blob: 493d3eb5992a8813af4a14e4229a8dd9d714e295 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* Copyright (C) 2020 EGit Committers and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
package org.eclipse.egit.jenkins
* Collection of useful pipeline fragments for use in an EGit build.
class Tools implements Serializable {
private final def script
Tools(def script) {
this.script = script
* Constructs a GerritTrigger "gerritProjects" specification to trigger on the given
* {@code repo} and {@code branches}.
* @param match
* match type for {@code repo}
* @param repo
* to trigger on
* @param branches
* to trigger on; single entry or a Collection of entries, each entry either
* a simple string or a list containing two strings, the first one the match
* type and the second one the name or pattern. If empty or {@code null}, no
* branch filter will be added.
* @return the "gerritProjects" specification
def Object projectsToBuild(String match, String repo, def branches = null) {
def branchSpecs = []
if (!branches) {
return [
[$class: "GerritProject", compareType: match, pattern: repo]
if (branches instanceof String) {
branchSpecs.add([$class: "Branch", compareType: "PLAIN", pattern: branches])
} else {
for (b in branches) {
if (b instanceof Collection && b.size() == 2) {
branchSpecs.add([$class: "Branch", compareType: b[0], pattern: b[1]])
} else {
branchSpecs.add([$class: "Branch", compareType: "PLAIN", pattern: b])
return [
[$class: "GerritProject", compareType: match, pattern: repo, branches: branchSpecs]
* A complete "Checkout" stage for EGit projects, cloning a given {@code project} using
* the given {@code refSpec} and checking out a given {@code branch}.
* @param project
* to clone; for example "jgit/jgit"
* @param branch
* to check out
* @param refSpec
* to use
* @param extras
* map of extra parameters for the checkout() command
def void cloneAndCheckout(String project, String branch, String refSpec, Map extras = [:]) {
def cfg = [
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: branch]],
doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
submoduleCfg: [],
userRemoteConfigs: [
[url : "${project}", name : 'origin', refspec : refSpec]
for (extra in extras) {
cfg.put(extra.key, extra.value)
* Copies all content of a {@code sourceDirectory} to a {@code publishDirectory} on
* via ssh/scp. If the {@code publishDirectory} exists already, it is replaced.
* @param genie
* user name to log in at, typically "genie.egit"
* @param credentials
* Jenkins credential name for the ssh key to use
* @param sourceDirectory
* path relative to ${WORKSPACE} of the directory to copy
* @param publishDirectory
* path on to copy to
* @param extraSource
* to also copy to {@code publishDirectory}
def void publishUpdateSite(String genie, String credentials, String sourceDirectory, String publishDirectory, String extraSource = null) {
def buildNumber = script.currentBuild.number;
script.sshagent ([credentials]) {
// Serialize concurrently running jobs to not overwrite the publishDirectory concurrently
def lockName = "${genie}-projects-storage-eclipse-org-" + publishDirectory.replace('/', '-')
script.lock(lockName) { """
ssh ${genie} rm -rf ${publishDirectory}-tmp${buildNumber}
ssh ${genie} mkdir -p ${publishDirectory}-tmp${buildNumber}
scp -r ${sourceDirectory}/* ${genie}${publishDirectory}-tmp${buildNumber}
if (extraSource) { """
scp ${extraSource} ${genie}${publishDirectory}-tmp${buildNumber}/
// Remove former -old directory. There shouldn't be one, but let's be sure.
// Ensure the publishDirectory exists before moving it to -old.
// Then rename -tmp and remove -old. """
ssh ${genie} rm -rf ${publishDirectory}-old
ssh ${genie} mkdir -p ${publishDirectory}
ssh ${genie} mv ${publishDirectory} ${publishDirectory}-old
ssh ${genie} mv ${publishDirectory}-tmp${buildNumber} ${publishDirectory}
ssh ${genie} rm -rf ${publishDirectory}-old
* Archives build artifacts. Screenshots from failed tests and Eclipse logs are added automatically.
* @param specificArtifacts
* Collection of ${WORKSPACE}-relative ant patterns defining the artifacts to archive;
* screenshots and Eclipse log files are added automatically
def void archiveArtifacts(Collection specificArtifacts = []) {
def artifacts = []
script.archiveArtifacts artifacts.join(',')
* Standard EGit build reporting steps.
def void reporting() {
// don't use ** if the number of directories is known, this is a huge performance problem
script.junit '*/target/surefire-reports/*.xml'
tools: [
script.spotBugs(pattern: '*/target/*bugsXml.xml', reportEncoding: 'UTF-8'),
script.cpd(reportEncoding: 'UTF-8')
* Sends an e-mail depending on the build outcome.
* @param to
* E-mail recipients; a whitespace-separated sequence of e-mail addresses
def void sendMail(String to) {
if (script.currentBuild.result == null) {
script.currentBuild.result = script.currentBuild.currentResult
$class: 'Mailer',
notifyEveryUnstableBuild: true,
recipients: to,
sendToIndividuals: true
* Runs mvn with the given arguments, supplying the EGit default arguments automatically.
* @param arguments
* for mvn
* @param mvnVersion
* Jenkins tool identifier; defaults to the latest mvn version available
def void maven(Collection arguments, String mvnVersion = 'apache-maven-latest') {
def args = []
// General build setup
// suppress progress output
// show maven errors
// have a separate maven repo per job
// avoid flaky or not updated mirrors
// temporary directory for egit tests
// temporary directory for java
// mvn logging setup
// make eclipse log to the build log, not just into a file
// enable timestamps in mvn logging
// set timestamp format
// disable download progress output by allowing warning output only
// disable parallel maven build threadsafe warning by allowing error output only
def command = args.join(' ')
// get the path from the global Jenkins configuration
def mvnHome = script.tool mvnVersion
// invoke maven
if (script.isUnix()) { "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' ${command}"
} else {
script.bat(/"${mvnHome}\bin\mvn" ${command}/)