blob: a8e38174244b394ee51282ca1d729543f158376c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Ericsson - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.egerrit.internal.model.CommentInfo;
import org.eclipse.egerrit.internal.model.ModelFactory;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadPositionCategoryException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel;
//Expectations - when the extractor is being invoked, it is expected that modifications of the original text will have been done
// "properly". This means that any existing line will not have been modified, and that new comments are always added in a new line.
//IDocument line number starts at 0 whereas line numbering in Gerrit starts at 1
//CommentInfo line number is expressed in Gerrit line numbering system.
//The algorithm goes through the differences from top to bottom, and creates comments.
public class CommentExtractor {
//The annotation model carrying all the comments that existed in the original document
private AnnotationModel originalCommentsModel;
//The original annotations represented as a list.
private ArrayList<GerritCommentAnnotation> originalComments;
//The document that represents the results of the edition.
private IDocument newDocument;
//The annotation model carrying all the annotations contained in the new document
//Note that all the GerritCommentAnnotation that are new have null has commentInfo
private AnnotationModel newCommentsModel;
//The annotations represented as a list.
private ArrayList<GerritCommentAnnotation> newComments;
//This counts the number of lines that were not in the document when the comments are not inserted.
//This is necessary in order to create comments at the appropriate line number.
private int numberOfRemovedLines = 0;
private ArrayList<CommentInfo> addedComments = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<CommentInfo> modifiedComments = new ArrayList<>();
private ArrayList<CommentInfo> removedComments = new ArrayList<>();
private IDocument originalDocument;
* Given two documents, compute the comments that have been added
* @param documentWithOriginalComments
* @param originalCommentsModel
* @param documentWithNewComments
public void extractComments(IDocument documentWithOriginalComments, AnnotationModel originalCommentsModel,
IDocument documentWithNewComments, AnnotationModel commentsModelWithNewComments) {
//Short-circuit the case where nothing changed.
if (documentWithOriginalComments.get().equals(documentWithNewComments.get())) {
this.originalCommentsModel = originalCommentsModel;
this.originalComments = toAnnotationList(originalCommentsModel, documentWithOriginalComments);
this.newDocument = documentWithNewComments;
this.originalDocument = documentWithOriginalComments;
this.newCommentsModel = commentsModelWithNewComments;
this.newComments = toAnnotationList(commentsModelWithNewComments, documentWithNewComments);
for (GerritCommentAnnotation newComment : newComments) {
GerritCommentAnnotation match = null;
if (newComment.getComment() == null) {
if ((match = wasPresentButModified(newComment)) != null) {
handleModifiedComment(newComment, match);
if ((match = wasPresentAndUnmodified(newComment)) != null) {
numberOfRemovedLines += numberOfLines(newComment);
private void handleModifiedComment(GerritCommentAnnotation newComment, GerritCommentAnnotation match) {
numberOfRemovedLines += numberOfLines(newComment);
//The comment did not change. It probably just moved because of previous insertions so there is nothing to do
if (extractCommentMessage(originalDocument, originalCommentsModel, match)
.equals(extractCommentMessage(newDocument, newCommentsModel, newComment))) {
private void handleOldComments() {
for (GerritCommentAnnotation comment : originalComments) {
private CommentInfo modifyComment(GerritCommentAnnotation comment) {
CommentInfo infoToModify = comment.getComment();
return infoToModify;
//This deal with the case where the user typed in more content in an existing comment
//In this case, we need to remove the "pretty printing" that has been done such as the author name, and the date
private String extractModifiedComment(GerritCommentAnnotation newComment) {
String comment = extractCommentMessage(newDocument, newCommentsModel, newComment);
String name = CommentPrettyPrinter.printName(newComment.getComment());
String date = CommentPrettyPrinter.printDate(newComment.getComment());
if (comment.startsWith(name)) {
comment = comment.substring(name.length());
int dateIdx = comment.lastIndexOf(date);
if (dateIdx > 0) {
if (dateIdx + date.length() + 1 == comment.length()) {
comment = comment.substring(0, dateIdx);
} else {
String end = comment.substring(dateIdx + date.length());
comment = comment.substring(0, dateIdx) + end;
return comment.trim();
private void createNewComment(GerritCommentAnnotation newComment) {
int lineCommented = getLineNumber(newComment) - numberOfRemovedLines;
String comment = extractCommentMessage(newDocument, newCommentsModel, newComment);
numberOfRemovedLines += newDocument.computeNumberOfLines(comment) + 1;//The comment annotation does not include the end of line character so we need to add 1
if (comment.trim().length() == 0) {
if (lineCommented > 0) {
GerritCommentAnnotation commentRepliedTo = isAnswerToExistingComment(lineCommented);
if (commentRepliedTo == null) {
addedComments.add(newComment(comment, lineCommented));
} else {
addedComments.add(newComment(comment, commentRepliedTo));
} else {
//Create file comment
addedComments.add(newComment(comment, 0));
//Return the line number where the annotation starts
private int getLineNumber(GerritCommentAnnotation newComment) {
Position commentPosition = newCommentsModel.getPosition(newComment);
try {
return newDocument.getLineOfOffset(commentPosition.getOffset());
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
//Can't happen
return -1;
//Given an annotation, return the number of lines it represents
private int numberOfLines(GerritCommentAnnotation comment) {
return newDocument.computeNumberOfLines(extractCommentMessage(newDocument, newCommentsModel, comment)) + 1;
//convert an annotation model to a list
private static ArrayList<GerritCommentAnnotation> toAnnotationList(AnnotationModel commentsModel,
IDocument associatedDocument) {
ArrayList<GerritCommentAnnotation> sortedComments = new ArrayList<>();
try {
Position[] positions = associatedDocument.getPositions(IDocument.DEFAULT_CATEGORY);
for (Position position : positions) {
Iterator<?> match = commentsModel.getAnnotationIterator(position.getOffset(), position.getLength(),
false, false);
if (match.hasNext()) {
} catch (BadPositionCategoryException e) {
//Can't happen
return sortedComments;
//check if the comment existed in the original comments
private GerritCommentAnnotation wasPresentAndUnmodified(GerritCommentAnnotation newComment) {
if (newComment.getComment() == null) {
return null;
Iterator<?> it = originalCommentsModel.getAnnotationIterator();
Position positionNewComment = newCommentsModel.getPosition(newComment);
while (it.hasNext()) {
GerritCommentAnnotation object = (GerritCommentAnnotation);
Position positingExistingComment = originalCommentsModel.getPosition(object);
if (object.getComment().equals(newComment.getComment())
&& positingExistingComment.equals(positionNewComment)) {
return object;
return null;
//Find a comment with the same id
private GerritCommentAnnotation wasPresentButModified(GerritCommentAnnotation newComment) {
if (newComment.getComment() == null) {
return null;
for (GerritCommentAnnotation commentInfo : originalComments) {
if (commentInfo.getComment().getId().equals(newComment.getComment().getId())) {
return commentInfo;
return null;
* Get the list of comments that have been added
* @return list of {@link CommentInfo}
public ArrayList<CommentInfo> getAddedComments() {
return addedComments;
* Get the list of comments that have been modified
* @return list of {@link CommentInfo}
public ArrayList<CommentInfo> getModifiedComments() {
return modifiedComments;
* Get the list of comments that have been removed
* @return list of {@link CommentInfo}
public ArrayList<CommentInfo> getRemovedComments() {
return removedComments;
private boolean isDone(GerritCommentAnnotation comment) {
if (comment == null) {
return false;
return comment.getComment().getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("done"); //$NON-NLS-1$
//Create a comment as a reply of a given one
private CommentInfo newComment(String comment, GerritCommentAnnotation replyTo) {
CommentInfo info = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createCommentInfo();
return info;
//Create a new comment
private CommentInfo newComment(String comment, int line) {
CommentInfo info = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createCommentInfo();
return info;
//Detect whether the new text at the given line is an answer to an existing comment
//An comment is a answer if has the same line number, the comment is not a draft and it is done "done"
private GerritCommentAnnotation isAnswerToExistingComment(int line) {
GerritCommentAnnotation match = null;
for (GerritCommentAnnotation comment : newComments) {
if (comment.getComment() == null) {
if (comment.getComment().getLine() == line && comment.getComment().getAuthor() != null) {
if (isDone(comment)) {
if (match != null && match.getComment().getId().equals(comment.getComment().getInReplyTo())) {
match = null;
} else {
match = comment;
return match;
private static String extractCommentMessage(IDocument document, AnnotationModel annotationModel,
GerritCommentAnnotation commentAnnotation) {
Position position = annotationModel.getPosition(commentAnnotation);
try {
return document.get(position.offset, position.length);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
//Can't happen. The comment model have been constructed properly
return null;