blob: ba1cc35f2a8a6cf5d6a4e8cb18e557e61690d790 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* Copyright (C) 2020 EGit Committers and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.egit.jenkins
* EGit build library collecting operations to determine versions and paths depending on versions.
class Lib implements Serializable {
private final def script
Lib(def script) {
this.script = script
* Checks that {@code config} contains all the keys of {@code mandatory}. For each missing key,
* writes the corresponding value from {@code mandatory}, which is thus supposed to contain a
* parameter description. Fails the build if not all mandatory keys exists in {@code config}.
* @param config
* Map to check
* @param mandatory
* Map of mandatory keys and their descriptions
def void configCheck(Map config, Map mandatory) {
boolean missing = false
for (m in mandatory) {
if (!config.containsKey(m.key)) {
missing = true
script.println('[WARN] Missing parameter ' + m.key + ': ' + m.value)
if (missing) {
script.error('Mandatory parameters missing')
* Reads the <version> tag from the given pom file.
* @param pom
* path to the pom.xml relative to the current working directory
def String getOwnVersion(String pom) {
return (script.readFile(file: pom, encoding: 'UTF-8') =~ /<version>([^<>]*)<\/version>/)[0][1]
* Determines the upstream version.
* <p>
* If we're a -SNAPSHOT version, get the existing snapshot repositories
* and take the highest matching the major.minor number.
* </p>
* <p>
* Otherwise, find the most recent tag matching our own version; i.e.
* if we're 5.3.-something we take the most recent tag v5.3.x.yyyymmddhhmm
* If we're a release, we only consider release tags (suffix "-r")
* </p>
* @param upstreamRepoPath
* the path at which the upstream is to be found, for instance "orbit" for the Eclipse project "orbit/orbit-recipes"
* @param upstreamProject
* the project name (== repository name), for instance "orbit-recipes" for the Eclipse project "orbit/orbit-recipes"
* @param ownVersion
* the version of this project
* @return the needed upstream version
def String getUpstreamVersion(String upstreamRepoPath, String upstreamProject, String ownVersion) {
if (ownVersion.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) {
return getUpstreamSnapshotVersion(upstreamProject, ownVersion)
def tags = getTags("git://${upstreamRepoPath}/${upstreamProject}.git").trim().split(/\v+/)
def tag = ''
int max = -1
long maxTime = -1
def isRelease = ownVersion.endsWith('-r')
for (int i = tags.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
def t = tags[i].trim()
def m = t =~ /.*refs\/tags\/v(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(-.*)/
if (m && ownVersion.startsWith(m[0][1])) {
if (isRelease && !t.endsWith('-r')) {
int patch = m[0][2] as Integer
long date = m[0][3] as Long
if (patch > max) {
max = patch
maxTime = date
tag = m[0][1] + '.' + m[0][2] + '.' + m[0][3] + m[0][4]
} else if (patch == max && date > maxTime) {
maxTime = date
tag = m[0][1] + '.' + m[0][2] + '.' + m[0][3] + m[0][4]
return tag
private def getUpstreamSnapshotVersion(String upstreamProject, String ownVersion) {
// Slightly ugly HTML slurping. Is there a better way?
// def url = new URL("" + upstreamProject + "/org.eclipse." + upstreamProject + ".repository/")
// def text = url.getText()
// The above new URL() is forbidden by Jenkins' script security...
def text = true, script: "curl -s -f -m 10 -L --max-redirs 8${upstreamProject}/org.eclipse.${upstreamProject}.repository/")
// TODO: Windows ?
def data = text.split(/\v+/)
def version = ownVersion
int max = -1
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
def m = data[i] =~ /<a href="[^"]*\/(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+)-SNAPSHOT\/"[^>]*>/
if (m && ownVersion.startsWith(m[0][1])) {
int patch = m[0][2] as Integer
if (patch > max) {
max = patch
version = m[0][1] + '.' + m[0][2] + '-SNAPSHOT'
return version
private def String getTags(String url) {
def cmd = "git ls-remote --tags --refs ${url}"
if (isUnix()) {
return true, script: cmd)
} else {
return script.bat(returnStdout: true, script: '@' + cmd)
* Determines the maven command line option giving the upstream repository to use for the maven build.
* @param project
* name of the upstream project ("jgit" or "egit")
* @param version
* upstream version as determined by {@link #getUpstreamVersion(String, String, String)}
* @return the complete maven command line option "-Djgit-site=" or "-Degit-site="
def String getMvnUpstreamRepo(String project, String version) {
def repo = "-D${project}-site="
if (version.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) {
repo += 'snapshots.unzip/org/eclipse/'
} else {
repo += 'releases.unzip/org/eclipse/'
repo += project
def pkg = "org.eclipse.${project}.repository"
repo += "/${pkg}/${version}/${pkg}-${version}.zip-unzip/"
return repo
* Determines the folder to publish to.
* @param ownVersion
* version of the project being built
* @return The subfolder name to publish the p2 repo to
def String getPublishFolder(String ownVersion) {
if (ownVersion.endsWith('-SNAPSHOT')) {
if (script.env.GERRIT_BRANCH.contains('master')) {
return 'updates-nightly';
} else {
// We only ever build the last release or master, so two directories are sufficient
return 'updates-stable-nightly'
} else {
// Gotta be a release.
if (ownVersion.endsWith('-r')) {
def m = ownVersion =~ /(\d+\.\d+)\.(\d+).*/
def patch = m[0][2] as Integer
if (patch == 0) {
return 'updates-' + m[0][1]
} else {
return 'updates-' + m[0][1] + '.' + m[0][2]
} else {
return 'staging/v' + ownVersion