blob: 2040df6b3bd27b42830e2b3b3955b846cffddeb5 [file] [log] [blame]
//Generated with EGF
package jet_tags;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.execution.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.query.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.common.helper.*;
public class Callee {
public Callee() {
//Here is the constructor
// add initialisation of the pattern variables (declaration has been already done).
public void generate(Object argument) throws Exception {
InternalPatternContext ctx = (InternalPatternContext) argument;
IQuery.ParameterDescription paramDesc = null;
Map<String, String> queryCtx = null;
Node.Container currentNode = ctx.getNode();
List<Object> parameterList = null;
//this pattern can only be called by another (i.e. it's not an entry point in execution)
List<Object> parameter2List = null;
//this pattern can only be called by another (i.e. it's not an entry point in execution)
for (Object parameterParameter : parameterList) {
for (Object parameter2Parameter : parameter2List) {
this.parameter = (java.lang.Object) parameterParameter;
this.parameter2 = (java.lang.Object) parameter2Parameter;
ctx.setNode(new Node.Container(currentNode, getClass()));
orchestration((PatternContext) argument);
if (ctx.useReporter()) {
ctx.getReporter().executionFinished(OutputManager.computeExecutionOutput(ctx), ctx);
public String orchestration(PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
Node.Container currentNode = ictx.getNode();
method_body(new StringBuffer(), ictx);
if (ictx.useReporter()) {
Map<String, Object> parameterValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameterValues.put("parameter", this.parameter);
parameterValues.put("parameter2", this.parameter2);
String outputWithCallBack = OutputManager.computeLoopOutput(ictx);
String loop = OutputManager.computeLoopOutputWithoutCallback(ictx);
ictx.getReporter().loopFinished(loop, outputWithCallBack, ictx, parameterValues);
return null;
protected void method_body(final StringBuffer out, final PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
out.append("Callee : ");
if (parameter != null)
out.append(", parameter2=");
if (parameter2 != null)
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
new Node.DataLeaf(ictx.getNode(), getClass(), "body", out.toString());
protected java.lang.Object parameter;
public void set_parameter(java.lang.Object parameter) {
this.parameter = parameter;
protected java.lang.Object parameter2;
public void set_parameter2(java.lang.Object parameter2) {
this.parameter2 = parameter2;
public Map<String, Object> getParameters() {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("parameter", this.parameter);
parameters.put("parameter2", this.parameter2);
return parameters;