blob: 474bfa1d1a1a33a1ded43e0ee35c633a985f5650 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.eclipse.egf.common.helper.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.execution.*;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.query.*;
public class buildxml extends {
protected static String nl;
public static synchronized buildxml create(String lineSeparator) {
nl = lineSeparator;
buildxml result = new buildxml();
nl = null;
return result;
public final String NL = nl == null ? (System.getProperties().getProperty("line.separator")) : nl;
protected final String TEXT_1 = "<project name=\"project\" default=\"all\">" + NL + " <!--Property file containing overrides for the default properties -->" + NL + " <property environment=\"env\" />" + NL + " <property file=\"\" />" + NL + "" + NL + "\t<property name=\"relengDir\" value=\"${basedir}\"/>" + NL + "" + NL + " <!-- if we are not running in Hudson, we some up with a reasonable default -->" + NL + " <condition property=\"build.root\" value=\"${env.WORKSPACE}\" else=\"${relengDir}/../workspace\">" + NL + " <isset property=\"env.WORKSPACE\" />" + NL + " </condition>" + NL + "" + NL + " <!--Default properties intended to be overridden by entries in the above property file. -->" + NL
+ " <property name=\"tools\" location=\"${build.root}/tools\" />" + NL + " <property name=\"result\" location=\"${build.root}/result\" />" + NL + "\t" + NL + " <property name=\"workspace\" location=\"${result}/workspace\" />" + NL + " <property name=\"publish\" location=\"${result}/publish\" />" + NL + " <property name=\"buckminster.output.root\" location=\"${result}/output\" />" + NL + " <property name=\"buckminster.temp.root\" location=\"${result}/temp\" />" + NL + " <property name=\"eclipse.staging.area\" location=\"${result}/signing\" />" + NL + "" + NL + " <!-- This macro executes the default application of an eclipse installation that resides" + NL + " in the folder ${buildtools}/@app" + NL + " -->" + NL
+ " <macrodef name=\"eclipse.launch\">" + NL + " <attribute name=\"app\" />" + NL + " <element name=\"args\" optional=\"true\" />" + NL + " <sequential>" + NL + " <!-- We assume that the eclipse installation is beneath ${buildtools} -->" + NL + " <property name=\"@{app}.deploy.dir\" value=\"${tools}/@{app}\" />" + NL + "" + NL + " <!-- Find the Eclipse launcher and assing its location to the @{app}.launcher property -->" + NL + " <pathconvert property=\"@{app}.launcher\">" + NL + " <first count=\"1\">" + NL + " <sort>" + NL + " <fileset dir=\"${@{app}.deploy.dir}/plugins\" includes=\"**/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar\" />" + NL
+ " <reverse xmlns=\"\">" + NL + " <date />" + NL + " </reverse>" + NL + " </sort>" + NL + " </first>" + NL + " </pathconvert>" + NL + "" + NL + " <!-- Launch the eclipse application -->" + NL + " <java fork=\"true\" jar=\"${@{app}.launcher}\" dir=\"${@{app}.deploy.dir}\" failonerror=\"true\">" + NL + " <args />" + NL + " </java>" + NL + " </sequential>" + NL + " </macrodef>" + NL + "" + NL + " <macrodef name=\"buckminster\">" + NL + " <attribute name=\"command\" />" + NL + " <attribute name=\"workspace\" default=\"${workspace}\" />"
+ NL + " <element name=\"globargs\" optional=\"true\" />" + NL + " <element name=\"cmdargs\" optional=\"true\" />" + NL + " <sequential>" + NL + " <eclipse.launch app=\"buckminster\">" + NL + " <args>" + NL + " <jvmarg value=\"-Dbugfix.288796=true\"/>";
protected final String TEXT_2 = NL;
protected final String TEXT_3 = NL + " <arg value=\"-data\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"@{workspace}\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"--loglevel\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${buckminster.loglevel}\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"--displaystacktrace\" />" + NL + " <globargs />" + NL + " <arg value=\"@{command}\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-P\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${properties.tmp}\" />" + NL + " <cmdargs />" + NL + " </args>" + NL + " </eclipse.launch>" + NL + " </sequential>" + NL + " </macrodef>" + NL + "" + NL + "\t<macrodef name=\"egf\">" + NL
+ " <attribute name=\"workspace\" default=\"${workspace}\" />" + NL + " <element name=\"activities\" />" + NL + " <element name=\"globargs\" optional=\"true\" />" + NL + " <element name=\"cmdargs\" optional=\"true\" />" + NL + " <sequential>" + NL + " <eclipse.launch app=\"egf\">" + NL + " <args>";
protected final String TEXT_4 = NL;
protected final String TEXT_5 = NL + " <arg value=\"-consoleLog\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-data\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"@{workspace}\" />" + NL + " <globargs />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-activities\" />" + NL + " <activities />" + NL + " <cmdargs />" + NL + " </args>" + NL + " </eclipse.launch>" + NL + " </sequential>" + NL + " </macrodef>" + NL + "" + NL + "\t<macrodef name=\"anteclipse\">" + NL + " <attribute name=\"workspace\" default=\"${workspace}\" />" + NL + " <attribute name=\"buildfile\" default=\"${build.root}/${relengDir}/build.xml\" />" + NL + " <attribute name=\"target\" />" + NL
+ " <element name=\"globargs\" optional=\"true\" />" + NL + " <sequential>" + NL + " <eclipse.launch app=\"egf\">" + NL + " <args>";
protected final String TEXT_6 = NL;
protected final String TEXT_7 = NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"-application\" />" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner\" />" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"-consoleLog\" />" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"-data\" />" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"@{workspace}\" />" + NL + " <globargs />" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"-buildfile\" />" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"@{buildfile}\" />" + NL + "\t\t\t\t\t<arg value=\"@{target}\" />" + NL + " </args>" + NL + " </eclipse.launch>" + NL + " </sequential>" + NL + " </macrodef>" + NL + "\t" + NL + " <target name=\"init.checks\">" + NL + " <available file=\"${tools}/director/director\" property=\"director.exists\" />" + NL
+ " <available file=\"${tools}/buckminster/buckminster\" property=\"buckminster.exists\" />" + NL + " <available file=\"${tools}/egf/eclipse.ini\" property=\"egf.exists\" />" + NL + " <available file=\"${workspace}\" type=\"dir\" property=\"workspace.exists\" />" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "\t" + NL + " <target name=\"get.director\" unless=\"director.exists\">" + NL + " <echo message=\"Fetching headless director application\" />" + NL + " <tempfile destdir=\"${}\" prefix=\"director-\" suffix=\".zip\" property=\"\" deleteonexit=\"true\" />" + NL + " <get src=\"${director.url}\" dest=\"${}\" />" + NL + " <mkdir dir=\"${tools}\" />" + NL
+ " <unzip src=\"${}\" dest=\"${tools}\" />" + NL + " <delete file=\"${}\" />" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "" + NL + " <target name=\"install.buckminster\" unless=\"buckminster.exists\" depends=\"get.director\">" + NL + " <echo message=\"Configuring headless buckminster with needed features\" />" + NL + " <echo message=\"Headless site: ${}\" />" + NL + " <echo message=\"External site: ${}\" />" + NL + " <eclipse.launch app=\"director\">" + NL + " <args>" + NL + " <jvmarg value=\"-Declipse.p2.mirrors=false\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-r\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${}\" />" + NL
+ " <arg value=\"-r\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${}\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-r\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${}\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-d\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${tools}/buckminster\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-p\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"Buckminster\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"org.eclipse.buckminster.cmdline.product\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL
+ " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " </args>" + NL + " </eclipse.launch>" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "" + NL + "\t<target name=\"install.egf\" unless=\"egf.exists\" depends=\"get.director\">" + NL
+ " <echo message=\"Configuring EGF with needed features\" />" + NL + " <echo message=\"EGF site: ${}\" />" + NL + " <eclipse.launch app=\"director\">" + NL + " <args>" + NL + " <jvmarg value=\"-Declipse.p2.mirrors=false\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-r\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${}\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-r\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${egf.site2}\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-d\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"${tools}/egf\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-p\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"EGF\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL
+ " <arg value=\"org.eclipse.egf.application.product\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"-i\" />" + NL + " <arg value=\"\" />" + NL + " </args>" + NL + " </eclipse.launch>" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "" + NL + " <target name=\"clean.result\">" + NL + " <delete dir=\"${result}\" failonerror=\"true\" quiet=\"true\" />" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "" + NL + " <target name=\"clean.workspace\">" + NL
+ " <delete dir=\"${workspace}\" failonerror=\"true\" quiet=\"true\" />" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "" + NL + " <target name=\"init.workspace\" unless=\"workspace.exists\">" + NL + " <mkdir dir=\"${workspace}\" />" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "" + NL + " <target name=\"\">" + NL + " <!-- Echo relevant properties to a temporary file so that Buckminster can read them -->" + NL + " <tempfile destdir=\"${}\" prefix=\"build-\" suffix=\".properties\" deleteonexit=\"true\" property=\"properties.tmp\" />" + NL + " <echoproperties destfile=\"${properties.tmp}\">" + NL + " <!-- We don't want these. basedir in particular will cause problems if passed explicitly -->" + NL
+ " <propertyset negate=\"true\">" + NL + " <propertyref name=\"basedir\" />" + NL + " <propertyref name=\"eclipse.home\" />" + NL + " <propertyref name=\"properties.tmp\" />" + NL + " <propertyref name=\"line.separator\" />" + NL + " <propertyref name=\"path.separator\" />" + NL + " <propertyref prefix=\"ant.\" />" + NL + " <propertyref prefix=\"file.\" />" + NL + " <propertyref prefix=\"java.\" />" + NL + " <propertyref prefix=\"sun.\" />" + NL + " <propertyref prefix=\"user.\" />" + NL + " </propertyset>" + NL + " </echoproperties>" + NL + " </target>" + NL + "" + NL
+ "\t<target name=\"init\" depends=\"init.checks,init.workspace,\" />\t" + NL + "\t" + NL + "\t<target name=\"all\" depends=\"";
protected final String TEXT_8 = "\" />" + NL + NL;
protected final String TEXT_9 = "</project>";
protected final String TEXT_10 = NL;
protected final String TEXT_11 = NL;
public buildxml() {
//Here is the constructor
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
// add initialisation of the pattern variables (declaration has been already done).
public String generate(Object argument) throws Exception {
final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
InternalPatternContext ctx = (InternalPatternContext) argument;
Map<String, String> queryCtx = null;
IQuery.ParameterDescription paramDesc = null;
List<Object> jobList = null;
//this pattern can only be called by another (i.e. it's not an entry point in execution)
for (Object jobParameter : jobList) {
this.job = ( jobParameter;
if (preCondition())
if (ctx.useReporter()) {
ctx.getReporter().executionFinished(ctx.getExecutionBuffer().toString(), ctx);
return stringBuffer.toString();
public String orchestration(PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
InternalPatternContext ictx = (InternalPatternContext) ctx;
int executionIndex = ictx.getExecutionBuffer().length();
super.orchestration(new SuperOrchestrationContext(ictx));
method_begin(ictx.getBuffer(), ictx);
ExecutionContext ctx_local = new ExecutionContext(ictx);
ctx_local.setValue(PatternContext.INJECTED_CONTEXT, job);
CallHelper.executeWithContextInjection("platform:/plugin/", ctx_local);
method_end(ictx.getBuffer(), ictx);
String loop = ictx.getBuffer().toString();
if (ictx.useReporter()) {
Map<String, Object> parameterValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameterValues.put("job", this.job);
String outputWithCallBack = ictx.getExecutionBuffer().substring(executionIndex);
ictx.getReporter().loopFinished(loop, outputWithCallBack, ictx, parameterValues);
return loop;
public Map<String, Object> getParameters() {
final Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("job", this.job);
return parameters;
protected void method_setFileName(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
fileName = "build.xml";
protected void method_alterFilePath(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
filePath = filePath + "/releng/";
protected void method_begin(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
//<%@ egf:patternCall
// patternId="platform:/plugin/"
final Map<String, Object> callParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
CallHelper.executeWithParameterInjection("platform:/plugin/", new ExecutionContext((InternalPatternContext) ctx), callParameters);
//<%@ egf:patternCall
// patternId="platform:/plugin/"
final Map<String, Object> callParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
CallHelper.executeWithParameterInjection("platform:/plugin/", new ExecutionContext((InternalPatternContext) ctx), callParameters);
//<%@ egf:patternCall
// patternId="platform:/plugin/"
final Map<String, Object> callParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
CallHelper.executeWithParameterInjection("platform:/plugin/", new ExecutionContext((InternalPatternContext) ctx), callParameters);
//<%@ egf:patternCall
// patternId="platform:/plugin/"
final Map<String, Object> callParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
CallHelper.executeWithParameterInjection("platform:/plugin/", new ExecutionContext((InternalPatternContext) ctx), callParameters);
stringBuffer.append(new GenerationHelper().generateJobStepsString(job, ','));
protected void method_end(final StringBuffer stringBuffer, final PatternContext ctx) throws Exception {
public boolean preCondition() throws Exception {
return super.preCondition();