blob: 1b0ae10a8ba1201630d512366f388c0309614721 [file] [log] [blame]
//Generated with EGF 1.5.0.qualifier
package org.eclipse.egf.emf.pattern.editor;
import org.eclipse.egf.emf.pattern.base.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.impl.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.generator.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.codegen.util.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.common.helper.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.execution.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.query.*;
public class WebXML extends org.eclipse.egf.emf.pattern.base.GenModelText {
protected static String nl;
public static synchronized WebXML create(String lineSeparator) {
nl = lineSeparator;
WebXML result = new WebXML();
nl = null;
return result;
public final String NL = nl == null ? (System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator")) : nl;
protected final String TEXT_1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" + NL
+ "<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC \"-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN\" \"\">";
protected final String TEXT_2 = NL;
protected final String TEXT_3 = NL + "<web-app>" + NL + " <servlet>" + NL
+ " <servlet-name>uriServlet</servlet-name>" + NL
+ " <servlet-class>org.eclipse.emf.server.ecore.resource.URIServiceImpl</servlet-class>" + NL
+ " </servlet>" + NL + " " + NL + " <servlet-mapping>" + NL
+ " <servlet-name>uriServlet</servlet-name>" + NL + " <url-pattern>/";
protected final String TEXT_4 = "/uriService</url-pattern>" + NL + " </servlet-mapping>" + NL + "" + NL
+ " <welcome-file-list>" + NL + " <welcome-file>";
protected final String TEXT_5 = ".html</welcome-file>" + NL + " </welcome-file-list>" + NL + "</web-app>" + NL;
protected final String TEXT_6 = NL;
protected final String TEXT_7 = NL;
public WebXML() {
//Here is the constructor
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
// add initialisation of the pattern variables (declaration has been already done).
public String generate(Object argument) throws Exception {
final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
InternalPatternContext ctx = (InternalPatternContext) argument;
Map<String, String> queryCtx = null;
IQuery.ParameterDescription paramDesc = null;
Node.Container currentNode = ctx.getNode();
List<Object> parameterList = null;
//this pattern can only be called by another (i.e. it's not an entry point in execution)
for (Object parameterParameter : parameterList) {
this.parameter = (org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModel) parameterParameter;
if (preCondition(ctx)) {
ctx.setNode(new Node.Container(currentNode, getClass()));
if (ctx.useReporter()) {
ctx.getReporter().executionFinished(OutputManager.computeExecutionOutput(ctx), ctx);
return stringBuffer.toString();
public String orchestration(PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
super.orchestration(new SuperOrchestrationContext(ictx));
method_preGenerate(new StringBuffer(), ictx);
method_doGenerate(new StringBuffer(), ictx);
final Map<String, Object> parameters = getParameters();
CallbackContext ctx_callback = new CallbackContext(ictx);
CallHelper.callBack(ctx_callback, parameters);
method_postGenerate(new StringBuffer(), ictx);
if (ictx.useReporter()) {
Map<String, Object> parameterValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameterValues.put("parameter", this.parameter);
String outputWithCallBack = OutputManager.computeLoopOutput(ictx);
String loop = OutputManager.computeLoopOutputWithoutCallback(ictx);
ictx.getReporter().loopFinished(loop, outputWithCallBack, ictx, parameterValues);
return null;
public Map<String, Object> getParameters() {
final Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("parameter", this.parameter);
return parameters;
protected void method_setReporterVariables(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx)
throws Exception {
GenModel genModel = parameter;
targetPathName = genModel.getEditorProjectDirectory() + "/war/WEB-INF/web.xml";
overwrite = false;
encoding = "UTF-8";
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
new Node.DataLeaf(ictx.getNode(), getClass(), "setReporterVariables", stringBuffer.toString());
protected void method_setArgument(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
GenModel genModel = parameter;
argument = parameter;
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
new Node.DataLeaf(ictx.getNode(), getClass(), "setArgument", stringBuffer.toString());
protected void method_ensureProjectExists(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx)
throws Exception {
new CodegenGeneratorAdapter(parameter).ensureProjectExists(genModel.getEditorDirectory(), genModel,
GenBaseGeneratorAdapter.EDITOR_PROJECT_TYPE, genModel.isUpdateClasspath(), new BasicMonitor());
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
new Node.DataLeaf(ictx.getNode(), getClass(), "ensureProjectExists", stringBuffer.toString());
protected void method_doGenerate(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
* Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Merks and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Ed Merks - Initial API and implementation
GenModel genModel = (GenModel) argument;
/* Trick to import java.util.* without warnings */Iterator.class.getName();
//<%@ egf:patternCall patternId="platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.egf.emf.pattern.base/egf/EMF_Pattern_Base.fcore#LogicalName=org.eclipse.egf.emf.pattern.base.HeaderXml" args="parameter:argument"%>
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
new Node.DataLeaf(ictx.getNode(), getClass(), null, stringBuffer.toString());
final Map<String, Object> callParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
callParameters.put("argument", parameter);
new ExecutionContext((InternalPatternContext) ctx), callParameters);
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
new Node.DataLeaf(ictx.getNode(), getClass(), "doGenerate", stringBuffer.toString());
public boolean preCondition(PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
GenModel genModel = parameter;
genModel = parameter.getGenModel();
boolean canGenerate = new CodegenGeneratorAdapter(parameter)
canGenerate = canGenerate && (genModel.getRuntimePlatform() == GenRuntimePlatform.GWT);
return canGenerate;