blob: 3c214be54645fdbcb2cc92cebc5588395b58e3b3 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.egf.pattern.strategy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.PatternContext;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.PatternElement;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.PatternException;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.PatternLibrary;
import org.eclipse.egf.model.pattern.util.PatternSwitch;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.Messages;
import org.eclipse.egf.pattern.extension.ExtensionHelper.MissingExtensionException;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
* This base class gathers code to compute the Pattern list from the given
* PatternElement objects prior to execution.
* @author Thomas Guiu
public class FilterStrategy extends AbstractPatternStrategy {
private static final String OK = "ok";
private final class FilterSwitch extends PatternSwitch<String> {
private final String filter;
private final Set<Pattern> result;
private FilterSwitch(String filter, Set<Pattern> result) {
this.filter = filter;
this.result = result;
public String casePattern(Pattern object) {
return OK;
public String casePatternLibrary(PatternLibrary object) {
EList<PatternElement> list = object.getFilters().get(filter);
if (list != null) {
for (PatternElement elem : list) {
String error = doSwitch(elem);
if (error != null && !OK.equals(error))
return error;
return OK;
public String defaultCase(EObject object) {
return Messages.bind(Messages.strategy_error1, object);
public void execute(PatternContext context, Object parameter) throws PatternException, MissingExtensionException {
if (parameter == null)
throw new PatternException(Messages.strategy_error3);
if (!(parameter instanceof String))
throw new PatternException(Messages.bind(Messages.strategy_error2, "String", parameter.getClass().getName()));
String filter = (String) parameter;
List<Pattern> patterns = getPatterns(filter);
doExecute(patterns, context);
* This methods returns a list of the elements from patternElements field.
* The order is computed by using registered scheduling rules. If the rule
* can't be found the natural ordering is used.
protected List<Pattern> getPatterns(final String filter) throws PatternException {
final Set<Pattern> result = new LinkedHashSet<Pattern>(patternElements.length * 2);
PatternSwitch<String> switch_ = new FilterSwitch(filter, result);
for (PatternElement elem : patternElements) {
String error = switch_.doSwitch(elem);
if (error != null && !OK.equals(error))
throw new PatternException(error);
return new ArrayList<Pattern>(result);