blob: aac351cc1324cee279c45adcaca41a56d1b6f2ff [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Element-Name: AbandonRestore
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Save-Time: 7/29/16 11:51 AM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
Execute abandon and restore and check things
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
runQueryAndOpenEditor [create-review -server $serverURL]
// Abandon the review and check the state of the button
get-editor | get-button Abandon | click
with [get-window "Abandon message"] {
get-editbox | set-text "Abandon the review"
get-button OK | click
with [get-editor] {
assert-that-button Abandon -is "not-present"
assert-that-button Restore -is enabled
assert-that-status-in-dashboard -is ABANDONED
assert-that-status-in-editor-header -is ABANDONED -in [get-editor]
assert-that-first-entry-in-history-table -atColumn 3 -is "Abandoned Abandon the review" -in [get-editor]
// Restore the review and check the state of the button
get-editor | get-button Restore | click
with [get-window "Restore message"] {
get-editbox | set-text "Restore the review"
get-button OK | click
with [get-editor] {
assert-that-button Abandon -is enabled
assert-that-button Restore -is "not-present"
assert-that-status-in-dashboard -is NEW
// Make sure there is an entry in the history
assert-that-first-entry-in-history-table -atColumn 3 -is "Restored Restore the review" -in [get-editor]
assert-that-status-in-editor-header -is NEW -in [get-editor]