9		Near Mint		1	1894	245	
-Incredible Hulk, The (Annual)	10		Near Mint		1	1895	245	
-Adventure Comics	432		Near Mint		1	1896	170	
-America vs. The Justice Society	1		Near Mint		1	1897	246	
-America vs. The Justice Society	2		Near Mint		1	1898	246	
-America vs. The Justice Society	3		Near Mint		1	1899	246	
-America vs. The Justice Society	4		Near Mint		1	1900	246	
-Blackball Comics	1		Near Mint		1	1901	247	
-Blood Syndicate	10		Near Mint		1	1902	21	
-Blood Syndicate	16		Near Mint		1	1903	21	
-Blood Syndicate	17		Near Mint		1	1904	21	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	1		Near Mint		1	1905	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	2		Near Mint		1	1906	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	3		Near Mint		1	1907	435	
-Cerebus	181	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	1908	123	
-Cerebus	182	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	1909	123	
-Cerebus	183	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	1910	123	
-Cerebus	184	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	1911	123	
-Congorilla	1		Near Mint		1	1912	248	
-Congorilla	2		Near Mint		1	1913	248	
-Congorilla	3		Near Mint		1	1914	248	
-Congorilla	4		Near Mint		1	1915	248	
-Damage	1		Near Mint		1	1916	249	
-Damage	2		Near Mint		1	1917	249	
-Damage	3		Near Mint		1	1918	249	
-Damage	4		Near Mint		1	1919	249	
-Danger Unlimited	2		Near Mint		1	1920	250	
-Danger Unlimited	3		Near Mint		1	1921	250	
-Danger Unlimited	4		Near Mint		1	1922	250	
-Dark Dominion	2		Near Mint		1	1923	251	
-Doom Patrol	35		Near Mint		1	1924	252	
-Doom Patrol	36		Near Mint		1	1925	252	
-Doom Patrol	70		Near Mint		1	1926	252	
-Doom Patrol	71		Near Mint		1	1927	252	
-Doom Patrol	72		Near Mint		1	1928	252	
-Doom's IV	1		Near Mint		1	1929	253	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	52		Near Mint		1	1930	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	53		Near Mint		1	1931	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	54		Near Mint		1	1932	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	55	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	1933	49	
-Guy Gardner	20		Near Mint		1	1934	69	
-Guy Gardner	21		Near Mint		1	1935	69	
-Hardware	16		Near Mint		1	1936	22	
-Hardware	17		Near Mint		1	1937	22	
-Hardware	18		Near Mint		1	1938	22	
-Hardware	19		Near Mint		1	1939	22	
-Hellblazer	77		Near Mint		1	1940	15	
-Hellblazer	78		Near Mint		1	1941	15	
-Hellblazer	79		Near Mint		1	1942	15	
-Hellblazer	80		Near Mint		1	1943	15	
-Hellblazer	81		Near Mint		1	1944	15	
-Hellboy: Seeds Of Destruction	2		Near Mint	Mike Mignola, has Monkey Man and O'Brian	1	1945	254	
-Hellboy: Seeds Of Destruction	3		Near Mint	Mike Mignola, has Monkey Man and O'Brian	1	1946	254	
-Hellboy: Seeds Of Destruction	4		Near Mint	Mike Mignola, has Monkey Man and O'Brian	1	1947	254	
-Icon	14		Near Mint		1	1948	17	
-Icon	15	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 4	1	1949	17	
-Icon	16	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 11	1	1950	17	
-Icon	17	Mothership Connection	Near Mint	Part 1	1	1951	17	
-Invaders, The	1		Near Mint		1	1952	255	
-Invaders, The	2		Near Mint		1	1953	255	
-Invaders, The	3		Near Mint		1	1954	255	
-Invaders, The	4		Near Mint		1	1955	255	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	58		Near Mint		1	1956	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	59		Near Mint		1	1957	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	60	End of an Era	Near Mint	Part 3	1	1958	145	
-Legionnaires	15		Near Mint		1	1959	11	
-Legionnaires	16		Near Mint		1	1960	11	
-Legionnaires	17	End of an Era	Near Mint	Part 1, incorrectly label "conclusion" on cover	1	1961	11	
-Legionnaires	18	Zero Hour/End of an Era	Near Mint	Part 4	1	1962	11	
-Legionnaires (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	1963	257	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	66		Near Mint		1	1964	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	67		Near Mint		1	1965	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	68		Near Mint		1	1966	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	69		Near Mint		1	1967	146	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	70		Near Mint		1	1968	146	
-Action Comics	699		Near Mint		1	1969	142	
-Action Comics	700	Fall of Metropolis	Near Mint		1	1970	142	
-Action Comics	701	Fall of Metropolis	Near Mint		1	1971	142	
-Action Comics	702		Near Mint		1	1972	142	
-Superman (vol. 2)	49	Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite	Fine	Part 1	1	1973	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	50	Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite	Near Mint	Part 4	1	1974	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	89		Near Mint		1	1975	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	90		Near Mint		1	1976	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	91		Near Mint		1	1977	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	92		Near Mint		1	1978	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	93	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	1979	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	472	Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite	Near Mint	Part 2	1	1980	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	473		Near Mint	Green Lantern	1	1981	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	512		Near Mint		1	1982	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	513	Battle for Metropolis	Near Mint		1	1983	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	514	Fall of Metropolis	Near Mint		1	1984	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	515		Near Mint		1	1985	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	516	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	1986	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of (Annual)	6		Near Mint		1	1987	122	
-Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey	1		Near Mint		1	1988	259	
-Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey	2		Near Mint		1	1989	259	
-Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey	3		Near Mint		1	1990	259	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	34	Battle for Metropolis	Near Mint		1	1991	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	35	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 1	1	1992	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	36	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 10	1	1993	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	37	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	1994	18	
-Madman Comics	1		Near Mint		1	1995	260	
-Madman Comics	2		Near Mint		1	1996	260	
-Marvels	0		Near Mint		1	1997	261	
-Marvels	1		Near Mint		1	1998	261	
-Marvels	2		Near Mint		1	1999	261	
-Marvels	3		Near Mint		1	2000	261	
-Marvels	4		Near Mint		1	2001	261	
-Maxx, The	7		Near Mint		1	2002	2	
-Maxx, The	8		Near Mint		1	2003	2	
-Miracle Man: Apocrypha	1		Near Mint		1	2004	262	
-Miracle Man: Apocrypha	2		Near Mint		1	2005	262	
-Miracle Man: Apocrypha	3		Near Mint		1	2006	262	
-Moonshadow	1		Near Mint		1	2007	444	
-Nexus: Alien Justice	1		Near Mint		1	2008	263	
-Nexus: Alien Justice	2		Near Mint		1	2009	263	
-Nexus: Alien Justice	3		Near Mint		1	2010	263	
-Nexus: The Origin	1		Near Mint		1	2011	264	
-Ray, The (regular series)	1		Near Mint		1	2012	265	
-Ray, The (regular series)	2		Near Mint		1	2013	265	
-Ray, The (regular series)	3		Near Mint		1	2014	265	
-Ray, The (regular series)	4		Near Mint		1	2015	265	
-Ray, The (regular series)	5		Near Mint		1	2016	265	
-Sandman	59		Near Mint		1	2017	10	
-Sandman	60		Near Mint		1	2018	10	
-Sandman	61		Near Mint		1	2019	10	
-Sandman	62		Near Mint		1	2020	10	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	15		Near Mint		1	2021	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	16		Near Mint		1	2022	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	17		Near Mint		1	2023	20	
-Shade, The Changing Man	47	A Season in Hell	Near Mint	Part 3	1	2024	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	48	A Season in Hell	Near Mint	Part 4	1	2025	446	
-Superman (vol. 2)	20		Near Mint		1	2200	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	22		Fine		1	2201	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	44	Dark Knight over Metropolis	Near Mint	Part 1	1	2202	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	60		Near Mint		1	2203	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	76	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 4	1	2204	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	77	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 8	1	2205	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	83	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Epilogue	1	2206	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	84		Near Mint		1	2207	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	85		Near Mint		1	2208	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	86		Near Mint		1	2209	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	87	Bizarro's World	Near Mint	Part 1	1	2210	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	88	Bizarro's World	Near Mint	Part 5	1	2211	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	425		Near Mint		1	2212	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	426		Near Mint		1	2213	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	432		Near Mint		1	2214	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	433		Near Mint		1	2215	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	434		Near Mint		1	2216	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	436		Near Mint		1	2217	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	438		Near Mint		1	2218	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	440		Near Mint		1	2219	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	444	Supergirl Saga	Near Mint	Part 2	1	2220	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	445		Near Mint		1	2221	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	467	Dark Knight over Metropolis	Near Mint	Part 2	1	2222	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	499	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 5	1	2223	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	500		Near Mint		1	2224	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	501	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	2225	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	502	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	2226	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	503	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	2227	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	504	Reign of the Supermen	Near Mint		1	2228	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	505		Near Mint		1	2229	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	506		Near Mint		1	2230	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	507	Spilled Blood	Near Mint	First Cut	1	2231	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	508		Near Mint		1	2232	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	509		Near Mint		1	2233	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	510	Bizarro's World	Near Mint	Part 2	1	2234	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	511		Near Mint		1	2235	51	
-Superman: The Legacy of Superman	1		Near Mint		1	2236	297	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	20	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 3	1	2237	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	21	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 7	1	2238	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	27		Near Mint		1	2239	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	28		Near Mint		1	2240	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	29	Spilled Blood	Near Mint	Final Cut	1	2241	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	30		Near Mint		1	2242	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	31		Near Mint		1	2243	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	32	Bizarro's World	Near Mint	Part 4	1	2244	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	33		Near Mint		1	2245	18	
-Zero Hour: Crisis in Time	4		Near Mint		1	2246	280	
-Zero Hour: Crisis in Time	3		Near Mint		1	2247	280	
-Zero Hour: Crisis in Time	2		Near Mint		1	2248	280	
-Zero Hour: Crisis in Time	1		Near Mint		1	2249	280	
-Stanley and His Monster	2		Near Mint		1	2250	31	
-Stanley and His Monster	1		Near Mint	Signed by Phil Foglio	1	2251	31	
-S.T.A.R. Corps	1		Near Mint		1	2252	298	
-Starman	28	Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite	Near Mint	Part 2A	1	2253	299	
-Valor	4		Near Mint		1	2254	13	
-Valor	5		Near Mint		1	2255	13	
-Valor	13	D.O.A.	Near Mint	Part 2	1	2256	13	
-Valor	14	D.O.A.	Near Mint	Part 3	1	2257	13	
-Valor	15	D.O.A.	Near Mint	Part 4	1	2258	13	
-Valor	16	D.O.A.	Near Mint	Part 5	1	2259	13	
-Valor	18	D.O.A.	Near Mint	Aftermath	1	2260	13	
-Valor	19		Near Mint		1	2261	13	
-Warriors of Plasm	2		Near Mint		1	2262	76	
-Warriors of Plasm	3		Near Mint		1	2263	76	
-Warriors of Plasm	4		Near Mint		1	2264	76	
-Warriors of Plasm	5		Near Mint		1	2265	76	
-Who's Who in the Legion of Super Heroes	1		Near Mint		1	2266	104	
-Who's Who in the Legion of Super Heroes	2		Near Mint		1	2267	104	
-World of Metropolis	1		Near Mint		1	2268	118	
-World of Smallville	3		Near Mint		1	2269	119	
-Silver Star	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2270	300	
-Shade, The Changing Man	42		Near Mint		1	2271	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	43		Near Mint		1	2272	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	44		Near Mint		1	2273	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	45	A Season in Hell	Near Mint	Part 1	1	2274	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	46	A Season in Hell	Near Mint	Part 2	1	2275	446	
-Hellblazer	1		Near Mint		1	2276	15	
-Hellblazer	73		Near Mint		1	2277	15	
-Hellblazer	74		Near Mint		1	2278	15	
-Hellblazer	75		Near Mint		1	2279	15	
-Hellblazer	76		Near Mint		1	2280	15	
-Hellblazer Special	1		Near Mint		1	2281	301	
-Hawkman (vol. 2)	13	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	2282	302	
-Zero Hour: Crisis in Time	0	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	2283	280	
-Superman (vol. 2)	54	Time and Time Again	Near Mint	Phase 3	1	2284	165	
-Sandman	63	Kindly Ones, The	Near Mint		1	2285	10	
-Invisibles	1		Near Mint	Morrison	1	2286	303	
-Madman Comics	3		Near Mint		1	2287	260	
-Static	15		Near Mint		1	2288	33	
-Detective Comics	678	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	2289	304	
-Lone Ranger and Tonto, The	1		Near Mint	1 of 4	1	2290	305	
-Dark Horse Presents	88		Near Mint	Hellboy by Mignola	1	2291	306	
-Phantom Force	6		Near Mint		1	2292	155	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	4		Near Mint		1	2293	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	5		Near Mint		1	2294	435	
-New Gods	8		Reading	Kirby	1	2295	84	
-New Gods	10		Reading	Kirby	1	2296	84	
-New Gods	11		Reading	Kirby, new material	1	2297	84	
-Demon, The (vol. 1)	14		Reading	Kirby	1	2298	135	
-Black Panther	3		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2299	80	
-Black Panther	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2300	80	
-Devil Dinosaur	4		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2301	308	
-Machine Man	1		Near Mint	Kirby	3	2302	309	
-Machine Man	2		Near Mint	Kirby	3	2303	309	
-Machine Man	3		Near Mint	Kirby	3	2304	309	
-Machine Man	4		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2305	309	
-Machine Man	5		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2306	309	
-Machine Man	6		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2307	309	
-Machine Man	7		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2308	309	
-Machine Man	8		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2309	309	
-Machine Man	9		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2310	309	
-Machine Man	10		Near Mint	Ditko	2	2311	309	
-Machine Man	11		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2312	309	
-Machine Man	12		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2313	309	
-Machine Man	13		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2314	309	
-Machine Man	14		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2315	309	
-Machine Man	15		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2316	309	
-Machine Man	17		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2317	309	
-Machine Man	18		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2318	309	
-Machine Man	19		Near Mint	Ditko	1	2319	309	
-Captain Victory	13		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2320	200	
-Silver Star	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2321	300	
-Silver Star	2		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2322	300	
-Silver Star	3		Near Mint	Kirby	2	2323	300	
-Silver Star	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2324	300	
-Silver Star	6		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2325	300	
-Kamandi	12		Near Mint	Kirby	1	2326	72	
-Wolverine (mini-series)	1		Near Mint	Miller	1	2327	310	
-Wolverine (mini-series)	2		Near Mint	Miller	1	2328	310	
-Wolverine (mini-series)	3		Near Mint	Miller	1	2329	310	
-Clash	1		Reading		1	2330	311	
-Clash	2		Reading		1	2331	311	
-Clash	3		Reading		1	2332	311	
-Classics Illustrated	4		Near Mint	Sienkiewicz, Moby Dick	1	2333	312	
-Classics Illustrated	3		Near Mint	Baker, Through the Looking Glass	1	2334	312	
-Lone Wolf and Cub	19		Near Mint		1	2335	313	
-Lone Wolf and Cub	20		Near Mint		1	2336	313	
-Horobi	1		Near Mint		1	2337	314	
-Black Orchid (mini-series)	1		Near Mint	Gaiman, McKean	1	2338	315	
-Black Orchid (mini-series)	2		Near Mint	Gaiman, McKean	1	2339	315	
-Black Orchid (mini-series)	3		Near Mint	Gaiman, McKean	1	2340	315	
-Justice Inc. (mini-series)	1		Near Mint	Baker	1	2341	316	
-Justice Inc. (mini-series)	2		Near Mint	Baker	1	2342	316	
-Batman: The Dark Knight Returns	1		Near Mint	Miller, second printing	1	2343	317	
-Batman: The Dark Knight Returns	3		Near Mint	Miller	1	2344	317	
-Batman: The Dark Knight Returns	4		Near Mint	Miller	1	2345	317	
-Give Me Liberty	1		Near Mint	Gibbons, Miller story	1	2346	318	
-Give Me Liberty	2		Near Mint	Gibbons, Miller story	1	2347	318	
-Give Me Liberty	3		Near Mint	Gibbons, Miller story	1	2348	318	
-Give Me Liberty	4		Near Mint	Gibbons, Miller story	1	2349	318	
-Nausicaa of the Vally of Wind (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		1	2350	319	
-Action Comics	663	Time and Time Again	Near Mint	Phase 2	1	2351	142	
-Superman (vol. 2)	55	Time and Time Again	Near Mint	Phase 6	1	2352	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	476	Time and Time Again	Near Mint	Phase 1	1	2353	51	
-Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer	1		Near Mint		1	2354	320	
-Iceman (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	2355	321	
-Iceman (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	2356	321	
-Iceman (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	2357	321	
-Iron FIst	15		Near Mint	2nd Byrne X-men, first full story	1	2358	322	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		2	2359	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		1	2360	107	
-'Mazing Man Winter Special	2		Near Mint		1	2361	344	
-Ambush Bug, Son of	6		Near Mint		1	2362	387	
-Doc Stern...Mister Monster	2		Near Mint		1	2363	352	
-Doc Stern...Mister Monster	3		Near Mint		1	2364	352	
-E-Man, The Original	2		Near Mint		1	2365	373	
-Shade, The Changing Man	49	A Season in Hell	Near Mint	Part 5	1	2026	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	50	A Season in Hell	Near Mint	Part 6	1	2027	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	51		Near Mint		1	2028	446	
-Shadow Cabinet	0		Near Mint		1	2029	266	
-Shaman's Tears	1		Near Mint		1	2030	267	
-Shaman's Tears	2		Near Mint		1	2031	267	
-Sin City: A Dame to Kill For	1		Near Mint		1	2032	268	
-Sin City: A Dame to Kill For	2		Near Mint		1	2033	268	
-Sin City: A Dame to Kill For	3		Near Mint		1	2034	268	
-Sin City: A Dame to Kill For	4		Near Mint		1	2035	268	
-Sin City: A Dame to Kill For	5		Near Mint		1	2036	268	
-Sin City: A Dame to Kill For	6		Near Mint		1	2037	268	
-Spawn/Batman	1		Near Mint		1	2038	269	
-Steel	4		Near Mint		1	2039	121	
-Steel	5		Near Mint		1	2040	121	
-Steel	6	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 5	1	2041	121	
-Steel	7	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 12	1	2042	121	
-Steel (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	2043	270	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	2044	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	6	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 3	1	2045	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	7	World's Collide	Near Mint	Part 7	1	2046	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	8	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	2047	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2) (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	2048	271	
-Teen Agents, Jack Kirby's	1		Near Mint		1	2049	272	
-Valor	20		Near Mint		1	2050	13	
-Valor	21		Near Mint		1	2051	13	
-Valor	22	End of an Era	Near Mint	Part 2	1	2052	13	
-Valor	23	Zero Hour/End of an Era	Near Mint	Part 5	1	2053	13	
-Vamps	1		Near Mint		1	2054	273	
-Victory	1		Near Mint		1	2055	274	
-Vertigo Visions: Dr. Occult	1		Near Mint		1	2056	275	
-Vertigo Visions: The Geek	1		Near Mint		1	2057	6	
-Wetworks	1		Near Mint		1	2058	276	
-Wildstar	2		Near Mint		1	2059	277	
-Witchcraft	1		Near Mint		1	2060	278	
-Witchcraft	2		Near Mint		1	2061	278	
-Witchcraft	3		Near Mint		1	2062	278	
-Worlds Collide	1		Near Mint		1	2063	279	
-Action Comics	670		Near Mint	Armageddon tie-in	1	2064	142	
-Action Comics	659	Krisis of the Krimson Kryptonite	Near Mint	Part 3	1	2065	142	
-Superman (vol. 2)	61		Near Mint	Waverider/Linear Men appearance	1	2066	165	
-Action Comics	647	Brainiac Trilogy	Near Mint	Part I	1	2067	142	
-Action Comics	648	Brainiac Trilogy	Near Mint	Part II	1	2068	142	
-Action Comics	649	Brainiac Trilogy	Near Mint	Part III	1	2069	142	
-Blasters Special	1		Near Mint	Invasion Tie-in	1	2070	285	
-Blood Syndicate	1		Near Mint		1	2071	21	
-Blood Syndicate	2		Near Mint		1	2072	21	
-Doc Stern...Mr. Monster	4		Near Mint		1	2073	286	
-Danger Unlimited	1		Near Mint		1	2074	250	
-Dark Dominion	1		Near Mint		1	2075	251	
-Dark Dominion	0		Near Mint	Set of cards in first edition binder.	1	2076	251	
-Infinity, Inc.	1		Near Mint		1	2077	287	
-Infinity, Inc.	3		Near Mint		1	2078	287	
-Justice League America (Annual)	4		Near Mint	Justice League Antartica	1	2079	288	
-Justice Leauge Quarterly	5		Near Mint		1	2080	28	
-Justice Society of America	7		Near Mint		1	2081	25	
-Justice Society of America	8		Near Mint		1	2082	25	
-Last of the Viking Heroes	1		Near Mint	Kirby Cover	1	2083	290	
-Action Comics	584		Near Mint	First Post-Crisis Action Comics	1	2084	142	
-Action Comics	585		Near Mint		1	2085	142	
-Action Comics	586		Near Mint		1	2086	142	
-Action Comics	587		Near Mint		1	2087	142	
-Action Comics	588		Near Mint		1	2088	142	
-Action Comics	591	Death of Superboy	Near Mint		1	2089	142	
-Action Comics	594		Near Mint		1	2090	142	
-Action Comics	595		Near Mint	First Silver Banshee	1	2091	142	
-Action Comics	596		Near Mint		1	2092	142	
-Action Comics	597		Near Mint		1	2093	142	
-Action Comics	645		Near Mint		1	2094	142	
-Action Comics	662		Near Mint	Lois finds out on last page	1	2095	142	
-Action Comics	674	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	Prologue, featuringSupergirl	1	2096	142	
-Action Comics	675	Panic in the Sky	Near Mint	Fourth Strike	1	2097	142	
-Action Comics	683		Near Mint		1	2098	142	
-Action Comics	684	Doomsday	Near Mint		1	2099	142	
-Action Comics	685	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 2, featuring Supergirl	1	2100	142	
-Action Comics	686	Funeral For a Friend	Near Mint	Part 6, featuring Supergirl	1	2101	142	
-Action Comics	692		Near Mint		1	2102	142	
-Action Comics	693		Near Mint		1	2103	142	
-Action Comics	694	Spilled Blood	Near Mint	Second Cut	1	2104	142	
-Action Comics	695		Near Mint		1	2105	142	
-Action Comics	696		Near Mint		1	2106	142	
-Action Comics	697	Bizarro's World	Near Mint	Part 3	1	2107	142	
-Action Comics	698		Near Mint		1	2108	142	
-Action Comics	703	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	2109	142	
-Action Comics	2		Near Mint		1	2110	142	
-Cerebus	185	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	2111	123	
-Cerebus Jam	1		Near Mint		1	2112	291	
-Damage	6	Zero Hour	Near Mint		1	2113	249	
-Darkstars	13		Near Mint		1	2114	3	
-Darkstars	14		Near Mint		1	2115	3	
-Darkstars	15		Near Mint		1	2116	3	
-Darkstars	16		Near Mint		1	2117	3	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	47		Near Mint		1	2118	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	48	Emerald Twilight	Near Mint	Part 1	1	2119	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	51		Near Mint		1	2120	49	
-Icon	7		Near Mint		1	2121	17	
-Icon	8		Near Mint		1	2122	17	
-Icon	9	Shadow War	Near Mint		1	2123	17	
-Icon	11		Near Mint		1	2124	17	
-Icon	12		Near Mint		1	2125	17	
-Icon	13		Near Mint		1	2126	17	
-Legionnaires	8		Near Mint		1	2127	11	
-Legionnaires	9		Near Mint		1	2128	11	
-Legionnaires	10		Near Mint		1	2129	11	
-Legionnaires	11		Near Mint		1	2130	11	
-Legionnaires	12		Near Mint		1	2131	11	
-Legionnaires	13		Near Mint		1	2132	11	
-Legionnaires	14		Near Mint		1	2133	11	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	49		Near Mint		1	2134	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	50		Near Mint		1	2135	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	51		Near Mint		1	2136	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	52		Near Mint		1	2137	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	53		Near Mint		1	2138	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	54		Near Mint		1	2139	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	55		Near Mint		1	2140	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	56		Near Mint		1	2141	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	57		Near Mint		1	2142	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	61	Zero Hour/End of an Era	Near Mint	Part 6	1	2143	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	12		Near Mint		2	2144	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	14		Near Mint		2	2145	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	21		Near Mint		1	2146	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	38		Near Mint		1	2147	147	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3) (Annual)	4		Near Mint		1	2148	292	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	65		Near Mint		1	2149	146	
-Miracle Man	7		Near Mint		1	2150	92	
-Monster Menace	1		Near Mint		1	2151	158	
-Monster Menace	4		Near Mint		1	2152	158	
-Robin 3000	2		Near Mint		1	2153	293	
-Robin 3000	1		Near Mint		1	2154	293	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint	LSH tie-in, Shadow Lass	1	2155	143	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	25		Near Mint	LSH tie-in, LSH	1	2156	143	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	37		Near Mint	LSH tie-in, Legion of Substitue-Heroes	1	2157	143	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	42		Near Mint	LSH tie-in, Phantom Girl	1	2158	143	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	49		Near Mint	LSH tie-in, Bouncing Boy, Newsboy Legion	1	2159	143	
-Shadow, The (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	2160	95	
-Shadow, The (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	2161	95	
-Shadow Stikes, The	12		Near Mint		1	2162	133	
-Shadow Stikes, The	13		Near Mint		1	2163	133	
-Spawn	6		Near Mint		1	2164	30	
-Spawn	7		Near Mint		1	2165	30	
-Spider-Man 2099	5		Near Mint		1	2166	9	
-Spider-Man 2099	6		Near Mint		1	2167	9	
-Maxx, The	6		Near Mint		1	2168	2	
-Static	5		Near Mint		1	2169	33	
-Static	6		Near Mint		1	2170	33	
-Static	7		Near Mint		1	2171	33	
-Static	8	Shadow War	Near Mint		1	2172	33	
-Static	13		Near Mint		1	2173	33	
-Static	14	World's Collide	Near Mint		1	2174	33	
-Steel	2		Near Mint		1	2175	121	
-Steel	3		Near Mint		1	2176	121	
-Steel	8		Near Mint		1	2177	121	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		1	2178	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		1	2179	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	2180	120	
-Supergirl	1		Near Mint		1	2181	5045	
-Supergirl	2		Near Mint		1	2182	5045	
-Supergirl	3		Near Mint		1	2183	5045	
-Supergirl	4		Near Mint		1	2184	5045	
-Superman (vol. 1)	423		Reading	Alan Moore, Last Superman Story	1	2185	296	
-Superman (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	2186	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	2187	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	2188	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	2189	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	2190	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	2191	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	12		Near Mint		1	2192	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	13		Near Mint		1	2193	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	14		Near Mint		1	2194	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	15		Near Mint		1	2195	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	16		Near Mint		1	2196	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	17		Near Mint		1	2197	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	18		Near Mint		1	2198	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	19		Near Mint		1	2199	165	
-Fantastic Four	236		Near Mint		1	1692	226	
-Fantastic Four	237		Near Mint		1	1693	226	
-Fantastic Four	238		Near Mint		1	1694	226	
-Fantastic Four	239		Near Mint		1	1695	226	
-Fantastic Four	240		Near Mint		1	1696	226	
-Fantastic Four	241		Near Mint		1	1697	226	
-Fantastic Four	242		Near Mint		1	1698	226	
-Fantastic Four	243		Near Mint		1	1699	226	
-Fantastic Four	244		Near Mint		1	1700	226	
-Fantastic Four	245		Near Mint		1	1701	226	
-Fantastic Four	246		Near Mint		2	1702	226	
-Fantastic Four	247		Near Mint		1	1703	226	
-Fantastic Four	248		Near Mint		1	1704	226	
-Fantastic Four	249		Near Mint		1	1705	226	
-Fantastic Four	250		Near Mint		1	1706	226	
-Fantastic Four	251		Near Mint		1	1707	226	
-Fantastic Four	274		Near Mint		1	1708	226	
-Fantastic Four	275		Near Mint		1	1709	226	
-Fantastic Four	276		Near Mint		1	1710	226	
-Fantastic Four	277		Near Mint		1	1711	226	
-Fantastic Four	278		Near Mint		1	1712	226	
-Fantastic Four	279		Near Mint		1	1713	226	
-Fantastic Four (Annual)	12		Near Mint		1	1714	227	
-Fantastic Four (Annual)	13		Near Mint		1	1715	227	
-Fantastic Four (Annual)	14		Near Mint		2	1716	227	
-Fantastic Four (Annual)	15		Near Mint		1	1717	227	
-Fantastic Four (Annual)	16		Near Mint		1	1718	227	
-Fantastic Four Roast	1		Near Mint		1	1719	228	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		7	1720	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	1721	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		3	1722	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	1723	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		2	1724	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	1725	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	1726	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	1727	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	1728	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	10		Near Mint		1	1729	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	1730	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	12		Near Mint		1	1731	229	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	13		Near Mint		1	1732	229	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	1		Near Mint		3	1733	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	2		Near Mint		1	1734	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	3		Near Mint		1	1735	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	4		Near Mint		1	1736	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	5		Near Mint		1	1737	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	6		Near Mint		1	1738	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	7		Near Mint		1	1739	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	8		Near Mint		1	1740	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	9		Near Mint		1	1741	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	10		Near Mint		1	1742	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	11		Near Mint		1	1743	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	12		Near Mint		1	1744	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	13		Near Mint		1	1745	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	14		Near Mint		1	1746	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	15		Near Mint		1	1747	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	16		Near Mint		1	1748	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	17		Near Mint		1	1749	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	18		Near Mint		1	1750	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	19		Near Mint		1	1751	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	30		Near Mint		1	1752	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	32		Near Mint		1	1753	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	33		Near Mint		1	1754	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	34		Near Mint		1	1755	230	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	1756	231	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	1757	231	
-1st Issue Special	8		Near Mint		1	1758	134	
-Forever People (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	1759	232	
-Forever People (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	1760	232	
-Forever People (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	1761	232	
-Forever People (mini-series)	4		Near Mint		1	1762	232	
-Forever People (mini-series)	5		Near Mint		1	1763	232	
-Forever People (mini-series)	6		Near Mint		1	1764	232	
-Francis, Brother of the Universe	1		Near Mint		1	1765	233	
-Ghost Rider	35		Near Mint		2	1766	234	
-Green Arrow	16		Near Mint		1	1767	235	
-Green Arrow	20		Near Mint		1	1768	235	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	67		Near Mint		1	1769	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	90		Near Mint		1	1770	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	91		Near Mint		1	1771	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	92		Near Mint		1	1772	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	93		Near Mint		1	1773	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	94		Near Mint		1	1774	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	95		Near Mint		1	1775	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	96		Near Mint		1	1776	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	97		Near Mint		1	1777	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	98		Near Mint		1	1778	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	99		Near Mint		1	1779	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	100		Near Mint		1	1780	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	101		Near Mint		1	1781	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	102		Near Mint		1	1782	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	103		Near Mint		1	1783	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	104		Near Mint		1	1784	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	105		Near Mint		1	1785	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	106		Near Mint		1	1786	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	107		Near Mint		1	1787	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	108		Near Mint		1	1788	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	109		Near Mint		1	1789	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	110		Near Mint		1	1790	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	111		Near Mint		1	1791	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	112		Near Mint		1	1792	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	113		Near Mint		1	1793	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	114		Near Mint		1	1794	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	115		Near Mint		1	1795	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	116		Near Mint		1	1796	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	117		Near Mint		1	1797	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	118		Near Mint		1	1798	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	119		Near Mint		1	1799	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	121		Near Mint		1	1800	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	122		Near Mint		1	1801	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	123		Near Mint		1	1802	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	124		Near Mint		1	1803	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	125		Near Mint		1	1804	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	126		Near Mint		1	1805	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	127		Near Mint		1	1806	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	128		Near Mint		1	1807	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	129		Near Mint		1	1808	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	130		Near Mint		1	1809	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	131		Near Mint		1	1810	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	133		Near Mint		1	1811	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	134		Near Mint		1	1812	67	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	137		Near Mint		1	1813	67	
-Groo the Wanderer	1		Near Mint		1	1814	236	
-Hawkman Special	1		Near Mint		1	1815	237	
-Hall of Fame Featuring the T.H.U.N.D.E.R	2		Near Mint		1	1816	238	
-Hercules	1		Near Mint		1	1817	239	
-Hercules	2		Near Mint		1	1818	239	
-Hercules	3		Near Mint		1	1819	239	
-Hercules	4		Near Mint		1	1820	239	
-Heroes for Hope	1		Near Mint		1	1821	240	
-Howard the Duck	1		Near Mint		1	1822	241	
-Howard the Duck	2		Near Mint		1	1823	241	
-Howard the Duck	3		Near Mint		1	1824	241	
-Howard the Duck	4		Near Mint		1	1825	241	
-Howard the Duck	5		Near Mint		1	1826	241	
-Howard the Duck	6		Near Mint		1	1827	241	
-Howard the Duck	7		Near Mint		1	1828	241	
-Howard the Duck	8		Near Mint		1	1829	241	
-Howard the Duck	9		Near Mint		1	1830	241	
-Howard the Duck	10		Near Mint		1	1831	241	
-Howard the Duck	11		Near Mint		1	1832	241	
-Howard the Duck	12		Near Mint		1	1833	241	
-Howard the Duck	13		Near Mint		1	1834	241	
-Howard the Duck	14		Near Mint		1	1835	241	
-Howard the Duck	15		Near Mint		1	1836	241	
-Howard the Duck	16		Near Mint		1	1837	241	
-Howard the Duck	17		Near Mint		1	1838	241	
-Howard the Duck	18		Near Mint		1	1839	241	
-Howard the Duck	19		Near Mint		1	1840	241	
-Howard the Duck	20		Near Mint		1	1841	241	
-Howard the Duck	21		Near Mint		1	1842	241	
-Howard the Duck	22		Near Mint		1	1843	241	
-Howard the Duck	23		Near Mint		1	1844	241	
-Howard the Duck	24		Near Mint		1	1845	241	
-Howard the Duck	25		Near Mint		1	1846	241	
-Howard the Duck	26		Near Mint		1	1847	241	
-Howard the Duck	27		Near Mint		1	1848	241	
-Howard the Duck	28		Near Mint		1	1849	241	
-Howard the Duck	29		Near Mint		1	1850	241	
-Howard the Duck	30		Near Mint		1	1851	241	
-Howard the Duck	31		Near Mint		1	1852	241	
-Howard the Duck	32		Near Mint		1	1853	241	
-Howard the Duck	33		Near Mint		1	1854	241	
-Iron Man	111		Near Mint		1	2366	1	
-Iron Man	112		Near Mint		1	2367	1	
-Iron Man	113		Near Mint		1	2368	1	
-Iron Man	114		Near Mint		1	2369	1	
-Iron Man	115		Near Mint		1	2370	1	
-Iron Man	116		Near Mint		1	2371	1	
-Iron Man	117		Near Mint		1	2372	1	
-Iron Man	118		Near Mint		1	2373	1	
-Iron Man	119		Near Mint		1	2374	1	
-Iron Man	120		Near Mint		1	2375	1	
-Iron Man	121		Near Mint		1	2376	1	
-Iron Man	122		Near Mint		1	2377	1	
-Iron Man	123		Near Mint		1	2378	1	
-Iron Man	124		Near Mint		1	2379	1	
-Iron Man	125		Near Mint		1	2380	1	
-Iron Man	126		Near Mint		1	2381	1	
-Iron Man	127		Near Mint		1	2382	1	
-Iron Man	128		Near Mint		1	2383	1	
-Iron Man	129		Near Mint		1	2384	1	
-Iron Man	130		Near Mint		1	2385	1	
-Iron Man	131		Near Mint		1	2386	1	
-Iron Man	132		Near Mint		1	2387	1	
-Iron Man	133		Near Mint		1	2388	1	
-Iron Man	134		Near Mint		1	2389	1	
-Iron Man	135		Near Mint		1	2390	1	
-Iron Man	136		Near Mint		1	2391	1	
-Iron Man	137		Near Mint		1	2392	1	
-Iron Man	138		Near Mint		1	2393	1	
-Iron Man	139		Near Mint		1	2394	1	
-Iron Man	143		Near Mint		1	2395	1	
-Iron Man	145		Near Mint		2	2396	1	
-Iron Man	146		Near Mint		1	2397	1	
-Iron Man	147		Near Mint		1	2398	1	
-Iron Man	148		Near Mint		1	2399	1	
-Iron Man	149		Near Mint		1	2400	1	
-Iron Man	150		Near Mint		1	2401	1	
-Iron Man	153		Near Mint		1	2402	1	
-Iron Man	154		Near Mint		1	2403	1	
-Iron Man	155		Near Mint		1	2404	1	
-Iron Man	174		Near Mint		1	2405	1	
-Iron Man	195		Near Mint		1	2406	1	
-Justice League America	27		Reading		1	2407	12	
-Justice League America	28		Reading		1	2408	12	
-Justice League America	29		Reading		1	2409	12	
-Justice League America	30		Reading		1	2410	12	
-Justice League Europe	3		Near Mint		1	2411	323	
-Justice League Europe	4		Near Mint		1	2412	323	
-Justice League Europe	5		Near Mint		1	2413	323	
-Justice League Europe	6		Near Mint		1	2414	323	
-Kamandi	42		Reading		1	2415	72	
-Kamandi	43		Reading		1	2416	72	
-Kamandi	46		Reading		1	2417	72	
-Kamandi	47		Reading		1	2418	72	
-Kamandi	48		Reading		1	2419	72	
-Kazar the Savage	1		Near Mint		2	2420	324	
-Kazar the Savage	3		Near Mint		1	2421	324	
-Kazar the Savage	4		Near Mint		1	2422	324	
-King Conan	1		Near Mint		2	2423	325	
-King Conan	2		Near Mint		1	2424	325	
-King Conan	3		Near Mint		1	2425	325	
-King Conan	5		Near Mint		1	2426	325	
-King Conan	6		Near Mint		1	2427	325	
-King Conan	7		Near Mint		1	2428	325	
-King Conan	8		Near Mint		1	2429	325	
-Kitty Pride and Wolverine	1		Near Mint		1	2430	326	
-Kitty Pride and Wolverine	2		Near Mint		1	2431	326	
-Kitty Pride and Wolverine	3		Near Mint		1	2432	326	
-Kitty Pride and Wolverine	4		Near Mint		1	2433	326	
-Kitty Pride and Wolverine	5		Near Mint		1	2434	326	
-Legion of Super-Heroes Special	1		Near Mint		1	2435	327	
-Machine Man (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	2436	328	
-Machine Man (mini-series)	4		Near Mint		1	2437	328	
-Man-Thing	1		Near Mint		8	2438	329	
-Man-Thing	2		Near Mint		2	2439	329	
-Man-Thing	3		Near Mint		3	2440	329	
-Man-Thing	4		Near Mint		1	2441	329	
-Martian Manhunter (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	2442	331	
-Martian Manhunter (mini-series)	2		Near Mint		1	2443	331	
-Martian Manhunter (mini-series)	3		Near Mint		1	2444	331	
-Martian Manhunter (mini-series)	4		Near Mint		1	2445	331	
-Marvel Age	21		Near Mint		1	2446	332	
-Marvel Age	22		Near Mint		1	2447	332	
-Marvel Age	23		Near Mint		1	2448	332	
-Marvel Age	24		Near Mint		1	2449	332	
-Marvel Age	25		Near Mint		1	2450	332	
-Marvel Age	26		Near Mint		1	2451	332	
-Marvel Age	27		Near Mint		1	2452	332	
-Marvel Fanfare	1		Near Mint		1	2453	333	
-Marvel Fanfare	2		Near Mint		1	2454	333	
-Marvel Fanfare	3		Near Mint		1	2455	333	
-Mystery in Space	111		Near Mint		1	2801	357	
-Mystery in Space	114		Near Mint		1	2802	357	
-Mystery in Space	115		Near Mint		1	2803	357	
-Mystery in Space	116		Near Mint		1	2804	357	
-Mystery in Space	117		Near Mint		1	2805	357	
-New D.N.Agents	1		Near Mint		1	2806	358	
-New D.N.Agents	2		Near Mint		1	2807	358	
-New D.N.Agents	3		Near Mint		1	2808	358	
-New D.N.Agents	4		Near Mint		1	2809	358	
-New D.N.Agents	5		Near Mint		1	2810	358	
-New D.N.Agents	6		Near Mint		1	2811	358	
-New D.N.Agents	9		Near Mint		1	2812	358	
-New D.N.Agents	10		Near Mint		1	2813	358	
-New D.N.Agents	11		Near Mint		1	2814	358	
-New D.N.Agents	12		Near Mint		1	2815	358	
-New D.N.Agents	13		Near Mint		1	2816	358	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	2817	359	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	2818	359	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	2819	359	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	2820	359	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	2821	359	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	2822	359	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	2823	359	
-New Mutants	18		Near Mint		1	2824	360	
-New Mutants	19		Near Mint		1	2825	360	
-New Mutants	21		Near Mint		1	2826	360	
-New Mutants	22		Near Mint		1	2827	360	
-New Mutants	23		Near Mint		1	2828	360	
-New Mutants	24		Near Mint		1	2829	360	
-New Mutants	25		Near Mint		1	2830	360	
-New Mutants	26		Near Mint		1	2831	360	
-New Mutants	27		Near Mint		1	2832	360	
-New Mutants	28		Near Mint		1	2833	360	
-New Mutants	29		Near Mint		1	2834	360	
-New Mutants (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	2835	361	
-New Mutants Special Edition	1		Near Mint		1	2836	362	
-New Teen Titans, The	1		Near Mint		1	2837	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	5		Near Mint		1	2838	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	6		Near Mint		1	2839	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	7		Near Mint		1	2840	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	8		Near Mint		2	2841	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	9		Near Mint		1	2842	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	10		Near Mint		1	2843	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	11		Near Mint		1	2844	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	12		Near Mint		1	2845	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	13		Near Mint		1	2846	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	14		Near Mint		1	2847	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	15		Near Mint		1	2848	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	16		Near Mint		2	2849	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	17		Near Mint		1	2850	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	18		Near Mint		1	2851	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	19		Near Mint		1	2852	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	20		Near Mint		1	2853	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	21		Near Mint		1	2854	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	23		Near Mint		1	2855	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	24		Near Mint		1	2856	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	25		Near Mint		1	2857	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	27		Near Mint		1	2858	363	
-New Teen Titans, The	28		Near Mint		1	2859	363	
-New Teen Titans, The (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	2860	364	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	2861	365	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		1	2862	365	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		1	2863	365	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	2864	365	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	2865	365	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	2866	365	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	2867	365	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2) (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	2868	366	
-Nick Fury Agent of SHEILD	11		Reading		1	2869	367	
-Nightcrawler	1		Near Mint		1	2870	368	
-Normal Man	8		Near Mint		1	2871	369	
-Nova	1		Near Mint		1	2872	370	
-Nova	2		Near Mint		1	2873	370	
-Nova	3		Near Mint		1	2874	370	
-Nova	4		Near Mint		1	2875	370	
-Nova	5		Near Mint		1	2876	370	
-Nova	6		Near Mint		1	2877	370	
-Nova	7		Near Mint		1	2878	370	
-Nova	8		Near Mint		1	2879	370	
-Nova	9		Near Mint		1	2880	370	
-Nova	10		Near Mint		1	2881	370	
-Nova	11		Near Mint		1	2882	370	
-Nova	12		Near Mint		1	2883	370	
-Nova	13		Near Mint		1	2884	370	
-Nova	14		Near Mint		1	2885	370	
-Nova	15		Near Mint		1	2886	370	
-Nova	16		Near Mint		1	2887	370	
-Nova	17		Near Mint		1	2888	370	
-Nova	18		Near Mint		1	2889	370	
-Nova	19		Near Mint		1	2890	370	
-Nova	20		Near Mint		1	2891	370	
-Nova	21		Near Mint		1	2892	370	
-Nova	22		Near Mint		1	2893	370	
-Nova	23		Near Mint		1	2894	370	
-Nova	24		Near Mint		1	2895	370	
-Nova	25		Near Mint		1	2896	370	
-Omega the Unknown	9		Near Mint		1	2897	372	
-Omega the Unknown	10		Near Mint		1	2898	372	
-Omegamen, The	1		Near Mint		1	2899	371	
-Omegamen, The	2		Near Mint		1	2900	371	
-Omegamen, The	3		Near Mint		1	2901	371	
-Omegamen, The	4		Near Mint		1	2902	371	
-Omegamen, The	5		Near Mint		1	2903	371	
-Omegamen, The	6		Near Mint		1	2904	371	
-Omegamen, The	10		Near Mint		1	2905	371	
-Omegamen, The	11		Near Mint		1	2906	371	
-Omegamen, The	27		Near Mint		1	2907	371	
-Pacific Presents	1		Near Mint		1	2908	374	
-Power Man and Iron Fist	115		Near Mint		1	2909	375	
-Power Pack	1		Near Mint		1	2910	376	
-Power Pack	2		Near Mint		1	2911	376	
-Power Pack	3		Near Mint		1	2912	376	
-Power Pack	4		Near Mint		1	2913	376	
-Power Pack	5		Near Mint		1	2914	376	
-Power Pack	7		Near Mint		1	2915	376	
-Power Pack	8		Near Mint		1	2916	376	
-Power Pack	9		Near Mint		1	2917	376	
-Power Pack	10		Near Mint		1	2918	376	
-Power Pack	11		Near Mint		1	2919	376	
-Power Pack	12		Near Mint		1	2920	376	
-Power Pack	13		Near Mint		1	2921	376	
-Power Pack	14		Near Mint		1	2922	376	
-Power Pack	15		Near Mint		1	2923	376	
-Power Pack	16		Near Mint		1	2924	376	
-Power Pack	17		Near Mint		1	2925	376	
-Power Pack	18		Near Mint		1	2926	376	
-Power Pack	19		Near Mint		1	2927	376	
-Power Pack	20		Near Mint		1	2928	376	
-Power Pack	21		Near Mint		1	2929	376	
-Power Pack	22		Near Mint		1	2930	376	
-Power Pack	23		Near Mint		1	2931	376	
-Power Pack	24		Near Mint		1	2932	376	
-Power Pack	25		Near Mint		1	2933	376	
-Power Pack	26		Near Mint		1	2934	376	
-Power Pack	27		Near Mint		1	2935	376	
-Power Pack	28		Near Mint		1	2936	376	
-Power Pack	29		Near Mint		1	2937	376	
-Power Pack	30		Near Mint		1	2938	376	
-Power Pack	31		Near Mint		1	2939	376	
-Power Pack	32		Near Mint		1	2940	376	
-Power Pack	37		Near Mint		1	2941	376	
-Power Pack	39		Near Mint		1	2942	376	
-Power Pack	40		Near Mint		1	2943	376	
-Power Pack	46		Near Mint		1	2944	376	
-Power Pack	48		Near Mint		1	2945	376	
-Power Pack	49		Near Mint		1	2946	376	
-Power Pack	50		Near Mint		1	2947	376	
-Power Pack	51		Near Mint		1	2948	376	
-Power Pack	52		Near Mint		1	2949	376	
-Power Pack	53		Near Mint		1	2950	376	
-Power Pack	54		Near Mint		1	2951	376	
-Power Pack	55		Near Mint		1	2952	376	
-Power Pack	56		Near Mint		1	2953	376	
-Power Pack	57		Near Mint		1	2954	376	
-Power Pack	58		Near Mint		1	2955	376	
-Power Pack	59		Near Mint		1	2956	376	
-Power Pack	60		Near Mint		1	2957	376	
-Power Pack	61		Near Mint		1	2958	376	
-Power Pack	62		Near Mint		1	2959	376	
-Robin (mini-series) (vol. 1)	1		Near Mint		1	2960	377	
-Robin (mini-series) (vol. 1)	2		Near Mint		1	2961	377	
-Robin (mini-series) (vol. 1)	3		Near Mint		1	2962	377	
-Rocket Racoon	1		Near Mint		1	2963	378	
-Rom Spaceknight	1		Near Mint		3	2964	379	
-Rom Spaceknight	2		Near Mint		2	2965	379	
-Rom Spaceknight	3		Near Mint		2	2966	379	
-Rom Spaceknight	4		Near Mint		1	2967	379	
-Rom Spaceknight	5		Near Mint		1	2968	379	
-Rom Spaceknight	6		Near Mint		1	2969	379	
-Rom Spaceknight	8		Near Mint		1	2970	379	
-Seraphim	1		Near Mint		1	2971	380	
-Shatter	6		Near Mint		1	2972	381	
-Shatter	8		Near Mint		1	2973	381	
-Shatter	11		Near Mint		1	2974	381	
-She Hulk, The Savage	1		Near Mint		10	2975	382	
-Marvel Fanfare	4		Near Mint		1	2456	333	
-Marvel Holiday Special	1		Near Mint		1	2457	334	
-Marvel Premiere	1		Near Mint		1	2458	335	
-Marvel Premiere	2		Near Mint		1	2459	335	
-Marvel Premiere	3		Near Mint		1	2460	335	
-Marvel Premiere	4		Near Mint		1	2461	335	
-Marvel Premiere	5		Near Mint		1	2462	335	
-Marvel Premiere	6		Near Mint		1	2463	335	
-Marvel Premiere	7		Near Mint		1	2464	335	
-Marvel Premiere	8		Near Mint		1	2465	335	
-Marvel Premiere	9		Near Mint		1	2466	335	
-Marvel Premiere	10		Near Mint		1	2467	335	
-Marvel Premiere	11		Near Mint		1	2468	335	
-Marvel Premiere	12		Near Mint		1	2469	335	
-Marvel Premiere	13		Near Mint		1	2470	335	
-Marvel Premiere	14		Near Mint		1	2471	335	
-Marvel Premiere	15		Near Mint		1	2472	335	
-Marvel Premiere	16		Near Mint		1	2473	335	
-Marvel Premiere	17		Near Mint		1	2474	335	
-Marvel Premiere	18		Near Mint		1	2475	335	
-Marvel Premiere	19		Near Mint		1	2476	335	
-Marvel Premiere	20		Near Mint		1	2477	335	
-Marvel Premiere	21		Near Mint		1	2478	335	
-Marvel Premiere	22		Near Mint		1	2479	335	
-Marvel Premiere	23		Near Mint		1	2480	335	
-Marvel Premiere	24		Near Mint		1	2481	335	
-Marvel Premiere	25		Near Mint		1	2482	335	
-Marvel Premiere	26		Near Mint		1	2483	335	
-Marvel Premiere	27		Near Mint		1	2484	335	
-Marvel Premiere	28		Near Mint		1	2485	335	
-Marvel Premiere	29		Near Mint		1	2486	335	
-Marvel Premiere	30		Near Mint		1	2487	335	
-Marvel Premiere	31		Near Mint		1	2488	335	
-Marvel Premiere	32		Near Mint		1	2489	335	
-Marvel Premiere	33		Near Mint		1	2490	335	
-Marvel Premiere	34		Near Mint		1	2491	335	
-Marvel Premiere	35		Near Mint		1	2492	335	
-Marvel Premiere	36		Near Mint		1	2493	335	
-Marvel Premiere	37		Near Mint		1	2494	335	
-Marvel Premiere	38		Near Mint		1	2495	335	
-Marvel Premiere	39		Near Mint		1	2496	335	
-Marvel Premiere	40		Near Mint		1	2497	335	
-Marvel Premiere	41		Near Mint		1	2498	335	
-Marvel Premiere	42		Near Mint		1	2499	335	
-Marvel Premiere	43		Near Mint		1	2500	335	
-Marvel Premiere	44		Near Mint		1	2501	335	
-Marvel Premiere	45		Near Mint		1	2502	335	
-Marvel Premiere	46		Near Mint		1	2503	335	
-Marvel Premiere	47		Near Mint		1	2504	335	
-Marvel Premiere	48		Near Mint		1	2505	335	
-Marvel Premiere	49		Near Mint		1	2506	335	
-Marvel Premiere	50		Near Mint		1	2507	335	
-Marvel Premiere	51		Near Mint		1	2508	335	
-Marvel Premiere	52		Near Mint		1	2509	335	
-Marvel Premiere	53		Near Mint		1	2510	335	
-Marvel Premiere	54		Near Mint		1	2511	335	
-Marvel Premiere	55		Near Mint		1	2512	335	
-Marvel Premiere	56		Near Mint		1	2513	335	
-Marvel Premiere	57		Near Mint		2	2514	335	
-Marvel Premiere	58		Near Mint		1	2515	335	
-Marvel Premiere	59		Near Mint		1	2516	335	
-Marvel Premiere	60		Near Mint		2	2517	335	
-Marvel Premiere	61		Near Mint		1	2518	335	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		22	2519	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		4	2520	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		2	2521	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		3	2522	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		2	2523	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	2524	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	2525	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	2526	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	2527	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	10		Near Mint		1	2528	336	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	2529	336	
-Marvel Super Action	16		Near Mint		1	2530	337	
-Marvel Super Action	17		Near Mint		1	2531	337	
-Marvel Super Action	18		Near Mint		1	2532	337	
-Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions	1		Near Mint		1	2533	338	
-Marvel Super Heros Secret Wars	1		Near Mint		1	2534	339	
-Marvel Team-Up	1		Near Mint		1	2535	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	5		Near Mint		1	2536	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	11		Near Mint		1	2537	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	12		Near Mint		1	2538	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	13		Near Mint		1	2539	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	14		Near Mint		1	2540	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	15		Near Mint		1	2541	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	16		Near Mint		1	2542	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	17		Near Mint		1	2543	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	18		Near Mint		1	2544	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	19		Near Mint		1	2545	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	20		Near Mint		1	2546	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	21		Near Mint		1	2547	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	22		Near Mint		1	2548	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	23		Near Mint		1	2549	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	24		Near Mint		1	2550	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	25		Near Mint		1	2551	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	26		Near Mint		1	2552	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	27		Near Mint		1	2553	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	28		Near Mint		1	2554	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	29		Near Mint		1	2555	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	30		Near Mint		1	2556	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	31		Near Mint		1	2557	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	32		Near Mint		1	2558	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	33		Near Mint		1	2559	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	34		Near Mint		1	2560	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	35		Near Mint		1	2561	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	36		Near Mint		1	2562	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	37		Near Mint		1	2563	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	38		Near Mint		1	2564	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	39		Near Mint		1	2565	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	40		Near Mint		1	2566	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	41		Near Mint		1	2567	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	42		Near Mint		1	2568	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	43		Near Mint		1	2569	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	44		Near Mint		1	2570	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	45		Near Mint		1	2571	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	46		Near Mint		1	2572	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	47		Near Mint		1	2573	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	48		Near Mint		1	2574	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	49		Near Mint		1	2575	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	50		Near Mint		1	2576	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	51		Near Mint		1	2577	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	52		Near Mint		1	2578	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	53		Near Mint		1	2579	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	54		Near Mint		1	2580	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	55		Near Mint		1	2581	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	56		Near Mint		1	2582	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	57		Near Mint		1	2583	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	58		Near Mint		1	2584	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	59		Near Mint		1	2585	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	60		Near Mint		1	2586	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	61		Near Mint		1	2587	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	62		Near Mint		1	2588	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	63		Near Mint		1	2589	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	64		Near Mint		1	2590	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	65		Near Mint		1	2591	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	66		Near Mint		1	2592	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	67		Near Mint		2	2593	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	68		Near Mint		1	2594	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	69		Near Mint		1	2595	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	70		Near Mint		1	2596	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	71		Near Mint		1	2597	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	72		Near Mint		1	2598	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	73		Near Mint		1	2599	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	74		Near Mint		1	2600	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	75		Near Mint		1	2601	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	76		Near Mint		1	2602	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	77		Near Mint		1	2603	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	78		Near Mint		1	2604	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	79		Near Mint		1	2605	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	80		Near Mint		1	2606	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	81		Near Mint		1	2607	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	82		Near Mint		1	2608	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	83		Near Mint		1	2609	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	84		Near Mint		1	2610	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	85		Near Mint		1	2611	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	86		Near Mint		1	2612	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	87		Near Mint		1	2613	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	88		Near Mint		1	2614	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	89		Near Mint		1	2615	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	90		Near Mint		1	2616	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	91		Near Mint		1	2617	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	92		Near Mint		1	2618	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	93		Near Mint		1	2619	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	94		Near Mint		1	2620	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	95		Near Mint		1	2621	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	96		Near Mint		1	2622	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	97		Near Mint		1	2623	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	98		Near Mint		1	2624	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	99		Near Mint		1	2625	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	101		Near Mint		1	2626	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	102		Near Mint		1	2627	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	103		Near Mint		1	2628	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	104		Near Mint		1	2629	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	105		Near Mint		1	2630	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	106		Near Mint		2	2631	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	107		Near Mint		1	2632	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	108		Near Mint		1	2633	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	109		Near Mint		1	2634	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	112		Near Mint		1	2635	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	113		Near Mint		1	2636	340	
-Marvel Team-Up	150		Near Mint		1	2637	340	
-Marvel Team-Up (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	2638	341	
-Marvel Team-Up (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	2639	341	
-Marvel Team-Up (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	2640	341	
-Marvel Team-Up (Annual)	4		Near Mint		1	2641	341	
-Marvel Two-In-One	1		Near Mint		1	2642	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	2		Near Mint		1	2643	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	3		Near Mint		1	2644	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	4		Near Mint		1	2645	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	5		Near Mint		1	2646	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	6		Near Mint		1	2647	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	7		Near Mint		1	2648	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	8		Near Mint		1	2649	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	9		Near Mint		1	2650	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	10		Near Mint		1	2651	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	11		Near Mint		1	2652	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	12		Near Mint		1	2653	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	13		Near Mint		1	2654	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	14		Near Mint		1	2655	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	15		Near Mint		1	2656	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	16		Near Mint		1	2657	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	17		Near Mint		1	2658	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	18		Near Mint		1	2659	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	19		Near Mint		1	2660	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	20		Near Mint		1	2661	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	21		Near Mint		1	2662	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	22		Near Mint		1	2663	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	23		Near Mint		1	2664	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	24		Near Mint		1	2665	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	25		Near Mint		1	2666	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	26		Near Mint		1	2667	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	27		Near Mint		1	2668	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	28		Near Mint		1	2669	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	29		Near Mint		1	2670	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	30		Near Mint		1	2671	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	31		Near Mint		1	2672	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	32		Near Mint		1	2673	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	33		Near Mint		1	2674	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	34		Near Mint		1	2675	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	35		Near Mint		1	2676	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	36		Near Mint		1	2677	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	37		Near Mint		1	2678	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	38		Near Mint		1	2679	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	39		Near Mint		1	2680	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	40		Near Mint		1	2681	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	41		Near Mint		1	2682	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	42		Near Mint		1	2683	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	43		Near Mint		1	2684	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	44		Near Mint		1	2685	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	45		Near Mint		1	2686	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	46		Near Mint		1	2687	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	47		Near Mint		1	2688	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	48		Near Mint		1	2689	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	49		Near Mint		1	2690	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	50		Near Mint		1	2691	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	51		Near Mint		1	2692	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	52		Near Mint		1	2693	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	53		Near Mint		1	2694	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	54		Near Mint		1	2695	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	55		Near Mint		1	2696	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	56		Near Mint		1	2697	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	57		Near Mint		1	2698	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	58		Near Mint		1	2699	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	59		Near Mint		1	2700	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	60		Near Mint		1	2701	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	61		Near Mint		2	2702	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	62		Near Mint		1	2703	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	63		Near Mint		1	2704	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	64		Near Mint		1	2705	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	65		Near Mint		1	2706	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	66		Near Mint		1	2707	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	68		Near Mint		1	2708	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	69		Near Mint		1	2709	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	72		Near Mint		1	2710	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	73		Near Mint		1	2711	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	74		Near Mint		1	2712	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	75		Near Mint		1	2713	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	76		Near Mint		1	2714	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	77		Near Mint		2	2715	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	78		Near Mint		1	2716	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	79		Near Mint		1	2717	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	81		Near Mint		1	2718	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	83		Near Mint		1	2719	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	84		Near Mint		1	2720	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	85		Near Mint		1	2721	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	86		Near Mint		1	2722	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	87		Near Mint		1	2723	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	88		Near Mint		1	2724	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	90		Near Mint		1	2725	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	91		Near Mint		1	2726	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	92		Near Mint		1	2727	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	93		Near Mint		1	2728	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	95		Near Mint		1	2729	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One	96		Near Mint		1	2730	342	
-Marvel Two-In-One (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	2731	343	
-Marvel Two-In-One (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	2732	343	
-Marvel Two-In-One (Annual)	4		Near Mint		1	2733	343	
-Marvel Two-In-One (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	2734	343	
-Marvel Two-In-One (Annual)	6		Near Mint		1	2735	343	
-Master of Kung Fu, The Hands of Shang-Chi	80		Near Mint		1	2736	330	
-Master of Kung Fu, The Hands of Shang-Chi	81		Near Mint		1	2737	330	
-Master of Kung Fu, The Hands of Shang-Chi	82		Near Mint		1	2738	330	
-Master of Kung Fu, The Hands of Shang-Chi	100		Near Mint		2	2739	330	
-Megaton Man	1		Near Mint		1	2740	345	
-Micronauts	1		Near Mint		4	2741	346	
-Micronauts	2		Near Mint		2	2742	346	
-Micronauts	3		Near Mint		3	2743	346	
-Micronauts	4		Near Mint		3	2744	346	
-Micronauts	5		Near Mint		3	2745	346	
-Micronauts	6		Near Mint		3	2746	346	
-Micronauts	7		Near Mint		2	2747	346	
-Micronauts	8		Near Mint		1	2748	346	
-Micronauts	9		Near Mint		1	2749	346	
-Micronauts	10		Near Mint		1	2750	346	
-Micronauts	11		Near Mint		2	2751	346	
-Micronauts	12		Near Mint		1	2752	346	
-Micronauts	13		Near Mint		1	2753	346	
-Micronauts	14		Near Mint		1	2754	346	
-Micronauts	15		Near Mint		1	2755	346	
-Micronauts	16		Near Mint		1	2756	346	
-Micronauts	17		Near Mint		1	2757	346	
-Micronauts	18		Near Mint		1	2758	346	
-Micronauts	19		Near Mint		1	2759	346	
-Micronauts	20		Near Mint		1	2760	346	
-Micronauts	21		Near Mint		1	2761	346	
-Micronauts	22		Near Mint		1	2762	346	
-Micronauts	23		Near Mint		1	2763	346	
-Micronauts	26		Near Mint		1	2764	346	
-Micronauts	27		Near Mint		1	2765	346	
-Micronauts	28		Near Mint		2	2766	346	
-Micronauts	29		Near Mint		2	2767	346	
-Micronauts	30		Near Mint		1	2768	346	
-Micronauts	31		Near Mint		1	2769	346	
-Micronauts	32		Near Mint		1	2770	346	
-Micronauts	33		Near Mint		1	2771	346	
-Micronauts	34		Near Mint		1	2772	346	
-Micronauts	35		Near Mint		1	2773	346	
-Micronauts	37		Near Mint		1	2774	346	
-Micronauts	38		Near Mint		1	2775	346	
-Micronauts	39		Near Mint		1	2776	346	
-Micronauts (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	2777	347	
-Micronauts (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	2778	347	
-Micronauts: The New Voyages	5		Near Mint		1	2779	348	
-Micronauts: The New Voyages	6		Near Mint		1	2780	348	
-Mighty Mites, The	3		Near Mint		1	2781	349	
-Mister E	1		Near Mint		1	2782	350	
-Mister Miracle Special	1		Near Mint		1	2783	351	
-Moon Knight	1		Near Mint		1	2784	353	
-Moon Knight	2		Near Mint		1	2785	353	
-Moon Knight	4		Near Mint		2	2786	353	
-Moon Knight	5		Near Mint		1	2787	353	
-Moon Knight	6		Near Mint		1	2788	353	
-Moon Knight	7		Near Mint		1	2789	353	
-Moon Knight	8		Near Mint		1	2790	353	
-Moon Knight	9		Near Mint		1	2791	353	
-Moon Knight	10		Near Mint		1	2792	353	
-Moon Knight	11		Near Mint		1	2793	353	
-Moon Knight	12		Near Mint		1	2794	353	
-Moon Knight	16		Near Mint		1	2795	353	
-Moon Knight	17		Near Mint		1	2796	353	
-Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu	2		Near Mint		1	2797	354	
-Ms. Mystic	1		Near Mint		1	2798	355	
-Ms. Mystic	2		Near Mint		1	2799	355	
-Ms. Tree's Thrilling Detective Adventure	2		Near Mint		1	2800	356	
-Star Wars	24		Near Mint		1	3144	399	
-Star Wars	25		Near Mint		1	3145	399	
-Star Wars	26		Near Mint		1	3146	399	
-Star Wars	27		Near Mint		1	3147	399	
-Star Wars	28		Near Mint		1	3148	399	
-Star Wars	29		Near Mint		1	3149	399	
-Star Wars	30		Near Mint		1	3150	399	
-Star Wars	31		Near Mint		1	3151	399	
-Star Wars	32		Near Mint		1	3152	399	
-Star Wars	33		Near Mint		1	3153	399	
-Star Wars	34		Near Mint		1	3154	399	
-Star Wars	35		Near Mint		1	3155	399	
-Star Wars	36		Near Mint		1	3156	399	
-Star Wars	37		Near Mint		1	3157	399	
-Star Wars	47		Near Mint		1	3158	399	
-Star Wars (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	3159	400	
-Star Wars 3D	3		Reading		1	3160	401	
-Starlord Special Edition	1		Near Mint		1	3161	395	
-Starstruck	1		Near Mint		1	3162	397	
-Starstruck	2		Near Mint		1	3163	397	
-Starstruck	3		Near Mint		1	3164	397	
-Steelgrip Starkey	1		Near Mint		1	3165	402	
-Sun Runners	1		Near Mint		1	3166	403	
-Sun Runners	2		Near Mint		1	3167	403	
-Sun Runners	3		Near Mint		1	3168	403	
-Sun Runners	4		Near Mint		1	3169	403	
-Superman: The Secret Years	1		Near Mint		1	3170	404	
-Superman: The Secret Years	2		Near Mint		1	3171	404	
-Superman: The Secret Years	3		Near Mint		1	3172	404	
-Sword of the Atom	1		Near Mint		1	3173	405	
-Sword of the Atom	2		Near Mint		1	3174	405	
-Sword of the Atom	3		Near Mint		1	3175	405	
-Sword of the Atom	4		Near Mint		1	3176	405	
-Sword of the Atom Special	1		Near Mint		1	3177	406	
-Sword of the Atom Special	2		Near Mint		1	3178	406	
-Sword of the Atom Special	3		Near Mint		1	3179	406	
-Tales from the Crypt	2		Near Mint		1	3180	407	
-Tales of the Green Lantern Corps	1		Near Mint		1	3181	408	
-Tales of the Green Lantern Corps	2		Near Mint		1	3182	408	
-Tales of the Green Lantern Corps	3		Near Mint		1	3183	408	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	316		Near Mint		1	3184	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	317		Near Mint		1	3185	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	318		Near Mint		1	3186	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	319		Near Mint		1	3187	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	320		Near Mint		1	3188	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	321		Near Mint		1	3189	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	322		Near Mint		1	3190	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	323		Near Mint		1	3191	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	324		Near Mint		1	3192	409	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	325		Near Mint		1	3193	409	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	45		Near Mint		1	3194	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	46		Near Mint		1	3195	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	47		Near Mint		1	3196	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	48		Near Mint		1	3197	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	49		Near Mint		1	3198	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	50		Near Mint		1	3199	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	51		Near Mint		1	3200	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	52		Near Mint		1	3201	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	53		Near Mint		1	3202	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	54		Near Mint		1	3203	411	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans (1982)	1		Near Mint		2	3204	410	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans (1982)	2		Near Mint		2	3205	410	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans (1982)	3		Near Mint		1	3206	410	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans (1982)	4		Near Mint		1	3207	410	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		10	3208	412	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		3	3209	412	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	3		Near Mint		3	3210	412	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	4		Near Mint		2	3211	412	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	5		Near Mint		1	3212	412	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	6		Near Mint		1	3213	412	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	7		Near Mint		1	3214	412	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	8		Near Mint		1	3215	412	
-Team America	1		Near Mint		1	3216	413	
-Teen Titans (one-shot drug issue)	1		Near Mint		1	3217	414	
-Thor, The Mighty	270		Near Mint		1	3218	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	273		Near Mint		1	3219	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	275		Near Mint		1	3220	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	278		Near Mint		1	3221	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	279		Near Mint		1	3222	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	280		Near Mint		1	3223	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	281		Near Mint		1	3224	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	282		Near Mint		1	3225	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	283		Near Mint		1	3226	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	284		Near Mint		1	3227	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	285		Near Mint		1	3228	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	286		Near Mint		1	3229	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	287		Near Mint		1	3230	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	288		Near Mint		1	3231	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	289		Near Mint		1	3232	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	290		Near Mint		1	3233	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	291		Near Mint		1	3234	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	292		Near Mint		1	3235	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	293		Near Mint		2	3236	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	294		Near Mint		1	3237	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	295		Near Mint		1	3238	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	296		Near Mint		2	3239	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	297		Near Mint		1	3240	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	298		Near Mint		1	3241	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	300		Near Mint		1	3242	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	301		Near Mint		1	3243	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	302		Near Mint		1	3244	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	304		Near Mint		1	3245	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	305		Near Mint		1	3246	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	306		Near Mint		1	3247	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	307		Near Mint		1	3248	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	308		Near Mint		2	3249	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	309		Near Mint		1	3250	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	310		Near Mint		1	3251	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	311		Near Mint		1	3252	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	315		Near Mint		1	3253	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	316		Near Mint		1	3254	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	318		Near Mint		1	3255	415	
-Thor, The Mighty	321		Near Mint		1	3256	415	
-Thor, The Mighty (Annual)	5		Near Mint		1	3257	416	
-Thor, The Mighty (Annual)	8		Near Mint		1	3258	416	
-Thor, The Mighty (Annual)	9		Near Mint		1	3259	416	
-Time Spirits	1		Near Mint		2	3260	417	
-Time Spirits	2		Near Mint		1	3261	417	
-Time Spirits	3		Near Mint		1	3262	417	
-Time Spirits	4		Near Mint		1	3263	417	
-Time Spirits	5		Near Mint		1	3264	417	
-Time Spirits	6		Near Mint		1	3265	417	
-Time Spirits	7		Near Mint		1	3266	417	
-Time Spirits	8		Near Mint		1	3267	417	
-Time Warp	1		Near Mint		1	3268	418	
-Time Warp	2		Near Mint		1	3269	418	
-Time Warp	3		Near Mint		1	3270	418	
-Time Warp	4		Near Mint		1	3271	418	
-Time Warp	5		Near Mint		1	3272	418	
-Transformers in 3D	2		Reading		1	3273	419	
-Untold Legend of the Batman	1		Near Mint		5	3274	420	
-Untold Legend of the Batman	2		Near Mint		3	3275	420	
-Untold Legend of the Batman	3		Near Mint		1	3276	420	
-V for Vendetta	4		Near Mint		1	3277	421	
-V for Vendetta	5		Near Mint		1	3278	421	
-V for Vendetta	6		Near Mint		1	3279	421	
-V for Vendetta	8		Near Mint		1	3280	421	
-Vault of Horror	2		Near Mint		1	3281	422	
-Vision and Scarlet Witch (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	3282	423	
-Warlock Special Edition	1		Near Mint		1	3283	424	
-Warlock Special Edition	4		Near Mint		1	3284	424	
-Warlock Special Edition	5		Near Mint		1	3285	424	
-Warlord	3		Near Mint		1	3286	425	
-Warlord	5		Near Mint		1	3287	425	
-Warlord	6		Near Mint		1	3288	425	
-Warlord	7		Near Mint		1	3289	425	
-Warlord	8		Near Mint		1	3290	425	
-Warlord	9		Near Mint		1	3291	425	
-Warlord	10		Near Mint		1	3292	425	
-Warlord	11		Near Mint		1	3293	425	
-Warlord	12		Near Mint		1	3294	425	
-Warlord	13		Near Mint		1	3295	425	
-Warlord	14		Near Mint		1	3296	425	
-Warlord	15		Near Mint		1	3297	425	
-Warlord	16		Near Mint		1	3298	425	
-Warlord	17		Near Mint		1	3299	425	
-Warlord	18		Near Mint		1	3300	425	
-Warlord	19		Near Mint		1	3301	425	
-Warlord	21		Near Mint		1	3302	425	
-Warlord	22		Near Mint		1	3303	425	
-Warlord	23		Near Mint		1	3304	425	
-Warlord	24		Near Mint		1	3305	425	
-Warlord	25		Near Mint		1	3306	425	
-Warlord	26		Near Mint		1	3307	425	
-Warlord	27		Near Mint		1	3308	425	
-Warlord	28		Near Mint		1	3309	425	
-Warlord	29		Near Mint		1	3310	425	
-Warlord	30		Near Mint		1	3311	425	
-Young All-Stars, The	16		Near Mint		1	3480	433	
-Young All-Stars, The	17		Near Mint		1	3481	433	
-Young All-Stars, The	18		Near Mint		1	3482	433	
-Young All-Stars, The	19		Near Mint		1	3483	433	
-Young All-Stars, The	20		Near Mint		1	3484	433	
-Phantom Force	5		Near Mint		1	3485	155	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	0	Zero Month	Near Mint		1	3486	120	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	0	Zero Month	Near Mint		1	3487	145	
-Hardware	20		Near Mint		1	3488	22	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	0	Zero Month	Near Mint		1	3489	18	
-Shade, The Changing Man	52		Near Mint		1	3490	446	
-Maxx, The	10		Near Mint		1	3491	2	
-Primal Force	0	Zero Month	Near Mint		1	3492	436	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	22	Millennium	Near Mint	Manhunters	1	3493	143	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	23	Millennium	Near Mint	Foronic Man/Guardians of the Universe	1	3494	143	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	46		Near Mint	Headquarters of LSH, JLA, and Teen Titans	1	3495	143	
-Action Comics	624		Near Mint		1	3496	142	
-Action Comics	625		Near Mint		1	3497	142	
-Action Comics	626		Near Mint		1	3498	142	
-Hardware	3		Near Mint		1	3499	22	
-Hardware	5		Near Mint		1	3500	22	
-Hardware	8		Near Mint		1	3501	22	
-Hardware	9		Near Mint		1	3502	22	
-Hardware	10		Near Mint		1	3503	22	
-Hardware	15		Near Mint		1	3504	22	
-Lobo Convention Special	1		Near Mint		1	3505	437	
-Shade, The Changing Man	38		Near Mint		1	3506	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	39		Near Mint		1	3507	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	37		Near Mint		1	3508	446	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	66		Near Mint		1	3509	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	67		Near Mint	Hellblazer No. 1 Preview	1	3510	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	68		Near Mint		1	3511	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	69		Near Mint		1	3512	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	70		Near Mint		1	3513	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	140		Near Mint	Grant Morrison	1	3514	107	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	141		Near Mint	Grant Morrison	1	3515	107	
-Swamp Thing (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	3516	35	
-Moonshadow	2		Near Mint		1	3517	444	
-R.E.B.E.L.S. '94	0		Near Mint		1	3518	438	
-Steel	0		Near Mint		1	3519	121	
-Hellblazer	82		Near Mint		1	3520	15	
-Sandman: Gallery of Dreams	1		Near Mint		1	3521	439	
-Starman (vol. 3)	0		Near Mint		1	3522	440	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	0		Near Mint		1	3523	49	
-Icon	18		Near Mint		1	3524	17	
-Superman (vol. 2)	0		Near Mint		1	3525	165	
-Legionnaires	0		Near Mint		1	3526	11	
-Ray, The (regular series)	0		Near Mint		1	3527	265	
-Superman, The Adventures of	0		Near Mint		1	3528	51	
-Cerebus	186	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3529	123	
-Static	16	What are little boys made of?	Near Mint	1 of 5	1	3530	33	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	6		Near Mint		1	3531	435	
-Dark Horse Presents	89		Near Mint	Hellboy by Mignola	1	3532	306	
-Hardware	21		Near Mint		1	3533	22	
-Damage	0		Near Mint		1	3534	249	
-Invisibles	2		Near Mint		1	3535	303	
-Lone Ranger and Tonto, The	2		Near Mint	2 of 4	1	3536	305	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	38	Dead Again	Near Mint		1	3537	18	
-Action Comics	0		Near Mint		1	3538	142	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	62		Near Mint		1	3539	145	
-Detective Comics	0		Near Mint		1	3540	304	
-Batman	0		Near Mint		1	3541	187	
-Batman Shadow of the Bat	0		Near Mint		1	3542	60	
-Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight	0		Near Mint		1	3543	441	
-Primal Force	1		Near Mint		1	3544	436	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	9		Near Mint		1	3545	120	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	8		Near Mint		1	3546	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	9		Near Mint		1	3547	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	10		Near Mint		1	3548	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	11		Near Mint		1	3549	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	12		Near Mint		1	3550	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	13		Near Mint		1	3551	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	14		Near Mint		1	3552	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	18		Near Mint		1	3553	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	20		Near Mint		1	3554	20	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	56		Near Mint		1	3555	49	
-Shade, The Changing Man	53		Near Mint		1	3556	446	
-Starman (vol. 3)	1		Near Mint		1	3557	440	
-Hellblazer	83		Near Mint		1	3558	15	
-Ray, The (regular series)	6		Near Mint		1	3559	265	
-Guardians of Metropolis	1		Near Mint		1	3560	443	
-Superman, The Adventures of	517		Near Mint		1	3561	51	
-Superman (vol. 2)	94		Near Mint		1	3562	165	
-Icon	19		Near Mint		1	3563	17	
-Steel	9		Near Mint		1	3564	121	
-R.E.B.E.L.S. '94	1		Near Mint		1	3565	438	
-Action Comics (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	3566	258	
-Moonshadow	3		Near Mint		1	3567	444	
-Moonshadow	4		Near Mint		1	3568	444	
-Shade, The Changing Man	54		Near Mint		1	3569	446	
-Hellblazer	84		Near Mint		1	3570	15	
-Vertigo Rave	1		Near Mint		1	3571	442	
-Action Comics	704	Dead Again	Near Mint		1	3572	142	
-Action Comics	705	Dead Again	Near Mint		1	3573	142	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	7		Near Mint		1	3574	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	8		Near Mint		1	3575	435	
-Cerebus	187	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3576	123	
-Cerebus	188	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3577	123	
-Damage	7		Near Mint		1	3578	249	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	57		Near Mint		1	3579	49	
-Guardians of Metropolis	2		Near Mint		1	3580	443	
-Hardware	22		Near Mint		1	3581	22	
-Icon	20		Near Mint		1	3582	17	
-Invisibles	3		Near Mint		1	3583	303	
-Legionnaires	19		Near Mint		1	3584	11	
-Legionnaires	20		Near Mint		1	3585	11	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	63		Near Mint		1	3586	145	
-Lone Ranger and Tonto, The	3		Near Mint	3 of 4	1	3587	305	
-Madman Comics	4		Near Mint		1	3588	260	
-Maxx, The	11		Near Mint		1	3589	2	
-Primal Force	2		Near Mint		1	3590	436	
-Phantom Force	8		Near Mint		1	3591	155	
-Sandman	64		Near Mint		1	3592	10	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	19		Near Mint		1	3593	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	21		Near Mint		1	3594	20	
-Starman (vol. 3)	2		Near Mint		1	3595	440	
-Static	17	What are little boys made of?	Near Mint	2 of 5	1	3596	33	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	10		Near Mint		1	3597	120	
-Superman (vol. 2)	95		Near Mint		1	3598	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	518		Near Mint		1	3599	51	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	39	Dead Again	Near Mint		1	3600	18	
-Static	18	What are little boys made of?	Near Mint	3 of 5	1	3601	33	
-Static	19	What are little boys made of?	Near Mint	4 of 5	1	3602	33	
-Cerebus	189	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint	Part 39	1	3603	123	
-Invisibles	4		Near Mint		1	3604	303	
-Invisibles	5	Arcadia	Near Mint	Part 1	1	3605	303	
-Maxx, The	12		Near Mint		1	3606	2	
-Shade, The Changing Man	55		Near Mint		1	3607	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	56		Near Mint		1	3608	446	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	9	The Artificial Heart	Near Mint	Part 1	1	3609	435	
-Moonshadow	5		Near Mint		1	3610	444	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	58		Near Mint		1	3611	49	
-Sandman	65		Near Mint		1	3612	10	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	22		Near Mint		1	3613	20	
-Superman (vol. 2)	96	Dead Again	Near Mint		1	3614	165	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	40	Dead Again	Near Mint		1	3615	18	
-Action Comics	706		Near Mint	Features Supergirl	1	3616	142	
-Superman, The Adventures of	519	Dead Again	Near Mint		1	3617	51	
-Legionnaires	21		Near Mint		1	3618	11	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	64		Near Mint		1	3619	145	
-Hellblazer	85		Near Mint		1	3620	15	
-Dark Horse Presents	91		Near Mint	Hellboy by Mignola	1	3621	306	
-Primal Force	3		Near Mint		1	3622	436	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	11		Near Mint		1	3623	120	
-Lone Ranger and Tonto, The	4		Near Mint	4 of 4	1	3624	305	
-Hawkman (vol. 2)	0	Zero Month	Near Mint		1	3625	302	
-Starman (vol. 3)	3		Near Mint		1	3626	440	
-Guardians of Metropolis	3		Near Mint		1	3627	443	
-Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero	1		Near Mint		1	3628	445	
-Icon	21	Mothership Connection	Near Mint	Conclusion	1	3629	17	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	41		Near Mint		1	3630	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	42		Near Mint		1	3631	18	
-Superman (vol. 2)	97		Near Mint		1	3632	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	520		Near Mint		1	3633	51	
-Shade, The Changing Man	57		Near Mint		1	3634	446	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	23		Near Mint		1	3635	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	24		Near Mint		1	3636	20	
-Sandman	66		Near Mint		1	3637	10	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	12		Near Mint		1	3638	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	13		Near Mint		1	3639	120	
-Showcase '95	1		Near Mint	Supergirl, Alan Scott, Argus	1	3640	447	
-Showcase '95	2		Near Mint	Supergirl, Argus, Metal Men	1	3641	447	
-Primal Force	4		Near Mint		1	3642	436	
-Primal Force	5		Near Mint		1	3643	436	
-Static	20		Near Mint		1	3644	33	
-Icon	22		Near Mint		1	3645	17	
-Starman (vol. 3)	4		Near Mint		1	3646	440	
-Tale of One Bad Rat	1		Near Mint		1	3647	448	
-Tale of One Bad Rat	2		Near Mint		1	3648	448	
-Tale of One Bad Rat	3		Near Mint		1	3649	448	
-Tale of One Bad Rat	4		Near Mint		1	3650	448	
-Legionnaires	23		Near Mint		1	3651	11	
-Warlord	31		Near Mint		1	3312	425	
-Warlord	32		Near Mint		1	3313	425	
-Warlord	33		Near Mint		1	3314	425	
-Warlord	34		Near Mint		1	3315	425	
-Warlord	35		Near Mint		1	3316	425	
-Warlord	36		Near Mint		1	3317	425	
-Warlord	37		Near Mint		1	3318	425	
-Warlord	38		Near Mint		1	3319	425	
-Warlord	39		Near Mint		1	3320	425	
-Warlord	40		Near Mint		1	3321	425	
-Warlord	42		Near Mint		1	3322	425	
-Warlord	43		Near Mint		1	3323	425	
-Warlord	44		Near Mint		1	3324	425	
-Warlord	45		Near Mint		1	3325	425	
-Warlord	46		Near Mint		2	3326	425	
-Warlord	47		Near Mint		1	3327	425	
-Warlord	48		Near Mint		1	3328	425	
-Warlord	49		Near Mint		1	3329	425	
-Warlord	50		Near Mint		1	3330	425	
-Warlord	51		Near Mint		1	3331	425	
-Warlord	52		Near Mint		1	3332	425	
-Warlord	53		Near Mint		1	3333	425	
-Warlord	54		Near Mint		1	3334	425	
-Web of Spiderman	1		Near Mint		3	3335	426	
-Web of Spiderman	2		Near Mint		1	3336	426	
-Web of Spiderman	3		Near Mint		1	3337	426	
-Web of Spiderman	4		Near Mint		1	3338	426	
-What If? (vol. 1)	1		Near Mint		1	3339	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	2		Near Mint		1	3340	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	3		Near Mint		1	3341	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	4		Near Mint		1	3342	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	5		Near Mint		1	3343	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	6		Near Mint		1	3344	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	7		Near Mint		1	3345	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	8		Near Mint		1	3346	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	9		Near Mint		1	3347	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	10		Near Mint		1	3348	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	11		Near Mint		1	3349	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	12		Near Mint		1	3350	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	13		Near Mint		1	3351	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	14		Near Mint		1	3352	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	15		Near Mint		1	3353	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	16		Near Mint		1	3354	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	17		Near Mint		1	3355	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	18		Near Mint		1	3356	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	19		Near Mint		1	3357	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	20		Near Mint		1	3358	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	21		Near Mint		1	3359	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	22		Near Mint		1	3360	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	23		Near Mint		1	3361	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	25		Near Mint		1	3362	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	26		Near Mint		1	3363	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	27		Near Mint		2	3364	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	28		Near Mint		1	3365	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	29		Near Mint		1	3366	427	
-What If? (vol. 1)	30		Near Mint		1	3367	427	
-Wrath of the Spectre	1		Near Mint		1	3368	429	
-Wrath of the Spectre	2		Near Mint		1	3369	429	
-Wrath of the Spectre	4		Near Mint		1	3370	429	
-X-Factor	1		Near Mint		1	3371	430	
-X-Men and Alpha Flight (mini-series)	1		Near Mint		1	3372	431	
-X-Men and the Teen Titans	1		Near Mint		1	3373	432	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	21		Near Mint		1	3374	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	22		Near Mint		1	3375	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	23		Near Mint		1	3376	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	24		Near Mint		1	3377	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	25		Near Mint		1	3378	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	26		Near Mint		1	3379	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	27		Near Mint		1	3380	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	28		Near Mint		1	3381	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	32		Near Mint		1	3382	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	33		Near Mint		1	3383	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	36		Near Mint		1	3384	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	38		Near Mint		1	3385	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	39		Near Mint		1	3386	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	40		Near Mint		1	3387	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	41		Near Mint		1	3388	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	43		Near Mint		1	3389	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	45		Near Mint		1	3390	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	46		Near Mint		1	3391	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	47		Near Mint		1	3392	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	48		Near Mint		1	3393	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	49		Near Mint		1	3394	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	50		Near Mint		1	3395	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	51		Near Mint		1	3396	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	52		Near Mint		1	3397	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	54		Near Mint		1	3398	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	55		Near Mint		1	3399	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	56		Near Mint		1	3400	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	76		Near Mint		1	3401	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	80		Near Mint		1	3402	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	81		Near Mint		1	3403	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	83		Near Mint		1	3404	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	85		Near Mint		1	3405	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	86		Near Mint		1	3406	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	87		Near Mint		1	3407	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	88		Near Mint		1	3408	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	90		Near Mint		1	3409	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	91		Near Mint		1	3410	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	96		Near Mint		1	3411	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	97		Near Mint		1	3412	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	98		Near Mint		1	3413	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	99		Near Mint		1	3414	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	100		Near Mint		1	3415	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	101		Near Mint		1	3416	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	102		Near Mint		1	3417	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	103		Near Mint		1	3418	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	104		Near Mint		1	3419	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	105		Near Mint		1	3420	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	106		Near Mint		1	3421	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	107		Near Mint		1	3422	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	108		Near Mint		1	3423	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	109		Near Mint		1	3424	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	110		Near Mint		1	3425	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	111		Near Mint		1	3426	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	112		Near Mint		1	3427	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	113		Near Mint		1	3428	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	114		Near Mint		1	3429	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	115		Near Mint		1	3430	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	116		Near Mint		1	3431	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	117		Near Mint		1	3432	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	118		Near Mint		1	3433	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	119		Near Mint		1	3434	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	120		Near Mint		1	3435	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	121		Near Mint		1	3436	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	122		Near Mint		1	3437	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	123		Near Mint		1	3438	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	124		Near Mint		1	3439	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	125		Near Mint		1	3440	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	126		Near Mint		1	3441	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	127		Near Mint		1	3442	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	128		Near Mint		1	3443	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	129		Near Mint		1	3444	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	131		Near Mint		1	3445	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	133		Near Mint		1	3446	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	134		Near Mint		1	3447	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	136		Near Mint		1	3448	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	137		Near Mint		1	3449	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	138		Near Mint		1	3450	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	139		Near Mint		1	3451	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	140		Near Mint		1	3452	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	141		Near Mint		1	3453	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	142		Near Mint		1	3454	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	143		Near Mint		1	3455	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	144		Near Mint		1	3456	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	148		Near Mint		1	3457	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	151		Near Mint		1	3458	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	160		Near Mint		1	3459	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	161		Near Mint		1	3460	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	162		Near Mint		1	3461	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	163		Near Mint		1	3462	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	164		Near Mint		1	3463	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	183		Near Mint		1	3464	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	184		Near Mint		1	3465	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	185		Near Mint		1	3466	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	187		Near Mint		1	3467	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	188		Near Mint		1	3468	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	189		Near Mint		1	3469	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	190		Near Mint		1	3470	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	191		Near Mint		1	3471	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	192		Near Mint		1	3472	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	193		Near Mint		1	3473	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	202		Near Mint		1	3474	86	
-X-Men, The Uncanny (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	3475	87	
-X-Men, The Uncanny (Annual)	4		Near Mint		1	3476	87	
-X-Men, The Uncanny (Annual)	6		Near Mint		1	3477	87	
-X-Men, The Uncanny (Annual)	8		Near Mint		1	3478	87	
-X-Men, The Uncanny (Annual)	9		Near Mint		1	3479	87	
-She Hulk, The Savage	2		Near Mint		4	2976	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	3		Near Mint		2	2977	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	4		Near Mint		1	2978	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	5		Near Mint		1	2979	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	6		Near Mint		1	2980	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	7		Near Mint		1	2981	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	13		Near Mint		1	2982	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	14		Near Mint		1	2983	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	15		Near Mint		1	2984	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	16		Near Mint		1	2985	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	17		Near Mint		1	2986	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	18		Near Mint		1	2987	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	19		Near Mint		1	2988	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	20		Near Mint		1	2989	382	
-She Hulk, The Savage	24		Near Mint		1	2990	382	
-Shogun Warriors	1		Near Mint		3	2991	383	
-Shogun Warriors	2		Near Mint		2	2992	383	
-Shogun Warriors	3		Near Mint		2	2993	383	
-Shogun Warriors	4		Near Mint		2	2994	383	
-Shogun Warriors	5		Near Mint		2	2995	383	
-Shogun Warriors	6		Near Mint		1	2996	383	
-Shogun Warriors	7		Near Mint		1	2997	383	
-Shogun Warriors	8		Near Mint		1	2998	383	
-Shogun Warriors	9		Near Mint		1	2999	383	
-Shogun Warriors	10		Near Mint		1	3000	383	
-Shogun Warriors	11		Near Mint		2	3001	383	
-Shogun Warriors	12		Near Mint		2	3002	383	
-Shogun Warriors	13		Near Mint		1	3003	383	
-Shogun Warriors	14		Near Mint		1	3004	383	
-Shogun Warriors	15		Near Mint		1	3005	383	
-Shogun Warriors	16		Near Mint		1	3006	383	
-Shogun Warriors	17		Near Mint		1	3007	383	
-Shogun Warriors	18		Near Mint		1	3008	383	
-Silver Surfer (one-shot)	1		Near Mint		6	3009	384	
-Six from Sirius	1		Near Mint		1	3010	385	
-Six from Sirius	2		Near Mint		1	3011	385	
-Six from Sirius	3		Near Mint		1	3012	385	
-Six from Sirius	4		Near Mint		1	3013	385	
-Sonic Disrupters	1		Near Mint		1	3014	386	
-Sonic Disrupters	2		Near Mint		1	3015	386	
-Sonic Disrupters	3		Near Mint		1	3016	386	
-Sonic Disrupters	4		Near Mint		1	3017	386	
-Sonic Disrupters	5		Near Mint		1	3018	386	
-Sonic Disrupters	6		Near Mint		1	3019	386	
-Spanner's Galaxy	1		Near Mint		1	3020	393	
-Spanner's Galaxy	2		Near Mint		1	3021	393	
-Spanner's Galaxy	3		Near Mint		1	3022	393	
-Spanner's Galaxy	4		Near Mint		1	3023	393	
-Spanner's Galaxy	6		Near Mint		1	3024	393	
-Spectacular Spiderham, Peter Porker the	1		Near Mint		1	3025	388	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	1		Near Mint		1	3026	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	28		Near Mint		1	3027	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	31		Near Mint		1	3028	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	36		Near Mint		1	3029	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	37		Near Mint		1	3030	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	38		Near Mint		1	3031	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	39		Near Mint		1	3032	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	40		Near Mint		1	3033	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	41		Near Mint		1	3034	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	42		Near Mint		1	3035	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	44		Near Mint		1	3036	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	45		Near Mint		1	3037	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	46		Near Mint		1	3038	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	47		Near Mint		1	3039	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	51		Near Mint		1	3040	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	53		Near Mint		1	3041	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	54		Near Mint		1	3042	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	55		Near Mint		1	3043	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	56		Near Mint		1	3044	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	57		Near Mint		1	3045	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	58		Near Mint		1	3046	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	60		Near Mint		1	3047	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	61		Near Mint		1	3048	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	62		Near Mint		1	3049	389	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	3050	390	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	3051	390	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	3052	390	
-Spiderman	1		Near Mint		1	3053	391	
-Spiderman	2		Near Mint		1	3054	391	
-Spiderman	3		Near Mint		1	3055	391	
-Spiderman	4		Near Mint		1	3056	391	
-Spiderman	5		Near Mint		1	3057	391	
-Spiderman	6		Near Mint		1	3058	391	
-Spiderman	7		Near Mint		1	3059	391	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	1		Near Mint		2	3060	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	2		Near Mint		1	3061	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	3		Near Mint		1	3062	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	4		Near Mint		1	3063	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	5		Near Mint		1	3064	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	6		Near Mint		1	3065	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	7		Near Mint		1	3066	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	8		Near Mint		1	3067	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	9		Near Mint		1	3068	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	10		Near Mint		1	3069	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	11		Near Mint		1	3070	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	12		Near Mint		1	3071	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	13		Near Mint		1	3072	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	14		Near Mint		1	3073	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	15		Near Mint		1	3074	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	16		Near Mint		1	3075	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	17		Near Mint		1	3076	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	18		Near Mint		1	3077	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	19		Near Mint		1	3078	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	20		Near Mint		1	3079	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	21		Near Mint		1	3080	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	22		Near Mint		1	3081	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	23		Near Mint		1	3082	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	24		Near Mint		1	3083	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	25		Near Mint		1	3084	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	26		Near Mint		1	3085	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	27		Near Mint		1	3086	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	28		Near Mint		1	3087	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	29		Near Mint		1	3088	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	31		Near Mint		1	3089	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	32		Near Mint		1	3090	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	33		Near Mint		1	3091	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	34		Near Mint		1	3092	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	35		Near Mint		1	3093	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	36		Near Mint		1	3094	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	37		Near Mint		1	3095	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	38		Near Mint		2	3096	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	39		Near Mint		1	3097	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	40		Near Mint		1	3098	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	41		Near Mint		1	3099	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	42		Near Mint		2	3100	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	43		Near Mint		2	3101	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	44		Near Mint		1	3102	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	45		Near Mint		1	3103	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	46		Near Mint		1	3104	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	47		Near Mint		1	3105	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	48		Near Mint		1	3106	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	49		Near Mint		1	3107	394	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	50		Near Mint		1	3108	394	
-Spirit, The	28		Near Mint		1	3109	392	
-Spirit, The	36		Near Mint		1	3110	392	
-Spirit, The	37		Near Mint		1	3111	392	
-Star Slayer	1		Near Mint		1	3112	396	
-Star Slayer	2		Near Mint		1	3113	396	
-Star Slayer	3		Near Mint		1	3114	396	
-Star Slayer	4		Near Mint		1	3115	396	
-Star Slayer	5		Near Mint		1	3116	396	
-Star Trek	1		Near Mint		6	3117	398	
-Star Trek	2		Near Mint		4	3118	398	
-Star Trek	3		Near Mint		1	3119	398	
-Star Trek	4		Near Mint		1	3120	398	
-Star Wars	1		Near Mint		1	3121	399	
-Star Wars	2		Near Mint		1	3122	399	
-Star Wars	3		Near Mint		1	3123	399	
-Star Wars	4		Near Mint		2	3124	399	
-Star Wars	5		Near Mint		1	3125	399	
-Star Wars	6		Near Mint		1	3126	399	
-Star Wars	7		Near Mint		1	3127	399	
-Star Wars	8		Near Mint		1	3128	399	
-Star Wars	9		Near Mint		1	3129	399	
-Star Wars	10		Near Mint		1	3130	399	
-Star Wars	11		Near Mint		1	3131	399	
-Star Wars	12		Near Mint		1	3132	399	
-Star Wars	13		Near Mint		1	3133	399	
-Star Wars	14		Near Mint		1	3134	399	
-Star Wars	15		Near Mint		1	3135	399	
-Star Wars	16		Near Mint		1	3136	399	
-Star Wars	17		Near Mint		1	3137	399	
-Star Wars	18		Near Mint		1	3138	399	
-Star Wars	19		Near Mint		1	3139	399	
-Star Wars	20		Near Mint		1	3140	399	
-Star Wars	21		Near Mint		1	3141	399	
-Star Wars	22		Near Mint		1	3142	399	
-Star Wars	23		Near Mint		1	3143	399	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	66		Near Mint		1	3652	145	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	3653	449	
-Starman (vol. 3)	5		Near Mint		1	3654	440	
-Icon	23		Near Mint		1	3655	17	
-Cerebus	190	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3656	123	
-Cerebus	191	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3657	123	
-Cerebus World Tour Book 1995	1		Near Mint		1	3658	450	
-Legionnaires	22		Near Mint		1	3659	11	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	65		Near Mint		1	3660	145	
-Action Comics	707		Near Mint		1	3661	142	
-Action Comics	708		Near Mint		1	3662	142	
-Superman, The Adventures of	521		Near Mint		1	3663	51	
-Superman (vol. 2)	98		Near Mint		1	3664	165	
-Guardians of Metropolis	4		Near Mint		1	3665	443	
-Absolute Vertigo	1		Near Mint		1	3666	451	
-Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such	1		Near Mint		1	3667	452	
-Madman Comics	5		Near Mint		1	3668	260	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	59		Near Mint		1	3669	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	60		Near Mint		1	3670	49	
-Static	21		Near Mint		1	3671	33	
-Maxx, The	13		Near Mint		1	3672	2	
-Moonshadow	6		Near Mint		1	3673	444	
-Moonshadow	7		Near Mint		1	3674	444	
-Hellblazer	86		Near Mint		1	3675	15	
-Hellblazer	87		Near Mint		1	3676	15	
-Sandman	67	Kindly Ones, The	Near Mint		1	3677	10	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	10	The Artificial Heart	Near Mint	Part 2	1	3678	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	11	The Artificial Heart	Near Mint	Part 3	1	3679	435	
-Invisibles	6	Arcadia	Near Mint	Part 2	1	3680	303	
-Invisibles	7	Arcadia	Near Mint	Part 3	1	3681	303	
-Showcase '95	3		Near Mint	Eradicator,The Question, Claw	1	3682	447	
-Strangers In Paradise	1		Near Mint	September 1994 Printing	1	3683	453	
-Strangers In Paradise	2		Near Mint	November 1994 Printing	1	3684	453	
-Starman (vol. 3)	6		Near Mint		1	3685	440	
-Icon	24		Near Mint		1	3686	17	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	67		Near Mint		1	3687	145	
-Legionnaires	24		Near Mint		1	3688	11	
-Power of Shazam, The	1		Near Mint		1	3689	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	2		Near Mint		1	3690	454	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	14		Near Mint		1	3691	120	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	61		Near Mint		1	3692	49	
-Superman, The Adventures of	522		Near Mint		1	3693	51	
-Superman (vol. 2)	99		Near Mint		1	3694	165	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	43		Near Mint		1	3695	18	
-Metropolis S.C.U.	1		Near Mint		1	3696	455	
-Metropolis S.C.U.	2		Near Mint		1	3697	455	
-Metropolis S.C.U.	3		Near Mint		1	3698	455	
-Xenobrood	1		Near Mint		1	3699	456	
-Xenobrood	2		Near Mint		1	3700	456	
-Shade, The Changing Man	58		Near Mint		1	3701	446	
-Moonshadow	8		Near Mint		1	3702	444	
-Maxx, The	14		Near Mint		1	3703	2	
-Hellblazer	88		Near Mint		1	3704	15	
-Steel	11		Near Mint		1	3705	121	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	25		Near Mint		1	3706	20	
-Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such	2		Near Mint		1	3707	452	
-Static	22		Near Mint		1	3708	33	
-Wolff & Byrd	5		Near Mint		1	3709	457	
-Metropolis S.C.U.	4		Near Mint		1	3710	455	
-Invisibles	8		Near Mint		1	3711	303	
-Cerebus	192	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3712	123	
-Primal Force	6		Near Mint		1	3713	436	
-Showcase '95	4		Near Mint		1	3714	447	
-Impulse	1		Near Mint		1	3715	458	
-Action Comics	709		Near Mint		1	3716	142	
-Preacher	1		Near Mint		1	3717	459	
-Superman (vol. 2)	100		Near Mint	Collector's Edition	1	3718	165	
-Maxx, The	9		Near Mint		1	3719	2	
-Sandman	68		Near Mint		1	3720	10	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	62		Near Mint		1	3721	49	
-Primal Force	7		Near Mint		1	3722	436	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	13	Small Glass Worlds	Near Mint	Part 2	1	3723	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	14		Near Mint		1	3724	435	
-Cerebus	193	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3725	123	
-Cerebus	194	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3726	123	
-Hellblazer	90		Near Mint		1	3727	15	
-Hellblazer	91		Near Mint		1	3728	15	
-Icon	25		Near Mint		1	3729	17	
-Impulse	2		Near Mint		1	3730	458	
-Impulse	3		Near Mint		1	3731	458	
-Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such	3		Near Mint		1	3732	452	
-Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such	4		Near Mint		1	3733	452	
-Legionnaires	25		Near Mint		1	3734	11	
-Legionnaires	26		Near Mint		1	3735	11	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	69		Near Mint		1	3736	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	70		Near Mint		1	3737	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	6		Near Mint		1	3738	256	
-Mister Miracle (vol. 3)	5		Near Mint		1	4081	495	
-Mister Miracle (vol. 3)	6		Near Mint		1	4082	495	
-Mister Miracle (vol. 3)	7		Near Mint		1	4083	495	
-Monkeyman and O'Brien	1		Near Mint		1	4084	496	
-Monkeyman and O'Brien	2		Near Mint		1	4085	496	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	7		Near Mint		1	4086	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	8		Near Mint		1	4087	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	9		Near Mint		1	4088	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	10		Near Mint		1	4089	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	11		Near Mint		1	4090	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	12		Near Mint		1	4091	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	13		Near Mint		1	4092	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	14		Near Mint		1	4093	469	
-Power of Shazam, The	14		Near Mint		1	4094	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	15		Near Mint		1	4095	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	16		Near Mint		1	4096	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	17		Near Mint		1	4097	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	18		Near Mint		1	4098	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	19		Near Mint		1	4099	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	20		Near Mint		1	4100	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	21		Near Mint		1	4101	454	
-Power of Shazam, The (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	4102	497	
-Sandman	74		Near Mint		1	4103	10	
-Sandman	75		Near Mint		1	4104	10	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	41		Near Mint		1	4105	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	42		Near Mint		1	4106	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	43		Near Mint		1	4107	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	44		Near Mint		1	4108	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	45		Near Mint		1	4109	20	
-Spirit: The Origin Years	2		Near Mint		1	4110	498	
-Starman (vol. 3)	17		Near Mint		1	4111	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	18		Near Mint		1	4112	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	19		Near Mint		1	4113	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	20		Near Mint		1	4114	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	21		Near Mint		1	4115	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	22		Near Mint		1	4116	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	23		Near Mint		1	4117	440	
-Static	25		Near Mint		1	4118	33	
-Static	26		Near Mint		1	4119	33	
-Static	27		Near Mint		1	4120	33	
-Static	31		Near Mint		1	4121	33	
-Static	32		Near Mint		1	4122	33	
-Static	33		Near Mint		1	4123	33	
-Static	34		Near Mint		1	4124	33	
-Static	35		Near Mint		1	4125	33	
-Static	36		Near Mint		1	4126	33	
-Static	37		Near Mint		1	4127	33	
-Static	38		Near Mint		1	4128	33	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	27		Near Mint		1	4129	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	28		Near Mint		1	4130	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	29		Near Mint		1	4131	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	30		Near Mint		1	4132	120	
-Supergirl (Annual)	1		Near Mint		1	4133	499	
-Superman (vol. 2)	59		Near Mint		1	4134	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	118		Near Mint		1	4135	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	119		Near Mint		1	4136	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	533		Near Mint		1	4137	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	534		Near Mint		1	4138	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	535		Near Mint		1	4139	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	536		Near Mint		1	4140	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	537		Near Mint		1	4141	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	538		Near Mint		1	4142	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	539		Near Mint		1	4143	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	540		Near Mint		1	4144	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	541		Near Mint		1	4145	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	542		Near Mint		1	4146	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of (Annual)	8		Near Mint		1	4147	122	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	55		Near Mint		1	4148	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	56		Near Mint		1	4149	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	57		Near Mint		1	4150	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	58		Near Mint		1	4151	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	59		Near Mint		1	4152	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	60		Near Mint		1	4153	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	61		Near Mint		1	4154	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	62		Near Mint		1	4155	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	63		Near Mint		1	4156	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	64		Near Mint		1	4157	18	
-Superman: The Man of Tomorrow	4		Near Mint		1	4158	463	
-Superman: The Man of Tomorrow	5		Near Mint		1	4159	463	
-Superman: The Man of Tomorrow	6		Near Mint		1	4160	463	
-Superman: The Wedding Album	1		Near Mint		1	4161	500	
-Teen Titans (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint	Jurgens and Perez	1	4162	501	
-Vigilante: City Lights Prairie Justice	3		Near Mint		1	4163	474	
-Vigilante: City Lights Prairie Justice	4		Near Mint		1	4164	474	
-Wanderers, The	7		Near Mint		1	4165	109	
-Wanderers, The	8		Near Mint		1	4166	109	
-Who's Who in the DC Universe	5		Near Mint		1	4167	428	
-Wolff & Byrd	9		Near Mint		1	4168	457	
-Wolff & Byrd	10		Near Mint		1	4169	457	
-Wolff & Byrd	11		Near Mint		1	4170	457	
-Wolff & Byrd: Case Files	1		Near Mint	Collects 1-4	1	4171	5050	
-Wonder Woman	109		Near Mint		1	4172	475	
-Wonder Woman	110		Near Mint		1	4173	475	
-Wonder Woman	111		Near Mint		1	4174	475	
-Wonder Woman	112		Near Mint		1	4175	475	
-Wonder Woman	113		Near Mint		1	4176	475	
-Wonder Woman	114		Near Mint		1	4177	475	
-Superman Adventures	1		Near Mint		1	4178	502	
-Hellblazer	31		Near Mint		1	4179	15	
-Forever People	1		Near Mint	Kirby	1	4180	136	
-Shade, The Changing Man	1		Near Mint		1	4181	446	
-Justice League America	1		Near Mint		1	4182	12	
-Justice League America	2		Near Mint		1	4183	12	
-Justice League America	3		Near Mint		1	4184	12	
-Justice League America	4		Near Mint		1	4185	12	
-Justice League America	5		Near Mint		1	4186	12	
-Justice League America	6		Near Mint		1	4187	12	
-Cerebus	48		Near Mint		1	4188	123	
-Cerebus	77		Near Mint		1	4189	123	
-Cerebus	78		Near Mint		1	4190	123	
-Cerebus	80		Near Mint		1	4191	123	
-Cerebus	81		Near Mint		1	4192	123	
-Cerebus	82		Near Mint		1	4193	123	
-Cerebus	83		Near Mint		1	4194	123	
-Cerebus	84		Near Mint		1	4195	123	
-Cerebus	85		Near Mint		1	4196	123	
-Cerebus	88		Near Mint		1	4197	123	
-Cerebus	90		Near Mint		2	4198	123	
-Adventure Comics	373		Near Mint	Legion and Tornado Twins	1	4199	170	
-Black Panther	12		Near Mint	Kirby	1	4200	80	
-Black Panther	5		Near Mint	Kirby	1	4201	80	
-Madman Comics	7		Near Mint		1	3739	260	
-Preacher	2		Near Mint		1	3740	459	
-Preacher	3		Near Mint		1	3741	459	
-Primal Force	8		Near Mint		1	3742	436	
-Primal Force	9		Near Mint		1	3743	436	
-Sovereign Seven	1		Near Mint		1	3744	460	
-Showcase '95	5		Near Mint		1	3745	447	
-Showcase '95	6		Near Mint		1	3746	447	
-Sandman	69		Near Mint	Death of Morpheus	1	3747	10	
-Static	24		Near Mint		1	3748	33	
-Power of Shazam, The	3		Near Mint		1	3749	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	4		Near Mint		1	3750	454	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	16		Near Mint		1	3751	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	17		Near Mint		1	3752	120	
-Superman, The Adventures of	523		Near Mint		1	3753	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	524		Near Mint		1	3754	51	
-Superman (vol. 2) (Annual)	7		Near Mint		1	3755	166	
-Superman (vol. 2)	101		Near Mint		1	3756	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	102		Near Mint		1	3757	165	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	45		Near Mint		1	3758	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	46		Near Mint		1	3759	18	
-Starman (vol. 3)	7		Near Mint		1	3760	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	8		Near Mint		1	3761	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	9		Near Mint		1	3762	440	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	26		Near Mint		1	3763	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	27		Near Mint		1	3764	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	28		Near Mint		1	3765	20	
-Breathtaker	1		Near Mint		1	3766	461	
-Power of Shazam, The (Graphic Novel)	1		Near Mint		1	3767	462	
-Shade, The Changing Man	59		Near Mint		1	3768	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	60		Near Mint		1	3769	446	
-Shade, The Changing Man	61		Near Mint		1	3770	446	
-Invisibles	9		Near Mint		1	3771	303	
-Invisibles	10		Near Mint		1	3772	303	
-Maxx, The	15		Near Mint		1	3773	2	
-Icon	27		Near Mint		1	3774	17	
-Superman: The Man of Tomorrow	1		Near Mint		1	3775	463	
-Superman, The Adventures of	525		Near Mint		1	3776	51	
-Impulse	4		Near Mint		1	3777	458	
-Wolff & Byrd	6		Near Mint		1	3778	457	
-Superman vs. Aliens	1		Near Mint		1	3779	464	
-Legionnaires	27		Near Mint		1	3780	11	
-Preacher	4		Near Mint		1	3781	459	
-Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such	5		Near Mint		1	3782	452	
-Power of Shazam, The	5		Near Mint		1	3783	454	
-Action Comics	661		Near Mint		1	3784	142	
-Action Comics	710		Near Mint		1	3785	142	
-Action Comics	711		Near Mint		1	3786	142	
-Action Comics	712		Near Mint		1	3787	142	
-Action Comics	713		Near Mint		1	3788	142	
-Action Comics	715		Near Mint		1	3789	142	
-Action Comics	716	Trail of Superman	Near Mint		1	3790	142	
-Action Comics	717	Trail of Superman	Near Mint		1	3791	142	
-Action Comics	718		Near Mint		1	3792	142	
-Action Comics	719		Near Mint		1	3793	142	
-Action Comics (Annual)	1		Near Mint	Byrne story, Art Adams art	1	3794	258	
-Action Comics (Annual)	7	Year One	Near Mint		1	3795	258	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City	1		Near Mint		1	3796	465	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City	2		Near Mint		1	3797	465	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City	3		Near Mint		1	3798	465	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City	4		Near Mint		1	3799	465	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City	5		Near Mint		1	3800	465	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City	6		Near Mint		1	3801	465	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	15	Playgrounds	Near Mint	Part 1	1	3802	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	16	Playgrounds	Near Mint	Part 2	1	3803	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	17	Playgrounds	Near Mint	Part 3	1	3804	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	18	Playgrounds	Near Mint	Part 4	1	3805	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	19	Playgrounds	Near Mint	Part 5	1	3806	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	20	Playgrounds	Near Mint	Epilogue	1	3807	435	
-Cerebus	195	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3808	123	
-Cerebus	196	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3809	123	
-Cerebus	197	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3810	123	
-Cerebus	198	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3811	123	
-Cerebus	199	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3812	123	
-Cerebus	200	Mother's and Daughter's	Near Mint		1	3813	123	
-Cerebus	201	Guys	Near Mint		1	3814	123	
-Cerebus	202	Guys	Near Mint		1	3815	123	
-Vertigo Voices: The Eaters	1		Near Mint		1	3816	466	
-Flash	111	Dead Heat	Near Mint	Finale	1	3817	467	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	65	The Siege of the Zi Charam	Near Mint	Part 2	1	3818	49	
-Hellblazer	92	Critical Mass	Near Mint	Part 1	1	3819	15	
-Hellblazer	93	Critical Mass	Near Mint	Part 2	1	3820	15	
-Hellblazer	94	Critical Mass	Near Mint	Part 3	1	3821	15	
-Hellblazer	95	Critical Mass	Near Mint	Part 4	1	3822	15	
-Hellblazer	96	Critical Mass	Near Mint	Part 5	1	3823	15	
-Hellblazer	97		Near Mint		1	3824	15	
-Hellblazer	98		Near Mint		1	3825	15	
-Hellblazer	99		Near Mint		1	3826	15	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	63	Parallax View	Near Mint	Part1	1	3827	49	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	64	Parallax View	Near Mint	Part 2	1	3828	49	
-Grendel	2		Near Mint		1	3829	468	
-Grendel	4		Near Mint		1	3830	468	
-Grendel	9		Near Mint		1	3831	468	
-Grendel	11		Near Mint		1	3832	468	
-Icon	28		Near Mint		1	3833	17	
-Icon	29		Near Mint		1	3834	17	
-Icon	30		Near Mint		1	3835	17	
-Icon	31		Near Mint		1	3836	17	
-Icon	32		Near Mint		1	3837	17	
-Icon	33		Near Mint		1	3838	17	
-Icon	34		Near Mint		1	3839	17	
-Impulse	5		Near Mint		1	3840	458	
-Impulse	6		Near Mint		1	3841	458	
-Impulse	7		Near Mint		1	3842	458	
-Impulse	8		Near Mint		1	3843	458	
-Impulse	9		Near Mint		1	3844	458	
-Impulse	10		Near Mint		1	3845	458	
-Impulse	11		Near Mint		1	3846	458	
-Invisibles	11		Near Mint		1	3847	303	
-Invisibles	12		Near Mint		1	3848	303	
-Legionnaires	28		Near Mint		1	3849	11	
-Legionnaires	29		Near Mint		1	3850	11	
-Legionnaires	30		Near Mint		1	3851	11	
-Legionnaires	31		Near Mint		1	3852	11	
-Legionnaires	32		Near Mint		1	3853	11	
-Legionnaires	33		Near Mint		1	3854	11	
-Legionnaires	34		Near Mint		1	3855	11	
-Legionnaires (Annual)	2		Near Mint	Death of Phantom Girl	1	3856	257	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	71		Near Mint		1	3857	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	72		Near Mint		1	3858	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	73		Near Mint		1	3859	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	74		Near Mint		1	3860	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	75		Near Mint		1	3861	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	76		Near Mint		1	3862	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	77		Near Mint		1	3863	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	78		Near Mint		1	3864	145	
-Madman Comics	8		Near Mint		1	3865	260	
-Madman Comics	9		Near Mint		1	3866	260	
-Madman Comics	10		Near Mint		1	3867	260	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	1		Near Mint		1	3868	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	2		Near Mint		1	3869	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	3		Near Mint		1	3870	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	4		Near Mint		1	3871	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	5		Near Mint		1	3872	469	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	6		Near Mint		1	3873	469	
-Preacher	5		Near Mint		1	3874	459	
-Preacher	6		Near Mint		1	3875	459	
-Preacher	7		Near Mint		1	3876	459	
-Primal Force	10		Near Mint		1	3877	436	
-Primal Force	11		Near Mint		1	3878	436	
-Punx	1		Near Mint	Giffen story and art	1	3879	470	
-Punx	2		Near Mint		1	3880	470	
-Punx	3		Near Mint		1	3881	470	
-Punx (Manga) Special	1		Near Mint		1	3882	471	
-Torch of Liberty Special	1		Near Mint		1	3883	472	
-Static	28		Near Mint		1	3884	33	
-Static	29		Near Mint		1	3885	33	
-Static	30		Near Mint		1	3886	33	
-Starman (vol. 3)	10		Near Mint		1	3887	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	11		Near Mint		1	3888	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	12		Near Mint		1	3889	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	13		Near Mint		1	3890	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	14		Near Mint		1	3891	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	15		Near Mint		1	3892	440	
-Starman (vol. 3)	16		Near Mint		1	3893	440	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	18		Near Mint		1	3894	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	19		Near Mint		1	3895	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	20		Near Mint		1	3896	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	21		Near Mint		1	3897	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	22		Near Mint		1	3898	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	23		Near Mint		1	3899	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	24		Near Mint		1	3900	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	25		Near Mint		1	3901	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	26		Near Mint		1	3902	120	
-Superboy (vol. 2) (Annual)	2		Near Mint		1	3903	271	
-Superman (vol. 2)	103		Near Mint		1	3904	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	104		Near Mint		1	3905	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	105		Near Mint		1	3906	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	106		Near Mint		1	3907	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	107		Near Mint		1	3908	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	110		Near Mint		1	3909	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	108		Near Mint		1	3910	165	
-Superman (vol. 2)	109		Near Mint		1	3911	165	
-Superman, The Adventures of	526		Near Mint		1	3912	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	527		Near Mint		1	3913	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	528		Near Mint		1	3914	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	529		Near Mint		1	3915	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	530		Near Mint		1	3916	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	531		Near Mint		1	3917	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of	532		Near Mint		1	3918	51	
-Superman, The Adventures of (Annual)	7		Near Mint		1	3919	122	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	47		Near Mint		1	3920	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	48		Near Mint		1	3921	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	49		Near Mint		1	3922	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	50		Near Mint		1	3923	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	51		Near Mint		1	3924	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	52		Near Mint		1	3925	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	53		Near Mint		1	3926	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	54		Near Mint		1	3927	18	
-Superman, The Man of Steel (Annual)	4		Near Mint		1	3928	55	
-Superman: The Man of Tomorrow	2		Near Mint		1	3929	463	
-Superman: The Man of Tomorrow	3		Near Mint		1	3930	463	
-Superman/Toyman	1		Near Mint	one shot	1	3931	473	
-Superman vs. Aliens	2		Near Mint		1	3932	464	
-Superman vs. Aliens	3		Near Mint		1	3933	464	
-Wolff & Byrd	7		Near Mint		1	3934	457	
-Wolff & Byrd	8		Near Mint		1	3935	457	
-Vigilante: City Lights Prairie Justice	1		Near Mint		1	3936	474	
-Vigilante: City Lights Prairie Justice	2		Near Mint		1	3937	474	
-Wonder Woman	101		Near Mint		1	3938	475	
-Wonder Woman	102		Near Mint		1	3939	475	
-Wonder Woman	103		Near Mint		1	3940	475	
-Wonder Woman	104		Near Mint		1	3941	475	
-Wonder Woman	105		Near Mint		1	3942	475	
-Wonder Woman	106		Near Mint		1	3943	475	
-Wonder Woman	107		Near Mint		1	3944	475	
-Wonder Woman	108		Near Mint		1	3945	475	
-Underworld Unleashed	1		Near Mint		1	3946	476	
-Underworld Unleashed: Apokolips	1		Near Mint		1	3947	477	
-Action Comics	714		Near Mint		1	3948	142	
-Power of Shazam, The	6		Near Mint		1	3949	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	7		Near Mint		1	3950	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	8		Near Mint		1	3951	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	9		Near Mint		1	3952	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	10		Near Mint		1	3953	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	11		Near Mint		1	3954	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	12		Near Mint		1	3955	454	
-Power of Shazam, The	13		Near Mint		1	3956	454	
-Sandman	8		Near Mint	First Death	1	3957	10	
-Sandman	70		Near Mint		1	3958	10	
-Sandman	71		Near Mint		1	3959	10	
-Sandman	72		Near Mint		1	3960	10	
-Sandman	73		Near Mint		1	3961	10	
-Sandman Midnight Theatre	1		Near Mint		1	3962	478	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	29	The Hourman	Near Mint		1	3963	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	30	The Hourman	Near Mint		1	3964	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	31	The Hourman	Near Mint		1	3965	20	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	32	The Hourman	Near Mint		1	3966	20	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	50		Near Mint	Flash of Two Worlds, Robin, Black Canary, etc.	1	3967	143	
-Showcase '95	7		Near Mint		1	3968	447	
-Showcase '95	8		Near Mint		1	3969	447	
-Showcase '95	9		Near Mint		1	3970	447	
-Showcase '95	10		Near Mint		1	3971	447	
-Showcase '95	11		Near Mint		1	3972	447	
-Showcase '95	12		Near Mint		1	3973	447	
-Sovereign Seven	2		Near Mint		1	3974	460	
-Sovereign Seven	3		Near Mint		1	3975	460	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	257		Near Mint		1	3976	115	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	16		Near Mint		1	3977	147	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes (An)	5		Near Mint	reprints LSH	1	3978	479	
-Action Comics	720		Near Mint		1	3979	142	
-Action Comics	721		Near Mint		1	3980	142	
-Action Comics	722		Near Mint		1	3981	142	
-Action Comics	723		Near Mint		1	3982	142	
-Action Comics	724		Near Mint		1	3983	142	
-Action Comics	725		Near Mint		1	3984	142	
-Action Comics	726		Near Mint		1	3985	142	
-Action Comics	727		Near Mint		1	3986	142	
-Action Comics	728		Near Mint		1	3987	142	
-Action Comics	729		Near Mint		1	3988	142	
-Ambush Bug	4		Near Mint		1	3989	178	
-Aztek: The Ultimate Man	1		Near Mint		1	3990	480	
-Aztek: The Ultimate Man	2		Near Mint		1	3991	480	
-Aztek: The Ultimate Man	3		Near Mint		1	3992	480	
-Aztek: The Ultimate Man	4		Near Mint		1	3993	480	
-Aztek: The Ultimate Man	5		Near Mint		1	3994	480	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	21		Near Mint		1	3995	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	22		Near Mint		1	3996	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	23		Near Mint		1	3997	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	24		Near Mint		1	3998	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	25		Near Mint		1	3999	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	26		Near Mint		1	4000	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	27		Near Mint		1	4001	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	28		Near Mint		1	4002	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	29		Near Mint		1	4003	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	30		Near Mint		1	4004	435	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	31		Near Mint		1	4005	435	
-DC Super-Stars	17		Near Mint	Legion	1	4006	481	
-Death: The Time of Your Life	1		Near Mint		1	4007	482	
-Death: The Time of Your Life	2		Near Mint		1	4008	482	
-Death: The Time of Your Life	3		Near Mint		1	4009	482	
-Vertigo Voices: The Eaters	1		Near Mint		1	4010	466	
-Kingdom Come	1		Near Mint		1	4011	483	
-Kingdom Come	2		Near Mint		1	4012	483	
-Kingdom Come	3		Near Mint		1	4013	483	
-Kingdom Come	4		Near Mint		1	4014	483	
-Dreaming, The	1		Near Mint		1	4015	484	
-Dreaming, The	2		Near Mint		1	4016	484	
-Dreaming, The	3		Near Mint		1	4017	484	
-Dreaming, The	4		Near Mint		1	4018	484	
-Dreaming, The	5		Near Mint		1	4019	484	
-Dreaming, The	6		Near Mint		1	4020	484	
-Dreaming, The	7		Near Mint		1	4021	484	
-Elongated Man, The	1		Near Mint		1	4022	485	
-Elongated Man, The	2		Near Mint		1	4023	485	
-Elongated Man, The	3		Near Mint		1	4024	485	
-Elongated Man, The	4		Near Mint		1	4025	485	
-Final Night	1		Near Mint		1	4026	486	
-Final Night	2		Near Mint		1	4027	486	
-Final Night	3		Near Mint		1	4028	486	
-Final Night	4		Near Mint		1	4029	486	
-Ghost and Hellboy	1		Near Mint		1	4030	487	
-Ghost and Hellboy	2		Near Mint		1	4031	487	
-Hellboy: The Corpse and the Iron Shoes	1		Near Mint		1	4032	488	
-Hellboy: Wake the Devil	1		Near Mint		1	4033	489	
-Hellboy: Wake the Devil	2		Near Mint		1	4034	489	
-Hellboy: Wake the Devil	3		Near Mint		1	4035	489	
-Herbie	1		Near Mint	One Shot (Byrne)	1	4036	490	
-House of Secrets (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		1	4037	491	
-Icon	35		Near Mint		1	4038	17	
-Icon	36		Near Mint		1	4039	17	
-Icon	37		Near Mint		1	4040	17	
-Icon	38		Near Mint		1	4041	17	
-Impulse	12		Near Mint		1	4042	458	
-Impulse	13		Near Mint		1	4043	458	
-Impulse	14		Near Mint		1	4044	458	
-Impulse	15		Near Mint		1	4045	458	
-Impulse	16		Near Mint		1	4046	458	
-Impulse	17		Near Mint		1	4047	458	
-Impulse	18		Near Mint		1	4048	458	
-Impulse	19		Near Mint		1	4049	458	
-Impulse	20		Near Mint		1	4050	458	
-Impulse	21		Near Mint		1	4051	458	
-Invisibles	13		Near Mint		1	4052	303	
-Justice Inc.	3		Near Mint	Kirby	1	4053	492	
-Justice League: MIdsummer's Nightmare	2		Near Mint		1	4054	493	
-Justice League: MIdsummer's Nightmare	3		Near Mint		1	4055	493	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City (vol. 2)	1		Near Mint		1	4056	494	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City (vol. 2)	2		Near Mint		1	4057	494	
-Legionnaires	35		Near Mint		1	4058	11	
-Legionnaires	36		Near Mint		1	4059	11	
-Legionnaires	37		Near Mint		1	4060	11	
-Legionnaires	38		Near Mint		1	4061	11	
-Legionnaires	39		Near Mint		1	4062	11	
-Legionnaires	40		Near Mint		1	4063	11	
-Legionnaires	41		Near Mint		1	4064	11	
-Legionnaires	42		Near Mint		1	4065	11	
-Legionnaires	43		Near Mint		1	4066	11	
-Legionnaires	44		Near Mint		1	4067	11	
-Legionnaires (Annual)	3		Near Mint		1	4068	257	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	79		Near Mint		1	4069	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	80		Near Mint		1	4070	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	81		Near Mint		1	4071	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	82		Near Mint		1	4072	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	83		Near Mint		1	4073	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	84		Near Mint		1	4074	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	85		Near Mint		1	4075	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	86		Near Mint		1	4076	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	87		Near Mint		1	4077	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	88		Near Mint		1	4078	145	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	7		Near Mint		1	4079	256	
-Mister Miracle (vol. 3)	1		Near Mint		1	4080	495	
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee43b00..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Valiant	5003	
-Innovation	5004	
-DC/Marvel	5005	
-Abstract Studio	5006	
-DC/Dark Horse	5007	
-Hero Comics	5008	
-Marvel	5009	
-Monster Comics	5010	
-Eclipse	5011	
-Genisis West	5012	
-Kitchen Sink	5013	
-Vertigo/DC	5014	
-Piranha Press/DC	5015	
-Tundra	5016	
-Image	5017	
-Comico	5018	
-Viz	5019	
-Pacific Press	5020	
-Homage	5021	
-Comely Comics	5022	
-Blackball Comics	5023	
-Topps Comics	5024	
-Epic/Marvel	5025	
-Tekno Comix	5026	
-Mad Love	5027	
-DC	5028	
-Russ Cochran	5029	
-Aardvark Vanaheim	5030	
-Calliope Comics	5031	
-Palliard Press	5032	
-Dark Horse	5033	
-Unknown	5034	
-Andromeda Publications	5035	
-Gold Key	5036	
-JC Productions (Archie)	5037	
-Eternity	5038	
-Exhibit A Press	5039	
-Milestone	5040	
-Double Diamond Press	5041	
-Defiant	5042	
-First	5043	
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
deleted file mode 100644
index 204a56d..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/comics/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-Cerebus	Aardvark Vanaheim	ongoing	TRUE	123	5030	
-Cerebus Bi-weekly	Aardvark Vanaheim	ongoing		124	5030	
-Cerebus High Society	Aardvark Vanaheim	ongoing		126	5030	
-Cerebus Jam	Aardvark Vanaheim	one-shot		291	5030	
-Cerebus World Tour Book 1995	Aardvark Vanaheim	one-shot		450	5030	
-Cerebus, Free	Aardvark Vanaheim	one-shot		125	5030	
-Normal Man	Aardvark Vanaheim	ongoing		369	5030	
-Spectacular Spider-Man, The	Aardvark Vanaheim	ongoing		105	5030	
-Strangers In Paradise	Abstract Studio	ongoing		453	5006	
-Andromeda	Andromeda Publications	ongoing		179	5035	
-Blackball Comics	Blackball Comics	ongoing		247	5023	
-Musings	Calliope Comics	ongoing		106	5031	
-Captain Canuck	Comely Comics	ongoing		196	5022	
-Captain Canuck Summer Special	Comely Comics	one-shot		197	5022	
-Elementals	Comico	ongoing		220	5018	
-Elementals Special	Comico	one-shot		219	5018	
-E-Man (vol 3.)	Comico	ongoing		140	5018	
-E-Man (vol. 4)	Comico	3 issue mini-series		222	5018	
-Grendel	Comico	ongoing		468	5018	
-Danger Unlimited	Dark Horse	4 issue mini-series		250	5033	
-Dark Horse Presents	Dark Horse	ongoing		306	5033	
-Doc Stern...Mister Monster	Dark Horse	ongoing		352	5033	
-Doc Stern...Mr. Monster	Dark Horse	ongoing		286	5033	
-Ghost and Hellboy	Dark Horse	2 issue mini-series		487	5033	
-Give Me Liberty	Dark Horse	4 issue mini-series		318	5033	
-Hard Boiled	Dark Horse	3 issue mini-series		169	5033	
-Hellboy: Seeds Of Destruction	Dark Horse	4 issue mini-series		254	5033	
-Hellboy: The Corpse and the Iron Shoes	Dark Horse	one-shot		488	5033	
-Hellboy: Wake the Devil	Dark Horse	5 issue mini-series		489	5033	
-Herbie	Dark Horse	2 issue mini-series		490	5033	
-Madman Comics	Dark Horse	ongoing		260	5033	
-Monkeyman and O'Brien	Dark Horse	ongoing		496	5033	
-Nexus: Alien Justice	Dark Horse	3 issue mini-series		263	5033	
-Nexus: The Origin	Dark Horse	one-shot		264	5033	
-Sin City: A Dame to Kill For	Dark Horse	6 issue mini-series		268	5033	
-Tale of One Bad Rat	Dark Horse	4 issue mini-series		448	5033	
-Torch of Liberty Special	Dark Horse	one-shot		472	5033	
-1st Issue Special	DC	ongoing		134	5028	
-Action Comics	DC	ongoing	TRUE	142	5028	
-Action Comics (Annual)	DC	ongoing		258	5028	
-Adam Strange	DC	3 issue mini-series		57	5028	
-Adventure Comics	DC	ongoing		170	5028	
-Ambush Bug	DC	4 issue mini-series		178	5028	
-Ambush Bug Nothing Special	DC	one-shot		284	5028	
-Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer	DC	one-shot		320	5028	
-Ambush Bug, Son of	DC	6 issue mini-series		387	5028	
-America vs. The Justice Society	DC	4 issue mini-series		246	5028	
-Angel and the Ape	DC	4 issue mini-series		180	5028	
-Aquaman	DC	ongoing		183	5028	
-Arion, Lord of Atlantis	DC	ongoing		182	5028	
-Armageddon 2001	DC	2 issue mini-series		47	5028	
-Armageddon Inferno	DC	4 issue mini-series		46	5028	
-Aztek: The Ultimate Man	DC	ongoing		480	5028	
-Batman	DC	ongoing		187	5028	
-Batman and Other DC Classics	DC	one-shot (giveaway)		188	5028	
-Batman Shadow of the Bat	DC	ongoing		60	5028	
-Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight	DC	ongoing		441	5028	
-Batman: The Dark Knight Returns	DC	4 issue mini-series		317	5028	
-Black Lightning	DC	ongoing		150	5028	
-Black Magic (Reprint)	DC	ongoing		153	5028	
-Black Orchid (mini-series)	DC	3 issue mini-series		315	5028	
-Blackhawk	DC	3 issue mini-series		48	5028	
-Blackhawk (vol. 1)	DC	ongoing		191	5028	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		192	5028	
-Blackhawk (vol. 2) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		193	5028	
-Blasters Special	DC	one-shot		285	5028	
-Blue Devil	DC	ongoing		141	5028	
-Blue Devil (Annual)	DC	ongoing		194	5028	
-Books of Magic (mini-series)	DC	4 issue mini-series		434	5028	
-Boy Commandos (Reprint)	DC	2 issue mini-series		149	5028	
-Breathtaker	DC	3 issue mini-series		461	5028	
-Clash	DC	3 issue mini-series		311	5028	
-Congorilla	DC	4 issue mini-series		248	5028	
-Cosmic Boy	DC	4 issue mini-series		61	5028	
-Crimson Avenger, The	DC	4 issue mini-series		205	5028	
-Crisis on Infinite Earths	DC	12 issue mini-series		74	5028	
-Damage	DC	ongoing		249	5028	
-Darkstars	DC	ongoing		3	5028	
-DC Comics Presents	DC	ongoing		138	5028	
-DC Silver Age Classics Adventure Comics	DC	one-shot		98	5028	
-DC Silver Age Classics The Brave And The Bold	DC	one-shot		99	5028	
-DC Special	DC	ongoing		27	5028	
-DC Super-Stars	DC	ongoing		481	5028	
-Deadman (reprints)	DC	7 issue mini-series		210	5028	
-Demon, The (vol. 1)	DC	ongoing		135	5028	
-Demon, The (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		127	5028	
-Detective Comics	DC	ongoing		304	5028	
-Doc Savage (1988)	DC	ongoing		213	5028	
-Doom Force	DC	one-shot		63	5028	
-Dynamic Classics	DC	one-shot		217	5028	
-Eclipso	DC	ongoing		64	5028	
-Eclipso Special	DC	2 issue mini-series		113	5028	
-Eclipso: The Darkness Within	DC	2 issue mini-series		218	5028	
-Elongated Man, The	DC	4 issue mini-series		485	5028	
-Final Night	DC	4 issue mini-series		486	5028	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of	DC	ongoing		230	5028	
-Firestorm, The Fury Of (Annual)	DC	ongoing		231	5028	
-Flash	DC	ongoing		467	5028	
-Forever People	DC	ongoing		136	5028	
-Forever People (mini-series)	DC	6 issue mini-series		232	5028	
-Gilgamesh	DC	4 issue mini-series		156	5028	
-Golden Age, The	DC	4 issue mini-series		77	5028	
-Gotham by Gaslight	DC	one-shot		66	5028	
-Green Arrow	DC	ongoing		235	5028	
-Green Lantern (vol. 1)	DC	ongoing		67	5028	
-Green Lantern (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing	TRUE	49	5028	
-Green Lantern, Ganthet's Tale	DC	one-shot		65	5028	
-Green Lantern, Mosaic	DC	ongoing		68	5028	
-Guardians of Metropolis	DC	4 issue mini-series		443	5028	
-Guy Gardner	DC	ongoing		69	5028	
-Hawkman (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		302	5028	
-Hawkman Special	DC	one-shot		237	5028	
-Heckler, The	DC	ongoing		42	5028	
-Hellblazer (Annual)	DC	ongoing		117	5028	
-Heroes for Hope	DC	one-shot		240	5028	
-Impulse	DC	ongoing	TRUE	458	5028	
-Infinity, Inc.	DC	ongoing		287	5028	
-Invasion	DC	3 issue mini-series		70	5028	
-Justice Inc.	DC	ongoing		492	5028	
-Justice Inc. (mini-series)	DC	2 issue mini-series		316	5028	
-Justice League America	DC	ongoing		12	5028	
-Justice League America (Annual)	DC	ongoing		288	5028	
-Justice League Europe	DC	ongoing		323	5028	
-Justice League Europe (Annual)	DC	ongoing		71	5028	
-Justice League Quarterly	DC	ongoing		289	5028	
-Justice League Task Force	DC	ongoing		24	5028	
-Justice League: MIdsummer's Nightmare	DC	3 issue mini-series		493	5028	
-Justice Leauge Quarterly	DC	ongoing		28	5028	
-Justice Society of America	DC	ongoing		25	5028	
-Justice Society of America (mini-series)	DC	8 issue mini-series		43	5028	
-Kamandi	DC	ongoing		72	5028	
-Kamandi at Earth's End	DC	6 issue mini-series		44	5028	
-Kid Eternity (mini-series)	DC	3 issue mini-series		45	5028	
-Kingdom Come	DC	4 issue mini-series		483	5028	
-L.E.G.I.O.N.	DC	ongoing		146	5028	
-L.E.G.I.O.N. (Annual)	DC	ongoing		73	5028	
-Legends	DC	6 issue mini-series		53	5028	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		115	5028	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		116	5028	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3)	DC	ongoing		147	5028	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 3) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		292	5028	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4)	DC	ongoing	TRUE	145	5028	
-Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 4) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		256	5028	
-Legion of Super-Heroes Special	DC	one-shot		327	5028	
-Legionnaires	DC	ongoing	TRUE	11	5028	
-Legionnaires (Annual)	DC	ongoing		257	5028	
-Legionnaires 3	DC	4 issue mini-series		75	5028	
-Lex Luthor, The Unauthorized Biography	DC	one-shot		88	5028	
-Lobo	DC	4 issue mini-series		128	5028	
-Lobo Convention Special	DC	one-shot		437	5028	
-Lobo Infanticide	DC	4 issue mini-series		89	5028	
-Lobo's Back	DC	4 issue mini-series		90	5028	
-Man of Steel, The	DC	6 issue mini-series		91	5028	
-Martian Manhunter (mini-series)	DC	4 issue mini-series		331	5028	
-Martian Manhunter: American Secrets	DC	3 issue mini-series		38	5028	
-'Mazing Man Winter Special	DC	one-shot		344	5028	
-Metropolis S.C.U.	DC	4 issue mini-series		455	5028	
-Mister E	DC	4 issue mini-series		350	5028	
-Mister Miracle	DC	ongoing		307	5028	
-Mister Miracle (vol. 3)	DC	ongoing		495	5028	
-Mister Miracle Special	DC	one-shot		351	5028	
-Mr. Miracle	DC	ongoing		83	5028	
-Mystery in Space	DC	ongoing		357	5028	
-New Gods	DC	ongoing		84	5028	
-New Gods (Reprints)	DC	6 issue mini-series		85	5028	
-New Gods (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		359	5028	
-New Gods (vol. 3)	DC	ongoing		469	5028	
-New Teen Titans, The	DC	ongoing		363	5028	
-New Teen Titans, The (Annual)	DC	ongoing		364	5028	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		365	5028	
-New Teen Titans, The (vol. 2) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		366	5028	
-Omac	DC	ongoing		111	5028	
-Omac (mini-series)	DC	4 issue mini-series		93	5028	
-Omegamen, The	DC	ongoing		371	5028	
-Power of Shazam, The	DC	ongoing	TRUE	454	5028	
-Power of Shazam, The (Annual)	DC	ongoing		497	5028	
-Power of Shazam, The (Graphic Novel)	DC	one-shot		462	5028	
-Primal Force	DC	ongoing		436	5028	
-R.E.B.E.L.S. '94	DC	ongoing		438	5028	
-Ragman	DC	8 issue mini-series		94	5028	
-Ray, The	DC	6 issue mini-series		40	5028	
-Ray, The (regular series)	DC	ongoing		265	5028	
-Robin (mini-series) (vol. 1)	DC	5 issue mini-series		377	5028	
-Robin 3000	DC	2 issue mini-series		293	5028	
-S.T.A.R. Corps	DC	4 issue mini-series		298	5028	
-Sandman (Vol. 1)	DC	ongoing		110	5028	
-Secret Origins (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		143	5028	
-Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes	DC	3 issue mini-series		36	5028	
-Shadow Stikes, The	DC	ongoing		133	5028	
-Shadow, The	DC	ongoing		96	5028	
-Shadow, The (Annual)	DC	ongoing		131	5028	
-Shadow, The (mini-series)	DC	4 issue mini-series		95	5028	
-Showcase '93	DC	ongoing		97	5028	
-Showcase '95	DC	ongoing	TRUE	447	5028	
-Sonic Disrupters	DC	12 issue mini-series		386	5028	
-Sovereign Seven	DC	ongoing		460	5028	
-Spanner's Galaxy	DC	6 issue mini-series		393	5028	
-Spectre, The (vol. 3)	DC	ongoing		294	5028	
-Stanley and His Monster	DC	4 issue mini-series		31	5028	
-Starman	DC	ongoing		299	5028	
-Starman (vol. 3)	DC	ongoing	TRUE	440	5028	
-Steel	DC	ongoing		121	5028	
-Steel (Annual)	DC	ongoing		270	5028	
-Suicide Squad	DC	ongoing		132	5028	
-Super Powers (vol. 2)	DC	6 issue mini-series		162	5028	
-Super Powers (vol. 3)	DC			295	5028	
-Superboy (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing	TRUE	120	5028	
-Superboy (vol. 2) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		271	5028	
-Superboy, The New Adventures of	DC	ongoing		148	5028	
-Supergirl	DC	ongoing		5045	5028	
-Supergirl (Annual)	DC	ongoing		499	5028	
-Supergirl and Team Luthor	DC	one-shot		56	5028	
-Superman (vol. 1)	DC	ongoing		296	5028	
-Superman (vol. 1) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		54	5028	
-Superman (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing	TRUE	165	5028	
-Superman (vol. 2) (Annual)	DC	ongoing		166	5028	
-Superman Adventures	DC	ongoing		502	5028	
-Superman Special	DC	one-shot		100	5028	
-Superman, The Adventures of	DC	ongoing	TRUE	51	5028	
-Superman, The Adventures of (Annual)	DC	ongoing		122	5028	
-Superman, The Man of Steel	DC	ongoing	TRUE	18	5028	
-Superman, The Man of Steel (Annual)	DC	ongoing		55	5028	
-Superman/Doomsday: Hunter/Prey	DC	3 issue mini-series		259	5028	
-Superman/Toyman	DC	one-shot		473	5028	
-Superman: The Legacy of Superman	DC	one-shot		297	5028	
-Superman: The Man of Tomorrow	DC	ongoing		463	5028	
-Superman: The Secret Years	DC	4 issue mini-series		404	5028	
-Superman: The Wedding Albumn	DC	one-shot		500	5028	
-Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen	DC	ongoing		82	5028	
-Swamp Thing (Annual)	DC	ongoing		35	5028	
-Swamp Thing (Vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		107	5028	
-Sword of the Atom	DC	4 issue mini-series		405	5028	
-Sword of the Atom Special	DC	3 issue mini-series		406	5028	
-Tales of the Green Lantern Corps	DC	3 issue mini-series		408	5028	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes	DC	ongoing		409	5028	
-Tales of the Legion of Super-Heroes (An)	DC	ongoing		479	5028	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans	DC	ongoing		411	5028	
-Tales of the New Teen Titans (1982)	DC	4 issue mini-series		410	5028	
-Teen Titans (one-shot drug issue)	DC	one-shot		414	5028	
-Teen Titans (vol. 2)	DC	ongoing		501	5028	
-Timber Wolf	DC	5 issue mini-series		144	5028	
-Time Warp	DC	ongoing		418	5028	
-Trinity	DC	2 issue mini-series		34	5028	
-Underworld Unleashed	DC	3 issue mini-series		476	5028	
-Underworld Unleashed: Apokolips	DC	one-shot		477	5028	
-Untold Legend of the Batman	DC	3 issue mini-series		420	5028	
-V for Vendetta	DC	12 issue mini-series		421	5028	
-Valor	DC	ongoing		13	5028	
-Vigilante: City Lights Prairie Justice	DC	4 issue mini-series		474	5028	
-Wanderers, The	DC	ongoing		109	5028	
-Warlord	DC	ongoing		425	5028	
-Who's Who in the DC Universe	DC	ongoing		428	5028	
-Who's Who in the Legion of Super Heroes	DC	7 issue mini-series		104	5028	
-Wonder Woman	DC	ongoing		475	5028	
-World of Krypton	DC	4 issue mini-series		50	5028	
-World of Metropolis	DC	4 issue mini-series		118	5028	
-World of Smallville	DC	4 issue mini-series		119	5028	
-Worlds Collide	DC	one-shot		279	5028	
-Wrath of the Spectre	DC	ongoing		429	5028	
-Xenobrood	DC	7 issue mini-series		456	5028	
-Young All-Stars, The	DC	ongoing		433	5028	
-Zero Hour: Crisis in Time	DC	4 issue mini-series		280	5028	
-Superman vs. Aliens	DC/Dark Horse	3 issue mini-series		464	5007	
-X-Men and the Teen Titans	DC/Marvel	one-shot		432	5005	
-Dark Dominion	Defiant	ongoing		251	5042	
-Warriors of Plasm	Defiant	ongoing		76	5042	
-Hepcats	Double Diamond Press	ongoing		19	5041	
-D.N.Agents	Eclipse	ongoing		212	5011	
-Destroyer Duck	Eclipse	ongoing		81	5011	
-E-Man, The Original	Eclipse	ongoing		373	5011	
-Miracle Man	Eclipse	ongoing		92	5011	
-Miracle Man 3D	Eclipse	one-shot		164	5011	
-Miracle Man: Apocrypha	Eclipse	3 issue mini-series		262	5011	
-Ms. Tree's Thrilling Detective Adventures	Eclipse	ongoing		356	5011	
-New D.N.Agents	Eclipse	ongoing		358	5011	
-Akira	Epic/Marvel	ongoing		58	5025	
-Alien Legion	Epic/Marvel	ongoing		171	5025	
-Dreadstar	Epic/Marvel	ongoing		5044	5025	
-Dreadstar (Annual)	Epic/Marvel	ongoing		216	5025	
-Rocket Racoon	Epic/Marvel	4 issue mini-series		378	5025	
-Six from Sirius	Epic/Marvel	4 issue mini-series		385	5025	
-Starstruck	Epic/Marvel	ongoing		397	5025	
-Steelgrip Starkey	Epic/Marvel	6 issue mini-series		402	5025	
-Stray Toasters	Epic/Marvel	4 issue mini-series		114	5025	
-Time Spirits	Epic/Marvel	ongoing		417	5025	
-Video Jack	Epic/Marvel	ongoing		108	5025	
-Mighty Mites, The	Eternity	ongoing		349	5038	
-Wolff  Case Files	Exhibit A Press	one-shot		5049	5039	
-Wolff & Byrd	Exhibit A Press	ongoing	TRUE	457	5039	
-Wolff & Byrd: Case Files	Exhibit A Press	one-shot		5050	5039	
-Classics Illustrated	First	ongoing		312	5043	
-E-Man (vol. 2)	First	ongoing		221	5043	
-Lone Wolf and Cub	First	ongoing		313	5043	
-Shatter	First	ongoing		381	5043	
-Star Slayer	First	ongoing		396	5043	
-Last of the Viking Heroes	Genisis West	ongoing		290	5012	
-Phantom Force	Genisis West	ongoing	TRUE	155	5012	
-Beagle Boys Versus Uncle Scrooge	Gold Key	ongoing		189	5036	
-Captain Thunder and Blue Bolt	Hero Comics	ongoing		199	5008	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City (vol. 2)	Homage	ongoing		494	5021	
-1963	Image	ongoing		39	5017	
-Darker Image	Image	4 issue mini-series		5	5017	
-Doom's IV	Image	ongoing		253	5017	
-Kurt Busiek's Astro City	Image	ongoing		465	5017	
-Maxx, The	Image	ongoing	TRUE	2	5017	
-Shaman's Tears	Image	ongoing		267	5017	
-Spawn	Image	ongoing		30	5017	
-Spawn/Batman	Image	one-shot		269	5017	
-Trencher	Image	ongoing		32	5017	
-Wetworks	Image	ongoing		276	5017	
-WildC.A.T.S.	Image	ongoing		103	5017	
-Wildstar	Image	ongoing		277	5017	
-Cyberpunk (Book Two)	Innovation	ongoing		206	5004	
-Seraphim	Innovation	ongoing		380	5004	
-Hall of Fame Featuring the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents	JC Productions (Archie)	ongoing		238	5037	
-Megaton Man	Kitchen Sink	ongoing		345	5013	
-Spirit, The	Kitchen Sink	ongoing		392	5013	
-Spirit: The Origin Years	Kitchen Sink	ongoing		498	5013	
-Big Numbers	Mad Love	12 issue mini-series		168	5027	
-2001: A Space Odyssey	Marvel	ongoing		137	5009	
-Alpha Flight	Marvel	ongoing		172	5009	
-Amazing Adventures (vol. 2)	Marvel	ongoing		173	5009	
-Amazing Spiderman, Skating on Thin Ice	Marvel	one-shot (giveaway)		283	5009	
-Amazing Spiderman, The	Marvel	ongoing		175	5009	
-Amazing Spiderman, The (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		176	5009	
-Avengers, The	Marvel	ongoing		184	5009	
-Avengers, The (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		185	5009	
-Battlestar Galactica	Marvel	ongoing		186	5009	
-Beauty and the Beast	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		190	5009	
-Black Panther	Marvel	ongoing		80	5009	
-Captain America	Marvel	ongoing		154	5009	
-Captain America (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		195	5009	
-Captain Marvel	Marvel	ongoing		198	5009	
-Cloak and Dagger	Marvel	ongoing		202	5009	
-Conan The Barbarian	Marvel	ongoing		203	5009	
-Conan The Barbarian (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		204	5009	
-Curse of the Weird	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		157	5009	
-Damage Control (vol. 3)	Marvel	3 issue mini-series		207	5009	
-Daredevil, The Man Without Fear	Marvel	ongoing		208	5009	
-Dazzler	Marvel	ongoing		209	5009	
-Defenders, The	Marvel	ongoing		211	5009	
-Devil Dinosaur	Marvel	ongoing		308	5009	
-Dr. Who	Marvel	ongoing		214	5009	
-Dragon Slayer	Marvel	2 issue mini-series		215	5009	
-Eternals	Marvel	ongoing		223	5009	
-Eternals (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		224	5009	
-Eternals (maxi-series)	Marvel	12 issue mini-series		225	5009	
-Fantastic Four	Marvel	ongoing		226	5009	
-Fantastic Four (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		227	5009	
-Fantastic Four Roast	Marvel	one-shot		228	5009	
-Fantasy Masterpieces (vol. 2)	Marvel	ongoing		229	5009	
-Francis, Brother of the Universe	Marvel	one-shot		233	5009	
-Ghost Rider	Marvel	ongoing		234	5009	
-Giant Size Man-Thing	Marvel	ongoing		52	5009	
-Hercules	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		239	5009	
-Howard the Duck	Marvel	ongoing		241	5009	
-Howard the Duck (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		242	5009	
-Howard the Duck (mini-series)	Marvel	3 issue mini-series		243	5009	
-Iceman (mini-series)	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		321	5009	
-Incredible Hulk, The	Marvel	ongoing		244	5009	
-Incredible Hulk, The (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		245	5009	
-Invaders, The	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		255	5009	
-Iron FIst	Marvel	ongoing		322	5009	
-Iron Man	Marvel	ongoing		1	5009	
-Kazar the Savage	Marvel	ongoing		324	5009	
-King Conan	Marvel	ongoing		325	5009	
-Kitty Pride and Wolverine	Marvel	6 issue mini-series		326	5009	
-Machine Man	Marvel	ongoing		309	5009	
-Machine Man (mini-series)	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		328	5009	
-Magneto	Marvel	one-shot		152	5009	
-Man-Thing	Marvel	ongoing		329	5009	
-Marvel Age	Marvel	ongoing		332	5009	
-Marvel Fanfare	Marvel	ongoing		333	5009	
-Marvel Holiday Special	Marvel	one-shot		334	5009	
-Marvel Premiere	Marvel	ongoing		335	5009	
-Marvel Spotlight (vol. 2)	Marvel	ongoing		336	5009	
-Marvel Super Action	Marvel	ongoing		337	5009	
-Marvel Super Hero Contest of Champions	Marvel	2 issue mini-series		338	5009	
-Marvel Super Heros Secret Wars	Marvel	12 issue mini-series		339	5009	
-Marvel Team-Up	Marvel	ongoing		340	5009	
-Marvel Team-Up (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		341	5009	
-Marvel Two-In-One	Marvel	ongoing		342	5009	
-Marvel Two-In-One (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		343	5009	
-Marvels	Marvel	5 issue mini-series		261	5009	
-Master of Kung Fu, The Hands of Shang-Chi	Marvel	ongoing		330	5009	
-Micronauts	Marvel	ongoing		346	5009	
-Micronauts (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		347	5009	
-Micronauts: The New Voyages	Marvel	ongoing		348	5009	
-Monster Menace	Marvel	3 issue mini-series		158	5009	
-Moon Knight	Marvel	ongoing		353	5009	
-Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu	Marvel	ongoing		354	5009	
-New Mutants	Marvel	ongoing		360	5009	
-New Mutants (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		361	5009	
-New Mutants Special Edition	Marvel	one-shot		362	5009	
-Nick Fury Agent of SHEILD	Marvel	ongoing		367	5009	
-Nightcrawler	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		368	5009	
-Nova	Marvel	ongoing		370	5009	
-Omega the Unknown	Marvel	ongoing		372	5009	
-Power Man and Iron Fist	Marvel	ongoing		375	5009	
-Power Pack	Marvel	ongoing		376	5009	
-Power Pack Holiday Special	Marvel	one-shot		129	5009	
-Rom Spaceknight	Marvel	ongoing		379	5009	
-She Hulk, The Savage	Marvel	ongoing		382	5009	
-Shogun Warriors	Marvel	ongoing		383	5009	
-Silver Surfer (one-shot)	Marvel	one-shot		384	5009	
-Spectacular Spiderham, Peter Porker the	Marvel	ongoing		388	5009	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The	Marvel	ongoing		389	5009	
-Spectacular Spiderman, The (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		390	5009	
-Spiderman	Marvel	ongoing		391	5009	
-Spider-Man 2099	Marvel	ongoing		9	5009	
-Spiderwoman (vol. 1)	Marvel	ongoing		394	5009	
-Star Trek	Marvel	ongoing		398	5009	
-Star Wars	Marvel	ongoing		399	5009	
-Star Wars (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		400	5009	
-Starlord Special Edition	Marvel	one-shot		395	5009	
-Tales to Astonish (vol. 2)	Marvel	ongoing		412	5009	
-Team America	Marvel	ongoing		413	5009	
-Thor, The Mighty	Marvel	ongoing		415	5009	
-Thor, The Mighty (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		416	5009	
-Vision and Scarlet Witch (mini-series)	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		423	5009	
-Warlock Special Edition	Marvel	ongoing		424	5009	
-Web of Spiderman	Marvel	ongoing		426	5009	
-What If? (vol. 1)	Marvel	ongoing		427	5009	
-Wolverine (mini-series)	Marvel	4 issue mini-series		310	5009	
-X-Factor	Marvel	ongoing		430	5009	
-X-Men and Alpha Flight (mini-series)	Marvel	2 issue mini-series		431	5009	
-X-Men, The Uncanny	Marvel	ongoing		86	5009	
-X-Men, The Uncanny (Annual)	Marvel	ongoing		87	5009	
-Blood Syndicate	Milestone	ongoing		21	5040	
-Hardware	Milestone	ongoing		22	5040	
-Icon	Milestone	ongoing	TRUE	17	5040	
-Shadow Cabinet	Milestone	ongoing		266	5040	
-Static	Milestone	ongoing	TRUE	33	5040	
-Dare	Monster Comics	4 issue mini-series		62	5010	
-Captain Victory	Pacific Press	ongoing		200	5020	
-Captain Victory Special	Pacific Press	one-shot		201	5020	
-Groo the Wanderer	Pacific Press	ongoing		236	5020	
-Ms. Mystic	Pacific Press	ongoing		355	5020	
-Pacific Presents	Pacific Press	ongoing		374	5020	
-Silver Star	Pacific Press	ongoing		300	5020	
-Sun Runners	Pacific Press	ongoing		403	5020	
-Buck Godot, Zap Gun for Hire	Palliard Press	ongoing		139	5032	
-Beautiful Stories for Ugly Children	Piranha Press/DC	ongoing		161	5015	
-Tales from the Crypt	Russ Cochran	ongoing		407	5029	
-Vault of Horror	Russ Cochran	ongoing		422	5029	
-Weird Fantasy (Reprint)	Russ Cochran	ongoing		102	5029	
-Weird Science Fantasy (Reprint)	Russ Cochran	ongoing		101	5029	
-Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero	Tekno Comix	ongoing		445	5026	
-Bombast	Topps Comics	one-shot		14	5024	
-Captain Glory	Topps Comics	one-shot		7	5024	
-Lone Ranger and Tonto, The	Topps Comics	4 issue mini-series		305	5024	
-Night Glider	Topps Comics	one-shot		8	5024	
-Satan's Six	Topps Comics	4 issue mini-series		281	5024	
-Secret City Saga	Topps Comics	one-shot		4	5024	
-Teen Agents, Jack Kirby's	Topps Comics	4 issue mini-series		272	5024	
-Victory	Topps Comics	5 issue mini-series		274	5024	
-Cages	Tundra	10 issue mini-series		167	5016	
-Amazing Comics Premieres	Unknown	ongoing		174	5034	
-Arctic Comics	Unknown	one-shot		181	5034	
-Star Wars 3D	Unknown	ongoing		401	5034	
-Transformers in 3D	Unknown	ongoing		419	5034	
-Bloodshot	Valiant	ongoing		151	5003	
-Punx	Valiant	ongoing		470	5003	
-Punx (Manga) Special	Valiant	one-shot		471	5003	
-Absolute Vertigo	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		451	5014	
-Animal Man	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		59	5014	
-Black Orchid	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		78	5014	
-Black Orchid (Annual)	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		159	5014	
-Books of Magic (regular series)	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		435	5014	
-Children's Crusade, The	Vertigo/DC	2 issue mini-series		163	5014	
-Death, The High Cost of Living	Vertigo/DC	3 issue mini-series		23	5014	
-Death: The Time of Your Life	Vertigo/DC	3 issue mini-series		482	5014	
-Doom Patrol	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		252	5014	
-Dreaming, The	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		484	5014	
-Enigma	Vertigo/DC	8 issue mini-series		26	5014	
-Geek, The	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		282	5014	
-Hellblazer	Vertigo/DC	ongoing	TRUE	15	5014	
-Hellblazer Special	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		301	5014	
-House of Secrets (vol. 2)	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		491	5014	
-Invisibles	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		303	5014	
-Jonah Hex, Two Gun Mojo	Vertigo/DC	5 issue mini-series		79	5014	
-Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such	Vertigo/DC	5 issue mini-series	TRUE	452	5014	
-Kid Eternity	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		16	5014	
-Last One, The	Vertigo/DC	6 issue mini-series		41	5014	
-Moonshadow	Vertigo/DC	12 issue mini-series	TRUE	444	5014	
-Preacher	Vertigo/DC	ongoing	TRUE	459	5014	
-Sandman	Vertigo/DC	ongoing	TRUE	10	5014	
-Sandman Midnight Theatre	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		478	5014	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre	Vertigo/DC	ongoing	TRUE	20	5014	
-Sandman Mystery Theatre (Annual)	Vertigo/DC	ongoing		449	5014	
-Sandman Special	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		130	5014	
-Sandman: Gallery of Dreams	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		439	5014	
-Scarab	Vertigo/DC	8 issue mini-series		160	5014	
-Sebastian O	Vertigo/DC	4 issue mini-series		37	5014	
-Shade, The Changing Man	Vertigo/DC	ongoing	TRUE	446	5014	
-Vamps	Vertigo/DC	6 issue mini-series		273	5014	
-Vertigo Jam	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		112	5014	
-Vertigo Preview	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		29	5014	
-Vertigo Rave	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		442	5014	
-Vertigo Visions: Dr. Occult	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		275	5014	
-Vertigo Visions: The Geek	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		6	5014	
-Vertigo Voices: The Eaters	Vertigo/DC	one-shot		466	5014	
-Witchcraft	Vertigo/DC	3 issue mini-series		278	5014	
-Horobi	Viz	ongoing		314	5019	
-Nausicaa of the Vally of Wind (vol. 2)	Viz	ongoing		319	5019	
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 392ac2c..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.projectxml;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



- * Test suite for direct usage of EclipseLink native deployment XML with dynamic

- * persistence

- */


-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { InvalidConfig.class, SimpleMapProject.class, SimpleMapProjectNoLogin.class, EmployeeProject.class })

-public class AllTests {



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/
deleted file mode 100644
index b86a0a2..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     mnorman - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.projectxml;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;



-import java.util.Calendar;

-import java.util.List;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseLogin;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.DynamicTestHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;


-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;



- * Test cases verifying the use of the simple-map-project.xml 

- */

-public class EmployeeProject extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseLogin login = DynamicTestHelper.getTestLogin();

-        Project project = null;

-        try {

-            project = DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject("org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/employee-project.xml", login, new DynamicClassLoader(EmployeeProject.class.getClassLoader()));

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-            e.printStackTrace();

-        }


-        DatabaseSession ds = project.createDatabaseSession();

-        ds.login();

-        new SchemaManager(ds).replaceDefaultTables();


-        return ds;

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createNewInstance() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType employeeType = helper.getType("Employee");

-        DynamicType periodType = helper.getType("EmploymentPeriod");


-        DynamicEntity entity = employeeType.newDynamicEntity();

-        // entity.set("id", 1);

-        entity.set("firstName", "First");

-        entity.set("lastName", "Last");

-        entity.set("salary", 12345);


-        DynamicEntity period = periodType.newDynamicEntity();

-        period.set("startDate", Calendar.getInstance());


-        entity.set("period", period);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(entity);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("Employee", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void readAll() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        createNewInstance();

-        DynamicType type = helper.getType("Employee");


-        List<DynamicEntity> allObjects = session.readAllObjects(type.getJavaClass());

-        assertEquals(1, allObjects.size());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDatabase() {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM DX_ADDRESS");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM DX_SALARY");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM DX_EMPLOYEE");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void dropTables() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE DX_EMPLOYEE CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE DX_SALARY CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE DX_ADDRESS CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-    }


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/Employee_utf8.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/Employee_utf8.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index db4ba70..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/Employee_utf8.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<object-persistence version="1.1.2"
-	xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""
-	xmlns:xsi=""
-	xmlns:eclipselink="">
-	<name>Employee</name>
-	<class-mapping-descriptors>
-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
-			<class>model.dynamic.employee.Address</class>
-			<alias>Address</alias>
-			<primary-key>
-				<field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDRESS_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-			</primary-key>
-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />
-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />
-			<attribute-mappings>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>city</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="CITY" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>country</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="COUNTRY" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDRESS_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>postalCode</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="P_CODE" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>province</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="PROVINCE" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>street</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="STREET" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-			</attribute-mappings>
-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>
-			<sequencing>
-				<sequence-name>DX_ADDRESS_SEQ</sequence-name>
-				<sequence-field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDRESS_ID"
-					xsi:type="column" />
-			</sequencing>
-			<instantiation />
-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />
-			<tables>
-				<table name="DX_ADDRESS" />
-			</tables>
-		</class-mapping-descriptor>
-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
-			<class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</class>
-			<alias>Employee</alias>
-			<primary-key>
-				<field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-			</primary-key>
-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />
-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />
-			<attribute-mappings>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="F_NAME" xsi:type="column" />
-					<null-value xsi:type="xsd:string"></null-value>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="L_NAME" xsi:type="column" />
-					<null-value xsi:type="xsd:string"></null-value>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>salary</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_SALARY" name="SALARY" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>gender</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="GENDER" xsi:type="column" />
-					<converter xsi:type="object-type-converter">
-						<type-mappings>
-							<type-mapping>
-								<object-value xsi:type="xsd:string">Male</object-value>
-								<data-value xsi:type="xsd:string">M</data-value>
-							</type-mapping>
-							<type-mapping>
-								<object-value xsi:type="xsd:string">Female</object-value>
-								<data-value xsi:type="xsd:string">F</data-value>
-							</type-mapping>
-						</type-mappings>
-					</converter>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="aggregate-object-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>period</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</reference-class>
-					<field-translations>
-						<field-translation>
-							<source-field name="startDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="START_DATE"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-translation>
-						<field-translation>
-							<source-field name="endDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="END_DATE"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-translation>
-					</field-translations>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-<!--  DirectCollection from XML does not work
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-collection-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>responsibilitiesList</attribute-name>
-					<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-						<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-					</container>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="direct-read-query">
-						<maintain-cache>false</maintain-cache>
-						<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-							<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-						</container>
-					</selection-query>
-					<reference-table>DX_RESPONS</reference-table>
-					<direct-field table="DX_RESPONS" name="DESCRIP" xsi:type="column" />
-					<reference-foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_RESPONS" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</reference-foreign-key>
-				</attribute-mapping> 
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-one-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>address</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Address</reference-class>
-					<private-owned>true</private-owned>
-					<foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="ADDR_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDRESS_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</foreign-key>
-					<foreign-key-fields>
-						<field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="ADDR_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-					</foreign-key-fields>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-object-query">
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Address</reference-class>
-					</selection-query>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-one-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>manager</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-					<foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="MANAGER_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</foreign-key>
-					<foreign-key-fields>
-						<field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="MANAGER_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-					</foreign-key-fields>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-object-query">
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-					</selection-query>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-many-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>managedEmployees</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-					<target-foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="MANAGER_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</target-foreign-key>
-					<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-						<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-					</container>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-all-query">
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-						<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-							<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-						</container>
-					</selection-query>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-many-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>phoneNumbers</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.PhoneNumber</reference-class>
-					<private-owned>true</private-owned>
-					<target-foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_PHONE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</target-foreign-key>
-					<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-						<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-					</container>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-all-query">
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.PhoneNumber</reference-class>
-						<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-							<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-						</container>
-					</selection-query>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="many-to-many-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>projects</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Project</reference-class>
-					<relation-table>DX_PROJ_EMP</relation-table>
-					<source-relation-foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_PROJ_EMP" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</source-relation-foreign-key>
-					<target-relation-foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_PROJ_EMP" name="PROJ_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_PROJECT" name="PROJ_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</target-relation-foreign-key>
-					<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-						<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-					</container>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-all-query">
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Project</reference-class>
-						<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">
-							<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>
-						</container>
-					</selection-query>
-					<insert-query xsi:type="data-modify-query" />
-					<delete-query xsi:type="data-modify-query" />
-					<delete-all-query xsi:type="data-modify-query" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-			</attribute-mappings>
-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>
-			<interfaces>
-			</interfaces>
-			<locking xsi:type="version-locking-policy">
-				<version-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="VERSION"
-					xsi:type="column" />
-			</locking>
-			<sequencing>
-				<sequence-name>DX_EMP_SEQ</sequence-name>
-				<sequence-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-					xsi:type="column" />
-			</sequencing>
-			<instantiation />
-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />
-			<tables>
-				<table name="DX_EMPLOYEE" />
-				<table name="DX_SALARY" />
-			</tables>
-		</class-mapping-descriptor>
-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
-			<class>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</class>
-			<alias>EmploymentPeriod</alias>
-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />
-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />
-			<attribute-mappings>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>endDate</attribute-name>
-					<field name="endDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>startDate</attribute-name>
-					<field name="startDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-			</attribute-mappings>
-			<descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>
-			<instantiation />
-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />
-		</class-mapping-descriptor>
-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
-			<class>model.dynamic.employee.LargeProject</class>
-			<alias>LargeProject</alias>
-			<inheritance xsi:type="inheritance-policy">
-				<parent-class>model.dynamic.employee.Project</parent-class>
-				<read-subclasses-on-queries>false</read-subclasses-on-queries>
-			</inheritance>
-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />
-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />
-			<attribute-mappings>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>budget</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_LPROJECT" name="BUDGET" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>milestoneVersion</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_LPROJECT" name="MILESTONE" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-			</attribute-mappings>
-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>
-			<interfaces>
-			</interfaces>
-			<instantiation />
-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />
-			<tables>
-				<table name="DX_LPROJECT" />
-			</tables>
-		</class-mapping-descriptor>
-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
-			<class>model.dynamic.employee.PhoneNumber</class>
-			<alias>PhoneNumber</alias>
-			<primary-key>
-				<field table="DX_PHONE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-				<field table="DX_PHONE" name="TYPE" xsi:type="column" />
-			</primary-key>
-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />
-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy">
-				<queries>
-					<query name="localNumbers" xsi:type="read-object-query">
-						<criteria operator="and" xsi:type="logic-expression">
-							<left operator="equal" xsi:type="relation-expression">
-								<left name="id" xsi:type="query-key-expression">
-									<base xsi:type="base-expression" />
-								</left>
-								<right xsi:type="parameter-expression">
-									<parameter name="ID" xsi:type="column" />
-								</right>
-							</left>
-							<right operator="equal" xsi:type="relation-expression">
-								<left name="areaCode" xsi:type="query-key-expression">
-									<base xsi:type="base-expression" />
-								</left>
-								<right xsi:type="constant-expression">
-									<value xsi:type="xsd:string">613</value>
-								</right>
-							</right>
-						</criteria>
-						<arguments>
-							<argument name="ID">
-								<type>java.lang.Number</type>
-							</argument>
-						</arguments>
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.PhoneNumber</reference-class>
-						<cache-usage>primary-key</cache-usage>
-						<lock-mode>none</lock-mode>
-					</query>
-				</queries>
-			</querying>
-			<attribute-mappings>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>areaCode</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_PHONE" name="AREA_CODE" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>number</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_PHONE" name="P_NUMBER" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>type</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_PHONE" name="TYPE" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-one-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>owner</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-					<foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_PHONE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</foreign-key>
-					<foreign-key-fields>
-						<field table="DX_PHONE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-					</foreign-key-fields>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-object-query">
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-					</selection-query>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-			</attribute-mappings>
-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>
-			<instantiation />
-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />
-			<query-keys>
-				<query-key name="id" xsi:type="direct-query-key">
-					<field table="DX_PHONE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-				</query-key>
-			</query-keys>
-			<tables>
-				<table name="DX_PHONE" />
-			</tables>
-		</class-mapping-descriptor>
-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
-			<class>model.dynamic.employee.Project</class>
-			<alias>Project</alias>
-			<primary-key>
-				<field table="DX_PROJECT" name="PROJ_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-			</primary-key>
-			<inheritance xsi:type="inheritance-policy">
-				<class-indicator-field table="DX_PROJECT" name="PROJ_TYPE"
-					xsi:type="column" />
-				<class-indicator-mappings>
-					<class-indicator-mapping>
-						<class>model.dynamic.employee.SmallProject</class>
-						<class-indicator xsi:type="xsd:string">S</class-indicator>
-					</class-indicator-mapping>
-					<class-indicator-mapping>
-						<class>model.dynamic.employee.LargeProject</class>
-						<class-indicator xsi:type="xsd:string">L</class-indicator>
-					</class-indicator-mapping>
-				</class-indicator-mappings>
-			</inheritance>
-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />
-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />
-			<attribute-mappings>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>description</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_PROJECT" name="DESCRIP" xsi:type="column" />
-					<null-value xsi:type="xsd:string"></null-value>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_PROJECT" name="PROJ_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>name</attribute-name>
-					<field table="DX_PROJECT" name="PROJ_NAME" xsi:type="column" />
-					<null-value xsi:type="xsd:string"></null-value>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-one-mapping">
-					<attribute-name>teamLeader</attribute-name>
-					<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-					<foreign-key>
-						<field-reference>
-							<source-field table="DX_PROJECT" name="LEADER_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-							<target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID"
-								xsi:type="column" />
-						</field-reference>
-					</foreign-key>
-					<foreign-key-fields>
-						<field table="DX_PROJECT" name="LEADER_ID" xsi:type="column" />
-					</foreign-key-fields>
-					<indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy" />
-					<selection-query xsi:type="read-object-query">
-						<reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</reference-class>
-					</selection-query>
-				</attribute-mapping>
-			</attribute-mappings>
-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>
-			<interfaces>
-			</interfaces>
-			<locking xsi:type="version-locking-policy">
-				<version-field table="DX_PROJECT" name="VERSION"
-					xsi:type="column" />
-			</locking>
-			<sequencing>
-				<sequence-name>DX_PROJ_SEQ</sequence-name>
-				<sequence-field table="DX_PROJECT" name="PROJ_ID"
-					xsi:type="column" />
-			</sequencing>
-			<instantiation />
-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />
-			<tables>
-				<table name="DX_PROJECT" />
-			</tables>
-		</class-mapping-descriptor>
-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
-			<class>model.dynamic.employee.SmallProject</class>
-			<alias>SmallProject</alias>
-			<inheritance xsi:type="inheritance-policy">
-				<parent-class>model.dynamic.employee.Project</parent-class>
-				<read-subclasses-on-queries>false</read-subclasses-on-queries>
-			</inheritance>
-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />
-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy" />
-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>
-			<interfaces>
-			</interfaces>
-			<instantiation />
-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />
-			<tables>
-				<table name="DX_PROJECT" />
-			</tables>
-		</class-mapping-descriptor>
-	</class-mapping-descriptors>
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff06c4a..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.projectxml;






-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.XMLMarshalException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseLogin;

-import org.junit.Test;



- * Test cases verifying invalid args passed to

- * {@link DynamicTypeBuilder#loadDynamicProject(String, DatabaseLogin)}

- */

-public class InvalidConfig {


-    @Test(expected=NullPointerException.class)

-    public void nullResource() throws Exception {

-        DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject((String)null, null, null);

-    }


-    @Test(expected=NullPointerException.class)

-    public void nullClassLoader() throws Exception {

-        File temp = File.createTempFile("foo",".txt");

-        temp.deleteOnExit();

-        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(temp);

-        DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject(fis, new DatabaseLogin(), null);

-    }


-    @Test(expected=XMLMarshalException.class)

-    public void invalidResource() throws Exception {

-        DynamicClassLoader dynamicClassLoader = new DynamicClassLoader(

-            InvalidConfig.class.getClassLoader());

-        InputStream is = dynamicClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(

-            "org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/bar.xml");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject(is, new DatabaseLogin(),

-            dynamicClassLoader);

-    }

\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     mnorman - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.projectxml;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;



-import java.math.BigInteger;

-import java.sql.Date;

-import java.util.List;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.DynamicTestHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;


-import org.junit.*;



- * Test cases verifying the use of the simple-map-project.xml 

- */

-public class SimpleMapProject extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    protected String getProjectLocation() {

-        return "org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project.xml";

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseLogin login = DynamicTestHelper.getTestLogin();

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = new DynamicClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());

-        Project project = null;

-        try {

-            project = DynamicTypeBuilder.loadDynamicProject(getProjectLocation(), login, dcl);

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-            e.printStackTrace();

-        }


-        DatabaseSession ds = project.createDatabaseSession();

-        ds.setLogLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-        ds.login();


-        new DynamicSchemaManager(ds).createTables(new DynamicType[0]);


-        return ds;

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSharedSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("simpletableType");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("simpletable.Simpletable", descriptor.getJavaClassName());


-        assertEquals(3, descriptor.getMappings().size());


-        DatabaseMapping idMapping = descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertNotNull(idMapping);

-        assertTrue(idMapping.isDirectToFieldMapping());

-        assertEquals(BigInteger.class, idMapping.getAttributeClassification());


-        DatabaseMapping nameMapping = descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("name");

-        assertNotNull(nameMapping);

-        assertTrue(nameMapping.isDirectToFieldMapping());

-        assertEquals(String.class, nameMapping.getAttributeClassification());


-        DatabaseMapping sinceMapping = descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("since");

-        assertNotNull(sinceMapping);

-        assertTrue(sinceMapping.isDirectToFieldMapping());

-        assertEquals(Date.class, sinceMapping.getAttributeClassification());

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")

-    @Test

-    public void createInstance() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType type = helper.getType("simpletableType");


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("simpletableType", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-        DynamicEntity entity = type.newDynamicEntity();

-        entity.set("id", new BigInteger("1"));

-        entity.set("name", "Example");

-        entity.set("since", new Date(100, 06, 06));


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(entity);

-        uow.commit();


-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());

-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void readAll() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        createInstance();

-        DynamicType type = helper.getType("simpletableType");


-        List<DynamicEntity> allObjects = session.readAllObjects(type.getJavaClass());

-        assertEquals(1, allObjects.size());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void readById() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        createInstance();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = helper.newReadObjectQuery( "simpletableType");

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(query.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));


-        DynamicEntity entity = (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(query);


-        assertNotNull(entity);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void delete() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        createInstance();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = helper.newReadObjectQuery( "simpletableType");

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(query.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        DynamicEntity entity = (DynamicEntity) uow.executeQuery(query);

-        assertNotNull(entity);


-        uow.deleteObject(entity);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("simpletableType", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearTable() {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLETABLE");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void removeTables() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLETABLE CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-    }


\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 677ecef..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     mnorman - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.orm.projectxml;




- * Test cases verifying the use of the simple-map-project.xml 

- */

-public class SimpleMapProjectNoLogin extends SimpleMapProject {


-    @Override

-    protected String getProjectLocation() {

-        return "org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project-no-login.xml";

-    }


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/bar.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/bar.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a2f82d..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/bar.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<this>is not an EclipseLink project</this>

diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/employee-project.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/employee-project.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 199dfc8..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/employee-project.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<object-persistence version="Eclipse Persistence Services - 1.1.2.v20090612-r4475" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:eclipselink="">

-   <name>employee</name>

-   <class-mapping-descriptors>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>model.dynamic.employee.Address</class>

-         <alias>Address</alias>

-         <primary-key>

-            <field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDR_ID" xsi:type="column"/>

-         </primary-key>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>city</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="CITY" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>country</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="COUNTRY" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDR_ID" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>postalCode</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="PCODE" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>street</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="STREET" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>

-         <sequencing>

-            <sequence-name>DX_ADDR_SEQ</sequence-name>

-            <sequence-field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDR_ID" xsi:type="column"/>

-         </sequencing>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <tables>

-            <table name="DX_ADDRESS"/>

-         </tables>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</class>

-         <alias>Employee</alias>

-         <primary-key>

-            <field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column"/>

-         </primary-key>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="one-to-one-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>address</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.Address</reference-class>

-               <foreign-key>

-                  <field-reference>

-                     <source-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="ADDR_FK" xsi:type="column"/>

-                     <target-field table="DX_ADDRESS" name="ADDR_ID" xsi:type="column"/>

-                  </field-reference>

-               </foreign-key>

-               <foreign-key-fields>

-                  <field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="ADDR_FK" xsi:type="column"/>

-               </foreign-key-fields>

-               <indirection xsi:type="value-holder-indirection-policy"/>

-               <selection-query xsi:type="read-object-query"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="F_NAME" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="L_NAME" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="aggregate-object-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>period</attribute-name>

-               <reference-class>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</reference-class>

-               <allow-null>false</allow-null>

-               <field-translations>

-                  <field-translation>

-                     <source-field name="endDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column"/>

-                     <target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="END_DATE" xsi:type="column"/>

-                  </field-translation>

-                  <field-translation>

-                     <source-field name="startDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column"/>

-                     <target-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="START_DATE" xsi:type="column"/>

-                  </field-translation>

-               </field-translations>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>salary</attribute-name>

-               <field table="DX_SALARY" name="SALARY" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>

-         <sequencing>

-            <sequence-name>DX_EMP_SEQ</sequence-name>

-            <sequence-field table="DX_EMPLOYEE" name="EMP_ID" xsi:type="column"/>

-         </sequencing>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-         <tables>

-            <table name="DX_EMPLOYEE"/>

-            <table name="DX_SALARY"/>

-         </tables>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-      <class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-         <class>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</class>

-         <alias>EmploymentPeriod</alias>

-         <events xsi:type="event-policy"/>

-         <querying xsi:type="query-policy"/>

-         <attribute-mappings>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>endDate</attribute-name>

-               <field name="endDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-            <attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-               <attribute-name>startDate</attribute-name>

-               <field name="startDate->DIRECT" xsi:type="column"/>

-            </attribute-mapping>

-         </attribute-mappings>

-         <descriptor-type>aggregate</descriptor-type>

-         <caching>

-            <cache-size>-1</cache-size>

-         </caching>

-         <remote-caching>

-            <cache-size>-1</cache-size>

-         </remote-caching>

-         <instantiation/>

-         <copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy"/>

-      </class-mapping-descriptor>

-   </class-mapping-descriptors>

-   <login xsi:type="database-login">

-      <platform-class>org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform</platform-class>

-      <user-name></user-name>

-   </login>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project-no-login.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project-no-login.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1122346..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project-no-login.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<object-persistence version="1.1.2"

-	xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""

-	xmlns:xsi=""

-	xmlns:eclipselink="">

-	<name>simpletable-dbws-or</name>

-	<class-mapping-descriptors>

-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-			<class>simpletable.Simpletable</class>

-			<alias>simpletableType</alias>

-			<primary-key>

-				<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="ID" sql-typecode="3"

-					xsi:type="column" />

-			</primary-key>

-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />

-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy">

-				<queries>

-					<query name="findByPrimaryKey" xsi:type="read-object-query">

-						<criteria operator="equal" xsi:type="relation-expression">

-							<left xsi:type="field-expression">

-								<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="ID" sql-typecode="3"

-									xsi:type="column" />

-								<base xsi:type="base-expression" />

-							</left>

-							<right xsi:type="parameter-expression">

-								<parameter name="id" xsi:type="column" />

-							</right>

-						</criteria>

-						<arguments>

-							<argument name="id">

-								<type>java.lang.Object</type>

-							</argument>

-						</arguments>

-						<reference-class>simpletable.Simpletable</reference-class>

-					</query>

-					<query name="findAll" xsi:type="read-all-query">

-						<reference-class>simpletable.Simpletable</reference-class>

-						<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">

-							<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>

-						</container>

-					</query>

-				</queries>

-			</querying>

-			<attribute-mappings>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-					<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="ID" sql-typecode="3"

-						xsi:type="column" />

-					<attribute-classification>java.math.BigInteger</attribute-classification>

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-					<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="NAME" sql-typecode="12"

-						xsi:type="column" />

-					<attribute-classification>java.lang.String</attribute-classification>

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>since</attribute-name>

-					<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="SINCE" sql-typecode="93"

-						xsi:type="column" />

-					<attribute-classification>java.sql.Date</attribute-classification>

-				</attribute-mapping>

-			</attribute-mappings>

-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>

-			<caching>

-				<cache-type>weak-reference</cache-type>

-				<cache-size>-1</cache-size>

-			</caching>

-			<remote-caching>

-				<cache-type>weak-reference</cache-type>

-				<cache-size>-1</cache-size>

-			</remote-caching>

-			<instantiation />

-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />

-			<tables>

-				<table name="SIMPLETABLE" />

-			</tables>

-		</class-mapping-descriptor>

-	</class-mapping-descriptors>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f02109..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/simple-map-project.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<object-persistence version="1.1.2"

-	xmlns="" xmlns:xsd=""

-	xmlns:xsi=""

-	xmlns:eclipselink="">

-	<name>simpletable-dbws-or</name>

-	<class-mapping-descriptors>

-		<class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="relational-class-mapping-descriptor">

-			<class>simpletable.Simpletable</class>

-			<alias>simpletableType</alias>

-			<primary-key>

-				<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="ID" sql-typecode="3"

-					xsi:type="column" />

-			</primary-key>

-			<events xsi:type="event-policy" />

-			<querying xsi:type="query-policy">

-				<queries>

-					<query name="findByPrimaryKey" xsi:type="read-object-query">

-						<criteria operator="equal" xsi:type="relation-expression">

-							<left xsi:type="field-expression">

-								<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="ID" sql-typecode="3"

-									xsi:type="column" />

-								<base xsi:type="base-expression" />

-							</left>

-							<right xsi:type="parameter-expression">

-								<parameter name="id" xsi:type="column" />

-							</right>

-						</criteria>

-						<arguments>

-							<argument name="id">

-								<type>java.lang.Object</type>

-							</argument>

-						</arguments>

-						<reference-class>simpletable.Simpletable</reference-class>

-					</query>

-					<query name="findAll" xsi:type="read-all-query">

-						<reference-class>simpletable.Simpletable</reference-class>

-						<container xsi:type="list-container-policy">

-							<collection-type>java.util.Vector</collection-type>

-						</container>

-					</query>

-				</queries>

-			</querying>

-			<attribute-mappings>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-					<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="ID" sql-typecode="3"

-						xsi:type="column" />

-					<attribute-classification>java.math.BigInteger</attribute-classification>

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-					<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="NAME" sql-typecode="12"

-						xsi:type="column" />

-					<attribute-classification>java.lang.String</attribute-classification>

-				</attribute-mapping>

-				<attribute-mapping xsi:type="direct-mapping">

-					<attribute-name>since</attribute-name>

-					<field table="SIMPLETABLE" name="SINCE" sql-typecode="93"

-						xsi:type="column" />

-					<attribute-classification>java.sql.Date</attribute-classification>

-				</attribute-mapping>

-			</attribute-mappings>

-			<descriptor-type>independent</descriptor-type>

-			<caching>

-				<cache-type>weak-reference</cache-type>

-				<cache-size>-1</cache-size>

-			</caching>

-			<remote-caching>

-				<cache-type>weak-reference</cache-type>

-				<cache-size>-1</cache-size>

-			</remote-caching>

-			<instantiation />

-			<copying xsi:type="instantiation-copy-policy" />

-			<tables>

-				<table name="SIMPLETABLE" />

-			</tables>

-		</class-mapping-descriptor>

-	</class-mapping-descriptors>

-	<login xsi:type="database-login">

-		<platform-class>org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DatabasePlatform

-		</platform-class>

-		<connection-url></connection-url>

-	</login>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2206917..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { SimpleType.class, 

-                       SimpleTypeCompositeKey.class, 

-                       org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.mappings.AllTests.class, 

-                       org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.sequencing.AllTests.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d471e2..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-import java.util.Calendar;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleType extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    protected DynamicType simpleType;


-    protected DynamicType getSimpleType() {

-        if (simpleType == null) {

-            this.simpleType = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession()).getType("Simple");


-            if (this.simpleType == null) {

-                createSimpleType();

-            }

-        }

-        return this.simpleType;

-    }


-    protected DynamicType createSimpleType() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();

-        Class<?> javaType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.Simple");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(javaType, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE");

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "VAL_2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value3", Calendar.class, "VAL_3");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value4", Character.class, "VAL_4");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());


-        return typeBuilder.getType();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidDirectMappingSet_id() throws Exception {

-        DynamicType type = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession()).getType("Simple");


-        DynamicEntity entity = type.newDynamicEntity();


-        try {

-            entity.set("id", 1l);

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("Should have thrown DynamicException for invalid set type");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DatabaseSession session = getSharedSession();


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias("Simple");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='Simple'", descriptor);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) new DynamicHelper(session).getType("Simple");

-        assertNotNull("'Simple' EntityType not found", simpleType);


-        assertEquals(1 + descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFields().size(), simpleType.getMappingsRequiringInitialization().size());


-        assertEquals(descriptor, simpleType.getDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void find() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        createSimpleInstance(session, 1);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = find(helper, session, 1);

-        assertNotNull("Could not find simple instance with id = 1", simpleInstance);


-        simpleInstance = find(helper, session, new Integer(1));

-        assertNotNull("Could not find simple instance with id = Integer(1)", simpleInstance);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void simpleInstance_CRUD() {

-        Session session = getSession();


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = session.getIdentityMapAccessor();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = createSimpleInstance(session, 1);

-        assertNotNull(simpleInstance);


-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-        assertFalse(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));


-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyDefaultValuesFromEntityType() throws Exception {

-        DynamicType simpleType = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession()).getType("Simple");


-        assertNotNull(simpleType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleType.newDynamicEntity();

-        assertDefaultValues(simpleInstance);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyDefaultValuesFromDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession()).getType("Simple");

-        assertNotNull(simpleType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = (DynamicEntity) simpleType.getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();

-        assertDefaultValues(simpleInstance);

-    }


-    protected void assertDefaultValues(DynamicEntity simpleInstance) {

-        assertNotNull(simpleInstance);


-        assertTrue("id not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("id"));

-        assertEquals("id not default value", 0, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        assertFalse("value1  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value1"));

-        assertTrue("value2 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value2"));

-        assertEquals("value2 not default value", false, simpleInstance.get("value2"));

-        assertFalse("value3 set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value3"));

-        assertFalse("value4  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value4"));

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(Session session, int id) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType("Simple");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", id);

-        simpleInstance.set("value2", true);


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("Simple", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-        DynamicEntity foundEntity = find(helper, session, 1);


-        assertNotNull(foundEntity);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id"), foundEntity.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), foundEntity.get("value1"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value2"), foundEntity.get("value2"));


-        session.release();


-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    protected DynamicEntity find(DynamicHelper helper, Session session, Object id) {

-        ReadObjectQuery findQuery = helper.newReadObjectQuery("Simple");

-        findQuery.setSelectionCriteria(findQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(id));

-        return (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(findQuery);

-    }


-    @Before

-    @After

-    public void clearSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        getSimpleType();


-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE");

-        getSharedSession().getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index f8ec8b3..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import java.util.Calendar;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;

-import org.junit.Assert;


-public class SimpleTypeCompositeKey extends SimpleType {


-    @Override

-    protected DynamicType createSimpleType() {

-        DatabaseSession session = getSharedSession();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(session);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> javaType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.Simple");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(javaType, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE");

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID1", "SID2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id1", int.class, "SID1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id2", int.class, "SID2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "VAL_2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value3", Calendar.class, "VAL_3");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value4", Character.class, "VAL_4");


-        helper.addTypes(true, false, typeBuilder.getType());


-        return typeBuilder.getType();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void assertDefaultValues(DynamicEntity simpleInstance) {

-        assertNotNull(simpleInstance);


-        assertTrue("id1 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("id1"));

-        assertEquals("id1 not default value", 0, simpleInstance.get("id1"));

-        assertTrue("id2 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("id2"));

-        assertEquals("id2 not default value", 0, simpleInstance.get("id2"));

-        assertFalse("value1  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value1"));

-        assertTrue("value2 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value2"));

-        assertEquals("value2 not default value", false, simpleInstance.get("value2"));

-        assertFalse("value3 set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value3"));

-        assertFalse("value4  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value4"));

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(Session session, int id) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType("Simple");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id1", id);

-        simpleInstance.set("id2", id);

-        simpleInstance.set("value2", true);


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("Simple", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-        DynamicEntity foundEntity = find(helper, session, 1);


-        assertNotNull(foundEntity);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id1"), foundEntity.get("id1"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id2"), foundEntity.get("id2"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), foundEntity.get("value1"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value2"), foundEntity.get("value2"));


-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DynamicEntity find(DynamicHelper helper, Session session, Object id) {

-        ReadObjectQuery findQuery = helper.newReadObjectQuery( "Simple");

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = findQuery.getExpressionBuilder();

-        findQuery.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id1").equal(id).and(eb.get("id2").equal(id)));

-        return (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(findQuery);

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ca7700..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.mappings;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { SimpleTypes_OneToOne.class, SimpleTypes_AggregateObject.class, SimpleTypes_MultiTable.class, SimpleTypes_OneToMany.class, SimpleTypes_ManyToMany.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b9652b..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.changetracking.AggregateAttributeChangeListener;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicEntityImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.AggregateObjectMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_AggregateObject extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value2 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value2");

-        assertEquals(boolean.class, b_value2.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value3 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value3");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value3.getAttributeClassification());

-        assertTrue(descriptorB.isAggregateDescriptor());


-        AggregateObjectMapping a_b = (AggregateObjectMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertSame(descriptorB.getJavaClass(), a_b.getReferenceDescriptor().getJavaClass());

-        assertTrue(a_b.isNullAllowed());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorC = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleC");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeC = helper.getType("SimpleC");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleC' EntityType not found", simpleTypeC);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping c_value4 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorC.getMappingForAttributeName("value4");

-        assertEquals(double.class, c_value4.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping c_value5 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorC.getMappingForAttributeName("value5");

-        assertEquals(String.class, c_value5.getAttributeClassification());

-        assertTrue(descriptorB.isAggregateDescriptor());


-        AggregateObjectMapping a_c = (AggregateObjectMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("c");

-        assertSame(descriptorC.getJavaClass(), a_c.getReferenceDescriptor().getJavaClass());

-        assertFalse(a_c.isNullAllowed());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyProperties() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        assertEquals(4, simpleTypeA.getNumberOfProperties());

-        assertEquals("id", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals("value1", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(1));

-        assertEquals("b", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(2));

-        assertEquals("c", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(3));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity a = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();


-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("id"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value1"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("b"));

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("c"));


-        DynamicEntity c = a.<DynamicEntity> get("c");

-        assertNotNull(c);

-        assertTrue(c.isSet("value4"));

-        assertFalse(c.isSet("value5"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void persistSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyChangTracking() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        persistSimpleA();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        ReadObjectQuery roq = helper.newReadObjectQuery("SimpleA");

-        roq.setSelectionCriteria(roq.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));


-        DynamicEntityImpl sharedA = (DynamicEntityImpl) session.executeQuery(roq);

-        assertNotNull(sharedA);

-        assertNull(sharedA._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener());


-        DynamicEntityImpl a = (DynamicEntityImpl) uow.executeQuery(roq);

-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertNotNull(a._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener());


-        DynamicEntityImpl c = a.<DynamicEntityImpl> get("c");

-        assertNotNull(c);

-        assertNotNull(c._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener());

-        assertTrue(c._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AggregateAttributeChangeListener);


-        uow.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleAwithSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        Assert.assertNotNull(session.getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value2", true);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value3", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.set("b", simpleInstanceB);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceA);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession getSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseSession shared = super.getSharedSession();


-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(shared);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder bTypeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null);

-        bTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "VAL_2");

-        bTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value3", String.class, "VAL_3");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeC = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleC");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder cTypeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeC, null);

-        cTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value4", double.class, "VAL_4");

-        cTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value5", String.class, "VAL_5");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aTypeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aTypeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        aTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aTypeBuilder.addAggregateObjectMapping("b", bTypeBuilder.getType(), true);

-        aTypeBuilder.addAggregateObjectMapping("c", cTypeBuilder.getType(), false);


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, aTypeBuilder.getType(), bTypeBuilder.getType(), cTypeBuilder.getType());

-        return shared;

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index d5dc493..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ManyToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_ManyToMany extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    private DynamicHelper helper;

-    private DynamicType aType;

-    private DynamicType bType;


-    public DynamicType getAType() {

-        if (this.aType == null) {

-            this.aType = getHelper().getType("SimpleA");

-        }

-        return aType;

-    }


-    public DynamicType getBType() {

-        if (this.bType == null) {

-            this.bType = getHelper().getType("SimpleB");

-        }

-        return bType;

-    }


-    public DynamicHelper getHelper() {

-        if (this.helper == null) {

-            this.helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        }

-        return this.helper;

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        Session session = getSession();


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) getAType();

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeB = (DynamicTypeImpl) getHelper().getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, b_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ManyToManyMapping a_b = (ManyToManyMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, a_b.getReferenceDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) getHelper().getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = getHelper().newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleB() {

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeB = (DynamicTypeImpl) getHelper().getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "B1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = getHelper().newReportQuery(simpleTypeB.getName(), new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithB() {

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) getHelper().getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeB = (DynamicTypeImpl) getHelper().getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        Assert.assertNotNull(session.getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("b").add(simpleInstanceA);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceB);

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceA);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQueryB = getHelper().newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQueryB.addCount();

-        countQueryB.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountB = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQueryB)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountB);


-        ReportQuery countQueryA = getHelper().newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQueryA.addCount();

-        countQueryA.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQueryA)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithExistingB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeRelationshop() {

-        Session session = getSession();

-        createAwithB();


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        ReadObjectQuery roq = getHelper().newReadObjectQuery("SimpleA");

-        roq.setSelectionCriteria(roq.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));

-        DynamicEntity a = (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(roq);

-        assertNotNull(a);


-        List<DynamicEntity> bs = a.<List<DynamicEntity>> get("b");

-        assertNotNull(bs);

-        assertEquals(1, bs.size());

-        bs.remove(0);


-        uow.commit();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void addAtoB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseSession shared = super.createSharedSession();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(shared);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aFactory = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder bFactory = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        bFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");


-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aFactory.addManyToManyMapping("b", bFactory.getType(), "SIMPLE_A_B");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, aFactory.getType(), bFactory.getType());


-        return shared;

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_A_B");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_A_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index f902888..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicEntityImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_MultiTable extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());


-        assertTrue(descriptorA.hasMultipleTables());

-        assertEquals(3, descriptorA.getTables().size());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value2 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value2");

-        assertEquals(boolean.class, a_value2.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value3 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value3");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value3.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value4 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value4");

-        assertEquals(double.class, a_value4.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value5 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value5");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value5.getAttributeClassification());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyProperties() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        assertEquals(6, simpleTypeA.getNumberOfProperties());

-        assertEquals("id", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals(int.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(0));

-        assertEquals("value1", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(1));

-        assertEquals(String.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(1));

-        assertEquals("value2", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(2));

-        assertEquals(boolean.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(2));

-        assertEquals("value3", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(3));

-        assertEquals(String.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(3));

-        assertEquals("value4", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(4));

-        assertEquals(double.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(4));

-        assertEquals("value5", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(5));

-        assertEquals(String.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(5));


-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity a = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();


-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("id"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value1"));

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("value2"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value3"));

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("value4"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value5"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void persistSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyChangeTracking() {

-        persistSimpleA();


-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        ReadObjectQuery findQuery = helper.newReadObjectQuery("SimpleA");

-        findQuery.setSelectionCriteria(findQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));

-        DynamicEntityImpl a = (DynamicEntityImpl) uow.executeQuery(findQuery);


-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertNotNull(a._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener());


-        uow.release();

-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseSession shared = super.createSharedSession();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(shared);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A", "SIMPLE_TYPE_B", "SIMPLE_TYPE_C");

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SIMPLE_TYPE_A.SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A.SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A.VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B.VAL_2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value3", String.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B.VAL_3");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value4", double.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_C.VAL_4");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value5", String.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_C.VAL_5");


-        shared.login();

-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());


-        return shared;

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_C");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_C CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86e2894..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.HashMap;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DynamicException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_OneToMany extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, b_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        OneToManyMapping a_b = (OneToManyMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, a_b.getReferenceDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNewSimpleA() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicEntity newA = helper.getType("SimpleA").newDynamicEntity();


-        assertNotNull(newA);

-        assertTrue(newA.isSet("id"));

-        assertFalse(newA.isSet("value1"));

-        assertTrue(newA.isSet("b"));


-        Object b = newA.get("b");

-        assertNotNull(b);

-        assertTrue(b instanceof Collection);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNewSimpleA_InvalidB_Map() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicEntity newA = helper.getType("SimpleA").newDynamicEntity();


-        try {

-            newA.set("b", new HashMap());

-        } catch (DynamicException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("DynamicException expected putting Map in 'b'");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNewSimpleA_InvalidB_Object() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicEntity newA = helper.getType("SimpleA").newDynamicEntity();


-        try {

-            newA.set("b", new Object());

-        } catch (DynamicException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("DynamicException expected putting Object in 'b'");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNewSimpleA_InvalidB_A() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicEntity newA = helper.getType("SimpleA").newDynamicEntity();


-        try {

-            newA.set("b", helper.getType("SimpleA").newDynamicEntity());

-        } catch (DynamicException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("DynamicException expected putting A in 'b'");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNewSimpleA_InvalidB_B() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicEntity newA = helper.getType("SimpleA").newDynamicEntity();


-        try {

-            newA.set("b", helper.getType("SimpleB").newDynamicEntity());

-        } catch (DynamicException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("DynamicException expected putting B in 'b'");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNewSimpleA_InvalidB_NULL() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicEntity newA = helper.getType("SimpleA").newDynamicEntity();


-        try {

-            newA.set("b", null);

-        } catch (DynamicException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("DynamicException expected putting NULL in 'b'");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "B1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        Assert.assertNotNull(session.getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("b").add(simpleInstanceB);


-        simpleInstanceB.set("a", simpleInstanceA);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceB);

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceA);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountB = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountB);


-        countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithBCollection() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        Assert.assertNotNull(session.getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");


-        Collection<DynamicEntity> bs = new ArrayList<DynamicEntity>();

-        bs.add(simpleInstanceB);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("b", bs);


-        simpleInstanceB.set("a", simpleInstanceA);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceB);

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceA);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountB = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountB);


-        countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeAwithB_PrivateOwned() {

-        createAwithB();


-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleAType = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        ((OneToManyMapping) simpleAType.getDescriptor().getMappingForAttributeName("b")).setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        Session session = getSession();


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        ReadObjectQuery findQuery = helper.newReadObjectQuery("SimpleA");

-        findQuery.setSelectionCriteria(findQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));

-        DynamicEntity a = (DynamicEntity) uow.executeQuery(findQuery);


-        assertNotNull(a);

-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountB = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountB);

-        countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-        uow.deleteObject(a);

-        // em.remove(a.get("b", List.class).get(0));


-        uow.commit();


-        countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        simpleCountB = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(0, simpleCountB);

-        countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        simpleCountA = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(0, simpleCountA);


-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithExistingB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeBfromA() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void addAtoB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        DatabaseSession shared = super.createSharedSession();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(shared);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        // Create Dynamic Classes

-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");


-        // Build dynamic types with mappings

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aTypeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aTypeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder bTypeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        bTypeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        bTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        bTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        bTypeBuilder.addOneToOneMapping("a", aTypeBuilder.getType(), "A_FK");


-        aTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aTypeBuilder.addOneToManyMapping("b", bTypeBuilder.getType(), "A_FK");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, aTypeBuilder.getType(), bTypeBuilder.getType());


-        return shared;

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        try {

-            sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-            sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {

-            // ignore

-        }

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9303121..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static;

-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DynamicException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.DynamicTestHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;


-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_OneToOne extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, b_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        OneToOneMapping a_b = (OneToOneMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, a_b.getReferenceDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "B1");


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        uow.commit();


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int simpleCount = ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleAwithSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = getSession();


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);

-        Assert.assertNotNull(session.getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.set("b", simpleInstanceB);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceA);

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstanceB);

-        uow.commit();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(session).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        // There is no reason for a shallow insert and an update in this mapping

-        assertEquals("No update expected for new objects with 1:1", 0, getQuerySQLTracker(session).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleB", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-        countQuery = helper.newReportQuery("SimpleA", new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue());


-    }


-    /*

-     * Invalid relationship set

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleAwithSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA1 = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA1.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceA1.set("value1", "A1");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA2 = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA2.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceA2.set("value1", "A2");


-        try {

-        simpleInstanceA2.set("b", simpleInstanceA1);

-        } catch (DynamicException e){

-            return;

-        }


-        fail("DynamicException expected for invalid set of 'b'");        

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        Project project = new Project(DynamicTestHelper.getTestLogin());

-        DatabaseSession shared = project.createDatabaseSession();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(shared);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder bFactory = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        bFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aFactory = new DynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aFactory.addOneToOneMapping("b", bFactory.getType(), "B_FK");


-        helper.addTypes(false, true, aFactory.getType(), bFactory.getType());


-        shared.getSessionLog().setLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-        shared.login();


-        new SchemaManager(shared).replaceDefaultTables();


-        return shared;

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        try {

-            sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-            sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {

-            // ignore

-        }

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1267cc2..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.sequencing;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { DefaultSequencing.class, TableSequencing.class, UnaryTableSequencing.class, NativeSequencing.class })

-public class AllTests {



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index d328df7..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.sequencing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.DynamicTestHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.EclipseLinkORMTest;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public abstract class BaseSequencingTest extends EclipseLinkORMTest {


-    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "SIMPLE_TABLE_SEQ";


-    public static final String ENTITY_TYPE = "Simple";


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, descriptor);


-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("EntityType not found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, simpleType);


-        assertEquals(descriptor, simpleType.getDescriptor());


-        assertTrue("Descriptor does not use sequencing", descriptor.usesSequenceNumbers());

-        verifySequencingConfig(helper.getSession(), descriptor);

-    }


-    protected abstract void verifySequencingConfig(Session session, ClassDescriptor descriptor);


-    @Test

-    public void createSingleInstances() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = acquireSession();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = createSimpleInstance(helper, session, 1);


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery(ENTITY_TYPE, new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        assertEquals(1, count(helper, session));


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = session.getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult = find(helper, session, 1);


-        assertNotNull(findResult);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id"), findResult.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), findResult.get("value1"));


-        session.release();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createTwoInstances() throws DatabaseException, Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(getSharedSession());

-        Session session = acquireSession();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance1 = createSimpleInstance(helper, session, 1);

-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance2 = createSimpleInstance(helper, session, 2);


-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery(ENTITY_TYPE, new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        assertEquals(2, count(helper, session));


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = session.getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance1));

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance2));


-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult1 = find(helper, session, 1);

-        DynamicEntity findResult2 = find(helper, session, 2);


-        assertNotNull(findResult1);

-        assertNotNull(findResult2);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance1.get("id"), findResult1.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance2.get("value1"), findResult2.get("value1"));


-        session.release();

-    }


-    protected Session acquireSession() throws DatabaseException, Exception {

-        if (getSharedSession().isServerSession()) {

-            return ((Server) getSharedSession()).acquireClientSession();

-        }

-        return getSharedSession();

-    }


-    protected DynamicEntity find(DynamicHelper helper, Session session, int id) {

-        ReadObjectQuery findQuery = helper.newReadObjectQuery(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        findQuery.setSelectionCriteria(findQuery.getExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(id));

-        return (DynamicEntity) session.executeQuery(findQuery);

-    }


-    protected int count(DynamicHelper helper, Session session) {

-        ReportQuery countQuery = helper.newReportQuery(ENTITY_TYPE, new ExpressionBuilder());

-        countQuery.addCount();

-        countQuery.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        return ((Number) session.executeQuery(countQuery)).intValue();

-    }


-    protected DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(DynamicHelper helper, Session session, int expectedId) {

-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", TABLE_NAME);


-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        assertEquals(0, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        uow.registerNewObject(simpleInstance);

-        assertEquals(0, simpleInstance.get("id"));


-        // uow.assignSequenceNumber(simpleInstance);


-        uow.commit();

-        assertEquals(expectedId, simpleInstance.get("id"));


-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DatabaseSession createSharedSession() {

-        if (sharedSession == null) {

-            sharedSession = DynamicTestHelper.createEmptySession();

-            sharedSession.login();


-            DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(sharedSession);

-            DynamicClassLoader dcl = DynamicClassLoader.lookup(getSharedSession());


-            Class<?> dynamicType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.sequencing." + ENTITY_TYPE);

-            DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new DynamicTypeBuilder(dynamicType, null, TABLE_NAME);

-            typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-            typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-            typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");


-            configureSequencing(sharedSession, typeBuilder);


-            helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());

-        }


-        return sharedSession;

-    }


-    protected abstract void configureSequencing(DatabaseSession session, DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder);


-    @After

-    public void clearSimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        getSharedSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("DELETE FROM " + TABLE_NAME);

-        resetSequence(getSharedSession());

-        getSharedSession().getSequencingControl().initializePreallocated();

-    }


-    protected abstract void resetSequence(DatabaseSession session);


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index e96cc5c..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.sequencing;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.TableSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;


-public class DefaultSequencing extends BaseSequencingTest {


-    @Override

-    protected void configureSequencing(DatabaseSession session, DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder) {

-        TableSequence defaultSequence = (TableSequence) session.getLogin().getDefaultSequence();

-        defaultSequence.setTableName("TEST_SEQ");

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ", "SID");

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifySequencingConfig(Session session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void resetSequence(DatabaseSession session) {

-        session.executeNonSelectingSQL("UPDATE TEST_SEQ SET SEQ_COUNT = 0");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE TEST_SEQ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        BaseSequencingTest.shutdown();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 37330fd..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.sequencing;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.NativeSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;


-public class NativeSequencing extends BaseSequencingTest {


-    @Override

-    protected void configureSequencing(DatabaseSession session, DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder) {

-        NativeSequence sequence = new NativeSequence();

-        sequence.setPreallocationSize(5);

-        ((AbstractSession) session).getProject().getLogin().setDefaultSequence(sequence);

-        sequence.onConnect(session.getPlatform());

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(sequence, ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ", "SID");

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifySequencingConfig(Session session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void resetSequence(DatabaseSession session) {

-        session.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP SEQUENCE " + ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ");

-        session.executeNonSelectingSQL("CREATE SEQUENCE " + ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ INCREMENT BY 5 START WITH 5");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP SEQUENCE " + ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ");

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17ce8dd..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.sequencing;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.TableSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;


-public class TableSequencing extends BaseSequencingTest {


-    @Override

-    protected void configureSequencing(DatabaseSession session, DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder) {

-        TableSequence sequence = new TableSequence();

-        sequence.setTableName("TEST_SEQ");

-        sequence.setCounterFieldName("SEQ_VALUE");

-        sequence.setNameFieldName("SEQ_NAME");

-        sequence.setPreallocationSize(5);

-        ((AbstractSession) session).getProject().getLogin().setDefaultSequence(sequence);

-        sequence.onConnect(session.getPlatform());

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(sequence, ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ", "SID");

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifySequencingConfig(Session session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-    }


-    protected void resetSequence(DatabaseSession session) {

-        session.executeNonSelectingSQL("UPDATE TEST_SEQ SET SEQ_VALUE = 0");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE TEST_SEQ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        BaseSequencingTest.shutdown();


-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 044f254..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.dynamic.simple.sequencing;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.UnaryTableSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;


-public class UnaryTableSequencing extends BaseSequencingTest {


-    @Override

-    protected void configureSequencing(DatabaseSession session, DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder) {

-        UnaryTableSequence sequence = new UnaryTableSequence("TEST_SEQ");

-        sequence.setCounterFieldName("SEQ_VALUE");

-        sequence.setPreallocationSize(5);

-        ((AbstractSession) session).getProject().getLogin().setDefaultSequence(sequence);

-        sequence.onConnect(session.getPlatform());

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(sequence, "TEST_SEQ", "SID");

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifySequencingConfig(Session session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

-    }


-    protected void resetSequence(DatabaseSession session) {

-        session.executeNonSelectingSQL("UPDATE TEST_SEQ SET SEQ_VALUE = 0");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        sharedSession.executeNonSelectingSQL("DROP TABLE TEST_SEQ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS");

-        BaseSequencingTest.shutdown();


-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/util/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8ec499..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- * 				- ported from earlier Oracle TopLink examples

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.util;



-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.DefaultSessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLogEntry;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEvent;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEventAdapter;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2

- */

-public class QuerySQLTracker extends SessionEventAdapter {

-	private List<QueryResult> queries;


-	/**

-	 * Constructs and installs the event listener and sql tracking session log

-	 * 

-	 * @param session

-	 */

-	private QuerySQLTracker(Session session) {

-		session.getEventManager().addListener(this);

-		session.setSessionLog(new SQLTrackingSessionLog(session, this));

-		reset();

-	}


-	public static QuerySQLTracker install(Session session) {

-		if (session.getSessionLog() instanceof SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((SQLTrackingSessionLog) session.getSessionLog())

-					.getTracker();

-		}

-		return new QuerySQLTracker(session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Helper method to retrieve a tracker from a session where it was installed

-	 * If the session exists but does not have a tracler installed then an

-	 * exception is thrown.

-	 */

-	public static QuerySQLTracker getTracker(Session session) {

-		if (session == null) {

-			return null;

-		}

-		SessionLog sessionLog = session.getSessionLog();


-		if (sessionLog instanceof QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) sessionLog)

-					.getTracker();

-		}

-		throw new RuntimeException(

-				"Could not retireve QuerySQLTracke from session: " + session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Reset the lists of SQL and queries being tracked

-	 */

-	public void reset() {

-		this.queries = new ArrayList<QueryResult>();

-	}


-	public List<QueryResult> getQueries() {

-		return this.queries;

-	}


-	protected QuerySQLTracker.QueryResult getCurrentResult() {

-		if (getQueries().size() == 0) {

-			getQueries().add(new QueryResult(null));

-			// throw new RuntimeException("Received SQL without a Query ???");

-		}

-		return getQueries().get(getQueries().size() - 1);

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls() {

-		int totalSQLCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			totalSQLCalls += result.sqlStatements.size();

-		}


-		return totalSQLCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls(String startsWith) {

-		int sqlCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			for (String sql : result.sqlStatements) {

-				String sub = sql.substring(0, startsWith.length());

-				if (sub.equalsIgnoreCase(startsWith)) {

-					sqlCalls++;

-				}

-			}

-		}


-		return sqlCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLSELECTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("SELECT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLINSERTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("INSERT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLUPDATECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("UPDATE");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLDELETECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("DELETE");

-	}


-	public void preExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		//System.err.println("*** QuerySQLTracker.preExecuteQuery(" + event.getQuery() + ")");

-		//Thread.dumpStack();

-		QueryResult result = new QueryResult(event.getQuery());

-		getQueries().add(result);

-	}


-	public void postExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		if (getCurrentResult().query == null) {

-			getCurrentResult().setQuery(event.getQuery());

-		}

-		getCurrentResult().setResult(event.getResult());

-	}


-	protected class QueryResult {

-		private DatabaseQuery query;

-		private String resultString = null;

-		private List<String> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<String>();


-		QueryResult(DatabaseQuery q) {

-			query = q;

-		}


-		protected void setQuery(DatabaseQuery query) {

-			this.query = query;

-		}


-		protected void setResult(Object queryResult) {

-			StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-			writer.write(Helper.getShortClassName(query));

-			writer.write("[" + System.identityHashCode(query) + "]");

-			writer.write(" result = ");


-			Object result = queryResult;

-			if (queryResult instanceof Collection) {

-				result = ((Collection) queryResult).toArray();

-			}


-			if (result == null) {

-				writer.write("NONE");

-			} else {

-				if (result instanceof Object[]) {

-					Object[] results = (Object[]) result;

-					writer.write("<" + results.length + "> [");

-					for (int index = 0; index < results.length; index++) {

-						if (index > 0) {

-							writer.write(", ");

-						}

-						writer.write(results[index] + "");

-					}

-					writer.write("]");

-					resultString = writer.toString();

-				} else {

-					writer.write(result.toString());

-				}

-			}


-			this.resultString = writer.toString();

-		}


-		public void addSQL(String sql) {

-			sqlStatements.add(sql);

-		}


-		public String toString() {

-			if (this.resultString == null) {

-				setResult(null);

-			}

-			return this.resultString;

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * This custom SessionLog implementation wraps the existing one and redirects

-	 * all SQL calls to the tracker. All messages are also passed to the original

-	 * tracker.

-	 */

-	public class SQLTrackingSessionLog extends DefaultSessionLog {


-		private QuerySQLTracker tracker;


-		private SessionLog originalLog;


-		protected SQLTrackingSessionLog(Session session,

-				QuerySQLTracker aTracker) {

-			this.tracker = aTracker;

-			this.originalLog = session.getSessionLog();

-			setSession(session);

-			setWriter(this.originalLog.getWriter());

-		}


-		public QuerySQLTracker getTracker() {

-			return this.tracker;

-		}


-		public synchronized void log(SessionLogEntry entry) {


-			if (entry.getNameSpace() != null

-					&& entry.getNameSpace().equalsIgnoreCase(SessionLog.SQL)) {

-				getTracker().getCurrentResult().addSQL(entry.getMessage());

-			}

-			super.log(entry);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public int getLevel(String category) {

-			return this.originalLog.getLevel(category);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public void setLevel(int level, String category) {

-			this.originalLog.setLevel(level, category);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public int getLevel() {

-			return this.originalLog.getLevel();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public void setLevel(int level) {

-			this.originalLog.setLevel(level);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintConnection() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintConnection();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintDate() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintDate();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintSession() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintSession();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintThread() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintThread();

-		}

-	}


-	public void printResults(String prefix) {

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries:");


-		int sql = 0;

-		for (int index = 0; index < getQueries().size(); index++) {

-			QueryResult result = getQueries().get(index);


-			System.out.println("\t" + (index + 1) + "> " + result);


-			for (int sqlNum = 0; sqlNum < result.sqlStatements.size(); sqlNum++) {

-				sql++;

-				System.out.println("\t\t" + (index + 1) + "." + (sqlNum + 1)

-						+ "-" + sql + "> " + result.sqlStatements.get(sqlNum));

-			}

-		}


-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries: "

-				+ getQueries().size());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-INSERT: "

-				+ getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-SELECT: "

-				+ getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-UPDATE: "

-				+ getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-DELETE: "

-				+ getTotalSQLDELETECalls());

-	}



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/
deleted file mode 100644
index af212cb..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Testing environment properties.


-# Link to dependencies not in SVN, assumes default location, if you store elsewhere you need to edit these.


-# toplink.jar=../../../

-# toplink-essentials.jar=../../../

-# toplink-essentials-agent.jar=../../../

-# hibernate.dir=../../../extension.hibernate.lib.external/

-# openjpa.dir=../../../extension.openjpa.lib.external/

-# Set your target database properties here or give it by option.









-# jdbc.driver.jar=../../../extension.lib.external/mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar

-# db.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

-# db.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql

-# db.user=user

-# db.pwd=password

-# db.platform=org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.MySQLPlatform















-# Logging option for debugging.


-# logging.level=finest

-# logging.level=off


-# Weaving options, switch to ignore for no weaving


-# test.agent=-Dignore


-# test.weaving=-DTEST_NO_WEAVING=true


-# Test class to be run.


-# test.class=org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.advanced.EntityManagerJUnitTestSuite

-# test.class=org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.jpa.AllCMP3TestRunModel


-# Test runner properties.



-# This is relative to the run directory.


-# Server properties

-# Valid values of are weblogic, oc4j, ...


-# A property specifying if PromptTestRunner should save the test results to the database


-# The baseline version that the performance tests will compare this version with.

-# By default, it is the version that the last success runs were against.

-# To this version as a baseline, you can specify a non-existing baseline version and run the performance tests.

-# performance.baseline.version=1.0_:SNAPSHOT_-_20080402
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Issue.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Issue.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index c3df8bd..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Issue.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.Issue</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>comments</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-         <get-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>getComments()</method-signature>

-         </get-method-handle>

-         <set-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>setComments(java.lang.String)</method-signature>

-         </set-method-handle>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>condition</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-         <get-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>getCondition()</method-signature>

-         </get-method-handle>

-         <set-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>setCondition(java.lang.String)</method-signature>

-         </set-method-handle>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>copies</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-         <get-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>getId()</method-signature>

-         </get-method-handle>

-         <set-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>setId(int)</method-signature>

-         </set-method-handle>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>number</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>title</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-         <value-type-handle>

-            <type-name>model.Title</type-name>

-         </value-type-handle>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Issue</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getComments</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>comments</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getCondition</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>condition</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setComments</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>comments</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setCondition</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>condition</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Publisher.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Publisher.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1423fea..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Publisher.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.Publisher</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-         <get-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>getId()</method-signature>

-         </get-method-handle>

-         <set-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>setId(int)</method-signature>

-         </set-method-handle>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>name</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-         <get-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>getName()</method-signature>

-         </get-method-handle>

-         <set-method-handle>

-            <method-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</method-declaring-type-name>

-            <method-signature>setName(java.lang.String)</method-signature>

-         </set-method-handle>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Publisher</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>getName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setId</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>int</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-      <method>

-         <name>setName</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <return-type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>void</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </return-type-declaration>

-         <method-parameters>

-            <method-parameter>

-               <type-declaration>

-                  <type-handle>

-                     <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-                  </type-handle>

-               </type-declaration>

-            </method-parameter>

-         </method-parameters>

-         <accessed-attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-         </accessed-attribute-handle>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Title.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Title.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 53fed8e..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/classes/model.Title.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.Title</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>format</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name></type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>name</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>publisher</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.Publisher</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Title</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/comics.mwp b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/comics.mwp
deleted file mode 100644
index 90d6e3a..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/comics.mwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<project type="relational">

-   <name>comics</name>

-   <product-version>1.0.2</product-version>

-   <schema-version>7.0</schema-version>

-   <class-repository>

-      <user-type-names>

-         <name>model.Issue</name>

-         <name>model.Publisher</name>

-         <name>model.Title</name>

-      </user-type-names>

-   </class-repository>

-   <descriptor-names>

-      <descriptor-name>model.Issue</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>model.Publisher</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>model.Title</descriptor-name>

-   </descriptor-names>

-   <defaults-policy type="relational">

-      <use-method-accessing>false</use-method-accessing>

-      <caching-policy>

-         <cache-expiry/>

-      </caching-policy>

-      <cache-all-statements>false</cache-all-statements>

-      <bind-all-parameters>true</bind-all-parameters>

-   </defaults-policy>

-   <deployment-xml-file>../../src/META-INF/dynamic-comics-map.xml</deployment-xml-file>

-   <table-repository>

-      <platform-name>Derby</platform-name>

-      <login-infos>

-         <login-info>

-            <name>dev</name>

-            <driver-class>org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver</driver-class>

-            <url>jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/dynamic-comics;create=true</url>

-            <user-name>app</user-name>

-            <password>6C8656CCFAFC3835FE6EA99641C9C127</password>

-            <save-password>true</save-password>

-         </login-info>

-      </login-infos>

-      <deployment-login-spec-handle>

-         <login-spec-name>dev</login-spec-name>

-      </deployment-login-spec-handle>

-      <development-login-spec-handle>

-         <login-spec-name>dev</login-spec-name>

-      </development-login-spec-handle>

-      <table-names>

-         <name>ISSUE</name>

-         <name>PUBLISHER</name>

-         <name>TITLE</name>

-      </table-names>

-   </table-repository>

-   <sequencing>

-      <preallocation-size>50</preallocation-size>

-   </sequencing>

-   <table-generation>

-      <default-primary-key-name>ID</default-primary-key-name>

-      <primary-key-search-pattern>*ID</primary-key-search-pattern>

-   </table-generation>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Issue.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Issue.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ed29cd..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Issue.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="relational">

-   <name>model.Issue</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.Issue</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="relational">

-      <descriptor-alias>Issue</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="relational"/>

-      <locking-policy type="relational"/>

-      <primary-key-policy>

-         <primary-key-handles>

-            <column-handle>

-               <column-table-name>ISSUE</column-table-name>

-               <column-name>ID</column-name>

-            </column-handle>

-         </primary-key-handles>

-      </primary-key-policy>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>comments</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>comments</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>ISSUE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>COMMENTS</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>condition</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>condition</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>ISSUE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>CONDITION</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>copies</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>copies</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>ISSUE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>COPIES</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>ISSUE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>ID</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>number</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>number</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>ISSUE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>NUM</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="one-to-one">

-         <name>title</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Issue</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>title</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>model.Title</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <indirection-type>value-holder-indirection</indirection-type>

-         <reference-handle>

-            <reference-table-name>ISSUE</reference-table-name>

-            <reference-name>ISSUE_TITLE</reference-name>

-         </reference-handle>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <primary-table-handle>

-      <table-name>ISSUE</table-name>

-   </primary-table-handle>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Publisher.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Publisher.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f72d710..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Publisher.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="relational">

-   <name>model.Publisher</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.Publisher</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="relational">

-      <descriptor-alias>Publisher</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="relational"/>

-      <locking-policy type="relational"/>

-      <primary-key-policy>

-         <primary-key-handles>

-            <column-handle>

-               <column-table-name>PUBLISHER</column-table-name>

-               <column-name>ID</column-name>

-            </column-handle>

-         </primary-key-handles>

-      </primary-key-policy>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>PUBLISHER</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>ID</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>name</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Publisher</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>PUBLISHER</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>NAME</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <primary-table-handle>

-      <table-name>PUBLISHER</table-name>

-   </primary-table-handle>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Title.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Title.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d593b4..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/descriptors/model.Title.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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-   <name>model.Title</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.Title</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

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-      <descriptor-alias>Title</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="relational"/>

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-               <column-table-name>TITLE</column-table-name>

-               <column-name>ID</column-name>

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-         </primary-key-handles>

-      </primary-key-policy>

-   </transactional-policy>

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-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>format</name>

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-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Title</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>format</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

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-            <column-table-name>TITLE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>FORMAT</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Title</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>TITLE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>ID</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>name</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Title</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>name</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>TITLE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>NAME</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="one-to-one">

-         <name>publisher</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.Title</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>publisher</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>model.Publisher</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <reference-handle>

-            <reference-table-name>TITLE</reference-table-name>

-            <reference-name>TITLE_PUBLISHER</reference-name>

-         </reference-handle>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <primary-table-handle>

-      <table-name>TITLE</table-name>

-   </primary-table-handle>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/ISSUE.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/ISSUE.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b81010..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/ISSUE.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <short-name>ISSUE</short-name>

-   <columns>

-      <column>

-         <name>COMMENTS</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR</type>

-         <size>200</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>CONDITION</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>COPIES</name>

-         <type>SMALLINT</type>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>ID</name>

-         <type>INTEGER</type>

-         <unique>true</unique>

-         <primary-key>true</primary-key>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>NUM</name>

-         <type>SMALLINT</type>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>PAID</name>

-         <type>DOUBLE</type>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>TTITLE_ID</name>

-         <type>INTEGER</type>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>VALUE</name>

-         <type>DOUBLE</type>

-      </column>

-   </columns>

-   <references>

-      <table-association>

-         <name>ISSUE_TITLE</name>

-         <target-table-handle>

-            <table-name>TITLE</table-name>

-         </target-table-handle>

-         <on-database>true</on-database>

-         <column-pairs>

-            <column-pair>

-               <source-column-handle>

-                  <column-table-name>ISSUE</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>TTITLE_ID</column-name>

-               </source-column-handle>

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-                  <column-table-name>TITLE</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>ID</column-name>

-               </target-column-handle>

-            </column-pair>

-         </column-pairs>

-      </table-association>

-   </references>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/PUBLISHER.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/PUBLISHER.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d51725f..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/PUBLISHER.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <short-name>PUBLISHER</short-name>

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-      <column>

-         <name>ID</name>

-         <type>INTEGER</type>

-         <unique>true</unique>

-         <primary-key>true</primary-key>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>NAME</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-   </columns>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/TITLE.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/TITLE.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 493f954..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/comics/tables/TITLE.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <short-name>TITLE</short-name>

-   <columns>

-      <column>

-         <name>FORMAT</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR</type>

-         <size>100</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>ID</name>

-         <type>INTEGER</type>

-         <unique>true</unique>

-         <primary-key>true</primary-key>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>NAME</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR</type>

-         <size>40</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>PUB_ID</name>

-         <type>INTEGER</type>

-      </column>

-   </columns>

-   <references>

-      <table-association>

-         <name>TITLE_PUBLISHER</name>

-         <target-table-handle>

-            <table-name>PUBLISHER</table-name>

-         </target-table-handle>

-         <on-database>true</on-database>

-         <column-pairs>

-            <column-pair>

-               <source-column-handle>

-                  <column-table-name>TITLE</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>PUB_ID</column-name>

-               </source-column-handle>

-               <target-column-handle>

-                  <column-table-name>PUBLISHER</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>ID</column-name>

-               </target-column-handle>

-            </column-pair>

-         </column-pairs>

-      </table-association>

-   </references>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.Address.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.Address.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f6c16c6..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.Address.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>city</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>country</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>postalCode</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>street</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Address</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.Employee.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.Employee.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 43c867c..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.Employee.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>address</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-         <value-type-handle>

-            <type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</type-name>

-         </value-type-handle>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>id</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.String</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>period</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>salary</name>

-         <modifier>2</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>int</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>Employee</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index eab0aa5..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/classes/model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</name>

-   <modifier>1</modifier>

-   <superclass-handle>

-      <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-   </superclass-handle>

-   <attributes>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>endDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-      <class-attribute>

-         <name>startDate</name>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-         <type-declaration>

-            <type-handle>

-               <type-name>java.lang.Object</type-name>

-            </type-handle>

-         </type-declaration>

-      </class-attribute>

-   </attributes>

-   <methods>

-      <method>

-         <name>EmploymentPeriod</name>

-         <constructor>true</constructor>

-         <modifier>1</modifier>

-      </method>

-   </methods>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.Address.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.Address.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e34dd3..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.Address.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="relational">

-   <name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="relational">

-      <descriptor-alias>Address</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="relational"/>

-      <locking-policy type="relational"/>

-      <primary-key-policy>

-         <primary-key-handles>

-            <column-handle>

-               <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-               <column-name>ADDR_ID</column-name>

-            </column-handle>

-         </primary-key-handles>

-      </primary-key-policy>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>city</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>city</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>CITY</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>country</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>country</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>COUNTRY</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>ADDR_ID</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>postalCode</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>postalCode</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>PCODE</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>street</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>street</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>STREET</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <primary-table-handle>

-      <table-name>DX_ADDRESS</table-name>

-   </primary-table-handle>

-   <uses-sequencing>true</uses-sequencing>

-   <sequence-number-name>DX_ADDR_SEQ</sequence-number-name>

-   <sequence-number-table-handle>

-      <table-name>DX_ADDRESS</table-name>

-   </sequence-number-table-handle>

-   <sequence-number-column-handle>

-      <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-      <column-name>ADDR_ID</column-name>

-   </sequence-number-column-handle>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.Employee.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.Employee.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ed1c4cc..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.Employee.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="relational">

-   <name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <transactional-policy type="relational">

-      <descriptor-alias>Employee</descriptor-alias>

-      <refresh-cache-policy/>

-      <caching-policy/>

-      <query-manager type="relational"/>

-      <locking-policy type="relational"/>

-      <primary-key-policy>

-         <primary-key-handles>

-            <column-handle>

-               <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-               <column-name>EMP_ID</column-name>

-            </column-handle>

-         </primary-key-handles>

-      </primary-key-policy>

-   </transactional-policy>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="one-to-one">

-         <name>address</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>address</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <indirection-type>value-holder-indirection</indirection-type>

-         <reference-handle>

-            <reference-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</reference-table-name>

-            <reference-name>DX_EMPLOYEE_DX_ADDRESS</reference-name>

-         </reference-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>firstName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>firstName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>F_NAME</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>id</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>id</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>EMP_ID</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>lastName</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>lastName</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>L_NAME</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="aggregate">

-         <name>period</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>period</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <reference-descriptor-handle>

-            <descriptor-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</descriptor-name>

-         </reference-descriptor-handle>

-         <paths-to-fields>

-            <aggregate-path-to-field>

-               <field-description>DIRECT</field-description>

-               <column-handle>

-                  <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>END_DATE</column-name>

-               </column-handle>

-               <mapping-handles>

-                  <mapping-handle>

-                     <mapping-descriptor-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</mapping-descriptor-name>

-                     <mapping-name>endDate</mapping-name>

-                  </mapping-handle>

-               </mapping-handles>

-            </aggregate-path-to-field>

-            <aggregate-path-to-field>

-               <field-description>DIRECT</field-description>

-               <column-handle>

-                  <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>START_DATE</column-name>

-               </column-handle>

-               <mapping-handles>

-                  <mapping-handle>

-                     <mapping-descriptor-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</mapping-descriptor-name>

-                     <mapping-name>startDate</mapping-name>

-                  </mapping-handle>

-               </mapping-handles>

-            </aggregate-path-to-field>

-         </paths-to-fields>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>salary</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>salary</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-         <column-handle>

-            <column-table-name>DX_SALARY</column-table-name>

-            <column-name>SALARY</column-name>

-         </column-handle>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>

-   <primary-table-handle>

-      <table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</table-name>

-   </primary-table-handle>

-   <uses-sequencing>true</uses-sequencing>

-   <sequence-number-name>DX_EMP_SEQ</sequence-number-name>

-   <sequence-number-table-handle>

-      <table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</table-name>

-   </sequence-number-table-handle>

-   <sequence-number-column-handle>

-      <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-      <column-name>EMP_ID</column-name>

-   </sequence-number-column-handle>

-   <multi-table-info-policy>

-      <secondary-table-holders>

-         <table-holder>

-            <table-handle>

-               <table-name>DX_SALARY</table-name>

-            </table-handle>

-            <primary-keys-have-same-name>true</primary-keys-have-same-name>

-         </table-holder>

-      </secondary-table-holders>

-   </multi-table-info-policy>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d6ec9e..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/descriptors/model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<descriptor type="aggregate">

-   <name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</name>

-   <class-handle>

-      <type-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</type-name>

-   </class-handle>

-   <mappings>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>endDate</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>endDate</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-      </mapping>

-      <mapping type="direct-to-field">

-         <name>startDate</name>

-         <attribute-handle>

-            <attribute-declaring-type-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</attribute-declaring-type-name>

-            <attribute-name>startDate</attribute-name>

-         </attribute-handle>

-      </mapping>

-   </mappings>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/employee.mwp b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/employee.mwp
deleted file mode 100644
index 744ab20..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/employee.mwp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<project type="relational">

-   <name>employee</name>

-   <product-version>1.1.2</product-version>

-   <schema-version>7.0</schema-version>

-   <class-repository>

-      <user-type-names>

-         <name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</name>

-         <name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</name>

-         <name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</name>

-      </user-type-names>

-   </class-repository>

-   <descriptor-names>

-      <descriptor-name>model.dynamic.employee.Address</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>model.dynamic.employee.Employee</descriptor-name>

-      <descriptor-name>model.dynamic.employee.EmploymentPeriod</descriptor-name>

-   </descriptor-names>

-   <defaults-policy type="relational">

-      <use-method-accessing>false</use-method-accessing>

-      <caching-policy>

-         <cache-expiry/>

-      </caching-policy>

-      <cache-all-statements>false</cache-all-statements>

-      <bind-all-parameters>true</bind-all-parameters>

-   </defaults-policy>

-   <deployment-xml-file>../../src/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/tests/dynamic/orm/projectxml/employee-project.xml</deployment-xml-file>

-   <table-repository>

-      <platform-name>Oracle</platform-name>

-      <table-names>

-         <name>DX_ADDRESS</name>

-         <name>DX_EMPLOYEE</name>

-         <name>DX_SALARY</name>

-      </table-names>

-   </table-repository>

-   <sequencing>

-      <preallocation-size>50</preallocation-size>

-   </sequencing>

-   <table-generation>

-      <default-primary-key-name>ID</default-primary-key-name>

-      <primary-key-search-pattern>*ID</primary-key-search-pattern>

-   </table-generation>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_ADDRESS.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_ADDRESS.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index fd49277..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_ADDRESS.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <short-name>DX_ADDRESS</short-name>

-   <columns>

-      <column>

-         <name>ADDR_ID</name>

-         <type>NUMBER</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <unique>true</unique>

-         <primary-key>true</primary-key>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>CITY</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR2</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>COUNTRY</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR2</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>PCODE</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR2</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>STREET</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR2</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-   </columns>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_EMPLOYEE.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_EMPLOYEE.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b7fa9d..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_EMPLOYEE.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <short-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</short-name>

-   <columns>

-      <column>

-         <name>ADDR_FK</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR2</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>EMP_ID</name>

-         <type>NUMBER</type>

-         <size>10</size>

-         <unique>true</unique>

-         <primary-key>true</primary-key>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>END_DATE</name>

-         <type>DATE</type>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>F_NAME</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR2</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>L_NAME</name>

-         <type>VARCHAR2</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>START_DATE</name>

-         <type>DATE</type>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-   </columns>

-   <references>

-      <table-association>

-         <name>DX_EMPLOYEE_DX_ADDRESS</name>

-         <target-table-handle>

-            <table-name>DX_ADDRESS</table-name>

-         </target-table-handle>

-         <on-database>true</on-database>

-         <column-pairs>

-            <column-pair>

-               <source-column-handle>

-                  <column-table-name>DX_EMPLOYEE</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>ADDR_FK</column-name>

-               </source-column-handle>

-               <target-column-handle>

-                  <column-table-name>DX_ADDRESS</column-table-name>

-                  <column-name>ADDR_ID</column-name>

-               </target-column-handle>

-            </column-pair>

-         </column-pairs>

-      </table-association>

-   </references>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_SALARY.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_SALARY.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5725de6..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic/workbench/employee/tables/DX_SALARY.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-   <short-name>DX_SALARY</short-name>

-   <columns>

-      <column>

-         <name>EMP_ID</name>

-         <type>NUMBER</type>

-         <size>20</size>

-         <unique>true</unique>

-         <primary-key>true</primary-key>

-      </column>

-      <column>

-         <name>SALARY</name>

-         <type>NUMBER</type>

-         <allows-null>true</allows-null>

-      </column>

-   </columns>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.classpath b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ef286c..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.junit.JUNIT_CONTAINER/4"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="ORACLE_JDBC_LIB"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/javax.persistence 1.99"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.asm"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.core"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/eclipselink.core.test.dynamic"/>

-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.project b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 53da15b..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1d3f1..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#Tue Aug 11 13:46:58 EDT 2009










































































diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/META-INF/persistence.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb90d3..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

-	<persistence-unit name="empty" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

-		<provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>

-		<exclude-unlisted-classes>true</exclude-unlisted-classes>

-		<properties>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.user" value="scott"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.password" value="tiger"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"/>

-			<property name="" value="1"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.min" value="1"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.timestamp" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.thread" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.session" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.exceptions" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE"/>

-		</properties>

-	</persistence-unit>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f7a186..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example.employee;


-import java.util.Calendar;

-import java.util.Date;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;



- * Factory for the creation of the dynamic {@link DynamicTypeImpl}'s required

- * for the employee example.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class EmployeeDynamicMappings {


-    public static void createTypes(EntityManagerFactory emf, String packageName, boolean createMissingTables) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        String packagePrefix = packageName.endsWith(".") ? packageName : packageName + ".";

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> employeeClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Employee");

-        Class<?> addressClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Address");

-        Class<?> phoneClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "PhoneNumber");

-        Class<?> periodClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "EmploymentPeriod");

-        Class<?> projectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Project");

-        Class<?> smallProjectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "SmallProject", projectClass);

-        Class<?> largeProjectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "LargeProject", projectClass);


-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(employeeClass, null, "D_EMPLOYEE", "D_SALARY");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder address = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(addressClass, null, "D_ADDRESS");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder phone = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(phoneClass, null, "D_PHONE");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder period = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(periodClass, null);

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder project = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(projectClass, null, "D_PROJECT");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder smallProject = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(smallProjectClass, project.getType(), "D_PROJECT");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder largeProject = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(largeProjectClass, project.getType(), "D_LPROJECT");


-        configureAddress(address);

-        configureEmployee(employee, address, phone, period, project);

-        configurePhone(phone, employee);

-        configurePeriod(period);

-        configureProject(project, smallProject, largeProject, employee);

-        configureSmallProject(smallProject, project);

-        configureLargeProject(largeProject, project);


-        employee.addManyToManyMapping("projects", project.getType(), "D_PROJ_EMP");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, employee.getType(), address.getType(), phone.getType(), period.getType(), project.getType(), smallProject.getType(), largeProject.getType());

-    }


-    private static void configurePhone(JPADynamicTypeBuilder phone, JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee) {

-        phone.setPrimaryKeyFields("PHONE_TYPE", "EMP_ID");


-        phone.addDirectMapping("type", String.class, "PHONE_TYPE");

-        phone.addDirectMapping("ownerId", int.class, "EMP_ID").readOnly();

-        phone.addDirectMapping("areaCode", String.class, "AREA_CODE");

-        phone.addDirectMapping("number", String.class, "PNUMBER");


-        phone.addOneToOneMapping("owner", employee.getType(), "EMP_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureAddress(JPADynamicTypeBuilder address) {

-        address.setPrimaryKeyFields("ADDR_ID");


-        address.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "ADDR_ID");

-        address.addDirectMapping("street", String.class, "STREET");

-        address.addDirectMapping("city", String.class, "CITY");

-        address.addDirectMapping("province", String.class, "PROV");

-        address.addDirectMapping("postalCode", String.class, "P_CODE");

-        address.addDirectMapping("country", String.class, "COUNTRY");


-        address.configureSequencing("ADDR_SEQ", "ADDR_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureEmployee(JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee, JPADynamicTypeBuilder address, JPADynamicTypeBuilder phone, JPADynamicTypeBuilder period, JPADynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        employee.setPrimaryKeyFields("EMP_ID");


-        employee.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.EMP_ID");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("firstName", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.F_NAME");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("lastName", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.L_NAME");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("gender", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.GENDER");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("salary", int.class, "D_SALARY.SALARY");


-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = employee.addOneToOneMapping("address", address.getType(), "ADDR_ID");

-        addressMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        addressMapping.setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        employee.addOneToOneMapping("manager", employee.getType(), "MANAGER_ID");


-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = employee.addOneToManyMapping("phoneNumbers", phone.getType(), "OWNER_ID");

-        phoneMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        phoneMapping.setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        employee.addAggregateObjectMapping("period", period.getType(), true);

-        employee.addOneToManyMapping("managedEmployees", employee.getType(), "MANAGER_ID");


-        employee.configureSequencing("EMP_SEQ", "EMP_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configurePeriod(JPADynamicTypeBuilder period) {

-        period.addDirectMapping("startDate", Date.class, "START_DATE");

-        period.addDirectMapping("endDate", Date.class, "END_DATE");

-    }


-    private static void configureProject(JPADynamicTypeBuilder project, JPADynamicTypeBuilder smallProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder largeProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee) {

-        project.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        project.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "PROJ_ID");

-        project.addDirectMapping("name", String.class, "NAME");

-        project.addDirectMapping("description", String.class, "DESCRIP");


-        project.addOneToOneMapping("teamLeader", employee.getType(), "EMP_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = project.getType().getDescriptor();


-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setClassIndicatorFieldName("PROJ_TYPE");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(smallProject.getType().getJavaClass(), "S");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(largeProject.getType().getJavaClass(), "L");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(project.getType().getJavaClass(), "P");


-        project.configureSequencing("PROJ_SEQ", "PROJ_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureLargeProject(JPADynamicTypeBuilder largeProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        largeProject.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = largeProject.getType().getDescriptor();

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setClassIndicatorFieldName("PROJ_TYPE");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setParentClass(project.getType().getJavaClass());


-        largeProject.addDirectMapping("budget", double.class, "BUDGET");

-        largeProject.addDirectMapping("milestone", Calendar.class, "MILESTONE");

-    }


-    private static void configureSmallProject(JPADynamicTypeBuilder smallProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        smallProject.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = smallProject.getType().getDescriptor();

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setParentClass(project.getType().getJavaClass());

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 634c2ed..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example.employee;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;



- * Simple query examples for the XML mapped Employee domain model.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class Queries {


-    /**

-     * Simple example using dynamic JP QL to retrieve all Employee instances

-     * sorted by lastName and firstName.

-     */

-    public List<DynamicEntity> readAllEmployeesUsingJPQL(EntityManager em) {

-        return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY ASC").getResultList();

-    }


-    public List<DynamicEntity> joinFetchJPQL(EntityManager em) {

-        return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC").getResultList();

-    }


-    public List<DynamicEntity> joinFetchHint(EntityManager em) {

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = 'Ottawa' ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.manager.phoneNumbers");

-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = query.getResultList();


-        for (DynamicEntity emp : emps) {

-            emp.<DynamicEntity> get("manager").<Collection> get("phoneNumbers").size();

-        }


-        return emps;

-    }


-    public static int minimumEmployeeId(EntityManager em) {

-        return ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT MIN( FROM Employee e").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity minimumEmployee(EntityManager em) {

-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE in (SELECT MIN( FROM Employee ee)");


-        return (DynamicEntity) q.getSingleResult();

-    }


-    public List<DynamicEntity> findEmployeesUsingGenderIn(EntityManager em) {

-        return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IN (:GENDER1, :GENDER2)").setParameter("GENDER1", "Male").setParameter("GENDER2", "Female").getResultList();

-    }


-    public List<DynamicEntity> findUsingNativeReadAllQuery(EntityManager em) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession().getDescriptorForAlias("Employee");

-        ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = raq.getExpressionBuilder();

-        raq.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("gender").equal("Male"));


-        Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(raq, em);


-        return query.getResultList();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(EntityManager em) {

-        return (DynamicEntity) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM PhoneNumber p)").getSingleResult();

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ab3e1..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example.employee;


-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.*;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DeleteAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */


-public class Sample {

-    private EntityManagerFactory emf;

-    public DynamicEntity[] employees;

-    public DynamicEntity[] smallProjects;

-    public DynamicEntity[] largeProjects;


-    public Sample(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        this.emf = emf;


-        this.employees = new DynamicEntity[] { basicEmployeeExample1(), basicEmployeeExample2(), basicEmployeeExample3(), basicEmployeeExample4(), basicEmployeeExample5(), basicEmployeeExample6(), basicEmployeeExample7(), basicEmployeeExample8(), basicEmployeeExample9(), basicEmployeeExample10(), basicEmployeeExample11(), basicEmployeeExample12() };


-        this.smallProjects = new DynamicEntity[] { basicSmallProjectExample1(), basicSmallProjectExample2(), basicSmallProjectExample3(), basicSmallProjectExample4(), basicSmallProjectExample5(), basicSmallProjectExample7(), basicSmallProjectExample8(), basicSmallProjectExample9(), basicSmallProjectExample10() };


-        this.largeProjects = new DynamicEntity[] { basicLargeProjectExample1(), basicLargeProjectExample2(), basicLargeProjectExample3(), basicLargeProjectExample4(), basicLargeProjectExample5() };


-        // Setup management hierarchy

-        addManagedEmployees(0, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });

-        addManagedEmployees(1, new int[] { 5, 0 });

-        addManagedEmployees(2, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(3, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(4, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(5, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(6, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(7, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(8, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(9, new int[] { 7, 8, 10, 11 });

-        addManagedEmployees(10, new int[] { 6 });

-        addManagedEmployees(11, new int[] { 1 });


-        // Setup Employee-Project associations

-        addProjects(0, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new int[] {});

-        addProjects(1, new int[] { 3, 4, 0 }, new int[] {});

-        addProjects(2, new int[] { 3 }, new int[] { 3, 4 });

-        addProjects(4, new int[] { 3, 1 }, new int[] { 2, 4 });

-        addProjects(5, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });

-        addProjects(6, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });


-        // Setup LargeProject leads

-        this.largeProjects[0].set("teamLeader", this.employees[1]);

-        this.largeProjects[3].set("teamLeader", this.employees[2]);

-        this.largeProjects[4].set("teamLeader", this.employees[2]);


-    }


-    private DynamicEntity newInstance(String entityAlias) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(this.emf).getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-        return (DynamicEntity) descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-    }


-    private Class getDynamicClass(String entityAlias) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(this.emf).getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-        return descriptor.getJavaClass();

-    }


-    private DynamicEntity addPhoneNumber(DynamicEntity employee, String type, String areaCode, String number) {

-        DynamicEntity phone = newInstance("PhoneNumber");

-        phone.set("type", type);

-        phone.set("areaCode", areaCode);

-        phone.set("number", number);

-        phone.set("owner", employee);

-        employee.<Collection> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);

-        return phone;

-    }


-    private void setPeriod(DynamicEntity employee, Date startDate, Date endDate) {

-        DynamicEntity period = newInstance("EmploymentPeriod");

-        period.set("startDate", startDate);

-        period.set("endDate", endDate);

-        employee.set("period", period);

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Bob");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smith");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 35000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1993, 0, 1), new Date(1996, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Toronto");

-        address.set("postalCode", "L5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Water the office plants.");

-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Maintain the kitchen facilities.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample10() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Jill");

-        employee.set("lastName", "May");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1991, 10, 111), null);


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Calgary");

-        address.set("postalCode", "J5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "AB");

-        address.set("street", "1111 Mooseland Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 56232);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample11() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Sarah-Lou");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smitty");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1993, 0, 1), new Date(1996, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Arnprior");

-        address.set("postalCode", "W1A2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "1 Hawthorne Drive");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 75000);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample12() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Jim-Bob");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jefferson");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1995, 0, 12), new Date(2001, 11, 31));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Yellowknife");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "YK");

-        address.set("street", "1112 Gold Rush Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 50000);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "John");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Way");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 53000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1991, 10, 11), null);


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Ottawa");

-        address.set("postalCode", "K5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Hire people when more people are required.");

-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Lay off employees when less people are required.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Charles");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Chanley");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 43000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1995, 0, 1), new Date(2001, 11, 31));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Montreal");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Q2S5Z5");

-        address.set("province", "QUE");

-        address.set("street", "1 Canadien Place");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Perform code reviews as required.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Pager", "976", "5556666");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Emanual");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smith");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 49631);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Vancouver");

-        address.set("postalCode", "N5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities",

-        // "Have to fix the Database problem.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Pager", "976", "5556666");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Sarah");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Way");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 87000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 6, 31), new Date(1995, 4, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Prince Rupert");

-        address.set("postalCode", "K3K5D5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "3254 Parkway Place");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Write code documentation.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample6() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Marcus");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Saunders");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 54300);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 12));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Perth");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y3Q2N9");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "234 Caledonia Lane");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        // employee.add("responsibilities", "Write user specifications.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample7() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Nancy");

-        employee.set("lastName", "White");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 31000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1996, 0, 1), new Date(1993, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Metcalfe");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y4F7V6");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "2 Anderson Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample8() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Fred");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jones");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 500000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Victoria");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Z5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "382 Hyde Park Blvd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample9() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Betty");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jones");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 500001);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Smith Falls");

-        address.set("postalCode", "C6C6C6");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "89 Chocolate Drive");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    private void setCalendar(DynamicEntity entity, String name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int seconds) {

-        Calendar cal = entity.<Calendar> get(name);


-        if (cal == null) {

-            cal = Calendar.getInstance();

-            entity.set(name, cal);

-        }

-        cal.set(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds);

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Sales Reporting");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", (double) 5000);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1991, 10, 11, 12, 0, 0);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Light Reporter");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 100.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1999, 11, 25, 11, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "TOPEmployee Management");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 4000.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1997, 10, 12, 1, 0, 0);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Enterprise System");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 40.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1996, 8, 6, 6, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Problem Reporting System");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 101.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1997, 9, 6, 1, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Enterprise");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample10() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Staff Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help staff query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Sales Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "TOP-Employee Manager");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Problem Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Feather Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "An extremely lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample6() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Makework");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A makework project.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample7() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Marketing Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help marketing query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample8() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Shipping Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help shipping query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample9() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Accounting Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help accounting query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    private void addManagedEmployees(int managerIndex, int[] employeeIndeces) {

-        DynamicEntity manager = this.employees[managerIndex];


-        if (manager.<Collection> get("managedEmployees").isEmpty()) {

-            for (int index = 0; index < employeeIndeces.length; index++) {

-                manager.<Collection> get("managedEmployees").add(this.employees[employeeIndeces[index]]);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    private void addProjects(int empIndex, int[] smallProjIndeces, int[] largeProjIndeces) {

-        DynamicEntity employee = this.employees[empIndex];


-        for (int index = 0; index < smallProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-            employee.<Collection> get("projects").add(this.smallProjects[smallProjIndeces[index]]);

-        }


-        for (int index = 0; index < largeProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-            employee.<Collection> get("projects").add(this.largeProjects[largeProjIndeces[index]]);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Register all of the population in the provided EntityManager to be

-     * persisted This method should only be called from within a test case. It

-     * asserts that the provided EntityManager is in a transaction and that the

-     * database tables are empty.

-     */

-    public void persistAll(EntityManager em) {

-        Assert.assertTrue("EntityManager not in Transaction", em.getTransaction().isActive());


-        // Verify that the database tables are empty

-        assertCount(em, "Employee", 0);

-        assertCount(em, "Address", 0);

-        assertCount(em, "PhoneNumber", 0);

-        assertCount(em, "Project", 0);


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            em.persist(this.employees[index]);

-        }

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.smallProjects.length; index++) {

-            em.persist(this.smallProjects[index]);

-        }

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.largeProjects.length; index++) {

-            em.persist(this.largeProjects[index]);

-        }


-        em.flush();

-        verifyCounts(em);

-    }


-    public void verifyCounts(EntityManager em) {

-        assertCount(em, "Employee", this.employees.length);

-        assertCount(em, "Address", this.employees.length);

-        assertCount(em, "Project", this.smallProjects.length + this.largeProjects.length);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the provided entity type has no rows in the database using a

-     * native ReportQuery.

-     * 

-     * @param entityClass

-     * @param count

-     */

-    public void assertCount(EntityManager em, String entityAlias, int count) {

-        Class entityClass = getDynamicClass(entityAlias);

-        ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(entityClass, new ExpressionBuilder());

-        query.addCount();

-        query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        int dbCount = ((Number) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(query)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity found of " + entityClass, count, dbCount);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the provided list of Employee instances matches the sample

-     * population.

-     * 

-     * @param employees

-     */

-    public void assertSame(List<DynamicEntity> dbEmps) {

-        Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity of employees", this.employees.length, dbEmps.size());

-        Collections.sort(dbEmps, new DynamicEntityComparator());


-        List<DynamicEntity> sampleEmps = new ArrayList<DynamicEntity>();

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            sampleEmps.add(this.employees[index]);

-        }

-        Collections.sort(sampleEmps, new DynamicEntityComparator());


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            DynamicEntity emp = sampleEmps.get(index);

-            DynamicEntity dbEmp = dbEmps.get(index);


-            Assert.assertEquals("First name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<String> get("firstName"), dbEmp.<String> get("firstName"));

-            Assert.assertEquals("Last name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<String> get("lastName"), dbEmp.<String> get("lastName"));

-            Assert.assertEquals("Salary does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<Integer> get("salary"), dbEmp.<Integer> get("salary"));

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple comparator used to order the employees for use within assertSame

-     */

-    class DynamicEntityComparator implements Comparator<DynamicEntity> {


-        public int compare(DynamicEntity emp1, DynamicEntity emp2) {

-            return emp1.<Integer> get("id") - emp2.<Integer> get("id");

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * Extract the id's from the sample Employee instances.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @return

-     */

-    public int[] getEmployeeIds(EntityManager em) {

-        int[] ids = new int[this.employees.length];


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            ids[index] = this.employees[index].<Integer> get("id");

-        }


-        return ids;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Reset the database so that only the sample population exists.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     */

-    public void resetDatabase(EntityManager em) {

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        DeleteAllQuery deleteEmpsQuery = new DeleteAllQuery(getDynamicClass("Employee"));

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = deleteEmpsQuery.getExpressionBuilder();

-        deleteEmpsQuery.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").notIn(getEmployeeIds(em)));

-        deleteEmpsQuery.setFlushOnExecute(true);


-        JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(deleteEmpsQuery);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-    }


-    public void resetSalary(EntityManager em) {

-        boolean startedTX = !em.getTransaction().isActive();


-        if (startedTX) {

-            em.getTransaction().begin();

-        }


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            DynamicEntity emp = this.employees[index];

-            Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.firstName = :FNAME AND e.lastName = :LNAME");

-            query.setParameter("FNAME", emp.<String> get("firstName"));

-            query.setParameter("LNAME", emp.<String> get("lastName"));


-            DynamicEntity dbEmp = (DynamicEntity) query.getSingleResult();

-            dbEmp.set("salary", this.employees[index].<Integer> get("salary"));

-        }


-        if (startedTX) {

-            em.getTransaction().commit();

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5d7e9..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/example/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example.employee;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.FlushModeType;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PessimisticLock;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class Transactions {


-    private ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(EntityManager em, String entityAlias) {

-        return JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession().getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-    }


-    /**

-     * New entities with new related related entities can be persisted using

-     * <code>EntityManager.persist(newEntity)</code>. The cascade setting on the

-     * mappings determine how the related entities are handled. In this case

-     * Employee has its relationship to Address and PhoneNumber configured with

-     * cascade-all so the associated new entities will also be persisted.

-     */

-    public DynamicEntity createUsingPersist(EntityManager em) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(em);


-        DynamicType empType = helper.getType("Employee");

-        DynamicType addrType = helper.getType("Address");

-        DynamicType phoneType = helper.getType("PhoneNumber");


-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) empType.newDynamicEntity();

-        emp.set("firstName", "Sample");

-        emp.set("lastName", "Employee");

-        emp.set("gender", "Male");

-        emp.set("salary", 123456);


-        DynamicEntity address = (DynamicEntity) addrType.newDynamicEntity();

-        emp.set("address", address);


-        DynamicEntity phone = (DynamicEntity) phoneType.newDynamicEntity();

-        phone.set("type", "Mobile");

-        phone.set("areaCode", "613");

-        phone.set("number", "555-1212");

-        phone.set("owner", emp);

-        emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(emp);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-	 * 

-	 */

-    public DynamicEntity createUsingMerge(EntityManager em) {

-        ClassDescriptor empDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "Employee");

-        ClassDescriptor addrDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "Address");

-        ClassDescriptor phoneDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "PhoneNumber");


-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) empDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-        emp.set("firstName", "Sample");

-        emp.set("lastName", "Employee");

-        emp.set("gender", "Male");

-        emp.set("salary", 123456);


-        DynamicEntity address = (DynamicEntity) addrDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-        emp.set("address", address);


-        DynamicEntity phone = (DynamicEntity) phoneDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-        phone.set("type", "Mobile");

-        phone.set("areaCode", "613");

-        phone.set("number", "555-1212");

-        phone.set("owner", emp);

-        emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        // When merging the managed instance is returned from the call.

-        // Further usage within the transaction must be done with this managed

-        // entity.

-        emp = (DynamicEntity) em.merge(emp);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @return

-     */

-    public DynamicEntity createWithRelationshipsToExistingEntities(EntityManager em) {

-        return null;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     */

-    public DynamicEntity deleteEntity(EntityManager em) {

-        return null;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     */

-    public void queriesOnTransactionalState(EntityManager em) {

-        em.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT);


-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    public void pessimisticLocking(EntityManager em) throws Exception {


-        // Find the Employee with the minimum ID

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        // Lock Employee using query with hint

-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID").setParameter("ID", minId).setHint(QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK, PessimisticLock.Lock).getSingleResult();


-        emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") - 1);


-        em.flush();

-    }


-    /**

-     * This example illustrates the use of a query returning an entity and data

-     * from a related entity within a transaction. The returned entities are

-     * managed and thus any changes are reflected in the database upon flush.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    public void updateEmployeeWithCity(EntityManager em) throws Exception {

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        List<Object[]> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e, FROM Employee e").getResultList();

-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) emps.get(0)[0];

-        emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer> get("salary") + 1);


-        em.flush();


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cec4a6..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { testing.simple.AllTests.class , testing.employee.AllTests.class})

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 02292dd..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.employee;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { MappingConfigTests.class,  QueryTests.class, TransactionTests.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e12232..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.employee;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ManyToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.util.EclipseLinkJPATest;

-import example.employee.EmployeeDynamicMappings;



- * Set of tests to ensure the mappings are properly populated from the provided

- * annotations/xml.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "empty")

-public class MappingConfigTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyServerSession() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());


-        assertNotNull(session);

-        assertTrue(session.isConnected());

-        assertTrue(session.isServerSession());

-        assertEquals(1, session.getReadConnectionPool().getMinNumberOfConnections());

-        assertEquals(1, session.getDefaultConnectionPool().getMinNumberOfConnections());


-        assertTrue(session.getName().startsWith("file"));

-        assertTrue(session.getName().endsWith("empty"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyEmployeeDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("Employee");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("Employee", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());


-        // Address Mapping

-        OneToOneMapping addrMapping = (OneToOneMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-        assertNotNull(addrMapping);

-        assertTrue(addrMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(session.getDescriptorForAlias("Address"), addrMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // PhoenNumber Mapping

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotNull(phoneMapping);

-        assertTrue(phoneMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(session.getDescriptorForAlias("PhoneNumber"), phoneMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // Manager Mapping

-        OneToOneMapping managerMapping = (OneToOneMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("manager");

-        assertNotNull(managerMapping);

-        assertFalse(managerMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(descriptor, managerMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // Managed Employees Mapping

-        OneToManyMapping managedEmployeesMapping = (OneToManyMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("managedEmployees");

-        assertNotNull(managedEmployeesMapping);

-        assertFalse(managedEmployeesMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(descriptor, managedEmployeesMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());


-        // Projects Mapping

-        ManyToManyMapping projectsMapping = (ManyToManyMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("projects");

-        assertNotNull(projectsMapping);

-        assertFalse(projectsMapping.isPrivateOwned());

-        assertSame(session.getDescriptorForAlias("Project"), projectsMapping.getReferenceDescriptor());



-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddressDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("Address");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("Address", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyPhoneNumberDescriptor() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("PhoneNumber");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("PhoneNumber", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyProjectDescriptor() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("Project");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("Project", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifySmallProjectDescriptor() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("SmallProject");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("SmallProject", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyLargeProjectDescriptor() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getDescriptorForAlias("LargeProject");


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("LargeProject", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getInheritancePolicyOrNull());

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName, Map properties) {

-        EntityManagerFactory newEMF = super.createEMF(unitName, properties);


-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(newEMF);

-        if (session.getDescriptors().isEmpty()) {

-            EmployeeDynamicMappings.createTypes(newEMF, "model.dynamic.employee", false);

-        }


-        return newEMF;

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51f493a..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.employee;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;


-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.util.EclipseLinkJPATest;

-import example.employee.EmployeeDynamicMappings;

-import example.employee.Queries;

-import example.employee.Sample;



- * Simple query examples for the XML mapped Employee domain model.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "empty")

-public class QueryTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    private Queries examples = new Queries();


-    private Sample samples;


-    public Queries getExamples() {

-        return this.examples;

-    }


-    public Sample getSamples() {

-        if (this.samples == null) {

-            this.samples = new Sample(getEMF());

-        }

-        return this.samples;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple example using dynamic JP QL to retrieve all Employee instances

-     * sorted by lastName and firstName.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void readAllEmployees_JPQL() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getExamples().readAllEmployeesUsingJPQL(em);


-        getSamples().assertSame(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchJPQL() {

-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getExamples().joinFetchJPQL(getEntityManager());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchHint() {

-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getExamples().joinFetchHint(getEntityManager());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void minEmployeeId() {

-        getExamples();

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(getEntityManager());


-        assertTrue(minId > 0);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void testGenderIn() throws Exception {

-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getExamples().findEmployeesUsingGenderIn(getEntityManager());


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void testReadAllExressions() throws Exception {

-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = getExamples().findUsingNativeReadAllQuery(getEntityManager());


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName, Map properties) {

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = super.createEMF(unitName, properties);


-        EmployeeDynamicMappings.createTypes(emf, "example.model.employee", true);


-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        DynamicSchemaManager dsm = new DynamicSchemaManager(session);

-        dsm.replaceDefaultTables(false, true);


-        this.samples = new Sample(emf);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        getSamples().persistAll(em);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        return emf;

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
deleted file mode 100644
index 35b02f3..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/employee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.employee;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;


-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.util.EclipseLinkJPATest;

-import example.employee.EmployeeDynamicMappings;

-import example.employee.Queries;

-import example.employee.Sample;

-import example.employee.Transactions;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "empty")

-public class TransactionTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    Transactions transactions = new Transactions();

-    private static Sample samplePopulation;


-    @Test

-    public void pessimisticLocking() throws Exception {

-        transactions.pessimisticLocking(getEntityManager());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createUsingPersist() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity emp = transactions.createUsingPersist(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertTrue(emp.<Integer>get("id") > 0);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE from PhoneNumber p WHERE = " + emp.get("id")).executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE from Employee e WHERE = " + emp.get("id")).executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE from Address a WHERE = " + emp.<DynamicEntity>get("address").<Integer>get("id")).executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        getSample().verifyCounts(em);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createUsingMerge() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity emp = transactions.createUsingMerge(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertTrue(emp.<Integer>get("id") > 0);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE from PhoneNumber p WHERE = " + emp.get("id")).executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE from Employee e WHERE = " + emp.get("id")).executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE from Address a WHERE = " + emp.<DynamicEntity>get("address").<Integer>get("id")).executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        getSample().verifyCounts(em);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void mergeDetached() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(em);


-        DynamicType empType = helper.getType("Employee");


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) em.find(empType.getJavaClass(), minId);

-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        em.clear();


-        emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer>get("salary") + 1);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        getQuerySQLTracker(em).reset();

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        em.merge(emp);


-        em.flush();

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-    }


-    public Sample getSample() {

-        if (samplePopulation == null) {

-            samplePopulation = new Sample(getEMF());

-        }

-        return samplePopulation;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName, Map properties) {

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = super.createEMF(unitName, properties);


-        EmployeeDynamicMappings.createTypes(emf, "example.model.employee", true);


-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        DynamicSchemaManager dsm = new DynamicSchemaManager(session);

-        dsm.replaceDefaultTables(true, true);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        new Sample(emf).persistAll(em);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        return emf;

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 875f7a8..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.simple;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { SimpleType.class, SimpleTypeCompositeKey.class, testing.simple.mappings.AllTests.class, testing.simple.sequencing.AllTests.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cb684a..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.Calendar;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleType {


-    protected static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    protected DynamicType simpleType;


-    protected DynamicType getSimpleType() {

-        if (simpleType == null) {

-            DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-            this.simpleType = helper.getType("Simple");


-            if (this.simpleType == null) {

-                this.simpleType = createSimpleType();

-            }

-        }

-        return this.simpleType;

-    }


-    protected DynamicType createSimpleType() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();

-        Class<?> javaType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.Simple");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(javaType, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE");

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "VAL_2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value3", Calendar.class, "VAL_3");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value4", Character.class, "VAL_4");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());


-        return typeBuilder.getType();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("Simple");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='Simple'", descriptor);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("Simple");

-        assertNotNull("'Simple' EntityType not found", simpleType);


-        assertEquals(1 + descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFields().size(), simpleType.getMappingsRequiringInitialization().size());


-        assertEquals(descriptor, simpleType.getDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void find() {

-        createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = find(em, 1);

-        assertNotNull("Could not find simple instance with id = 1", simpleInstance);


-        simpleInstance = find(em, new Integer(1));

-        assertNotNull("Could not find simple instance with id = Integer(1)", simpleInstance);


-    }


-    @Test

-    public void simpleInstance_CRUD() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = session.getIdentityMapAccessor();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);

-        assertNotNull(simpleInstance);


-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-        assertFalse(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        assertFalse(em.contains(simpleInstance));

-        simpleInstance = (DynamicEntity) em.merge(simpleInstance);

-        assertTrue(em.contains(simpleInstance));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyDefaultValuesFromEntityType() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType("Simple");


-        assertNotNull(simpleType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleType.newDynamicEntity();

-        assertDefaultValues(simpleInstance);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyDefaultValuesFromDescriptor() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("Simple");

-        assertNotNull(simpleType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = (DynamicEntity) simpleType.getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().buildNewInstance();

-        assertDefaultValues(simpleInstance);

-    }


-    protected void assertDefaultValues(DynamicEntity simpleInstance) {

-        assertNotNull(simpleInstance);


-        assertTrue("id not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("id"));

-        assertEquals("id not default value", 0, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        assertFalse("value1  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value1"));

-        assertTrue("value2 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value2"));

-        assertEquals("value2 not default value", false, simpleInstance.get("value2"));

-        assertFalse("value3 set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value3"));

-        assertFalse("value4  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value4"));

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(EntityManagerFactory emf, int id) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType("Simple");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", id);

-        simpleInstance.set("value2", true);


-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM Simple s").getSingleResult()).intValue());


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM Simple s").getSingleResult()).intValue());


-        DynamicEntity foundEntity = find(em, 1);


-        assertNotNull(foundEntity);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id"), foundEntity.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), foundEntity.get("value1"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value2"), foundEntity.get("value2"));


-        em.close();


-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    protected DynamicEntity find(EntityManager em, Object id) {

-        return (DynamicEntity) em.find(getSimpleType().getJavaClass(), id);

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-    }


-    @Before

-    @After

-    public void clearSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        getSimpleType();


-        if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-            EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-            em.getTransaction().begin();

-            em.createQuery("DELETE FROM Simple").executeUpdate();

-            em.getTransaction().commit();

-            em.close();

-        }


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-            EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-            em.getTransaction().begin();

-            em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-            em.getTransaction().commit();


-            em.close();

-            emf.close();

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/
deleted file mode 100644
index ccc2ed6..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.Calendar;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.DynamicIdentityPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.junit.Assert;


-public class SimpleTypeCompositeKey extends SimpleType {

-    @Override

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        super.verifyConfig();


-        DynamicType type = getSimpleType();

-        assertNotNull(type.getDescriptor().getCMPPolicy());

-        assertEquals(Object[].class, ((DynamicIdentityPolicy) type.getDescriptor().getCMPPolicy()).getPKClass());

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DynamicType createSimpleType() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();

-        Class<?> javaType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.Simple");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(javaType, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE");

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID1", "SID2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id1", int.class, "SID1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id2", int.class, "SID2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "VAL_2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value3", Calendar.class, "VAL_3");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value4", Character.class, "VAL_4");


-        helper.addTypes(true, false, typeBuilder.getType());


-        return typeBuilder.getType();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void assertDefaultValues(DynamicEntity simpleInstance) {

-        assertNotNull(simpleInstance);


-        assertTrue("id1 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("id1"));

-        assertEquals("id1 not default value", 0, simpleInstance.get("id1"));

-        assertTrue("id2 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("id2"));

-        assertEquals("id2 not default value", 0, simpleInstance.get("id2"));

-        assertFalse("value1  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value1"));

-        assertTrue("value2 not set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value2"));

-        assertEquals("value2 not default value", false, simpleInstance.get("value2"));

-        assertFalse("value3 set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value3"));

-        assertFalse("value4  set on new instance", simpleInstance.isSet("value4"));

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(EntityManagerFactory emf, int id) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType("Simple");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id1", id);

-        simpleInstance.set("id2", id);

-        simpleInstance.set("value2", true);


-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM Simple s").getSingleResult()).intValue());


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM Simple s").getSingleResult()).intValue());


-        DynamicEntity foundEntity = find(em, 1);


-        assertNotNull(foundEntity);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id1"), foundEntity.get("id1"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id2"), foundEntity.get("id2"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), foundEntity.get("value1"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value2"), foundEntity.get("value2"));


-        em.close();


-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected DynamicEntity find(EntityManager em, Object id) {

-        return (DynamicEntity) em.find(getSimpleType().getJavaClass(), new Object[] { id, id });

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ff207c..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.simple.mappings;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { SimpleTypes_OneToOne.class, SimpleTypes_AggregateObject.class, SimpleTypes_MultiTable.class, SimpleTypes_OneToMany.class, SimpleTypes_ManyToMany.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9113b0a..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.changetracking.AggregateAttributeChangeListener;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.AggregateObjectMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_AggregateObject {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeB = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value2 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value2");

-        assertEquals(boolean.class, b_value2.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value3 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value3");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value3.getAttributeClassification());

-        assertTrue(descriptorB.isAggregateDescriptor());


-        AggregateObjectMapping a_b = (AggregateObjectMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertSame(descriptorB.getJavaClass(), a_b.getReferenceDescriptor().getJavaClass());

-        assertTrue(a_b.isNullAllowed());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorC = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleC");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeC = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("SimpleC");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleC' EntityType not found", simpleTypeC);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping c_value4 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorC.getMappingForAttributeName("value4");

-        assertEquals(double.class, c_value4.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping c_value5 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorC.getMappingForAttributeName("value5");

-        assertEquals(String.class, c_value5.getAttributeClassification());

-        assertTrue(descriptorB.isAggregateDescriptor());


-        AggregateObjectMapping a_c = (AggregateObjectMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("c");

-        assertSame(descriptorC.getJavaClass(), a_c.getReferenceDescriptor().getJavaClass());

-        assertFalse(a_c.isNullAllowed());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyProperties() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        assertEquals(4, simpleTypeA.getNumberOfProperties());

-        assertEquals("id", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals("value1", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(1));

-        assertEquals("b", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(2));

-        assertEquals("c", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(3));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity a = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();


-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("id"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value1"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("b"));

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("c"));


-        DynamicEntity c = a.<DynamicEntity>get("c");

-        assertNotNull(c);

-        assertTrue(c.isSet("value4"));

-        assertFalse(c.isSet("value5"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void persistSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyChangTracking() {

-        persistSimpleA();


-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleTypeA = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        DynamicEntityImpl a = (DynamicEntityImpl) em.find(simpleTypeA.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertNotNull(a._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener());


-        DynamicEntityImpl c = a.<DynamicEntityImpl>get("c");

-        assertNotNull(c);

-        assertNotNull(c._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener());

-        assertTrue(c._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener() instanceof AggregateAttributeChangeListener);


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleAwithSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        Assert.assertNotNull(helper.getSession().getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value2", true);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value3", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.set("b", simpleInstanceB);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstanceA);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder bFactory = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null);

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "VAL_2");

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("value3", String.class, "VAL_3");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeC = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleC");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder cFactory = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeC, null);

-        cFactory.addDirectMapping("value4", double.class, "VAL_4");

-        cFactory.addDirectMapping("value5", String.class, "VAL_5");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aFactory = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aFactory.addAggregateObjectMapping("b", bFactory.getType(), true);

-        aFactory.addAggregateObjectMapping("c", cFactory.getType(), false);


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, aFactory.getType(), bFactory.getType(), cFactory.getType());


-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleA").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index f498d95..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ManyToManyMapping;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_ManyToMany {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, b_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ManyToManyMapping a_b = (ManyToManyMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, a_b.getReferenceDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "B1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleB s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        Assert.assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("b").add(simpleInstanceB);


-        simpleInstanceB.set("a", simpleInstanceA);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstanceB);

-        em.persist(simpleInstanceA);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCountB = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleB s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountB);

-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithExistingB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeRelationshop() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        createAwithB();


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        DynamicEntity a = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleTypeA.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        assertNotNull(a);

-        List<DynamicEntity> bs = a.<List<DynamicEntity>> get("b");

-        assertNotNull(bs);

-        assertEquals(1, bs.size());

-        bs.remove(0);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void addAtoB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aFactory = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder bFactory = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        bFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        bFactory.addOneToOneMapping("a", aFactory.getType(), "A_FK");


-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aFactory.addManyToManyMapping("b", bFactory.getType(), "SIMPLE_A_B");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, aFactory.getType(), bFactory.getType());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DELETE FROM SIMPLE_A_B").executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleB").executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleA").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        try {

-            em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_A_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-            em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-            em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {

-            em.getTransaction().rollback();

-        }

-        if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {

-            em.getTransaction().commit();

-        }


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 024e800..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicEntityImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_MultiTable {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());


-        assertTrue(descriptorA.hasMultipleTables());

-        assertEquals(3, descriptorA.getTables().size());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value2 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value2");

-        assertEquals(boolean.class, a_value2.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value3 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value3");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value3.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value4 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value4");

-        assertEquals(double.class, a_value4.getAttributeClassification());


-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value5 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value5");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value5.getAttributeClassification());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyProperties() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        assertEquals(6, simpleTypeA.getNumberOfProperties());

-        assertEquals("id", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals(int.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(0));

-        assertEquals("value1", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(1));

-        assertEquals(String.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(1));

-        assertEquals("value2", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(2));

-        assertEquals(boolean.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(2));

-        assertEquals("value3", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(3));

-        assertEquals(String.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(3));

-        assertEquals("value4", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(4));

-        assertEquals(double.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(4));

-        assertEquals("value5", simpleTypeA.getPropertiesNames().get(5));

-        assertEquals(String.class, simpleTypeA.getPropertyType(5));


-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        DynamicEntity a = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();


-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("id"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value1"));

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("value2"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value3"));

-        assertTrue(a.isSet("value4"));

-        assertFalse(a.isSet("value5"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void persistSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyChangeTracking() {

-        persistSimpleA();


-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        DynamicEntityImpl a = (DynamicEntityImpl) em.find(simpleTypeA.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertNotNull(a._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();

-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A", "SIMPLE_TYPE_B", "SIMPLE_TYPE_C");

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SIMPLE_TYPE_A.SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A.SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A.VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value2", boolean.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B.VAL_2");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value3", String.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B.VAL_3");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value4", double.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_C.VAL_4");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value5", String.class, "SIMPLE_TYPE_C.VAL_5");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleA").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_C CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index 48c7ef6..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;


-import java.util.Collection;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_OneToMany {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, b_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        OneToManyMapping a_b = (OneToManyMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, a_b.getReferenceDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "B1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleB s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        Assert.assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.<Collection<DynamicEntity>> get("b").add(simpleInstanceB);


-        simpleInstanceB.set("a", simpleInstanceA);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstanceB);

-        em.persist(simpleInstanceA);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCountB = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleB s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountB);

-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeAwithB_PrivateOwned() {

-        createAwithB();


-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicType simpleAType = helper.getType("SimpleA");


-        ((OneToManyMapping) simpleAType.getDescriptor().getMappingForAttributeName("b")).setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        DynamicEntity a = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleAType.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        assertNotNull(a);

-        assertEquals(1, a.<Collection> get("b").size());


-        em.remove(a);

-        // em.remove(a.get("b", List.class).get(0));


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createAwithExistingB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeBfromA() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void addAtoB() {

-        // TODO"Not Yet Implemented");

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aTypeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aTypeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder bTypeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        bTypeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");


-        bTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        bTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        bTypeBuilder.addOneToOneMapping("a", aTypeBuilder.getType(), "A_FK");


-        aTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aTypeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aTypeBuilder.addOneToManyMapping("b", bTypeBuilder.getType(), "A_FK");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, aTypeBuilder.getType(), bTypeBuilder.getType());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleB").executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleA").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        try {

-            em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-            em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {

-            // ignore

-        }

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ef7b3..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/mappings/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.mappings;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DynamicException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class SimpleTypes_OneToOne {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorA = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleA'", descriptorA);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleA' EntityType not found", simpleTypeA);

-        assertEquals(descriptorA, simpleTypeA.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, a_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping a_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, a_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptorB = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias='SimpleB'", descriptorB);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        assertNotNull("'SimpleB' EntityType not found", simpleTypeB);

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, simpleTypeB.getDescriptor());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_id = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertEquals(int.class, b_id.getAttributeClassification());

-        DirectToFieldMapping b_value1 = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.getMappingForAttributeName("value1");

-        assertEquals(String.class, b_value1.getAttributeClassification());


-        OneToOneMapping a_b = (OneToOneMapping) descriptorA.getMappingForAttributeName("b");

-        assertEquals(descriptorB, a_b.getReferenceDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleA() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "A1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("id", 1);

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", "B1");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleB s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSimpleAwithSimpleB() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        Assert.assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");

-        simpleInstanceA.set("b", simpleInstanceB);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(simpleInstanceB);

-        em.persist(simpleInstanceA);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        int simpleCountB = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleB s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountB);

-        int simpleCountA = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleA s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals(1, simpleCountA);


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidTypeSet() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleTypeA = helper.getType("SimpleA");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeA);

-        DynamicType simpleTypeB = helper.getType("SimpleB");

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleTypeB);


-        Assert.assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleB"));


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceB = simpleTypeB.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceB.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceB.set("value1", "B2");


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstanceA = simpleTypeA.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstanceA.set("id", 2);

-        simpleInstanceA.set("value1", "A2");


-        try {

-            simpleInstanceA.set("b", simpleInstanceA);

-        } catch (DynamicException de) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("Should have caught DynamicException for invalid set type");

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> simpleTypeB = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleB");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder bFactory = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeB, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_B");

-        bFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        bFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");


-        Class<?> simpleTypeA = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.SimpleA");

-        DynamicTypeBuilder aFactory = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(simpleTypeA, null, "SIMPLE_TYPE_A");

-        aFactory.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        aFactory.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        aFactory.addOneToOneMapping("b", bFactory.getType(), "B_FK").setCascadePersist(true);


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, aFactory.getType(), bFactory.getType());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearDynamicTables() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleA").executeUpdate();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM SimpleB").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_A CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE SIMPLE_TYPE_B CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed8eefa..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.simple.sequencing;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { DefaultSequencing.class, TableSequencing.class, UnaryTableSequencing.class, NativeSequencing.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index ab8f248..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.sequencing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.TableSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class DefaultSequencing {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "SIMPLE_TABLE_SEQ";


-    public static final String ENTITY_TYPE = "Simple";


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, descriptor);


-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(session);

-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("EntityType not found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, simpleType);


-        assertEquals(descriptor, simpleType.getDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSingleInstances() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        DynamicHelper helper = new DynamicHelper(session);

-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = session.getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);


-        assertNotNull(findResult);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id"), findResult.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), findResult.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createTwoInstances() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(em);

-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance1 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);

-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance2 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 2);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(2, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = helper.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance1));

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance2));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult1 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        DynamicEntity findResult2 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 2);


-        assertNotNull(findResult1);

-        assertNotNull(findResult2);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance1.get("id"), findResult1.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance2.get("value1"), findResult2.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(EntityManagerFactory emf, int expectedId) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(em);


-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", TABLE_NAME);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        assertEquals(0, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        assertEquals(expectedId, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();

-        Class<?> javaType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.sequencing." + ENTITY_TYPE);


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(javaType, null, TABLE_NAME);

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");


-        TableSequence defaultSequence = (TableSequence) helper.getSession().getLogin().getDefaultSequence();

-        defaultSequence.setTableName("TEST_SEQ");

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ", "SID");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());

-    }


-    @Before

-    public void clearSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE).executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("UPDATE TEST_SEQ SET SEQ_COUNT = 0").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getSequencingControl().initializePreallocated();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE TEST_SEQ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 508e5d4..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.sequencing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicTypeImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.NativeSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;


-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class NativeSequencing {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "SIMPLE_TABLE_SEQ";


-    public static final String ENTITY_TYPE = "Simple";


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, descriptor);


-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) new JPADynamicHelper(emf).getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("EntityType not found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, simpleType);


-        assertEquals(descriptor, simpleType.getDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSingleInstances() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = helper.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);


-        assertNotNull(findResult);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id"), findResult.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), findResult.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createTwoInstances() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicTypeImpl simpleType = (DynamicTypeImpl) helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance1 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);

-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance2 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 2);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(2, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = helper.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance1));

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance2));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult1 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        DynamicEntity findResult2 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 2);


-        assertNotNull(findResult1);

-        assertNotNull(findResult2);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance1.get("id"), findResult1.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance2.get("value1"), findResult2.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(EntityManagerFactory emf, int expectedId) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", TABLE_NAME);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        assertEquals(0, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        assertEquals(expectedId, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> javaType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.sequencing." + ENTITY_TYPE);


-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(javaType, null, TABLE_NAME);

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");


-        NativeSequence sequence = new NativeSequence();

-        sequence.setPreallocationSize(5);

-        helper.getSession().getProject().getLogin().setDefaultSequence(sequence);

-        sequence.onConnect(helper.getSession().getPlatform());

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(sequence, ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ", "SID");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());

-    }


-    @Before

-    public void clearSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE).executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        new SchemaManager(session).replaceSequences();

-        session.getSequencingControl().initializePreallocated();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP SEQUENCE Simple_SEQ").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a93f9f..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.sequencing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.TableSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class TableSequencing {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "SIMPLE_TABLE_SEQ";


-    public static final String ENTITY_TYPE = "Simple";


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, descriptor);


-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("EntityType not found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, simpleType);


-        assertEquals(descriptor, simpleType.getDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSingleInstances() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = helper.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);


-        assertNotNull(findResult);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id"), findResult.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), findResult.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createTwoInstances() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance1 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);

-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance2 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 2);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(2, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = helper.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance1));

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance2));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult1 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        DynamicEntity findResult2 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 2);


-        assertNotNull(findResult1);

-        assertNotNull(findResult2);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance1.get("id"), findResult1.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance2.get("value1"), findResult2.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(EntityManagerFactory emf, int expectedId) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", TABLE_NAME);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        assertEquals(0, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        assertEquals(expectedId, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        TableSequence sequence = new TableSequence();

-        sequence.setTableName("TEST_SEQ");

-        sequence.setCounterFieldName("SEQ_VALUE");

-        sequence.setNameFieldName("SEQ_NAME");

-        sequence.setPreallocationSize(5);

-        helper.getSession().getProject().getLogin().setDefaultSequence(sequence);

-        sequence.onConnect(helper.getSession().getPlatform());


-        Class<?> dynamicType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.sequencing." + ENTITY_TYPE);

-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(dynamicType, null, TABLE_NAME);

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(sequence, ENTITY_TYPE + "_SEQ", "SID");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());

-    }


-    @Before

-    public void clearSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE).executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("UPDATE TEST_SEQ SET SEQ_VALUE = 0").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getSequencingControl().initializePreallocated();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE TEST_SEQ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 014214b..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/simple/sequencing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-package testing.simple.sequencing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing.UnaryTableSequence;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.IdentityMapAccessor;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.BeforeClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class UnaryTableSequencing {


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "SIMPLE_TABLE_SEQ";


-    public static final String ENTITY_TYPE = "Simple";


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConfig() throws Exception {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = helper.getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, descriptor);


-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        assertNotNull("EntityType not found for alias: " + ENTITY_TYPE, simpleType);


-        assertEquals(descriptor, simpleType.getDescriptor());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createSingleInstances() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(1, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = helper.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);


-        assertNotNull(findResult);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("id"), findResult.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance.get("value1"), findResult.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createTwoInstances() {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance1 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 1);

-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance2 = createSimpleInstance(emf, 2);


-        int simpleCount = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(o) FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE + " o").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        assertEquals(2, simpleCount);


-        IdentityMapAccessor cache = helper.getSession().getIdentityMapAccessor();

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance1));

-        assertTrue(cache.containsObjectInIdentityMap(simpleInstance2));


-        em.clear();

-        cache.initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        DynamicEntity findResult1 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 1);

-        DynamicEntity findResult2 = (DynamicEntity) em.find(simpleType.getJavaClass(), 2);


-        assertNotNull(findResult1);

-        assertNotNull(findResult2);

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance1.get("id"), findResult1.get("id"));

-        assertEquals(simpleInstance2.get("value1"), findResult2.get("value1"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity createSimpleInstance(EntityManagerFactory emf, int expectedId) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        DynamicType simpleEntityType = helper.getType(ENTITY_TYPE);

-        Assert.assertNotNull(simpleEntityType);


-        DynamicEntity simpleInstance = simpleEntityType.newDynamicEntity();

-        simpleInstance.set("value1", TABLE_NAME);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        assertEquals(0, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.persist(simpleInstance);

-        assertEquals(expectedId, simpleInstance.get("id"));

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        return simpleInstance;

-    }


-    @BeforeClass

-    public static void setUp() {

-        emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        UnaryTableSequence sequence = new UnaryTableSequence("TEST_SEQ");

-        sequence.setCounterFieldName("SEQ_VALUE");

-        sequence.setPreallocationSize(5);

-        helper.getSession().getProject().getLogin().setDefaultSequence(sequence);

-        sequence.onConnect(helper.getSession().getPlatform());


-        Class<?> dynamicType = dcl.createDynamicClass("model.sequencing." + ENTITY_TYPE);

-        DynamicTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(dynamicType, null, TABLE_NAME);

-        typeBuilder.setPrimaryKeyFields("SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "SID");

-        typeBuilder.addDirectMapping("value1", String.class, "VAL_1");

-        typeBuilder.configureSequencing(sequence, "TEST_SEQ", "SID");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, typeBuilder.getType());

-    }


-    @Before

-    public void clearSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createQuery("DELETE FROM " + ENTITY_TYPE).executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("UPDATE TEST_SEQ SET SEQ_VALUE = 0").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getSequencingControl().initializePreallocated();

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void shutdown() {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.createNativeQuery("DROP TABLE TEST_SEQ CASCADE CONSTRAINTS").executeUpdate();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/util/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf2ae2..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- * 				- ported from earlier Oracle Toplink examples

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.util;



-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.*;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.util.QuerySQLTracker;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;



- * Base test case for testing a JPA persistence unit in JavaSE using JUnit4.

- * 

- * Through the usage

- * 

- * @PersistenceContext on subclasses a developer can indicate the persistence

- *                     unit name that the

- * @BeforeClass method should use to access the entityManager.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2

- */

-public abstract class EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    /**

-     * This is he current EMF in use

-     */

-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    private EntityManager entityManager;


-    protected EntityManagerFactory getEMF() {

-        if (emf == null) {

-            emf = createEMF(getUnitName());

-        }


-        return emf;

-    }


-    protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-        if (this.entityManager == null) {

-            this.entityManager = getEMF().createEntityManager();

-        }


-        return this.entityManager;

-    }


-    protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName) {

-        if (emf != null) {

-            if (emf.isOpen()) {

-                emf.close();

-            }

-        }


-        Assert.assertNotNull("EclipseLinkJPATest.createEMF:: Null unit name", unitName);


-        try {

-            return createEMF(unitName, null);

-        } catch (RuntimeException e) {

-            System.out.println("Persistence.createEMF FAILED: " + e.getMessage());

-            e.printStackTrace();

-            throw e;

-        }

-    }


-    protected String getUnitName() {

-        PersistenceContext context = null;

-        Class javaClass = getClass();


-        while (context == null && javaClass != Object.class) {

-            context = (PersistenceContext) javaClass.getAnnotation(PersistenceContext.class);

-            javaClass = javaClass.getSuperclass();

-        }

-        Assert.assertNotNull("No @PersistenceContext found", context);


-        return context.unitName();

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param properties

-     * @return

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName, Map properties) {

-        try {

-            Map emfProps = getEMFProperties();


-            if (properties != null) {

-                emfProps.putAll(properties);

-            }


-            EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(unitName, emfProps);

-            QuerySQLTracker.install(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf));

-            return emf;

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            System.out.println("Persistence.createEMF FAILED: " + e.getMessage());

-            e.printStackTrace();

-            throw new RuntimeException("EclipseLinkJPATest.createEMF(" + unitName + ", properties) - failed", e);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @return

-     */

-    protected Map getEMFProperties() {

-        Map properties = new HashMap();


-        try {

-            File examplePropertiesFile = new File("");

-            if (examplePropertiesFile.exists()) {

-                Properties exampleProps = new Properties();

-                InputStream in = new FileInputStream(examplePropertiesFile);

-                exampleProps.load(in);

-                in.close();

-                properties.putAll(exampleProps);

-            }

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            // TODO

-        }


-        properties.putAll(System.getProperties());


-        return properties;

-    }


-    protected QuerySQLTracker getQuerySQLTracker(EntityManager em) {

-        return QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getActiveSession());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void cleanupClosedEMF() {

-        if (this.entityManager != null) {


-            if (this.entityManager.getTransaction().isActive()) {

-                this.entityManager.getTransaction().rollback();

-            }

-            if (this.entityManager.isOpen()) {

-                this.entityManager.close();

-            }

-        }

-        this.entityManager = null;


-        if (emf != null) {

-            if (!emf.isOpen()) {

-                emf = null;

-            } else {

-                QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf)).reset();

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void closeEMF() throws Exception {

-        if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-            emf.close();

-            emf = null;

-        }

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/util/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4048209..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/eclipselink.jpa.test.dynamic/src/testing/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-package testing.util;





-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.Properties;


-public class ExamplePropertiesLoader {


-	public static void loadProperties(Map properties) {

-		loadProperties(properties, "./eclipselink-example.proerties");

-		System.getProperty("");

-		loadProperties(properties, "$HOME/eclipselink-example.proerties");

-	}


-	public static void loadProperties(Map properties, String filePath) {

-		try {

-			File examplePropertiesFile = new File(filePath);

-			if (examplePropertiesFile.exists()) {

-				Properties exampleProps = new Properties();

-				InputStream in = new FileInputStream(examplePropertiesFile);

-				exampleProps.load(in);

-				in.close();

-				properties.putAll(exampleProps);

-			}

-		} catch (Exception e) {

-			// TODO

-		}


-		properties.putAll(System.getProperties());

-	}


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.classpath b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 0785c54..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.junit.JUNIT_CONTAINER/4"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="ORACLE_JDBC_LIB"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/javax.persistence 1.99"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.asm"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.core"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa"/>

-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.project b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 6288382..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.project
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@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b23759..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#Tue Aug 11 13:22:39 EDT 2009












diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/META-INF/persistence.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b550e3..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

-	<persistence-unit name="empty" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

-		<provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>

-		<exclude-unlisted-classes>true</exclude-unlisted-classes>

-		<properties>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.user" value="scott"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.password" value="tiger"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"/>

-			<property name="" value="1"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.min" value="1"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.timestamp" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.thread" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.session" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.exceptions" value="false"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.logging.level.sql" value="FINE"/>

-		</properties>

-	</persistence-unit>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05b17c6..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.Calendar;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicTypeBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;



- * Factory for the creation of the dynamic mappings for the Employee demo.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class EmployeeDynamicMappings {


-    public static void createTypes(EntityManagerFactory emf, String packageName, boolean createMissingTables) {

-        String packagePrefix = packageName.endsWith(".") ? packageName : packageName + ".";


-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = helper.getDynamicClassLoader();


-        Class<?> employeeClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Employee");

-        Class<?> addressClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Address");

-        Class<?> phoneClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "PhoneNumber");

-        Class<?> periodClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "EmploymentPeriod");

-        Class<?> projectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "Project");

-        Class<?> smallProjectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "SmallProject", projectClass);

-        Class<?> largeProjectClass = dcl.createDynamicClass(packagePrefix + "LargeProject", projectClass);


-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(employeeClass, null, "D_EMPLOYEE", "D_SALARY");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder address = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(addressClass, null, "D_ADDRESS");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder phone = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(phoneClass, null, "D_PHONE");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder period = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(periodClass, null);

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder project = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(projectClass, null, "D_PROJECT");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder smallProject = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(smallProjectClass, project.getType(), "D_PROJECT");

-        JPADynamicTypeBuilder largeProject = new JPADynamicTypeBuilder(largeProjectClass, project.getType(), "D_LPROJECT");


-        configureAddress(address);

-        configureEmployee(employee, address, phone, period, project);

-        configurePhone(phone, employee);

-        configurePeriod(period);

-        configureProject(project, smallProject, largeProject, employee);

-        configureSmallProject(smallProject, project);

-        configureLargeProject(largeProject, project);


-        // Must be done here since it requires the PK configurations on Employee

-        // and Project

-        employee.addManyToManyMapping("projects", project.getType(), "D_PROJ_EMP");


-        helper.addTypes(true, true, employee.getType(), address.getType(), phone.getType(), period.getType(), project.getType(), smallProject.getType(), largeProject.getType());

-    }


-    private static void configurePhone(JPADynamicTypeBuilder phone, JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee) {

-        phone.setPrimaryKeyFields("PHONE_TYPE", "EMP_ID");


-        phone.addDirectMapping("type", String.class, "PHONE_TYPE");

-        phone.addDirectMapping("ownerId", int.class, "EMP_ID").readOnly();

-        phone.addDirectMapping("areaCode", String.class, "AREA_CODE");

-        phone.addDirectMapping("number", String.class, "PNUMBER");


-        phone.addOneToOneMapping("owner", employee.getType(), "EMP_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureAddress(JPADynamicTypeBuilder address) {

-        address.setPrimaryKeyFields("ADDR_ID");


-        address.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "ADDR_ID");

-        address.addDirectMapping("street", String.class, "STREET");

-        address.addDirectMapping("city", String.class, "CITY");

-        address.addDirectMapping("province", String.class, "PROV");

-        address.addDirectMapping("postalCode", String.class, "P_CODE");

-        address.addDirectMapping("country", String.class, "COUNTRY");


-        address.configureSequencing("ADDR_SEQ", "ADDR_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureEmployee(JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee, JPADynamicTypeBuilder address, JPADynamicTypeBuilder phone, JPADynamicTypeBuilder period, JPADynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        employee.setPrimaryKeyFields("EMP_ID");


-        employee.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.EMP_ID");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("firstName", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.F_NAME");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("lastName", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.L_NAME");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("gender", String.class, "D_EMPLOYEE.GENDER");

-        employee.addDirectMapping("salary", int.class, "D_SALARY.SALARY");


-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = employee.addOneToOneMapping("address", address.getType(), "ADDR_ID");

-        addressMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        addressMapping.setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        employee.addOneToOneMapping("manager", employee.getType(), "MANAGER_ID");


-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = employee.addOneToManyMapping("phoneNumbers", phone.getType(), "OWNER_ID");

-        phoneMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        phoneMapping.setIsPrivateOwned(true);


-        employee.addAggregateObjectMapping("period", period.getType(), true);

-        employee.addOneToManyMapping("managedEmployees", employee.getType(), "MANAGER_ID");


-        employee.addDirectCollectionMapping("responsibilities", "D_RESPONS", "RESPON_DESC", String.class, "EMP_ID");


-        employee.configureSequencing("EMP_SEQ", "EMP_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configurePeriod(JPADynamicTypeBuilder period) {

-        period.addDirectMapping("startDate", Calendar.class, "START_DATE");

-        period.addDirectMapping("endDate", Calendar.class, "END_DATE");

-    }


-    private static void configureProject(JPADynamicTypeBuilder project, JPADynamicTypeBuilder smallProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder largeProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder employee) {

-        project.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        project.addDirectMapping("id", int.class, "PROJ_ID");

-        project.addDirectMapping("name", String.class, "NAME");

-        project.addDirectMapping("description", String.class, "DESCRIP");


-        project.addOneToOneMapping("teamLeader", employee.getType(), "EMP_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = project.getType().getDescriptor();


-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setClassIndicatorFieldName("PROJ_TYPE");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(smallProject.getType().getJavaClass(), "S");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(largeProject.getType().getJavaClass(), "L");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().addClassIndicator(project.getType().getJavaClass(), "P");


-        project.configureSequencing("PROJ_SEQ", "PROJ_ID");

-    }


-    private static void configureLargeProject(JPADynamicTypeBuilder largeProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        largeProject.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = largeProject.getType().getDescriptor();

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setClassIndicatorFieldName("PROJ_TYPE");

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setParentClass(project.getType().getJavaClass());


-        largeProject.addDirectMapping("budget", double.class, "BUDGET");

-        largeProject.addDirectMapping("milestone", Calendar.class, "MILESTONE");

-    }


-    private static void configureSmallProject(JPADynamicTypeBuilder smallProject, JPADynamicTypeBuilder project) {

-        smallProject.setPrimaryKeyFields("PROJ_ID");


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = smallProject.getType().getDescriptor();

-        descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().setParentClass(project.getType().getJavaClass());

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 380f8ad..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;



-public class Main {


-    /**

-     * @param args

-     */

-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("empty");

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(emf);


-        // Add dynamic types

-        EmployeeDynamicMappings.createTypes(emf, "example.jpa.dynamic.model.employee", false);


-        // Create database and populate

-        new SchemaManager(helper.getSession()).replaceDefaultTables();


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        new Samples(emf).persistAll(em);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.clear();


-        // Lookup types

-        DynamicType empType = helper.getType("Employee");


-        // Run Queries

-        Queries queries = new Queries();


-        int minEmpId = queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        queries.findEmployee(em, empType, minEmpId);

-        queries.findEmployeesUsingGenderIn(em);


-        // Example transactions

-        Transactions txn = new Transactions();


-        txn.createUsingPersist(em);


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index b5fc534..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;



- * Simple query examples for the XML mapped Employee domain model.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class Queries {


-    public DynamicEntity findEmployee(EntityManager em, DynamicType type, Object id) {

-        return (DynamicEntity) em.find(type.getJavaClass(), id);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple example using dynamic JP QL to retrieve all Employee instances

-     * sorted by lastName and firstName.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public List<DynamicEntity> readAllEmployeesUsing(EntityManager em) {

-        return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY ASC").getResultList();

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public List<DynamicEntity> joinFetchEmployeeWithAddress(EntityManager em) {

-        return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC").getResultList();

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public List<DynamicEntity> joinFetchHint(EntityManager em) {

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = 'Ottawa' ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.manager.phoneNumbers");

-        List<DynamicEntity> emps = query.getResultList();


-        for (DynamicEntity emp : emps) {

-            emp.<DynamicEntity>get("manager").<Collection>get("phoneNumbers").size();

-        }


-        return emps;

-    }


-    public int minimumEmployeeId(EntityManager em) {

-        return ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT MIN( FROM Employee e").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity minimumEmployee(EntityManager em) {

-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE in (SELECT MIN( FROM Employee ee)");


-        return (DynamicEntity) q.getSingleResult();

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public List<DynamicEntity> findEmployeesUsingGenderIn(EntityManager em) {

-        return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IN (:GENDER1, :GENDER2)").setParameter("GENDER1", "Male").setParameter("GENDER2", "Female").getResultList();

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public List<DynamicEntity> findUsingNativeReadAllQuery(EntityManager em) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession().getDescriptorForAlias("Employee");

-        ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = raq.getExpressionBuilder();

-        raq.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("gender").equal("Male"));


-        Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(raq, em);


-        return query.getResultList();

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(EntityManager em) {

-        return (DynamicEntity) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM PhoneNumber p)").getSingleResult();

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index e47c5e8..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,732 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;



- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.*;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DeleteAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */


-public class Samples {

-    private EntityManagerFactory emf;

-    public DynamicEntity[] employees;

-    public DynamicEntity[] smallProjects;

-    public DynamicEntity[] largeProjects;


-    public Samples(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        this.emf = emf;


-        this.employees = new DynamicEntity[] { basicEmployeeExample1(), basicEmployeeExample2(), basicEmployeeExample3(), basicEmployeeExample4(), basicEmployeeExample5(), basicEmployeeExample6(), basicEmployeeExample7(), basicEmployeeExample8(), basicEmployeeExample9(), basicEmployeeExample10(), basicEmployeeExample11(), basicEmployeeExample12() };


-        this.smallProjects = new DynamicEntity[] { basicSmallProjectExample1(), basicSmallProjectExample2(), basicSmallProjectExample3(), basicSmallProjectExample4(), basicSmallProjectExample5(), basicSmallProjectExample7(), basicSmallProjectExample8(), basicSmallProjectExample9(), basicSmallProjectExample10() };


-        this.largeProjects = new DynamicEntity[] { basicLargeProjectExample1(), basicLargeProjectExample2(), basicLargeProjectExample3(), basicLargeProjectExample4(), basicLargeProjectExample5() };


-        // Setup management hierarchy

-        addManagedEmployees(0, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });

-        addManagedEmployees(1, new int[] { 5, 0 });

-        addManagedEmployees(2, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(3, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(4, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(5, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(6, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(7, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(8, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(9, new int[] { 7, 8, 10, 11 });

-        addManagedEmployees(10, new int[] { 6 });

-        addManagedEmployees(11, new int[] { 1 });


-        // Setup Employee-Project associations

-        addProjects(0, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new int[] {});

-        addProjects(1, new int[] { 3, 4, 0 }, new int[] {});

-        addProjects(2, new int[] { 3 }, new int[] { 3, 4 });

-        addProjects(4, new int[] { 3, 1 }, new int[] { 2, 4 });

-        addProjects(5, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });

-        addProjects(6, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });


-        // Setup LargeProject leads

-        this.largeProjects[0].set("teamLeader", this.employees[1]);

-        this.largeProjects[3].set("teamLeader", this.employees[2]);

-        this.largeProjects[4].set("teamLeader", this.employees[2]);


-    }


-    private DynamicEntity newInstance(String entityAlias) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(this.emf).getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-        return (DynamicEntity) descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-    }


-    private Class<?> getDynamicClass(String entityAlias) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(this.emf).getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-        return descriptor.getJavaClass();

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private DynamicEntity addPhoneNumber(DynamicEntity employee, String type, String areaCode, String number) {

-        DynamicEntity phone = newInstance("PhoneNumber");

-        phone.set("type", type);

-        phone.set("areaCode", areaCode);

-        phone.set("number", number);

-        phone.set("owner", employee);

-        employee.<Collection> get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);

-        return phone;

-    }


-    private void setPeriod(DynamicEntity employee, Date startDate, Date endDate) {

-        DynamicEntity period = newInstance("EmploymentPeriod");

-        period.set("startDate", startDate);

-        period.set("endDate", endDate);

-        employee.set("period", period);

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Bob");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smith");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 35000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1993, 0, 1), new Date(1996, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Toronto");

-        address.set("postalCode", "L5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Water the office plants.");

-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Maintain the kitchen facilities.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample10() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Jill");

-        employee.set("lastName", "May");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1991, 10, 111), null);


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Calgary");

-        address.set("postalCode", "J5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "AB");

-        address.set("street", "1111 Mooseland Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 56232);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample11() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Sarah-Lou");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smitty");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1993, 0, 1), new Date(1996, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Arnprior");

-        address.set("postalCode", "W1A2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "1 Hawthorne Drive");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 75000);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample12() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Jim-Bob");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jefferson");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1995, 0, 12), new Date(2001, 11, 31));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Yellowknife");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "YK");

-        address.set("street", "1112 Gold Rush Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.set("salary", 50000);

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "John");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Way");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 53000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1991, 10, 11), null);


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Ottawa");

-        address.set("postalCode", "K5J2B5");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Hire people when more people are required.");

-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Lay off employees when less people are required.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Charles");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Chanley");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 43000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1995, 0, 1), new Date(2001, 11, 31));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Montreal");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Q2S5Z5");

-        address.set("province", "QUE");

-        address.set("street", "1 Canadien Place");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Perform code reviews as required.");


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Pager", "976", "5556666");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Emanual");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Smith");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 49631);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Vancouver");

-        address.set("postalCode", "N5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Have to fix the Database problem.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Pager", "976", "5556666");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Sarah");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Way");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 87000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 6, 31), new Date(1995, 4, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Prince Rupert");

-        address.set("postalCode", "K3K5D5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "3254 Parkway Place");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Write code documentation.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample6() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Marcus");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Saunders");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 54300);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 12));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Perth");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y3Q2N9");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "234 Caledonia Lane");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        employee.<Collection<String>> get("responsibilities").add("Write user specifications.");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample7() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Nancy");

-        employee.set("lastName", "White");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 31000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(1996, 0, 1), new Date(1993, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Metcalfe");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Y4F7V6");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "2 Anderson Rd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Home", "613", "5551234");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample8() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Fred");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jones");

-        employee.set("gender", "Male");

-        employee.set("salary", 500000);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Victoria");

-        address.set("postalCode", "Z5J2N5");

-        address.set("province", "BC");

-        address.set("street", "382 Hyde Park Blvd.");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicEmployeeExample9() {

-        DynamicEntity employee = newInstance("Employee");


-        employee.set("firstName", "Betty");

-        employee.set("lastName", "Jones");

-        employee.set("gender", "Female");

-        employee.set("salary", 500001);


-        setPeriod(employee, new Date(2001, 11, 31), new Date(1995, 0, 1));


-        DynamicEntity address = newInstance("Address");

-        address.set("city", "Smith Falls");

-        address.set("postalCode", "C6C6C6");

-        address.set("province", "ONT");

-        address.set("street", "89 Chocolate Drive");

-        address.set("country", "Canada");

-        employee.set("address", address);


-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "Work", "613", "5558812");

-        addPhoneNumber(employee, "ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-        return employee;

-    }


-    private void setCalendar(DynamicEntity entity, String name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int seconds) {

-        Calendar cal = entity.<Calendar> get(name);


-        if (cal == null) {

-            cal = Calendar.getInstance();

-            entity.set(name, cal);

-        }

-        cal.set(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds);

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Sales Reporting");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", (double) 5000);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1991, 10, 11, 12, 0, 0);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Light Reporter");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 100.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1999, 11, 25, 11, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "TOPEmployee Management");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 4000.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1997, 10, 12, 1, 0, 0);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Enterprise System");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 40.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1996, 8, 6, 6, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicLargeProjectExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity largeProject = newInstance("LargeProject");


-        largeProject.set("name", "Problem Reporting System");

-        largeProject.set("description", "A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        largeProject.set("budget", 101.98);

-        setCalendar(largeProject, "milestone", 1997, 9, 6, 1, 40, 44);


-        return largeProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample1() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Enterprise");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample10() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Staff Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help staff query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample2() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Sales Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample3() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "TOP-Employee Manager");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample4() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Problem Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample5() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Feather Reporter");

-        smallProject.set("description", "An extremely lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample6() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Makework");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A makework project.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample7() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Marketing Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help marketing query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample8() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Shipping Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help shipping query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    public DynamicEntity basicSmallProjectExample9() {

-        DynamicEntity smallProject = newInstance("SmallProject");

-        smallProject.set("name", "Accounting Query Tool");

-        smallProject.set("description", "A tool to help accounting query various things.");

-        return smallProject;

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private void addManagedEmployees(int managerIndex, int[] employeeIndeces) {

-        DynamicEntity manager = this.employees[managerIndex];


-        if (manager.<Collection> get("managedEmployees").isEmpty()) {

-            for (int index = 0; index < employeeIndeces.length; index++) {

-                manager.<Collection> get("managedEmployees").add(this.employees[employeeIndeces[index]]);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private void addProjects(int empIndex, int[] smallProjIndeces, int[] largeProjIndeces) {

-        DynamicEntity employee = this.employees[empIndex];

-        Collection<DynamicEntity> projects = employee.<Collection> get("projects");


-        for (int index = 0; index < smallProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-            projects.add(this.smallProjects[smallProjIndeces[index]]);

-        }


-        for (int index = 0; index < largeProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-            projects.add(this.largeProjects[largeProjIndeces[index]]);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Register all of the population in the provided EntityManager to be

-     * persisted This method should only be called from within a test case. It

-     * asserts that the provided EntityManager is in a transaction and that the

-     * database tables are empty.

-     */

-    public void persistAll(EntityManager em) {

-        Assert.assertTrue("EntityManager not in Transaction", em.getTransaction().isActive());


-        // Verify that the database tables are empty

-        assertCount(em, "Employee", 0);

-        assertCount(em, "Address", 0);

-        assertCount(em, "PhoneNumber", 0);

-        assertCount(em, "Project", 0);


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            em.persist(this.employees[index]);

-        }

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.smallProjects.length; index++) {

-            em.persist(this.smallProjects[index]);

-        }

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.largeProjects.length; index++) {

-            em.persist(this.largeProjects[index]);

-        }


-        em.flush();

-        verifyCounts(em);

-    }


-    public void verifyCounts(EntityManager em) {

-        assertCount(em, "Employee", this.employees.length);

-        assertCount(em, "Address", this.employees.length);

-        assertCount(em, "Project", this.smallProjects.length + this.largeProjects.length);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the provided entity type has no rows in the database using a

-     * native ReportQuery.

-     * 

-     * @param entityClass

-     * @param count

-     */

-    public void assertCount(EntityManager em, String entityAlias, int count) {

-        Class<?> entityClass = getDynamicClass(entityAlias);

-        ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(entityClass, new ExpressionBuilder());

-        query.addCount();

-        query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-        int dbCount = ((Number) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(query)).intValue();

-        Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity found of " + entityClass, count, dbCount);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the provided list of Employee instances matches the sample

-     * population.

-     * 

-     * @param employees

-     */

-    public void assertSame(List<DynamicEntity> dbEmps) {

-        Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity of employees", this.employees.length, dbEmps.size());

-        Collections.sort(dbEmps, new DynamicEntityComparator());


-        List<DynamicEntity> sampleEmps = new ArrayList<DynamicEntity>();

-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            sampleEmps.add(this.employees[index]);

-        }

-        Collections.sort(sampleEmps, new DynamicEntityComparator());


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            DynamicEntity emp = sampleEmps.get(index);

-            DynamicEntity dbEmp = dbEmps.get(index);


-            Assert.assertEquals("First name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<String> get("firstName"), dbEmp.<String> get("firstName"));

-            Assert.assertEquals("Last name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<String> get("lastName"), dbEmp.<String> get("lastName"));

-            Assert.assertEquals("Salary does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.<Integer> get("salary"), dbEmp.<Integer> get("salary"));

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple comparator used to order the employees for use within assertSame

-     */

-    class DynamicEntityComparator implements Comparator<DynamicEntity> {


-        public int compare(DynamicEntity emp1, DynamicEntity emp2) {

-            return emp1.<Integer> get("id") - emp2.<Integer> get("id");

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * Extract the id's from the sample Employee instances.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @return

-     */

-    public int[] getEmployeeIds(EntityManager em) {

-        int[] ids = new int[this.employees.length];


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            ids[index] = this.employees[index].<Integer> get("id");

-        }


-        return ids;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Reset the database so that only the sample population exists.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     */

-    public void resetDatabase(EntityManager em) {

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        DeleteAllQuery deleteEmpsQuery = new DeleteAllQuery(getDynamicClass("Employee"));

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = deleteEmpsQuery.getExpressionBuilder();

-        deleteEmpsQuery.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").notIn(getEmployeeIds(em)));

-        deleteEmpsQuery.setFlushOnExecute(true);


-        JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(deleteEmpsQuery);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-    }


-    public void resetSalary(EntityManager em) {

-        boolean startedTX = !em.getTransaction().isActive();


-        if (startedTX) {

-            em.getTransaction().begin();

-        }


-        for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-            DynamicEntity emp = this.employees[index];

-            Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.firstName = :FNAME AND e.lastName = :LNAME");

-            query.setParameter("FNAME", emp.<String> get("firstName"));

-            query.setParameter("LNAME", emp.<String> get("lastName"));


-            DynamicEntity dbEmp = (DynamicEntity) query.getSingleResult();

-            dbEmp.set("salary", this.employees[index].<Integer> get("salary"));

-        }


-        if (startedTX) {

-            em.getTransaction().commit();

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index d023620..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.employee/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-package example;


- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Dynamic Persistence INCUBATION - Enhancement 200045

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/



-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.FlushModeType;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PessimisticLock;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicType;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic.JPADynamicHelper;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink - Dynamic Incubator (1.1.0-branch)

- */

-public class Transactions {


-    private ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(EntityManager em, String entityAlias) {

-        return JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession().getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias);

-    }


-    /**

-     * New entities with new related related entities can be persisted using

-     * <code>EntityManager.persist(newEntity)</code>. The cascade setting on the

-     * mappings determine how the related entities are handled. In this case

-     * Employee has its relationship to Address and PhoneNumber configured with

-     * cascade-all so the associated new entities will also be persisted.

-     */

-    public DynamicEntity createUsingPersist(EntityManager em) {

-        DynamicHelper helper = new JPADynamicHelper(em);


-        DynamicType empType = helper.getType("Employee");

-        DynamicType addrType = helper.getType("Address");

-        DynamicType phoneType = helper.getType("PhoneNumber");


-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) empType.newDynamicEntity();

-        emp.set("firstName", "Sample");

-        emp.set("lastName", "Employee");

-        emp.set("gender", "Male");

-        emp.set("salary", 123456);


-        DynamicEntity address = (DynamicEntity) addrType.newDynamicEntity();

-        emp.set("address", address);


-        DynamicEntity phone = (DynamicEntity) phoneType.newDynamicEntity();

-        phone.set("type", "Mobile");

-        phone.set("areaCode", "613");

-        phone.set("number", "555-1212");

-        phone.set("owner", emp);

-        emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>>get("phoneNumbers").add( phone);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(emp);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-	 * 

-	 */

-    public DynamicEntity createUsingMerge(EntityManager em) {

-        ClassDescriptor empDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "Employee");

-        ClassDescriptor addrDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "Address");

-        ClassDescriptor phoneDescriptor = getDescriptor(em, "PhoneNumber");


-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) empDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-        emp.set("firstName", "Sample");

-        emp.set("lastName", "Employee");

-        emp.set("gender", "Male");

-        emp.set("salary", 123456);


-        DynamicEntity address = (DynamicEntity) addrDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-        emp.set("address", address);


-        DynamicEntity phone = (DynamicEntity) phoneDescriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-        phone.set("type", "Mobile");

-        phone.set("areaCode", "613");

-        phone.set("number", "555-1212");

-        phone.set("owner", emp);

-        emp.<Collection<DynamicEntity>>get("phoneNumbers").add(phone);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        // When merging the managed instance is returned from the call.

-        // Further usage within the transaction must be done with this managed

-        // entity.

-        emp = (DynamicEntity) em.merge(emp);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @return

-     */

-    public DynamicEntity createWithRelationshipsToExistingEntities(EntityManager em) {

-        return null;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     */

-    public DynamicEntity deleteEntity(EntityManager em) {

-        return null;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     */

-    public void queriesOnTransactionalState(EntityManager em) {

-        em.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.COMMIT);


-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    public void pessimisticLocking(EntityManager em) throws Exception {


-        // Find the Employee with the minimum ID

-        int minId = new Queries().minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        // Lock Employee using query with hint

-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID").setParameter("ID", minId).setHint(QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK, PessimisticLock.Lock).getSingleResult();


-        emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer>get("salary") - 1);


-        em.flush();

-    }


-    /**

-     * This example illustrates the use of a query returning an entity and data

-     * from a related entity within a transaction. The returned entities are

-     * managed and thus any changes are reflected in the database upon flush.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public void updateEmployeeWithCity(EntityManager em) throws Exception {

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        List<Object[]> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e, FROM Employee e").getResultList();

-        DynamicEntity emp = (DynamicEntity) emps.get(0)[0];

-        emp.set("salary", emp.<Integer>get("salary") + 1);


-        em.flush();


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/.classpath b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/.classpath
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-#Wed May 27 16:34:58 EDT 2009





































































































































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-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_constructor_declaration=do not insert

-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_enum_constant=do not insert

-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_declaration=do not insert

-org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.insert_space_between_empty_parens_in_method_invocation=do not insert















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@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#Wed May 27 16:34:58 EDT 2009




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Binary files differ
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@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="WINDOWS-1252" standalone="no"?>


-    <jar path="C:/Documents and Settings/djclarke.ST-MDC/Desktop/eclipselink_example_simple-dynamic-map.jar"/>

-    <options buildIfNeeded="true" compress="true" descriptionLocation="/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/export-src-description.jardesc" exportErrors="true" exportWarnings="true" includeDirectoryEntries="false" overwrite="true" saveDescription="true" storeRefactorings="false" useSourceFolders="false"/>

-    <storedRefactorings deprecationInfo="true" structuralOnly="false"/>

-    <selectedProjects/>

-    <selectedElements exportClassFiles="false" exportJavaFiles="true" exportOutputFolder="false">

-        <javaElement handleIdentifier="=org.eclipse.persistence.core.dynamic/src&lt;org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic{"/>

-        <javaElement handleIdentifier="=org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src"/>

-    </selectedElements>

-    <fatjar builder="org.eclipse.jdt.ui.plain_jar_builder" launchConfig=""/>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/META-INF/persistence.xml b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c61462..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

-	<persistence-unit name="dynamic-simple-map" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

-		<provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>

-	</persistence-unit>


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f3b16..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.HashMap;



- * 

- * 

- * This DynamicEntity class does not support:

- * <ul>

- * <li>Features typically introduced through weaving: Change Tracking, Fetch

- * Groups, PK caching, transparent 1:1/M:1 lazy loading

- * <li>Additional helper methods to simplify using indirect relationships and

- * collections. (including initialization)

- * <li>Metamodel/Mapping access

- * </ul>

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.1

- */

-public abstract class DynamicMapEntity extends HashMap<String, Object> {


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index b987c7f..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.1

- */

-public class DynamicMapHelper {


-    /**

-     * Lookup descriptor for a dynamic type based on its name (descriptor alias)

-     */

-    public static ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(EntityManagerFactory emf, String typeName) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getClassDescriptorForAlias(typeName);


-        if (descriptor == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No descriptor found for type: " + typeName);

-        }


-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    public static Class getClass(EntityManagerFactory emf, String typeName) {

-        return getDescriptor(emf, typeName).getJavaClass();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Factory for creating new dynamic instances 

-     */

-    public static DynamicMapEntity newInstance(Session session, String typeName) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptorForAlias(typeName);

-        return (DynamicMapEntity) descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Factory for creating new dynamic JPA instances 

-     */

-    public static DynamicMapEntity newInstance(EntityManagerFactory emf, String typeName) {

-        return newInstance(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf), typeName);

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index bca8cd2..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;





-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.Properties;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.RelationalDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;



-public class SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample {


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

-        SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample example = new SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample();


-        EntityManagerFactory emf = example.createEMF();


-        try {


-            ClassDescriptor descriptor = example.createDynamicType(emf);


-            example.persistDynamicInstances(emf, descriptor);

-            example.queryDynamicInstances(emf, descriptor);

-            example.updateDyanmicInstances(emf, descriptor);

-            example.deleteDynamicInstances(emf, descriptor);


-            example.removeDynamicType(emf, descriptor);


-        } finally {

-            emf.close();

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new dynamic type called 'SimpleType' with the class name of

-     * 'model.SimpleType'. The generated class would look like: <code>

-     * package model;

-     * public class SimpleType extends example.dynamic.DynamicEntity {}

-     * </code>

-     * 

-     * The attributes defined in the mapping give the class the apparent

-     * structure of: <code>

-     * package model;

-     * public class SimpleType extends example.dynamic.DynamicEntity {

-     *    Integer id;

-     *    String value;

-     * }

-     * </code>

-     */

-    public ClassDescriptor createDynamicType(EntityManagerFactory emf) throws ClassNotFoundException {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = DynamicClassLoader.lookup(session);

-        dcl.addClass("model.SimpleType", DynamicMapEntity.class);


-        RelationalDescriptor descriptor = new RelationalDescriptor();

-        descriptor.setJavaClass(dcl.loadClass("model.SimpleType"));

-        descriptor.setTableName("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE");

-        descriptor.setPrimaryKeyFieldName("ID");


-        DirectToFieldMapping mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.addDirectMapping("id", "ID");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, Integer.class));

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.addDirectMapping("value", "VALUE");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, String.class));


-        session.addDescriptor(descriptor);


-        // Create the underlying table on the database. Drop it if it already

-        // exists

-        new SchemaManager(session).replaceDefaultTables();


-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    public Map persistDynamicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Map entity = (Map) descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-        entity.put("id", 1);

-        entity.put("value", "value-1");


-        em.persist(entity);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        return entity;

-    }


-    public List<Map> queryDynamicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        try {

-            return em.createQuery("SELECT s FROM SimpleType s WHERE s.value LIKE 'v%'").getResultList();

-        } finally {

-            em.close();

-        }

-    }


-    public Map updateDyanmicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").equal(1));

-        Map entity = (Map) JpaHelper.createQuery(query, em).getSingleResult();


-        entity.put("value", "value-1+");


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        return entity;

-    }


-    public void deleteDynamicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").equal(1));

-        Map entity = (Map) JpaHelper.createQuery(query, em).getSingleResult();


-        em.remove(entity);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    public void removeDynamicType(EntityManagerFactory emf, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeIdentityMap(descriptor.getJavaClass());


-        session.getDescriptors().remove(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        session.getProject().getAliasDescriptors().remove(descriptor.getAlias());

-        session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().remove(descriptor);


-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a database session with no descriptors. The property values used

-     * to populate the DatabaseLogin object are loaded from a ''

-     * file stored in the user's home.

-     * 

-     * The file could appear as:

-     * 

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.user=scott eclipselink.jdbc.pwd=tiger

-     *

-     * database=org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform

-     * 

-     * 

-     * @return newly created and logged in Session

-     */

-    public EntityManagerFactory createEMF() {

-        Properties testProps = new Properties();

-        FileInputStream in = null;


-        try {

-            in = new FileInputStream("");

-            testProps.load(in);

-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-        } finally {

-            if (in != null) {

-                try {

-                    in.close();

-                } catch (IOException e) {

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        return Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("dynamic-simple-map", testProps);

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db0336..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;





-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.Properties;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.RelationalDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseLogin;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;



-public class SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample {


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    public static void main(String[] args) {

-        SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample example = new SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample();


-        DatabaseSession session = example.createSession();


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = example.createDynamicType(session);


-        example.persistDynamicInstances(session, descriptor);

-        example.queryDynamicInstances(session, descriptor);

-        example.updateDyanmicInstances(session, descriptor);

-        example.deleteDynamicInstances(session, descriptor);


-        example.removeDynamicType(session, descriptor);


-        try {


-        } finally {

-            session.logout();

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a new dynamic type called 'SimpleType' with the class name of

-     * 'model.SimpleType'. The generated class would look like: <code>

-     * package model;

-     * public class SimpleType extends example.dynamic.DynamicEntity {}

-     * </code>

-     * 

-     * The attributes defined in the mapping give the class the apparent

-     * structure of: <code>

-     * package model;

-     * public class SimpleType extends example.dynamic.DynamicEntity {

-     *    Integer id;

-     *    String value;

-     * }

-     * </code>

-     */

-    public ClassDescriptor createDynamicType(DatabaseSession session) {

-        RelationalDescriptor descriptor = new RelationalDescriptor();

-        descriptor.setJavaClassName("model.SimpleType");


-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = DynamicClassLoader.lookup(session);

-        dcl.addClass("model.SimpleType", DynamicMapEntity.class);

-        try {

-            descriptor.setJavaClass(dcl.loadClass(descriptor.getJavaClassName()));

-        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {

-            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

-            e.printStackTrace();

-        }


-        descriptor.setTableName("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE");

-        descriptor.setPrimaryKeyFieldName("ID");


-        DirectToFieldMapping mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.addDirectMapping("id", "ID");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, Integer.class));

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.addDirectMapping("value", "VALUE");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, String.class));


-        session.addDescriptor(descriptor);


-        // Create the underlying table on the database. Drop it if it already

-        // exists

-        new SchemaManager(session).replaceDefaultTables();


-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    public Map persistDynamicInstances(DatabaseSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        Map entity = (Map) uow.newInstance(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        entity.put("id", 1);

-        entity.put("value", "value-1");


-        uow.commit();


-        return entity;

-    }


-    public List<Map> queryDynamicInstances(DatabaseSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("value").like("v%"));


-        return (List<Map>) session.executeQuery(query);

-    }


-    public Map updateDyanmicInstances(DatabaseSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").equal(1));


-        Map entity = (Map) uow.executeQuery(query);


-        entity.put("value", "value-1+");


-        uow.commit();


-        return entity;

-    }


-    public void deleteDynamicInstances(DatabaseSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = query.getExpressionBuilder();

-        query.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").equal(1));


-        Map entity = (Map) uow.executeQuery(query);


-        uow.deleteObject(entity);


-        uow.commit();

-    }


-    public void removeDynamicType(DatabaseSession session, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeIdentityMap(descriptor.getJavaClass());


-        session.getDescriptors().remove(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        session.getProject().getAliasDescriptors().remove(descriptor.getAlias());

-        session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().remove(descriptor);


-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a database session with no descriptors. The property values used

-     * to populate the DatabaseLogin object are loaded from a ''

-     * file stored in the user's home.

-     * 

-     * The file could appear as:

-     * 

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.user=scott eclipselink.jdbc.pwd=tiger

-     *

-     * database=org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform

-     * 

-     * 

-     * @return newly created and logged in Session

-     */

-    public DatabaseSession createSession() {

-        Properties testProps = new Properties();

-        FileInputStream in = null;


-        try {

-            in = new FileInputStream("");

-            testProps.load(in);

-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-        } finally {

-            if (in != null) {

-                try {

-                    in.close();

-                } catch (IOException e) {

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        DatabaseLogin login = new DatabaseLogin();

-        login.setDriverClassName((String) testProps.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_DRIVER));

-        login.setDatabaseURL((String) testProps.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_URL));

-        login.setUserName((String) testProps.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_USER));

-        login.setPassword((String) testProps.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD));

-        login.setPlatformClassName((String) testProps.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.TARGET_DATABASE));


-        DatabaseSession session = new Project(login).createDatabaseSession();

-        session.getSessionLog().setLevel(SessionLog.FINE);

-        session.login();


-        return session;

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index b51b8c2..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;





-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Calendar;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.Properties;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.RelationalDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicClassLoader;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.CMP3Policy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ManyToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ServerSession;



-public class SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample {


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

-        SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample example = new SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample();


-        EntityManagerFactory emf = example.createEMF();


-        try {

-            example.createDynamicTypes(emf);


-            example.persistDynamicInstances(emf);

-            example.queryDynamicInstances(emf);

-            example.updateDyanmicInstances(emf);

-            example.deleteDynamicInstances(emf);


-            example.removeDynamicTypes(emf);


-        } finally {

-            emf.close();

-        }

-    }


-    public static final String TYPE_A = "SimpleTypeA";

-    public static final String TYPE_B = "SimpleTypeB";

-    public static final String TYPE_C = "SimpleTypeC";


-    /**

-     * Create the following dynamic types

-     * 

-     * SimpleTypeA -> DYNAMIC_A int id -> A_ID (PK) String value -> VALUE B bs

-     * (1:M)) mappedBy B.a List<C> cs (M:M)-> A_C_JOIN(A_ID, C_ID)

-     * 

-     * SimpleTypeB -> DYNAMIC_B int id -> B_ID (PK) A a (M:1) -> A_FK (FK)

-     * Calendar value -> VALUE

-     * 

-     * SimpleTypeC -> DYNAMIC_C int id -> C_ID byte[] value -> LOB

-     */

-    public void createDynamicTypes(EntityManagerFactory emf) throws ClassNotFoundException {

-        ServerSession session = (ServerSession) JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        DynamicClassLoader dcl = DynamicClassLoader.lookup(session);


-        Class aClass = dcl.createDynamicClass("model." + TYPE_A, DynamicMapEntity.class);

-        Class bClass = dcl.createDynamicClass("model." + TYPE_B, DynamicMapEntity.class);

-        Class cClass = dcl.createDynamicClass("model." + TYPE_C, DynamicMapEntity.class);


-        // Create SimpleTypeA with direct mappings

-        RelationalDescriptor descriptorA = new RelationalDescriptor();

-        descriptorA.setJavaClass(aClass);

-        descriptorA.setTableName("DYNAMIC_A");

-        descriptorA.setPrimaryKeyFieldName("A_ID");

-        descriptorA.setCMPPolicy(new CMP3Policy());

-        DirectToFieldMapping mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.addDirectMapping("id", "A_ID");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, Integer.class));

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorA.addDirectMapping("value", "VALUE");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, String.class));


-        // Create SimpleTypeB with direct mappings

-        RelationalDescriptor descriptorB = new RelationalDescriptor();

-        descriptorB.setJavaClass(bClass);

-        descriptorB.setTableName("DYNAMIC_B");

-        descriptorB.setPrimaryKeyFieldName("B_ID");

-        descriptorB.setCMPPolicy(new CMP3Policy());

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.addDirectMapping("id", "B_ID");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, Integer.class));

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorB.addDirectMapping("value", "VALUE");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, Calendar.class));


-        // Create SimpleTypeC with direct mappings

-        RelationalDescriptor descriptorC = new RelationalDescriptor();

-        descriptorC.setJavaClass(cClass);

-        descriptorC.setTableName("DYNAMIC_C");

-        descriptorC.setPrimaryKeyFieldName("C_ID");

-        descriptorC.setCMPPolicy(new CMP3Policy());

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorC.addDirectMapping("id", "C_ID");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, Integer.class));

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptorC.addDirectMapping("value", "VALUE");

-        mapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(mapping, byte[].class));


-        // Add 1:M:

-        OneToManyMapping aToBMapping = new OneToManyMapping();

-        aToBMapping.setAttributeName("bs");

-        aToBMapping.setReferenceClass(bClass);

-        aToBMapping.useTransparentList();

-        aToBMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        aToBMapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(aToBMapping, IndirectList.class));

-        aToBMapping.addTargetForeignKeyFieldName("A_FK", "A_ID");

-        descriptorA.addMapping(aToBMapping);


-        // Add M:M: A.cs

-        ManyToManyMapping aToCMapping = new ManyToManyMapping();

-        aToCMapping.setAttributeName("cs");

-        aToCMapping.setReferenceClass(cClass);

-        aToCMapping.useTransparentList();

-        aToCMapping.setCascadeAll(true);

-        aToCMapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(aToCMapping, IndirectList.class));

-        aToCMapping.setRelationTableName("DYNAMIC_JOIN_A_C");

-        aToCMapping.addSourceRelationKeyFieldName("A_ID", "A_ID");

-        aToCMapping.addTargetRelationKeyFieldName("C_ID", "C_ID");

-        descriptorA.addMapping(aToCMapping);


-        // Add 1:1: B.a (fetch=EAGER)

-        OneToOneMapping bToAMapping = new OneToOneMapping();

-        bToAMapping.setAttributeName("a");

-        bToAMapping.setReferenceClass(aClass);

-        bToAMapping.dontUseIndirection();

-        bToAMapping.setAttributeAccessor(new ValueAccessor(bToAMapping, descriptorA.getJavaClass()));

-        bToAMapping.addForeignKeyFieldName("A_FK", "A_ID");

-        descriptorB.addMapping(bToAMapping);


-        List<ClassDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<ClassDescriptor>();

-        descriptors.add(descriptorA);

-        descriptors.add(descriptorB);

-        descriptors.add(descriptorC);

-        session.addDescriptors(descriptors);


-        createTables(emf);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Replace all of the tables.

-     * 

-     * @param emf

-     */

-    private void createTables(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        SchemaManager sm = new SchemaManager(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf));


-        try {

-            sm.dropTable(DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(emf, TYPE_B).getTableName());

-            sm.dropTable(((ManyToManyMapping) DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(emf, TYPE_A).getMappingForAttributeName("cs")).getRelationTableName());

-            sm.dropTable(DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(emf, TYPE_A).getTableName());

-            sm.dropTable(DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(emf, TYPE_C).getTableName());

-        } catch (DatabaseException dbe) {


-        }


-        sm.createDefaultTables(false);

-    }


-    public void persistDynamicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        System.out.println("*** START: SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample.persistDynamicInstances ***");

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Map entityA = DynamicMapHelper.newInstance(emf, TYPE_A);

-        entityA.put("id", 1);

-        entityA.put("value", "value-1");


-        Map entityB = DynamicMapHelper.newInstance(emf, TYPE_B);

-        entityB.put("id", 1);

-        entityB.put("a", entityA);

-        entityB.put("value", Calendar.getInstance());


-        // Add entityB to A's 1:M

-        List bs = new ArrayList();

-        bs.add(entityB);

-        entityA.put("bs", bs);


-        Map entityC1 = DynamicMapHelper.newInstance(emf, TYPE_C);

-        entityC1.put("id", 1);

-        entityC1.put("value", "TEST DATA".getBytes());

-        Map entityC2 = DynamicMapHelper.newInstance(emf, TYPE_C);

-        entityC2.put("id", 2);

-        entityC2.put("value", "TEST DATA FOR C2".getBytes());


-        // Add entityB to A's 1:M

-        List cs = new ArrayList();

-        cs.add(entityC1);

-        cs.add(entityC2);

-        entityA.put("cs", cs);


-        em.persist(entityC1);

-        em.persist(entityC2);

-        em.persist(entityB);

-        em.persist(entityA);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    public List<Map> queryDynamicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        System.out.println("*** START: SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample.queryDynamicInstances ***");

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        try {

-            List<Map> as = em.createQuery("SELECT s FROM SimpleTypeA s WHERE s.value LIKE 'v%'").getResultList();


-            return as;

-        } finally {

-            em.close();

-        }

-    }


-    public void updateDyanmicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        System.out.println("*** START: SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample.updateDyanmicInstances ***");

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Map entityA = (Map) em.find(DynamicMapHelper.getClass(emf, TYPE_A), 1);

-        entityA.put("value", "value-1+");


-        Map entityB = DynamicMapHelper.newInstance(emf, TYPE_B);

-        entityB.put("id", 2);

-        entityB.put("a", entityA);

-        entityB.put("value", Calendar.getInstance());


-        em.persist(entityB);


-        List<Map<String, Object>> bs = (List<Map<String, Object>>) entityA.get("bs");

-        bs.add(entityB);

-        entityB.put("a", entityA);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    public void deleteDynamicInstances(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        System.out.println("*** START: SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample.deleteDynamicInstances ***");

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Map entityA = (Map) em.find(DynamicMapHelper.getClass(emf, TYPE_A), 1);

-        em.remove(entityA);


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.close();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Remove the persistent type from the meta-model and clear the cache.

-     * 

-     * Application should ensure there are no operations active against the

-     * persistence context using this type when it is being removed.

-     */

-    public void removeDynamicTypes(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        Class classA = DynamicMapHelper.getClass(emf, TYPE_A);

-        Class classB = DynamicMapHelper.getClass(emf, TYPE_B);

-        Class classC = DynamicMapHelper.getClass(emf, TYPE_C);


-        // Must clear the cache first

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeIdentityMap(classA);

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeIdentityMap(classB);

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeIdentityMap(classC);


-        session.getDescriptors().remove(classA);

-        session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().remove(session.getProject().getAliasDescriptors().remove(TYPE_A));


-        session.getDescriptors().remove(classB);

-        session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().remove(session.getProject().getAliasDescriptors().remove(TYPE_B));


-        session.getDescriptors().remove(classC);

-        session.getProject().getOrderedDescriptors().remove(session.getProject().getAliasDescriptors().remove(TYPE_C));

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a database session with no descriptors. The property values used

-     * to populate the DatabaseLogin object are loaded from a ''

-     * file stored in the user's home.

-     * 

-     * The file could appear as:

-     * 

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL

-     * eclipselink.jdbc.user=scott eclipselink.jdbc.pwd=tiger

-     *

-     * database=org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.OraclePlatform

-     * 

-     * 

-     * @return newly created and logged in Session

-     */

-    public EntityManagerFactory createEMF() {

-        Properties testProps = new Properties();

-        FileInputStream in = null;


-        try {

-            in = new FileInputStream("");

-            testProps.load(in);

-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-        } finally {

-            if (in != null) {

-                try {

-                    in.close();

-                } catch (IOException e) {

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        return Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("dynamic-simple-map", testProps);

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8efdf0b..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DescriptorException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.AttributeAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;



- * Simple AttributeAccessor which retrieves a value from the DynamicEntity using

- * its Map interface. Since it is used in a dynamic case its attributeClass must

- * also be specified for schema generation to work.

- * 

- * This accessor must be configured on all mappings which access values out of a

- * DynamicEntity. Without this accessor EclipseLink will attempt to look for a

- * field on the class causing a validation exception to be thrown.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.1

- */

-public class ValueAccessor extends AttributeAccessor {


-    /** Owning mapping. Used to access attributeName */

-    private DatabaseMapping mapping;


-    /**

-     * The attribute's type. Required for conversion out of result set and

-     * schema generation

-     */

-    private Class attributeClass;


-    public ValueAccessor(DatabaseMapping mapping, Class attributeClass) {

-        super();

-        this.mapping = mapping;

-        this.attributeClass = attributeClass;

-    }


-    public DatabaseMapping getMapping() {

-        return this.mapping;

-    }


-    public Object getAttributeValueFromObject(Object entity) throws DescriptorException {

-        return ((Map<String, Object>) entity).get(getMapping().getAttributeName());

-    }


-    public void setAttributeValueInObject(Object entity, Object value) throws DescriptorException {

-        ((Map<String, Object>) entity).put(getMapping().getAttributeName(), value);

-    }


-    @Override

-    public Class getAttributeClass() {

-        return this.attributeClass;

-    }


diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1014eea..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@





-# eclipselink.jdbc.driver=org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver

-# eclipselink.jdbc.url=jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/where;create=true

-# eclipselink.jdbc.user=user

-# eclipselink.jdbc.password=password









\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9d4b72..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample_Tests.class, SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample_Tests.class, SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample_Tests.class })

-public class AllTests {



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index f3111a0..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.DynamicMapHelper;

-import example.SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample;


-public class SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample_Tests {


-    private static SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample example = new SimpleDynamicMap_JPAExample();


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    private static EntityManagerFactory getEMF() throws Exception {

-        if (emf == null) {

-            emf = example.createEMF();


-            assertNotNull(emf);

-            assertTrue(emf.isOpen());


-            Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-            assertNotNull(session);

-            assertTrue(session.isConnected());

-            assertEquals(0, session.getDescriptors().size());


-            createSimpleType();

-        }

-        assertNotNull("No Entitymanagerfactory returned from createEMF", emf);

-        return emf;

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void closeEMF() {

-        if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-            emf.close();

-        }

-    }


-    private static void createSimpleType() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = example.createDynamicType(getEMF());

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals(1, session.getDescriptors().size());

-        assertEquals("model.SimpleType", descriptor.getJavaClassName());

-        assertEquals("SimpleType", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE", descriptor.getTableName());

-        assertEquals(1, descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().size());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE.ID", descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals(2, descriptor.getMappings().size());


-        DirectToFieldMapping mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE.ID", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(Integer.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());


-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("value");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE.VALUE", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(String.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void persistSimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), "SimpleType");


-        Map newEntity = example.persistDynamicInstances(getEMF(), descriptor);


-        assertNotNull(newEntity);


-        EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();

-        int count = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleType s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        em.close();

-        assertEquals(1, count);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void querySimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), "SimpleType");


-        List<Map> entities = example.queryDynamicInstances(getEMF(), descriptor);


-        assertNotNull(entities);

-        assertEquals(1, entities.size());

-        assertEquals(1, entities.get(0).get("id"));

-        assertEquals("value-1", entities.get(0).get("value"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void updateSimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), "SimpleType");


-        Map entity = example.updateDyanmicInstances(getEMF(), descriptor);


-        assertNotNull(entity);

-        assertEquals(1, entity.get("id"));

-        assertEquals("value-1+", entity.get("value"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void deleteSimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), "SimpleType");


-        example.deleteDynamicInstances(getEMF(), descriptor);


-        EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();

-        int count = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(s) FROM SimpleType s").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-        em.close();

-        assertEquals(0, count);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeSimpleType() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), "SimpleType");


-        example.removeDynamicType(getEMF(), descriptor);


-        descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptorForAlias("SimpleType");

-        assertNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals(0, JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getDescriptors().size());

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index d4f56fa..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample;


-public class SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample_Tests {


-    private static SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample example = new SimpleDynamicMap_NativeExample();


-    private static DatabaseSession session;


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void logoutSession() {

-        if (session != null && session.isConnected()) {

-            session.logout();

-        }

-    }


-    private static DatabaseSession getSession() {

-        if (session == null) {

-            session = example.createSession();


-            assertNotNull(session);

-            assertTrue(session.isConnected());

-            assertEquals(0, session.getDescriptors().size());


-            createSimpleType();

-        }

-        assertNotNull("No session returned from createSession", session);

-        return session;

-    }


-    private static ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(String alias) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSession().getClassDescriptorForAlias(alias);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for alias: " + alias, descriptor);

-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    private static void createSimpleType() {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = example.createDynamicType(getSession());


-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals(1, session.getDescriptors().size());

-        assertEquals("model.SimpleType", descriptor.getJavaClassName());

-        assertEquals("SimpleType", descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE", descriptor.getTableName());

-        assertEquals(1, descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().size());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE.ID", descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals(2, descriptor.getMappings().size());


-        DirectToFieldMapping mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE.ID", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(Integer.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());


-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("value");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_SIMPLE.VALUE", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(String.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void persistSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("SimpleType");


-        Map newEntity = example.persistDynamicInstances(getSession(), descriptor);


-        assertNotNull(newEntity);


-        Session session = getSession();


-        ReportQuery rq = new ReportQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass(), new ExpressionBuilder());

-        rq.addCount();

-        rq.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int count = ((Number) session.executeQuery(rq)).intValue();

-        assertEquals(1, count);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void querySimpleTypeInstances() {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("SimpleType");


-        List<Map> entities = example.queryDynamicInstances(getSession(), descriptor);


-        assertNotNull(entities);

-        assertEquals(1, entities.size());

-        assertEquals(1, entities.get(0).get("id"));

-        assertEquals("value-1", entities.get(0).get("value"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void updateSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("SimpleType");


-        Map entity = example.updateDyanmicInstances(getSession(), descriptor);


-        assertNotNull(entity);

-        assertEquals(1, entity.get("id"));

-        assertEquals("value-1+", entity.get("value"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void deleteSimpleTypeInstances() {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("SimpleType");


-        example.deleteDynamicInstances(getSession(), descriptor);


-        Session session = getSession();


-        ReportQuery rq = new ReportQuery(descriptor.getJavaClass(), new ExpressionBuilder());

-        rq.addCount();

-        rq.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);

-        int count = ((Number) session.executeQuery(rq)).intValue();

-        assertEquals(0, count);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeSimpleType() {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("SimpleType");


-        example.removeDynamicType(getSession(), descriptor);


-        descriptor = getSession().getDescriptorForAlias("SimpleType");

-        assertNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals(0, getSession().getDescriptors().size());

-    }



diff --git a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/ b/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index a630489..0000000
--- a/dynamic/branches/1.1.0/org.eclipse.persistence.example.dynamic.simplemap/test.src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - SimpleDynamicMap Example - Bug 277731

- *     

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import static example.SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample.TYPE_A;

-import static example.SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample.TYPE_B;

-import static example.SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample.TYPE_C;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-import java.util.Calendar;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.SessionManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.DynamicMapHelper;

-import example.SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample;


-public class SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample_Tests {


-    private static SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample example = new SimpleDynamicMap_WithRelationships_JPAExample();


-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    private static EntityManagerFactory getEMF() throws Exception {

-        if (emf == null) {

-            emf = example.createEMF();


-            assertNotNull(emf);

-            assertTrue(emf.isOpen());


-            Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-            assertNotNull(session);

-            assertTrue(session.isConnected());

-            assertEquals(0, session.getDescriptors().size());


-            createDynamicTypes();

-        }

-        assertNotNull("No EntityManagerFactory returned from createEMF", emf);

-        return emf;

-    }


-    private static void createDynamicTypes() throws Exception {

-        example.createDynamicTypes(getEMF());

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        assertEquals(3, session.getDescriptors().size());


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), TYPE_A);

-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("model." + TYPE_A, descriptor.getJavaClassName());

-        assertEquals(TYPE_A, descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_A", descriptor.getTableName());

-        assertEquals(1, descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().size());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_A.A_ID", descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals(4, descriptor.getMappings().size());

-        DirectToFieldMapping mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_A.A_ID", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(Integer.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("value");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_A.VALUE", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(String.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());


-        descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), TYPE_B);

-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("model." + TYPE_B, descriptor.getJavaClassName());

-        assertEquals(TYPE_B, descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_B", descriptor.getTableName());

-        assertEquals(1, descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().size());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_B.B_ID", descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals(3, descriptor.getMappings().size());

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_B.B_ID", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(Integer.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("value");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_B.VALUE", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(Calendar.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());


-        descriptor = DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), TYPE_C);

-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertEquals("model." + TYPE_C, descriptor.getJavaClassName());

-        assertEquals(TYPE_C, descriptor.getAlias());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_C", descriptor.getTableName());

-        assertEquals(1, descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().size());

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_C.C_ID", descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFieldNames().get(0));

-        assertEquals(2, descriptor.getMappings().size());

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("id");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_C.C_ID", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(Integer.class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());

-        mapping = (DirectToFieldMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("value");

-        assertNotNull(mapping);

-        assertEquals("DYNAMIC_C.VALUE", mapping.getFieldName());

-        assertEquals(byte[].class, mapping.getAttributeClassification());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void persistSimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(a) FROM SimpleTypeA a").getSingleResult()).intValue());

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(b) FROM SimpleTypeB b").getSingleResult()).intValue());

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(c) FROM SimpleTypeC c").getSingleResult()).intValue());


-        example.persistDynamicInstances(getEMF());


-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(a) FROM SimpleTypeA a").getSingleResult()).intValue());

-        assertEquals(1, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(b) FROM SimpleTypeB b").getSingleResult()).intValue());

-        assertEquals(2, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(c) FROM SimpleTypeC c").getSingleResult()).intValue());


-        Map entityA = (Map) em.find(DynamicMapHelper.getClass(getEMF(), TYPE_A), 1);


-        assertNotNull(entityA);


-        List<Map<String, Object>> bs = (List<Map<String, Object>>) entityA.get("bs");

-        assertNotNull(bs);

-        assertEquals(1, bs.size());


-        List<Map<String, Object>> cs = (List<Map<String, Object>>) entityA.get("cs");

-        assertNotNull(cs);

-        assertEquals(2, cs.size());


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void querySimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        List<Map> entities = example.queryDynamicInstances(getEMF());


-        assertNotNull(entities);

-        assertEquals(1, entities.size());

-        assertEquals(1, entities.get(0).get("id"));

-        assertEquals("value-1", entities.get(0).get("value"));


-        EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();


-        List<Map<String, Object>> allBs = em.createQuery("SELECT b FROM SimpleTypeB b").getResultList();

-        assertNotNull(allBs);

-        assertEquals(1, allBs.size());


-        List<Map<String, Object>> allCs = em.createQuery("SELECT c FROM SimpleTypeC c").getResultList();

-        assertNotNull(allCs);

-        assertEquals(2, allCs.size());


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void updateSimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        example.updateDyanmicInstances(getEMF());


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-        EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();


-        Map entityA = (Map) em.find(DynamicMapHelper.getClass(getEMF(), TYPE_A), 1);

-        assertNotNull(entityA);

-        assertEquals(1, entityA.get("id"));

-        assertEquals("value-1+", entityA.get("value"));


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void deleteSimpleTypeInstances() throws Exception {

-        example.deleteDynamicInstances(getEMF());


-        EntityManager em = getEMF().createEntityManager();


-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(a) FROM SimpleTypeA a").getSingleResult()).intValue());

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(b) FROM SimpleTypeB b").getSingleResult()).intValue());

-        assertEquals(0, ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(c) FROM SimpleTypeC c").getSingleResult()).intValue());


-        em.close();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void removeSimpleType() throws Exception {

-        example.removeDynamicTypes(getEMF());


-        assertEquals(0, JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getDescriptors().size());


-        try {

-            DynamicMapHelper.getDescriptor(getEMF(), TYPE_A);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("Expected IllegalArgumentException not thrown");

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void closeEMF() {

-        if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-            emf.close();

-        }

-        SessionManager.getManager().destroyAllSessions();

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/.classpath b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 78b0943..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="test-src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="example.jpa.employee.xml"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="example.jpa.common"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/jdk1.6.0_17 (eclipselink-agent 1.2.0)"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.junit.JUNIT_CONTAINER/4"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.USER_LIBRARY/EclipseLink 1.2.0"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.USER_LIBRARY/JPA 1.0"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="var" path="JDBC_LIB"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


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deleted file mode 100644
index 7b89c9f..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6613fa2..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#Tue Mar 02 11:18:21 EST 2010










































































diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/build.xml b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 21befd0..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

-<!-- WARNING: Eclipse auto-generated file.

-              Any modifications will be overwritten.

-              To include a user specific buildfile here, simply create one in the same

-              directory with the processing instruction <?eclipse.ant.import?>

-              as the first entry and export the buildfile again. -->

-<project basedir="." default="package" name="org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan">

-	<target name="package">

-		<jar destfile="eclipselink-incubator-fetchplan.jar" basedir="classes" includes="org/**/*.class">

-		</jar>

-	</target>


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deleted file mode 100644
index 17eab1d..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@

-# Configurations that override what is in the persistence.xml. 

-# The example.util.ExamplePropertiesLoader will load the  











-# eclipselink.logging.exceptions=false






diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/eclipselink-incubator-fetchplan.jar b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/eclipselink-incubator-fetchplan.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index a9a45a9..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/eclipselink-incubator-fetchplan.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 229c0c1..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/example/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - initial version in EclipseLink 2.0.0 examples

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example.util;





-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.Properties;



- * Helper class that will load persistence unit overrides from a properties file

- * in both the current running folder and the current user's home folder. The

- * goal is to enable developers and users of the example to customize its

- * behavior without having to modify the source of the example.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.0.0

- */


-public class ExamplePropertiesLoader {


-    public static final String DEFAULT_FILENAME = "";


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param properties

-     */

-    public static void loadProperties(Map properties) {

-        loadProperties(properties, DEFAULT_FILENAME);

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param properties

-     */

-    public static void loadProperties(Map properties, String filename) {

-        loadProperties(properties, new File(filename));


-        String home = System.getProperty("user.home");

-        loadProperties(properties, new File(home + System.getProperty("file.separator") + filename));


-        properties.putAll(System.getProperties());


-        for (Object key : System.getProperties().keySet()) {

-            String keyName = (String) key;


-            if (keyName.startsWith("javax.persistence") || keyName.startsWith("eclipselink")) {

-                String value = System.getProperty(keyName);

-                properties.put(keyName, value);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param properties

-     * @param filePath

-     */

-    public static void loadProperties(Map properties, File file) {

-        try {

-            if (file.exists()) {

-                Properties exampleProps = new Properties();

-                InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);

-                exampleProps.load(in);

-                in.close();

-                properties.putAll(exampleProps);

-            }

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            // ignore

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 80490c6..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.MethodAttributeAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.PersistenceEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.AttributeAccessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;



- * Testing utility to assert various EclipseLink configurations in the

- * descriptors and mappings.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.0

- */

-public abstract class EclipseLinkJPAAssert {


-    public static ClassDescriptor assertEntity(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getDescriptorForAlias(entityTypeName);


-        Assert.assertNotNull("No ClassDescriptor found for: " + entityTypeName, descriptor);

-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    public static ClassDescriptor assertEntity(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getDescriptor(entity);


-        Assert.assertNotNull("No ClassDescriptor found for: " + entity, descriptor);

-        return descriptor;

-    }


-    public static void assertWoven(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        Assert.assertNotNull("Null descriptor provided", descriptor);

-        Assert.assertTrue("Entity type not woven: " + descriptor, PersistenceEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getJavaClass()));

-    }


-    public static void assertWoven(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName) {

-        assertWoven(assertEntity(emf, entityTypeName));

-    }


-    public static void assertNotWoven(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        Assert.assertFalse(PersistenceEntity.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getJavaClass()));

-    }


-    public static void assertNotWoven(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName) {

-        assertNotWoven(assertEntity(emf, entityTypeName));

-    }


-    public static DatabaseMapping assertMapping(ClassDescriptor descriptor, String attributeName) {

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(attributeName);


-        Assert.assertNotNull("No mapping found on " + descriptor + " for attribute named: " + attributeName, mapping);

-        return mapping;

-    }


-    public static DatabaseMapping assertMapping(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName, String attributeName) {

-        return assertMapping(assertEntity(emf, entityTypeName), attributeName);

-    }


-    public static void assertLazy(ClassDescriptor descriptor, String attributeName) {

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = assertMapping(descriptor, attributeName);


-        if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {

-            Assert.assertTrue("FRMapping not lazy: " + mapping, ((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping).usesIndirection());

-        } else if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager() && descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup() != null){

-            Assert.assertTrue("Basic Mapping not lazy: " + mapping, mapping.isLazy());

-        } else {

-  "Mapping is not lazy: " + mapping);

-        }

-    }


-    public static void assertLazy(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName, String attributeName) {

-        assertLazy(assertEntity(emf, entityTypeName), attributeName);

-    }


-    public static void assertNotLazy(ClassDescriptor descriptor, String attributeName) {

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = assertMapping(descriptor, attributeName);


-        Assert.assertFalse(mapping.isLazy());

-    }


-    public static void assertNotLazy(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName, String attributeName) {

-        assertNotLazy(assertEntity(emf, entityTypeName), attributeName);

-    }


-    public static ForeignReferenceMapping assertRelationship(ClassDescriptor descriptor, String attributeName) {

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = assertMapping(descriptor, attributeName);


-        Assert.assertTrue(mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping());


-        return (ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping;

-    }


-    public static ForeignReferenceMapping assertRelationship(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName, String attributeName) {

-        return assertRelationship(assertEntity(emf, entityTypeName), attributeName);

-    }


-    public static void assertPrivateOwned(ClassDescriptor descriptor, String attributeName) {

-        ForeignReferenceMapping mapping = assertRelationship(descriptor, attributeName);

-        Assert.assertTrue(mapping.isPrivateOwned());

-    }


-    public static void assertPrivateOwned(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityTypeName, String attributeName) {

-        assertPrivateOwned(assertEntity(emf, entityTypeName), attributeName);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the named attribute is loaded. This will return false for

-     * lazy mappings that are not loaded into the provided entity instance.

-     */

-    public static void assertLoaded(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity, String attribute) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = assertEntity(emf, entity);

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = assertMapping(descriptor, attribute);


-        if (mapping.isDirectToFieldMapping() && entity instanceof FetchGroupTracker) {

-            Assert.assertTrue("DirectToFieldMapping for '" + attribute + "' is not loaded", ((FetchGroupTracker) entity)._persistence_isAttributeFetched(attribute));

-        } else {


-            Object value = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-            if (value instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-                Assert.assertTrue("IndirectContainer for '" + attribute + "' is not loaded", ((IndirectContainer) value).isInstantiated());

-            }

-            if (value instanceof ValueHolderInterface) {

-                Assert.assertTrue("ValueHolderInterface for '" + attribute + "' is not loaded", ((ValueHolderInterface) value).isInstantiated());

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the named attribute is loaded. This will return false for

-     * lazy mappings that are not loaded into the provided entity instance.

-     */

-    public static void assertNotLoaded(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity, String attribute) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = assertEntity(emf, entity);

-        DatabaseMapping mapping = assertMapping(descriptor, attribute);


-        if (mapping.isDirectToFieldMapping() && entity instanceof FetchGroupTracker) {

-            Assert.assertFalse("DirectToFieldMapping for '" + attribute + "' is loaded", ((FetchGroupTracker) entity)._persistence_isAttributeFetched(attribute));

-        } else {


-            AttributeAccessor accessor = mapping.getAttributeAccessor();


-            // Avoid calling _persistence_get<attribute-name>_vh methods

-            if (accessor.isMethodAttributeAccessor() && ((MethodAttributeAccessor) accessor).getGetMethodName().startsWith("_persistence_get")) {

-                accessor = new InstanceVariableAttributeAccessor();

-                accessor.setAttributeName("_persistence_" + mapping.getAttributeName() + "_vh");

-                accessor.initializeAttributes(mapping.getDescriptor().getJavaClass());

-            }


-            Object value = accessor.getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-            if (value instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-                Assert.assertFalse("IndirectContainer for '" + attribute + "' is loaded", ((IndirectContainer) value).isInstantiated());

-            }

-            if (value instanceof ValueHolderInterface) {

-                Assert.assertFalse("ValueHolderInterface for '" + attribute + "' is loaded", ((ValueHolderInterface) value).isInstantiated());

-            }

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ded90..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- * 				- ported from earlier Oracle Toplink examples

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;

-import static org.junit.Assert.*;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.AfterClass;


-import example.util.ExamplePropertiesLoader;



- * Base test case for testing a JPA persistence unit in JavaSE using JUnit4.

- * 

- * Through the usage

- * 

- * @PersistenceContext on subclasses a developer can indicate the persistence

- *                     unit name that the

- * @BeforeClass method should use to access the entityManager.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2

- */

-public abstract class EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    /**

-     * This is he current EMF in use

-     */

-    private static EntityManagerFactory emf;


-    private EntityManager entityManager;


-    protected EntityManagerFactory getEMF() {

-        if (emf == null) {

-            emf = createEMF(getUnitName());

-        }


-        return emf;

-    }


-    protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-        if (this.entityManager == null) {

-            this.entityManager = getEMF().createEntityManager();

-        }


-        verifyConfig(this.entityManager);


-        return this.entityManager;

-    }


-    protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName) {

-        if (emf != null) {

-            if (emf.isOpen()) {

-                emf.close();

-            }

-        }


-        Assert.assertNotNull("EclipseLinkJPATest.createEMF:: Null unit name", unitName);


-        try {

-            return createEMF(unitName, null);

-        } catch (RuntimeException e) {

-            System.out.println("Persistence.createEMF FAILED: " + e.getMessage());

-            e.printStackTrace();

-            throw e;

-        }

-    }


-    protected String getUnitName() {

-        PersistenceContext context = null;

-        Class<?> javaClass = getClass();


-        while (context == null && javaClass != Object.class) {

-            context = (PersistenceContext) javaClass.getAnnotation(PersistenceContext.class);

-            javaClass = javaClass.getSuperclass();

-        }

-        Assert.assertNotNull("No @PersistenceContext found", context);


-        return context.unitName();

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param properties

-     * @return

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    protected EntityManagerFactory createEMF(String unitName, Map<String, Object> properties) {

-        try {

-            Map<String, Object> emfProps = getEMFProperties();


-            if (properties != null) {

-                emfProps.putAll(properties);

-            }


-            EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(unitName, emfProps);

-            QuerySQLTracker.install(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf));

-            return emf;

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            System.out.println("Persistence.createEMF FAILED: " + e.getMessage());

-            e.printStackTrace();

-            throw new RuntimeException("EclipseLinkJPATest.createEMF(" + unitName + ", properties) - failed", e);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @return

-     */

-    protected Map<String, Object> getEMFProperties() {

-        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();


-        ExamplePropertiesLoader.loadProperties(properties);


-        return properties;

-    }


-    /**

-     * This method is invoked prior to the return of an EntityManager from

-     * {@link #getEntityManager()}. The intent is that subclasses of this test

-     * class can override this method to verify configuration information that

-     * must be true for all test cases. This of course assumes

-     * {@link #getEntityManager()} is called in each test case.

-     */

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        assertNotNull("EntityManager is null", em);

-    }


-    protected QuerySQLTracker getQuerySQLTracker(EntityManager em) {

-        return QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getActiveSession());

-    }


-    protected QuerySQLTracker getQuerySQLTracker(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        return QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf));

-    }


-    @After

-    public void cleanupClosedEMF() {

-        if (this.entityManager != null) {


-            if (this.entityManager.getTransaction().isActive()) {

-                this.entityManager.getTransaction().rollback();

-            }

-            if (this.entityManager.isOpen()) {

-                this.entityManager.close();

-            }

-        }

-        this.entityManager = null;


-        if (emf != null) {

-            if (!emf.isOpen()) {

-                emf = null;

-            } else {

-                QuerySQLTracker.getTracker(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf)).reset();

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @AfterClass

-    public static void closeEMF() throws Exception {

-        if (emf != null && emf.isOpen()) {

-            emf.close();

-            emf = null;

-        }

-    }


-    protected ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(Object entity) {

-        return JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(entity);

-    }


-    protected ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(String alias) {

-        return JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptorForAlias(alias);

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ac9a8d..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.common/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- * 				- ported from earlier Oracle TopLink examples

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;



-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.DefaultSessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLogEntry;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEvent;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEventAdapter;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2

- */

-public class QuerySQLTracker extends SessionEventAdapter {

-	private List<QueryResult> queries;


-	/**

-	 * Constructs and installs the event listener and sql tracking session log

-	 * 

-	 * @param session

-	 */

-	private QuerySQLTracker(Session session) {

-		session.getEventManager().addListener(this);

-		session.setSessionLog(new SQLTrackingSessionLog(session, this));

-		reset();

-	}


-	public static QuerySQLTracker install(Session session) {

-		if (session.getSessionLog() instanceof SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((SQLTrackingSessionLog) session.getSessionLog())

-					.getTracker();

-		}

-		return new QuerySQLTracker(session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Helper method to retrieve a tracker from a session where it was installed

-	 * If the session exists but does not have a tracler installed then an

-	 * exception is thrown.

-	 */

-	public static QuerySQLTracker getTracker(Session session) {

-		if (session == null) {

-			return null;

-		}

-		SessionLog sessionLog = session.getSessionLog();


-		if (sessionLog instanceof QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) {

-			return ((QuerySQLTracker.SQLTrackingSessionLog) sessionLog)

-					.getTracker();

-		}

-		throw new RuntimeException(

-				"Could not retireve QuerySQLTracke from session: " + session);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Reset the lists of SQL and queries being tracked

-	 */

-	public void reset() {

-		this.queries = new ArrayList<QueryResult>();

-	}


-	public List<QueryResult> getQueries() {

-		return this.queries;

-	}


-	protected QuerySQLTracker.QueryResult getCurrentResult() {

-		if (getQueries().size() == 0) {

-			getQueries().add(new QueryResult(null));

-			// throw new RuntimeException("Received SQL without a Query ???");

-		}

-		return getQueries().get(getQueries().size() - 1);

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls() {

-		int totalSQLCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			totalSQLCalls += result.sqlStatements.size();

-		}


-		return totalSQLCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLCalls(String startsWith) {

-		int sqlCalls = 0;


-		for (QueryResult result : getQueries()) {

-			for (String sql : result.sqlStatements) {

-				String sub = sql.substring(0, startsWith.length());

-				if (sub.equalsIgnoreCase(startsWith)) {

-					sqlCalls++;

-				}

-			}

-		}


-		return sqlCalls;

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLSELECTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("SELECT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLINSERTCalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("INSERT");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLUPDATECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("UPDATE");

-	}


-	public int getTotalSQLDELETECalls() {

-		return getTotalSQLCalls("DELETE");

-	}


-	public void preExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		//System.err.println("*** QuerySQLTracker.preExecuteQuery(" + event.getQuery() + ")");

-		//Thread.dumpStack();

-		QueryResult result = new QueryResult(event.getQuery());

-		getQueries().add(result);

-	}


-	public void postExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-		if (getCurrentResult().query == null) {

-			getCurrentResult().setQuery(event.getQuery());

-		}

-		getCurrentResult().setResult(event.getResult());

-	}


-	protected class QueryResult {

-		private DatabaseQuery query;

-		private String resultString = null;

-		private List<String> sqlStatements = new ArrayList<String>();


-		QueryResult(DatabaseQuery q) {

-			query = q;

-		}


-		protected void setQuery(DatabaseQuery query) {

-			this.query = query;

-		}


-		protected void setResult(Object queryResult) {

-			StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-			writer.write(Helper.getShortClassName(query));

-			writer.write("[" + System.identityHashCode(query) + "]");

-			writer.write(" result = ");


-			Object result = queryResult;

-			if (queryResult instanceof Collection<?>) {

-				result = ((Collection<?>) queryResult).toArray();

-			}


-			if (result == null) {

-				writer.write("NONE");

-			} else {

-				if (result instanceof Object[]) {

-					Object[] results = (Object[]) result;

-					writer.write("<" + results.length + "> [");

-					for (int index = 0; index < results.length; index++) {

-						if (index > 0) {

-							writer.write(", ");

-						}

-						writer.write(results[index] + "");

-					}

-					writer.write("]");

-					resultString = writer.toString();

-				} else {

-					writer.write(result.toString());

-				}

-			}


-			this.resultString = writer.toString();

-		}


-		public void addSQL(String sql) {

-			sqlStatements.add(sql);

-		}


-		public String toString() {

-			if (this.resultString == null) {

-				setResult(null);

-			}

-			return this.resultString;

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * This custom SessionLog implementation wraps the existng one and redirects

-	 * all SQL calls to the tracker. All messages are also passed to the orginal

-	 * tracker.

-	 */

-	public class SQLTrackingSessionLog extends DefaultSessionLog {

-		private QuerySQLTracker tracker;


-		private SessionLog originalLog;


-		protected SQLTrackingSessionLog(Session session,

-				QuerySQLTracker aTracker) {

-			this.tracker = aTracker;

-			this.originalLog = session.getSessionLog();

-			setSession(session);

-			//setWriter(this.originalLog.getWriter());

-		}


-		public QuerySQLTracker getTracker() {

-			return this.tracker;

-		}


-		public synchronized void log(SessionLogEntry entry) {


-			if (entry.getNameSpace() != null

-					&& entry.getNameSpace().equalsIgnoreCase(SessionLog.SQL)) {

-				getTracker().getCurrentResult().addSQL(entry.getMessage());

-			}

-			this.originalLog.log(entry);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public int getLevel(String category) {

-			return this.originalLog.getLevel(category);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public void setLevel(int level, String category) {

-			this.originalLog.setLevel(level, category);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public int getLevel() {

-			return this.originalLog.getLevel();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public void setLevel(int level) {

-			this.originalLog.setLevel(level);

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintConnection() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintConnection();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintDate() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintDate();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintSession() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintSession();

-		}


-		@Override

-		public boolean shouldPrintThread() {

-			return this.originalLog.shouldPrintThread();

-		}

-	}


-	public void printResults(String prefix) {

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries:");


-		int sql = 0;

-		for (int index = 0; index < getQueries().size(); index++) {

-			QueryResult result = getQueries().get(index);


-			System.out.println("\t" + (index + 1) + "> " + result);


-			for (int sqlNum = 0; sqlNum < result.sqlStatements.size(); sqlNum++) {

-				sql++;

-				System.out.println("\t\t" + (index + 1) + "." + (sqlNum + 1)

-						+ "-" + sql + "> " + result.sqlStatements.get(sqlNum));

-			}

-		}


-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-Queries: "

-				+ getQueries().size());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-INSERT: "

-				+ getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-SELECT: "

-				+ getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-UPDATE: "

-				+ getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-		System.out.println(prefix + "-QuerySQLTracker-DELETE: "

-				+ getTotalSQLDELETECalls());

-	}



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 02ab67d..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<entity-mappings version="2.0"

-	xmlns=""

-	xmlns:xsi="">


-	<persistence-unit-metadata>

-		<persistence-unit-defaults>

-			<access>FIELD</access>

-		</persistence-unit-defaults>

-	</persistence-unit-metadata>


-	<object-type-converter name="gender-converter"

-		object-type="model.Gender" data-type="java.lang.String">

-		<conversion-value object-value="Male" data-value="M" />

-		<conversion-value object-value="Female" data-value="F" />

-	</object-type-converter>


-	<named-query name="Employee.findAll">

-		<query>SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY e.lastName, e.firstName</query>

-		<hint name="eclipselink.query-results-cache" value="True" />

-	</named-query>


-	<named-query name="Employee.findMin">


-			Employee ee)</query>

-	</named-query>


-	<entity class="model.LargeProject">

-		<table name="FP_LPROJECT" />

-		<discriminator-value>L</discriminator-value>

-		<attributes>

-			<basic name="budget" />

-			<basic name="milestone">

-				<temporal>TIMESTAMP</temporal>

-			</basic>

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<entity class="model.Address">

-		<table name="FP_ADDRESS" />

-		<attributes>

-			<id name="id">

-				<column name="ADDRESS_ID" />

-				<generated-value strategy="SEQUENCE" />

-			</id>

-			<basic name="city" />

-			<basic name="country" />

-			<basic name="province" />

-			<basic name="postalCode">

-				<column name="P_CODE" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="street" />

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<entity class="model.PhoneNumber">

-		<table name="FP_PHONE" />

-		<id-class class="model.PhoneNumber$ID" />

-		<attributes>

-			<id name="id">

-				<column name="EMP_ID" updatable="false" insertable="false" />

-			</id>

-			<id name="type">

-				<column updatable="false" />

-			</id>

-			<basic name="areaCode">

-				<column name="AREA_CODE" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="number">

-				<column name="P_NUMBER" />

-			</basic>

-			<many-to-one name="owner" fetch="EAGER">

-				<join-column name="EMP_ID" />

-			</many-to-one>

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<entity class="model.Employee">

-		<table name="FP_EMPLOYEE" />

-		<secondary-table name="FP_SALARY" />

-		<attributes>

-			<id name="id">

-				<column name="EMP_ID" />

-				<generated-value strategy="SEQUENCE" />

-			</id>

-			<basic name="firstName">

-				<column name="F_NAME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="lastName">

-				<column name="L_NAME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="startTime">

-				<column name="START_TIME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="endTime">

-				<column name="END_TIME" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="gender">

-				<column name="GENDER" />

-				<convert>gender-converter</convert>

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="salary">

-				<column table="FP_SALARY" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic-collection name="responsibilities">

-				<value-column name="RESPON_DESC" />

-				<collection-table name="FP_RESPONS" />

-			</basic-collection>

-			<version name="version" />

-			<many-to-one name="manager" fetch="LAZY" optional="true">

-				<join-column name="MANAGER_ID" />

-			</many-to-one>

-			<one-to-many name="managedEmployees" mapped-by="manager" />

-			<one-to-many name="phoneNumbers" mapped-by="owner">

-				<cascade>

-					<cascade-all />

-				</cascade>

-				<private-owned />

-			</one-to-many>

-			<one-to-one name="address" fetch="LAZY">

-				<join-column name="ADDR_ID" />

-				<cascade>

-					<cascade-all />

-				</cascade>

-				<private-owned />

-			</one-to-one>

-			<many-to-many name="projects">

-				<join-table name="FP_PROJ_EMP">

-					<join-column name="EMP_ID" />

-					<inverse-join-column name="PROJ_ID" />

-				</join-table>

-			</many-to-many>

-			<embedded name="period" />

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<entity class="model.SmallProject">

-		<table name="FP_PROJECT" />

-		<discriminator-value>S</discriminator-value>

-	</entity>


-	<entity class="model.Project">

-		<table name="FP_PROJECT" />

-		<inheritance strategy="JOINED" />

-		<discriminator-column name="PROJ_TYPE"

-			discriminator-type="CHAR" />

-		<attributes>

-			<id name="id">

-				<column name="PROJ_ID" />

-				<generated-value strategy="SEQUENCE" />

-			</id>

-			<basic name="description">

-				<column name="DESCRIP" />

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="name">

-				<column name="PROJ_NAME" />

-			</basic>

-			<version name="version" />

-			<many-to-one name="teamLeader" fetch="LAZY">

-				<join-column name="LEADER_ID" />

-			</many-to-one>

-		</attributes>

-	</entity>


-	<embeddable class="model.EmploymentPeriod">

-		<attributes>

-			<basic name="startDate">

-				<column name="START_DATE" />

-				<temporal>DATE</temporal>

-			</basic>

-			<basic name="endDate">

-				<column name="END_DATE" />

-				<temporal>DATE</temporal>

-			</basic>

-		</attributes>

-	</embeddable>


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/META-INF/persistence.xml b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/META-INF/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e09ed56..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>

-<persistence xmlns:xsi=""

-	xsi:schemaLocation=""

-	version=" 1.0" xmlns="">

-	<persistence-unit name="employee">

-		<properties>

-			<property name="eclipselink.descriptor.customizer.PhoneNumber" value="model.persistence.PhoneNumberCustomizer"/>

-		</properties>

-	</persistence-unit>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bb9cbc..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package example;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import example.util.ExamplePropertiesLoader;


-public class JavaSEExample {


-    public static void main(String[] args) {

-        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

-        ExamplePropertiesLoader.loadProperties(properties);

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("employee", properties);


-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        em.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index a98386a..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EJBQueryImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.QueryByExamplePolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;



- * Simple query examples for the XML mapped Employee domain model.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */


-public class Queries {


-	/**

-	 * Simple example using dynamic JP QL to retrieve all Employee instances

-	 * sorted by lastName and firstName.

-	 */

-	public List<Employee> readAllEmployeesUsingJPQL(EntityManager em) {

-		return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC").getResultList();

-	}


-	public List<Employee> joinFetchJPQL(EntityManager em) {

-		return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC").getResultList();

-	}


-	public List<Employee> joinFetchHint(EntityManager em) {

-		Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = 'Ottawa' ORDER BY e.lastName ASC, e.firstName ASC");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.address");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.manager.address");

-		query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.manager.phoneNumbers");

-		List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-		for (Employee emp : emps) {

-			emp.getManager().getPhoneNumbers().size();

-		}


-		return emps;

-	}


-	/**

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public static int minimumEmployeeId(EntityManager em) {

-		return ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT MIN( FROM Employee e").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-	}


-    public Employee minimumEmployee(EntityManager em) {

-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE in (SELECT MIN( FROM Employee ee)");


-        return (Employee) q.getSingleResult();

-    }


-    public List<Employee> findEmployeesUsingGenderIn(EntityManager em) {

-		return em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IN (:GENDER1, :GENDER2)").setParameter("GENDER1", Gender.Male).setParameter("GENDER2", Gender.Female).getResultList();

-	}


-    public List<Employee> findUsingNativeReadAllQuery(EntityManager em) {

-		ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);

-		ExpressionBuilder eb = raq.getExpressionBuilder();

-		raq.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("gender").equal(Gender.Male));


-		Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(raq, em);


-		return query.getResultList();

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Example of EclipseLink's native query-by-example support.

-	 *  

-	 * @param em

-	 * @param sampleEmployee

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public Employee queryByExample(EntityManager em, Employee sampleEmployee) {

-		QueryByExamplePolicy policy = new QueryByExamplePolicy();

-		policy.excludeDefaultPrimitiveValues();

-		ReadObjectQuery roq = new ReadObjectQuery(sampleEmployee, policy);

-		// Wrap the native query in a JPA Query and execute it.

-        Query query = new EJBQueryImpl<Employee>(roq, (EntityManagerImpl) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em));		

-		return (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-	}


-	public static Employee minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(EntityManager em) {

-		return (Employee) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM PhoneNumber p)").getSingleResult();

-	}


-    public Employee minEmployeeWithManagerWithAddress(EntityManager em) {

-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.manager WHERE e.manager.address IS NOT NULL ORDER BY").getResultList();

-        return emps.get(0);

-    }


-    public static int minEmployeeIdWithAddressAndPhones(EntityManager em) {

-        return ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM PhoneNumber p)").getSingleResult()).intValue();

-    }


-public List<Employee> fetchGroupExample(EntityManager em) {

-    Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY");


-    FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup();

-    fetchGroup.addAttribute("id");

-    fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-    fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");


-    query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-    return query.getResultList();



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f2a637..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,676 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import junit.framework.Assert;

-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DeleteAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;



-public class Sample {


-	public static final Sample population = new Sample();


-    public Employee[] employees = { basicEmployeeExample1(),

-            basicEmployeeExample2(), basicEmployeeExample3(),

-            basicEmployeeExample4(), basicEmployeeExample5(),

-            basicEmployeeExample6(), basicEmployeeExample7(),

-            basicEmployeeExample8(), basicEmployeeExample9(),

-            basicEmployeeExample10(), basicEmployeeExample11(),

-            basicEmployeeExample12() };


-    private SmallProject[] smallProjects = { basicSmallProjectExample1(),

-            basicSmallProjectExample2(), basicSmallProjectExample3(),

-            basicSmallProjectExample4(), basicSmallProjectExample5(),

-            basicSmallProjectExample7(), basicSmallProjectExample8(),

-            basicSmallProjectExample9(), basicSmallProjectExample10() };


-    private LargeProject[] largeProjects = { basicLargeProjectExample1(),

-            basicLargeProjectExample2(), basicLargeProjectExample3(),

-            basicLargeProjectExample4(), basicLargeProjectExample5() };


-	private Sample() {


-        // Setup management hierarchy

-        addManagedEmployees(0, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });

-        addManagedEmployees(1, new int[] { 5, 0 });

-        addManagedEmployees(2, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(3, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(4, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(5, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(6, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(7, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(8, new int[] {});

-        addManagedEmployees(9, new int[] { 7, 8, 10, 11 });

-        addManagedEmployees(10, new int[] { 6 });

-        addManagedEmployees(11, new int[] { 1 });


-        // Setup Employee-Project associations

-		addProjects(0, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new int[] {});

-		addProjects(1, new int[] { 3, 4, 0 }, new int[] {});

-		addProjects(2, new int[] { 3 }, new int[] { 3, 4 });

-		addProjects(4, new int[] { 3, 1 }, new int[] { 2, 4 });

-		addProjects(5, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });

-		addProjects(6, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });


-		// Setup LargeProject leads

-		this.largeProjects[0].setTeamLeader(this.employees[1]);

-		this.largeProjects[3].setTeamLeader(this.employees[2]);

-		this.largeProjects[4].setTeamLeader(this.employees[2]);

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample1() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(35000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Toronto");

-		address.setPostalCode("L5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Water the office plants.");

-		employee.addResponsibility("Maintain the kitchen facilities.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample10() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jill");

-		employee.setLastName("May");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Calgary");

-		address.setPostalCode("J5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("AB");

-		address.setStreet("1111 Mooseland Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(56232);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "613", "5555943");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample11() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah-Lou");

-		employee.setLastName("Smitty");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Arnprior");

-		address.setPostalCode("W1A2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1 Hawthorne Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(75000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample12() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jim-Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Jefferson");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Yellowknife");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("YK");

-		address.setStreet("1112 Gold Rush Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(50000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample2() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("John");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(53000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Ottawa");

-		address.setPostalCode("K5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Hire people when more people are required.");

-		employee.addResponsibility("Lay off employees when less people are required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample3() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Charles");

-		employee.setLastName("Chanley");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(43000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Montreal");

-		address.setPostalCode("Q2S5Z5");

-		address.setProvince("QUE");

-		address.setStreet("1 Canadien Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Perform code reviews as required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "976", "5556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample4() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Emanual");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(49631);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Vancouver");

-		address.setPostalCode("N5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Have to fix the Database problem.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "976", "5556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample5() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(87000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 6, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 4, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Prince Rupert");

-		address.setPostalCode("K3K5D5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("3254 Parkway Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write code documentation.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample6() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Marcus");

-		employee.setLastName("Saunders");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(54300);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Perth");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y3Q2N9");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("234 Caledonia Lane");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write user specifications.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample7() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Nancy");

-		employee.setLastName("White");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(31000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Metcalfe");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y4F7V6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("2 Anderson Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample8() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Fred");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(500000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Victoria");

-		address.setPostalCode("Z5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("382 Hyde Park Blvd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample9() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Betty");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(500001);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Smith Falls");

-		address.setPostalCode("C6C6C6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("89 Chocolate Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample1() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Sales Reporting");

-		largeProject.setDescription("A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget((double) 5000);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1991, 10, 11, 12, 0, 0);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample2() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Light Reporter");

-		largeProject.setDescription("A lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(100.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1999, 11, 25, 11, 40, 44);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample3() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("TOPEmployee Management");

-		largeProject.setDescription("A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(4000.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1997, 10, 12, 1, 0, 0);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample4() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Enterprise System");

-		largeProject.setDescription("A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(40.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1996, 8, 6, 6, 40, 44);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample5() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Problem Reporting System");

-		largeProject.setDescription("A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(101.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1997, 9, 6, 1, 40, 44);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample1() {

-		return new SmallProject("Enterprise", "A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample10() {

-		return new SmallProject("Staff Query Tool", "A tool to help staff query various things.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample2() {

-		return new SmallProject("Sales Reporter", "A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample3() {

-		return new SmallProject("TOP-Employee Manager", "A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample4() {

-		return new SmallProject("Problem Reporter", "A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample5() {

-		return new SmallProject("Feather Reporter", "An extremely lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample6() {

-		return new SmallProject("Makework", "A makework project.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample7() {

-		return new SmallProject("Marketing Query Tool", "A tool to help marketing query various things.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample8() {

-		return new SmallProject("Shipping Query Tool", "A tool to help shipping query various things.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample9() {

-		return new SmallProject("Accounting Query Tool", "A tool to help accounting query various things.");

-	}


-	private void addManagedEmployees(int managerIndex, int[] employeeIndeces) {

-		Employee manager = this.employees[managerIndex];


-		if (manager.getManagedEmployees().isEmpty()) {

-			for (int index = 0; index < employeeIndeces.length; index++) {

-				manager.addManagedEmployee(this.employees[employeeIndeces[index]]);

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	private void addProjects(int empIndex, int[] smallProjIndeces, int[] largeProjIndeces) {

-		Employee employee = this.employees[empIndex];


-		for (int index = 0; index < smallProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-			employee.addProject(this.smallProjects[smallProjIndeces[index]]);

-		}


-		for (int index = 0; index < largeProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-			employee.addProject(this.largeProjects[largeProjIndeces[index]]);

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Register all of the population in the provided EntityManager to be

-	 * persisted This method should only be called from within a test case. It

-	 * asserts that the provided EntityManager is in a transaction and that the

-	 * database tables are empty.

-	 */

-	public void persistAll(EntityManager em) {

-		Assert.assertTrue("EntityManager not in Transaction", em.getTransaction().isActive());


-		// Verify that the database tables are empty

-		assertCount(em, Employee.class, 0);

-		assertCount(em, Address.class, 0);

-		assertCount(em, PhoneNumber.class, 0);

-		assertCount(em, Project.class, 0);


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.employees[index]);

-		}

-		for (int index = 0; index < this.smallProjects.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.smallProjects[index]);

-		}

-		for (int index = 0; index < this.largeProjects.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.largeProjects[index]);

-		}


-		em.flush();

-		verifyCounts(em);

-	}


-	public void verifyCounts(EntityManager em) {

-		assertCount(em, Employee.class, this.employees.length);

-		assertCount(em, Address.class, this.employees.length);

-		assertCount(em, Project.class, this.smallProjects.length + this.largeProjects.length);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Verify that the provided entity type has no rows in the database using a

-	 * native ReportQuery.

-	 * 

-	 * @param entityClass

-	 * @param count

-	 */

-	public void assertCount(EntityManager em, Class<?> entityClass, int count) {

-		ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(entityClass, new ExpressionBuilder());

-		query.addCount();

-		query.setShouldReturnSingleValue(true);


-		int dbCount = ((Number) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(query)).intValue();

-		Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity found of " + entityClass, count, dbCount);

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Verify that the provided list of Employee instances matches the sample

-	 * population.

-	 * 

-	 * @param employees

-	 */

-	public void assertSame(List<Employee> dbEmps) {

-		Assert.assertEquals("Incorrect quantity of employees", this.employees.length, dbEmps.size());


-		Collections.sort(dbEmps, new EmployeeComparator());


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			Employee emp = employees[index];

-			Employee dbEmp = dbEmps.get(index);


-			Assert.assertEquals("First name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getFirstName(), dbEmp.getFirstName());

-			Assert.assertEquals("Last name does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getLastName(), dbEmp.getLastName());

-			Assert.assertEquals("Salary does not match on employees[" + index + "]", emp.getSalary(), dbEmp.getSalary());

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Simple comparator used to order the employees for use within assertSame

-	 */

-	class EmployeeComparator implements Comparator<Employee> {


-		public int compare(Employee emp1, Employee emp2) {

-			return emp1.getId() - emp2.getId();

-		}


-	}


-	/**

-	 * Extract the id's from the sample Employee instances.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 * @return

-	 */

-	public int[] getEmployeeIds(EntityManager em) {

-		int[] ids = new int[this.employees.length];


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			if (this.employees[index].getId() <= 0) {

-				Employee emp = new Queries().queryByExample(em, this.employees[index]);


-				if (emp == null) {

-					throw new RuntimeException("Could not find Employee: " + this.employees[index]);

-				}

-				this.employees[index].setId(emp.getId());

-			}

-			ids[index] = this.employees[index].getId();

-		}


-		return ids;

-	}


-	/**

-	 * Reset the database so that only the sample population exists.

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 */

-	public void resetDatabase(EntityManager em) {

-		em.getTransaction().begin();


-		DeleteAllQuery deleteEmpsQuery = new DeleteAllQuery(Employee.class);

-		ExpressionBuilder eb = deleteEmpsQuery.getExpressionBuilder();

-		deleteEmpsQuery.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").notIn(getEmployeeIds(em)));

-		deleteEmpsQuery.setFlushOnExecute(true);


-		JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().executeQuery(deleteEmpsQuery);


-		em.getTransaction().commit();

-	}


-	public void resetSalary(EntityManager em) {

-		boolean startedTX = !em.getTransaction().isActive();


-		if (startedTX) {

-			em.getTransaction().begin();

-		}


-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			Employee emp = this.employees[index];

-			Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.firstName = :FNAME AND e.lastName = :LNAME");

-			query.setParameter("FNAME", emp.getFirstName());

-			query.setParameter("LNAME", emp.getLastName());


-			Employee dbEmp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-			dbEmp.setSalary(this.employees[index].getSalary());

-		}


-		if (startedTX) {

-			em.getTransaction().commit();

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index ec25d7a..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PessimisticLock;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;


-public class Transactions {


-    /**

-     * New entities with new related related entities can be persisted using

-     * <code>EntityManager.persist(newEntity)</code>. The cascade setting on the

-     * mappings determine how the related entities are handled. In this case

-     * Employee has its relationship to Address and PhoneNumber configured with

-     * cascade-all so the associated new entities will also be persisted.

-     */

-    public Employee createUsingPersist(EntityManager em) {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        emp.setFirstName("Sample");

-        emp.setLastName("Employee");

-        emp.setGender(Gender.Male);

-        emp.setSalary(123456);


-        Address address = new Address();

-        emp.setAddress(address);


-        emp.addPhoneNumber("Mobile", "613", "555-1212");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        em.persist(emp);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-	 * 

-	 */

-    public Employee createUsingMerge(EntityManager em) {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        emp.setFirstName("Sample");

-        emp.setLastName("Employee");

-        emp.setGender(Gender.Male);

-        emp.setSalary(123456);


-        Address address = new Address();

-        emp.setAddress(address);


-        emp.addPhoneNumber("Mobile", "613", "555-1212");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        // When merging the managed instance is returned from the call.

-        // Further usage within the transaction must be done with this managed

-        // entity.

-        emp = em.merge(emp);

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        return emp;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    public void pessimisticLocking(EntityManager em) throws Exception {


-        // Find the Employee with the minimum ID

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        // Lock Employee using query with hint

-        Employee emp = (Employee) em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID").setParameter("ID", minId).setHint(QueryHints.PESSIMISTIC_LOCK, PessimisticLock.Lock).getSingleResult();


-        emp.setSalary(emp.getSalary() - 1);


-        em.flush();

-    }


-    /**

-     * This example illustrates the use of a query returning an entity and data

-     * from a related entity within a transaction. The returned entities are

-     * managed and thus any changes are reflected in the database upon flush.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public void updateEmployeeWithCity(EntityManager em) throws Exception {

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        List<Object[]> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e, FROM Employee e").getResultList();

-        Employee emp = (Employee) emps.get(0)[0];

-        emp.setSalary(emp.getSalary() + 1);


-        em.flush();


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b99ac5..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;




-public class Address implements Serializable {

-    private int id;

-    private String city;

-    private String country;

-    private String province;

-    private String postalCode;

-    private String street;


-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


-    public Address() {

-    }


-    public int getId() {

-        return;

-    }


-    public void setId(int addressId) {

- = addressId;

-    }


-    public String getCity() {

-        return city;

-    }


-    public void setCity(String city) {

- = city;

-    }


-    public String getCountry() {

-        return country;

-    }


-    public void setCountry(String country) {

- = country;

-    }


-    public String getProvince() {

-        return province;

-    }


-    public void setProvince(String province) {

-        this.province = province;

-    }


-    public String getPostalCode() {

-        return this.postalCode;

-    }


-    public void setPostalCode(String pCode) {

-        this.postalCode = pCode;

-    }


-    public String getStreet() {

-        return street;

-    }


-    public void setStreet(String street) {

-        this.street = street;

-    }


-    public String toString() {

-        return "Address(" + getId() + ")";

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b2a90e..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;



-import java.sql.Time;

-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.2

- */

-public class Employee implements Serializable {

-    private int id;

-    private String firstName;

-    private String lastName;

-    private Gender gender;

-    private Time startTime;

-    private Time endTime;

-    private double salary;

-    private long version;

-    private EmploymentPeriod period = new EmploymentPeriod();

-    private Address address;

-    private List<Project> projects;

-    private Employee manager;

-    private List<Employee> managedEmployees;

-    private List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers;

-    private List<String> responsibilities;


-    public Employee() {

-        this.projects = new ArrayList<Project>();

-        this.managedEmployees = new ArrayList<Employee>();

-        this.phoneNumbers = new ArrayList<PhoneNumber>();

-        this.responsibilities = new ArrayList<String>();

-        this.period = new EmploymentPeriod();

-    }


-    public int getId() {

-        return id;

-    }


-    public void setId(int empId) {

- = empId;

-    }


-    public Time getEndTime() {

-        return this.endTime;

-    }


-    public void setEndTime(Time endTime) {

-        this.endTime = endTime;

-    }


-    public String getFirstName() {

-        return firstName;

-    }


-    public void setFirstName(String fName) {

-        this.firstName = fName;

-    }


-    public Gender getGender() {

-        return this.gender;

-    }


-    public void setGender(Gender gender) {

-        this.gender = gender;

-    }


-    public String getLastName() {

-        return lastName;

-    }


-    public void setLastName(String lName) {

-        this.lastName = lName;

-    }


-    public Time getStartTime() {

-        return startTime;

-    }


-    public void setStartTime(Time startTime) {

-        this.startTime = startTime;

-    }


-    public Long getVersion() {

-        return version;

-    }


-    public void setVersion(long value) {

-        version = value;

-    }


-    public List<Project> getProjects() {

-        return projects;

-    }


-    public Project addProject(Project project) {

-        getProjects().add(project);

-        return project;

-    }


-    public Project removeProject(Project project) {

-        List<Project> projects = getProjects();

-        projects.remove(project);

-        return project;

-    }


-    public Employee getManager() {

-        return manager;

-    }


-    public void setManager(Employee employee) {

-        this.manager = employee;

-    }


-    public List<Employee> getManagedEmployees() {

-        return this.managedEmployees;

-    }


-    public void setManagedEmployees(List<Employee> employeeList) {

-        this.managedEmployees = employeeList;

-    }


-    public Employee addManagedEmployee(Employee employee) {

-        getManagedEmployees().add(employee);

-        employee.setManager(this);

-        return employee;

-    }


-    public Employee removeManagedEmployee(Employee employee) {

-        getManagedEmployees().remove(employee);

-        employee.setManager(null);

-        return employee;

-    }


-    public List<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() {

-        return phoneNumbers;

-    }


-    public void setPhoneNumbers(List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumberList) {

-        this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumberList;

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber addPhoneNumber(PhoneNumber phoneNumber) {

-        getPhoneNumbers().add(phoneNumber);

-        phoneNumber.setOwner(this);

-        return phoneNumber;

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber addPhoneNumber(String type, String areaCode, String number) {

-        PhoneNumber phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber(type, areaCode, number);

-        return addPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber removePhoneNumber(PhoneNumber phoneNumber) {

-        getPhoneNumbers().remove(phoneNumber);

-        phoneNumber.setOwner(null);

-        return phoneNumber;

-    }


-    public void setAddress(Address address) {

-        this.address = address;

-    }


-    public Address getAddress() {

-        return address;

-    }


-    public void setPeriod(EmploymentPeriod period) {

-        this.period = period;

-    }


-    public void setPeriod() {

-        setPeriod(new EmploymentPeriod());

-    }


-    public EmploymentPeriod getPeriod() {

-        return period;

-    }


-    public double getSalary() {

-        return salary;

-    }


-    public void setSalary(double salary) {

-        this.salary = salary;

-    }


-    public List<String> getResponsibilities() {

-        return this.responsibilities;

-    }


-    public void setResponsibilities(List<String> responsibilities) {

-        this.responsibilities = responsibilities;

-    }


-    public void addResponsibility(String responsibility) {

-        getResponsibilities().add(responsibility);

-    }


-    public void removeResponsibility(String responsibility) {

-        getResponsibilities().remove(responsibility);

-    }


-    public String toString() {

-        return "Employee(" + getId() + ")";

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6fff96..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;



-import java.util.Calendar;



- * Represents the period of time an employee has worked for the company. A null

- * endDate indicates that the employee is current.

- * 

- * @author djclarke

- */

-public class EmploymentPeriod implements Serializable {

-	private Calendar startDate;

-	private Calendar endDate;


-	public Calendar getStartDate() {

-		return startDate;

-	}


-	public void setStartDate(Calendar startDate) {

-		this.startDate = startDate;

-	}


-	public void setStartDate(int year, int month, int date) {

-		if (this.startDate == null) {

-			setStartDate(Calendar.getInstance());

-		}

-		getStartDate().set(year, month, date);

-	}


-	public Calendar getEndDate() {

-		return endDate;

-	}


-	public void setEndDate(Calendar endDate) {

-		this.endDate = endDate;

-	}


-	public void setEndDate(int year, int month, int date) {

-		if (this.endDate == null) {

-			setEndDate(Calendar.getInstance());

-		}

-		getEndDate().set(year, month, date);

-	}


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 39fcb37..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;



- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.0

- */

-public enum Gender {

-	Female, Male, ;


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 27dbd6b..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;


-import java.util.Calendar;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.0

- */

-public class LargeProject extends Project {

-	private double budget;

-	private Calendar milestone = Calendar.getInstance();


-	public LargeProject() {

-	}


-	public double getBudget() {

-		return this.budget;

-	}


-	public void setBudget(double budget) {

-		this.budget = budget;

-	}


-	public Calendar getMilestone() {

-		return milestone;

-	}


-	public void setMilestone(Calendar milestone) {

-		this.milestone = milestone;

-	}


-	public String toString() {

-		return "LargeProject(" + getId() + ", budget: " + getBudget()+ ")";

-	}


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44942ea..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;




-public class PhoneNumber implements Serializable {

-	private int id;

-	private String areaCode;

-	private String number;

-	private String type;

-	private Employee owner;


-	public PhoneNumber() {

-	}


-	public PhoneNumber(String type, String areaCode, String number) {

-		this();

-		setType(type);

-		setAreaCode(areaCode);

-		setNumber(number);

-	}


-	public String getAreaCode() { 

-		return areaCode;

-	}


-	public void setAreaCode(String areaCode) {

-		this.areaCode = areaCode;

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return;

-	}


-	public void setId(int empId) {

- = empId;

-	}


-	public String getNumber() {

-		return this.number;

-	}


-	public void setNumber(String pNumber) {

-		this.number = pNumber;

-	}


-	public String getType() {

-		return type;

-	}


-	public void setType(String type) {

-		this.type = type;

-	}


-	public Employee getOwner() {

-		return this.owner;

-	}


-	public void setOwner(Employee employee) {

-		this.owner = employee;

-		if (employee == null) {

- = 0;

-		} else {

- = employee.getId();

-		}

-	}


-	public static class ID implements Serializable {

-		public int id;

-		public String type;


-		public ID() {

-		}


-		public ID(int empId, String type) {

- = empId;

-			this.type = type;

-		}


-		public boolean equals(Object other) {

-			if (other instanceof ID) {

-				final ID otherID = (ID) other;

-				return == id && otherID.type.equals(type);

-			}

-			return false;

-		}


-		public int hashCode() {

-			return super.hashCode();

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index ab02d57..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;





- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.0

- */

-public abstract class Project implements Serializable {

-	private int id;

-	private String name;

-	private String description;

-	private Long version;

-	private Employee teamLeader;


-	public Project() {

-	}


-	public String getDescription() {

-		return this.description;

-	}


-	public void setDescription(String descrip) {

-		this.description = descrip;

-	}


-	public int getId() {

-		return;

-	}


-	public void setId(int projId) {

- = projId;

-	}


-	public String getName() {

-		return;

-	}


-	public void setName(String projName) {

- = projName;

-	}


-	public Long getVersion() {

-		return version;

-	}


-	public void setVersion(Long version) {

-		this.version = version;

-	}


-	public Employee getTeamLeader() {

-		return this.teamLeader;

-	}


-	public void setTeamLeader(Employee employee) {

-		this.teamLeader = employee;

-	}


-	public String toString() {

-	    return "Project(" + getName() + ")";

-	}


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 31c33a7..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;


-public class SamplePopulation {


-	private Employee[] employees = { basicEmployeeExample1(),

-			basicEmployeeExample2(), basicEmployeeExample3(),

-			basicEmployeeExample4(), basicEmployeeExample5(),

-			basicEmployeeExample6(), basicEmployeeExample7(),

-			basicEmployeeExample8(), basicEmployeeExample9(),

-			basicEmployeeExample10(), basicEmployeeExample11(),

-			basicEmployeeExample12() };


-	private SmallProject[] smallProjects = { basicSmallProjectExample1(),

-			basicSmallProjectExample2(), basicSmallProjectExample3(),

-			basicSmallProjectExample4(), basicSmallProjectExample5(),

-			basicSmallProjectExample7(), basicSmallProjectExample8(),

-			basicSmallProjectExample9(), basicSmallProjectExample10() };


-	private LargeProject[] largeProjects = { basicLargeProjectExample1(),

-			basicLargeProjectExample2(), basicLargeProjectExample3(),

-			basicLargeProjectExample4(), basicLargeProjectExample5() };


-	public SamplePopulation() {


-		// Setup management hierarchy

-		addManagedEmployees(0, new int[] { 2, 3, 4 });

-		addManagedEmployees(1, new int[] { 5, 0 });

-		addManagedEmployees(2, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(3, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(4, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(5, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(6, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(7, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(8, new int[] {});

-		addManagedEmployees(9, new int[] { 11 });

-		addManagedEmployees(10, new int[] { 6 });

-		addManagedEmployees(11, new int[] { 1 });


-		// Setup Employee-Project associations

-		addProjects(0, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new int[] {});

-		addProjects(1, new int[] { 3, 4, 0 }, new int[] {});

-		addProjects(2, new int[] { 3 }, new int[] { 3, 4 });

-		addProjects(4, new int[] { 3, 1 }, new int[] { 2, 4 });

-		addProjects(5, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });

-		addProjects(6, new int[] {}, new int[] { 1 });


-		// Setup LargeProject leads

-		this.largeProjects[0].setTeamLeader(this.employees[1]);

-		this.largeProjects[3].setTeamLeader(this.employees[2]);

-		this.largeProjects[4].setTeamLeader(this.employees[2]);

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample1() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(35000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Toronto");

-		address.setPostalCode("L5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1450 Acme Cr., Suite 4");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Water the office plants.");

-		employee.addResponsibility("Maintain the kitchen facilities.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample10() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jill");

-		employee.setLastName("May");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Calgary");

-		address.setPostalCode("J5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("AB");

-		address.setStreet("1111 Mooseland Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(56232);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "613", "5555943");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample11() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah-Lou");

-		employee.setLastName("Smitty");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Arnprior");

-		address.setPostalCode("W1A2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("1 Hawthorne Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(75000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample12() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Jim-Bob");

-		employee.setLastName("Jefferson");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Yellowknife");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("YK");

-		address.setStreet("1112 Gold Rush Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.setSalary(50000);

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample2() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("John");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(53000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1991, 10, 11);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Ottawa");

-		address.setPostalCode("K5J2B5");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("12 Merivale Rd., Suite 5");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee

-				.addResponsibility("Hire people when more people are required.");

-		employee

-				.addResponsibility("Lay off employees when less people are required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample3() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Charles");

-		employee.setLastName("Chanley");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(43000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Montreal");

-		address.setPostalCode("Q2S5Z5");

-		address.setProvince("QUE");

-		address.setStreet("1 Canadien Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Perform code reviews as required.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "976", "5556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample4() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Emanual");

-		employee.setLastName("Smith");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(49631);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Vancouver");

-		address.setPostalCode("N5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("20 Mountain Blvd., Floor 53, Suite 6");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Have to fix the Database problem.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work Fax", "613", "5555943");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Pager", "976", "5556666");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample5() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Sarah");

-		employee.setLastName("Way");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(87000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 6, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 4, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Prince Rupert");

-		address.setPostalCode("K3K5D5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("3254 Parkway Place");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write code documentation.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample6() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Marcus");

-		employee.setLastName("Saunders");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(54300);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 12);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Perth");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y3Q2N9");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("234 Caledonia Lane");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addResponsibility("Write user specifications.");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample7() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Nancy");

-		employee.setLastName("White");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(31000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1996, 0, 1);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1993, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Metcalfe");

-		address.setPostalCode("Y4F7V6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("2 Anderson Rd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Home", "613", "5551234");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample8() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Fred");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Male);

-		employee.setSalary(500000);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Victoria");

-		address.setPostalCode("Z5J2N5");

-		address.setProvince("BC");

-		address.setStreet("382 Hyde Park Blvd.");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Cellular", "416", "5551111");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public Employee basicEmployeeExample9() {

-		Employee employee = new Employee();


-		employee.setFirstName("Betty");

-		employee.setLastName("Jones");

-		employee.setGender(Gender.Female);

-		employee.setSalary(500001);


-		EmploymentPeriod employmentPeriod = new EmploymentPeriod();

-		employmentPeriod.setStartDate(2001, 11, 31);

-		employmentPeriod.setEndDate(1995, 0, 1);

-		employee.setPeriod(employmentPeriod);


-		Address address = new Address();

-		address.setCity("Smith Falls");

-		address.setPostalCode("C6C6C6");

-		address.setProvince("ONT");

-		address.setStreet("89 Chocolate Drive");

-		address.setCountry("Canada");

-		employee.setAddress(address);


-		employee.addPhoneNumber("Work", "613", "5558812");

-		employee.addPhoneNumber("ISDN", "905", "5553691");


-		return employee;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample1() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Sales Reporting");

-		largeProject

-				.setDescription("A reporting application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget((double) 5000);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1991, 10, 11, 12, 0, 0);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample2() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Light Reporter");

-		largeProject

-				.setDescription("A lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(100.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1999, 11, 25, 11, 40, 44);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample3() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("TOPEmployee Management");

-		largeProject

-				.setDescription("A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(4000.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1997, 10, 12, 1, 0, 0);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample4() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Enterprise System");

-		largeProject

-				.setDescription("A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(40.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1996, 8, 6, 6, 40, 44);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public LargeProject basicLargeProjectExample5() {

-		LargeProject largeProject = new LargeProject();


-		largeProject.setName("Problem Reporting System");

-		largeProject

-				.setDescription("A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-		largeProject.setBudget(101.98);

-		largeProject.getMilestone().set(1997, 9, 6, 1, 40, 44);


-		return largeProject;

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample1() {

-		return new SmallProject(

-				"Enterprise",

-				"A enterprise wide application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample10() {

-		return new SmallProject("Staff Query Tool",

-				"A tool to help staff query various things.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample2() {

-		return new SmallProject(

-				"Sales Reporter",

-				"A reporting application using JDK to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample3() {

-		return new SmallProject(

-				"TOP-Employee Manager",

-				"A management application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample4() {

-		return new SmallProject("Problem Reporter",

-				"A PRS application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample5() {

-		return new SmallProject(

-				"Feather Reporter",

-				"An extremely lightweight application to report on the corporations database through TopLink.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample6() {

-		return new SmallProject("Makework", "A makework project.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample7() {

-		return new SmallProject("Marketing Query Tool",

-				"A tool to help marketing query various things.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample8() {

-		return new SmallProject("Shipping Query Tool",

-				"A tool to help shipping query various things.");

-	}


-	public SmallProject basicSmallProjectExample9() {

-		return new SmallProject("Accounting Query Tool",

-				"A tool to help accounting query various things.");

-	}


-	private void addManagedEmployees(int managerIndex, int[] employeeIndeces) {

-		Employee manager = this.employees[managerIndex];


-		if (manager.getManagedEmployees().isEmpty()) {

-			for (int index = 0; index < employeeIndeces.length; index++) {

-				manager

-						.addManagedEmployee(this.employees[employeeIndeces[index]]);

-			}

-		}

-	}


-	private void addProjects(int empIndex, int[] smallProjIndeces,

-			int[] largeProjIndeces) {

-		Employee employee = this.employees[empIndex];


-		for (int index = 0; index < smallProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-			employee.addProject(this.smallProjects[smallProjIndeces[index]]);

-		}


-		for (int index = 0; index < largeProjIndeces.length; index++) {

-			employee.addProject(this.largeProjects[largeProjIndeces[index]]);

-		}

-	}


-	/**

-	 * 

-	 * @param em

-	 */

-	public void persistAll(EntityManager em) {

-		for (int index = 0; index < this.employees.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.employees[index]);

-		}

-		for (int index = 0; index < this.smallProjects.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.smallProjects[index]);

-		}

-		for (int index = 0; index < this.largeProjects.length; index++) {

-			em.persist(this.largeProjects[index]);

-		}

-	}


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 11fec4d..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.0

- */

-public class SmallProject extends Project {


-	private SmallProject() {

-		super();

-	}


-	public SmallProject(String name, String description) {

-		this();

-		setName(name);

-		setDescription(description);

-	}




diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/persistence/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/persistence/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd25ed..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/example.jpa.employee.xml/model/persistence/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - TODO

- ******************************************************************************/

-package model.persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;



- * Customize the PhoneNumber.owner relationship to use a minimal FetchGroup so

- * that if it is being resolved to a partial entity in the persistence context

- * it will not force the entire entity to be resolved.

- * <p>

- * This type of configuration will be required on mappings where the user wants

- * the 1:1 or M:1 lookup to simply connect to the partially entity already in the

- * context.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.2

- */

-public class PhoneNumberCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {


-    public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {

-        FetchGroup minEmpFG = new FetchGroup();

-        minEmpFG.addAttribute("id");

-        OneToOneMapping ownerMapping = (OneToOneMapping) descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName("owner");

-        ((ReadObjectQuery)ownerMapping.getSelectionQuery()).setFetchGroup(minEmpFG);

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/example/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index c16bb83..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package example;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;



-public class FetchPlanExamples {


-    /**

-     * Query for all employees with a salary greater then zero using a

-     * FetchGroup to only load id, firstName, lastName, gender, salary, and

-     * version and then fetch their address and phone numbers using the same

-     * FetchPlan.

-     */

-    public List<Employee> employeesFetchAddressAndPhones(EntityManager em) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("gender");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("salary");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 0");


-        // Configure a dynamic FetchGroup based on the FetchPlan

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        // Force the fetch operation on the query result

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        return emps;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Similar to {@link #employeesFetchAddressAndPhones(EntityManager)} but the

-     * loading of the related address and phoneNumbers is optimized using batch

-     * reading.

-     */

-    // Note: FetchGroup with FETCH (JOIN) does not work - see bug XXX

-    public List<Employee> employeesFetchAddressAndPhones_optimized(EntityManager em) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("gender");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("salary");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 0");


-        // Configure a dynamic FetchGroup based on the FetchPlan

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        return emps;

-    }


-    public List<Employee> employeesFetchAddressAndPhonesBatchAndUsingRedirector(EntityManager em) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("gender");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("salary");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 0");


-        // Configure a dynamic FetchGroup based on the FetchPlan

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        // Configure redirector so the FetchPlan.fetch is executed automatically

-        fetchPlan.fetchOnExecute(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query));


-        return query.getResultList();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Simple example retrieving just the firstName and lastName of the

-     * Employee. This will also include the required identifier and optimistic

-     * locking values (id and version).

-     */

-    public List<Employee> maleEmployeeCopyNames(EntityManager em) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Configure a dynamic FetchGroup based on the FetchPlan

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        // This ensures all required relationships are loaded

-        // In this case it does nothing

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        // Get a set of copies with only the names and required attributes

-        // populated

-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        return copies;

-    }


-    /**

-     * This example illustrates how a FetchPlan can be constructed based on the

-     * default fetch configuration of the mappings and used to copy the

-     * resulting entities. This can be used to create a detached entity graph

-     * where all EAGER attributes are loaded and all LAZY attributes are

-     * returned as NULL.

-     */

-    public List<Employee> copyEagerAttributesOnly(EntityManager em) {

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.firstName IS NOT NULL AND e.lastName IS NOT NULL AND e.salary > 0 ");


-        // The result of this query is a collection of Employee instances where

-        // all EAGER attributes are populated and all LAZY attributes are

-        // available

-        // for loading with proxy objects (FetchGroup for basics, ValueHolders

-        // for 1:1 and M:1, and IndirectList/Map/Set for collections). If

-        // serialized at this point these will not appear as null.

-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        // Create a FetchPlan based on the default FetchGroup

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(em, fetchPlan);


-        // Get a set of copies with only the names and required attributes

-        // populated

-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        return copies;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Load all employees's first and last names (plus required id and version)

-     * attributes based on a FetchGroup and copy the results based on this plan.

-     */

-    public List<Employee> employeeCopyNamesWithFetchGroup(EntityManager em) {

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");


-        // Configure a dynamic FetchGroup based on the FetchPlan

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        return JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emps);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create copies of managed objects requiring relationships that were not

-     * loaded in the initial query. The copy operation will force the fetching

-     * of required relationships.

-     */

-    public List<Employee> employeeCopyWithNamesAddressAndPhones(EntityManager em) {

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 0");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        return JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emps);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create copies of managed objects requiring relationships that were not

-     * loaded in the initial query. The copy operation will force the fetching

-     * of required relationships.

-     */

-    public List<Employee> employeeCopyWithNamesAddressAndPhonesWithBatching(EntityManager em) {

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 0");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        // Optimize graph loading using batching

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        return JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emps);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Illustrate a multi-level fetch

-     */

-    public List<Employee> managerManagerManagerFetchWithNames(EntityManager em) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.manager.firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.manager.lastName");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.manager.manager IS NOT NULL");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        return emps;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Example of a composite select returning both an Employee and its count of

-     * PhoneNumbers. To use the {@link FetchPlan} in this case you must also

-     * provide the index into the resulting Object[].

-     */

-    public List<Object[]> employeeAddress_ReturnBoth(EntityManager em) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e, e.address FROM Employee e WHERE e.firstName <> e.lastName");

-        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, results, 0);


-        return results;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Example of using a FetchPlan to retrieve an entity and copy a partial

-     * unmanaged graph of the entity which is then modified and merged back into

-     * the persistence context.

-     * 

-     * Note: caller manages transactions

-     */

-    public void copyMergeExample(EntityManager em, boolean clear) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = (SELECT MIN( FROM Employee ee)");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        Employee copy = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp);


-        copy.setSalary(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

-        copy.setFirstName(emp.getLastName());

-        copy.setLastName(emp.getFirstName());


-        if (clear) {

-            em.clear();

-            JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession().getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-        }


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fetchPlan, copy);

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    public List<Employee> createFetchPlanFromDefaultFetchGroup(EntityManager em) {

-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(em, fetchPlan);


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 0");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        return emps;

-    }



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index 22a427f..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: FetchPlan Example

- *     ssmith  - various minor edits

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan;


-import javax.persistence.Transient;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan.CopyTrace;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.ObjectCopyingPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;



- * A FetchItem refers to a single attribute in a FetchPlan that is used when

- * fetching, copying, or merging entities. A FetchItem can be used for a basic

- * (direct-to-field) attribute as well as relationships (entity->entity or

- * entity->embedded) with the FetchItem optionally holding a FetchGroup

- * indicating how that related entity or embeddable should be treated.

- * <p>

- * This class is mostly internal to the FetchPlan but is made public so that

- * users can interrogate the state of the FetchPlan and its nested FetchItems.

- * These can only be created through the use of

- * {@link FetchPlan#addAttribute(String...)}

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.2

- */

-public class FetchItem {


-    /**

-     * @see #getName()

-     */

-    private String name;


-    /**

-     * @see #getParent()

-     */

-    private FetchPlan parent;


-    /**

-     * @see #getFetchPlan()

-     */

-    private FetchPlan fetchPlan;


-    /**

-     * Optimization to hold a reference to the database mapping for the

-     * {@link #name} on the descriptor of the {@link #parent}.

-     */

-    @Transient

-    private DatabaseMapping mapping;


-    protected FetchItem(FetchPlan parent, String name) {

-        this.parent = parent;

- = name;

-    }


-    protected FetchItem(FetchPlan parent, DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-        this(parent, mapping.getAttributeName());

-        this.mapping = mapping;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Name of the attribute. This is a simple name corresponding to a mapped

-     * attribute of the entity type this FetchItem is applied to.

-     */

-    public String getName() {

-        return;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Reference to the owning {@link FetchItem} which has the attribute mapped

-     * for {@link #getName()}

-     */

-    public FetchPlan getParent() {

-        return parent;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Optional FetchPlan that is used to describe how a related entity or

-     * embeddable should be fetched. This FetchPlan is only used in

-     * relationships and is ignored in basic (direct-to-field) mapping scenarios

-     * or in operations where the entity being processed has a null or empty

-     * collection.

-     */

-    public FetchPlan getFetchPlan() {

-        return fetchPlan;

-    }


-    public void setFetchPlan(FetchPlan fetchPlan) {

-        this.fetchPlan = fetchPlan;

-    }


-    protected DatabaseMapping getMapping(Session session) {

-        if (this.mapping == null) {

-            initialize(session);

-        }

-        return mapping;

-    }


-    /*

-     * Initialize this item to lookup its mapping and cascade initialize its

-     * nested FetchPlan

-     */

-    protected void initialize(Session session) {

-        this.mapping = getParent().getDescriptor(session).getMappingForAttributeName(getName());


-        if (this.mapping == null) {

-            throw QueryException.fetchGroupAttributeNotMapped(getName());

-        }


-        if (getFetchPlan() != null) {

-            // If there is no ref descriptor then there should not be a

-            // FetchPlan

-            if (this.mapping.getReferenceDescriptor() == null) {

-                throw new RuntimeException("FetchPlan initialize: FetchItem found with FetchPlan for " + this.mapping);

-            }


-            getFetchPlan().setEntityClass(this.mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getJavaClass());

-            getFetchPlan().initialize(session);

-        } 

-    }


-    /**

-     * Force the mapped attribute to be loaded if it is not null and is

-     * assignable to the type of the item's plan.

-     */

-    protected void fetch(Object entity, AbstractSession session) {

-        if (entity != null && getParent().getEntityClass().isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass())) {

-            getMapping(session).instantiateAttribute(entity, session);


-            if (getFetchPlan() != null) {

-                Object target = mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(entity, session);

-                if (target != null) {

-                    getFetchPlan().fetch(target, session);

-                }

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Populate the copy with a copy or value (depending on type) of this mapped

-     * attribute

-     */

-    protected void copy(Object source, Object target, AbstractSession session, ObjectCopyingPolicy policy, CopyTrace copies) {

-        copy(source, target, getMapping(session), getFetchPlan(), session, policy, copies);

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    private void copy(Object source, Object target, DatabaseMapping mapping, FetchPlan targetFetchPlan, AbstractSession session, ObjectCopyingPolicy policy, CopyTrace copies) {

-        if (mapping.getReferenceDescriptor() != null) {

-            Object sourceValue = mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(source, session);

-            Object copyValue = null;


-            if (sourceValue != null) {

-                if (targetFetchPlan == null) {

-                    targetFetchPlan = FetchPlan.defaultFetchPlan(mapping);

-                }

-                copyValue = targetFetchPlan.copy(sourceValue, session, copies);

-                mapping.setRealAttributeValueInObject(target, copyValue);

-            }

-        } else {

-            mapping.buildCopy(target, source, policy);

-        }

-    }


-    public String toString() {

-        return "FetchItem(" + getName() + ")";

-    }



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index ece4ccd..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: FetchPlan Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan;


-import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.HashSet;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.Set;


-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLogEntry;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.DatabaseQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.QueryRedirector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReportQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.ObjectCopyingPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Record;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;



- * A FetchPlan is an extension to EclipseLink that allows a required graph of

- * entities to be returned from a query execution or copy operation as well as

- * being used to do a sparse merge of an unmanaged graph of entities into a

- * persistence context.

- * <p>

- * A FetchPlan is created/retrieved from a query using the

- * {@link #getFetchPlan(Query)} or {@link #getFetchPlan(ObjectLevelReadQuery)}

- * methods. Relationships that are to be loaded can then be added using

- * {@link #addFetchItem(String...)} which creates a {@link FetchItem} within the

- * plan for the requested relationship in the results graph.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since TBD

- */

-public class FetchPlan {


-    /**

-     * Name for this FetchPlan. Offers some assistance with debugging as name is

-     * used in log messages. Also align with future FetchGroup enhancements

-     * where named fetchGroups are stored and available for use.

-     */

-    private String name;


-    /**

-     * Map of items where each item represents an attribute to be fetched/copied

-     * depending on the usage of the plan.

-     * 

-     * @see FetchItem

-     */

-    private Map<String, FetchItem> items;


-    /**

-     * The entity type this fetchPlan will be used against.

-     */

-    private Class<?> entityClass;


-    /**

-     * Descriptor cached for the entity class of this FetchPlan.

-     */

-    private ClassDescriptor descriptor;


-    /**

-     * {@link SessionLog} category used for messages logged during the use of a

-     * FetchPlan. To enable all messages in this category configure the

-     * persistence unit property:

-     * <p>

-     * <code>

-     * <property name =eclipselink.logging.level.fetch_plan" value="ALL" />

-     * </code>

-     */

-    public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = "fetch_plan";


-    public FetchPlan(String name, Class<?> entityClass) {

- = name;

-        this.entityClass = entityClass;

-        this.items = new HashMap<String, FetchItem>();

-    }


-    public FetchPlan(Class<?> entityClass) {

-        this(null, entityClass);

-    }


-    /**

-     * TODO Create an initialized {@link FetchPlan} (meaning its descriptor,

-     * required mappings, and items are configured when returned so that

-     * {@link #initialize(Session)} will not do anything).

-     */

-    protected FetchPlan(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        this(descriptor.getJavaClass());

-        this.descriptor = descriptor;

-    }


-    /**

-     * TODO

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    protected void addDefaultMappings() {

-        if (descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager() && descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup() != null) {

-            FetchGroup fg = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup();


-            for (String attr : (Set<String>) fg.getAttributes()) {

-                addAttribute(descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(attr));

-            }

-            return;

-        }


-        for (DatabaseMapping mapping : descriptor.getMappings()) {

-            if (!mapping.isLazy()) {

-                addAttribute(mapping);

-            }

-        }


-        // Add identifier and optimistic locking version attributes

-        if (!descriptor.isAggregateDescriptor()) {

-            for (DatabaseMapping pkMapping : descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getPrimaryKeyMappings()) {

-                if (!getItems().containsKey(pkMapping.getAttributeName())) {

-                    addAttribute(pkMapping);

-                }

-            }


-            if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {

-                DatabaseField lockField = descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().getWriteLockField();

-                if (lockField != null) {

-                    DatabaseMapping lockMapping = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForField(lockField);

-                    if (lockMapping != null && !getItems().containsKey(lockMapping.getAttributeName())) {

-                        addAttribute(lockMapping);

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public String getName() {

-        return;

-    }


-    public Class<?> getEntityClass() {

-        return this.entityClass;

-    }


-    /*

-     * Used in {@link FetchItem#initialize(Session)} to populate the target

-     * entity type of relationships from the mapping.

-     */

-    protected void setEntityClass(Class<?> entityClass) {

-        this.entityClass = entityClass;

-    }


-    public Map<String, FetchItem> getItems() {

-        return this.items;

-    }


-    /**

-     * @return a read-only collection of {@link FetchItem} in this plan.

-     */

-    public Collection<FetchItem> getFetchItems() {

-        return getItems().values();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Initialize the FetchPlan and all of its FetchItem and nested FetchPlan to

-     * lookup and hold their corresponding descriptors and mappings. If any of

-     * the FetchPlan's state does not match the mappings an exception will be

-     * raised.

-     * <p>

-     * This is used within {@link #getDescriptor(Session)} to lazily lookup the

-     * {@link ClassDescriptor} but it can also be used externally to validate

-     * the configuration of the FetchPlan.

-     * 

-     * @throws IllegalStateException

-     *             if {@link #entityClass} is null or no descriptor can be found

-     *             for the provided class

-     * @throws QueryException

-     *             if any of the items or nested items cannot be associated with

-     *             a mapping

-     */

-    public void initialize(Session session) {

-        if (this.descriptor != null) {

-            return;

-        }


-        if (this.entityClass == null) {

-            throw new IllegalStateException("FetchPlan.initialize: Null entityClass found");

-        }


-        this.descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(getEntityClass());

-        if (this.descriptor == null) {

-            throw new IllegalStateException("No descriptor found for class: " + getEntityClass());

-        }


-        if (session.getSessionLog().shouldLog(SessionLog.FINER, LOG_CATEGORY)) {

-            SessionLogEntry entry = new SessionLogEntry(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY, (AbstractSession) session, "FetchPlan: initializing {0}", new Object[] { this }, null, false);

-            session.getSessionLog().log(entry);

-        }


-        // Add identifier and optimistic locking version attributes

-        for (DatabaseMapping mapping : this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getPrimaryKeyMappings()) {

-            if (!getItems().containsKey(mapping.getAttributeName())) {

-                addAttribute(mapping.getAttributeName());


-                if (session.getSessionLog().shouldLog(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY)) {

-                    SessionLogEntry entry = new SessionLogEntry(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY, (AbstractSession) session, "FetchPlan: Added required id attribute {0} to {1}", new Object[] { mapping.getAttributeName(), this }, null, false);

-                    session.getSessionLog().log(entry);

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        if (this.descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking()) {

-            DatabaseField lockField = this.descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy().getWriteLockField();

-            if (lockField != null) {

-                DatabaseMapping lockMapping = this.descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getMappingForField(lockField);

-                if (lockMapping != null && !getItems().containsKey(lockMapping.getAttributeName())) {

-                    addAttribute(lockMapping.getAttributeName());


-                    if (session.getSessionLog().shouldLog(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY)) {

-                        SessionLogEntry entry = new SessionLogEntry(SessionLog.FINEST, LOG_CATEGORY, (AbstractSession) session, "FetchPlan: Added required lock attribute {0} to {1}", new Object[] { lockMapping.getAttributeName(), this }, null, false);

-                        session.getSessionLog().log(entry);

-                    }

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        for (FetchItem item : getItems().values()) {

-            item.initialize(session);

-        }

-    }


-    protected ClassDescriptor getDescriptor(Session session) {

-        initialize(session);

-        return this.descriptor;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Add an item to be fetched. This can be either a mapped attribute name of

-     * the current {@link #entityClass} or it can be a path of mapped attribute

-     * names '.' separated. The values are not validated against the mappings

-     * when added but are instead validated during {@link #initialize(Session)}

-     * when the plan is used in a fetch/copy/merge operation.

-     */

-    public FetchItem addAttribute(String... nameOrPath) {

-        String[] attributePaths = convert(nameOrPath);

-        FetchPlan currentFP = this;

-        FetchItem item = null;


-        for (int index = 0; index < attributePaths.length; index++) {

-            String attrName = attributePaths[index];

-            item = (FetchItem) currentFP.getItems().get(attrName);


-            if (item == null) {

-                item = new FetchItem(currentFP, attrName);

-                currentFP.getItems().put(attrName, item);

-            }


-            currentFP = item.getFetchPlan();

-            if (currentFP == null && index < (attributePaths.length - 1)) {

-                currentFP = new FetchPlan(getName() + "-" + attrName, null);

-                item.setFetchPlan(currentFP);

-            }

-        }


-        return item;

-    }


-    private FetchItem addAttribute(DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-        FetchItem item = new FetchItem(this, mapping);

-        getItems().put(mapping.getAttributeName(), item);

-        return item;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Add all of the attributes from the provided FetchGroup.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public void addAttributes(FetchGroup fetchGroup) {

-        for (String attribute : (Set<String>) fetchGroup.getAttributes()) {

-            addAttribute(attribute);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Identifies if the attribute name or path exists in the plan.

-     */

-    public boolean containsAttribute(String... attributeNameOrPath) {

-        String[] attributePaths = convert(attributeNameOrPath);

-        FetchPlan currentFP = this;

-        FetchItem item = null;


-        for (int index = 0; index < attributePaths.length; index++) {

-            String attrName = attributePaths[index];

-            item = (FetchItem) currentFP.getItems().get(attrName);


-            if (item == null) {

-                return false;

-            }


-            currentFP = item.getFetchPlan();

-            if (currentFP == null && index < (attributePaths.length - 1)) {

-                return false;

-            }

-        }


-        return true;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Convert a provided name or path which could be a single attributeName, a

-     * single string with dot separated attribute names, or an array of

-     * attribute names defining the path.

-     */

-    private String[] convert(String... nameOrPath) {

-        if (nameOrPath == null || nameOrPath.length == 0 || (nameOrPath.length == 1 && (nameOrPath[0] == null || nameOrPath[0].length() == 0))) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("FetchPlan: illegal attribute name or path: '" + nameOrPath + "'");

-        }


-        String[] path = nameOrPath;

-        if (nameOrPath.length > 1 || !nameOrPath[0].contains(".")) {

-            path = nameOrPath;

-        } else {

-            if (nameOrPath[0].endsWith(".")) {

-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + nameOrPath[0]);

-            }

-            path = nameOrPath[0].split("\\.");

-        }


-        if (path.length == 0) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + nameOrPath[0]);

-        }


-        for (int index = 0; index < path.length; index++) {

-            if (path[index] == null || path[index].length() == 0 || !path[index].trim().equals(path[index])) {

-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid path: " + nameOrPath[0]);

-            }

-        }

-        return path;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Instantiate all items ({@link FetchItem}) for the result provided. This

-     * walks through the query result using the items and the session's mapping

-     * metadata to populate all requested attributes and relationships.

-     * <p>

-     * This method ensures that the provided entity has at least the attributes

-     * specified in the plan loaded. Additional attributes may already have been

-     * loaded or will be loaded through interaction with {@link FetchGroup}

-     * behavior.

-     * <p>

-     * In the case of composite results (Collection<Object[]) all result

-     * elements of the array have fetch performed on them.

-     */

-    public void fetch(Object entity, AbstractSession session) {

-        initialize(session);


-        if (entity instanceof Collection<?>) {

-            for (Object e : (Collection<?>) entity) {

-                if (e instanceof Object[]) {

-                    for (int index = 0; index < ((Object[]) e).length; index++) {

-                        if (((Object[]) e)[index].getClass() == getEntityClass()) {

-                            fetch(((Object[]) e)[index], session);

-                        }

-                    }

-                } else {

-                    fetch(e, session);

-                }

-            }

-        } else {

-            for (Map.Entry<String, FetchItem> entry : getItems().entrySet()) {

-                entry.getValue().fetch(entity, session);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Special fetch operation for composite query results where the SELECT

-     * returned multiple items and each result is an array of objects. This

-     * method allows an index to be specified so that only the result in

-     * question is used in the fetch operation.

-     * 

-     * @see #fetch(Object, AbstractSession)

-     */

-    public void fetch(Collection<Object[]> entities, int resultIndex, AbstractSession session) {

-        for (Object[] entity : entities) {

-            fetch(entity[resultIndex], session);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Configure a redirector on the query so that this {@link FetchPlan} is

-     * applied on the result before it is returned. This cannot be used in

-     * conjunction with other redirectors or queries that return results that

-     * are not a single entity or collection of entities (No {@link ReportQuery}

-     * ).

-     */

-    public void fetchOnExecute(ObjectLevelReadQuery query) {

-        query.setRedirector(new QueryRedirector() {

-            public Object invokeQuery(DatabaseQuery query, Record arguments, Session session) {

-                Object result = query.execute((AbstractSession) session, (AbstractRecord) arguments);

-                fetch(result, (AbstractSession) session);

-                return result;

-            }

-        });

-    }


-    /**

-     * Make a copy of the provided source (entity or collection of

-     * entities)copying only the attributes specified in this plan. If a

-     * relationship does not specify a target

-     * 

-     * @param <T>

-     * @param source

-     * @param session

-     * @return

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public <T> T copy(T source, AbstractSession session) {

-        initialize(session);


-        if (source == null) {

-            return null;

-        }


-        return (T) copy(source, session, new CopyTrace());

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a copy of the entity or collection of entities ensure identity

-     * through maintenance of a map of copies (original -> copy).

-     */

-    protected Object copy(Object source, AbstractSession session, CopyTrace copies) {

-        if (source instanceof Object[]) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Fetchplan.copy does not support Object[]");

-        }


-        CopyFetchPlans copyPlans = copies.get(source);

-        if (copyPlans.isCopied(this)) {

-            return copyPlans.getCopy();

-        }


-        if (source instanceof Collection<?>) {

-            return copyAll((Collection<?>) source, session, copies);

-        }


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor(session);


-        Object copy = copyPlans.getCopy();


-        if (copy == null) {

-            copy = descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();

-            copyPlans.setCopy(copy);

-        }

-        copyPlans.addCopied(this);


-        ObjectCopyingPolicy policy = new ObjectCopyingPolicy();

-        policy.setShouldResetPrimaryKey(false);

-        policy.setSession(session);


-        // Copy all specified items

-        for (Map.Entry<String, FetchItem> entry : getItems().entrySet()) {

-            entry.getValue().copy(source, copy, session, policy, copies);

-        }


-        return copy;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create copy of a collection

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    protected Object copyAll(Collection<?> source, AbstractSession session, CopyTrace copies) {

-        CopyFetchPlans copyPlans = copies.get(source);

-        Collection<Object> copiesCollection = (Collection<Object>) copyPlans.getCopy();

-        boolean newCollection = false;


-        if (copiesCollection == null) {

-            try {

-                Constructor<?> constructor = source.getClass().getConstructor(int.class);

-                copiesCollection = (Collection<Object>) constructor.newInstance(source.size());

-            } catch (Exception e) {

-                throw new RuntimeException("FetchPlan.copy: failed to create copy of result container for: " + source.getClass(), e);

-            }

-            newCollection = true;

-        }


-        for (Object entity : source) {

-            Object copy = copy(entity, session, copies);

-            if (newCollection) {

-                copiesCollection.add(copy);

-            }

-        }


-        copyPlans.setCopy(copiesCollection);

-        copyPlans.addCopied(this);


-        return copiesCollection;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Do a partial merge of the provided entity into the UnitOfWork using the

-     * items specified in this FetchPlan.

-     * 

-     * @return the working copy for the entity that may include additional

-     *         attributes then what was merged.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public <T> T merge(T entity, UnitOfWork uow) {

-        initialize(uow);


-        FetchPlanMergeManager mergeManager = new FetchPlanMergeManager((AbstractSession) uow);

-        mergeManager.getFetchPlans().put(entity, this);


-        return (T) ((UnitOfWorkImpl) uow).mergeCloneWithReferences(entity, mergeManager);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a dynamic {@link FetchGroup} that includes all of the mapped

-     * attributes on the {@link #entityClass}. The returned FetchGroup will not

-     * cause relationships to be loaded or any nested FetchItems to be applied.

-     * This is generally used in combination with the fetch/copy methods on

-     * FetchPlan or {@link JpaFetchPlanHelper} to post process the query results

-     * ensuring that all requested attributes in the graph are loaded (or

-     * copied).

-     * <p>

-     * <b>JPA Usage Example</b>:

-     * <p>

-     * <code>

-     * query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());<br/>

-     * List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();<br/>

-     * JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);<br/>

-     * </code>

-     */

-    public FetchGroup createFetchGroup() {

-        FetchGroup group = new FetchGroup(toString() + "_fetch-group");

-        for (String attrName : getItems().keySet()) {

-            group.addAttribute(attrName);

-        }

-        return group;

-    }


-    public String toString() {

-        return "FetchPlan(" + getName() + ")";

-    }


-    /**

-     * Utility class that tracks the copying of the graph to ensure the identity

-     * of the entities based on source so that only one copy per source is

-     * created

-     */

-    protected class CopyTrace {


-        private Map<Object, CopyFetchPlans> copies = new HashMap<Object, CopyFetchPlans>();


-        public CopyFetchPlans get(Object source) {

-            CopyFetchPlans copyFetchPlans = this.copies.get(source);


-            if (copyFetchPlans == null) {

-                copyFetchPlans = new CopyFetchPlans();

-                this.copies.put(source, copyFetchPlans);

-            }

-            return copyFetchPlans;

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * TODO

-     */

-    protected class CopyFetchPlans {


-        /**

-         * Entity being copied

-         */

-        private Object copy;


-        /**

-         * Plans processed for this copy

-         */

-        private Set<FetchPlan> plans;


-        CopyFetchPlans() {

-            this.plans = new HashSet<FetchPlan>();

-        }


-        protected Object getCopy() {

-            return this.copy;

-        }


-        protected boolean hasCopy() {

-            return this.copy != null;

-        }


-        protected void setCopy(Object copy) {

-            this.copy = copy;

-        }


-        protected boolean isCopied(FetchPlan fetchPlan) {

-            return hasCopy() && this.plans.contains(fetchPlan);

-        }


-        protected void addCopied(FetchPlan fetchPlan) {

-            this.plans.add(fetchPlan);

-        }

-    }


-    private static final String PROPERTY = "DEFAULT-FETCH-PLAN";


-    /**

-     * TODO

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    protected static FetchPlan defaultFetchPlan(DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-        if (mapping.getReferenceDescriptor() == null) {

-            return null;

-        }


-        ClassDescriptor targetDescriptor = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor();

-        FetchPlan fp = (FetchPlan) mapping.getProperty(PROPERTY);


-        if (fp == null) {

-            fp = new FetchPlan(targetDescriptor);

-            mapping.setProperty(PROPERTY, fp);


-            if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {

-                FetchGroup mappingFG = null;

-                ForeignReferenceMapping frMapping = (ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping;

-                ObjectLevelReadQuery mappingQuery = (ObjectLevelReadQuery) frMapping.getSelectionQuery();


-                if (mappingQuery.getFetchGroup() != null) {

-                    mappingFG = mappingQuery.getFetchGroup();

-                } else if (mappingQuery.getFetchGroupName() != null && targetDescriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-                    mappingFG = targetDescriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroup(mappingQuery.getFetchGroupName());

-                }


-                if (mappingFG != null) {

-                    for (String attr : (Set<String>) mappingFG.getAttributes()) {

-                        fp.addAttribute(targetDescriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(attr));

-                    }

-                    return fp;

-                }

-            }

-            fp.addDefaultMappings();

-        }

-        return fp;

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2299bc9..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Fetch Plan Extension Incubator

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEventManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.VersionLockingPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.OptimisticLockException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.ObjectBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.MergeManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;



- * Custom MergeManager to support sparse merge based on a FetchPlan.

- * 

- * @see FetchPlan

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.2

- */

-public class FetchPlanMergeManager extends MergeManager {


-    /**

-     * Map of entities to FetchPlan used to do sparse merge on entities in the

-     * graph described by a FetchPlan. When started only the root entity being

-     * merged is set in the map and then as each level of the graph being merged

-     * is traversed the additional objects are added before calling merge on the

-     * mapping so that when called back into

-     * {@link #mergeIntoObject(Object, boolean, Object, boolean, boolean, ClassDescriptor)}

-     * method the appropriate plan can be looked up and used.

-     */

-    private Map<Object, FetchPlan> fetchPlans = new HashMap<Object, FetchPlan>();


-    public FetchPlanMergeManager(AbstractSession session) {

-        super(session);

-        setMergePolicy(CLONE_INTO_WORKING_COPY);

-    }


-    protected Map<Object, FetchPlan> getFetchPlans() {

-        return this.fetchPlans;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected Object mergeChangesOfCloneIntoWorkingCopy(Object rmiClone) {

-        Object registeredObject = registerObjectForMergeCloneIntoWorkingCopy(rmiClone);


-        if (registeredObject == rmiClone && !shouldForceCascade()) {

-            // need to find better better fix. prevents merging into itself.

-            return rmiClone;

-        }


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = this.session.getDescriptor(rmiClone);

-        try {

-            ObjectBuilder builder = descriptor.getObjectBuilder();


-            if (registeredObject != rmiClone && descriptor.usesVersionLocking() && !mergedNewObjects.containsKey(registeredObject)) {

-                VersionLockingPolicy policy = (VersionLockingPolicy) descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy();

-                if (policy.isStoredInObject()) {

-                    Object currentValue = builder.extractValueFromObjectForField(registeredObject, policy.getWriteLockField(), session);


-                    if (policy.isNewerVersion(currentValue, rmiClone, session.keyFromObject(rmiClone), session)) {

-                        throw OptimisticLockException.objectChangedSinceLastMerge(rmiClone);

-                    }

-                }

-            }


-            // Toggle change tracking during the merge.

-            descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().dissableEventProcessing(registeredObject);


-            boolean cascadeOnly = false;

-            if (registeredObject == rmiClone || mergedNewObjects.containsKey(registeredObject)) {

-                // GF#1139 Cascade merge operations to relationship mappings

-                // even if already registered

-                cascadeOnly = true;

-            }


-            // Merge into the clone from the original and use the clone as

-            // backup as anything different should be merged.

-            mergeIntoObject(registeredObject, false, rmiClone, cascadeOnly, false, descriptor);

-        } finally {

-            descriptor.getObjectChangePolicy().enableEventProcessing(registeredObject);

-        }


-        return registeredObject;

-    }


-    /**

-     * This code is copied from

-     * {@link ObjectBuilder#mergeIntoObject(Object, boolean, Object, MergeManager, boolean, boolean)}

-     * to enable {@link FetchPlan} specific merging. The method in ObjectBuilder

-     * merges all relationships based on mappings and cascade configuration

-     * where as this does it by FetchPlan's items.

-     */

-    public void mergeIntoObject(Object target, boolean isUnInitialized, Object source, boolean cascadeOnly, boolean isTargetCloneOfOriginal, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        FetchPlan plan = getFetchPlans().get(source);


-        if (plan == null) {

-            descriptor.getObjectBuilder().mergeIntoObject(target, isUnInitialized, source, this);

-            return;

-        }


-        for (FetchItem item : plan.getItems().values()) {

-            DatabaseMapping mapping = item.getMapping(getSession());


-            if (mapping.getReferenceDescriptor() != null) {

-                Object sourceValue = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(source);


-                if (sourceValue instanceof IndirectContainer && ((IndirectContainer) sourceValue).isInstantiated()) {

-                    sourceValue = ((IndirectContainer) sourceValue).getValueHolder();

-                }

-                if (sourceValue instanceof ValueHolderInterface && ((ValueHolderInterface) sourceValue).isInstantiated()) {

-                    sourceValue = ((ValueHolderInterface) sourceValue).getValue();

-                }


-                // Configure FetchPlan usage for related objects

-                if (sourceValue != null && !getFetchPlans().containsKey(sourceValue)) {

-                    FetchPlan fp = item.getFetchPlan();


-                    if (fp == null && mapping.getReferenceDescriptor() != null) {

-                        fp = FetchPlan.defaultFetchPlan(mapping);

-                    }

-                    if (sourceValue instanceof Collection<?>) {

-                        for (Object obj : (Collection<?>) sourceValue) {

-                            getFetchPlans().put(obj, fp);

-                        }

-                    } else {

-                        getFetchPlans().put(sourceValue, fp);

-                    }

-                }

-            }


-            mapping.mergeIntoObject(target, isUnInitialized, source, this);

-        }


-        // PERF: Avoid events if no listeners.

-        if (descriptor.getEventManager().hasAnyEventListeners()) {

-            org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent event = new org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.DescriptorEvent(target);

-            event.setSession(getSession());

-            event.setOriginalObject(source);

-            event.setEventCode(DescriptorEventManager.PostMergeEvent);

-            descriptor.getEventManager().executeEvent(event);

-        }

-    }



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index 97f689e..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: FetchPlan Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan;


-import java.util.Collection;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;



- * Helper class to simplify the usage of the {@link FetchPlan} extension with an

- * EclipseLink JPA context. The API on FetchPlan makes use of native EclipseLink

- * session types while these methods handle the unwrapping of the provided

- * EntityManager as needed.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.1

- */

-public class JpaFetchPlanHelper {


-    /**

-     * @see FetchPlan#fetch(Object,

-     *      org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession)

-     */

-    public static void fetch(EntityManager em, FetchPlan fetchPlan, Object entity) {

-        fetchPlan.fetch(entity, JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession());

-    }


-    /**

-     * @see FetchPlan#fetch(Object,

-     *      org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession)

-     */

-    public static void fetch(EntityManager em, FetchPlan fetchPlan, Collection<?> entities) {

-        fetchPlan.fetch(entities, JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession());

-    }


-    /**

-     * @see FetchPlan#fetch(Object,

-     *      org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession)

-     */

-    public static void fetch(EntityManager em, FetchPlan fetchPlan, Collection<Object[]> results, int resultIndex) {

-        fetchPlan.fetch(results, resultIndex, JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession());

-    }


-    /**

-     * @see FetchPlan#copy(Object,

-     *      org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession, boolean)

-     */

-    public static <T> T copy(EntityManager em, FetchPlan fetchPlan, T entity) {

-        return fetchPlan.copy(entity, JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession());

-    }


-    /**

-     * @see FetchPlan#merge(Object, org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork)

-     */

-    public static <T> T merge(EntityManager em, FetchPlan fetchPlan, T entity) {

-        return fetchPlan.merge(entity, JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork());

-    }


-    /**

-     * @see #addDefaultFetchGroupAttributes(EntityManagerFactory, FetchPlan)

-     */

-    public static void addDefaultFetchAttributes(EntityManager em, FetchPlan fetchPlan) {

-        EntityManagerImpl emImpl = (EntityManagerImpl) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em);


-        if (emImpl == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchGroupAttributes: could not unwrap EntityManager: " + em);

-        }

-        addDefaultFetchAttributes(emImpl.getEntityManagerFactory(), fetchPlan);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Add all of the EAGER mapped attributes to the FetchPlan. This will match

-     * the default FetchGroup if one is configured on the entity type's

-     * descriptor (using the entityClass in the provided FetchPlan) or the

-     * mappings if no default FetchGroup is available.

-     * 

-     * @throws IllegalArgumentException

-     *             if no descriptor can be found for the entityClass of the

-     *             FetchPlan provided.

-     */

-    public static void addDefaultFetchAttributes(EntityManagerFactory emf, FetchPlan fetchPlan) {

-        Session session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(fetchPlan.getEntityClass());


-        if (descriptor == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No descriptor found for: " + fetchPlan.getEntityClass());

-        }

-        // TODO - is this really required?

-        fetchPlan.initialize(session);

-        fetchPlan.addDefaultMappings();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Add all of the attributes from the named FetchGroup to the FetchPlan.

-     */

-    public static void addNamedFetchGroupAttributes(EntityManager em, String fetchGroupName, FetchPlan fetchPlan) {

-        EntityManagerImpl emImpl = (EntityManagerImpl) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em);


-        if (emImpl == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes: could not unwrap EntityManager: " + em);

-        }

-        addNamedFetchGroupAttributes(emImpl.getEntityManagerFactory(), fetchGroupName, fetchPlan);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Add all of the attributes from the named FetchGroup to the FetchPlan.

-     */

-    public static void addNamedFetchGroupAttributes(EntityManagerFactory emf, String fetchGroupName, FetchPlan fetchPlan) {

-        Session session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(fetchPlan.getEntityClass());


-        if (descriptor != null && descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-            FetchGroup fg = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroup(fetchGroupName);

-            if (fg != null) {

-                fetchPlan.addAttributes(fg);

-                return;

-            }

-        }

-        throw new IllegalArgumentException("JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes: No descriptor or default FetchGroup on: " + fetchPlan.getEntityClass());

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/query/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/query/
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index f0418b1..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/query/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - TODO

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension.query;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.Expression;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.BatchValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.QueryBasedValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.UnitOfWorkValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadQuery;



- * This is an extension to EclipseLink intending to assist customers who need to

- * use BATCH reading with an IN operator instead of joining from the target

- * table back to the source table.

- * <p>

- * Usage Requirements:

- * <ul>

- * <li>Can only be used on the results of a query with batching configured. This

- * also means that the query can only return a single entity type in select.

- * <li>The source of the query must be an entity with a single part primary key

- * <li>The mapping that is to be batched using IN must be a 1:1, M:1 or 1:M with

- * a single FK mapping.

- * <li>The quantity of ids to use with the IN must not exceed the limits of the

- * target database

- * </ul>

- * <p>

- * <b>Usage Example</b>: <code><br/>

- * Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");<br/>

- * q.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);<br/>

- * q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");<br/>

- * List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();<br/>

- * //The batch-in configuration is made after the results are retrieved<br/>

- * BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "address");<br/>

- * </code>

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.2

- */

-public class BatchInConfig {


-    /**

-     * Configure the batching in query results to use IN instead of joining back

-     * to the source tables. This method should be called after the results of a

-     * query using batch with fetch=LAZY but before the BatchValueHolder on the

-     * first result has been instantiated.

-     * 

-     * @param em

-     *            EntityManager the query was run against

-     * @param results

-     *            A list of query results assumed to all be of the same entity

-     *            type.

-     * @param attribute

-     *            name of attribute to be batched

-     */

-    public static void config(EntityManager em, List<?> results, String attribute) {

-        if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {

-            return;

-        }


-        AbstractSession session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(results.get(0));


-        if (descriptor == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No descriptor found for entity: " + results.get(0));

-        }


-        DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(attribute);


-        if (mapping == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No mapping found on " + descriptor + " with name:" + attribute);

-        }

-        if (!mapping.isOneToOneMapping() && !mapping.isOneToManyMapping()) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mapping type found: " + mapping);

-        }


-        ForeignReferenceMapping frMapping = (ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping;

-        if (!frMapping.usesIndirection()) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mapping type found: " + mapping);

-        }


-        BatchValueHolder batchVH = getBatchValueHolder(frMapping, results, (AbstractSession) session);


-        if (batchVH == null) {

-            SessionLog log = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession().getSessionLog();

-            log.log(SessionLog.FINE, "BatchInConfig::No BatchValueHolder found for " + attribute);

-            return;

-        }


-        if (mapping.isOneToOneMapping()) {

-            configBatchInQuery(session, (OneToOneMapping) mapping, (ReadAllQuery) batchVH.getQuery(), results);

-        } else if (mapping.isOneToManyMapping()) {

-            configBatchInQuery(session, (OneToManyMapping) mapping, (ReadAllQuery) batchVH.getQuery(), results);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Find the first BatchValueHolder in the results

-     */

-    private static BatchValueHolder getBatchValueHolder(ForeignReferenceMapping mapping, List<?> results, AbstractSession session) {

-        Object result = results.get(0);


-        Object value = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(result);

-        if (value instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-            value = ((IndirectContainer) value).getValueHolder();

-        }

-        if (value instanceof UnitOfWorkValueHolder) {

-            value = ((UnitOfWorkValueHolder) value).getWrappedValueHolder();

-        }

-        if (value instanceof BatchValueHolder) {

-            // This assumes that if the first value holder is batched its for

-            // this collection of results and all results have the same batch

-            // value holder

-            return (BatchValueHolder) value;

-        }


-        if (value instanceof QueryBasedValueHolder) {

-            replaceQueryBasedValueHolders(mapping, results, session);

-            return getBatchValueHolder(mapping, results, session);

-        }


-        throw new IllegalStateException("TODO: How can we get here?");

-    }


-    /**

-     * Customize the query for a 1:1 or M:1

-     */

-    private static void configBatchInQuery(AbstractSession session, OneToOneMapping mapping, ReadAllQuery raq, List<?> results) {

-        if (mapping.getForeignKeyFields().size() != 1) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot configure batch using IN with composite FK: " + mapping);

-        }


-        Object[] ids = new Object[results.size()];


-        for (int index = 0; index < results.size(); index++) {

-            ValueHolderInterface vhi = (ValueHolderInterface) mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(results.get(index));

-            if (vhi instanceof UnitOfWorkValueHolder) {

-                vhi = ((UnitOfWorkValueHolder) vhi).getWrappedValueHolder();

-            }

-            QueryBasedValueHolder bvh = (QueryBasedValueHolder) vhi;


-            ids[index] = bvh.getRow().get(mapping.getForeignKeyFields().get(0));

-        }


-        ExpressionBuilder eb = new ExpressionBuilder(mapping.getReferenceClass());

-        raq.setExpressionBuilder(eb);

-        Expression idExp = eb.getField(mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getPrimaryKeyFields().get(0)).in(ids);

-        raq.setSelectionCriteria(idExp);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Customize the query for a 1:M

-     */

-    private static void configBatchInQuery(AbstractSession session, OneToManyMapping mapping, ReadAllQuery raq, List<?> results) {

-        if (raq == null) {

-            // TODO: This occurs when there is no query available.

-            return;

-        }


-        if (mapping.getTargetForeignKeyFields().size() != 1) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot configure batch using IN with composite FK: " + mapping);

-        }


-        Object[] ids = new Object[results.size()];


-        for (int index = 0; index < results.size(); index++) {

-            List<?> idValues = mapping.getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(results.get(index), (AbstractSession) session);

-            ids[index] = idValues.get(0);

-        }


-        ExpressionBuilder eb = new ExpressionBuilder(mapping.getReferenceClass());

-        raq.setExpressionBuilder(eb);

-        Expression idExp = eb.getField(mapping.getTargetForeignKeyFields().get(0)).in(ids);

-        raq.setSelectionCriteria(idExp);

-    }


-    public static void config(Query query, List<?> results, String attribute) {

-        if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {

-            return;

-        }


-        ReadAllQuery raq = JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query);

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = raq.getDescriptor();


-        if (descriptor == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No descriptor found for query: " + raq);

-        }


-        DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(attribute);


-        if (mapping == null) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No mapping found on " + descriptor + " with name:" + attribute);

-        }

-        if (!mapping.isOneToOneMapping() && !mapping.isOneToManyMapping()) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mapping type found: " + mapping);

-        }


-        ForeignReferenceMapping frMapping = (ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping;

-        if (!frMapping.usesIndirection()) {

-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid mapping type found: " + mapping);

-        }


-        ReadQuery batchQuery = frMapping.prepareNestedBatchQuery(raq);

-        Object value = frMapping.getIndirectionPolicy().valueFromBatchQuery(batchQuery, null, raq);


-        for (Object result : results) {

-            frMapping.setAttributeValueInObject(result, value);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Replace All existing {@link QueryBasedValueHolder} in a set of entities

-     * for the provided mapping with {@link BatchValueHolder} that are later

-     * updated to use the IN operation.

-     */

-    private static void replaceQueryBasedValueHolders(ForeignReferenceMapping mapping, List<?> results, AbstractSession session) {

-        // Create fake source query

-        ReadAllQuery sourceQuery = new ReadAllQuery(mapping.getDescriptor().getJavaClass());

-        sourceQuery.setSession(session);

-        sourceQuery.setDescriptor(mapping.getDescriptor());


-        ReadQuery batchQuery = mapping.prepareNestedBatchQuery(sourceQuery);


-        for (Object obj : results) {

-            ValueHolderInterface vhi = (ValueHolderInterface) mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(obj);

-            if (vhi instanceof UnitOfWorkValueHolder) {

-                vhi = ((UnitOfWorkValueHolder) vhi).getWrappedValueHolder();

-            }

-            Object batchVH = mapping.getIndirectionPolicy().valueFromBatchQuery(batchQuery, ((QueryBasedValueHolder) vhi).getRow(), sourceQuery);

-            mapping.setAttributeValueInObject(obj, batchVH);

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef3747..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { CreateDatabase.class,

-                       test.batchin.BatchInTests.class, 

-                       test.fetchplan.AllTests.class,

-                       FetchPlanFetchWithBatchInTests.class})

-public class AllTests {



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9582b..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties.DDL_GENERATION;

-import static org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties.DROP_AND_CREATE;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;


-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.Sample;

-import example.util.ExamplePropertiesLoader;



- * Utility class to create the database schema and populate it for the Employee

- * JPA example using XML configuration. This

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */


-public class CreateDatabase {


-    @Test

-    public void createSchemaAndPopulate() {

-        populate(new HashMap());

-    }


-    public static void populate(Map properties) {

-        properties.put(DDL_GENERATION, DROP_AND_CREATE);


-        ExamplePropertiesLoader.loadProperties(properties);

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("employee", properties);


-        new SchemaManager(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf)).createSequences();


-        EntityManager em = null;


-        try {

-            em = emf.createEntityManager();


-            em.getTransaction().begin();

-            Sample.population.persistAll(em);

-            em.getTransaction().commit();

-        } finally {

-            if (em != null && em.isOpen()) {

-                if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {

-                    em.getTransaction().rollback();

-                }

-                em.close();

-                emf.close();

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public static void main(String[] args) {

-        new CreateDatabase().createSchemaAndPopulate();

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index cee17f7..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.HashSet;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Set;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.SmallProject;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.query.BatchInConfig;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import test.fetchplan.FetchPlanAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.2

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchPlanFetchWithBatchInTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void fetchAddressAndPhones() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("address");

-        plan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.salary > 0.0");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "address");

-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "phoneNumbers");


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, plan, emps);

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void fetchManagerManager() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("managedEmployees.managedEmployees");


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.managedEmployees IS NOT EMPTY");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.managedEmployees");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.managedEmployees.managedEmployees");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "managedEmployees");

-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps.get(0).getManagedEmployees(), "managedEmployees");


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, plan, emps);


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            System.out.println("> " + emp);

-            for (Employee me : emp.getManagedEmployees()) {

-                System.out.println("\t> " + me);

-                for (Employee me2 : me.getManagedEmployees()) {

-                    System.out.println("\t\t> " + me2);

-                }

-            }

-        }


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    /**

-     * In this test we only try to select all small projects and fetch their

-     * teamleaders. Somehow a strange sql gets created and a database exception

-     * occurs.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void findSmallProjectsWithBatchInConfigFetch() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT sm FROM SmallProject sm");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "sm.teamLeader");


-        List<SmallProject> sms = q.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, sms, "teamLeader");

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(SmallProject.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("teamLeader");

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp, sms);

-        // Here comes Exception

-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * In this test, we select all employees with their managed employees and

-     * their addresses. Because of unknown reason, we get a

-     * IllegalArgumentException on the second call to BatchInConfig.config. The

-     * BatchValueHolder should not be set. But we have set the batch hint. So

-     * whats wrong?

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void findEmployeesWithBatchInConfigFetch() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT em FROM Employee em ORDER BY");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "em.managedEmployees");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "em.managedEmployees.address");


-        List<Employee> ems = q.getResultList();


-        // Display initial Employees read:

-        System.out.println("Employees Read - " + ems.size());

-        for (Employee emp : ems) {

-            System.out.println("\t> " + emp);

-        }


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, ems, "managedEmployees");

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("managedEmployees");

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp, ems);


-        // iterate through all employees and collect their managers

-        Set<Employee> managedEmployees = new HashSet<Employee>();

-        for (Employee employee : ems) {

-            managedEmployees.addAll(employee.getManagedEmployees());

-        }


-        // Fetch for all managers the addresses

-        BatchInConfig.config(em, new ArrayList<Employee>(managedEmployees), "address");

-        FetchPlan fp2 = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp2.addAttribute("address");

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp2, managedEmployees);


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        System.out.println("Employees Read - " + ems.size());

-        for (Employee emp : ems) {

-            System.out.println("\t> " + emp);

-            for (Employee managedEmp : emp.getManagedEmployees()) {

-                System.out.println("\t\t> " + managedEmp);

-                System.out.println("\t\t\t> " + managedEmp.getAddress());

-            }

-            if (emp.getManagedEmployees() == null) {


-            }

-        }


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.clear();

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();



-        List<Object[]> ids = q.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(ems.size(), ids.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < ems.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = ems.get(index);

-            Object[] idRow = ids.get(index);


-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), ((Number) idRow[0]).intValue());

-            if (idRow[2] != null) { // We have a manager

-                assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-                assertEquals(emp.getAddress().getId(), ((Number) idRow[1]).intValue());

-            } else {


-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * This test does not used BatchIn but is here to provide a verification for

-     * the assertions of {@link #findEmployeesWithBatchInConfigFetch()}

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void findEmployeesWithJoinBatching() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT em FROM Employee em ORDER BY");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "em.managedEmployees");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "em.managedEmployees.address");


-        List<Employee> ems = q.getResultList();


-        // Display initial Employees read:

-        System.out.println("Employees Read - " + ems.size());

-        for (Employee emp : ems) {

-            System.out.println("\t> " + emp);

-        }


-        //BatchInConfig.config(em, ems, "managedEmployees");

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("managedEmployees");

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp, ems);


-        // iterate through all employees and collect their managers

-        Set<Employee> managedEmployees = new HashSet<Employee>();

-        for (Employee employee : ems) {

-            managedEmployees.addAll(employee.getManagedEmployees());

-        }


-        // Fetch for all managers the addresses

-        //BatchInConfig.config(em, new ArrayList<Employee>(managedEmployees), "address");

-        FetchPlan fp2 = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp2.addAttribute("address");

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp2, managedEmployees);


-        assertEquals(13, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        System.out.println("Employees Read - " + ems.size());

-        for (Employee emp : ems) {

-            System.out.println("\t> " + emp);

-            for (Employee managedEmp : emp.getManagedEmployees()) {

-                System.out.println("\t\t> " + managedEmp);

-                System.out.println("\t\t\t> " + managedEmp.getAddress());

-            }

-            if (emp.getManagedEmployees() == null) {


-            }

-        }


-        assertEquals(13, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.clear();

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT e.EMP_ID, e.ADDR_ID, e.MANAGER_ID FROM EMPLOYEE e, SALARY s WHERE s.EMP_ID = e.EMP_ID ORDER BY e.EMP_ID");

-        List<Object[]> ids = q.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(14, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(ems.size(), ids.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < ems.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = ems.get(index);

-            Object[] idRow = ids.get(index);


-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), ((Number) idRow[0]).intValue());

-            if (idRow[2] != null) { // We have a manager

-                assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-                assertEquals("Incorrect address on: " + emp, emp.getAddress().getId(), ((Number) idRow[1]).intValue());

-            } else {


-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Here we just want to show that in the merge SQLs are fired which we

-     * consider unnecessary.

-     * 

-     * @throws Exception

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void findEmployeesWithBatchInConfigFetchAndDetachThem() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT em FROM Employee em");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "em.managedEmployees");


-        List<Employee> ems = q.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, ems, "managedEmployees");

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("managedEmployees");

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp, ems);


-        // Employee deserializedEmployee =

-        // (Employee)SerializationHelper.clone(ems.get(0));

-        // Hier clone statt copy führt im merge zu

-        // anderem Ergebnis.

-        Employee deserializedEmployee = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, new FetchPlan(Employee.class), ems.get(0));

-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        closeEMF();

-        super.cleanupClosedEMF();

-        em = getEntityManager();

-        System.out.println(deserializedEmployee.getAddress());// Would throw

-        // exception,

-        // because

-        // relation not instantiated. But only on clone object. On copied

-        // object, null is returned.

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        deserializedEmployee.setFirstName(deserializedEmployee.getFirstName() + "x");

-        Employee mergedEmployee = getEntityManager().merge(deserializedEmployee);

-        Address address = mergedEmployee.getAddress();

-        System.out.println(mergedEmployee.getAddress());


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/batchin/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/batchin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e0f119..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/batchin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-package test.batchin;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.HintValues;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.query.BatchInConfig;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.BatchValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.QueryBasedValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.UnitOfWorkValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToOneMapping;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class BatchInTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void findAllEmployeesBatchJoinAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = (OneToOneMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) addressMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findAllEmployeesBatchInAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "address");


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = (OneToOneMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) addressMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findMaleEmployeesBatchJoinAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        q.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = (OneToOneMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) addressMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findMaleEmployeesBatchInAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        q.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "address");


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = (OneToOneMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) addressMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findAllEmployeesBatchJoinPhones() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        IndirectContainer phonesContainer = (IndirectContainer) phoneMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) phonesContainer.getValueHolder();

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertFalse(emp.getPhoneNumbers().isEmpty());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findAllEmployeesBatchInPhones() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "phoneNumbers");


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        IndirectContainer phonesContainer = (IndirectContainer) phoneMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) phonesContainer.getValueHolder();

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertFalse(emp.getPhoneNumbers().isEmpty());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findMaleEmployeesBatchJoinPhones() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        q.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        IndirectContainer phonesContainer = (IndirectContainer) phoneMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) phonesContainer.getValueHolder();

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertFalse(emp.getPhoneNumbers().isEmpty());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findMaleEmployeesBatchInPhones() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        q.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();


-        BatchInConfig.config(em, emps, "phoneNumbers");


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());


-        Employee emp1 = emps.get(0);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(emp1);

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) desc.getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        IndirectContainer phonesContainer = (IndirectContainer) phoneMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp1);

-        UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowvh = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) phonesContainer.getValueHolder();

-        assertTrue(uowvh.getWrappedValueHolder() instanceof BatchValueHolder);


-        emp1.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertFalse(emp.getPhoneNumbers().isEmpty());

-        }

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    /**

-     * Test that batch reading where entities are already in memory works

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void verifyBatchingOnReadEntities() {

-        OneToOneMapping addrMapping = (OneToOneMapping) getDescriptor("Employee").getMappingForAttributeName("address");

-        OneToManyMapping phonesMapping = (OneToManyMapping) getDescriptor("Employee").getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        OneToOneMapping managerMapping = (OneToOneMapping) getDescriptor("Employee").getMappingForAttributeName("manager");

-        OneToManyMapping managedEmpsMapping = (OneToManyMapping) getDescriptor("Employee").getMappingForAttributeName("managedEmployees");


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> allEmps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        // Verify that just a UOW

-        for (Employee emp : allEmps) {

-            assertQueryBasedValueHolder(addrMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-            assertQueryBasedValueHolder(phonesMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-            assertQueryBasedValueHolder(managerMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-            assertQueryBasedValueHolder(managedEmpsMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-        }


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.manager");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.managedEmployees");


-        // Currently the Batch ValueHolders are only added when the cahe is clear

-        em.clear();

-        allEmps = query.getResultList();


-        // Verify that just a UOW

-        for (Employee emp : allEmps) {

-            assertBatchValueHolder(addrMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-            assertBatchValueHolder(phonesMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-            assertBatchValueHolder(managerMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-            assertBatchValueHolder(managedEmpsMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp));

-        }

-    }


-    @Before

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);


-        ClassDescriptor employeeDescriptor = EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertEntity(getEMF(), "Employee");

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertWoven(employeeDescriptor);

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "address");

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "phoneNumbers");

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "manager");

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "managedEmployees");

-    }


-    private void assertQueryBasedValueHolder(Object value) {

-        assertNotNull(value);


-        Object proxy = value;


-        if (proxy instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-            proxy = ((IndirectContainer) proxy).getValueHolder();

-        }


-        if (proxy instanceof UnitOfWorkValueHolder) {

-            proxy = ((UnitOfWorkValueHolder) proxy).getWrappedValueHolder();

-        }

-        if (proxy.getClass() != ValueHolder.class) {

-            assertEquals(QueryBasedValueHolder.class, proxy.getClass());

-        }

-    }


-    private void assertBatchValueHolder(Object value) {

-        assertNotNull(value);


-        Object proxy = value;


-        if (proxy instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-            proxy = ((IndirectContainer) proxy).getValueHolder();

-        }


-        if (proxy instanceof UnitOfWorkValueHolder) {

-            proxy = ((UnitOfWorkValueHolder) proxy).getWrappedValueHolder();

-        }


-        if (proxy.getClass() != ValueHolder.class) {

-            assertEquals(BatchValueHolder.class, proxy.getClass());

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 41f0435..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { FetchPlanAPITests.class,

-                       FetchPlanExamplesTests.class, 

-                       ReadObjectFetchPlanTests.class, 

-                       CompositeResultsFetchTests.class, 

-                       FetchPlanCopyTests.class,

-                       FetchPlanMergeTests.class,

-                       DetachedResultsTests.class,

-                       SerializedResultsTests.class,

-                       DefaultFetchPlanTests.class,

-                       TestOTTO.class}) 

-public class AllTests {



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 99aaf54..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class CompositeResultsFetchTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void employeeManagerPhonesAndAddressByIndex() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e, e.address FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Object[]> emps = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps, 0);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeManagerPhonesAndAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e, e.address FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, results, 0);


-        getQuerySQLTracker(em).reset();


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, results, 0);


-        for (Object[] values : results) {

-            Employee e = (Employee) values[0];

-            if (e.getManager() != null) {

-                e.getManager().getAddress();

-                e.getManager().getPhoneNumbers().size();

-            }

-        }


-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeManager_FetchEmployeeManagerAddressAndPhones() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e, e.manager FROM Employee e");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, results, 0);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, results, 0);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeCountPhones_FetchManageraddressAndPhones() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e, COUNT(e.phoneNumbers) FROM Employee e GROUP BY e");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, results, 0);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, results, 0);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeWithId_FetchingManagerPhonesAndAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT, e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, results, 1);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, results, 1);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeManager_FetchingManagerPhonesAndAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e.manager FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, results);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, results);

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7f0539..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static org.junit.Assert.*;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.LargeProject;

-import model.PhoneNumber;

-import model.Project;

-import model.SmallProject;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Tests that verify the {@link JpaFetchPlanHelper} API around the creation of

- * FetchPlan instances based on the mappings and FetchGroups associated with an

- * entity type's descriptor.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclispeLink 1.2

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class DefaultFetchPlanTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void defaultFetchPlan_Employee() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(getEMF(), fp);


-        assertEquals(9, fp.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("id"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("version"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("firstName"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("lastName"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("gender"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("startTime"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("endTime"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("salary"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("period"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("address"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("phoneNumbers"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("projects"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("responsibilities"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void defaultFetchPlan_SmallProject() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(SmallProject.class);


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(getEMF(), fp);


-        assertEquals(4, fp.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("id"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("name"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("description"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("version"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("teamLeader"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void defaultFetchPlan_LargeProject() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(LargeProject.class);


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(getEMF(), fp);


-        assertEquals(6, fp.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("id"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("name"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("description"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("version"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("teamLeader"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("budget"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("milestone"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void defaultFetchPlan_Project() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Project.class);


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(getEMF(), fp);


-        assertEquals(4, fp.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("id"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("name"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("description"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("version"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("teamLeader"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void requireAttributesFetchPlan_PhoneNumber() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(PhoneNumber.class);


-        fp.initialize(JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()));


-        assertEquals(2, fp.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("type"));

-        assertTrue(fp.containsAttribute("owner"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("number"));

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("areaCode"));

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);


-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertWoven(getDescriptor("Employee"));

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3321695..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - FetchPlan Extension incubator

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import junit.framework.Assert;

-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Tests to verify that {@link FetchPlan} produced results can be dettached as

- * expected and later merged into other transactions in the same and different

- * {@link EntityManager} instances.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.0

- */


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class DetachedResultsTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddressPhones() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("id");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddressPhones_Batching() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddressPhones_Joining() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerAddressPhones() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void responsibilities() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("responsibilities");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void responsibilitiesBatch() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.responsibilities");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("responsibilities");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managedEmployeesAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("managedEmployees.address");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void readAllEmployee() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(raq, em);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, detachedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddress_Batching() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        Assert.assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        Assert.assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-            // Assumption that all employees have an address

-            Assert.assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-        }


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>(emps.size());

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            detachedEmps.add(JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp));

-        }


-        for (Employee emp : detachedEmps) {

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-            // Assumption that all employees have an address

-            Assert.assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-        }


-        Assert.assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index e46f878..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Fetch Plan Extension Incubator

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchItem;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Basic set of test verifying that the FetchPlan public API performs as

- * expected. No persistence related validation or usage is performed.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.2

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchPlanAPITests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConstructor_nullEntityClass() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(null);

-        assertNull(plan.getEntityClass());


-        try {

-            plan.initialize(null);

-        } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalStateException expected on initialize with null entityClass");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyConstructor_withEntityClass() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertEquals(Employee.class, plan.getEntityClass());

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.initialize(null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected on initialize with null session");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyGetFetchItems_add() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.getFetchItems().add(null);

-        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException npe) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("UnsupportedOperationException expected on Fetchplan.getFetchItems().add()");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_nullString() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute((String) null);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_nullStringArray() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute((String[]) null);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_emptyString() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute("");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_period() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute(".");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_EndWithPeriod() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute("test.");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_StartWithPeriod() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute(".test");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_StartAndEndWithPeriod() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute(".test.");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_space() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        // With a valid entity class and null session initialize should throw an

-        // NPE

-        try {

-            plan.addAttribute(" ");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_basic() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        plan.addAttribute("attribute");


-        assertFalse(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-        assertEquals(1, plan.getFetchItems().size());


-        FetchItem item = (FetchItem) plan.getFetchItems().toArray()[0];


-        assertEquals("attribute", item.getName());

-        assertNull(item.getFetchPlan());

-        assertSame(plan, item.getParent());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_nested() {

-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        assertTrue(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        plan.addAttribute("attribute");


-        assertFalse(plan.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-        assertEquals(1, plan.getFetchItems().size());


-        FetchItem item = (FetchItem) plan.getFetchItems().toArray()[0];


-        assertEquals("attribute", item.getName());

-        assertNull(item.getFetchPlan());

-        assertSame(plan, item.getParent());


-        plan.addAttribute("attribute.attribute2");


-        assertEquals(1, plan.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertNotNull(item.getFetchPlan());


-        FetchItem item2 = (FetchItem) item.getFetchPlan().getFetchItems().toArray()[0];


-        assertEquals("attribute2", item2.getName());

-        assertNull(item2.getFetchPlan());

-        assertSame(item.getFetchPlan(), item2.getParent());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyContains_nullString() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.containsAttribute((String) null);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected.");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyContains_nullStringArray() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.containsAttribute((String[]) null);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected.");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyContains_emptyString() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.containsAttribute("");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected.");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyContains_emptyStringArray() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.containsAttribute(new String[0]);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected.");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyContains_dot() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.containsAttribute(".");

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected.");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyContains_nonExistent() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        assertTrue(fp.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("test"));


-        assertFalse(fp.containsAttribute("test.test"));

-        assertTrue(fp.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCreateFetchGroup_empty() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan("empty", Employee.class);


-        FetchGroup fg = fp.createFetchGroup();


-        assertNotNull(fg);

-        assertTrue(fg.getAttributes().isEmpty());

-        assertEquals("FetchPlan(empty)_fetch-group", fg.getName());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCopy_null_null() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.copy(null, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyFetch_null_null() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.fetch(null, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyFetch_null_0_null() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            fp.fetch(null, 0, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");


-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addDefaultFetchGroup_nullEM_null() {

-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes((EntityManager) null, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addDefaultFetchGroup_nullEMF_null() {

-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes((EntityManagerFactory) null, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addDefaultFetchGroup_EM_null() {

-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(getEntityManager(), null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addDefaultFetchGroup_NoEntityClass() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(null);


-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(getEntityManager(), fp);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addDefaultFetchGroup_UnknownEntityClass() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Object.class);


-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addDefaultFetchAttributes(getEntityManager(), fp);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addNamedFetchGroup_nullEM_null() {

-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes((EntityManager) null, null, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addNamedFetchGroup_nullEMF_null() {

-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes((EntityManagerFactory) null, null, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addNamedFetchGroup_EM_null_null() {

-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes(getEntityManager(), null, null);

-        } catch (NullPointerException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("NullPointerException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addNamedFetchGroup_NoEntityClass() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(null);


-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes(getEntityManager(), "unknown", fp);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addNamedFetchGroup_UnknownEntityClass() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Object.class);


-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes(getEntityManager(), "unknown", fp);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void jpaFetchGroupHelper_addNamedFetchGroup_UnknownName() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);


-        try {

-            JpaFetchPlanHelper.addNamedFetchGroupAttributes(getEntityManager(), "unknown", fp);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void requiredAttributesPhoneNumber() {

-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(PhoneNumber.class);

-        fp.initialize(JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()));


-        assertEquals(2, fp.getFetchItems().size());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fcbd84..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Fetch Plan Extension Incubator

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.lang.reflect.Method;

-import java.util.Collection;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchItem;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;



- * Helper class used by test cases to ensure that the expected attributes and

- * relationships were loaded.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.0.0

- */

-public class FetchPlanAssert {


-    public static void assertFetched(FetchPlan fetchPlan, Object result) {

-        Assert.assertNotNull("Null FetchPlan", fetchPlan);

-        Assert.assertNotNull("Null Result", result);


-        for (FetchItem item : fetchPlan.getFetchItems()) {

-            assertFetched(item, result);

-        }

-    }


-    public static void assertFetched(FetchPlan fetchPlan, Object[] result, int resultIndex) {

-        Assert.assertNotNull("Null FetchPlan", fetchPlan);

-        Assert.assertNotNull("Null Result", result);


-        for (FetchItem item : fetchPlan.getFetchItems()) {

-            assertFetched(item, result[resultIndex]);

-        }

-    }


-    public static void assertFetched(FetchPlan fetchPlan, Collection<?> results) {

-        for (Object result : results) {

-            if (result != null) {

-                assertFetched(fetchPlan, result);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public static void assertFetched(FetchPlan fetchPlan, Collection<Object[]> results, int resultIndex) {

-        for (Object[] result : results) {

-            assertFetched(fetchPlan, result, resultIndex);

-        }

-    }


-    private static void assertFetched(FetchItem fetchItem, Object result) {

-        Assert.assertNotNull("Null FetchItem", fetchItem);

-        Assert.assertNotNull("Null Result", result);


-        // Check FetchGroup

-        if (result instanceof FetchGroupTracker && ((FetchGroupTracker) result)._persistence_getFetchGroup() != null) {

-            Assert.assertTrue(((FetchGroupTracker) result)._persistence_isAttributeFetched(fetchItem.getName()));

-            return;

-        }


-        // Check actual value

-        Object value = getMapping(fetchItem, null).getAttributeValueFromObject(result);

-        if (value instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-            Assert.assertTrue(((IndirectContainer) value).isInstantiated());

-        } else if (value instanceof ValueHolderInterface) {

-            Assert.assertTrue(((ValueHolderInterface) value).isInstantiated());

-        }

-    }


-    private static Method GET_MAPPING_METHOD = null;


-    /**

-     * Helper to access the protected getMapping method on FetchItem

-     */

-    private static DatabaseMapping getMapping(FetchItem item, Session session) {

-        try {

-            if (GET_MAPPING_METHOD == null) {

-                GET_MAPPING_METHOD = PrivilegedAccessHelper.getMethod(FetchItem.class, "getMapping", new Class[] { Session.class }, true);

-            }


-            return (DatabaseMapping) PrivilegedAccessHelper.invokeMethod(GET_MAPPING_METHOD, item, new Object[] { session });

-        } catch (Exception e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("FetchPlanAssert.getMapping failed", e);

-        }

-    }


-    public static void verifyEmployeeConfig(EntityManagerFactory emf) {

-        ClassDescriptor employeeDescriptor = EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertEntity(emf, "Employee");

-        assertTrue("Entity does not implement FetchGroupTracker: " + employeeDescriptor, FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(employeeDescriptor.getJavaClass()));

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "address");

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "phoneNumbers");

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "manager");

-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertLazy(employeeDescriptor, "managedEmployees");


-        ClassDescriptor addressDescriptor = EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertEntity(emf, "Address");

-        assertTrue("Entity does not implement FetchGroupTracker: " + employeeDescriptor, FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(addressDescriptor.getJavaClass()));


-        ClassDescriptor phoneDescriptor = EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertEntity(emf, "PhoneNumber");

-        assertTrue("Entity does not implement FetchGroupTracker: " + employeeDescriptor, FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(phoneDescriptor.getJavaClass()));

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4729385..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Set of tests that verify the

- * {@link FetchPlan#copy(Object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession)}

- * operation.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclispeLink 1.2

- */


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchPlanCopyTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    /**

-     * Verify the behavior of a new entity

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void verifyDetachedEntity_DefaultConstructor() {

-        Employee newEmp = new Employee();


-        assertNotNull(newEmp.getPhoneNumbers());

-        assertTrue(newEmp.getPhoneNumbers() instanceof List);

-        assertNotNull(newEmp.getProjects());

-        assertTrue(newEmp.getProjects() instanceof List);

-        assertNotNull(newEmp.getManagedEmployees());

-        assertTrue(newEmp.getManagedEmployees() instanceof List);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify the behavior of a new entity

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void verifyDetachedEntity_InstantiationPolicy() {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("Employee");


-        Employee newEmp = (Employee) descriptor.getInstantiationPolicy().buildNewInstance();


-        assertNull(newEmp.getPhoneNumbers());

-        assertNull(newEmp.getProjects());

-        assertNull(newEmp.getManagedEmployees());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allEmployees_copyNames() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan("Just Names", Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fp.addAttribute("lastName");


-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emps);


-        assertEquals(emps.size(), copies.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < emps.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = emps.get(index);

-            Employee copy = copies.get(index);


-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), copy.getId());

-            assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), copy.getVersion());


-            assertEquals(emp.getFirstName(), copy.getFirstName());

-            assertEquals(emp.getLastName(), copy.getLastName());


-            assertNull(copy.getGender());

-            assertNull(copy.getPeriod());

-            assertNull(copy.getAddress());

-            assertNull(copy.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(copy.getProjects());

-            assertNull(copy.getManagedEmployees());

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allEmployees_copyPeriod() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("period");


-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emps);


-        assertEquals(emps.size(), copies.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < emps.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = emps.get(index);

-            Employee copy = copies.get(index);


-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), copy.getId());

-            assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), copy.getVersion());


-            assertNull(copy.getFirstName());

-            assertNull(copy.getLastName());

-            assertNull(copy.getGender());

-            assertNull(copy.getAddress());

-            assertNull(copy.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(copy.getProjects());

-            assertNull(copy.getManagedEmployees());

-            assertNotNull(copy.getPeriod());

-            assertEquals(emp.getPeriod().getStartDate(), copy.getPeriod().getStartDate());

-            assertEquals(emp.getPeriod().getEndDate(), copy.getPeriod().getEndDate());

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allEmployees_copyNamesAdress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan("Just Names", Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fp.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fp.addAttribute("address");


-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emps);


-        assertEquals(emps.size(), copies.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < emps.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = emps.get(index);

-            Employee copy = copies.get(index);


-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), copy.getId());

-            assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), copy.getVersion());


-            assertEquals(emp.getFirstName(), copy.getFirstName());

-            assertEquals(emp.getLastName(), copy.getLastName());


-            assertNull(copy.getGender());

-            assertNull(copy.getPeriod());

-            assertNotNull(copy.getAddress());

-            assertNull(copy.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(copy.getProjects());

-            assertNull(copy.getManagedEmployees());

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allEmployees_copyNamesAddressCity() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan("Just Names", Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fp.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fp.addAttribute("");


-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emps);


-        assertEquals(emps.size(), copies.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < emps.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = emps.get(index);

-            Employee copy = copies.get(index);


-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), copy.getId());

-            assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), copy.getVersion());


-            assertEquals(emp.getFirstName(), copy.getFirstName());

-            assertEquals(emp.getLastName(), copy.getLastName());


-            assertNull(copy.getGender());

-            assertNull(copy.getPeriod());

-            assertNotNull(copy.getAddress());

-            assertNull(copy.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(copy.getProjects());

-            assertNull(copy.getManagedEmployees());

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allEmployees_copyNamesPhoneNumbers() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan("Just Names", Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fp.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fp.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emps);


-        assertEquals(emps.size(), copies.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < emps.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = emps.get(index);

-            Employee copy = copies.get(index);


-            assertNotSame(emp, copy);

-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), copy.getId());

-            assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), copy.getVersion());


-            assertEquals(emp.getFirstName(), copy.getFirstName());

-            assertEquals(emp.getLastName(), copy.getLastName());


-            assertNotNull(emp.getGender());

-            assertNull(copy.getGender());


-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNull(copy.getAddress());


-            assertEquals(emp.getPhoneNumbers().size(), copy.getPhoneNumbers().size());


-            for (int pI = 0; pI < emp.getPhoneNumbers().size(); pI++) {

-                PhoneNumber phone = emp.getPhoneNumbers().get(pI);

-                PhoneNumber phoneCopy = copy.getPhoneNumbers().get(pI);


-                assertEquals(phone.getId(), phoneCopy.getId());

-                assertEquals(phone.getNumber(), phoneCopy.getNumber());

-                assertEquals(phone.getAreaCode(), phoneCopy.getAreaCode());

-                assertEquals(phone.getType(), phoneCopy.getType());


-                assertNotNull(phone.getOwner());

-                assertSame(emp, phone.getOwner());


-                assertNotNull(phoneCopy.getOwner());

-                assertSame(copy, phoneCopy.getOwner());

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allEmployees_copyNamesPhoneNumbersAreaCodeAndNumber() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan("Just Names", Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("id");

-        fp.addAttribute("version");

-        fp.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fp.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fp.addAttribute("phoneNumbers.type");

-        fp.addAttribute("phoneNumbers.number");

-        fp.addAttribute("phoneNumbers.areaCode");


-        List<Employee> copies = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emps);


-        assertEquals(emps.size(), copies.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < emps.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = emps.get(index);

-            Employee copy = copies.get(index);


-            assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);

-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), copy.getId());

-            assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), copy.getVersion());


-            assertEquals(emp.getFirstName(), copy.getFirstName());

-            assertEquals(emp.getLastName(), copy.getLastName());


-            assertNotNull(emp.getGender());

-            assertNull(copy.getGender());


-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNull(copy.getAddress());


-            assertEquals(emp.getPhoneNumbers().size(), copy.getPhoneNumbers().size());


-            for (int pI = 0; pI < emp.getPhoneNumbers().size(); pI++) {

-                PhoneNumber phone = emp.getPhoneNumbers().get(pI);

-                PhoneNumber phoneCopy = copy.getPhoneNumbers().get(pI);


-                assertEquals(0, phoneCopy.getId());

-                assertEquals(phone.getNumber(), phoneCopy.getNumber());

-                assertEquals(phone.getAreaCode(), phoneCopy.getAreaCode());

-                assertEquals(phone.getType(), phoneCopy.getType());


-                assertNotNull(phone.getOwner());

-                assertSame(emp, phone.getOwner());


-                assertNotNull(phoneCopy.getOwner());

-                assertSame(copy, phoneCopy.getOwner());

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Test that copying handles entities in the root collection also existing

-     * within the graph. In this case the initial query retrieves a collection

-     * of entities populating their managedEmployees list. The employees in this

-     * list only have their id copied. The challenge is that when an entity

-     * exists in the root query as well as in one of the entity's

-     * managedEmployees list then the copy operation must ensure that the root

-     * entities are properly populated.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void selfReferencedRelationshipCopying() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fetchplan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("managedEmployees");


-        List<Employee> copiedEmps = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchplan, emps);


-        assertEquals(emps.size(), copiedEmps.size());


-        for (int index = 0; index < emps.size(); index++) {

-            Employee emp = emps.get(index);

-            Employee empCopy = copiedEmps.get(index);


-            assertNotSame(emp, empCopy);


-            // Verify required attributes

-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), empCopy.getId());

-            assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), empCopy.getVersion());

-            assertEquals(emp.getManagedEmployees().size(), empCopy.getManagedEmployees().size());


-            // These should not be loaded in the original and should be null in

-            // all copies

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-            assertNull(empCopy.getAddress());

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "projects");

-            assertNull(empCopy.getProjects());

-            EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertNotLoaded(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-            assertNull(empCopy.getPhoneNumbers());


-            // if the employee has a manager then it should have all non-lazy

-            // attributes

-            if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-                assertEquals(emp.getFirstName(), empCopy.getFirstName());

-                assertEquals(emp.getLastName(), empCopy.getLastName());

-                assertEquals(emp.getGender(), empCopy.getGender());

-                assertEquals(emp.getSalary(), empCopy.getSalary());

-                assertEquals(emp.getStartTime(), empCopy.getStartTime());

-                assertEquals(emp.getEndTime(), empCopy.getEndTime());


-                if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-                    assertEquals(emp.getPeriod().getStartDate(), empCopy.getPeriod().getStartDate());

-                    assertEquals(emp.getPeriod().getEndDate(), empCopy.getPeriod().getEndDate());

-                }

-            }

-            // otherwise only the managedEmployees should be populated

-            else {

-                assertNull(empCopy.getFirstName());

-                assertNull(empCopy.getLastName());

-                assertNull(empCopy.getGender());

-                assertEquals(0d, empCopy.getSalary());

-                assertNull(empCopy.getStartTime());

-                assertNull(empCopy.getEndTime());

-                assertNull(empCopy.getPeriod());

-                assertNull(empCopy.getManager());

-            }


-        }

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);


-        EclipseLinkJPAAssert.assertWoven(getDescriptor("Employee"));

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index b009635..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.HashSet;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import junit.framework.Assert;

-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;

-import example.FetchPlanExamples;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchPlanExamplesTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    FetchPlanExamples examples = new FetchPlanExamples();


-    @Test

-    public void employeesFetchAddressAndPhones() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = this.examples.employeesFetchAddressAndPhones(em);


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertTrue(emps.size() > 0);

-        // assertEquals(1 + (emps.size() * 2),

-        // getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertTrue(emp instanceof FetchGroupTracker);

-            FetchGroupTracker empTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;

-            assertNotNull(empTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("gender"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("address"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("phoneNumbers"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("projects"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("period"));

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-            emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();

-        }

-        assertEquals(1 + (emps.size() * 2), getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeesFetchAddressAndPhones_optimized() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = this.examples.employeesFetchAddressAndPhones_optimized(em);


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertTrue(emps.size() > 0);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertTrue(emp instanceof FetchGroupTracker);

-            FetchGroupTracker empTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;

-            assertNotNull(empTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("gender"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("address"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("phoneNumbers"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startDate"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endDate"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("projects"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("period"));

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-            emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();

-        }

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeesFetchAddressAndPhonesBatchAndUsingRedirector() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = this.examples.employeesFetchAddressAndPhonesBatchAndUsingRedirector(em);


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertTrue(emps.size() > 0);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertTrue(emp instanceof FetchGroupTracker);

-            FetchGroupTracker empTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;

-            assertNotNull(empTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("gender"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("address"));

-            assertTrue(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("phoneNumbers"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startDate"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endDate"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("projects"));

-            assertFalse(empTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("period"));

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-            emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();

-        }

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void maleEmployeeCopyNames() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = examples.maleEmployeeCopyNames(em);


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp);

-            assertNotNull(emp.getFirstName());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getLastName());

-            assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);

-            assertTrue(emp.getVersion() > 0);

-            assertEquals(0.0, emp.getSalary(), 0.0);

-            assertNull(emp.getGender());

-            assertNull(emp.getStartTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getEndTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getPeriod());

-            assertNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNull(emp.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(emp.getProjects());

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeCopyNamesWithFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = examples.employeeCopyNamesWithFetchGroup(em);


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp);

-            assertNotNull(emp.getFirstName());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getLastName());

-            assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);

-            assertTrue(emp.getVersion() > 0);

-            assertEquals(0.0, emp.getSalary(), 0.0);

-            assertNull(emp.getGender());

-            assertNull(emp.getStartTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getEndTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getPeriod());

-            assertNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNull(emp.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(emp.getProjects());


-            // Check in EM to ensure FetchGroup was used

-            // use getReference as find will load the entire entity

-            Employee managedEmp = em.getReference(Employee.class, emp.getId());

-            assertNotNull(managedEmp);

-            assertEquals(emp.getId(), managedEmp.getId());

-            assertNotSame(emp, managedEmp);


-            assertTrue(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));

-            assertTrue(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("gender"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("address"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("phoneNumbers"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startDate"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endDate"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("projects"));

-            assertFalse(((FetchGroupTracker) managedEmp)._persistence_isAttributeFetched("period"));

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeCopyWithNamesAddressAndPhones() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = this.examples.employeeCopyWithNamesAddressAndPhones(em);


-        assertTrue(emps.size() > 0);

-        assertEquals(1 + (2 * emps.size()), getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp);

-            assertNotNull(emp.getFirstName());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getLastName());

-            assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);

-            assertTrue(emp.getVersion() > 0);

-            // assertEquals(0.0, emp.getSalary(), 0.0);

-            assertNull(emp.getGender());

-            assertNull(emp.getStartTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getEndTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getPeriod());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(emp.getProjects());

-        }

-        assertEquals(1 + (2 * emps.size()), getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeCopyWithNamesAddressAndPhonesWithBatching() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = this.examples.employeeCopyWithNamesAddressAndPhonesWithBatching(em);


-        assertTrue(emps.size() > 0);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertNotNull(emp);

-            assertNotNull(emp.getFirstName());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getLastName());

-            assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);

-            assertTrue(emp.getVersion() > 0);

-            // assertEquals(0.0, emp.getSalary(), 0.0);

-            assertNull(emp.getGender());

-            assertNull(emp.getStartTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getEndTime());

-            assertNull(emp.getPeriod());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(emp.getProjects());

-        }

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void copyEagerAttributesOnly() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> results = this.examples.copyEagerAttributesOnly(em);


-        assertNotNull("Results should not be null", results);


-        for (Employee emp : results) {

-            assertTrue(emp.getId() > 0);

-            assertTrue(emp.getVersion() > 0l);

-            assertNotNull(emp.getFirstName());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getLastName());

-            assertNotNull(emp.getGender());

-            // assertNull(emp.getPeriod());

-            assertNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNull(emp.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(emp.getProjects());

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerManagerManagerFetchWithNames() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = this.examples.managerManagerManagerFetchWithNames(em);


-        assertTrue(emps.size() > 0);

-        int selectsRun = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        // Calculate unique managers to figure out expected SQL

-        HashSet<Employee> managers = new HashSet<Employee>();

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            managers.add(emp);

-            managers.add(emp.getManager());

-            managers.add(emp.getManager().getManager());

-        }

-        managers.removeAll(emps);


-        assertEquals(1 + managers.size(), getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(selectsRun, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddress_ReturnBoth() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Object[]> results = this.examples.employeeAddress_ReturnBoth(em);


-        assertEquals(1 + results.size(), getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void copyMergeExample_Clear() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        this.examples.copyMergeExample(em, true);


-        assertEquals(6, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        try {

-            em.flush();


-            assertEquals(6, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-            assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-            assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-            assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());

-        } finally {

-            em.getTransaction().rollback();

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void copyMergeExample_NoClear() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        this.examples.copyMergeExample(em, false);


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        try {

-            em.flush();


-            assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-            assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-            assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-            assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());

-        } finally {

-            em.getTransaction().rollback();

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void fetchCopyMergeExample() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        // fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        int minId = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT MIN( FROM Employee e").getSingleResult()).intValue();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = " + minId);

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchPlan.createFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emp);


-        assertFalse(emp.getFirstName().equals(emp.getLastName()));


-        Employee copy = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp);


-        Assert.assertNotSame(emp, copy);


-        copy.setSalary(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

-        copy.setFirstName(emp.getLastName());

-        copy.setLastName(emp.getFirstName());


-        assertFalse(copy.getFirstName().equals(copy.getLastName()));


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fetchPlan, copy);


-        // assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        em.flush();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void createFetchPlanFromDefaultFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        FetchGroup defaultFG = new FetchGroup();

-        defaultFG.addAttribute("firstName");

-        defaultFG.addAttribute("lastName");

-        getDescriptor("Employee").getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(defaultFG);


-        List<Employee> emps = this.examples.createFetchPlanFromDefaultFetchGroup(em);


-        assertFalse(emps.isEmpty());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0218297..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,656 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;

-import example.Queries;



- * Set of tests that verify the

- * {@link FetchPlan#copy(Object, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession)}

- * operation.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclispeLink 1.2

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchPlanMergeTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void incrementSalary() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Employee emp = Queries.minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFalse(emp.getFirstName().equals("-"));


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("salary");


-        Employee minimalEmp = new Employee();

-        minimalEmp.setId(emp.getId());

-        minimalEmp.setVersion(emp.getVersion());

-        minimalEmp.setSalary(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

-        minimalEmp.setFirstName("-");

-        minimalEmp.setAddress(null);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee empWC = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, plan, minimalEmp);

-        em.flush();


-        assertSame(emp, empWC);

-        assertFalse(empWC.getFirstName().equals("-"));

-        assertNotNull(empWC.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Test doing a merge on an entity not read in.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void incrementSalary_NotInContext() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int minId = Queries.minEmployeeIdWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        long version = ((Number) em.createQuery("SELECT e.version FROM Employee e WHERE = " + minId).getSingleResult()).longValue();


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("id");

-        plan.addAttribute("salary");


-        Employee minimalEmp = new Employee();

-        minimalEmp.setId(minId);

-        minimalEmp.setVersion(version);

-        minimalEmp.setSalary(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

-        minimalEmp.setFirstName("-");

-        minimalEmp.setAddress(null);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee empWC = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, plan, minimalEmp);

-        em.flush();


-        assertFalse(empWC.getFirstName().equals("-"));

-        assertNotNull(empWC.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void updateCity() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Employee emp = Queries.minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        String country = emp.getAddress().getCountry();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("");


-        Employee minimalEmp = new Employee();

-        minimalEmp.setId(emp.getId());

-        minimalEmp.setVersion(emp.getVersion());

-        Address minimalAddress = new Address();

-        minimalEmp.setAddress(minimalAddress);

-        minimalAddress.setId(emp.getAddress().getId());

-        minimalAddress.setCity("-");

-        minimalAddress.setCountry("-");

-        minimalAddress.setStreet("-");


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee empWC = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, plan, minimalEmp);

-        em.flush();


-        assertSame(emp, empWC);

-        assertNotNull(empWC.getAddress());

-        assertEquals("-", empWC.getAddress().getCity());

-        assertEquals(country, empWC.getAddress().getCountry());

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Delete the employee's address by setting it to null in the copy being

-     * merged and the FetchPlan's merge combined with the mapping's

-     * private-owned configuration will cause it to be deleted.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void deleteAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Employee emp = Queries.minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("address");


-        Employee minimalEmp = new Employee();

-        minimalEmp.setId(emp.getId());

-        minimalEmp.setVersion(emp.getVersion());

-        minimalEmp.setAddress(null);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee empWC = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, plan, minimalEmp);

-        em.flush();


-        assertSame(emp, empWC);

-        assertNull(empWC.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Delete the employee's address by setting it to null in the copy being

-     * merged and the FetchPlan's merge combined with the mapping's

-     * private-owned configuration will cause it to be deleted.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void removeAllPhones() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Employee emp = Queries.minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Employee minimalEmp = new Employee();

-        minimalEmp.setId(emp.getId());

-        minimalEmp.setVersion(emp.getVersion());

-        minimalEmp.setPhoneNumbers(new ArrayList<PhoneNumber>());


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee empWC = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, plan, minimalEmp);

-        em.flush();


-        assertSame(emp, empWC);

-        assertTrue(empWC.getPhoneNumbers().isEmpty());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Delete the employee's address by setting it to null in the copy being

-     * merged and the FetchPlan's merge combined with the mapping's

-     * private-owned configuration will cause it to be deleted. For this to work

-     * the PhoneNumber.owner relationship needs to be fetch=EAGER so that is is

-     * loaded using the default mappings fetch. Without this the owner is null

-     * and PK is incomplete in the partial entity.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void removeOnePhone() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE SIZE(e.phoneNumbers) > 1").setMaxResults(1).getResultList();

-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);

-        int numPhones = emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertTrue(numPhones > 1);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan plan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        plan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Employee minimalEmp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, plan, emp);


-        assertNotNull(minimalEmp.getPhoneNumbers());

-        assertEquals(emp.getPhoneNumbers().size(), minimalEmp.getPhoneNumbers().size());

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : minimalEmp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertSame(minimalEmp, phone.getOwner());

-        }


-        minimalEmp.getPhoneNumbers().remove(0);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee empWC = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, plan, minimalEmp);

-        em.flush();


-        assertSame(emp, empWC);

-        assertEquals(numPhones - 1, empWC.getPhoneNumbers().size());

-        assertEquals(minimalEmp.getPhoneNumbers().size(), empWC.getPhoneNumbers().size());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a partial entity graph using

-     * {@link JpaFetchPlanHelper#copy(EntityManager, FetchPlan, Object)}

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void copyMerge_updateBasics() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Employee emp = Queries.minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp.getFirstName());

-        assertNotNull(emp.getLastName());


-        Employee partialEmp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp);


-        // Verify state of partial entity

-        assertEquals(emp.getId(), partialEmp.getId());

-        assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), partialEmp.getVersion());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getFirstName());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getLastName());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getPeriod());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getProjects());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getGender());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getManager());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getManagedEmployees());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getAddress());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getPhoneNumbers());

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : partialEmp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNotNull(phone.getNumber());

-            assertNotNull(phone.getType());

-            assertNotNull(phone.getAreaCode());

-            assertNotNull(phone.getOwner());

-        }


-        double originalSalary = emp.getSalary();

-        partialEmp.setSalary(emp.getSalary() + 1);

-        partialEmp.setFirstName(null);

-        partialEmp.setLastName(null);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee managedEmp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fetchPlan, partialEmp);


-        assertSame(emp, managedEmp);

-        assertNull(emp.getFirstName());

-        assertNull(emp.getLastName());

-        assertEquals(originalSalary, emp.getSalary());


-        em.flush();


-        // Verify that only 1 update was issued for the EMPLOYEE table. The

-        // salary will not be updated

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a partial entity graph using

-     * {@link JpaFetchPlanHelper#copy(EntityManager, FetchPlan, Object)}

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void copyMerge_removingPrivateOwnedOneToMany() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Employee emp = Queries.minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp.getFirstName());

-        assertNotNull(emp.getLastName());


-        Employee partialEmp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emp);


-        // Verify state of partial entity

-        assertEquals(emp.getId(), partialEmp.getId());

-        assertEquals(emp.getVersion(), partialEmp.getVersion());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getFirstName());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getLastName());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getPeriod());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getProjects());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getGender());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getManager());

-        assertNull(partialEmp.getManagedEmployees());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getAddress());

-        assertNotNull(partialEmp.getPhoneNumbers());

-        int numPhones = partialEmp.getPhoneNumbers().size();

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : partialEmp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNotNull(phone.getNumber());

-            assertNotNull(phone.getType());

-            assertNotNull(phone.getAreaCode());

-            assertNotNull(phone.getOwner());

-        }


-        partialEmp.getPhoneNumbers().remove(0);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        Employee managedEmp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fetchPlan, partialEmp);


-        assertSame(emp, managedEmp);

-        assertEquals(numPhones - 1, emp.getPhoneNumbers().size());


-        em.flush();


-        // Verify that only 1 delete

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testDetachMerge_clearEM() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE SIZE(e.managedEmployees) > 0");

-        q.setMaxResults(1);

-        List<Employee> ems = q.getResultList();


-        // Verify that at this point only the Employee SELECT occurred

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("managedEmployees");


-        // Ensure FetchPlan's requested attributes are loaded from database

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp, ems);


-        // Primary SELECT plus 1 for each employee

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Employee emp = ems.get(0);

-        System.out.println(" " + emp.getId());

-        System.out.println("emp.address: " + emp.getAddress().toString());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        System.out.println("emp.managedEmployees: " + emp.getManagedEmployees().toArray().toString());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // detach the emp

-        emp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emp);

-        // after copy we see about 50 SQLs which we cant associate with this

-        // detach action

-        System.out.println("deserializedEmployee: " + emp.toString());

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        // Clear EntityManager

-        em.clear();


-        Employee newEmp = new Employee();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        em.persist(newEmp);

-        // Additional SELECT to get new sequence value

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // add the new to Collection

-        emp.addManagedEmployee(newEmp);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        Employee mergedEmployee = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fp, emp);


-        // No SELECT during merge since entities in shared cache

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        mergedEmployee.getAddress(); // null is okay


-        // No SELECT for address as it was already read in previous transaction

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.flush();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        // INSERT for each of EMPLOYEE AND SALARY table

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testDetachMerge_initializeCache() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE SIZE(e.managedEmployees) > 0");

-        q.setMaxResults(1);

-        List<Employee> ems = q.getResultList();


-        // Verify that at this point only the Employee SELECT occurred

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("managedEmployees");


-        // Ensure FetchPlan's requested attributes are loaded from database

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp, ems);


-        // Primary SELECT plus 1 for each employee

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Employee emp = ems.get(0);

-        System.out.println(" " + emp.getId());

-        System.out.println("emp.address: " + emp.getAddress().toString());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        System.out.println("emp.managedEmployees: " + emp.getManagedEmployees().toArray().toString());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // detach the emp

-        emp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emp);

-        // after copy we see about 50 SQLs which we cant associate with this

-        // detach action

-        System.out.println("deserializedEmployee: " + emp.toString());

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        // Initialize shared cache

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        Employee newEmp = new Employee();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        em.persist(newEmp);

-        // Additional SELECT to get new sequence value

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // add the new to Collection

-        emp.addManagedEmployee(newEmp);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        Employee mergedEmployee = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fp, emp);


-        // No SELECT during merge since entities in shared cache

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        mergedEmployee.getAddress(); // null is okay


-        // No SELECT for address as it was already read in previous transaction

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.flush();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        // INSERT for each of EMPLOYEE AND SALARY table

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Read 1 Employee who has managedEmployees and fetch and copy the entity

-     * graph with just its managedEmployees. Then the Employee is modified to

-     * have a new managed Employee and merged back into a clear EntityManager

-     * with an empty shared cache.

-     * <p>

-     * The expected result is that the minimal SQL is used to load the graph and

-     * when merged additional SQL SELECTS are used to load the Employee and its

-     * managedEmployees during the merge.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testDetachMerge_clearEMAndInitializeCache() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE SIZE(e.managedEmployees) > 0");

-        q.setMaxResults(1);

-        List<Employee> ems = q.getResultList();


-        // Verify that at this point only the Employee SELECT occurred

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan fp = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fp.addAttribute("managedEmployees");


-        // Ensure FetchPlan's requested attributes are loaded from database

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fp, ems);


-        // Primary SELECT plus 1 for each employee

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Employee emp = ems.get(0);

-        System.out.println(" " + emp.getId());

-        System.out.println("emp.address: " + emp.getAddress().toString());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        System.out.println("emp.managedEmployees: " + emp.getManagedEmployees().toArray().toString());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // detach the emp

-        emp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fp, emp);

-        // after copy we see about 50 SQLs which we cant associate with this

-        // detach action

-        System.out.println("deserializedEmployee: " + emp.toString());

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        // Clear EntityManager and initialize shared cache

-        em.clear();

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        Employee newEmp = new Employee();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        em.persist(newEmp);

-        // Additional SELECT to get new sequence value

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // add the new to Collection

-        emp.addManagedEmployee(newEmp);


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        Employee mergedEmployee = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fp, emp);


-        // 2 SELECT for Employee and managed Employees to do merge

-        assertEquals(6, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        mergedEmployee.getAddress(); // null is okay

-        // Additional select for ADDRESS

-        assertEquals(7, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.flush();


-        assertEquals(7, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        // INSERT for each of EMPLOYEE AND SALARY table

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLINSERTCalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLUPDATECalls());

-        assertEquals(0, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLDELETECalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Clear the shared cache and any sequences between test cases

-     */

-    @After

-    public void clearState() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-        session.getSequencingControl().initializePreallocated();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b18f4b..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288307: Extensions Incubator - FetchPlan 

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;

-import example.Queries;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class ReadObjectFetchPlanTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void employeeId_Address() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int empId = Queries.minEmployeeIdWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        ReadObjectQuery roq = new ReadObjectQuery(Employee.class);

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = roq.getExpressionBuilder();

-        roq.setSelectionCriteria(eb.get("id").equal(empId));


-        Employee emp = (Employee) JpaHelper.createQuery(roq, em).getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emp);


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getAddress().getCity();

-        emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLCalls());

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 61d4049..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - FetchPlan Extension incubator

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test.fetchplan;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;



-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.SerializationHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPAAssert;

-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Tests to verify that {@link FetchPlan} produced results can be serialized as

- * expected and later merged into other transactions in the same and different

- * {@link EntityManager} instances.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.0

- */


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class SerializedResultsTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddressPhones() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddressPhones_Batching() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddressPhones_Joining() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerAddressPhones() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("manager.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void responsibilities() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("responsibilities");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void responsibilitiesBatch() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.responsibilities");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("responsibilities");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeAddress_ReturnBoth() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e, e.address FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        List<Object[]> results = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, results);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, results, 0);

-        List<Object[]> serializedEmps = serialize(results);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps, 0);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managedEmployeesAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("managedEmployees.address");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void readAllEmployee() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(Employee.class);


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        Query query = JpaHelper.createQuery(raq, em);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, emps);

-        List<Employee> serializedEmps = serialize(emps);

-        FetchPlanAssert.assertFetched(fetchPlan, serializedEmps);

-    }


-    @After

-    public void clearCache() {

-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    /*

-     * clone using serialization

-     */

-    private List serialize(final List<?> results) throws Exception {

-        List cloneList = new ArrayList(results.size());


-        for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {

-            cloneList.add(SerializationHelper.clone((Serializable) results.get(i)));

-        }


-        return cloneList;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected void verifyConfig(EntityManager em) {

-        super.verifyConfig(em);

-        FetchPlanAssert.verifyEmployeeConfig(getEMF());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 915a2c0..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.fetchplan/test-src/test/fetchplan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-package test.fetchplan;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.FetchPlan;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.fetchplan.JpaFetchPlanHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.SerializationHelper;

-import org.junit.Assert;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class TestOTTO extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    /**

-     * This test shows that in some cases (or always?) the copy method

-     * instantiates empty collections (wrong) instead of setting them to null.

-     * If I copy an entity with a list attribute, which is not in fetchplan and

-     * not instantiated, the copied entity has a empty list. If I want to merge

-     * this object later without any changes, all entries of the list attribute

-     * will be deleted.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testShowEmptyCollections() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");


-        FetchPlan fetchPlan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchPlan.addAttribute("address");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchPlan, emps);


-        for (Employee detachedEmp : detachedEmps) {

-            assertNull(detachedEmp.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(detachedEmp.getProjects());

-            assertNull(detachedEmp.getManagedEmployees());

-            assertNull(detachedEmp.getManager());

-        }


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        // Since the detached emps are partial based on a FetchPLan they must be

-        // merged using JpaFetchPlanHelper

-        Employee attEmp = JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fetchPlan, detachedEmps.get(0));


-        em.flush();


-        if (attEmp.getPhoneNumbers().isEmpty())

-            em.getTransaction().rollback();


-    }


-    /**

-     * This test throws an InstantiationException for a reason i want to

-     * understand.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testThrowsInstantiationException() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e where e.managedEmployees is not empty").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fetchplan = new FetchPlan("f", Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("managedEmployees");


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchplan, emps);


-        assertNotNull(detachedEmps);

-    }


-    /**

-     * If testThrowsInstantiationException is fixed this test should show that

-     * the to-many relations of managedEmployees are loaded though they are not

-     * configured in the FetchPlan. If You do this with a big model, You run

-     * into memory problems.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testShowOutOfMemoryInCopy() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e where e.managedEmployees is not empty").getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fetchplan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("managedEmployees").setFetchPlan(new FetchPlan(Employee.class));


-        List<Employee> detachedEmps = JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchplan, emps);


-        for (Employee emp : detachedEmps) {

-            //logMappedValues(emp, "");

-            assertNull(emp.getAddress());

-            assertNull(emp.getPhoneNumbers());

-            assertNull(emp.getManager());

-            assertNull(emp.getPeriod());

-            assertNull(emp.getProjects());

-            Assert.assertNotNull(emp.getManagedEmployees());


-            //logMappedValues(emp, "");


-            for (Employee managedEmp : emp.getManagedEmployees()) {

-                assertNull(managedEmp.getAddress());

-                assertNull(managedEmp.getPhoneNumbers());

-                assertNull(managedEmp.getManager());

-                assertNull(managedEmp.getPeriod());

-                assertNull(managedEmp.getProjects());


-                // If the managedEmp is part of the original result then it will

-                // have a list of managed employees. Otherwise it will be null.

-                if (detachedEmps.contains(managedEmp)) {

-                    assertNotNull(managedEmp.getManagedEmployees());

-                } else {

-                    assertNull(managedEmp.getManagedEmployees());

-                }

-            }


-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * What we do: - read Employee with Fetchplan NOT containing phoneNumbers =>

-     * test fails because the detached instance contains attributes not included

-     * in Fetchplan (=> should throw a "lazy" exception which would lead to

-     * successful test).

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testAddOnRelationNotDetached() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        // Find

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");

-        FetchPlan fetchplan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("address");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchplan, emps);


-        Employee empToDetach = emps.get(0);

-        Employee detEmp = (Employee) JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchplan, empToDetach);


-        // End of Transaction

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        // Client edits data

-        try {

-            detEmp.addPhoneNumber(new PhoneNumber("office", "+49", "1234567"));

-            fail("phoneNumbers should be null");

-        } catch (Exception ignore) {

-        }


-    }


-    /**

-     * same as before but here we - read Employee with Fetchplan containing

-     * phoneNumbers - try to detach this Employee WITHOUT phoneNumbers but

-     * unfortunately the detached Employee still contains phoneNumber => test

-     * fails because the copy does not "unload" relations which are not

-     * configured in Fetchplan but are loaded in the source of the copy.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testAddOnRelationNotDetached2() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        // Find

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fetchplan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchplan, emps);


-        Employee empToDetach = emps.get(0);


-        // define smaller fetchplan

-        FetchPlan fetchplan2 = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("address");


-        // Detach with smaller Fetchplan

-        Employee detEmp = (Employee) JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchplan2, empToDetach);


-        // End of Transaction

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        // Client edits data

-        try {

-            detEmp.addPhoneNumber(new PhoneNumber("office", "+49", "1234567"));

-            fail("phoneNumbers should be null");

-        } catch (Exception ignore) {

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * This test shows that reading, detaching, changing and re-attaching

-     * relations contained in Fetchplan works.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testFindDetachChangeAttachCompleteProcessWithBiggerFetchplan() throws Exception {

-        int cntSQL = 0;

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        // Find

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fetchplan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchplan, emps);


-        Employee empToDetach = emps.get(0);

-        int cntPhones = empToDetach.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        // if fetched with large fetchplan, for fetchplan entries is no lazy

-        // load recommended

-        cntSQL = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLCalls();

-        empToDetach.getPhoneNumbers().get(0).getNumber();

-        assertEquals(cntSQL, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLCalls());


-        // Detach with "bigger" FetchPlan containing FG

-        FetchPlan fetchplan2 = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan2.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchplan2.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");

-        fetchplan2.addAttribute("firstName");

-        Employee detEmp = (Employee) JpaFetchPlanHelper.copy(em, fetchplan2, empToDetach);


-        // End of Transaction

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        // Client edits data, is allowed to access on phonenumbers

-        detEmp.addPhoneNumber(new PhoneNumber("office", "+49", "1234567"));

-        detEmp.setFirstName(detEmp.getFirstName() + "-x");


-        // Begin of second transaction

-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        // Attach with larger fetchplan

-        Employee attEmp = (Employee) JpaFetchPlanHelper.merge(em, fetchplan2, detEmp);


-        // check, if new Phonenumber is added

-        assertEquals(cntPhones + 1, attEmp.getPhoneNumbers().size());

-        // check, if detached changes are merged

-        assertTrue(attEmp.getFirstName().endsWith("-x"));


-        em.flush();

-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Even after serialization, entity object contains relations which should

-     * not be loaded.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    @Test

-    public void testFetchWithBiggerFetchplan() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        // Find

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender IS NOT NULL");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        FetchPlan fetchplan = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");


-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchplan, emps);


-        Employee empToDetach = emps.get(0);

-        // just test the fetch, not the detach; serialize in order to avoid lazy

-        // loading

-        Employee detEmp = (Employee) SerializationHelper.clone(empToDetach);

-        detEmp.getPhoneNumbers().size();

-        // check address - not in Fetchplan

-        try {

-            detEmp.getAddress();

-            fail("address should be null");

-        } catch (Exception ignore) {

-        }


-        // Detach with "bigger" Fetchplan

-        FetchPlan fetchplan2 = new FetchPlan(Employee.class);

-        fetchplan.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchplan2.addAttribute("address");

-        fetchplan2.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");

-        // just test the fetch, not the detach

-        JpaFetchPlanHelper.fetch(em, fetchplan, emps);

-        empToDetach = emps.get(0);

-        // just test the fetch, not the detach; serialize in order to avoid lazy

-        // loading

-        detEmp = (Employee) SerializationHelper.clone(empToDetach);


-        // now loaded

-        try {

-            detEmp.getAddress();

-        } catch (ValidationException ve) {

-            assertEquals("Expected ValidationException::" + ValidationException.INSTANTIATING_VALUEHOLDER_WITH_NULL_SESSION, ValidationException.INSTANTIATING_VALUEHOLDER_WITH_NULL_SESSION, ve.getErrorCode());

-            return;

-        } finally {

-            em.getTransaction().rollback();

-        }

-        fail("serialize employee getAddress should thrown ValidationException");

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.classpath b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index b5746ea..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="test-src"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" exported="true" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.employee.xml"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/jdk1.6.0_17 (eclipselink-agent trunk)"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.project b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 0498144..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 886d90a..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#Wed Nov 04 07:31:15 EST 2009


































































diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f00301..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: NestedFetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { FetchGroupAPITests.class, 

-                       FetchGroupValidateTests.class, 

-                       SimpleDefaultFetchGroupTests.class, 

-                       SimpleFetchGroupTests.class, 

-                       SimpleNamedFetchGroupTests.class, 

-                       NestedDefaultFetchGroupTests.class, 

-                       NestedFetchGroupTests.class, 

-                       NestedNamedFetchGroupTests.class,

-                       SimpleSerializeFetchGroupTests.class,

-                       FetchGroupTrackerWeavingTests.class})

-public class AllTests {



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 79e446f..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug TBD: Initial Implementation

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetchedAttribute;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNotFetchedAttribute;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;

-import example.Queries;



- * Simple set of tests that verify the {@link FetchGroup} API. Need to verify

- * that the nesting and default behaves as expected.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.1

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public abstract class BaseFetchGroupTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    public void managerFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        FetchGroup managerFG = new FetchGroup();

-        managerFG.addAttribute("manager");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, managerFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(managerFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        emp.getManager();

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getLastName();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    public void employeeNamesFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", minId);


-        FetchGroup namesFG = new FetchGroup();

-        namesFG.addAttribute("firstName");

-        namesFG.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, namesFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(namesFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        emp.getId();

-        emp.getFirstName();

-        emp.getLastName();

-        emp.getVersion();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getGender();

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getManager();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-    }


-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressPhoneWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT FROM PhoneNumber p)");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    protected Employee findMinimumEmployee(EntityManager em) {

-        List<Employee> emps = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE in (SELECT MIN( FROM Employee ee)").getResultList();


-        assertNotNull("Null returned for min employee query", emps);

-        assertEquals("No results returned for Mmin employee query", 1, emps.size());


-        return emps.get(0);

-    }


-    public FetchGroup<?> assertHasFetchGroup(Object entity) {

-        assertNotNull("Entity is null", entity);

-        assertTrue("Entity does not implement FetchGroupTracker", entity instanceof FetchGroupTracker);

-        assertNotNull("Entity does not have FetchGroup", ((FetchGroupTracker) entity)._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-        return ((FetchGroupTracker) entity)._persistence_getFetchGroup();

-    }


-    protected FetchGroup getFetchGroup(Object object) {

-        assertNotNull("Cannot get a FetchGroup from null", object);


-        if (object instanceof Query) {

-            return getFetchGroup((Query) object);

-        }

-        if (object instanceof ObjectLevelReadQuery) {

-            return getFetchGroup((ObjectLevelReadQuery) object);

-        }

-        assertTrue("Entity " + object + " does not implement FetchGroupTracker", object instanceof FetchGroupTracker);


-        FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) object;

-        return tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup();

-    }


-    protected FetchGroup getFetchGroup(Query query) {

-        return getFetchGroup(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query));

-    }


-    protected FetchGroup getFetchGroup(ObjectLevelReadQuery readQuery) {

-        if (readQuery.hasFetchGroup()) {

-            return readQuery.getFetchGroup();

-        }

-        if (readQuery.shouldUseDefaultFetchGroup() && !readQuery.isPrepared()) {

-            ClassDescriptor desc = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(readQuery.getReferenceClass());

-            if (desc.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-                return desc.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup();

-            }

-        }

-        return null;

-    }


-    public void assertConfig(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityName, FetchGroup defaultFetchGroup, Integer numNamedFetchGroups) {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getClassDescriptorForAlias(entityName);

-        assertNotNull("Not descriptor found for: " + entityName, descriptor);


-        assertTrue("FetchGroupTracker not implemented by: " + entityName, FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getJavaClass()));


-        if (defaultFetchGroup == null) {

-            assertNull("Default FetchGroup not null: " + entityName, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        } else {

-            assertEquals("Default FetchGroup does not match", defaultFetchGroup, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup());

-            if (descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().hasReadObjectQuery() && !descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().getReadObjectQuery().shouldUseDefaultFetchGroup()) {

-                assertEquals("DescriptorQueryManager.readObjectQuery.fetchGroup does not match", defaultFetchGroup, descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().getReadObjectQuery().getFetchGroup());

-            }

-            if (descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().hasReadAllQuery() && !descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().getReadAllQuery().shouldUseDefaultFetchGroup()) {

-                assertEquals("DescriptorQueryManager.readAllQuery.fetchGroup does not match", defaultFetchGroup, descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().getReadAllQuery().getFetchGroup());

-            }

-        }


-        if (numNamedFetchGroups != null) {

-            assertEquals("Incorrect number of Named FetchGroups: " + entityName, numNamedFetchGroups.intValue(), descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().size());

-        }

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 23cf3eb..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: NestedFetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static;


-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup.FetchItem;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Simple tests to verify the functionality of FetchGroup API

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchGroupAPITests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyDefaultConstructor() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        assertNull("default FetchGroup name not null", fg.getName());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNameConstructor() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup("Test");


-        assertEquals("Test name not set", "Test", fg.getName());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-        fg.toString();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyNameConstructor_Null() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup(null);


-        assertNull("Null name not set", fg.getName());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-        fg.toString();

-    }


-    private void verifyInvalid(String arg) {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        try {

-            fg.addAttribute(arg);

-        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

-            return;

-        }

-        fail("IllegalArgumentException expected but not caught.");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyInvalidAdd_null() {

-        verifyInvalid(null);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyInvalidAdd_empty() {

-        verifyInvalid("");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyInvalidAdd_dot() {

-        verifyInvalid(".");

-        verifyInvalid("..");

-        verifyInvalid(". ");

-        verifyInvalid(" .");

-        verifyInvalid(" . ");

-        verifyInvalid(". .");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyInvalidAdd_startWithDot() {

-        verifyInvalid(".name");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyInvalidAdd_endWithDot() {

-        verifyInvalid("name.");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyInvalidAdd_space() {

-        verifyInvalid(" ");

-        verifyInvalid("\t");

-        verifyInvalid("\n");

-        verifyInvalid("\r");

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that {@link FetchGroup#getFetchItem(String)} works properly on an

-     * empty FetchGroup.

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void verifygetFetchItem_EmptyFG() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        assertNull(fg.getFetchItem("test"));

-        assertNull(fg.getFetchItem("a.b"));


-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        fg.addAttribute("test");


-        assertEquals(1, fg.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));

-        assertNotNull(fg.getFetchItems().get("test"));


-        FetchItem item = fg.getFetchItem("test");

-        assertNotNull(item);


-        assertEquals("test", item.getAttributeName());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_Nested() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        fg.addAttribute("test.test");


-        assertEquals(1, fg.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));


-        FetchItem testFI = (FetchItem) fg.getFetchItems().get("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI.getAttributeName());

-        assertNotNull(testFI.getFetchGroup());

-        assertEquals("test", testFI.getFetchGroup().getName());


-        testFI = fg.getFetchItem("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI.getAttributeName());

-        assertEquals(1, testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));

-        assertNotNull(testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItem("test"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAdd2AttributesNestedFG() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        fg.addAttribute("a.b");

-        fg.addAttribute("a.c");


-        assertEquals(1, fg.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().containsKey("a"));


-        FetchItem aItem = fg.getFetchItem("a");

-        FetchGroup aFG = aItem.getFetchGroup();


-        assertNotNull(aItem);

-        assertNotNull(aFG);

-        assertFalse(aItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertEquals(2, aFG.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertEquals("a", aFG.getName());


-        FetchItem bItem = aFG.getFetchItem("b");

-        assertNotNull(bItem);

-        assertEquals("b", bItem.getAttributeName());

-        assertNull(bItem.getFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(bItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(bItem, fg.getFetchItem("a.b"));


-        FetchItem cItem = aFG.getFetchItem("c");

-        assertNotNull(cItem);

-        assertEquals("c", cItem.getAttributeName());

-        assertNull(cItem.getFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(cItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(cItem, fg.getFetchItem("a.c"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAdd2AttributesNestedFG_parentFirst() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        fg.addAttribute("a");

-        fg.addAttribute("a.b");

-        fg.addAttribute("a.c");


-        assertEquals(1, fg.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().containsKey("a"));


-        FetchItem aItem = fg.getFetchItem("a");

-        FetchGroup aFG = aItem.getFetchGroup();


-        assertNotNull(aItem);

-        assertNotNull(aFG);

-        assertFalse(aItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertEquals(2, aFG.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertEquals("a", aFG.getName());


-        FetchItem bItem = aFG.getFetchItem("b");

-        assertNotNull(bItem);

-        assertEquals("b", bItem.getAttributeName());

-        assertNull(bItem.getFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(bItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(bItem, fg.getFetchItem("a.b"));


-        FetchItem cItem = aFG.getFetchItem("c");

-        assertNotNull(cItem);

-        assertEquals("c", cItem.getAttributeName());

-        assertNull(cItem.getFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(cItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(cItem, fg.getFetchItem("a.c"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttribute_Nested2() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        fg.addAttribute("test.test.test");


-        assertEquals(1, fg.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));


-        FetchItem testFI = (FetchItem) fg.getFetchItems().get("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI.getAttributeName());


-        testFI = fg.getFetchItem("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI.getAttributeName());

-        assertNotNull(testFI.getFetchGroup());


-        FetchItem testFI2 = (FetchItem) testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().get("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI2);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI2.getAttributeName());

-        assertNotNull(testFI2.getFetchGroup());

-        assertEquals("test.test", testFI2.getFetchGroup().getName());

-        assertFalse(testFI2.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        testFI2 = testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItem("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI2);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI2.getAttributeName());

-        assertFalse(testFI2.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-        assertEquals(1, testFI2.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(testFI2.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));

-        assertNotNull(testFI2.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().get("test"));


-        testFI2 = fg.getFetchItem("test.test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI2);

-        assertEquals("test.test", testFI2.getFetchGroup().getName());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAdd() {

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();


-        fg.addAttribute("test");


-        assertEquals(1, fg.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));

-        assertNotNull(fg.getFetchItems().get("test"));

-        assertNotNull(fg.getFetchItem("test"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyAdd_Nested() {

-        FetchGroup<?> fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("test.test");


-        assertEquals(1, fg.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(fg.getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));


-        FetchItem testFI = fg.getFetchItems().get("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI.getAttributeName());


-        testFI = fg.getFetchItem("test");

-        assertNotNull(testFI);

-        assertEquals("test", testFI.getAttributeName());

-        assertEquals(1, testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItems().containsKey("test"));

-        assertNotNull(testFI.getFetchGroup().getFetchItem("test"));

-    }



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deleted file mode 100644
index 432da60..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-package test;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.VersionLockingPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.ManagedFetchItem;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup.FetchItem;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;



- * Test utility to verify the state of entities after they are loaded, copied,

- * or detached with respect to a defined FetchGroup.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.1.0

- */

-public class FetchGroupAssert {


-    /**

-     * Verify that a FetchGroup is valid with respect to the mappings of the

-     * provided entity class.

-     */

-    public static boolean isValid(FetchGroup<?> fetchGroup, EntityManagerFactory emf, Class<?> entityClass) {

-        assertNotNull(fetchGroup);


-        try {

-            for (Map.Entry<String, FetchItem> entry : fetchGroup.getFetchItems().entrySet()) {

-                ManagedFetchItem itemImpl = (ManagedFetchItem) entry.getValue();

-                DatabaseMapping mapping = itemImpl.getMapping(JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf), entityClass);


-                if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping()) {

-                    if (itemImpl.getFetchGroup() != null) {

-                        if (!isValid(itemImpl.getFetchGroup(), emf, ((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping).getReferenceClass())) {

-                            return false;

-                        }

-                    }

-                } else {

-                    return false;

-                }

-            }

-        } catch (QueryException qe) {

-            return false;

-        }

-        return true;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the attribute path specified is loaded in the provided entity

-     */

-    public static void assertFetchedAttribute(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity, String... attribute) {

-        assertNotNull("EntityManagerFactory is null", emf);

-        assertNotNull("Entity is null", entity);

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        assertNotNull("No Server session found for: " + emf, session);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = session.getClassDescriptor(entity);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for: " + entity, desc);


-        Object value = entity;

-        if (attribute.length > 1) {

-            String attrName = attribute[1];


-            if (desc.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-                assertTrue("Attribute: '" + attrName + "' not fetched on: " + value, desc.getFetchGroupManager().isAttributeFetched(session, value, attrName));

-            }

-            DatabaseMapping mapping = desc.getMappingForAttributeName(attrName);

-            value = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(value);


-            if (value instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-                value = ((IndirectContainer) value).getValueHolder();

-            }

-            if (value instanceof ValueHolderInterface) {

-                ValueHolderInterface vhi = (ValueHolderInterface) value;

-                assertTrue("ValueHolder for: '" + attrName + "' not instantiated", vhi.isInstantiated());

-                value = vhi.getValue();

-            }

-            String[] tail = new String[attribute.length - 1];

-            System.arraycopy(attribute, 1, tail, 0, attribute.length - 1);

-            if (value instanceof Collection<?>) {

-                for (Object obj : ((Collection<?>) value)) {

-                    assertFetchedAttribute(emf, value, tail);

-                }

-            } else {

-                assertFetchedAttribute(emf, value, tail);

-            }

-        } else {

-            // This is where the actual end attribute in the path is validated.

-            if (desc.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-                assertTrue(desc.getFetchGroupManager().isAttributeFetched(session, value, attribute[0]));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the attribute path is loaded.

-     */

-    public static void assertNotFetchedAttribute(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity, String... attribute) {

-        assertNotNull("EntityManagerFactory is null", emf);

-        assertNotNull("Entity is null", entity);

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        assertNotNull("No Server session found for: " + emf, session);

-        ClassDescriptor desc = session.getClassDescriptor(entity);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for: " + entity, desc);


-        Object value = entity;

-        for (int index = 0; index < attribute.length - 1; index++) {

-            String attrName = attribute[index];


-            if (desc.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-                assertTrue("Attribute: '" + attrName + "' not fetched on: " + value, desc.getFetchGroupManager().isAttributeFetched(session, value, attrName));

-            }

-            DatabaseMapping mapping = desc.getMappingForAttributeName(attrName);

-            value = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(value);


-            if (value instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-                value = ((IndirectContainer) value).getValueHolder();

-            }

-            if (value instanceof ValueHolderInterface) {

-                ValueHolderInterface vhi = (ValueHolderInterface) value;

-                assertTrue("ValueHolder for: '" + attrName + "' not instantiated", vhi.isInstantiated());

-                value = vhi.getValue();

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Assert that the entity provided has the attributes defined in the

-     * FetchGroup loaded.

-     * 

-     * @param emf

-     * @param entity

-     * @param fetchGroup

-     */

-    public static void assertFetched(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity, FetchGroup fetchGroup) {

-        assertNotNull("Null entity", entity);

-        assertNotNull("No FetchGroup provided", fetchGroup);

-        if (!(entity instanceof FetchGroupTracker)) {

-            System.out.println();

-        }

-        assertTrue("Entity does not implement FetchGroupTracker: " + entity, entity instanceof FetchGroupTracker);


-        FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) entity;

-        assertNotNull("FetchGroup on entity is null", tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-        // assertEquals("FetchGroup on entity does not equal provided",

-        // fetchGroup, tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf);

-        assertNotNull(session);

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(entity);

-        assertNotNull(descriptor);

-        assertTrue("", descriptor.getJavaClass().isAssignableFrom(entity.getClass()));


-        for (DatabaseMapping mapping : descriptor.getMappings()) {

-            if (descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getPrimaryKeyMappings().contains(mapping)) {

-                assertTrue("PrimaryKey mapping not fetched: " + entity, tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched(mapping.getAttributeName()));

-            } else if (descriptor.usesOptimisticLocking() && descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy() instanceof VersionLockingPolicy && ((VersionLockingPolicy) descriptor.getOptimisticLockingPolicy()).getVersionMapping() == mapping) {

-                assertTrue("Optimistic version mapping not fetched: " + entity, tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched(mapping.getAttributeName()));

-            } else if (tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup().containsAttribute(mapping.getAttributeName())) {

-                assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched(mapping.getAttributeName()));

-                FetchItem attrFI = tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup().getFetchItem(mapping.getAttributeName());

-                if (attrFI.getFetchGroup() != null) {

-                    Object value = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-                    if (value instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-                        assertTrue(((IndirectContainer) value).isInstantiated());

-                        Collection<?> values = (Collection<?>) value;

-                        for (Object val : values) {

-                            assertFetched(emf, val, attrFI.getFetchGroup());

-                        }

-                        return;

-                    }

-                    if (value instanceof ValueHolderInterface) {

-                        assertTrue(((ValueHolderInterface) value).isInstantiated());

-                        value = ((ValueHolderInterface) value).getValue();

-                    }

-                    if (value != null) {

-                        assertFetched(emf, value, attrFI.getFetchGroup());

-                    }

-                }

-            } else { // Should not be fetched

-                assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched(mapping.getAttributeName()));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public static void assertDefaultFetched(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity) {

-        assertNotNull("Null entity", entity);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getClassDescriptor(entity);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for: " + entity, descriptor);


-        assertTrue("No FetchGroupManager on: " + descriptor, descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager());


-        FetchGroup<?> defaultFG = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup();


-        assertNotNull("No default FetchGroup on: " + descriptor, defaultFG);


-        assertFetched(emf, entity, defaultFG);

-    }


-    public static void assertFetched(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity, String fetchGroupName) {

-        assertNotNull("Null entity", entity);


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getClassDescriptor(entity);

-        assertNotNull("No descriptor found for: " + entity, descriptor);


-        assertTrue("No FetchGroupManager on: " + descriptor, descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager());


-        FetchGroup<?> fg = descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroup(fetchGroupName);


-        assertNotNull("No FetchGroup named: " + fetchGroupName, fg);


-        assertFetched(emf, entity, fg);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that the provided entity does not have a FetchGroup configured on

-     * it.

-     */

-    public static void assertNoFetchGroup(EntityManagerFactory emf, Object entity) {

-        if (entity instanceof FetchGroupTracker) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) entity;


-            assertNull("Entity: " + entity + " has: " + tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup(), tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-        }

-    }


-    public static void assertConfig(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityName, FetchGroup defaultFetchGroup) throws Exception {

-        assertConfig(emf, entityName, defaultFetchGroup, 0);

-    }


-    public static void assertConfig(EntityManagerFactory emf, String entityName, FetchGroup defaultFetchGroup, int numNamedFetchGroups) throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(emf).getClassDescriptorForAlias(entityName);

-        assertNotNull("Not descriptor found for: " + entityName, descriptor);


-        assertTrue("FetchGroupTracker not implemented by: " + entityName, FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(descriptor.getJavaClass()));


-        if (defaultFetchGroup == null) {

-            assertNull("Default FetchGroup not null: " + entityName, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        } else {

-            assertEquals("Default FetchGroup does not match", defaultFetchGroup, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        }


-        assertEquals("Incorrect number of Named FetchGroups: " + entityName, numNamedFetchGroups, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().size());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 777426d..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 244124: Nested FetchGroup Enhancement

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;

-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.weaving.ClassWeaver;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Test to verify changes made to {@link FetchGroupTracker} and

- * {@link ClassWeaver} are working as expected.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.1

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchGroupTrackerWeavingTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    String checkAttribute = null;

-    String checkForSetAttribute = null;


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCheckFetchedForSetWithFetchGroup() {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        TestFetchGroup fg = new TestFetchGroup();

-        fg.setOnEntity((FetchGroupTracker) emp);


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);


-        emp.setFirstName("John");


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNotNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);

-        assertEquals("firstName", this.checkForSetAttribute);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCheckFetchedWithFetchGroup() {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        TestFetchGroup fg = new TestFetchGroup();

-        fg.setOnEntity((FetchGroupTracker) emp);


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);


-        emp.getFirstName();


-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);

-        assertNotNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertEquals("firstName", this.checkAttribute);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCheckFetchedForSetWithFetchGroup_OneToOne() {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        TestFetchGroup fg = new TestFetchGroup();

-        fg.setOnEntity((FetchGroupTracker) emp);


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);


-        emp.setAddress(new Address());


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNotNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);

-        assertEquals("address", this.checkForSetAttribute);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCheckFetchedWithFetchGroup_OneToOne() {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        TestFetchGroup fg = new TestFetchGroup();

-        fg.setOnEntity((FetchGroupTracker) emp);


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);


-        Address addr = emp.getAddress();


-        assertNull(addr);

-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);

-        assertNotNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertEquals("address", this.checkAttribute);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCheckFetchedForSetWithFetchGroup_OneToMany() {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        TestFetchGroup fg = new TestFetchGroup();

-        fg.setOnEntity((FetchGroupTracker) emp);


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);


-        emp.setPhoneNumbers(new ArrayList<PhoneNumber>());


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNotNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);

-        assertEquals("phoneNumbers", this.checkForSetAttribute);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyCheckFetchedWithFetchGroup_OneToMany() {

-        Employee emp = new Employee();

-        TestFetchGroup fg = new TestFetchGroup();

-        fg.setOnEntity((FetchGroupTracker) emp);


-        assertNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);


-        List<PhoneNumber> phones = emp.getPhoneNumbers();


-        assertNotNull(phones);

-        assertTrue(phones instanceof ArrayList);

-        assertTrue(phones.isEmpty());


-        assertNull(this.checkForSetAttribute);

-        assertNotNull(this.checkAttribute);

-        assertEquals("phoneNumbers", this.checkAttribute);

-    }


-    class TestFetchGroup extends FetchGroup<Employee> {


-        @Override

-        public void checkFetched(FetchGroupTracker entity, String attributeName) {

-            checkAttribute = attributeName;

-        }


-        @Override

-        public void checkFetchedForSet(FetchGroupTracker entity, String attributeName) {

-            checkForSetAttribute = attributeName;

-        }


-        // Bypass EntityFetchGroup wrapping done in FetchGroup

-        @Override

-        public void setOnEntity(FetchGroupTracker entity) {

-            entity._persistence_setFetchGroup(this);

-        }


-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index c21915a..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: NestedFetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.isValid;

-import static org.junit.Assert.*;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



- * Simple tests to verify the functionality of single level FetchGroup usage

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class FetchGroupValidateTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void testVerify_EmptyFetchGroup() {

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>();


-        assertTrue(isValid(fg, getEMF(), Employee.class));

-        assertTrue(isValid(fg, getEMF(), Address.class));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void testInvalidBasic() {

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>();

-        fg.addAttribute("invalid");


-        assertFalse(isValid(fg, getEMF(), Employee.class));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void testInvalidRelationship() {

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>();

-        fg.addAttribute("invalid", new FetchGroup<Address>());


-        assertFalse(isValid(fg, getEMF(), Employee.class));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void testInvalidNestedRelationship() {

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>();

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.invalid", new FetchGroup<Address>());


-        assertFalse(isValid(fg, getEMF(), Employee.class));

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 763f519..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package test;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;

-import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;


-import model.Employee;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseRecord;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;



-public class JoinFetchTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void employeeFetchJoinAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        TypedQuery<Employee> q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address", Employee.class);


-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>();

-        fg.addAttribute("id");

-        fg.addAttribute("version");


-        q.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        ReadAllQuery raq = JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(q);

-        raq.prepareCall(JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()), new DatabaseRecord());


-        List<Employee> emps = q.getResultList();

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 06fcd1e..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: NestedFetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.*;


-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.Queries;



- * Test named nested FetchGroup usage.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.1

- */

-public class NestedDefaultFetchGroupTests extends BaseFetchGroupTests {


-    @Test

-    public void findMinEmployee() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        int minId = Queries.minEmployeeIdWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, minId);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getAddress();

-        emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, defaultEmployeeFG);

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");


-        // Check Address

-        FetchGroup<Address> nestedAddressFG = defaultEmployeeFG.getFetchItem("address").getFetchGroup();

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp.getAddress(), nestedAddressFG);


-        // Check phones

-        FetchGroup<PhoneNumber> nestedPhoneFG = defaultEmployeeFG.getFetchItem("phoneNumbers").getFetchGroup();

-        for (PhoneNumber phone: emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertFetched(getEMF(), phone, nestedPhoneFG);

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();



-        List<Address> allAddresses = em.createQuery("SELECT a FROM Address a", Address.class).getResultList();


-        for (Address address: allAddresses) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), address);

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allPhone() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();



-        List<PhoneNumber> allPhones = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM PhoneNumber p", PhoneNumber.class).getResultList();


-        for (PhoneNumber phone: allPhones) {

-            assertFetched(getEMF(), phone, defaultPhoneFG);

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultMinEmployeeFetchJoinAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        TypedQuery<Employee> query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM PhoneNumber p)", Employee.class);

-        Employee emp = query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Override

-    public EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-        EntityManager em = super.getEntityManager();


-        assertNotNull("Default Employee FetchGroup not available in test case", defaultEmployeeFG);

-        assertNotNull("Default PhoneNumber FetchGroup not available in test case", defaultPhoneFG);


-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Employee", defaultEmployeeFG, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Address", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "PhoneNumber", defaultPhoneFG, 0);



-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        return em;

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected Map getEMFProperties() {

-        Map properties = super.getEMFProperties();

-        properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_ + "Employee", EmployeeCustomizer.class.getName());

-        properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_ + "PhoneNumber", PhoneCustomizer.class.getName());

-        return properties;

-    }


-    public static FetchGroup<Employee> defaultEmployeeFG;


-    public static class EmployeeCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {


-        public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {

-            defaultEmployeeFG = new FetchGroup<Employee>("Employee.default");

-            defaultEmployeeFG.addAttribute("firstName");

-            defaultEmployeeFG.addAttribute("lastName");

-            defaultEmployeeFG.addAttribute("");

-            defaultEmployeeFG.addAttribute("phoneNumbers.areaCode");


-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(defaultEmployeeFG);

-        }


-    }


-    private static FetchGroup<PhoneNumber> defaultPhoneFG;


-    public static class PhoneCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {


-        public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {

-            defaultPhoneFG = new FetchGroup<PhoneNumber>("PhoneNumber.default");

-            defaultPhoneFG.addAttribute("number");

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(defaultPhoneFG);

-        }


-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb0e5d4..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,392 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: FetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetched;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;



-public class NestedFetchGroupTests extends BaseFetchGroupTests {


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_EmployeeAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("id");

-        fg.addAttribute("version");

-        fg.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fg.addAttribute("");

-        fg.addAttribute("address.postalCode");


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("address"));

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("city"));

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("postalCode"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("street"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("address"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNotNull("Address does not have a FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("city"));

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("postalCode"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("street"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("country"));


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNotNull("PhoneNumber does not have a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_Employee_NullAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup empGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        empGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("address");


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Address

-        FetchGroup addressGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("city");

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("postalCode");


-        empGroup.addAttribute("address", null);


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, empGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNull("Address has an unexpected FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNotNull("PhoneNumber does not have a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_EmployeeAddressNullPhone() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup empGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        empGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("address");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("address.postalCode");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("phoneNumbers").setUseDefaultFetchGroup(false);


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, empGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNotNull("Address does not have a FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("city"));

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("postalCode"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("street"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("country"));


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNull("PhoneNumber has a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_EmployeeAddressEmptyPhone() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fg.addAttribute("");

-        fg.addAttribute("address.postalCode");

-        fg.addAttribute("phoneNumbers", new FetchGroup());


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1 + (emps.size() * 2), getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNotNull("Address does not have a FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("city"));

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("postalCode"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("street"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("country"));


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNotNull("PhoneNumber does not have a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));


-                phone.getNumber();


-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicHierarchicalFetchGroup() throws Exception {


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.lastName LIKE :LNAME AND e.manager.lastName <> e.lastName");

-        query.setParameter("LNAME", "%");


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>();

-        fg.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.salary");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.manager.gender");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-                assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, fg);

-        }

-        assertEquals(numSelect, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicHierarchicalFetchGroup_JOIN_FETCH() throws Exception {


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.manager WHERE e.lastName LIKE :LNAME AND e.manager.lastName <> e.lastName");

-        query.setParameter("LNAME", "%");


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>();

-        fg.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.salary");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.manager.gender");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-                assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, fg);

-        }

-        assertEquals(numSelect, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Before

-    public void initialize() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        assertTrue("Employee not FetchGroup enabled", FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(Employee.class));

-        assertTrue("Address not FetchGroup enabled", FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(Address.class));

-        assertTrue("PhoneNumber not FetchGroup enabled", FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(PhoneNumber.class));


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(Employee.class);

-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(null);

-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().clear();


-        assertNull(descriptor.getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().isEmpty());


-        descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(PhoneNumber.class);

-        FetchGroup phoneFG = new FetchGroup();

-        phoneFG.addAttribute("number");

-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(phoneFG);

-        descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().getReadObjectQuery().setFetchGroup(phoneFG);


-        // We'll put a default FetchGroup on Phone

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getDescriptorQueryManager().getReadObjectQuery().getFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().isEmpty());


-        descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(Address.class);

-        assertNull(descriptor.getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().isEmpty());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 246f6bd..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,383 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: FetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetched;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNotFetchedAttribute;


-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.FetchGroupManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup.FetchItem;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;


-public class NestedNamedFetchGroupTests extends BaseFetchGroupTests {


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_EmployeeAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fg.addAttribute("address");

-        fg.addAttribute("");

-        fg.addAttribute("address.postalCode");


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNotNull("Address does not have a FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("city"));

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("postalCode"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("street"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("country"));


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNotNull("PhoneNumber does not have a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_Employee_NullAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup empGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        empGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("address");


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Address

-        FetchGroup addressGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("city");

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("postalCode");


-        empGroup.addAttribute("address", null);


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, empGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNull("Address has an unexpected FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNotNull("PhoneNumber does not have a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_EmployeeAddressNullPhone() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup empGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        empGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("address");


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Address

-        FetchGroup addressGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("city");

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("postalCode");


-        empGroup.addAttribute("address", addressGroup);

-        empGroup.addAttribute("phoneNumbers").setUseDefaultFetchGroup(false);


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, empGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNotNull("Address does not have a FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("city"));

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("postalCode"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("street"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("country"));


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNull("PhoneNumber has a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicFetchGroup_EmployeeAddressEmptyPhone() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup empGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        empGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        empGroup.addAttribute("address");


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Address

-        FetchGroup addressGroup = new FetchGroup();

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("city");

-        addressGroup.addAttribute("postalCode");


-        empGroup.addAttribute("address", addressGroup);

-        empGroup.addAttribute("phoneNumbers", new FetchGroup());


-        // Configure the dynamic FetchGroup

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, empGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;


-            assertNotNull(tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());


-            // Verify specified fields plus mandatory ones are loaded

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));


-            // Verify the other fields are not loaded

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Force the loading of lazy fields and verify

-            emp.getSalary();


-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("startTime"));

-            assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("endTime"));


-            // Now we'll check the address uses the provided dynamic fetch-group

-            FetchGroupTracker addrTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp.getAddress();

-            assertNotNull("Address does not have a FetchGroup", addrTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("city"));

-            assertTrue(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("postalCode"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("street"));

-            assertFalse(addrTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("country"));


-            // Now we'll check the phoneNumbers use of the default fetch group

-            for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-                FetchGroupTracker phoneTracker = (FetchGroupTracker) phone;

-                assertNotNull("PhoneNumber does not have a FetchGroup", phoneTracker._persistence_getFetchGroup());

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertFalse(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));


-                phone.getNumber();


-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("number"));

-                assertTrue(phoneTracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("areaCode"));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void dynamicHierarchicalFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE e.gender = :GENDER");

-        query.setParameter("GENDER", Gender.Male);


-        // Define the fields to be fetched on Employee

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("lastName");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.firstName");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.salary");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager.manager.gender");


-        FetchItem mgrItem = fg.getFetchItem("manager");

-        assertNotNull(mgrItem);

-        assertNotNull(mgrItem.getFetchGroup());

-        FetchItem mgrMgrItem = fg.getFetchItem("manager.manager");

-        assertNotNull(mgrMgrItem);

-        assertNotNull(mgrMgrItem.getFetchGroup());


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        List<Employee> loadedEmps = new ArrayList<Employee>();

-        loadedEmps.addAll(emps);


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            if (!loadedEmps.contains(emp)) {

-                assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, fg);

-            }


-            assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startDate");

-            loadedEmps.add(emp);

-        }

-        // TODO assertEquals(1 + loadedEmps.size() - emps.size(), numSelect);

-    }


-    @Before

-    public void initialize() {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        assertTrue("Employee not FetchGroup enabled", FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(Employee.class));

-        assertTrue("Address not FetchGroup enabled", FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(Address.class));

-        assertTrue("PhoneNumber not FetchGroup enabled", FetchGroupTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(PhoneNumber.class));


-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(Employee.class);

-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(null);

-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().clear();


-        assertNull(descriptor.getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().isEmpty());


-        // We'll put a default FetchGroup on Phone

-        FetchGroup phoneFG = new FetchGroup();

-        phoneFG.addAttribute("number");

-        ClassDescriptor phoneDescriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(PhoneNumber.class);

-        phoneDescriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(phoneFG);


-        descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(PhoneNumber.class);

-        assertNotNull(descriptor.getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().isEmpty());


-        descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(Address.class);

-        assertNull(descriptor.getDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().isEmpty());

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46740d4..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: NestedFetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertDefaultFetched;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetched;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetchedAttribute;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNoFetchGroup;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNotFetchedAttribute;


-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.FetchGroupManager;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.EntityFetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.Queries;



- * Simple tests to verify the functionality of single level FetchGroup usage

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.1

- */

-public class SimpleDefaultFetchGroupTests extends BaseFetchGroupTests {


-    @Test

-    public void findDefaultFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Employee emp = Queries.minimumEmployee(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp);


-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultDefaultFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(6, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void resultListDefaultFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(6, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void resultListWithJoinFetchAddress() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultNoFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        assertNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertNotNull(getDescriptor("Employee").getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroup(null, true));


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, null);

-        assertNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void resultListNoFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, null);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void emptyFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup("empty@" + System.currentTimeMillis());

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        assertEquals(emptyFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);

-            phone.getAreaCode();

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup managerFG = new FetchGroup();

-        managerFG.addAttribute("manager");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, managerFG);

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.LEFT_FETCH, "e.manager");


-        assertEquals(managerFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getManager();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);


-        emp.getLastName();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);


-            phone.getAreaCode();


-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeNamesFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", minId);


-        FetchGroup namesFG = new FetchGroup();

-        namesFG.addAttribute("firstName");

-        namesFG.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, namesFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(namesFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, namesFG);


-        emp.getId();

-        emp.getFirstName();

-        emp.getLastName();

-        emp.getVersion();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, namesFG);


-        emp.getGender();

-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), phone);


-            phone.getAreaCode();


-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getManager();


-        assertEquals(6, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertDefaultFetched(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void namedEmptyFetchGroupUsingGetSingleResult() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(Employee.class);


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("test");

-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().addFetchGroup(fetchGroup);

-        assertTrue(fetchGroup.getFetchItems().isEmpty());

-        assertEquals(1, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().size());


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP_NAME, "test");


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, "test");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void namedNamesFetchGroupUsingGetSingleResult() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("Employee");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");


-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().addFetchGroup(fetchGroup);

-        assertEquals(2, fetchGroup.getFetchItems().size());


-        assertEquals(1, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().size());


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP_NAME, "names");


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;

-        assertNotNull(tracker);


-        FetchGroup usedFG = tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup();


-        assertNotNull("No FetchGroup found on read Employee", fetchGroup);

-        assertEquals(fetchGroup.getName(), usedFG.getName());

-        assertSame(fetchGroup, ((EntityFetchGroup<?>)usedFG).getParent());

-        assertEquals(4, fetchGroup.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));

-        assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressPhoneWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT FROM PhoneNumber p)");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, fetchGroup);

-        }

-    }


-    private FetchGroup<Employee> defaultEmpFG = null;

-    FetchGroup<PhoneNumber> defaultPhoneFG = null;


-    /**

-     * Verify the configuration made in the customizers and clear the cache. Any

-     * FetchGroups setup in test cases will be removed.

-     * 

-     * @see EmployeeCustomizer

-     * @see PhoneCustomizer

-     */

-    @Before

-    public void config() throws Exception {

-        getDescriptor("Employee").getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().clear();

-        getDescriptor("PhoneNumber").getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().clear();


-        defaultEmpFG = getDescriptor("Employee").getDefaultFetchGroup();

-        defaultPhoneFG = getDescriptor("PhoneNumber").getDefaultFetchGroup();


-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Employee", defaultEmpFG, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Address", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "PhoneNumber", defaultPhoneFG, 0);


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected Map getEMFProperties() {

-        Map properties = super.getEMFProperties();

-        properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_ + "Employee", EmployeeCustomizer.class.getName());

-        properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_ + "PhoneNumber", PhoneCustomizer.class.getName());

-        return properties;

-    }


-    public static class EmployeeCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {


-        public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {

-            FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup("Employee-default");

-            fg.addAttribute("firstName");

-            fg.addAttribute("lastName");

-            if (!descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-                descriptor.setFetchGroupManager(new FetchGroupManager());

-            }

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(fg);

-        }


-    }


-    public static class PhoneCustomizer implements DescriptorCustomizer {


-        public void customize(ClassDescriptor descriptor) throws Exception {

-            FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup("Phone-default");

-            fg.addAttribute("number");

-            if (!descriptor.hasFetchGroupManager()) {

-                descriptor.setFetchGroupManager(new FetchGroupManager());

-            }

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(fg);

-        }


-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index bd1537b..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,683 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: NestedFetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetched;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetchedAttribute;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNoFetchGroup;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNotFetchedAttribute;


-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;

-import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.Queries;



- * Simple tests to verify the functionality of single level FetchGroup usage

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class SimpleFetchGroupTests extends BaseFetchGroupTests {


-    @Test

-    public void findNoFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, minId);


-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultNoFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    public void resultListNoFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findEmptyFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup();

-        properties.put(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, minId, properties);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        emp.getManager();


-        assertEquals(6, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());



-    @Test

-    public void findEmptyFetchGroup_setUnfetchedSalary() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup();

-        properties.put(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, minId, properties);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        emp.setSalary(1);


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultEmptyFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup();

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void resultListEmptyFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup();

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void resultListPeriodFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("period");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, fg);


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup managerFG = new FetchGroup();

-        managerFG.addAttribute("manager");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, managerFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(managerFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getManager();

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        }


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getLastName();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-            phone.getAreaCode();

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerFetchGroupWithJoinFetch() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", minId);

-        FetchGroup managerFG = new FetchGroup();

-        managerFG.addAttribute("manager");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, managerFG);

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.LEFT_FETCH, "e.manager");


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(managerFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");


-        emp.getManager();

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getLastName();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-            phone.getAreaCode();

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeNamesFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", minId);

-        FetchGroup namesFG = new FetchGroup();

-        namesFG.addAttribute("firstName");

-        namesFG.addAttribute("lastName");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, namesFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(namesFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, namesFG);


-        emp.getId();

-        emp.getFirstName();

-        emp.getLastName();

-        emp.getVersion();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, namesFG);


-        emp.getGender();

-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-            phone.getAreaCode();

-        }

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getManager();


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressPhoneWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT FROM PhoneNumber p)");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyUnfetchedAttributes() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        TypedQuery<Employee> q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM PhoneNumber p)", Employee.class);

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>("Employee.empty");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);

-        Employee emp = q.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // This check using the mapping returns a default (empty) IndirectList

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) getDescriptor(emp).getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        IndirectList phones = (IndirectList) phoneMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp);

-        assertNotNull(phones);

-        assertTrue(phones.isInstantiated());

-        assertEquals(0, phones.size());

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        IndirectList phonesIL = (IndirectList) emp.getPhoneNumbers();

-        assertFalse(phonesIL.isInstantiated());

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertTrue(emp.getPhoneNumbers().size() > 0);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyFetchedRelationshipAttributes() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>("Employee.relationships");

-        fg.addAttribute("address");

-        fg.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager");

-        fg.addAttribute("projects");


-        Map<String, Object> hints = new HashMap<String, Object>();

-        hints.put(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        Employee emp = Queries.minimumEmployee(em, hints);


-        assertNotNull(emp);


-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify the state of all descriptors where no FetchGroup have been

-     * configured.

-     */

-    @Override

-    protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Employee", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Address", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "PhoneNumber", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Project", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "SmallProject", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "LargeProject", null, 0);


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-        return super.getEntityManager();

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f62ee3..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: FetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetched;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNoFetchGroup;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.EntityFetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.junit.After;

-import org.junit.Before;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.Queries;



- * Simple tests to verify the functionality of single level FetchGroup usage

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1

- */

-public class SimpleNamedFetchGroupTests extends BaseFetchGroupTests {


-    @Test

-    public void findDefaultFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Employee emp = Queries.minimumEmployee(em);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultDefaultFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void resultListDefaultFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultNoFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, null);


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void resultListNoFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, null);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup managerFG = new FetchGroup();

-        managerFG.addAttribute("manager");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, managerFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(managerFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);


-        emp.getManager();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);


-        emp.getLastName();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void namedEmptyFetchGroupUsingGetSingleResult() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getClassDescriptor(Employee.class);


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("test");

-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().addFetchGroup(fetchGroup);

-        assertTrue(fetchGroup.getFetchItems().isEmpty());


-        assertEquals(2, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().size());


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP_NAME, "test");


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;

-        assertNotNull(tracker);


-        FetchGroup usedFG = tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup();


-        assertNotNull("No FetchGroup found on read Employee", usedFG);

-        assertEquals(fetchGroup.getName(), usedFG.getName());

-        assertSame(fetchGroup, ((EntityFetchGroup<?>) usedFG).getParent());

-        assertEquals(2, fetchGroup.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));

-        assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-        assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-        assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void namedNamesFetchGroupUsingGetSingleResult() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("Employee");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");


-        descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().addFetchGroup(fetchGroup);

-        assertEquals(2, fetchGroup.getFetchItems().size());


-        assertEquals(2, descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().size());


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP_NAME, "names");


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();

-        assertNotNull(emp);


-        FetchGroupTracker tracker = (FetchGroupTracker) emp;

-        assertNotNull(tracker);


-        FetchGroup usedFG = tracker._persistence_getFetchGroup();


-        assertNotNull("No FetcGroup found on read Employee", fetchGroup);

-        assertSame(fetchGroup, ((EntityFetchGroup<?>) usedFG).getParent());

-        assertEquals(4, fetchGroup.getFetchItems().size());

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("id"));

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("version"));

-        assertFalse(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("salary"));

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("firstName"));

-        assertTrue(tracker._persistence_isAttributeFetched("lastName"));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressPhoneWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT FROM PhoneNumber p)");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    @Before

-    public void config() throws Exception {

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Employee", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Address", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "PhoneNumber", null, 0);


-        FetchGroup<Employee> namedEmpFG = new FetchGroup<Employee>("Employee.test");

-        namedEmpFG.addAttribute("firstName");

-        namedEmpFG.addAttribute("lastName");

-        getDescriptor("Employee").getFetchGroupManager().addFetchGroup(namedEmpFG);


-        FetchGroup<PhoneNumber> namedPhoneFG = new FetchGroup<PhoneNumber>("Phone.test");

-        namedPhoneFG.addAttribute("number");

-        getDescriptor("PhoneNumber").getFetchGroupManager().addFetchGroup(namedPhoneFG);


-        FetchGroup<Address> namedAddressFG = new FetchGroup<Address>("Address.test");

-        namedAddressFG.addAttribute("city");

-        getDescriptor("Address").getFetchGroupManager().addFetchGroup(namedAddressFG);


-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Employee", null, 1);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Address", null, 1);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "PhoneNumber", null, 1);


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-    }


-    @After

-    public void resetFetchGroups() throws Exception {

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = getDescriptor("Employee");

-        if (descriptor.getFetchGroupManager() != null) {

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(null);

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().clear();

-        }


-        descriptor = getDescriptor("Address");

-        if (descriptor.getFetchGroupManager() != null) {

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(null);

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().clear();

-        }

-        descriptor = getDescriptor("PhoneNumber");

-        if (descriptor.getFetchGroupManager() != null) {

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().setDefaultFetchGroup(null);

-            descriptor.getFetchGroupManager().getFetchGroups().clear();

-        }

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index b7ac1a4..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.nested-fetchgroup/test-src/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 273057: NestedFetchGroup Example

- ******************************************************************************/

-package test;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertSame;

-import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetched;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertFetchedAttribute;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNoFetchGroup;

-import static test.FetchGroupAssert.assertNotFetchedAttribute;




-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.Query;

-import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.SerializationHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.DetachedFetchItem;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.OneToManyMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.EntityFetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup.FetchItem;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.Queries;



- * Simple tests to verify the functionality of {@link FetchGroup} when the

- * entities are detached through serialization.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 2.1

- */

-public class SimpleSerializeFetchGroupTests extends BaseFetchGroupTests {


-    @Test

-    public void verifyWriteReplaceOnFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        FetchGroup<?> fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("basic");

-        fg.addAttribute("a.b");


-        assertTrue(fg.getClass() == FetchGroup.class);


-        FetchGroup<?> serFG = serialize(fg);


-        assertNotNull(serFG);

-        assertTrue(serFG.getClass() == EntityFetchGroup.class);

-        assertTrue(serFG.hasFetchItems());


-        FetchItem basicFI = serFG.getFetchItem("basic");


-        assertNotNull(basicFI);

-        assertTrue(basicFI instanceof DetachedFetchItem);


-        FetchItem aFI = serFG.getFetchItem("a");


-        assertNotNull(aFI);

-        assertTrue(aFI instanceof DetachedFetchItem);

-        assertNotNull(aFI.getFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(aFI.getFetchGroup() instanceof EntityFetchGroup<?>);

-        EntityFetchGroup<?> aEFG = (EntityFetchGroup<?>) aFI.getFetchGroup();

-        assertNull(aEFG.getParent());

-        assertTrue(aEFG.hasFetchItems());


-        FetchItem bFI = aEFG.getFetchItem("b");


-        assertNotNull(bFI);

-        assertTrue(bFI instanceof DetachedFetchItem);

-        assertNull(bFI.getFetchGroup());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findMinimalFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();


-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("id");

-        fg.addAttribute("version");


-        properties.put(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, minId, properties);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, fg);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "period");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        assertTrue(getFetchGroup(emp).getClass() == EntityFetchGroup.class);

-        Employee serEmp = serialize(emp);


-        assertNotNull(serEmp);

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "endTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "period");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "projects");


-        assertTrue(getFetchGroup(serEmp) instanceof EntityFetchGroup<?>);


-        serEmp.setFirstName("Doug");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), serEmp, "firstName");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void findEmptyFetchGroup_setUnfetchedSalary() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);


-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup();

-        properties.put(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        Employee emp = em.find(Employee.class, minId, properties);


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        emp.setSalary(1);


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify that attributes added to detached EntityFetchGroup are added using

-     * DetachedFetchItem

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void verifyAddAttributeInDetachedEntityFetchGroup() {

-        EntityFetchGroup<Employee> detFG = new EntityFetchGroup<Employee>(null);


-        detFG.addAttribute("basic");

-        detFG.addAttribute("a.b");


-        assertNull(detFG.getParent());

-        assertEquals(2, detFG.getFetchItems().size());


-        FetchItem basicItem = detFG.getFetchItem("basic");

-        assertNotNull(basicItem);

-        assertEquals("basic", basicItem.getAttributeName());

-        assertTrue(basicItem instanceof DetachedFetchItem);

-        assertNull(basicItem.getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(detFG, basicItem.getParentFetchGroup());

-        assertFalse(basicItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());


-        FetchItem aItem = detFG.getFetchItem("a");

-        assertNotNull(aItem);

-        assertEquals("a", aItem.getAttributeName());

-        assertTrue(aItem instanceof DetachedFetchItem);

-        assertNotNull(aItem.getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(detFG, aItem.getParentFetchGroup());

-        assertFalse(aItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-        assertTrue(aItem.getFetchGroup() instanceof EntityFetchGroup<?>);


-        EntityFetchGroup<?> aFG = (EntityFetchGroup<?>) aItem.getFetchGroup();


-        assertEquals(1, aFG.getFetchItems().size());


-        FetchItem bItem = aFG.getFetchItem("b");

-        assertNotNull(bItem);

-        assertEquals("b", bItem.getAttributeName());

-        assertTrue(bItem instanceof DetachedFetchItem);

-        assertNull(bItem.getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(aFG, bItem.getParentFetchGroup());

-        assertFalse(bItem.useDefaultFetchGroup());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void singleResultEmptyFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup();

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        emp.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        emp.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void resultListEmptyFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup emptyFG = new FetchGroup();

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, emptyFG);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, emptyFG);


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    @Test

-    public void resultListPeriodFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup fg = new FetchGroup();

-        fg.addAttribute("period");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertEquals(1, emps.size());


-        Employee emp = emps.get(0);


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, fg);


-        // Check Basics

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "id");

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "version");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "firstName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "lastName");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "gender");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "startTime");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "endTime");

-        if (emp.getPeriod() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "startDate");

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp.getPeriod(), "endDate");

-        }


-        // Check Relationships

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "address");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "phoneNumbers");

-        assertNotFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "projects");


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "salary");

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getAddress());


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-        }

-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em));

-        FetchGroup managerFG = new FetchGroup();

-        managerFG.addAttribute("manager");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, managerFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(managerFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getManager();

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        if (emp.getManager() != null) {

-            assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");

-        }


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getLastName();


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-            phone.getAreaCode();

-        }


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void managerFetchGroupWithJoinFetch() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", minId);

-        FetchGroup managerFG = new FetchGroup();

-        managerFG.addAttribute("manager");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, managerFG);

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.LEFT_FETCH, "e.manager");


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(managerFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, managerFG);

-        assertFetchedAttribute(getEMF(), emp, "manager");


-        emp.getManager();

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getLastName();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-            phone.getAreaCode();

-        }


-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void employeeNamesFetchGroup() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        int minId = Queries.minimumEmployeeId(em);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // Use q query since find will only use default fetch group

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = :ID");

-        query.setParameter("ID", minId);

-        FetchGroup namesFG = new FetchGroup();

-        namesFG.addAttribute("firstName");

-        namesFG.addAttribute("lastName");


-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, namesFG);


-        assertNotNull(JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());

-        assertSame(namesFG, JpaHelper.getReadAllQuery(query).getFetchGroup());


-        Employee emp = (Employee) query.getSingleResult();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, namesFG);


-        emp.getId();

-        emp.getFirstName();

-        emp.getLastName();

-        emp.getVersion();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertFetched(getEMF(), emp, namesFG);


-        emp.getGender();

-        emp.getSalary();


-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp);


-        for (PhoneNumber phone : emp.getPhoneNumbers()) {

-            assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), phone);

-            phone.getAreaCode();

-        }

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        emp.getManager();


-        assertEquals(5, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertNoFetchGroup(getEMF(), emp.getManager());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void joinFetchEmployeeAddressPhoneWithDynamicFetchGroup() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address WHERE IN (SELECT FROM PhoneNumber p)");


-        FetchGroup fetchGroup = new FetchGroup("names");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("firstName");

-        fetchGroup.addAttribute("lastName");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fetchGroup);


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyUnfetchedAttributes() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        TypedQuery<Employee> q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE IN (SELECT MIN( FROM PhoneNumber p)", Employee.class);

-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>("Employee.empty");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);

-        Employee emp = q.getSingleResult();


-        assertNotNull(emp);

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        // This check using the mapping returns a default (empty) IndirectList

-        OneToManyMapping phoneMapping = (OneToManyMapping) getDescriptor(emp).getMappingForAttributeName("phoneNumbers");

-        IndirectList phones = (IndirectList) phoneMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(emp);

-        assertNotNull(phones);

-        assertTrue(phones.isInstantiated());

-        assertEquals(0, phones.size());

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        IndirectList phonesIL = (IndirectList) emp.getPhoneNumbers();

-        assertFalse(phonesIL.isInstantiated());

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertTrue(emp.getPhoneNumbers().size() > 0);

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void verifyFetchedRelationshipAttributes() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        FetchGroup<Employee> fg = new FetchGroup<Employee>("Employee.relationships");

-        fg.addAttribute("address");

-        fg.addAttribute("phoneNumbers");

-        fg.addAttribute("manager");

-        fg.addAttribute("projects");


-        Map<String, Object> hints = new HashMap<String, Object>();

-        hints.put(QueryHints.FETCH_GROUP, fg);


-        Employee emp = Queries.minimumEmployee(em, hints);


-        assertNotNull(emp);


-    }


-    private <T> T serialize(Serializable entity) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

-        byte[] bytes = SerializationHelper.serialize(entity);

-        return (T) SerializationHelper.deserialize(bytes);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify the state of all descriptors where no FetchGroup have been

-     * configured.

-     */

-    @Override

-    protected EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Employee", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Address", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "PhoneNumber", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "Project", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "SmallProject", null, 0);

-        assertConfig(getEMF(), "LargeProject", null, 0);


-        JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();

-        return super.getEntityManager();

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/.classpath b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 7045ba6..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="test-src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.employee.xml"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/.project b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f9fdb9..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/example/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/example/
deleted file mode 100644
index baf42c3..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/example/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-package example;


-import java.sql.Time;

-import java.util.Calendar;

-import java.util.HashMap;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.SerializationHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerHandle;


-import junit.framework.Assert;


-import model.Address;

-import model.Employee;

-import model.Gender;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-public class SerializeEM_Example {


-    /**

-     * @param args

-     */

-    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

-        Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();

-        properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.SESSION_NAME, "employee");

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("employee", properties);

-        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();


-        Employee emp = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        emp.setSalary(emp.getSalary() + 1);

-        emp.setEndTime(new Time(System.currentTimeMillis()));

-        emp.getPeriod().setEndDate(Calendar.getInstance());

-        Employee newEmp = new Employee();

-        newEmp.setId(666666666);

-        newEmp.setFirstName("Doug");

-        newEmp.setLastName("Clarke");

-        newEmp.setGender(Gender.Male);


-        em.persist(newEmp);


-        Assert.assertNotNull(em.find(Employee.class, 666666666));


-        EntityManagerHandle emHandle = new EntityManagerHandle(em);


-        EntityManagerHandle emHandle2 = (EntityManagerHandle) SerializationHelper.deserialize(SerializationHelper.serialize(emHandle));


-        Assert.assertNotSame(emHandle, emHandle2);


-        EntityManager em2 = emHandle2.getEntityManager();


-        Employee emp2 = em2.find(Employee.class, emp.getId());


-        Assert.assertNotSame(emp, emp2);

-        Assert.assertNotNull(em2.find(Employee.class, 666666666));


-        em2.getTransaction().begin();


-        emp2.getAddress().setPostalCode(emp2.getAddress().getPostalCode().equals("AAA111") ? "111AAA" : "AAA111");

-        emp2.getPhoneNumbers().size();


-        // Employee newEmp2 = em2.find(Employee.class, 666666666);

-        // newEmp2.setSalary(123456);


-        em2.flush();

-        em2.getTransaction().rollback();


-        em.close();

-        em2.close();

-        emf.close();

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index ab4cd6a..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *      dclarke - Example utility to support serializing EntityManager for use in 

- *                HTTP session state replication

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa;




-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Map;

-import java.util.Set;

-import java.util.Vector;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.changetracking.AttributeChangeListener;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.identitymaps.CacheKey;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.BasicIndirectionPolicy;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.UnitOfWorkQueryValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.UnitOfWorkValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AggregateChangeRecord;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AggregateCollectionChangeRecord;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AggregateObjectChangeSet;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ChangeRecord;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.ForeignReferenceMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;



- * The EntityManagerHandle class provides a serializable wrapper for an

- * {@link EntityManager}. The intent is to allow an EntityManager to be

- * serialized between nodes and thus allow a persistence context to be continued

- * in a new application instance for fail-over situations.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2

- */

-public class EntityManagerHandle implements Serializable {


-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1l;


-    /**

-     * The wrapped EntityManager

-     */

-    private EntityManagerImpl entityManager;


-    /**

-     * This map is the state cached of a {@link RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork} when

-     * the handle is serialized. It is used to re-initialize a handle. This map

-     * is only not null when the handle is not initialzied.

-     */

-    private Map<Object, Object> uowCloneMapping;


-    /**

-     * Map of clones to {@link ObjectChangeSet} captured from ...

-     */

-    private Map<Object, ObjectChangeSet> changeSets;


-    private Map<Object, Object> newObjectsCloneToOriginal;


-    public EntityManagerHandle(EntityManager em) {

-        this.entityManager = (EntityManagerImpl) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em);

-    }


-    protected EntityManagerHandle(EntityManager em, Map<Object, Object> cloneMapping, Map<Object, ObjectChangeSet> changetSets, Map<Object, Object> newObjectsCloneToOriginal) {

-        this.entityManager = (EntityManagerImpl) JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em);


-        this.uowCloneMapping = cloneMapping;

-        this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal = newObjectsCloneToOriginal;


-        this.changeSets = changetSets;

-    }


-    protected EntityManagerImpl getEntityManagerImpl() {

-        return this.entityManager;

-    }


-    public boolean isInitialized() {

-        return this.uowCloneMapping == null;

-    }


-    public EntityManager getEntityManager() {

-        if (!isInitialized()) {

-            initialize();

-        }

-        return this.entityManager;

-    }


-    public Map<?, ?> getUowCloneMapping() {

-        return uowCloneMapping;

-    }


-    public Map<Object, ObjectChangeSet> getChangeSets() {

-        return this.changeSets;

-    }


-    /**

-     * The initialize operation will fix up the contained

-     * {@link RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork} to ensure it and all of its contained

-     * objects have their proper session state that is lost when serialized. It

-     * is done lazily to ensure it is only done in receivers that require it to

-     * continue functioning and not just storage in case of fail-over cases.

-     */

-    protected synchronized void initialize() {

-        RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork uow = (RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork) getEntityManagerImpl().getUnitOfWork();


-        if (getUowCloneMapping() != null) {

-            for (Object clone : getUowCloneMapping().keySet()) {

-                initialize(uow, clone, getUowCloneMapping().get(clone));

-            }


-            this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal = null;

-            this.uowCloneMapping = null;

-            this.changeSets = null;

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Initialize a clone added to this {@link RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork}. The

-     * clone was previously serialized and has thus lost any transient state.

-     * This method handles populating this state to work with the new

-     * {@link RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork}.

-     * 

-     * @param uow

-     * @param clone

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private void initialize(RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork uow, Object clone, Object backupClone) {

-        Server session = getEntityManagerImpl().getServerSession();

-        ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(clone);

-        // need to put clone in identityMap as well.

-        if (getChangeSets().containsKey(clone)) {

-            ObjectChangeSet ocs = getChangeSets().get(clone);

-            if (!ocs.isNew()) {

-                uow.getIdentityMapAccessor().putInIdentityMap(clone);

-                uow.getCloneMapping().put(clone, backupClone);

-            } else {

-                uow.registerNewObject(clone);

-            }

-        } else {

-            if (this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal.containsKey(clone)) {

-                uow.registerNewObject(clone);

-            } else {

-                // has no changes.

-                uow.getCloneMapping().put(clone, backupClone);

-                uow.getIdentityMapAccessor().putInIdentityMap(clone);

-            }

-        }


-        if (ChangeTracker.class.isAssignableFrom(clone.getClass())) {

-            initializeChangeTracker((ChangeTracker) clone, uow, descriptor);

-        }


-        for (DatabaseMapping mapping : descriptor.getMappings()) {

-            ValueHolderInterface vhi = getValueHolder(mapping, clone);


-            if (vhi != null && !vhi.isInstantiated()) {

-                UnitOfWorkValueHolder uowVH = (UnitOfWorkValueHolder) vhi;

-                uowVH.setSession(uow);

-                Object original = session.readObject(clone);


-                ValueHolderInterface wrappedHolder = getValueHolder(mapping, original);

-                uowVH = new UnitOfWorkQueryValueHolder(wrappedHolder, clone, (ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping, uowVH.getRow(), uow);

-                setValueHolder((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping, clone, uowVH);


-                uowVH = new UnitOfWorkQueryValueHolder(wrappedHolder, backupClone, (ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping, uowVH.getRow(), uow);

-                setValueHolder((ForeignReferenceMapping) mapping, backupClone, uowVH);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Setup a change tracker.

-     * 

-     * TODO: What about aggregates? TODO: Can existing infrastructure for

-     * building working copies with change listeners be used?

-     * 

-     * @param changeTracker

-     * @param uow

-     * @param descriptor

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private void initializeChangeTracker(ChangeTracker changeTracker, RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork uow, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        AttributeChangeListener listener = (AttributeChangeListener) changeTracker._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener();


-        if (uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet() == null) {

-            uow.setUnitOfWorkChangeSet(new UnitOfWorkChangeSet(uow));

-        }


-        if (listener != null) {

-            listener.setUnitOfWork(uow);

-        } else {

-            listener = new AttributeChangeListener(descriptor, uow, changeTracker);

-            changeTracker._persistence_setPropertyChangeListener(listener);

-        }


-        if (getChangeSets().containsKey(changeTracker)) {

-            ObjectChangeSet ocs = getChangeSets().get(changeTracker);

-            // must create and merge so that we can place the UOW clone in the

-            // changeSet for later commit.

-            ObjectChangeSet newOCS = new ObjectChangeSet(changeTracker, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet(), ocs.isNew());

-            newOCS.setCacheKey(ocs.getCacheKey());


-            ocs.getClassType(uow);

-            ocs.setUOWChangeSet((UnitOfWorkChangeSet) new UnitOfWorkChangeSet());

-            for (ChangeRecord entry : (Vector<ChangeRecord>) ocs.getChanges()) {

-                // reset transient mappings in ChangeRecords.

-                DatabaseMapping mapping = descriptor.getMappingForAttributeName(entry.getAttribute());

-                if (mapping.isAggregateObjectMapping()) {

-                    Object aggregate = mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(changeTracker, uow);

-                    AggregateObjectChangeSet aocs = new AggregateObjectChangeSet(new Vector(0), aggregate.getClass(), aggregate, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet(), true);

-                    ((UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).addObjectChangeSetForIdentity(aocs, aggregate);

-                    aocs.mergeObjectChanges((ObjectChangeSet) ((AggregateChangeRecord) entry).getChangedObject(), (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet(), (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) ocs.getUOWChangeSet());

-                    ((AggregateChangeRecord) entry).setChangedObject(aocs);

-                    for (ChangeRecord record : (Vector<ChangeRecord>) aocs.getChanges()) {

-                        record.setMapping(mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getMappingForAttributeName(record.getAttribute()));

-                    }


-                } else if (mapping.isAggregateCollectionMapping()) {

-                    Object attributeValue = mapping.getRealAttributeValueFromObject(changeTracker, uow);

-                    Vector<ObjectChangeSet> changes = (Vector<ObjectChangeSet>) ((AggregateCollectionChangeRecord) entry).getChangedValues();

-                    Object iterator = mapping.getContainerPolicy().iteratorFor(attributeValue);


-                    while (mapping.getContainerPolicy().hasNext(iterator)) {

-                        Object aggregate = mapping.getContainerPolicy().next(iterator, uow);

-                        CacheKey cacheKey = new CacheKey(mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(aggregate, uow));

-                        int index = changes.indexOf(cacheKey);

-                        if (index >= 0) {

-                            ObjectChangeSet aggChangeSet = changes.get(index);

-                            ObjectChangeSet newAggChangeSet = new ObjectChangeSet(aggregate, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet(), true);

-                            ((UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).addObjectChangeSetForIdentity(newAggChangeSet, aggregate);

-                            newAggChangeSet.mergeObjectChanges(aggChangeSet, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet(), (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) ocs.getUOWChangeSet());

-                            for (ChangeRecord record : (Vector<ChangeRecord>) newAggChangeSet.getChanges()) {

-                                record.setMapping(mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().getMappingForAttributeName(record.getAttribute()));

-                            }


-                        }

-                    }

-                }

-                entry.setMapping(mapping);

-            }


-            listener.setObjectChangeSet(newOCS);

-            ((UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).addObjectChangeSetForIdentity(newOCS, changeTracker);

-            newOCS.mergeObjectChanges(ocs, (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet(), (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) ocs.getUnitOfWorkClone());

-            if (newOCS.hasChanges()) {

-                // The listener's changes will not be recorded unless the

-                // listener has received a change notification

-                // this code skips the change calc step and forces the changes

-                // into the current UOW changeset

-                ((UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet()).addObjectChangeSet(newOCS, uow, newOCS.isNew());

-                uow.addToChangeTrackedHardList(changeTracker);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /*

-     * Helper method to retrieve the underlying ValueHolderInterface for a

-     * relationship. Handle IndirectContainer unwrapping.

-     */

-    private ValueHolderInterface getValueHolder(DatabaseMapping mapping, Object entity) {

-        Object value = null;


-        if (mapping.isForeignReferenceMapping() && mapping.isLazy()) {

-            value = mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);


-            if (value != null && IndirectContainer.class.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {

-                value = ((IndirectContainer) value).getValueHolder();

-            }

-        }

-        if (value != null && !(value instanceof ValueHolderInterface)) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        return (ValueHolderInterface) value;

-    }


-    /*

-     * Helper method to populate a new ValueHolderInterface into an object's

-     * mapped relationship.

-     */

-    private void setValueHolder(ForeignReferenceMapping mapping, Object entity, ValueHolderInterface valueHolder) {

-        if (mapping.getIndirectionPolicy() instanceof BasicIndirectionPolicy) {

-            mapping.setAttributeValueInObject(entity, valueHolder);

-        } else {

-            IndirectContainer container = (IndirectContainer) mapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);

-            container.setValueHolder(valueHolder);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Replace this object which holds an non-serializable EntityManager with a

-     * replacement that contains the essential state of the EntityManager for

-     * use in other nodes.

-     * 

-     * @return

-     * @throws ObjectStreamException

-     */

-    public Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException {

-        verifyIsSerializable();


-        return new SerializedEntityManager(getEntityManagerImpl());

-    }


-    /**

-     * Verify the EntityManager being wrapped is in a state that it can be

-     * serialized. For now we'll only allow EntityManagers not in active

-     * transactions.

-     */

-    /*

-     * TODO: Later this may be increased to include active JPA transactions

-     * where no physical database transaction has been started. In this case

-     * we'll also need to ensure that commit cycle of the UnitOfWork has not

-     * been started.

-     */

-    public void verifyIsSerializable() {

-        if (getEntityManagerImpl() == null) {

-            throw new IllegalStateException("EntityManagerHandle cannot be serialized as it does not have an EntityManager");

-        }


-        if (!getEntityManagerImpl().isOpen()) {

-            throw new IllegalStateException("EntityManagerHandle cannot be serialized as its EntityManager is closed");

-        }


-        if (getEntityManagerImpl().checkForTransaction(false) != null) {

-            throw new IllegalStateException("EntityManagerHandle cannot be serialized as its EntityManager is in an active RESOURCE_LOCAL transaction");

-        }

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa3312..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa;




-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;

-import javax.persistence.Persistence;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.ObjectChangeSet;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.UnitOfWorkChangeSet;



- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2 Example

- */

-public class SerializedEntityManager implements Serializable {


-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


-    private String sessionName;


-    private Map<?, ?> properties;


-    private Map<Object, Object> cloneMappings;


-    private Map<Object, Object> newObjectsCloneToOriginal;


-    private Map<Object, ObjectChangeSet> changeSets;


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    public SerializedEntityManager(EntityManagerImpl entityManager) {

-        this.sessionName = entityManager.getServerSession().getName();

- =;


-        if (entityManager.extendedPersistenceContext != null) {

-            RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork uow = (RepeatableWriteUnitOfWork) entityManager.getUnitOfWork();

-            this.cloneMappings = uow.getCloneMapping();

-            this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal = uow.getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal();


-            UnitOfWorkChangeSet uowcs = (UnitOfWorkChangeSet) uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet();

-            if (uowcs != null) {

-                this.changeSets = uowcs.getCloneToObjectChangeSet();

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public String getSessionName() {

-        return this.sessionName;

-    }


-    public Map<?, ?> getProperties() {

-        return properties;

-    }


-    public Map<Object, Object> getCloneMappings() {

-        return cloneMappings;

-    }


-    public Map<Object, ObjectChangeSet> getChangeSets() {

-        return this.changeSets;

-    }


-    public Map<Object, Object> getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal() {

-        return this.newObjectsCloneToOriginal;

-    }


-    public Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {

-        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(getSessionName());

-        EntityManagerImpl em = (EntityManagerImpl) emf.createEntityManager(;


-        return new EntityManagerHandle(em, getCloneMappings(), getChangeSets(), getNewObjectsCloneToOriginal());

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/test-src/testing/util/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/test-src/testing/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5af64eb..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.serializeem/test-src/testing/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-package testing.util;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerImpl;


-public class EntityManagerAssert {


-    public static void assertEclipseLink(EntityManager em) {


-    }


-    public static void assertEquals(EntityManager expected, EntityManager actual) {

-    }


-    public static void assertEquals(EntityManagerImpl expected, EntityManagerImpl actual) {

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/.classpath b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index a78d9d2..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry excluding="**/.svn/**" kind="src" path="test-src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.example.jpa.employee.xml"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/.project b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index db81b46..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/
deleted file mode 100644
index fcd4c35..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

- * which accompanies this distribution.

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288363: Extensions Incubator - RefreshInvalidGraphListener

- *     

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension;


-import java.util.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;




- * An example EclipseLink utility that can walk a graph of persistent entities

- * using the provided mappings to collect the objects in the related graph that

- * match the provided criteria.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2

- */

-public class EntityCollector {


-    private Set<Object> visitedEntities = new HashSet<Object>();


-    private Map<Class<?>, Collection<Object>> entities = new HashMap<Class<?>, Collection<Object>>();


-    private MappingCollector mappings;


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param session

-     * @param mappings

-     * @param criteria

-     * @param root

-     */

-    public EntityCollector(Session session, MappingCollector mappings, Criteria criteria, Object root) {

-        this.visitedEntities = new HashSet<Object>();

-        this.mappings = mappings;

-        this.entities = new HashMap<Class<?>, Collection<Object>>();


-        collect(session, criteria, root, null);

-    }


-    public Set<Object> getVisitedEntities() {

-        return visitedEntities;

-    }


-    public Map<Class<?>, Collection<Object>> getInvalidEntities() {

-        return entities;

-    }


-    public MappingCollector getMappings() {

-        return mappings;

-    }


-    private void collectEntity(Object entity) {

-        Collection<Object> entities = getInvalidEntities().get(entity.getClass());


-        if (entities == null) {

-            entities = new ArrayList<Object>();

-            getInvalidEntities().put(entity.getClass(), entities);

-        }

-        entities.add(entity);

-    }


-    private Collection<DatabaseMapping> getMappings(Session session, Object entity) {

-        if (entity == null) {

-            return null;

-        }

-        return getMappings().getMappings(session, entity.getClass());

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param session

-     * @param results

-     * @param mapping

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private void collect(Session session, Criteria criteria, Object results, DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-        if (results instanceof Collection<?>) {

-            for (Object entity : (Collection<Object>) results) {

-                collect(session, criteria, entity, mapping);

-            }

-            return;

-        }


-        if (results instanceof Map<?,?>) {

-            for (Object entity : ((Map<?,?>) results).values()) {

-                collect(session, criteria, entity, mapping);

-            }

-            return;

-        }


-        Object entity = results;


-        if (visitedEntities.contains(entity)) {

-            return;

-        }

-        visitedEntities.add(entity);


-        if (criteria.collect(session, mapping, entity)) {

-            collectEntity(entity);

-        }


-        // Walk the mapped relationships

-        Collection<DatabaseMapping> frms = getMappings(session, entity);

-        if (frms != null) {

-            for (DatabaseMapping relMapping : getMappings(session, entity)) {

-                Object relatedEntity = relMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(entity);


-                if (relatedEntity instanceof ValueHolderInterface) {

-                    ValueHolderInterface vh = (ValueHolderInterface) relatedEntity;

-                    if (vh.isInstantiated() && vh.getValue() != null) {

-                        collect(session, criteria, vh.getValue(), relMapping);

-                    }

-                } else if (relatedEntity instanceof IndirectContainer) {

-                    IndirectContainer ic = (IndirectContainer) relatedEntity;

-                    if (ic.isInstantiated()) {

-                        collect(session, criteria, ic.getValueHolder().getValue(), relMapping);

-                    }

-                } else {

-                    collect(session, criteria, relatedEntity, relMapping);

-                }

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public interface Criteria {


-        boolean collect(Session session, DatabaseMapping mapping, Object entity);

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/
deleted file mode 100644
index 394ccbc..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

- * which accompanies this distribution.

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288363: Extensions Incubator - RefreshInvalidGraphListener

- *     

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension;


-import java.util.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;



- * A simple utility to collect mappings based on specified criteria into a cache

- * for more optimal use in other processing. Typically used in event processing.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink Extensions Incubator using 1.1.2

- */

-public class MappingCollector {


-    /**

-     * Cache of relationship mappings by persistent type.

-     */

-    private HashMap<Class<?>, Collection<DatabaseMapping>> mappings;


-    /**

-     * Criteria provided. This is held in case lazy collecting is required for

-     * descriptors added to the session after login.

-     */

-    private Criteria criteria;


-    public MappingCollector(Session session, Criteria criteria) {

-        this.mappings = new HashMap<Class<?>, Collection<DatabaseMapping>>();

-        this.criteria = criteria;

-        collectMappings(session);

-    }


-    public HashMap<Class<?>, Collection<DatabaseMapping>> getMappings() {

-        return this.mappings;

-    }


-    public Criteria getCriteria() {

-        return this.criteria;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Lookup the relationship mappings for the provided entity. If there are

-     * none in the cache lazily create the collection of mappings. The lazy

-     * creation of the collection should only happen for descriptors that were

-     * added to the session after login, which is not very typical but allowed

-     * to support some advanced dynamic persistence scenarios.

-     */

-    public Collection<DatabaseMapping> getMappings(Session session, Class<?> entityClass) {

-        Collection<DatabaseMapping> mappings = getMappings().get(entityClass);


-        if (mappings == null) {

-            ClassDescriptor descriptor = session.getClassDescriptor(entityClass);


-            if (descriptor != null) {

-                collectMappings(descriptor);

-            }

-        }


-        return mappings;

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     * @param session

-     */

-    private void collectMappings(Session session) {

-        for (Iterator<?> i = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {

-            ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);


-            if (getCriteria().collect(descriptor)) {

-                collectMappings(descriptor);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Collect mappings for the specified descriptor based on

-     * {@link Criteria#collect(DatabaseMapping)}

-     */

-    private void collectMappings(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-        Collection<DatabaseMapping> mappings = new ArrayList<DatabaseMapping>();

-        for (DatabaseMapping mapping : descriptor.getMappings()) {

-            if (getCriteria().collect(mapping)) {

-                mappings.add(mapping);

-            }

-        }

-        getMappings().put(descriptor.getJavaClass(), mappings);

-    }


-    /**

-     * 

-     */

-    public interface Criteria {

-        /**

-         * Determines if the provided descriptor should be traversed collection

-         * mappings. If true then a collection of mappings is collected for the

-         * descriptor. If false an empty collection is placed in the collected

-         * map.

-         */

-        boolean collect(ClassDescriptor descriptor);


-        /**

-         * Determines if the provided mapping should be collected.

-         */

-        boolean collect(DatabaseMapping mapping);

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/listeners/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/listeners/
deleted file mode 100644
index e863840..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extension/listeners/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

- * which accompanies this distribution.

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     dclarke - Bug 288363: Extensions Incubator - RefreshInvalidGraphListener

- *     

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extension.listeners;


-import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

-import java.util.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.EntityCollector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.MappingCollector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;



- * This session event listener provides a work-around for accessing persistent

- * object graphs from the EclipseLink cache where related objects may be invalid

- * in the cache. EclipseLink's cache invalidation will only refresh the invalid

- * objects if they are directly queried for. This can cause a problem if an

- * application queries for a related object that is valid and then navigates

- * through relationships to the invalid one. Using this event listener the

- * application will now post-process query results to ensure all invalid objects

- * in the graph are refreshed.

- * 

- * @author dclarke

- * @since EclipseLink 1.1.2

- */

-public class RefreshInvalidGraphListener extends SessionEventAdapter {


-    /**

-     * Flag used on queries to indicate that this listener should not process

-     * them verifying their resulting object graphs. This is used internally on

-     * the {@link #refresh(Session, Object)} queries to ensure these internally

-     * generated queries do not cause additional verification processing. This

-     * flag can also be set on application queries that should not have their

-     * results verified.

-     */

-    public static final String DO_NOT_VERIFY_PROPERTY = "VerifyRelatedObjects-DoNotVerify";


-    /** Cache of relationship mappings by persistent type. */

-    private MappingCollector mappingsFilter;


-    /**

-     * Shared session (database/server) this listener was assigned to.

-     * Initialized in {@link #postLogin(SessionEvent)}

-     */

-    private AbstractSession sharedSession;


-    public MappingCollector getMappingsFilter() {

-        return this.mappingsFilter;

-    }


-    public AbstractSession getSharedSession() {

-        return this.sharedSession;

-    }


-    /**

-     * This event is called after the execution of all queries. It will verify

-     * the related entities for all object queries (ReadObjectQuery and

-     * ReadAllQuery) which do not have the {@link #DO_NOT_VERIFY_PROPERTY}

-     * property set.

-     */

-    @Override

-    public void postExecuteQuery(SessionEvent event) {

-        if (!event.getQuery().isObjectLevelReadQuery() || event.getQuery().getProperties().containsKey(DO_NOT_VERIFY_PROPERTY)) {

-            return;

-        }


-        getSharedSession().getSessionLog().log(SessionLog.FINEST, "VerifyRelatedObjects.postExecuteQuery::" + event.getQuery());

-        EntityCollector collector = new EntityCollector(getSharedSession(), getMappingsFilter(), new InvalidCacheCriteria(), event.getResult());

-        refresh(collector.getInvalidEntities());

-    }


-    /**

-     * Perform the refresh for all invalid entities. A refresh using IN is used

-     * for cases where a class has multiple instances and it uses a single part

-     * primary key. Otherwise the entities are looped through one at a time

-     * doing separate refresh queries.

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private void refresh(Map<Class<?>, Collection<Object>> entitiesByClass) {

-        for (Class<?> entityClass : entitiesByClass.keySet()) {

-            Collection<Object> entities = entitiesByClass.get(entityClass);

-            ClassDescriptor descriptor = getSharedSession().getClassDescriptor(entityClass);


-            if (entities.size() > 1 && descriptor.getPrimaryKeyFields().size() == 1) {

-                ReadAllQuery query = new ReadAllQuery(entityClass);

-                query.refreshIdentityMapResult();

-                query.setIsExecutionClone(true);

-                query.setProperty(DO_NOT_VERIFY_PROPERTY, true);


-                Object[] pks = new Object[entities.size()];

-                int index = 0;

-                for (Object entity : entities) {

-                    List<Object> entityPK = descriptor.getObjectBuilder().extractPrimaryKeyFromObject(entity, (AbstractSession) getSharedSession());

-                    pks[index++] = entityPK.get(0);

-                }

-                query.setSelectionCriteria(query.getExpressionBuilder().get(descriptor.getObjectBuilder().getPrimaryKeyMappings().get(0).getAttributeName()).in(pks));

-                getSharedSession().getSessionLog().log(SessionLog.FINEST, "VerifyRelatedObjects.refresh::" + entityClass + " query: " + query);

-                getSharedSession().executeQuery(query);

-            } else {

-                for (Object entity : entities) {

-                    ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(entity);

-                    query.refreshIdentityMapResult();

-                    query.setIsExecutionClone(true);

-                    query.setProperty(DO_NOT_VERIFY_PROPERTY, true);

-                    getSharedSession().getSessionLog().log(SessionLog.FINEST, "VerifyRelatedObjects.refresh::" + entity + " query: " + query);

-                    getSharedSession().executeQuery(query);

-                }

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * This implementation of

-     * {@link SessionEventListener#postLogin(SessionEvent)} is used to

-     * initialize the cache of relationship mappings once during startup versus

-     * lazily (and potentially with threading issues) during use of this event

-     * listener's {@link #verifyGraph(Session, Object, HashSet)}

-     */

-    @Override

-    public void postLogin(SessionEvent event) {

-        this.sharedSession = (AbstractSession) event.getSession();

-        this.mappingsFilter = new MappingCollector(getSharedSession(), new RelationshipMappingCriteria());

-    }


-    /**

-     * Criteria for collecting the relationship mappings that will be checked.

-     */

-    private class RelationshipMappingCriteria implements MappingCollector.Criteria {


-        public boolean collect(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-            return !descriptor.isDescriptorForInterface() && !Modifier.isAbstract(descriptor.getJavaClass().getModifiers());

-        }


-        public boolean collect(DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-            return mapping.getReferenceDescriptor() != null && !mapping.getReferenceDescriptor().shouldBeReadOnly();

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Criteria used to identify the entities that are invalid and need to be

-     * refreshed.

-     */

-    private class InvalidCacheCriteria implements EntityCollector.Criteria {


-        @Override

-        public boolean collect(Session session, DatabaseMapping mapping, Object entity) {

-            return entity != null && (mapping != null && !mapping.isAggregateMapping() && !session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(entity));

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index c4b3ac4..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { testing.example.util.AllTests.class, CheckRelatedInvalidEntities.class, RWUOWInBatchValueHolder.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3130314..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-package testing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Map;


-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.listeners.RefreshInvalidGraphListener;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadObjectQuery;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import example.Queries;



-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class CheckRelatedInvalidEntities extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_find() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        em.find(Employee.class, employee.getId());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_refreshEmp_find() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(employee);

-        query.refreshIdentityMapResult();

-        query.setProperty(RefreshInvalidGraphListener.DO_NOT_VERIFY_PROPERTY, true);

-        query.setIsExecutionClone(true);

-        session.executeQuery(query);

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.find(Employee.class, employee.getId());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_removeEmp_find() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().removeFromIdentityMap(employee);


-        em.clear();

-        employee = em.find(Employee.class, employee.getId());

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        address = employee.getAddress();

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_jpql_all_resultList() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = " + employee.getId()).getResultList();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_jpql_id_singeResult() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = " + employee.getId()).getSingleResult();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_jpql_id_resultList() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = " + employee.getId()).getResultList();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_refresh() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        em.refresh(employee);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddress_refreshInTX() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Address address = employee.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        em.refresh(employee);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidPhone_find() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        PhoneNumber phone = employee.getPhoneNumbers().get(0);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(phone);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        em.find(Employee.class, employee.getId());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidPhone_refreshEmp_find() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        PhoneNumber phone = employee.getPhoneNumbers().get(0);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(phone);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(employee);

-        query.refreshIdentityMapResult();

-        query.setProperty(RefreshInvalidGraphListener.DO_NOT_VERIFY_PROPERTY, true);

-        query.setIsExecutionClone(true);

-        session.executeQuery(query);

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.find(Employee.class, employee.getId());

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidPhone_removeEmp_find() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        PhoneNumber phone = employee.getPhoneNumbers().get(0);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(phone);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));


-        int numSelect = getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls();


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().removeFromIdentityMap(employee);


-        em.clear();

-        employee = em.find(Employee.class, employee.getId());

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        PhoneNumber refreshedPhone = employee.getPhoneNumbers().get(0);

-        assertEquals(phone.getType(), refreshedPhone.getType());

-        assertEquals(numSelect + 2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(phone));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidManagerAddress() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        Employee employee = new Queries().minEmployeeWithAddressAndPhones(em);

-        Employee manager = employee.getManager();

-        Address address = manager.getAddress();


-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(manager));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(manager));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().removeFromIdentityMap(employee);


-        em.clear();

-        employee = em.find(Employee.class, employee.getId());

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        manager = employee.getManager();

-        assertEquals(4, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(employee));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(manager));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address));

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddresses_find() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        List<Employee> employees = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address").setMaxResults(2).getResultList();

-        Employee emp1 = employees.get(0);

-        Address address1 = emp1.getAddress();

-        Employee emp2 = employees.get(1);

-        Address address2 = emp2.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address1);

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address2);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.find(Employee.class, emp1.getId());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));

-        assertEquals(2, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.find(Employee.class, emp2.getId());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void invalidAddresses_getResultList_IN() {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getServerSession();


-        List<Employee> employees = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e JOIN FETCH e.address").setMaxResults(2).getResultList();

-        Employee emp1 = employees.get(0);

-        Address address1 = emp1.getAddress();

-        Employee emp2 = employees.get(1);

-        Address address2 = emp2.getAddress();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));


-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address1);

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().invalidateObject(address2);


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertFalse(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));

-        assertEquals(1, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE IN(" + emp1.getId() + ", " + emp2.getId() + ")").getResultList();


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());


-        em.find(Employee.class, emp2.getId());

-        em.find(Employee.class, emp2.getId());


-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address1));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(emp2));

-        assertTrue(session.getIdentityMapAccessor().isValid(address2));

-        assertEquals(3, getQuerySQLTracker(em).getTotalSQLSELECTCalls());

-    }


-    @Override

-    protected Map<?,?> getEMFProperties() {

-        Map<String,String> properties = super.getEMFProperties();

-        properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.SESSION_EVENT_LISTENER_CLASS, RefreshInvalidGraphListener.class.getName());

-        // properties.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.LOGGING_LEVEL,

-        // SessionLog.FINEST_LABEL);

-        return properties;

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b6bf4a..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-package testing;



-import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import model.Employee;

-import model.PhoneNumber;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.Expression;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ReadAllQuery;

-import org.junit.Test;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class JoiningtoUnmappedTables extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void test() throws Exception {

-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(PhoneNumber.class);

-        ExpressionBuilder eb = raq.getExpressionBuilder();


-        ExpressionBuilder empEB = new ExpressionBuilder(Employee.class);

-        Expression addrExp = empEB.getField("EMPLOYEE.GENDER").equal("M").and(empEB.getField("EMPLOYEE.EMP_ID").equal(eb.getParameter("PHONE.EMP_ID")));


-        raq.setSelectionCriteria(addrExp);


-        JpaHelper.createQuery(raq, em).getResultList();


-        em.close();

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a4267c..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-package testing;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import java.util.List;


-import javax.persistence.*;


-import junit.framework.Assert;

-import model.*;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.QueryHints;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectContainer;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection.BatchValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeaved;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Test;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class RWUOWInBatchValueHolder extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void newEmpPersistRefreshBatch() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().beginEarlyTransaction();


-        Employee newEmp = new Employee();

-        newEmp.setFirstName("test");

-        newEmp.setLastName("test");

-        newEmp.setGender(Gender.Male);

-        Address newAddr = new Address();

-        newEmp.setAddress(newAddr);


-        em.persist(newEmp);

-        em.flush();


-        Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e WHERE = " + newEmp.getId());

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.REFRESH, "true");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        q.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");

-        q.getResultList();


-        em.getTransaction().commit();

-        em.clear();


-        verify(em, session, "newEmpPersistRefreshBatch");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void queryOutsideTX() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        verify(em, session, "queryOutsideTX");

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void queryInsideTX() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        verify(em, session, "queryInsideTX");

-        em.getTransaction().rollback();

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void queryInsideDBTX() throws Exception {

-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        session.getIdentityMapAccessor().initializeAllIdentityMaps();


-        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();


-        em.getTransaction().begin();

-        JpaHelper.getEntityManager(em).getUnitOfWork().beginEarlyTransaction();

-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");

-        query.getResultList();

-        em.getTransaction().commit();


-        verify(em, session, "queryInsideDBTX");

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private void verify(EntityManager em, Server session, String testCaseName) {

-        // Verify Configuration

-        assertWoven("Employee");

-        assertLazy("Employee", "address");

-        assertLazy("Employee", "phoneNumbers");


-        // em.getTransaction().begin();


-        Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM Employee e ORDER BY");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.address");

-        query.setHint(QueryHints.BATCH, "e.phoneNumbers");


-        List<Employee> emps = query.getResultList();


-        assertNotNull(emps);

-        assertTrue(emps.size() > 0);


-        OneToOneMapping addressMapping = getMapping("Employee", "address", OneToOneMapping.class);

-        OneToManyMapping phonesMapping = getMapping("Employee", "phoneNumbers", OneToManyMapping.class);


-        for (Employee emp : emps) {

-            Employee sharedEmp = (Employee) session.getIdentityMapAccessor().getFromIdentityMap(emp);

-            assertNotNull("Shared instance not found in cache: " + emp, sharedEmp);

-            assertNotSame(emp, sharedEmp);


-            System.out.println(testCaseName + "::verifying: Employee(" + sharedEmp.getId() + ") @ " + System.identityHashCode(sharedEmp));


-            ValueHolderInterface addressHolder = (ValueHolderInterface) addressMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(sharedEmp);

-            assertNotNull("No address holder found Employee id:" + sharedEmp.getId(), addressHolder);

-            assertTrue("address holder not batch: " + addressHolder, addressHolder instanceof BatchValueHolder);

-            BatchValueHolder addressBVH = (BatchValueHolder) addressHolder;

-            assertFalse(addressBVH.isInstantiated());

-            assertSame(session, addressBVH.getSession());

-            Session querySession = addressBVH.getQuery().getSession();

-            if (querySession != null) {

-                assertSame(session, querySession);

-                assertFalse(querySession.isUnitOfWork());

-            } else {

-                System.out.println("Employee(" + sharedEmp.getId() + ") has null session in address.BVH.query");

-            }

-            addressBVH.getValue();

-            assertTrue(addressBVH.isInstantiated());

-            assertNull(addressBVH.getSession());

-            assertNull(addressBVH.getQuery());


-            IndirectContainer phonesContainer = (IndirectContainer) phonesMapping.getAttributeValueFromObject(sharedEmp);

-            ValueHolderInterface phonesHolder = phonesContainer.getValueHolder();

-            assertNotNull("No phones holder found Employee id:" + sharedEmp.getId(), phonesHolder);

-            assertTrue("phones holder not batch: " + phonesHolder, phonesHolder instanceof BatchValueHolder);

-            BatchValueHolder phonesBVH = (BatchValueHolder) phonesHolder;

-            assertFalse(phonesBVH.isInstantiated());

-            assertSame(session, phonesBVH.getSession());

-            querySession = phonesBVH.getQuery().getSession();

-            if (querySession != null) {

-                assertSame(session, querySession);

-                assertFalse(querySession.isUnitOfWork());

-            } else {

-                System.out.println("Employee(" + sharedEmp.getId() + ") has null session in phoneNumbers.BVH.query");

-            }

-            phonesBVH.getValue();

-            assertTrue(phonesBVH.isInstantiated());

-            assertNull(phonesBVH.getSession());

-            assertNull(phonesBVH.getQuery());

-        }

-    }


-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-    private <T> T getMapping(String entityAlias, String attribute, Class<T> class1) {

-        return (T) JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias).getMappingForAttributeName(attribute);

-    }


-    private void assertLazy(String entityAlias, String attribute) {

-        Assert.assertTrue(getMapping(entityAlias, attribute, DatabaseMapping.class).isLazy());

-    }


-    private void assertWoven(String entityAlias) {

-        Assert.assertTrue(PersistenceWeaved.class.isAssignableFrom(JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()).getDescriptorForAlias(entityAlias).getJavaClass()));

-    }



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index 386332c..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * 		dclarke - initial JPA Employee example using XML (bug 217884)

- ******************************************************************************/

-package testing.example.util;


-import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

-import org.junit.runners.Suite;



-@Suite.SuiteClasses( { MappingCollectorTests.class, EntityCollectorTests.class })

-public class AllTests {


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index cf049cc..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-package testing.example.util;


-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class EntityCollectorTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void empty() {


-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/
deleted file mode 100644
index b017c54..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.extension.invalidgraph/test-src/testing/example/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-package testing.example.util;


-import static junit.framework.Assert.*;


-import java.util.Iterator;


-import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.extension.MappingCollector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;

-import org.junit.Test;


-import testing.EclipseLinkJPATest;


-@PersistenceContext(unitName = "employee")

-public class MappingCollectorTests extends EclipseLinkJPATest {


-    @Test

-    public void empty() throws Exception {

-        MappingCollector.Criteria criteria = new MappingCollector.Criteria() {

-            public boolean collect(DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-                return false;

-            }


-            public boolean collect(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-                return false;

-            }

-        };


-        MappingCollector collector = new MappingCollector(JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF()), criteria);


-        assertSame(criteria, collector.getCriteria());

-        assertNotNull(collector);

-        assertTrue(collector.getMappings().isEmpty());

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allClassesNoMappings() throws Exception {

-        MappingCollector.Criteria criteria = new MappingCollector.Criteria() {

-            public boolean collect(DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-                return false;

-            }


-            public boolean collect(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-                return true;

-            }

-        };


-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        MappingCollector collector = new MappingCollector(session, criteria);


-        assertSame(criteria, collector.getCriteria());

-        assertNotNull(collector);

-        assertEquals(session.getDescriptors().size(), collector.getMappings().size());


-        for (Iterator<?> i = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {

-            ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);


-            assertTrue(collector.getMappings(session, descriptor.getJavaClass()).isEmpty());

-        }

-    }


-    @Test

-    public void allClassesAllMappings() throws Exception {

-        MappingCollector.Criteria criteria = new MappingCollector.Criteria() {

-            public boolean collect(DatabaseMapping mapping) {

-                return true;

-            }


-            public boolean collect(ClassDescriptor descriptor) {

-                return true;

-            }

-        };


-        Server session = JpaHelper.getServerSession(getEMF());

-        MappingCollector collector = new MappingCollector(session, criteria);


-        assertSame(criteria, collector.getCriteria());

-        assertNotNull(collector);

-        assertEquals(session.getDescriptors().size(), collector.getMappings().size());


-        for (Iterator<?> i = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {

-            ClassDescriptor descriptor = (ClassDescriptor);


-            assertFalse(collector.getMappings(session, descriptor.getJavaClass()).isEmpty());

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/.classpath b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index c14b71c..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.core"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/.project b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d0ced3..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/
deleted file mode 100644
index a5d14b4..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@

-# Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

-# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

-# terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

-# which accompanies this distribution. 

-# The Eclipse Public License is available at

-# and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 



-# Contributors:

-#     tware - DB2 AS400 EXTENSION INCUBATOR - Enhancement bug 248205


-# This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

-# in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

-# may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

-# lists or the bug database.

-#***************************************************************************** -->


-source.. = src/

diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/build.xml b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 278a0ec..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>

-<!-- *******************************************************************************

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     tware - DB2 AS400 EXTENSION INCUBATOR - Enhancement bug 248205

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ****************************************************************************** -->

-<project name="extension.platform.db2as400" default="build" basedir=".">


-    <property file="./"/>

-    <property file="${trunk.dir}/"/>


-    <!-- Set Compile Path-->

-    <path id="compile.path">

-        <pathelement path="${trunk.dir}/${}"/>

-    </path>


-	<target name="build" depends="clean,compile" />


-    <!-- clean -->

-    <target name="clean" description="Clean all generated content">

-        <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">

-            <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"/>

-        </delete>

-    </target>


-    <!-- compile -->

-    <target name="compile" description="Compile">

-        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>

-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"

-               destdir="${classes.dir}"

-               includes="**/*.java"

-               debug="${javac.debug}"

-               optimize="${javac.optimize}"

-               source="${javac.version}"

-               target="${javac.version}"

-               deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"

-               failonerror="true"

-               memoryMaximumSize="512m"

-               fork="true"

-               classpathref="compile.path"

-        />

-    </target>



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/readme.txt b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6816a61..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-See the following page for details of this incubator project:




-See the following page for details of the extensions incubator:


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extensions/platform/database/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extensions/platform/database/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a931b2..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.db2as400/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extensions/platform/database/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle., Bill Blalock All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     Bill Blalock

- * 

- * Patterned after:

- *   org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DB2MainframePlatform      

- ******************************************************************************/  

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extensions.platform.database;


-import java.util.Vector;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DB2Platform;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ValueReadQuery;



- *    <B>Purpose</B>: Provides specific behavior for DB2 Universal Database for iSeries.<P>

- *    IBM iSeries has SYSIBM schema for compatibility with DB2.  However the primary schema

- *    for SQL system tables is QSYS2.  All tables, table structures and behavior of QSYS2 

- *    tables are not duplicated in SYSIBM schema.<P>

- *    <B>Responsibilities</B>:

- *        <UL>

- *            <LI>Override getNativeTableInfo() using QSYS2 schema and different column name.</LI>

- *        		 <UL>

- *               <LI>SYSTABLES in QSYS2 schema, not in SYSIBM schema</LI>

- *               <LI>SYSTABLE = 'N' replaces TBCREATOR NOT IN ('SYS', 'SYSTEM')</LI>

- *               <LI>CREATOR replaces TBCREATOR (not defined in QSYS2/SYSTABLES catalog.</LI> 

- *               </UL>

- *            <LI>Override getTimestampQuery() using QSYS2 schema instead of SYSIBM.

- *        </UL>

- *

- * @since Eclipselink 1.0

- * @author Bill Blalock

- */


-public class DB2UDBiSeriesPlatform extends DB2Platform {


-	public DB2UDBiSeriesPlatform() {

-		super();

-	}

-	/**

-     * Return the catalog information through using the native SQL catalog selects

-     * of DB2 Universal Database for iSeries.

-     * This is required because many JDBC driver do not support meta-data.

-     * Wildcards can be passed as arguments.

-     * @param table

-     * @param creator

-     * @param session

-     * @return Catalog information returned from iSeries.

-     * @overide

-     */

-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")

-	public Vector getNativeTableInfo(String table, String creator, AbstractSession session) {

-        String query = "SELECT * FROM QSYS2.SYSTABLES WHERE SYSTABLE = 'N'";

-        if (table != null) {

-            if (table.indexOf('%') != -1) {

-                query = query + " AND TBNAME LIKE " + table;

-            } else {

-                query = query + " AND TBNAME = " + table;

-            }

-        }

-        if (creator != null) {

-            if (creator.indexOf('%') != -1) {

-                query = query + " AND CREATOR LIKE " + creator;

-            } else {

-                query = query + " AND CREATOR = " + creator;

-            }

-        }

-        return session.executeSelectingCall(new org.eclipse.persistence.queries.SQLCall(query));

-    }


-    /**

-     * This method returns the query to select the timestamp

-     * from the DB2 Universal Database for iSeries server.

-     * @return ValueReadQuery to retrieve current timestamp from iSeries.

-     * @override

-     */

-    public ValueReadQuery getTimestampQuery() {

-                if (timestampQuery == null) {

-            timestampQuery = new ValueReadQuery();


-        }

-        return timestampQuery;

-    }




\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/.classpath b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index c14b71c..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>

-	<classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/org.eclipse.persistence.core"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="classes"/>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/.project b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index cc28b0f..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c9f440..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@

-# Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

-# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

-# terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

-# which accompanies this distribution. 

-# The Eclipse Public License is available at

-# and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 



-# Contributors:

-#     tware - INGRES EXTENSION INCUBATOR - Enhancement bug 253682


-# This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

-# in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

-# may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

-# lists or the bug database.

-#***************************************************************************** -->


-source.. = src/

diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/build.xml b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index bb68127..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>

-<!-- *******************************************************************************

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2009 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     tware - INGRES EXTENSION INCUBATOR - Enhancement bug 253682

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ****************************************************************************** -->

-<project name="extension.platform.ingres" default="build" basedir=".">


-    <property file="./"/>

-    <property file="${trunk.dir}/"/>


-    <!-- Set Compile Path-->

-    <path id="compile.path">

-        <pathelement path="${trunk.dir}/${}"/>

-    </path>


-	<target name="build" depends="clean,compile" />


-    <!-- clean -->

-    <target name="clean" description="Clean all generated content">

-        <delete includeEmptyDirs="true" failonerror="false">

-            <fileset dir="${classes.dir}"/>

-        </delete>

-    </target>


-    <!-- compile -->

-    <target name="compile" description="Compile IngresPlatform">

-        <mkdir dir="${classes.dir}"/>

-        <javac srcdir="${src.dir}"

-               destdir="${classes.dir}"

-               includes="**/*.java"

-               debug="${javac.debug}"

-               optimize="${javac.optimize}"

-               source="${javac.version}"

-               target="${javac.version}"

-               deprecation="${javac.deprecation}"

-               failonerror="true"

-               memoryMaximumSize="512m"

-               fork="true"

-               classpathref="compile.path"

-        />

-    </target>



diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/readme.txt b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 99bda1b..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-See the following page for details of this incubator project:




-See the following page for details of the extensions incubator:


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extensions/platform/database/ b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extensions/platform/database/
deleted file mode 100644
index a657c87..0000000
--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/src/org/eclipse/persistence/extensions/platform/database/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 2008 Ingres Corporation. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * Ingres Corporation ( - Initial API version

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/  

-package org.eclipse.persistence.extensions.platform.database;



-import java.util.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionOperator;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.FieldTypeDefinition;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.RelationExpression;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ValueReadQuery;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DatabasePlatform;



- * <p><b>Purpose</b>: Provides Ingres specific behavior.

- * <p><b>Responsibilities</b>:<ul>

- * <li> Native SQL for Date, Time, & Timestamp.

- * <li> Native sequencing.

- * <li> Mapping of class types to database types for the schema framework.

- * <li> Pessimistic locking.

- * <li> Platform specific operators.

- * </ul>

- *

- */

-public class IngresPlatform extends DatabasePlatform {


-    public IngresPlatform() {

-        super();

-        this.pingSQL = "SELECT 1";

-    }


-    /**

-     * Appends a Boolean value. 

-     * In Ingres the following are the values that

-     * are value for a boolean field

-     * Valid literal values for the "true" state are: 

-     *  TRUE, 't', 'true', 'y', 'yes', '1'

-     * Valid literal values for the false" state are :

-     *  FALSE, 'f', 'false', 'n', 'no', '0'

-     *

-     * To be consistent with the other data platforms we are using the values 

-     * '1' and '0' for true and false states of a boolean field.

-     */

-    protected void appendBoolean(Boolean bool, Writer writer) throws IOException {

-        if (bool.booleanValue()) {

-            writer.write("\'1\'");

-        } else {

-            writer.write("\'0\'");

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Initialize any platform-specific operators

-     */

-    protected void initializePlatformOperators() {

-        super.initializePlatformOperators();

-        addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleLogicalNoParens(ExpressionOperator.Concat, "||"));

-        addOperator(ExpressionOperator.simpleTwoArgumentFunction(ExpressionOperator.Nvl, "IFNULL"));

-        addOperator(operatorLocate());

-    }



-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * This method returns the query to select the timestamp from the server

-     * for Ingres.

-     */

-    public ValueReadQuery getTimestampQuery() {

-        if (timestampQuery == null) {

-            timestampQuery = new ValueReadQuery();

-            timestampQuery.setSQLString("select date('now')");

-        }

-        return timestampQuery;


-    }



-    /**

-     * This method is used to print the output parameter token when stored

-     * procedures are called

-     */

-    public String getInOutputProcedureToken() {

-        return "OUT";

-    }


-    /**

-     * This is required in the construction of the stored procedures with

-     * output parameters

-     */

-    public boolean shouldPrintOutputTokenAtStart() {

-        return false;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Answers whether platform is Ingres

-     */

-    public boolean isIngres() {

-        return true;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     */

-    protected String getCreateTempTableSqlSuffix() {

-        return " ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS";

-    }


-    /**

-     *  INTERNAL:

-     *  Indicates whether the platform supports identity.

-     *  This method is to be used *ONLY* by sequencing classes

-     */

-    public boolean supportsIdentity() {

-        return false;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Returns query used to read back the value generated by Identity.

-     * This method is called when identity NativeSequence is connected,

-     * the returned query used until the sequence is disconnected.

-     * If the platform supportsIdentity then (at least) one of buildSelectQueryForIdentity

-     * methods should return non-null query.

-     */

-    public ValueReadQuery buildSelectQueryForIdentity() {

-        ValueReadQuery selectQuery = new ValueReadQuery(); 

-        selectQuery.setSQLString(""); 

-        return selectQuery;

-    }


-    /**

-     *  INTERNAL:

-     *  Indicates whether the platform supports sequence objects.

-     *  This method is to be used *ONLY* by sequencing classes

-     */

-    public boolean supportsSequenceObjects() {

-        return true;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Returns query used to read value generated by sequence object (like Oracle sequence).

-     * This method is called when sequence object NativeSequence is connected,

-     * the returned query used until the sequence is disconnected.

-     * If the platform supportsSequenceObjects then (at least) one of buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject

-     * methods should return non-null query.

-     */

-    public ValueReadQuery buildSelectQueryForSequenceObject(String seqName, Integer size) {

-        return new ValueReadQuery("select " + getQualifiedName(seqName) + ".nextval");

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     */

-     protected String getCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable(DatabaseTable table) {

-        // returning null includes fields of the table in body

-        // see javadoc of DatabasePlatform#getCreateTempTableSqlBodyForTable(DataBaseTable)

-        // for details

-        return null;

-     }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Append the receiver's field 'identity' constraint clause to a writer

-     */

-    public void printFieldIdentityClause(Writer writer) throws ValidationException {

-        try {            

-            writer.write(" SERIAL");

-        } catch (IOException ioException) {

-            throw ValidationException.fileError(ioException);

-        }

-    }


-    protected Hashtable buildFieldTypes() {

-        Hashtable fieldTypeMapping = new Hashtable();


-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Boolean.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("INTEGER1", false));


-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Integer.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("INTEGER", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Long.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BIGINT", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Float.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("FLOAT"));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Double.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DECIMAL", 15));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Short.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("SMALLINT", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("SMALLINT", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigInteger.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("BIGINT", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.math.BigDecimal.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DECIMAL",19));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Number.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("INTEGER", false));


-        fieldTypeMapping.put(String.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("VARCHAR", 255));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Character.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("CHAR", 1));


-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("LONG BYTE", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(Character[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("LONG VARCHAR"));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(byte[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("LONG BYTE", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(char[].class, new FieldTypeDefinition("LONG VARCHAR"));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Blob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("LONG BYTE"));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Clob.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("LONG VARCHAR"));        


-        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Date.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("DATE", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Time.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TIME", false));

-        fieldTypeMapping.put(java.sql.Timestamp.class, new FieldTypeDefinition("TIMESTAMP", false));


-        return fieldTypeMapping;

-    }  


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Override the default locate operator

-     */

-    protected ExpressionOperator operatorLocate() {

-        ExpressionOperator result = new ExpressionOperator();

-        result.setSelector(ExpressionOperator.Locate);

-        Vector v = new Vector(3);

-        v.addElement("STRPOS(");

-        v.addElement(", ");

-        v.addElement(")");

-        result.printsAs(v);

-        result.bePrefix();

-        result.setNodeClass(RelationExpression.class);

-        return result;

-    }



-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     */

-    public boolean supportsGlobalTempTables() {

-        return true;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     */

-    protected String getCreateTempTableSqlPrefix() {


-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * returns the maximum number of characters that can be used in a field

-     * name on this platform.

-     */

-    public int getMaxFieldNameSize() {

-        return 32;

-    }


-    public void printFieldTypeSize(Writer writer, FieldDefinition field, 

-            FieldTypeDefinition fieldType, boolean shouldPrintFieldIdentityClause) throws IOException {

-        if(!shouldPrintFieldIdentityClause) {

-            super.printFieldTypeSize(writer, field, fieldType);

-        }

-    }


-    public void printFieldUnique(Writer writer,  boolean shouldPrintFieldIdentityClause) throws IOException {

-        if(!shouldPrintFieldIdentityClause) {

-            super.printFieldUnique(writer);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * JDBC defines and outer join syntax, many drivers do not support this. So we normally avoid it.

-     */

-    public boolean shouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax() {

-        return false;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Override this method if the platform supports sequence objects.

-     * Returns sql used to create sequence object in the database.

-     */

-    public Writer buildSequenceObjectCreationWriter(Writer writer, String fullSeqName, int increment, int start) throws IOException {

-        writer.write("CREATE SEQUENCE ");

-        writer.write(fullSeqName);

-        if (increment != 1) {

-            writer.write(" INCREMENT BY " + increment);

-        }

-        writer.write(" START WITH " + start);

-        return writer;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Override this method if the platform supports sequence objects.

-     * Returns sql used to delete sequence object from the database.

-     */

-    public Writer buildSequenceObjectDeletionWriter(Writer writer, String fullSeqName) throws IOException {

-        writer.write("DROP SEQUENCE ");

-        writer.write(fullSeqName);

-        return writer;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Override this method if the platform supports sequence objects

-     * and isAlterSequenceObjectSupported returns true.

-     * Returns sql used to alter sequence object's increment in the database.

-     */

-    public Writer buildSequenceObjectAlterIncrementWriter(Writer writer, String fullSeqName, int increment) throws IOException {

-        writer.write("ALTER SEQUENCE ");

-        writer.write(fullSeqName);

-        writer.write(" INCREMENT BY " + increment);

-        return writer;

-    }


-    /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Override this method if the platform supports sequence objects

-     * and it's possible to alter sequence object's increment in the database.

-     */

-    public boolean isAlterSequenceObjectSupported() {

-        return true;

-    }


-    public String getPostConstraintDeletionString() {

-        return " CASCADE ";

-    }


-     /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * Used for pessimistic locking.

-     */

-    public String getSelectForUpdateString() {

-        return " FOR UPDATE";

-    }


-       /**

-     * INTERNAL:

-     * This syntax does no wait on the lock.

-     */

-    public String getSelectForUpdateNoWaitString() {

-        return " FOR UPDATE";

-    }


-     /**

-     * This syntax does no wait on the lock.

-     * (i.e. In Oracle adding NOWAIT to the end will accomplish this)

-     */

-    public String getNoWaitString() {

-        return "";

-    }





diff --git a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/src/readme.txt b/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/src/readme.txt
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--- a/extensions/trunk/org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.ingres/src/readme.txt
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@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-This jar contains a contributed version of IngresPlatform from the following bug:




-When filing bugs against this platform, please reference the bug above.


-It is being made available for community use and testing and has been compiled against an EclipseLink 1.1 interim build.


-To make use of IngresPlatform, put this jar in your classpath and indicate to EclipseLink to use this platform.  (e.g. Set the persistence unit property to org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.IngresPlatform)


-Below is the licensing information:



- * Copyright (c) 2008 Ingres Corporation. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- * Ingres Corporation ( - Initial API version

- *

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.


- ******************************************************************************/  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/.classpath b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/.classpath
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-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder</name>

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-			</arguments>

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-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder</name>

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-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#Tue Mar 02 11:58:23 EST 2010








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-#Tue Mar 02 11:58:23 EST 2010




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- org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.i18n,
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- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.linkedlist,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.history,
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- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.indirection,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.parsing,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.parsing.jpql,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.parsing.jpql.antlr,
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- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.accessor,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.conversion,
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- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.record,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.record.deferred,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.record.namespaces,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.platform.database,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sequencing,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.broadcast,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.corba,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.corba.sun,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.jms,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.rmi,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.coordination.rmi.iiop,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.event,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.log,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.login,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.platform,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.pool,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.project,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.rcm,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.rcm.command,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.sequencing,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.session,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.transport,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.transport.discovery,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.factories.model.transport.naming,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.remote,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving,
- org.eclipse.persistence.logging,
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- org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.converters,
- org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.querykeys,
- org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.structures,
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- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings,
- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.converters,
- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.mappings.nullpolicy,
- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.platform,
- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.record,
- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.schema,
- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.sequenced,
- org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.unmapped,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.converters,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.jdbc,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.jboss,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.oc4j,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.sunas,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.was,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.wls,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml,
- org.eclipse.persistence.platform.xml.jaxp,
- org.eclipse.persistence.queries,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sequencing,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.changesets,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.broadcast,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.corba,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.corba.sun,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.jms,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.rmi,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.interceptors,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remote,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remote.corba.sun,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remote.rmi,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remote.rmi.iiop,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server,
- org.eclipse.persistence.transaction,
- org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.jboss,
- org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.jotm,
- org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.oc4j,
- org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.sunas,
- org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.was,
- org.eclipse.persistence.transaction.wls
-Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.persistence.antlr;bundle-version="2.0.1",
- org.eclipse.persistence.asm;bundle-version="2.0.1"
-Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
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-source.. = src/

-output.. = bin/

-bin.includes = META-INF/,\

-               .,\

-               lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar

diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/build.xml b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index dd85f26..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>


-* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the

-* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0

-* which accompanies this distribution.

-* The Eclipse Public License is available at

-* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at



-* Contributors:

-*     dclarke - initial version


-<project name="org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core" default="package" basedir=".">


-	<target name="init">

-		<!-- This HAS to be defined after allowing user redefinitions (which will cause the condition not to set anything) -->

-		<!-- This tests to make sure the extensions dir exists, if not sets to a existant dummy location -->

-		<condition property="extensions.depend.dir" value="${core.2.base.dir}/../extension.lib.external" else="${}">

-			<available file="${core.2.base.dir}/../extension.lib.external" type="dir" />

-		</condition>

-		<echo message="extensions.depend.dir        = '${extensions.depend.dir}'" />


-		<!-- versioning -->

-		<!-- These variables  are set in autobuild.xml. A manual build gets defaults -->

-		<tstamp>

-			<format property="" pattern="yyyyMMdd" />

-			<format property="build.time" pattern="HHmm" />

-		</tstamp>

-		<property name="build.type" value="SNAPSHOT" />

-		<property name="svn.revision" value="NA" />

-		<property name="version.qualifier" value="qualifier" />

-		<property name="version.string" value="${release.version}.${version.qualifier}" />

-		<property name="release.designation" value="EclipseLink ${release.version} Build" />

-		<property name="specification.vendor" value=" - EclipseLink Project" />

-		<property name="implementation.vendor" value="${specification.vendor}" />


-		<!-- dependency properties -->

-		<property name="persistence.lib" value="${core.2.jpa.plugins.dir}/${persistence20.jar}" />

-		<!-- Core has no jpa 2.0 specific compile dependency: use below instead to test assertion -->

-		<!-- property name="persistence.lib"    value="${core.2.common.plugins.dir}/${persistence10.jar}"/ -->


-		<!-- dependency tests -->

-		<available file="${persistence.lib}" property="persistence.bundle.exist" />

-		<fail message="Cannot find: '${persistence.lib}'" unless="persistence.bundle.exist" />


-		<!-- Check for BND library -->

-		<condition property="bnd.lib" value="${extensions.depend.dir}/${bndtool.jar}">

-			<available file="${extensions.depend.dir}/${bndtool.jar}" />

-		</condition>

-		<condition property="bnd.lib" value="${core.2.buildsys.dir}/${bndtool.jar}">

-			<available file="${core.2.buildsys.dir}/${bndtool.jar}" />

-		</condition>

-		<echo message="bnd.lib                     = '${bnd.lib}'" />


-		<!-- Set Compile Path-->

-		<path id="core.compile.path">

-			<pathelement path="${core.2.common.plugins.dir}/${antlr}" />

-			<pathelement path="${core.2.common.plugins.dir}/${asm}" />

-			<pathelement path="${persistence.lib}" />

-			<fileset dir="${core.2.common.plugins.dir}" includes="${eclipselink.core.depend}" />

-		</path>

-	</target>


-	<target name="package" unless="bnd.lib" depends="init" description="jar OSGI bundle">

-		<jar jarfile="${core.2.common.plugins.dir}/${}_${version.string}.jar" manifest="${classes.dir}/MANIFEST.MF">

-			<fileset dir="${core.2.base.dir}">

-				<include name="about.html" />

-				<include name="readme.html" />

-				<include name="license.*" />

-			</fileset>

-			<fileset dir="${classes.dir}">

-				<include name="org/eclipse/persistence/**/*.class" />

-			</fileset>

-			<fileset dir="${resource.dir}">

-				<include name="xsd/*.xsd" />

-				<include name="org/eclipse/persistence/internal/helper/" />

-			</fileset>

-		</jar>

-		<jar jarfile="${core.2.common.plugins.dir}/${}.source_${version.string}.jar">

-			<manifest>

-				<attribute name="Specification-Vendor" value="${specification.vendor}" />

-				<attribute name="Specification-Version" value="${release.version}" />

-				<attribute name="Implementation-Vendor" value="${implementation.vendor}" />

-				<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version.string}" />

-				<attribute name="Bundle-ManifestVersion" value="2" />

-				<attribute name="Bundle-Name" value="EclipseLink Core Source" />

-				<attribute name="Bundle-SymbolicName" value="${}.source" />

-				<attribute name="Bundle-Vendor" value="${implementation.vendor}" />

-				<attribute name="Bundle-Version" value="${version.string}" />

-				<attribute name="Eclipse-SourceBundle" value="${};version=&quot;${version.string}&quot;" />

-			</manifest>

-			<fileset dir="${core.2.base.dir}">

-				<include name="about.html" />

-				<include name="readme.html" />

-				<include name="license.*" />

-			</fileset>

-			<fileset dir="${classes.dir}">

-				<include name="org/eclipse/persistence/" />

-			</fileset>

-			<fileset dir="${src.dir}">

-				<include name="org/eclipse/persistence/**/*.java" />

-				<exclude name="org/eclipse/persistence/" />

-			</fileset>

-			<fileset dir="${resource.dir}">

-				<include name="xsd/*.xsd" />

-				<include name="org/eclipse/persistence/internal/helper/" />

-			</fileset>

-		</jar>

-	</target>


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core.source_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core.source_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c8d4e9..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core.source_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 3374e6c..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.core_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.classpath b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.classpath
deleted file mode 100644
index 8411c40..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.classpath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<classpathentry exported="true" kind="lib" path="lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.6"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>

-	<classpathentry kind="output" path="bin"/>


diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.project b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index 34e042b..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-		<buildCommand>

-			<name>org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder</name>

-			<arguments>

-			</arguments>

-		</buildCommand>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature</nature>

-		<nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a6f297..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#Tue Mar 02 11:59:23 EST 2010








diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.settings/org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.settings/org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f8d7a6..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/.settings/org.eclipse.pde.core.prefs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#Tue Mar 02 11:59:23 EST 2010




diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1cc0a..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-Manifest-Version: 1.0
-Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
-Bundle-Name: EclipseLink JPA
-Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa
-Bundle-Version: 2.0.2
-Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
-Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.5
-Import-Package: javax.naming,
- javax.persistence;version="1.1.0",
- javax.persistence.criteria;version="1.1.0",
- javax.persistence.metamodel;version="1.1.0",
- javax.persistence.spi;version="1.1.0",
- javax.sql,
- javax.transaction;resolution:=optional,
- javax.transaction.xa;resolution:=optional,
- javax.validation;resolution:=optional,
- javax.validation.groups;resolution:=optional,
- javax.xml.parsers,
- javax.xml.transform;resolution:=optional,
- org.osgi.framework;version="1.3.0",
- org.osgi.service.jdbc,
- org.osgi.service.packageadmin;resolution:=optional,
- org.w3c.dom;resolution:=optional,
- org.xml.sax,
- org.xml.sax.helpers
-Bundle-ClassPath: .,
- lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
-Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.persistence.asm;bundle-version="2.0.1",
- org.eclipse.persistence.antlr;bundle-version="2.0.1",
- org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.core;bundle-version="1.0.0"
-Bundle-Vendor: EclipseLink Project
-Export-Package: org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.osgi,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.xml.parser,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.jdbc,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.classes,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.mappings,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.cache,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.changetracking,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.columns,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.converters,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.copypolicy,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.inheritance,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.listeners,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.locking,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.mappings,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.queries,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.sequencing,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.tables,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.transformers,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.xml,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metamodel,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.modelgen,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.querydef,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.transaction,
- org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.weaving,
- org.eclipse.persistence.jpa,
- org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.dynamic,
- org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.osgi,
- org.eclipse.persistence.sessions,
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/ b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index d664375..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-source.. = src/

-output.. = bin/

-bin.includes = .,\

-               lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar,\

-               META-INF/

-bin.excludes = META-INF/.svn/

diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.source_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.source_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 211e2fc..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.source_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e647a6..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/lib/org.eclipse.persistence.jpa_2.0.1.v20100213-r6600.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/gemini/jpa/ b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/gemini/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5235d3f..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/gemini/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (C) 2010 Oracle Corporation

- *

- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

- * You may obtain a copy of the License at

- *

- *

- *

- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

- * limitations under the License.

- */

-package org.eclipse.gemini.jpa;



-import java.lang.reflect.Array;


-import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;

-import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;

-import org.osgi.framework.BundleEvent;

-import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;



- * Utility class containing functions that are generally useful during 

- * development and at runtime.

- * 

- * @author mkeith

- */

-public class GeminiUtil {


-    /*==================*/

-    /* Static constants */

-    /*==================*/


-    public static String JPA_JDBC_DRIVER_PROPERTY = "javax.persistence.jdbc.driver";

-    public static String JPA_JDBC_URL_PROPERTY = "javax.persistence.jdbc.url";

-    public static String JPA_JDBC_USER_PROPERTY = "javax.persistence.jdbc.user";

-    public static String JPA_JDBC_PASSWORD_PROPERTY = "javax.persistence.jdbc.password";


-    /*============================*/

-    /* Helper and Utility methods */

-    /*============================*/


-    // Function to obtain the version from a bundle

-    public static String bundleVersion(Bundle b) {

-        return b.getVersion().toString();

-    }


-    // Function to return a package String formatted with "." instead of "/"

-    public static String formattedPackageString(String s, char beingReplaced, char replacer) {

-        String formatted = s;

-        // Replace all instances of character

-        if (formatted.indexOf(beingReplaced) >= 0) 

-            formatted = formatted.replace(beingReplaced, replacer);

-        // Tack on trailing character if needed

-        if (formatted.charAt(formatted.length()-1) != replacer) 

-            formatted = formatted + replacer;

-        return formatted;

-    }


-    // Function to close a stream (as much as it can be closed)

-    public static void closeStream(Closeable c) {

-        try { c.close(); } catch (Exception ex){}

-    }


-    /*================================*/

-    /* Status and debugging functions */

-    /*================================*/


-    // Function to throw a runtime exception (throws exception)

-    public static void fatalError(String s, Throwable t) { 

-        System.out.println("*** FATAL ERROR *** " + s);

-        if (t != null) 

-            t.printStackTrace(System.out);

-        throw new RuntimeException(s,t); 

-    }


-    // Function to indicate a warning condition (non-terminating)

-    public static void warning(String msg) {

-        warning(msg, "");

-    }


-    // Function to indicate a warning condition (non-terminating)

-    public static void warning(String msg, Throwable t) {

-        String msg2 = (t != null ? (" Exception: " + t) : "");

-        warning(msg, msg2);

-    }


-    // Function to indicate a warning condition (non-terminating)

-    public static void warning(String msg, String msg2) {

-        String outputMsg = "WARNING: " + msg + msg2;  

-        System.out.println(outputMsg);

-    }


-    // Function to print out debug strings for XML parsing purposes

-    public static void debugXml(String... msgs) { 

-        if (System.getProperty("GEMINI_DEBUG_XML") != null) {

-            debug(msgs);

-        }

-    }


-    // Function to print out series of debug strings

-    public static void debug(String... msgs) { 

-        if (System.getProperty("GEMINI_DEBUG") != null) {

-            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

-            for (String msg : msgs) sb.append(msg);

-            System.out.println(sb.toString()); 

-        }

-    }


-    // Function to print out a string and an object.

-    // Handles some objects specially and prints out more info

-    public static void debug(String msg, Object obj) { 

-        if (System.getProperty("GEMINI_DEBUG") != null) {

-            if (obj == null) {

-                System.out.println(msg + String.valueOf(obj));

-            } else if (ClassLoader.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {

-                System.out.println(msg + obj);

-                ClassLoader p = (ClassLoader)obj;

-                while (p.getParent() != null) {

-                    System.out.println("  Parent loader: " + p.getParent());

-                    p = p.getParent();

-                }

-            } else if (Bundle.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {

-                    Bundle b = (Bundle) obj;

-                    System.out.println(msg + " bundle=" + b.getSymbolicName() + 

-                                             " id=" + b.getBundleId()+ 

-                                             " state=" + stringBundleStateFromInt(b.getState()));

-            } else if (BundleEvent.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {

-                    BundleEvent event = (BundleEvent) obj;

-                    System.out.println(msg + " bundle=" + event.getBundle().getSymbolicName() + 

-                            ", event=" + stringBundleEventFromInt(event.getType())); 

-            } else if (obj.getClass().isArray()) {

-                System.out.println(msg);

-                int len = ((Object[])obj).length;

-                for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {

-                    System.out.print("  ");

-                    System.out.println(String.valueOf(Array.get(obj, i)));                    

-                }

-            } else {

-                System.out.println(msg + String.valueOf(obj));

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public static String stringBundleStateFromInt(int bundleState) {

-        switch (bundleState) {

-            case 1: return "UNINSTALLED";

-            case 2: return "INSTALLED";

-            case 4: return "RESOLVED";

-            case 8: return "STARTING";

-            case 16: return "STOPPING";

-            case 32: return "ACTIVE";

-            default: return "UNDEFINED_STATE";

-        }

-    }


-    public static String stringBundleEventFromInt(int eventType) {

-        switch (eventType) {

-            case 1: return "INSTALLED";

-            case 2: return "STARTED";

-            case 4: return "STOPPED";

-            case 8: return "UPDATED";

-            case 16: return "UNINSTALLED";

-            case 32: return "RESOLVED";

-            case 64: return "UNRESOLVED";

-            case 128: return "STARTING";

-            case 256: return "STOPPING";

-            case 512: return "LAZY_ACTIVATION";

-            default: return "UNDEFINED_EVENT";

-        }

-    }

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/deployment/ b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/deployment/
deleted file mode 100644
index e78a474..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/deployment/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     mkeith - Gemini JPA work (INCUBATION) 

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment;









-import java.util.jar.JarEntry;

-import java.util.jar.JarFile;

-import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;

-import java.util.logging.Logger;

-import java.util.logging.Level;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.Archive;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.ArchiveFactory;



- * This class is written to deal with various URLs that can be returned by

- * {@link javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo#getPersistenceUnitRootUrl()}

- *

- * @author Sanjeeb.Sahoo@Sun.COM

- */

-public class ArchiveFactoryImpl implements ArchiveFactory {

-    /*

-     * Implementation Note: This class does not have any dependency on either

-     * EclipseLink or GlassFish implementation classes. Please retain this separation.

-     */


-    private Logger logger;


-    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation")

-    public ArchiveFactoryImpl() {

-        this(;

-    }


-    public ArchiveFactoryImpl(Logger logger) {

-        this.logger = logger;

-    }


-    public Archive createArchive(URL rootUrl) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {

-        return createArchive(rootUrl, null);

-    }


-    public Archive createArchive(URL rootUrl, URL descriptorUrl) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {

-        logger.entering("ArchiveFactoryImpl", "createArchive", new Object[]{rootUrl, descriptorUrl});

-        Archive result = null;

-        String protocol = rootUrl.getProtocol();

-        logger.logp(Level.FINER, "ArchiveFactoryImpl", "createArchive", "protocol = {0}", protocol);


-        if ("file".equals(protocol)) {

-            URI uri = Helper.toURI(rootUrl);


-            File f;

-            try {

-                // Attempt to create the file with the uri. The pre-conditions

-                // are checked in the constructor and an exception is thrown

-                // if the uri does not meet them.

-                f = new File(uri);

-            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {

-                // Invalid uri for File. Go our back up route of using the 

-                // path from the url.

-                f = new File(rootUrl.getPath());

-            }


-            if (f.isDirectory()) {

-                // e.g. file:/tmp/a_ear/ejb_jar

-                result = new DirectoryArchive(f);

-            } else {

-                // e.g. file:/tmp/a_ear/lib/pu.jarlo

-                // It's not a directory. Then it must be a jar file.

-                result = new JarFileArchive(new JarFile(f));

-            }

-        // mkeith - add bundle archive hook 

-        // TODO Does this work for all OSGi frameworks?

-        } else if ("bundleresource".equals(protocol)) { // NOI18N

-            // mkeith - for regular non-embedded descriptors

-            result = new BundleArchive(rootUrl, descriptorUrl);


-        } else if ("jar".equals(protocol)) { // NOI18N

-            JarURLConnection conn = JarURLConnection.class.cast(rootUrl.openConnection());

-            JarEntry je = conn.getJarEntry();

-            if (je == null) {

-                // e.g. jar:file:/tmp/a_ear/lib/pu.jar!/

-                // No entryName specified, hence URL points to a JAR file and

-                // not to any entry inside it. Ideally this should have been

-                // file:/tmp/a_ear/lib/pu.jar,

-                // but containers (e.g.) WebLogic return this kind of URL,

-                // so we better handle this in our code to imrove pluggability.

-                // Read the entire jar file.

-                result = new JarFileArchive(conn.getJarFile());

-            } else if (je.isDirectory()) {

-                // e.g. jar:file:/tmp/a_ear/b.war!/WEB-INF/classes/

-                // entryName [je.getName()] is a directory

-                result = new DirectoryInsideJarURLArchive(rootUrl);

-            } else {

-                // some URL (e.g.) jar:file:/tmp/a_ear/b.war!/WEB-INF/lib/pu.jar

-                // entryName [je.getName()] is a file, so treat this URL as a

-                // URL from which  a JAR format InputStream can be obtained.

-                result = new JarInputStreamURLArchive(rootUrl);

-            }

-        } else if (isJarInputStream(rootUrl)){

-            result = new JarInputStreamURLArchive(rootUrl);

-        } else {

-            result = new URLArchive(rootUrl);

-        }

-        logger.exiting("ArchiveFactoryImpl", "createArchive", result);

-        return result;

-    }


-    /**

-     * This method is called for a URL which has neither jar nor file protocol.

-     * This attempts to find out if we can treat it as a URL from which a JAR

-     * format InputStream can be obtained.

-     * @param url

-     */

-    private boolean isJarInputStream(URL url) throws IOException {

-        InputStream in = null;

-        try {

-        	in = url.openStream();

-            if (in == null) { // for directories, we may get InputStream as null

-            	return false;

-            }

-            JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(in);

-            jis.close();

-            return true; // we are successful in creating a Jar format IS

-        } catch (IOException ioe) {

-            if (in != null) {

-            	in.close();

-            }

-            return false;

-        }

-    }


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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     mkeith - Gemini JPA work (INCUBATION) 

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment;





-import java.util.Collections;

-import java.util.Iterator;


-import org.eclipse.gemini.jpa.GeminiUtil;


-public class BundleArchive extends URLArchive {


-    URL descriptorUrl;


-    public BundleArchive(URL rootUrl, URL descriptorUrl) { 

-        super(rootUrl);

-        this.descriptorUrl = descriptorUrl;

-    }


-    public InputStream getDescriptorStream() {

-        GeminiUtil.debug("BundleArchive - getDescriptorStream, url: ", descriptorUrl);

-        InputStream is = null;

-        try {

-            is = descriptorUrl.openStream();

-        } catch (IOException ioe) {

-            // we return null when entry does not exist

-        }

-        GeminiUtil.debug("BundleArchive - getDescriptorStream, returning: ", is);

-        return is;        

-    }


-    public InputStream getEntry(String entryPath) throws IOException {

-        GeminiUtil.debug("BundleArchive - getEntry, path: ", entryPath);

-        URL subEntry = new URL(getRootURL(), entryPath);

-        GeminiUtil.debug("BundleArchive - getEntry, new url: ", subEntry);

-        InputStream is = null;

-        try {

-            is = subEntry.openStream();

-        } catch (IOException ioe) {

-            // we return null when entry does not exist

-        }

-        GeminiUtil.debug("BundleArchive - getEntry, returning: ", is);

-        return is;

-    }


-    public URL getEntryAsURL(String entryPath) throws IOException {

-        GeminiUtil.debug("BundleArchive - getEntryAsURL, path: ", entryPath);

-        URL subEntry = new URL(getRootURL(), entryPath);

-        try {

-            InputStream is = subEntry.openStream();

-            if (is == null){

-                return null;

-            }

-            is.close();

-        } catch (IOException ioe) {

-            return null; // return null when entry does not exist

-        }

-        GeminiUtil.debug("BundleArchive - getEntryAsURL, returning: ", subEntry);

-        return subEntry;

-    }


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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment;






-public class BundleJarUrlArchive extends JarInputStreamURLArchive {


-    String descriptorPath;


-    public BundleJarUrlArchive(URL jarUrl, String descPath) throws IOException {

-        super(jarUrl);

-        descriptorPath = descPath;

-    }


-    public InputStream getDescriptorStream() {

-        InputStream result = null;

-        try {

-            result = getEntry(descriptorPath);

-        } catch (IOException ioEx) {} // result is just null

-        return result;

-    }


-    public URL getDescriptorURL() {

-        return null;

-    }


-    public URL getJarUrl() {

-        // The JAR url is what the superclass thinks is the root URL

-        return super.getRootURL();

-    }


-    public URL getRootURL() {

-        // The root url is just the root of the bundle

-        try {

-            URL rootUrl = new URL(getJarUrl().getProtocol()+ "://" + getJarUrl().getAuthority());

-            return rootUrl;

-        } catch (IOException ioEx) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("Error trying to create Root URL in BundleJarArchive: " + ioEx);

-        }

-    }


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index 5f56a3d..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 
- * which accompanies this distribution. 
- * The Eclipse Public License is available at
- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     mkeith - Gemini JPA work (INCUBATION) 
- *     
- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 
- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 
- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 
- * lists or the bug database.
- ******************************************************************************/ 
-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import javax.persistence.spi.ClassTransformer;
-import javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo;
-import org.eclipse.gemini.jpa.GeminiUtil;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ValidationException;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryProvider;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerSetupImpl;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.Archive;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.AbstractSessionLog;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;
- * Base class for all JPA initialization classes.  This is an abstract class that provides the framework
- * for JPA initialization (finding and initializing persistence units).  Subclasses implement the abstract methods
- * to provide customized functionality
- * 
- * @see JavaSESMPInitializer
- * @see OSGiInitializer
- * @See EquinoxInitializer
- * @author tware
- *
- */
-public abstract class JPAInitializer {
-    // The internal loader is used by applications that do weaving to pre load classes
-    // When this flag is set to false, we will not be able to weave.
-    protected boolean shouldCreateInternalLoader = true;
-    protected ClassLoader initializationClassloader = null;
-    /**
-     * Initialize the logging file if it is specified by the system property.
-     */
-    public static void initializeTopLinkLoggingFile() {        
-        String loggingFile = System.getProperty(PersistenceUnitProperties.LOGGING_FILE);
-        try {
-            if (loggingFile != null) {
-                AbstractSessionLog.getLog().setWriter(new FileWriter(loggingFile));
-            }
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(SessionLog.WARNING, "cmp_init_default_logging_file_is_invalid",loggingFile,e);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * predeploy (with deploy) is one of the two steps required in deployment of entities
-     * This method will prepare to call predeploy, call it and finally register the
-     * transformer returned to be used for weaving.
-     */
-    public EntityManagerSetupImpl callPredeploy(SEPersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo, Map m, PersistenceInitializationHelper persistenceHelper, String persistenceUnitUniqueName, String sessionName) {
-        AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(SessionLog.FINER, "cmp_init_invoke_predeploy", persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName());
-        Map mergedProperties = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.mergeMaps(m, persistenceUnitInfo.getProperties());
-        // Bug#4452468  When globalInstrumentation is null, there is no weaving
-        checkWeaving(mergedProperties);
-        Set tempLoaderSet = PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildClassSet(persistenceUnitInfo, persistenceHelper.getClassLoader(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(), m));
-        // Create the temp loader that will not cache classes for entities in our persistence unit
-        ClassLoader tempLoader = createTempLoader(tempLoaderSet);
-        ((SEPersistenceUnitInfo)persistenceUnitInfo).setNewTempClassLoader(tempLoader);
-        ((SEPersistenceUnitInfo)persistenceUnitInfo).setClassLoader(persistenceHelper.getClassLoader(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName(), m));
-        EntityManagerSetupImpl emSetupImpl = new EntityManagerSetupImpl(persistenceUnitUniqueName, sessionName);
-        // A call to predeploy will partially build the session we will use
-        final ClassTransformer transformer = emSetupImpl.predeploy(persistenceUnitInfo, mergedProperties);
-        // After preDeploy it's impossible to weave again - so may substitute the temporary classloader with the real one.
-        // The temporary classloader could be garbage collected even if the puInfo is cached for the future use by other emSetupImpls.
-        ((SEPersistenceUnitInfo)persistenceUnitInfo).setNewTempClassLoader(((SEPersistenceUnitInfo)persistenceUnitInfo).getClassLoader());
-        registerTransformer(transformer, persistenceUnitInfo);
-        return emSetupImpl;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Check whether weaving is possible and update the properties and variable as appropriate
-     * @param properties The list of properties to check for weaving and update if weaving is not needed
-     */
-    public abstract void checkWeaving(Map properties);
-    /**
-     * Create a temporary class loader that can be used to inspect classes and then
-     * thrown away.  This allows classes to be introspected prior to loading them
-     * with application's main class loader enabling weaving.
-     */
-    protected abstract ClassLoader createTempLoader(Collection col);
-    protected abstract ClassLoader createTempLoader(Collection col, boolean shouldOverrideLoadClassForCollectionMembers);
-    /**
-     * Find PersistenceUnitInfo corresponding to the persistence unit name.
-     * Returns null if either persistence unit either not found or provider is not supported.
-     */
-    public SEPersistenceUnitInfo findPersistenceUnitInfo(String puName, Map m, PersistenceInitializationHelper persistenceHelper) {
-        SEPersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo = null;
-        if(EntityManagerFactoryProvider.initialPuInfos != null) {
-            persistenceUnitInfo = EntityManagerFactoryProvider.initialPuInfos.get(puName);
-            if(persistenceUnitInfo != null) {
-                return persistenceUnitInfo;
-            }
-        }
-        return findPersistenceUnitInfoInArchives(puName, m, persistenceHelper);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Find PersistenceUnitInfo corresponding to the persistence unit name.
-     * Returns null if either persistence unit either not found or provider is not supported.
-     */
-    protected SEPersistenceUnitInfo findPersistenceUnitInfoInArchives(String puName, Map m, PersistenceInitializationHelper persistenceHelper) {
-        SEPersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo = null;
-        // mkeith - get resource name from prop and include in subsequent call
-        GeminiUtil.debug("JPAInit - findPersistenceUnitInfoInArchives, props = ", m);
-        String descriptorPath = (String) m.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.ECLIPSELINK_PERSISTENCE_XML);
-        final Set<Archive> pars;
-        if (descriptorPath != null) {
-            pars = PersistenceUnitProcessor.findPersistenceArchives(initializationClassloader, descriptorPath);
-        } else {
-            pars = PersistenceUnitProcessor.findPersistenceArchives(initializationClassloader);
-        }
-        for (Archive archive: pars) {
-            persistenceUnitInfo = findPersistenceUnitInfoInArchive(puName, archive, m, persistenceHelper);
-            if(persistenceUnitInfo != null) {
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        return persistenceUnitInfo;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Find PersistenceUnitInfo corresponding to the persistence unit name in the archive.
-     * Returns null if either persistence unit either not found or provider is not supported.
-     */
-    protected SEPersistenceUnitInfo findPersistenceUnitInfoInArchive(String puName, Archive archive, Map m, PersistenceInitializationHelper persistenceActivator){
-        GeminiUtil.debug("JPAInit - findPersistenceUnitInfoInArchive, puName = ", puName);
-        Iterator<SEPersistenceUnitInfo> persistenceUnits = PersistenceUnitProcessor.getPersistenceUnits(archive, initializationClassloader).iterator();
-        while (persistenceUnits.hasNext()) {
-            SEPersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo =;
-            if(isPersistenceProviderSupported(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceProviderClassName()) &&  persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitName().equals(puName)) {
-                return persistenceUnitInfo;
-            }
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns whether the given persistence provider class is supported by this implementation
-     * @param providerClassName
-     * @return
-     */
-    public boolean isPersistenceProviderSupported(String providerClassName){
-        return (providerClassName == null) || providerClassName.equals("") || providerClassName.equals(EntityManagerFactoryProvider.class.getName()) || providerClassName.equals(PersistenceProvider.class.getName());
-    }
-    /**
-     * Create a list of java.lang.Class that contains the classes of all the entities
-     * that we will be deploying.
-     */
-    protected Set loadEntityClasses(Collection entityNames, ClassLoader classLoader) {
-        Set entityClasses = new HashSet();
-        // Load the classes using the loader passed in
-        AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(SessionLog.FINER, "cmp_loading_entities_using_loader", classLoader);
-        for (Iterator iter = entityNames.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
-            String entityClassName = (String);
-            try {
-                entityClasses.add(classLoader.loadClass(entityClassName));
-            } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfEx) {
-                throw ValidationException.entityClassNotFound(entityClassName, classLoader, cnfEx);
-            }
-        }
-        return entityClasses;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Register a transformer.  This method should be overridden to provide the appropriate transformer
-     * registration for the environment
-     * @param transformer
-     * @param persistenceUnitInfo
-     */
-    public abstract void registerTransformer(final ClassTransformer transformer, PersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo);
-    /**
-     * Indicates whether puName uniquely defines the persistence unit.
-     */
-    public boolean isPersistenceUnitUniquelyDefinedByName() {
-        return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * In case persistence unit is not uniquely defined by name
-     * this method is called to generate a unique name.
-     */
-    public String createUniquePersistenceUnitName(PersistenceUnitInfo puInfo) {
-        return PersistenceUnitProcessor.buildPersistenceUnitName(puInfo.getPersistenceUnitRootUrl(), puInfo.getPersistenceUnitName());
-    }
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index 0bfa84b..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,558 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     mkeith - Gemini JPA work (INCUBATION) 

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/ 

-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment;








-import java.util.Enumeration;



-import java.util.ArrayList;

-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.List;

-import java.util.Iterator;

-import java.util.Set;

-import java.util.HashSet;


-import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;

-import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

-import javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo;




-import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;

-import org.xml.sax.InputSource;


-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.config.SystemProperties;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.PersistenceUnitLoadingException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.XMLParseException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.xml.parser.PersistenceContentHandler;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.xml.parser.XMLException;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.xml.parser.XMLExceptionHandler;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataProcessor;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.MetadataProject;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.AbstractSessionLog;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataAnnotation;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.metadata.accessors.objects.MetadataClass;



-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.Archive;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.ArchiveFactory;


-import static org.eclipse.gemini.jpa.GeminiUtil.*;




- * Utility Class that deals with persistence archives for EJB 3.0

- * Provides functions like searching for persistence archives, processing 

- * persistence.xml and searching for Entities in a Persistence archive

- */

-public class PersistenceUnitProcessor {    


-    /**

-     * Entries in a zip file are directory entries using slashes to separate 

-     * them. Build a class name using '.' instead of slash and removing the 

-     * '.class' extension.

-     */

-    public static String buildClassNameFromEntryString(String classEntryString){

-        String classNameForLoader = classEntryString;

-        if (classEntryString.endsWith(".class")){

-            classNameForLoader = classNameForLoader.substring(0, classNameForLoader.length() - 6);

-            classNameForLoader = classNameForLoader.replace("/", ".");              

-        }

-        return classNameForLoader;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Build a set that contains all the class names at a URL.

-     * @return a Set of class name strings

-     */

-    public static Set<String> buildClassSet(PersistenceUnitInfo persistenceUnitInfo, ClassLoader loader){

-        Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();

-        set.addAll(persistenceUnitInfo.getManagedClassNames());

-        Iterator i = persistenceUnitInfo.getJarFileUrls().iterator();

-        while (i.hasNext()) {

-            set.addAll(getClassNamesFromURL((URL), loader));

-        }

-        if (!persistenceUnitInfo.excludeUnlistedClasses()){

-            set.addAll(getClassNamesFromURL(persistenceUnitInfo.getPersistenceUnitRootUrl(), loader));

-        }

-        // No longer need to add classes from XML, as temp class loader is only used for sessions.xml.

-        return set;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Create a list of the entities that will be deployed. This list is built 

-     * from the information provided in the PersistenceUnitInfo argument.

-     * The list contains Classes specified in the PersistenceUnitInfo's class 

-     * list and also files that are annotated with @Entity and @Embeddable in

-     * the jar files provided in the persistence info. This list of classes will 

-     * used to build a deployment project and to decide what classes 

-     * to weave.

-     */

-    public static Collection<MetadataClass> buildEntityList(MetadataProcessor processor, ClassLoader loader) {

-        ArrayList<MetadataClass> entityList = new ArrayList<MetadataClass>();

-        for (String className : processor.getProject().getWeavableClassNames()) {

-            entityList.add(processor.getMetadataFactory().getMetadataClass(className));

-        }        

-        return entityList;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Determine the URL path to the persistence unit 

-     * @param pxmlURL - Encoded URL containing the pu

-     * @return

-     * @throws IOException

-     */

-    public static URL computePURootURL(URL pxmlURL) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {

-        URL result;

-        String protocol = pxmlURL.getProtocol();

-        if("file".equals(protocol)) { // NOI18N

-            // e.g. file:/tmp/META-INF/persistence.xml

-            // 210280: any file url will be assumed to always reference a file (not a directory)

-            result = new URL(pxmlURL, ".."); // NOI18N

-        } else if("jar".equals(protocol)) { // NOI18N

-            // e.g. jar:file:/tmp/a_ear/b.jar!/META-INF/persistence.xml

-            JarURLConnection conn =

-                    JarURLConnection.class.cast(pxmlURL.openConnection());

-// mkeith - Don't assert we know the name of the descriptor

-//            assert(conn.getJarEntry().getName().equals(   

-//                    "META-INF/persistence.xml")); // NOI18N

-            result = conn.getJarFileURL();

-        // mkeith - add bundle protocol cases

-        } else if ("bundleentry".equals(protocol)) {           

-            result = new URL("bundleentry://" + pxmlURL.getAuthority());

-        } else if ("bundleresource".equals(protocol)) {           

-            result = new URL("bundleresource://" + pxmlURL.getAuthority());

-        } else {

-            // some other protocol

-            // e.g. bundleresource://21/META-INF/persistence.xml

-            result = new URL(pxmlURL, "../"); // NOI18N

-        }

-        result = fixUNC(result);

-        return result;

-    }



-    /**

-     * This method fixes incorrect authority attribute

-     * that is set by JDK when UNC is used in classpath.

-     * See JDK bug #6585937 and GlassFish issue #3209 for more details.

-     */

-    private static URL fixUNC(URL url) throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException

-    {

-        String protocol = url.getProtocol();

-        if (!"file".equalsIgnoreCase(protocol)) {

-            return url;

-        }

-        String authority= url.getAuthority();

-        String file = url.getFile();

-        if (authority != null) {

-            AbstractSessionLog.getLog().finer(

-                    "fixUNC: before fixing: url = " + url + ", authority = " + authority + ", file = " + file);

-            assert(url.getPort() == -1);


-            // See GlassFish issue and

-            // JDK issue

-            // When there is UNC path in classpath, the classloader.getResource

-            // returns a file: URL with an authority component in it.

-            // The URL looks like this:

-            // file://ahost/afile.

-            // Interestingly, authority and file components for the above URL

-            // are either "ahost" and "/afile" or "" and "//ahost/afile" depending on

-            // how the URL is obtained. If classpath is set as a jar with UNC,

-            // the former is true, if the classpath is set as a directory with UNC,

-            // the latter is true.

-            String prefix = "";

-            if (authority.length() > 0) {

-                prefix = "////";

-            } else if (file.startsWith("//")) {

-                prefix = "//";

-            }

-            file = prefix.concat(authority).concat(file);

-            url = new URL(protocol, null, file);

-            AbstractSessionLog.getLog().finer(

-                    "fixUNC: after fixing: url = " + url + ", authority = " + url.getAuthority() + ", file = " + url.getFile());

-        }

-        return url;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Search the classpath for persistence archives. A persistence archive is 

-     * defined as any part of the class path that contains a META-INF directory 

-     * with a persistence.xml file in it. Return a list of the URLs of those 

-     * files. Use the current thread's context classloader to get the classpath. 

-     * We assume it is a URL class loader.

-     */

-    public static Set<Archive> findPersistenceArchives(){

-        // mkeith - change to use constant

-        debug("New PP findPersistenceArchives - defaults");

-        ClassLoader threadLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

-        return findPersistenceArchives(threadLoader);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Search the classpath for persistence archives. A persistence archive is

-     * defined as any part of the class path that contains a META-INF directory

-     * with a persistence.xml file in it. Return a list of {@link Archive}

-     * representing the root of those files. It is the caller's responsibility

-     * to close all the archives.

-     * 

-     * @param loader the class loader to get the class path from

-     */

-    public static Set<Archive> findPersistenceArchives(ClassLoader loader){

-        Set<Archive> pars = new HashSet<Archive>();

-        try {

-            Enumeration<URL> resources = loader.getResources(PersistenceUnitProperties.ECLIPSELINK_PERSISTENCE_XML_DEFAULT);

-            while (resources.hasMoreElements()){

-                URL pxmlURL = resources.nextElement();

-                URL puRootURL = computePURootURL(pxmlURL);

-                Archive archive = PersistenceUnitProcessor.getArchiveFactory(loader).createArchive(puRootURL);

-                pars.add(archive);

-            }

-        } catch ( exc){

-            //clean up first

-            for (Archive archive : pars) {

-                archive.close();

-            }

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionSearchingForPersistenceResources(loader, exc);

-        } catch (URISyntaxException exc) {

-            //clean up first

-            for (Archive archive : pars) {

-                archive.close();

-            }

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionSearchingForPersistenceResources(loader, exc);

-        }


-        return pars;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return a list of Archives representing the root of the persistence descriptor. 

-     * It is the caller's responsibility to close all the archives.

-     * 

-     * @param loader the class loader to get the class path from

-     */

-    // mkeith - add descriptorPath argument

-    public static Set<Archive> findPersistenceArchives(ClassLoader loader, String descriptorPath){


-        debug("PUP findPersistenceArchives - desc path: ", descriptorPath);

-        Archive archive = null;

-        boolean embedded = false;


-        Set<Archive> archives = new HashSet<Archive>();


-        // See if we are talking about an embedded descriptor

-        int splitPosition = descriptorPath.indexOf("!/");


-        try {

-            // If not embedded descriptor then just use the regular descriptor path

-            if (splitPosition == -1) {

-                URL descUrl = loader.getResource(descriptorPath);

-                URL puRootUrl = computePURootURL(descUrl);

-                debug("PUP findPersistenceArchives - computedRootUrl ", puRootUrl);

-                archive = new BundleArchive(puRootUrl, descUrl);

-                debug("PUP findPersistenceArchives - archive ", archive);

-                if (archive != null)

-                    archives.add(archive);

-            } else {

-                // It is an embedded archive, so split up the parts

-                String jarPrefixPath = descriptorPath.substring(0, splitPosition);

-                debug("PUP - Embedded descriptor JAR prefix: ", jarPrefixPath);

-                String descPath = descriptorPath.substring(splitPosition+2);

-                debug("PUP - Embedded descriptor suffix: ", descPath);

-                // TODO This causes the bundle to be resolved (not what we want)!

-                URL prefixUrl = loader.getResource(jarPrefixPath);

-                archive = new BundleJarUrlArchive(prefixUrl, descPath);            

-                if (prefixUrl != null) {

-                    archives.add(archive);

-                }

-                debug("PUP findPersistenceArchives - archive ", archive);

-                if (archive != null)

-                    archives.add(archive);

-            } 

-        } catch (Exception ex){

-            //clean up first

-            for (Archive a : archives)

-                a.close();

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionSearchingForPersistenceResources(loader, ex);

-        }

-        return archives;

-    }


-    public static ArchiveFactory getArchiveFactory(ClassLoader loader){

-        String factoryClassName = System.getProperty(SystemProperties.ARCHIVE_FACTORY, null);

-        if (factoryClassName == null){

-            return new ArchiveFactoryImpl();

-        }

-        try{

-            if (factoryClassName != null){

-                ArchiveFactory factory = null;

-                if (loader != null) {

-                    Class archiveClass = loader.loadClass(factoryClassName);

-                    if (PrivilegedAccessHelper.shouldUsePrivilegedAccess()){

-                        try {

-                            factory = (ArchiveFactory)AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedNewInstanceFromClass(archiveClass));

-                      } catch (PrivilegedActionException exception) {

-                          throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionCreatingArchiveFactory(factoryClassName, exception);

-                      }

-                    } else {

-                        factory = (ArchiveFactory)PrivilegedAccessHelper.newInstanceFromClass(archiveClass);

-                    }

-                }

-                return factory;

-            }

-            return new ArchiveFactoryImpl();

-        } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionCreatingArchiveFactory(factoryClassName, cnfe);

-        } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionCreatingArchiveFactory(factoryClassName, iae);

-        } catch (InstantiationException ie) {

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionCreatingArchiveFactory(factoryClassName, ie);

-        }

-    }


-    public static Set<String> getClassNamesFromURL(URL url, ClassLoader loader) {

-        Set<String> classNames = new HashSet<String>();

-        Archive archive = null;

-        try {

-            archive = PersistenceUnitProcessor.getArchiveFactory(loader).createArchive(url);


-            for (Iterator<String> entries = archive.getEntries(); entries.hasNext();) {

-                String entry =;

-                if (entry.endsWith(".class")){ // NOI18N

-                     classNames.add(buildClassNameFromEntryString(entry));

-                }

-            }

-        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("url = [" + url + "]", e);  // NOI18N

-        } catch (IOException e) {

-            throw new RuntimeException("url = [" + url + "]", e);  // NOI18N

-        } finally {

-            if (archive != null) {

-                archive.close();

-            }

-        }

-        return classNames;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return if a given class is annotated with @Embeddable.

-     */

-    public static MetadataAnnotation getEmbeddableAnnotation(MetadataClass candidateClass){

-        return candidateClass.getAnnotation(javax.persistence.Embeddable.class);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return if a given class is annotated with @Entity.

-     */

-    public static MetadataAnnotation getEntityAnnotation(MetadataClass candidateClass){

-        return candidateClass.getAnnotation(javax.persistence.Entity.class);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Get a list of persistence units from the file or directory at the given 

-     * url. PersistenceUnits are built based on the presence of a persistence descriptor

-     * *

-     * @param archive The url of a jar file or directory to check

-     */

-    public static List<SEPersistenceUnitInfo> getPersistenceUnits(Archive archive, ClassLoader loader){

-        return processPersistenceArchive(archive, loader);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return the @StaticMetamodel annotation on the given class.

-     */

-    public static MetadataAnnotation getStaticMetamodelAnnotation(MetadataClass candidateClass){

-        return candidateClass.getAnnotation(javax.persistence.metamodel.StaticMetamodel.class);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return if a given class is annotated with @Embeddable.

-     */

-    public static boolean isEmbeddable(MetadataClass candidateClass) {

-        return candidateClass.isAnnotationPresent(javax.persistence.Embeddable.class);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return if a given class is annotated with @Entity.

-     */

-    public static boolean isEntity(MetadataClass candidateClass){

-        return candidateClass.isAnnotationPresent(javax.persistence.Entity.class);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Return if a given class is annotated with @StaticMetamodel.

-     */

-    public static boolean isStaticMetamodelClass(MetadataClass candidateClass) {

-        return candidateClass.isAnnotationPresent(javax.persistence.metamodel.StaticMetamodel.class);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Load the given class name with the given class loader.

-     */

-    public static Class loadClass(String className, ClassLoader loader, boolean throwExceptionIfNotFound, MetadataProject project) {

-        Class candidateClass = null;


-        try {

-            candidateClass = loader.loadClass(className);

-        } catch (ClassNotFoundException exc){

-            if (throwExceptionIfNotFound){

-                throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionLoadingClassWhileLookingForAnnotations(className, exc);

-            } else {

-                AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(AbstractSessionLog.WARNING, "persistence_unit_processor_error_loading_class", exc.getClass().getName(), exc.getLocalizedMessage() , className);

-            }

-        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {

-            // Bug 227630: If any weavable class is not found in the temporary 

-            // classLoader - disable weaving 

-            AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(AbstractSessionLog.WARNING, "persistence_unit_processor_error_loading_class_weaving_disabled", loader, project.getPersistenceUnitInfo().getPersistenceUnitName(), className);

-            // Disable weaving (for 1->1 and many->1)only if the classLoader 

-            // returns a NPE on loadClass()

-            project.setWeavingEnabled(false);

-        } catch (Exception exception){

-            AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(AbstractSessionLog.WARNING, "persistence_unit_processor_error_loading_class", exception.getClass().getName(), exception.getLocalizedMessage() , className);

-        } catch (Error error){

-            AbstractSessionLog.getLog().log(AbstractSessionLog.WARNING, "persistence_unit_processor_error_loading_class", error.getClass().getName(), error.getLocalizedMessage() , className);

-            throw error;

-        }


-        return candidateClass;

-    }


-    /**

-     * Process the Object/relational metadata from XML and annotations

-     */

-    public static void processORMetadata(MetadataProcessor processor, boolean throwExceptionOnFail) {

-        // DO NOT CHANGE the order of invocation of various methods.


-        // 1 - Load the list of mapping files for the persistence unit. Need to 

-        // do this before we start processing entities as the list of entity 

-        // classes depend on metadata read from mapping files.

-        processor.loadMappingFiles(throwExceptionOnFail);


-        // 2 - Process each XML entity mappings file metadata (except for

-        // the actual classes themselves). This method is also responsible

-        // for handling any XML merging.

-        processor.processEntityMappings();


-        // 3 - Process the persistence unit classes (from XML and annotations)

-        // and their metadata now.

-        processor.processORMMetadata();        

-    }


-    /**

-     * Go through the jar file for this PersistenceUnitProcessor and process any 

-     * XML provided in it.

-     */

-    public static List<SEPersistenceUnitInfo> processPersistenceArchive(Archive archive, ClassLoader loader){

-        URL puRootURL = archive.getRootURL();

-        try {

-            // mkeith - if we have a URL use it

-            InputStream pxmlStream = null;

-            if (archive.getDescriptorStream() != null) {

-                pxmlStream = archive.getDescriptorStream();

-            } else {

-                pxmlStream = archive.getEntry(PersistenceUnitProperties.ECLIPSELINK_PERSISTENCE_XML_DEFAULT);

-            }

-            return processPersistenceXML(puRootURL, pxmlStream, loader);

-//        } catch (IOException e) {

-          } catch (Exception e) {

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionLoadingFromUrl(puRootURL.toString(), e);

-        }

-    }


-    /**

-     * Build a persistence.xml file into a SEPersistenceUnitInfo object.

-     * May eventually change this to use OX mapping as well.

-     */

-    private static List<SEPersistenceUnitInfo> processPersistenceXML(URL baseURL, InputStream input, ClassLoader loader){

-        SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

-        spf.setNamespaceAware(true);


-        XMLReader xmlReader = null;

-        SAXParser sp = null;

-        XMLExceptionHandler xmlErrorHandler = new XMLExceptionHandler();

-        // 247735 - remove the validation of XML.  


-        // create a SAX parser

-        try {

-            sp = spf.newSAXParser();

-        } catch (javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException exc){

-            throw XMLParseException.exceptionCreatingSAXParser(baseURL, exc);

-        } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException exc){

-            throw XMLParseException.exceptionCreatingSAXParser(baseURL, exc);

-        }


-        // create an XMLReader

-        try {

-            xmlReader = sp.getXMLReader();

-            xmlReader.setErrorHandler(xmlErrorHandler);

-        } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException exc){

-            throw XMLParseException.exceptionCreatingXMLReader(baseURL, exc);

-        }


-        PersistenceContentHandler myContentHandler = new PersistenceContentHandler();

-        xmlReader.setContentHandler(myContentHandler);


-        InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(input);

-        try{

-            xmlReader.parse(inputSource);

-        } catch (IOException exc){

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionProcessingPersistenceXML(baseURL, exc);

-        } catch (org.xml.sax.SAXException exc){

-            // XMLErrorHandler will handle SAX exceptions

-        }


-        // handle any parse exceptions

-        XMLException xmlError = xmlErrorHandler.getXMLException();

-        if (xmlError != null) {

-            throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.exceptionProcessingPersistenceXML(baseURL, xmlError);

-        }


-        Iterator<SEPersistenceUnitInfo> persistenceInfos = myContentHandler.getPersistenceUnits().iterator();

-        while (persistenceInfos.hasNext()){

-            SEPersistenceUnitInfo info =;

-            info.setPersistenceUnitRootUrl(baseURL);           

-        }

-        return myContentHandler.getPersistenceUnits();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Build the unique persistence name by concatenating the decoded URL with the persistence unit name.

-     * A decoded URL is required while persisting on a multi-bytes OS.  

-     * @param URL

-     * @param puName

-     * @return String

-     */

-   public static String buildPersistenceUnitName(URL url, String puName){

-       String fullPuName = null;

-       try {

-           // append the persistence unit name to the decoded URL

-           fullPuName = URLDecoder.decode(url.toString(), "UTF8")+"_"+puName;

-       } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

-           throw PersistenceUnitLoadingException.couldNotBuildPersistenceUntiName(e,url.toString(),puName);

-       }

-       return fullPuName;

-   }



diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/deployment/ b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/deployment/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d17a82..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/internal/jpa/deployment/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 
- * which accompanies this distribution. 
- * The Eclipse Public License is available at
- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     mkeith - Gemini JPA work (INCUBATION) 
- *     
- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 
- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 
- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 
- * lists or the bug database.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import org.eclipse.gemini.jpa.GeminiUtil;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.Archive;
- * This is an implementation of {@link Archive} when container returns a url
- * that is not one of the familiar URL types like file or jar URLs. So, we can
- * not recursively walk thru' its hierarchy. As a result {@link #getEntries()}
- * returns an empty collection.
- *
- * @author Sanjeeb.Sahoo@Sun.COM
- */
-public class URLArchive implements Archive {
-    /*
-     * Implementation Note: This class does not have any dependency on either
-     * EclipseLink or GlassFish implementation classes. Please retain this separation.
-     */
-    /**
-     * The URL representation of this archive.
-     */
-    protected URL url;
-    public URLArchive(URL url) {
-        this.url = url;
-    }
-    // mkeith - not used right now
-    public InputStream getDescriptorStream() { return null; }
-    // mkeith - not used right now
-    public URL getDescriptorURL() { return null; }
-    public Iterator<String> getEntries() {
-        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
-    }
-    public InputStream getEntry(String entryPath) throws IOException {
-        URL subEntry = new URL(url, entryPath);
-        InputStream is = null;
-        try {
-            is = subEntry.openStream();
-        } catch (IOException ioe) {
-            // we return null when entry does not exist
-        }
-        return is;
-    }
-    public URL getEntryAsURL(String entryPath) throws IOException {
-        URL subEntry = new URL(url, entryPath);
-        try {
-            InputStream is = subEntry.openStream();
-            if (is == null){
-                return null;
-            }
-            is.close();
-        } catch (IOException ioe) {
-            return null; // return null when entry does not exist
-        }
-        return subEntry;
-    }
-    public URL getRootURL() {
-        return url;
-    }
-    public void close() {
-        // nothing to close. it's caller's responsibility to close
-        // any InputStream returned by getEntry().
-    }
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jpa/ b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 67daeef..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.
- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 
- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 
- * which accompanies this distribution. 
- * The Eclipse Public License is available at
- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 
- *
- *
- * Contributors:
- *     mkeith - Gemini JPA work (INCUBATION) 
- *     
- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 
- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 
- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 
- * lists or the bug database.
- ******************************************************************************/
-package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.deployment.ArchiveFactoryImpl;
- * Provides an abstraction to deal with various kinds of URLs that can
- * be returned by
- * {@link javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo#getPersistenceUnitRootUrl()}
- *
- * @see ArchiveFactoryImpl
- * @author Sanjeeb.Sahoo@Sun.COM
- */
-public interface Archive {
-    /*
-     * Implementation Note: This class does not have any dependency on either
-     * EclipseLink or GlassFish implementation classes. Please retain this separation.
-     */
-    /**
-     * Returns an {@link java.util.Iterator} of the file entries. Each String represents
-     * a file name relative to the root of the module.
-     */
-    Iterator<String> getEntries();
-    /**
-     * Returns the InputStream for the given entry name. Returns null if no such
-     * entry exists. The entry name must be relative to the root of the module.
-     *
-     * @param entryPath the file name relative to the root of the module.
-     * @return the InputStream for the given entry name or null if not found.
-     */
-    InputStream getEntry(String entryPath) throws IOException;
-    /**
-     * Returns the URL for the given entry name. Returns null if no such
-     * entry exists. The entry name must be relative to the root of the module.
-     *
-     * @param entryPath the file name relative to the root of the module.
-     * @return the URL for the given entry name or null if not found.
-     */
-    URL getEntryAsURL(String entryPath) throws IOException;
-    /**
-     * @return the URL that this archive represents.
-     */
-    URL getRootURL();
-    /**
-     * @return the URL for the persistence descriptor.
-     */
-    URL getDescriptorURL();
-    /**
-     * @return an input stream on the persistence descriptor.
-     */
-    InputStream getDescriptorStream();
-    /**
-     * Close this archive and associated InputStream.
-     */
-    void close();
diff --git a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jpa/ b/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jpa/
deleted file mode 100644
index c0a5e5f..0000000
--- a/gemini-jpa/org.eclipse.persistence.incubator.geminijpa.jpa/src/org/eclipse/persistence/jpa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     mkeith - Gemini JPA work (INCUBATION) 

- *     

- * This code is being developed under INCUBATION and is not currently included 

- * in the automated EclipseLink build. The API in this code may change, or 

- * may never be included in the product. Please provide feedback through mailing 

- * lists or the bug database.

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa;







- * This interface should be implemented by users that want to provide a custom way

- * of dealing with archives that contain persistence units.  An implementer of this class

- * can be enabled by providing a System property

- * 

- * @see org.eclipse.persistence.config.SystemProperties

- * @author tware

- *

- */

-public interface ArchiveFactory {


-    /**

-     * Return an instance of an implementer of Archive that can process the URL provided

-     * 

-     * @throws URISyntaxException

-     * @throws IOException

-     */

-    public Archive createArchive(URL rootUrl) throws URISyntaxException, IOException;


-    public Archive createArchive(URL rootUrl, URL descriptorUrl) throws URISyntaxException, IOException;


diff --git a/jpa-broker/trunk/ b/jpa-broker/trunk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2973c02..0000000
--- a/jpa-broker/trunk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-r6131 | dclarke | 2009-12-18 23:41:48 -0500 (Fri, 18 Dec 2009) | 1 line

-Changed paths:

-   A /incubator/jpa-broker (from /incubators/jpa-broker:6130)

-   D /incubators/jpa-broker




-r6130 | dclarke | 2009-12-18 23:36:13 -0500 (Fri, 18 Dec 2009) | 1 line

-Changed paths:

-   A /incubators

-   A /incubators/jpa-broker

-   A /incubators/jpa-broker/trunk

-   A /incubators/jpa-broker/trunk/


-Share project "" into ""

diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1704df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/.project b/summit-2010/.project
deleted file mode 100644
index d11d657..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/.project
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


-	<name>EclipseLink Summit</name>

-	<comment></comment>

-	<projects>

-	</projects>

-	<buildSpec>

-	</buildSpec>

-	<natures>

-	</natures>


diff --git a/summit-2010/Advanced-Cache.ppt b/summit-2010/Advanced-Cache.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 6340cb1..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Advanced-Cache.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/AdvancedQueries.ppt b/summit-2010/AdvancedQueries.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b6bbd..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/AdvancedQueries.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Architecture-MOXyAndSDO.ppt b/summit-2010/Architecture-MOXyAndSDO.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 12c6d4a..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Architecture-MOXyAndSDO.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Architecture-orm.ppt b/summit-2010/Architecture-orm.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 846aed5..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Architecture-orm.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index b20c8be..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<entity-mappings version="2.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">


-  <package>model</package>


-  <entity name="Employee" class="Employee" access="PROPERTY">

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="EMP_ID"/>

-      </id>

-      <basic-collection name="responsibilities">

-        <value-column name="DESCRIPTION"/>

-        <collection-table name="RESPONS"/>

-      </basic-collection>

-      <many-to-one name="address" target-entity="Address" fetch="LAZY">

-        <join-column name="ADDR_ID"/>

-      </many-to-one>

-      <many-to-one name="manager" target-entity="Employee" fetch="LAZY">

-        <join-column name="MANAGER_ID" referenced-column-name="EMP_ID"/>

-      </many-to-one>

-      <one-to-many name="phoneNumbers" target-entity="PhoneNumber" mapped-by="owner"/>

-      <one-to-many name="managedEmployees" target-entity="Employee" mapped-by="manager"/>

-      <many-to-many name="projects" target-entity="Project"/>

-      <embedded name="period">

-        <attribute-override name="startDate">

-          <column name="START_DATE" nullable="false"/>

-        </attribute-override>

-        <attribute-override name="endDate">

-          <column name="END_DATE" nullable="true"/>

-        </attribute-override>

-      </embedded>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <entity name="Address" class="Address" access="PROPERTY">

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="ADDRESS_ID"/>

-      </id>

-      <one-to-many name="employees" target-entity="Employee" mapped-by="address"/>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <entity name="PhoneNumber" class="PhoneNumber" access="PROPERTY">

-    <id-class class="PhoneNumberPK"/>

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="OWNER_ID" insertable="false" updatable="false"/>

-      </id>

-      <id name="type">

-        <column name="TYPE"/>

-      </id>

-      <basic name="number">

-        <column name="NUMB"/>

-      </basic>

-      <many-to-one name="owner" target-entity="Employee">

-        <join-column name="OWNER_ID" referenced-column-name="EMP_ID"/>

-      </many-to-one>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <entity name="Project" class="Project" access="PROPERTY">

-    <inheritance strategy="JOINED"/>

-      <discriminator-value>P</discriminator-value>

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="PROJ_ID"/>

-      </id>

-      <one-to-one name="teamLeader" target-entity="Employee">

-        <join-column name="LEADER_ID"/>

-      </one-to-one>

-      <many-to-many name="teamMembers" target-entity="Employee" mapped-by="projects"/>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <embeddable class="EmploymentPeriod" access="PROPERTY">

-    <attributes>

-      <basic name="startDate">

-        <column name="S_DATE"/>

-      </basic>

-      <basic name="endDate">

-        <column name="E_DATE"/>

-      </basic>

-    </attributes>

-  </embeddable>



diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/jpa-orm.xml b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/jpa-orm.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b6b092..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/jpa-orm.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<entity-mappings version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">


-  <package>model</package>


-  <entity name="Employee" class="Employee" access="PROPERTY">

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="EMP_ID"/>

-      </id>

-	  <element-collection name="responsibilities"/>

-      <many-to-one name="address" target-entity="Address" fetch="LAZY">

-        <join-column name="ADDR_ID"/>

-      </many-to-one>

-      <many-to-one name="manager" target-entity="Employee" fetch="LAZY">

-        <join-column name="MANAGER_ID" referenced-column-name="EMP_ID"/>

-      </many-to-one>

-      <one-to-many name="phoneNumbers" target-entity="PhoneNumber" mapped-by="owner"/>

-      <one-to-many name="managedEmployees" target-entity="Employee" mapped-by="manager"/>

-      <many-to-many name="projects" target-entity="Project"/>

-      <embedded name="period">

-        <attribute-override name="startDate">

-          <column name="START_DATE" nullable="false"/>

-        </attribute-override>

-        <attribute-override name="endDate">

-          <column name="END_DATE" nullable="true"/>

-        </attribute-override>

-      </embedded>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <entity name="Address" class="Address" access="PROPERTY">

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="ADDRESS_ID"/>

-      </id>

-      <one-to-many name="employees" target-entity="Employee" mapped-by="address"/>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <entity name="PhoneNumber" class="PhoneNumber" access="PROPERTY">

-    <id-class class="PhoneNumberPK"/>

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="OWNER_ID" insertable="false" updatable="false"/>

-      </id>

-      <id name="type">

-        <column name="TYPE"/>

-      </id>

-      <basic name="number">

-        <column name="NUMB"/>

-      </basic>

-      <many-to-one name="owner" target-entity="Employee">

-        <join-column name="OWNER_ID" referenced-column-name="EMP_ID"/>

-      </many-to-one>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <entity name="Project" class="Project" access="PROPERTY">

-    <inheritance strategy="JOINED"/>

-      <discriminator-value>P</discriminator-value>

-    <attributes>

-      <id name="id">

-        <column name="PROJ_ID"/>

-      </id>

-      <one-to-one name="teamLeader" target-entity="Employee">

-        <join-column name="LEADER_ID"/>

-      </one-to-one>

-      <many-to-many name="teamMembers" target-entity="Employee" mapped-by="projects"/>

-    </attributes>

-  </entity>


-  <embeddable class="EmploymentPeriod" access="PROPERTY">

-    <attributes>

-      <basic name="startDate">

-        <column name="S_DATE"/>

-      </basic>

-      <basic name="endDate">

-        <column name="E_DATE"/>

-      </basic>

-    </attributes>

-  </embeddable>



diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/persistence.xml b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d6d61c7..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/META-INF/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" persistence_2_0.xsd" version="2.0">

-    <persistence-unit name="default" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

-        <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>

-		<mapping-file>META-INF/jpa-orm.xml</mapping-file>

-        <exclude-unlisted-classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes>

-        <properties>

-			<property name="eclipselink.exclude-eclipselink-orm" value="true"/>

-        </properties>

-    </persistence-unit>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/build.xml b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index aaaca28..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<project name="canonical.demo" default="compile-with-modelgen" basedir=".">
-    <property name="env" environment="env" value="env"/>
-    <echo message="modelgen.processor.jar='${modelgen.processor.jar}'"/>
-    <target name="compile-with-modelgen">
-        <copy todir="${}/${classes.dir}">
-            <fileset dir="${}/${resource.dir}" includes="eclipselink-canonical-meta-model/persistence.xml"/>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Copy to META-INF because IBM Compiler apparently is no longer recognizing -A (temporary) -->
-        <copy todir="${}/${classes.dir}/META-INF">
-            <fileset dir="${}/${resource.dir}/eclipselink-canonical-meta-model" includes="persistence.xml"/>
-        </copy>
-        <antcall target="model-compile" inheritRefs="true">
-            <param name="SRC_PATH" value="${eclipselink.jpa.test}/${src.dir}"/>
-            <param name="DEST_PATH" value="${eclipselink.jpa.test}/${classes.dir}"/>
-            <param name="MODEL_PATH" value="org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/jpa/advanced"/>
-            <param name="PERSISTENCE_XML_PATH" value="eclipselink-canonical-meta-model/persistence.xml"/>
-            <param name="COMPILE_PATH_REF" value="compile.modelgen.path"/>
-        </antcall>
-        <!-- This persistence.xml MUST be deleted because tests will pick it up otherwise and fail -->
-        <delete dir="${}/${classes.dir}/META-INF"/>
-        <available file="${}/${classes.dir}/org/eclipse/persistence/testing/models/jpa/advanced/Address_.class" property="modelgen.created.classes.exist"/>
-    </target>
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/eclipselink.jar b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/eclipselink.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 55017a6..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/eclipselink.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/jpa.jar b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/jpa.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index dc968bf..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/jpa.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 568f149..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-package model;



-import javax.persistence.*;

-import static javax.persistence.GenerationType.*;

-import java.util.*;

-import static javax.persistence.CascadeType.*;




-    name="findAllSQLAddresses", 

-    query="select * from CMP3_ANN_MERGE_ADDRESS",

-    resultClass=Address.class



-    name="findAllAddressesByPostalCode", 

-    query="SELECT OBJECT(address) FROM Address address WHERE address.postalCode = :postalcode"


-public class Address implements Serializable {

-	private Integer id;

-	private String street;

-	private String city;

-    private String province;

-    private String postalCode;

-    private String country;

-	private Collection<Employee> employees;


-    public Address() {

-        city = "";

-        province = "";

-        postalCode = "";

-        street = "";

-        country = "";

-        this.employees = new Vector<Employee>();

-    }


-    public Address(String street, String city, String province, String country, String postalCode) {

-        this.street = street;

- = city;

-        this.province = province;

- = country;

-        this.postalCode = postalCode;

-        this.employees = new Vector<Employee>();

-    }


-	public String getCity() { 

-        return city; 

-    }


-	public String getCountry() { 

-        return country; 

-    }


-	public Collection<Employee> getEmployees() { 

-        return employees; 

-    }


-	public Integer getId() { 

-        return id; 

-    }


-	@Column(name="P_CODE")

-	public String getPostalCode() { 

-        return postalCode; 

-    }


-	public String getProvince() { 

-        return province; 

-    }


-	public String getStreet() { 

-        return street; 

-    }


-    public void setEmployees(Collection<Employee> employees) {

-		this.employees = employees;

-	}


-	public void setId(Integer id) { 

- = id; 

-    }


-	public void setCity(String city) { 

- = city; 

-    }


-	public void setCountry(String country) { 

- = country;

-    }


-	public void setPostalCode(String postalCode) { 

-        this.postalCode = postalCode; 

-    }


-	public void setProvince(String province) { 

-        this.province = province; 

-    }


-	public void setStreet(String street) { 

-        this.street = street; 

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index d95cba9..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-package model;


-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.*;

-import static javax.persistence.GenerationType.*;

-import static javax.persistence.CascadeType.*;

-import static javax.persistence.FetchType.*;





-@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn(name="EMP_ID", referencedColumnName="EMP_ID")


-  @NamedQuery(

-	name="findAllEmployeesByFirstName",

-	query="SELECT OBJECT(employee) FROM Employee employee WHERE employee.firstName = :firstname"

-  ),

-  @NamedQuery(

-	name="constuctEmployees",

-	query="SELECT new Employee(employee.firstName, employee.lastName) FROM Employee employee")



-public class Employee implements Serializable {

-	private int salary;

-	private int version;


-	private Integer id;


-	private String firstName;

-	private String lastName;


-	private Collection<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers;

-	private Collection<Project> projects;

-	private Collection<Employee> managedEmployees;

-	private Collection<String> responsibilities;


-	private Address address;

-	private EmploymentPeriod period;


-    private Employee manager;


-	public Employee () {}


-	public Address getAddress() { 

-        return address; 

-    }


-    @Column(name="F_NAME")

-	public String getFirstName() { 

-        return firstName; 

-    }


-    @Transient

-	public String getLastName() { 

-        return lastName; 

-    }


-	public Integer getId() { 

-        return id; 

-    }


-	public Collection<Employee> getManagedEmployees() { 

-        return managedEmployees; 

-    }


-	@ManyToOne(cascade=PERSIST, fetch=LAZY)

-	public Employee getManager() { 

-        return manager; 

-    }


-	public EmploymentPeriod getPeriod() {

-		return period;

-	}


-	public Collection<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() { 

-        return phoneNumbers; 

-    }


-	public Collection<Project> getProjects() { 

-        return projects; 

-    }


-    public Collection<String> getResponsibilities() {

-        return responsibilities;

-    }


-    @Column(table="SALARY")

-	public int getSalary() { 

-        return salary; 

-    }


-	@Version

-	@Column(name="VERSION")

-	public int getVersion() { 

-        return version; 

-    }


-	public void setAddress(Address address) {

-		this.address = address;

-	}


-	public void setFirstName(String name) { 

-		this.firstName = name; 

-    }


-	public void setId(Integer id) { 

- = id; 

-    }


-	public void setLastName(String name) { 

-        this.lastName = name; 

-    }


-	public void setManagedEmployees(Collection<Employee> managedEmployees) {

-		this.managedEmployees = managedEmployees;

-	}


-	public void setManager(Employee manager) {

-		this.manager = manager;

-	}


-	public void setPeriod(EmploymentPeriod period) {

-		this.period = period;

-	}


-	public void setPhoneNumbers(Collection<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers) {

-		this.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers;

-	}


-	public void setProjects(Collection<Project> projects) {

-		this.projects = projects;

-	}


-	public void setResponsibilities(Collection<String> responsibilities) {

-        this.responsibilities = responsibilities;

-    }


-	public void setSalary(int salary) { 

-        this.salary = salary; 

-    }


-	protected void setVersion(int version) {

-		this.version = version;

-	}


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index bd89f92..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-package model;


-import javax.persistence.*;

-import java.util.EventListener;


-public class EmployeeListener implements EventListener {

-    public static int PRE_PERSIST_COUNT = 0;

-    public static int POST_PERSIST_COUNT = 0;

-    public static int PRE_REMOVE_COUNT = 0;

-    public static int POST_REMOVE_COUNT = 0;

-    public static int PRE_UPDATE_COUNT = 0;

-    public static int POST_UPDATE_COUNT = 0;

-    public static int POST_LOAD_COUNT = 0;




-	@PrePersist

-	public void prePersist(Object emp) {


-	}


-	@PreRemove

-	public void preRemove(Object emp) {

-        PRE_REMOVE_COUNT++;

-	}


-	@PreUpdate

-	public void preUpdate(Object emp) {

-        PRE_UPDATE_COUNT++;

-        Employee employee = (Employee)emp;

-        if(employee.getFirstName() != null && employee.getFirstName().startsWith(PRE_UPDATE_NAME_PREFIX)) {

-            employee.setFirstName(employee.getFirstName().substring(PRE_UPDATE_NAME_PREFIX.length()));

-        }

-        if(employee.getLastName() != null && employee.getLastName().startsWith(PRE_UPDATE_NAME_PREFIX)) {

-            employee.setLastName(employee.getLastName().substring(PRE_UPDATE_NAME_PREFIX.length()));

-        }

-	}


-	@PostLoad

-	public void postLoad(Employee emp) {

-        POST_LOAD_COUNT++;

-	}


-	@PostPersist

-	public void postPersist(Object emp) {


-	}


-	@PostRemove

-	public void postRemove(Object emp) {


-	}


-	@PostUpdate

-	public void postUpdate(Object emp) {


-	}


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a7833..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package model;


-import java.sql.Date;


-import javax.persistence.*;


-public class EmploymentPeriod implements Serializable {

-    private Date startDate;

-    private Date endDate;


-    public EmploymentPeriod() {}


-	public Date getEndDate() { 

-        return endDate; 

-    }


-	public Date getStartDate() { 

-        return startDate; 

-    }


-	public void setEndDate(Date date) { 

-        this.endDate = date; 

-    }


-	public void setStartDate(Date date) { 

-        this.startDate = date; 

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 416317a..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package model;


-import javax.persistence.*;






-	name="findWithBudgetLargerThan",

-	query="SELECT OBJECT(project) FROM LargeProject project WHERE project.budget >= :amount"


-public class LargeProject extends Project {

-	private double budget;


-	public double getBudget() { 

-        return budget; 

-    }


-	public void setBudget(double budget) { 

-		this.budget = budget; 

-	}


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b74434..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-package model;



-import javax.persistence.*;



-public class PhoneNumber implements Serializable {

-	private String number;

-	private String type;

-	private Employee owner;

-    private Integer id;

-    private String areaCode;


-    public PhoneNumber() {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber) {

-        this.type = type;

-        this.areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        this.number = theNumber;

-        this.owner = null;

-    }


-    public PhoneNumberPK buildPK(){

-        PhoneNumberPK pk = new PhoneNumberPK();

-        pk.setId(this.getOwner().getId());

-        pk.setType(this.getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-	@Column(name="AREA_CODE")

-	public String getAreaCode() { 

-        return areaCode; 

-    }


-	public Integer getId() { 

-        return id; 

-    }


-	public String getNumber() { 

-        return number; 

-    }


-	public Employee getOwner() { 

-        return owner; 

-    }


-	public String getType() { 

-        return type; 

-    }


-	public void setAreaCode(String areaCode) {

-		this.areaCode = areaCode;

-	}


-	public void setId(Integer id) {

- = id;

-	}


-	public void setNumber(String number) { 

-        this.number = number; 

-    }


-	public void setType(String type) {

-		this.type = type;

-	}


-	public void setOwner(Employee owner) {

-		this.owner = owner;

-	}


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a35e1..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-package model;


-public class PhoneNumberPK  {

-    public Integer id;

-	public String type;


-    public PhoneNumberPK() {}


-	public Integer getId() { 

-        return id; 

-    }


-	public void setId(Integer id) {

- = id;

-	}


-	public String getType() { 

-        return type; 

-    }


-	public void setType(String type) {

-		this.type = type;

-	}


-    public boolean equals(Object anotherPhoneNumber) {

-        if (anotherPhoneNumber.getClass() != PhoneNumberPK.class) {

-            return false;

-        }

-        return (getId().equals(((PhoneNumberPK)anotherPhoneNumber).getId()));

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fd6015..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-package model;


-import java.util.*;


-import javax.persistence.*;

-import static javax.persistence.GenerationType.*;

-import static javax.persistence.InheritanceType.*;

-import static javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType.*;




-@DiscriminatorColumn(name="PROJ_TYPE", discriminatorType=INTEGER)



-	name="findProjectByName",

-	query="SELECT OBJECT(project) FROM Project project WHERE = :name"


-public class Project implements Serializable {

-    public int pre_update_count = 0;

-    public int post_update_count = 0;

-    public int pre_remove_count = 0;

-    public int post_remove_count = 0;

-    public int pre_persist_count = 0;

-    public int post_persist_count = 0;

-    public int post_load_count = 0;


-	private Integer id;

-	private int version;

-	private String name;

-	private String description;

-	private Employee teamLeader;

-	private Collection<Employee> teamMembers;


-	public Project () {}


-	@Column(name="DESCRIP")

-	public String getDescription() { 

-        return description; 

-    }


-	public Integer getId() { 

-        return id; 

-    }


-	@Basic

-	public String getName() { 

-        return name; 

-    }


-	@Version

-	public int getVersion() { 

-        return version; 

-    }


-	public Employee getTeamLeader() {

-        return teamLeader; 

-    }


-	public Collection<Employee> getTeamMembers() { 

-        return teamMembers; 

-    }


-	public void setDescription(String description) { 

-        this.description = description; 

-    }


-	public void setId(Integer id) { 

- = id; 

-    }


-	public void setName(String name) { 

- = name; 

-    }


-	protected void setVersion(int version) { 

-        this.version = version; 

-    }


-	public void setTeamLeader(Employee teamLeader) { 

-        this.teamLeader = teamLeader; 

-    }


-	public void setTeamMembers(Collection<Employee> employees) {

-		this.teamMembers = employees;

-	}


-    @PrePersist

-	public void prePersist() {

-        ++pre_persist_count;

-	}


-	@PreRemove

-	public void preRemove() {

-        ++pre_remove_count;

-	}


-	@PreUpdate

-	public void preUpdate() {

-        ++pre_update_count;

-	}


-	@PostLoad

-	public void postLoad() {

-        ++post_load_count;

-	}


-	@PostPersist

-	public void postPersist() {

-        ++post_persist_count;

-	}


-	@PostRemove

-	public void postRemove() {

-        ++post_remove_count;

-	}


-	@PostUpdate

-	public void postUpdate() {

-        ++post_update_count;

-	}


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/ b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 741c0cb..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-package model;


-import javax.persistence.*;




-public class SmallProject extends Project {


diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/qualifier.jar b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/qualifier.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 18dc44d..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/qualifier.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runDefault.bat b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runDefault.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index d31eeb7..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runDefault.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

-REM Demo with no extra settings (default)


-javac -classpath .;eclipselink.jar;jpa.jar;qualifier.jar -proc:only -s generated model/*.java


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runDefaultWithProperty.bat b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runDefaultWithProperty.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ee623..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runDefaultWithProperty.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

-REM Demo setting the prefix to $


-javac -classpath .;eclipselink.jar;jpa.jar;qualifier.jar -s generated -proc:only -Aeclipselink.canonicalmodel.prefix=$ model/*.java



diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runPersistenceXML.bat b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runPersistenceXML.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index 50c3c6f..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/runPersistenceXML.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@

-REM Demo using different persistence.xml location with properties set in persistence.xml


-javac -processor org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.modelgen.CanonicalModelProcessor -classpath .;eclipselink.jar;jpa.jar -s generated -Aeclipselink.persistencexml=./xml/persistence.xml model/*.java


\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/xml/persistence.xml b/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/xml/persistence.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ae9e120..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalDemo/xml/persistence.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<persistence xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" persistence_1_0.xsd" version="1.0">

-    <persistence-unit name="default" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

-        <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider>

-        <exclude-unlisted-classes>false</exclude-unlisted-classes>

-        <properties>

-			<property name="eclipselink.canonicalmodel.prefix" value="_"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.canonicalmodel.suffix" value="$"/>

-			<property name="eclipselink.canonicalmodel.subpackage" value="sub"/>

-        </properties>

-    </persistence-unit>

\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/summit-2010/CanonicalModelGen.ppt b/summit-2010/CanonicalModelGen.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a6616f..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/CanonicalModelGen.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Customizing.ppt b/summit-2010/Customizing.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index f3a420a..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Customizing.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Diagrams.ppt b/summit-2010/Diagrams.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bafe4d..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Diagrams.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Dynamic Persistence.ppt b/summit-2010/Dynamic Persistence.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index ac6f0dd..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Dynamic Persistence.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Documentation.odp b/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Documentation.odp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d7a787..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Documentation.odp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-OSGi.ppt b/summit-2010/EclipseLink-OSGi.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0518d05..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-OSGi.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Testing.ppt b/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Testing.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index b48e543..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Testing.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Weaving.ppt b/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Weaving.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 10115af..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink-Weaving.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Build.ppt b/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Build.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1320ede..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Build.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Intro_Cache.ppt b/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Intro_Cache.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 493d201..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Intro_Cache.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_JPA2_Metamodel.ppt b/summit-2010/EclipseLink_JPA2_Metamodel.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4224ad2..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_JPA2_Metamodel.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Project_Overview.ppt b/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Project_Overview.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df43c9..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Project_Overview.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Summit.pot b/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Summit.pot
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e6110..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/EclipseLink_Summit.pot
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/MappingsAndMetadata.ppt b/summit-2010/MappingsAndMetadata.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e8f52..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/MappingsAndMetadata.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Persistence Tooling.ppt b/summit-2010/Persistence Tooling.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e5d5be..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Persistence Tooling.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Process.ppt b/summit-2010/Process.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index abd028e..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Process.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Queries and Object Building.ppt b/summit-2010/Queries and Object Building.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index b1e21ee..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Queries and Object Building.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/RoadMap.ppt b/summit-2010/RoadMap.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 66676d8..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/RoadMap.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/Transactions.ppt b/summit-2010/Transactions.ppt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d686cd..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/Transactions.ppt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45e51d1..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@

- * Copyright (c) 1998, 2010 Oracle. All rights reserved.

- * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the 

- * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 

- * which accompanies this distribution. 

- * The Eclipse Public License is available at

- * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at 

- *

- *

- * Contributors:

- *     Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink

- ******************************************************************************/

-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced;




-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;



-import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.CollectionTable;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.BasicCollection;

-import javax.persistence.*;

-import static javax.persistence.EnumType.STRING;


- * <p><b>Purpose</b>: Describes an Employee's phone number.

- *    <p><b>Description</b>: Used in a 1:M relationship from an employee.

- */




-public class PhoneNumber implements Serializable {

-    public enum PhoneStatus { ACTIVE, ASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED, DEAD }


-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private Integer id;

-    private String areaCode;


-    private Collection<PhoneStatus> status;


-    public PhoneNumber() {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber) {

-        this.type = type;

-        this.areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        this.number = theNumber;

-        this.owner = null;

-        this.status = new Vector<PhoneStatus>();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status) {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    @Id

-    @Column(name="OWNER_ID", insertable=false, updatable=false)

-    public Integer getId() { 

-        return id; 

-    }


-    public void setId(Integer id) {

- = id;

-    }


-    @Column(name="NUMB")

-    public String getNumber() { 

-        return number; 

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number) { 

-        this.number = number; 

-    }


-    // Basic collection on an entity that uses a composite primary key.

-    // We don't specify any of the primary key join columns on the collection

-    // table because they should all default accordingly.

-    @BasicCollection

-    @CollectionTable(name="CMP3_PHONE_STATUS")

-    @Enumerated(STRING)

-    public Collection<PhoneStatus> getStatus() {

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection<PhoneStatus> status) {

-        this.status = status;

-    }


-    @Id

-    @Column(name="TYPE")

-    public String getType() { 

-        return type; 

-    }


-    public void setType(String type) {

-        this.type = type;

-    }


-    @Column(name="AREA_CODE")

-    public String getAreaCode() { 

-        return areaCode; 

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode) {

-        this.areaCode = areaCode;

-    }


-    @ManyToOne

-    @JoinColumn(name="OWNER_ID", referencedColumnName="EMP_ID")

-    public Employee getOwner() { 

-        return owner; 

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner) {

-        this.owner = owner;

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status) {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    /**

-     * Example: Phone[Work]: (613) 225-8812

-     */

-    public String toString() {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();


-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");


-        int numberLength = this.getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if (numberLength > 3) {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }


-        return writer.toString();

-    }


-    /**

-     * Builds the PhoneNumberPK for this class

-     */

-    public PhoneNumberPK buildPK(){

-        PhoneNumberPK pk = new PhoneNumberPK();

-        pk.setId(this.getOwner().getId());

-        pk.setType(this.getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 457f78b..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced;


-import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

-import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;



-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeaved;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeavedChangeTracking;


-// Referenced classes of package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced:

-//            PhoneNumberPK, Employee


-public class PhoneNumber

-    implements Serializable, PersistenceWeaved, ChangeTracker, PersistenceWeavedChangeTracking


-    /* member class not found */

-    class PhoneStatus {}



-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private String areaCode;

-    private Collection status;

-    protected transient PropertyChangeListener _persistence_listener;


-    public PhoneNumber()

-    {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-        areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        number = theNumber;

-        owner = null;

-        status = new Vector();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    public String getNumber()

-    {

-        return number;

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number)

-    {

-        String s = getNumber();

-        this.number = number;

-        _persistence_propertyChange("number", s, number);

-    }


-    public Collection getStatus()

-    {

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection status)

-    {

-        Collection collection = getStatus();

-        this.status = status;

-        _persistence_propertyChange("status", collection, status);

-    }


-    public String getType()

-    {

-        return type;

-    }


-    public void setType(String type)

-    {

-        String s = getType();

-        this.type = type;

-        _persistence_propertyChange("type", s, type);

-    }


-    public String getAreaCode()

-    {

-        return areaCode;

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode)

-    {

-        String s = getAreaCode();

-        this.areaCode = areaCode;

-        _persistence_propertyChange("areaCode", s, areaCode);

-    }


-    public Employee getOwner()

-    {

-        return owner;

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner)

-    {

-        Employee employee = getOwner();

-        this.owner = owner;

-        _persistence_propertyChange("owner", employee, owner);

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    public List buildPK()

-    {

-        List pk = new Vector();

-        pk.add(getOwner().getId());

-        pk.add(getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-    public String toString()

-    {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");

-        int numberLength = getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if(numberLength > 3)

-        {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }

-        return writer.toString();

-    }


-    public PropertyChangeListener _persistence_getPropertyChangeListener()

-    {

-        return _persistence_listener;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener)

-    {

-        _persistence_listener = propertychangelistener;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_propertyChange(String s, Object obj, Object obj1)

-    {

-        if(_persistence_listener != null && obj != obj1)

-        {

-            _persistence_listener.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, s, obj, obj1));

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index fd8a02b..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced;




-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeaved;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeavedFetchGroups;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;


-// Referenced classes of package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced:

-//            PhoneNumberPK, Employee


-public class PhoneNumber

-    implements Serializable, PersistenceWeaved, FetchGroupTracker, PersistenceWeavedFetchGroups


-    /* member class not found */

-    class PhoneStatus {}



-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private String areaCode;

-    private Collection status;

-    protected transient FetchGroup _persistence_fetchGroup;

-    protected transient boolean _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup;

-    protected transient Session _persistence_session;


-    public PhoneNumber()

-    {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-        areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        number = theNumber;

-        owner = null;

-        status = new Vector();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    public String getNumber()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("number");

-        return number;

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number)

-    {

-        this.number = number;

-    }


-    public Collection getStatus()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("status");

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection status)

-    {

-        this.status = status;

-    }


-    public String getType()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("type");

-        return type;

-    }


-    public void setType(String type)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-    }


-    public String getAreaCode()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("areaCode");

-        return areaCode;

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode)

-    {

-        this.areaCode = areaCode;

-    }


-    public Employee getOwner()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("owner");

-        return owner;

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner)

-    {

-        this.owner = owner;

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    public List buildPK()

-    {

-        List pk = new Vector();

-        pk.add(getOwner().getId());

-        pk.add(getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-    public String toString()

-    {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");

-        int numberLength = getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if(numberLength > 3)

-        {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }

-        return writer.toString();

-    }


-    public Session _persistence_getSession()

-    {

-        return _persistence_session;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setSession(Session session)

-    {

-        _persistence_session = session;

-    }


-    public FetchGroup _persistence_getFetchGroup()

-    {

-        return _persistence_fetchGroup;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setFetchGroup(FetchGroup fetchgroup)

-    {

-        _persistence_fetchGroup = fetchgroup;

-    }


-    public boolean _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup()

-    {

-        return _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setShouldRefreshFetchGroup(boolean flag)

-    {

-        _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup = flag;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_resetFetchGroup()

-    {

-    }


-    public boolean _persistence_isAttributeFetched(String s)

-    {

-        return _persistence_fetchGroup == null || _persistence_fetchGroup.containsAttribute(s);

-    }


-    public void _persistence_checkFetched(String s)

-    {

-        if(!_persistence_isAttributeFetched(s))

-        {

-            JpaHelper.loadUnfetchedObject(this);

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 027ad56..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced;


-import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;

-import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;



-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.changetracking.ChangeTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.PersistenceEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.PersistenceObject;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.*;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaHelper;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroupTracker;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;


-// Referenced classes of package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced:

-//            PhoneNumberPK, Employee


-public class PhoneNumber

-    implements Serializable, Cloneable, PersistenceWeaved, PersistenceEntity, PersistenceObject, FetchGroupTracker, PersistenceWeavedFetchGroups, PersistenceWeavedLazy, ChangeTracker, PersistenceWeavedChangeTracking


-    /* member class not found */

-    class PhoneStatus {}



-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private Integer id;

-    private String areaCode;

-    private Collection status;

-    public static final long serialVersionUID = 0x120adfdddd107d7bL;

-    protected transient Object _persistence_primaryKey;

-    protected WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface _persistence_owner_vh;

-    protected transient PropertyChangeListener _persistence_listener;

-    protected transient FetchGroup _persistence_fetchGroup;

-    protected transient boolean _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup;

-    protected transient Session _persistence_session;


-    public PhoneNumber()

-    {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-        areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        number = theNumber;

-        owner = null;

-        status = new Vector();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    public Integer getId()

-    {

-        return _persistence_get_id();

-    }


-    public void setId(Integer id)

-    {

-        _persistence_set_id(id);

-    }


-    public String getNumber()

-    {

-        return _persistence_get_number();

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number)

-    {

-        _persistence_set_number(number);

-    }


-    public Collection getStatus()

-    {

-        return _persistence_get_status();

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection status)

-    {

-        _persistence_set_status(status);

-    }


-    public String getType()

-    {

-        return _persistence_get_type();

-    }


-    public void setType(String type)

-    {

-        _persistence_set_type(type);

-    }


-    public String getAreaCode()

-    {

-        return _persistence_get_areaCode();

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode)

-    {

-        _persistence_set_areaCode(areaCode);

-    }


-    public Employee getOwner()

-    {

-        return _persistence_get_owner();

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner)

-    {

-        _persistence_set_owner(owner);

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    public String toString()

-    {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");

-        int numberLength = getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if(numberLength > 3)

-        {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }

-        return writer.toString();

-    }


-    public PhoneNumberPK buildPK()

-    {

-        PhoneNumberPK pk = new PhoneNumberPK();

-        pk.setId(getOwner().getId());

-        pk.setType(getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_post_clone()

-    {

-        if(_persistence_owner_vh != null)

-        {

-            _persistence_owner_vh = (WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface)_persistence_owner_vh.clone();

-        }

-        _persistence_listener = null;

-        _persistence_fetchGroup = null;

-        _persistence_session = null;

-        _persistence_primaryKey = null;

-        return this;

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_shallow_clone()

-    {

-        return super.clone();

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_getId()

-    {

-        return _persistence_primaryKey;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setId(Object obj)

-    {

-        _persistence_primaryKey = obj;

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_new(PersistenceObject persistenceobject)

-    {

-        return new PhoneNumber(persistenceobject);

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(PersistenceObject persistenceobject)

-    {

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_get(String s)

-    {

-        if(s == "id")

-        {

-            return id;

-        }

-        if(s == "status")

-        {

-            return status;

-        }

-        if(s == "areaCode")

-        {

-            return areaCode;

-        }

-        if(s == "owner")

-        {

-            return owner;

-        }

-        if(s == "number")

-        {

-            return number;

-        }

-        if(s == "type")

-        {

-            return type;

-        } else

-        {

-            return null;

-        }

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set(String s, Object obj)

-    {

-        if(s == "id")

-        {

-            id = (Integer)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "status")

-        {

-            status = (Collection)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "areaCode")

-        {

-            areaCode = (String)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "owner")

-        {

-            owner = (Employee)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "number")

-        {

-            number = (String)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "type")

-        {

-            type = (String)obj;

-            return;

-        } else

-        {

-            return;

-        }

-    }


-    public Integer _persistence_get_id()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("id");

-        return id;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_id(Integer integer)

-    {

-        _persistence_get_id();

-        _persistence_propertyChange("id", id, integer);

-        id = integer;

-        return;

-    }


-    public Collection _persistence_get_status()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("status");

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_status(Collection collection)

-    {

-        _persistence_get_status();

-        _persistence_propertyChange("status", status, collection);

-        status = collection;

-        return;

-    }


-    public String _persistence_get_areaCode()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("areaCode");

-        return areaCode;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_areaCode(String s)

-    {

-        _persistence_get_areaCode();

-        _persistence_propertyChange("areaCode", areaCode, s);

-        areaCode = s;

-        return;

-    }


-    protected void _persistence_initialize_owner_vh()

-    {

-        if(_persistence_owner_vh == null)

-        {

-            _persistence_owner_vh = new ValueHolder(owner);

-            _persistence_owner_vh.setIsNewlyWeavedValueHolder(true);

-        }

-    }


-    public WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface _persistence_get_owner_vh()

-    {

-        _persistence_initialize_owner_vh();

-        if(_persistence_owner_vh.isCoordinatedWithProperty() || _persistence_owner_vh.isNewlyWeavedValueHolder())

-        {

-            Employee employee = (Employee)getOwner();

-            if(employee != _persistence_owner_vh.getValue())

-            {

-                setOwner(employee);

-            }

-        }

-        return _persistence_owner_vh;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_owner_vh(WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface weavedattributevalueholderinterface)

-    {

-        _persistence_owner_vh = weavedattributevalueholderinterface;

-        if(weavedattributevalueholderinterface.isInstantiated())

-        {

-            Employee employee = getOwner();

-            Object obj = weavedattributevalueholderinterface.getValue();

-            if(employee != obj)

-            {

-                setOwner((Employee)obj);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public Employee _persistence_get_owner()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("owner");

-        _persistence_initialize_owner_vh();

-        owner = (Employee)_persistence_owner_vh.getValue();

-        return owner;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_owner(Employee employee)

-    {

-        _persistence_get_owner();

-        _persistence_propertyChange("owner", owner, employee);

-        owner = employee;

-        _persistence_owner_vh.setValue(employee);

-        return;

-    }


-    public String _persistence_get_number()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("number");

-        return number;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_number(String s)

-    {

-        _persistence_get_number();

-        _persistence_propertyChange("number", number, s);

-        number = s;

-        return;

-    }


-    public String _persistence_get_type()

-    {

-        _persistence_checkFetched("type");

-        return type;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_type(String s)

-    {

-        _persistence_get_type();

-        _persistence_propertyChange("type", type, s);

-        type = s;

-        return;

-    }


-    public PropertyChangeListener _persistence_getPropertyChangeListener()

-    {

-        return _persistence_listener;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener)

-    {

-        _persistence_listener = propertychangelistener;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_propertyChange(String s, Object obj, Object obj1)

-    {

-        if(_persistence_listener != null && obj != obj1)

-        {

-            _persistence_listener.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, s, obj, obj1));

-        }

-    }


-    public Session _persistence_getSession()

-    {

-        return _persistence_session;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setSession(Session session)

-    {

-        _persistence_session = session;

-    }


-    public FetchGroup _persistence_getFetchGroup()

-    {

-        return _persistence_fetchGroup;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setFetchGroup(FetchGroup fetchgroup)

-    {

-        _persistence_fetchGroup = fetchgroup;

-    }


-    public boolean _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup()

-    {

-        return _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setShouldRefreshFetchGroup(boolean flag)

-    {

-        _persistence_shouldRefreshFetchGroup = flag;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_resetFetchGroup()

-    {

-    }


-    public boolean _persistence_isAttributeFetched(String s)

-    {

-        return _persistence_fetchGroup == null || _persistence_fetchGroup.containsAttribute(s);

-    }


-    public void _persistence_checkFetched(String s)

-    {

-        if(!_persistence_isAttributeFetched(s))

-        {

-            JpaHelper.loadUnfetchedObject(this);

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index cabfec6..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced;




-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.PersistenceEntity;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors.PersistenceObject;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeaved;


-// Referenced classes of package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced:

-//            PhoneNumberPK, Employee


-public class PhoneNumber

-    implements Serializable, Cloneable, PersistenceWeaved, PersistenceEntity, PersistenceObject


-    /* member class not found */

-    class PhoneStatus {}



-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private String areaCode;

-    private Collection status;

-    public static final long serialVersionUID = 0x120adfdddd107d7bL;

-    protected transient Object _persistence_primaryKey;


-    public PhoneNumber()

-    {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-        areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        number = theNumber;

-        owner = null;

-        status = new Vector();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    public String getNumber()

-    {

-        return number;

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number)

-    {

-        this.number = number;

-    }


-    public Collection getStatus()

-    {

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection status)

-    {

-        this.status = status;

-    }


-    public String getType()

-    {

-        return type;

-    }


-    public void setType(String type)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-    }


-    public String getAreaCode()

-    {

-        return areaCode;

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode)

-    {

-        this.areaCode = areaCode;

-    }


-    public Employee getOwner()

-    {

-        return owner;

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner)

-    {

-        this.owner = owner;

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    public List buildPK()

-    {

-        List pk = new Vector();

-        pk.add(getOwner().getId());

-        pk.add(getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-    public String toString()

-    {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");

-        int numberLength = getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if(numberLength > 3)

-        {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }

-        return writer.toString();

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_post_clone()

-    {

-        _persistence_primaryKey = null;

-        return this;

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_shallow_clone()

-    {

-        return super.clone();

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_getId()

-    {

-        return _persistence_primaryKey;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_setId(Object obj)

-    {

-        _persistence_primaryKey = obj;

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_new(PersistenceObject persistenceobject)

-    {

-        return new PhoneNumber(persistenceobject);

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(PersistenceObject persistenceobject)

-    {

-    }


-    public Object _persistence_get(String s)

-    {

-        if(s == "id")

-        {

-            return id;

-        }

-        if(s == "status")

-        {

-            return status;

-        }

-        if(s == "areaCode")

-        {

-            return areaCode;

-        }

-        if(s == "owner")

-        {

-            return owner;

-        }

-        if(s == "number")

-        {

-            return number;

-        }

-        if(s == "type")

-        {

-            return type;

-        } else

-        {

-            return null;

-        }

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set(String s, Object obj)

-    {

-        if(s == "id")

-        {

-            id = (Integer)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "status")

-        {

-            status = (Collection)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "areaCode")

-        {

-            areaCode = (String)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "owner")

-        {

-            owner = (Employee)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "number")

-        {

-            number = (String)obj;

-            return;

-        }

-        if(s == "type")

-        {

-            type = (String)obj;

-            return;

-        } else

-        {

-            return;

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 004ebc1..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.fieldaccess.advanced;




-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeaved;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeavedLazy;


-// Referenced classes of package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.fieldaccess.advanced:

-//            Employee


-public class PhoneNumber

-    implements Serializable, PersistenceWeaved, PersistenceWeavedLazy


-    /* member class not found */

-    class PhoneStatus {}



-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private String areaCode;

-    private Collection status;

-    protected WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface _persistence_owner_vh;


-    public PhoneNumber()

-    {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-        areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        number = theNumber;

-        owner = null;

-        status = new Vector();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    public String getNumber()

-    {

-        return number;

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number)

-    {

-        this.number = number;

-    }


-    public Collection getStatus()

-    {

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection status)

-    {

-        this.status = status;

-    }


-    public String getType()

-    {

-        return type;

-    }


-    public void setType(String type)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-    }


-    public String getAreaCode()

-    {

-        return areaCode;

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode)

-    {

-        this.areaCode = areaCode;

-    }


-    public Employee getOwner()

-    {

-        return _persistence_get_owner();

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner)

-    {

-        _persistence_set_owner(owner);

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    public List buildPK()

-    {

-        List pk = new Vector();

-        pk.add(getOwner().getId());

-        pk.add(getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-    public String toString()

-    {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");

-        int numberLength = getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if(numberLength > 3)

-        {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }

-        return writer.toString();

-    }


-    protected void _persistence_initialize_owner_vh()

-    {

-        if(_persistence_owner_vh == null)

-        {

-            _persistence_owner_vh = new ValueHolder(owner);

-            _persistence_owner_vh.setIsNewlyWeavedValueHolder(true);

-        }

-    }


-    public WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface _persistence_get_owner_vh()

-    {

-        _persistence_initialize_owner_vh();

-        if(_persistence_owner_vh.isCoordinatedWithProperty() || _persistence_owner_vh.isNewlyWeavedValueHolder())

-        {

-            Employee employee = _persistence_get_owner();

-            if(employee != _persistence_owner_vh.getValue())

-            {

-                _persistence_set_owner(employee);

-            }

-        }

-        return _persistence_owner_vh;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_owner_vh(WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface weavedattributevalueholderinterface)

-    {

-        _persistence_owner_vh = weavedattributevalueholderinterface;

-        if(weavedattributevalueholderinterface.isInstantiated())

-        {

-            Employee employee = _persistence_get_owner();

-            Object obj = weavedattributevalueholderinterface.getValue();

-            if(employee != obj)

-            {

-                _persistence_set_owner((Employee)obj);

-            }

-        }

-    }


-    public Employee _persistence_get_owner()

-    {

-        _persistence_initialize_owner_vh();

-        owner = (Employee)_persistence_owner_vh.getValue();

-        return owner;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_owner(Employee employee)

-    {

-        _persistence_get_owner();

-        owner = employee;

-        _persistence_owner_vh.setValue(employee);

-        return;

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee7ffc9..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced;




-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.ValueHolder;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeaved;

-import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.weaving.PersistenceWeavedLazy;


-// Referenced classes of package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced:

-//            Employee, PhoneNumberPK


-public class PhoneNumber

-    implements Serializable, PersistenceWeaved, PersistenceWeavedLazy


-    /* member class not found */

-    class PhoneStatus {}



-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private String areaCode;

-    private Collection status;

-    protected WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface _persistence_owner_vh;


-    public PhoneNumber()

-    {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-        areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        number = theNumber;

-        owner = null;

-        status = new Vector();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    public String getNumber()

-    {

-        return number;

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number)

-    {

-        this.number = number;

-    }


-    public Collection getStatus()

-    {

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection status)

-    {

-        this.status = status;

-    }


-    public String getType()

-    {

-        return type;

-    }


-    public void setType(String type)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-    }


-    public String getAreaCode()

-    {

-        return areaCode;

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode)

-    {

-        this.areaCode = areaCode;

-    }


-    public Employee getOwner()

-    {

-        _persistence_initialize_owner_vh();

-        if(!_persistence_owner_vh.isInstantiated())

-        {

-            setOwner((Employee)_persistence_owner_vh.getValue());

-        }

-        return owner;

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner)

-    {

-        this.owner = owner;

-        _persistence_initialize_owner_vh();

-        _persistence_owner_vh.setValue(owner);

-        _persistence_owner_vh.setIsCoordinatedWithProperty(true);

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    public List buildPK()

-    {

-        List pk = new Vector();

-        pk.add(getOwner().getId());

-        pk.add(getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-    public String toString()

-    {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");

-        int numberLength = getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if(numberLength > 3)

-        {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }

-        return writer.toString();

-    }


-    protected void _persistence_initialize_owner_vh()

-    {

-        if(_persistence_owner_vh == null)

-        {

-            _persistence_owner_vh = new ValueHolder();

-            _persistence_owner_vh.setIsNewlyWeavedValueHolder(true);

-        }

-    }


-    public WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface _persistence_get_owner_vh()

-    {

-        _persistence_initialize_owner_vh();

-        if(_persistence_owner_vh.isCoordinatedWithProperty() || _persistence_owner_vh.isNewlyWeavedValueHolder())

-        {

-            Employee employee = (Employee)getOwner();

-            if(employee != _persistence_owner_vh.getValue())

-            {

-                setOwner(employee);

-            }

-        }

-        return _persistence_owner_vh;

-    }


-    public void _persistence_set_owner_vh(WeavedAttributeValueHolderInterface weavedattributevalueholderinterface)

-    {

-        _persistence_owner_vh = weavedattributevalueholderinterface;

-        if(weavedattributevalueholderinterface.isInstantiated())

-        {

-            Employee employee = getOwner();

-            Object obj = weavedattributevalueholderinterface.getValue();

-            if(employee != obj)

-            {

-                setOwner((Employee)obj);

-            }

-        }

-    }


diff --git a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/ b/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2902ad3..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/WeavingExamples/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.jpa.advanced;




-import java.util.Collection;

-import java.util.Vector;


-public class PhoneNumber

-    implements Serializable {


-    public enum PhoneStatus { ACTIVE, ASSIGNED, UNASSIGNED, DEAD }



-    private String number;

-    private String type;

-    private Employee owner;

-    private String areaCode;

-    private Collection status;


-    public PhoneNumber()

-    {

-        this("", "###", "#######");

-    }


-    public PhoneNumber(String type, String theAreaCode, String theNumber)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-        areaCode = theAreaCode;

-        number = theNumber;

-        owner = null;

-        status = new Vector();

-    }


-    public void addStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().add(status);

-    }


-    public String getNumber()

-    {

-        return number;

-    }


-    public void setNumber(String number)

-    {

-        this.number = number;

-    }


-    public Collection getStatus()

-    {

-        return status;

-    }


-    public void setStatus(Collection status)

-    {

-        this.status = status;

-    }


-    public String getType()

-    {

-        return type;

-    }


-    public void setType(String type)

-    {

-        this.type = type;

-    }


-    public String getAreaCode()

-    {

-        return areaCode;

-    }


-    public void setAreaCode(String areaCode)

-    {

-        this.areaCode = areaCode;

-    }


-    public Employee getOwner()

-    {

-        return owner;

-    }


-    public void setOwner(Employee owner)

-    {

-        this.owner = owner;

-    }


-    public void removeStatus(PhoneStatus status)

-    {

-        getStatus().remove(status);

-    }


-    public List buildPK()

-    {

-        List pk = new Vector();

-        pk.add(getOwner().getId());

-        pk.add(getType());

-        return pk;

-    }


-    public String toString()

-    {

-        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

-        writer.write("PhoneNumber[");

-        writer.write(getType());

-        writer.write("]: (");

-        writer.write(getAreaCode());

-        writer.write(") ");

-        int numberLength = getNumber().length();

-        writer.write(getNumber().substring(0, Math.min(3, numberLength)));

-        if(numberLength > 3)

-        {

-            writer.write("-");

-            writer.write(getNumber().substring(3, Math.min(7, numberLength)));

-        }

-        return writer.toString();

-    }



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Binary files differ
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+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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index b6eb873..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/diagrams/Native Queries.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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index 2cee825..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/diagrams/Query Mechanisms.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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index a227ea2..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7613919..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/diagrams/dynamic.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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index 2280cac..0000000
--- a/summit-2010/diagrams/session-customizing.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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--- a/summit-2010/diagrams/sessions-api.png
+++ /dev/null
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