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h2. Hyperlink
h3(#description). Description
The hyperlink widget can be used to display a read-only piece of text in your user interface and allow the user to click on it. Its behavior is almost the same as the "label":label.html or the "text":text.html widgets. On top of the common properties of all widgets (identifier, labelExpression, helpExpression, isEnabledExpression, propertyValidationRules), it has the following properties:
* valueExpression: This expression is used in order to compute the text of the hyperlink.
* displayExpression: This expression will have access to the result of the valueExpression thanks to a variable named value and it should return a string. If this expression is blank, a call to java.lang.Object#toString() will be performed on the result of the valueExpression instead.
* onClickExpression: This expression will be executed once the end user will click on the hyperlink. This expression does not have to return anything.
* style: The style of the hyperlink widget.
* conditionalStyles: All the conditional styles of the hyperlink widget.
h3(#displayanaction). Display an action
In order to create a hyperlink widget, you can use the following properties:
* valueExpression: @aql:'Click'@
* displayExpression: @aql:value@
* onClickExpression: @aql:self.doSomething()@