blob: 8df6f7de5b1a2c71f27b408d4a2200316cc3e16b [file] [log] [blame]
* <copyright>
* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Thales Corporate Services S.A.S.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Thales Corporate Services S.A.S - initial API and implementation
* </copyright>
package org.eclipse.egf.portfolio.task.ant.engine;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
public class DataConvert {
// simplest case - setAttribute expects String
public final static String TYPE_String = "type:string";
// setAttribute expects Integer
public final static String TYPE_Integer = "type:integer";
// setAttribute expects BigInteger
public final static String TYPE_BigInteger = "type:biginteger";
// setAttribute expects BigDecimal
public final static String TYPE_BigDecimal = "type:bigdecimal";
// setAttribute expects Float
public final static String TYPE_Float = "type:float";
// setAttribute expects Byte
public final static String TYPE_Byte = "type:byte";
// setAttribute expects Short
public final static String TYPE_Short = "type:short";
// setAttribute expects Double
public final static String TYPE_Double = "type:double";
// setAttribute expects Long
public final static String TYPE_Long = "type:long";
// char and Character get special treatment - take the first character
public final static String TYPE_Character = "type:character";
// boolean and Boolean get special treatment
public final static String TYPE_Boolean = "type:boolean";
// setAttribute expects BigDecimal
public final static String TYPE_Date = "type:date";
// setAttribute expects URI
public final static String TYPE_URI = "type:uri";
* Creates an implementation of AttributeSetter for the given
* attribute type. Conversions (where necessary) are automatically
* made for the following types:(When there is no type mapping, throw
* exception).
* <ul>
* <li>String (left as it is)
* <li>Character (first character is used)
* <li>Boolean ({@link Project#toBoolean(String)
* Project.toBoolean(String)} is used)
* <li>Long
* <li>Integer
* <li>BigInteger
* <li>BigDecimal
* <li>Float
* <li>Byte
* <li>Double
* <li>Date (java.util.Date)
* <li>URI (org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI)
* </ul>
public static Object getConvertVaule(String type, String value) throws Exception {
type = type.toLowerCase();
if (TYPE_String.equals(type)) {
return value;
if (TYPE_Long.equals(type)) {
Long longValue = new Long(StringUtils.parseHumanSizes(value));
return longValue;
if (TYPE_Integer.equals(type)) {
Integer integerValue = Integer.valueOf(value);
return integerValue;
if (TYPE_BigInteger.equals(type)) {
BigInteger bigIntegerValue = BigInteger.valueOf(new Long(StringUtils.parseHumanSizes(value)));
return bigIntegerValue;
if (TYPE_BigDecimal.equals(type)) {
BigDecimal bigIntegerValue = new BigDecimal(value);
return bigIntegerValue;
if (TYPE_Float.equals(type)) {
Float floatValue = Float.valueOf(value);
return floatValue;
if (TYPE_Byte.equals(type)) {
Byte byteValue = Byte.valueOf(value);
return byteValue;
if (TYPE_Short.equals(type)) {
Short shortValue = Short.valueOf(value);
return shortValue;
if (TYPE_Double.equals(type)) {
Double doubleValue = Double.valueOf(value);
return doubleValue;
if (TYPE_Boolean.equals(type)) {
Boolean booleanValue = Project.toBoolean(value) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
return booleanValue;
if (TYPE_Character.equals(type)) {
Character characterValue = new Character(value.charAt(0));
return characterValue;
if (TYPE_Date.equals(type)) {
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date dateValue = simpleDateFormat.parse(value.replace("/", "-"));
return dateValue;
if (TYPE_URI.equals(type)) {
URI uriValue = URI.createURI(value);
return uriValue;
throw new ExecutionException("It dosen't support to rewriting the contract with the type:\'" + type + "\' in ant script directly, please rewrite it in the task class.");
* Get the Class<?> for the given attribute type.Conversions (where
* necessary) are automatically made for the following Class<?>:(When there
* is no type mapping, throw exception).
* <ul>
* <li>String.class
* <li>Character.class
* <li>Boolean.class
* <li>Long.class
* <li>Integer.class
* <li>BigInteger.class (java.math.BigInteger)
* <li>BigDecimal.class (java.math.BigDecimal)
* <li>Float.class
* <li>Byte.class
* <li>Double.class
* <li>Date.class
* <li>URI.class (org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI)
* </ul>
public static Class<?> getType(String type) throws Exception {
type = type.toLowerCase();
if (TYPE_String.equals(type)) {
return String.class;
if (TYPE_Long.equals(type)) {
return Long.class;
if (TYPE_Integer.equals(type)) {
return Integer.class;
if (TYPE_BigInteger.equals(type)) {
return BigInteger.class;
if (TYPE_BigDecimal.equals(type)) {
return BigDecimal.class;
if (TYPE_Float.equals(type)) {
return Float.class;
if (TYPE_Byte.equals(type)) {
return Byte.class;
if (TYPE_Short.equals(type)) {
return Short.class;
if (TYPE_Double.equals(type)) {
return Double.class;
if (TYPE_Boolean.equals(type)) {
return Boolean.class;
if (TYPE_Character.equals(type)) {
return Character.class;
if (TYPE_Date.equals(type)) {
return Date.class;
if (TYPE_URI.equals(type)) {
return URI.class;
throw new ExecutionException("It dosen't support to read the contract with the type:\'" + type + "\' in ant script directly, please read it in the task class.");