blob: a43c9c6e5f45213a3217049b23fee004268cd739 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<name>EclipseLink Oracle DDL Parent</name>
<!-- tycho requires maven >= 3.0 -->
<!-- TOOL Properties -->
<!-- PROJECT Properties -->
<!-->yyyyMMddHHmm</> Seems it must be in settings.xml -->
<name> - EclipseLink Project</name>
<!-- Not needed. Compiler compatibility setting gotten from "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment" in manifest -->
<!-- source>1.6</source -->
<!-- target>1.6</target -->
<compilerArgument>-nowarn</compilerArgument> <!-- disable all warnings -->
<!-- compilerArgument>-warn:[+|-]warning_tokens_separated_by_comma - Specify the set of enabled warnings </compilerArgument -->
<!-- compilerArgument>-err:warning_tokens_separated_by_comma - convert exactly the listed warnings to errors </compilerArgument -->
<!-- compilerArgument>-err:+warning_tokens_separated_by_comma - convert additional warnings to errors</compilerArgument -->
<!-- compilerArgument>-err:-warning_tokens_separated_by_comma - remove specific warnings from being converted to errors </compilerArgument -->
<!-- resolver>p2</resolver - default?? -->
<!-- pluginRepository>
</pluginRepository -->