blob: 83c23240f07a900dae3e226975eb798336cfc43c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env groovy
* Copyright (C) 2020 EGit Committers and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* EGit product build for a given branch, either determined by the gerrit trigger's
* $GERRIT_BRANCH or $GERRIT_REFNAME or the {@code cfg.defaultBranch}.
* @param lib
* library to use
* @param tooling
* to use
* @param cfg
* configuration
* @return
def call(def lib, def tooling, Map cfg = [:]) {
Map config = [timeOut : 60, noTests : false] << cfg
// Check parameters
lib.configCheck(config, [
timeOut : 'Job timeout in minutes, default 60',
repoPath : 'Full path to the repository to build, for instance "egit/egit".',
// defaultBranch is optional: branch to build if $GERRIT_BRANCH and $GERRIT_REFNAME are not set
upstreamRepoPath: 'Path to the upstream repo, for instance the first "jgit" for "jgit/jgit".',
upstreamRepo: 'Upstream repository name, for instance the second "jgit" for "jgit/jgit".',
// upstreamVersion is optional; auto-determined if not set
p2project: 'Project containing the built update site at target/repository.',
// p2zip is optional: p2 repo zip to also copy during deployment,
publishRoot: 'Folder on p2 publish server under which the repo should be placed. The appropriate subfolder is determined automatically.',
// downstreamJob is optional: job to trigger after deployment
uiNode(config.timeOut) {
try {
// If run on a RefChanged event, GERRIT_BRANCH is not set, but GERRIT_REFNAME is.
// If run on a ChangeMerged event, GERRIT_BRANCH is set, but GERRIT_REFNAME is not.
def branchToBuild = null
branchToBuild = config.defaultBranch
} else if (!!env.GERRIT_BRANCH) {
branchToBuild = env.GERRIT_BRANCH
} else if (!!env.GERRIT_REFNAME) {
branchToBuild = env.GERRIT_REFNAME
if (!branchToBuild) {
branchToBuild = config.defaultBranch
if (config.jdk) {
def jdk = tool name: "${config.jdk}", type: 'jdk'
env.JAVA_HOME = "${jdk}"
stage('Checkout') {
sh '$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version'
tooling.cloneAndCheckout(config.repoPath, branchToBuild, '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*');
def ownVersion = lib.getOwnVersion('pom.xml')
def publishFolder = "/${config.publishRoot}/" + lib.getPublishFolder(branchToBuild, ownVersion)
def publishDirectory = '/home/data/httpd/' + publishFolder
def upstreamVersion = config.upstreamVersion
if (!upstreamVersion) {
upstreamVersion = lib.getUpstreamVersion(config.upstreamRepoPath, config.upstreamRepo, ownVersion)
def profiles = config.noTests ? '' : 'static-checks,'
profiles += 'other-os,eclipse-sign'
def commonMvnArguments = [
'-P' + profiles,
lib.getMvnUpstreamRepo(config.upstreamRepo, upstreamVersion),
// Needed by tycho-eclipserun for the p2 mirrors URL
stage('Build') {
def arguments = [
if (config.noTests) {
stage('Deploy') {
// Nexus
def arguments = [
// Update site
def extraSource = null
if (config.p2zip && ownVersion.endsWith('-r')) {
// Must be a stable build...
extraSource = config.p2project + '/target/' + config.p2zip
config.p2project + '/target/repository',
if (config.downstreamJob) {
job: config.downstreamJob,
propagate: false,
wait: false,
parameters: [
[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'EGIT_VERSION', value: ownVersion]
finally { // replacement for post actions of Jenkins 1.x
stage('Results') {
config.p2project + '/target/repository/**'
if (!config.noTests) {