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<h1 id="JGit">JGit</h1>
<h2 id="Features">Features</h2>
<li>FetchCommand: Add basic support for recursing into submodules</li>
<li>Prepare JGit against
<a href="" target="egit_external">SHA1 collisions</a>
<li>SHA-1: collision detection support</li>
<li>SHA1: support reset() and reuse instances</li>
<li>Switch to pure Java SHA1 for ObjectId</li>
<li>Pure Java SHA-1</li>
<li>PullCommand: Allow to set tag behavior</li>
<li>PullCommand: Add support for recursing into submodules</li>
<li>Set commit time in ZipArchiveEntry</li>
<li>Limit receive commands</li>
<li>Follow redirects in transport</li>
<li>Normalizer creating a valid branch name from a string</li>
<li>Pack refs/tags/ with refs/heads/</li>
<li>Push: support per-ref force-with-lease</li>
<li>Only mark packfile invalid if exception signals permanent problem</li>
<li>Don't flag a packfile invalid if opening existing file failed. Opening a file can fail temporarily if ulimit for open file handles is exceeded.</li>
<h2 id="Garbage_Collection">Garbage Collection</h2>
<li>GC: don't loosen doomed objects</li>
<li>Prefer smaller GC files during DFS garbage collection</li>
<li>Fix missing deltas near type boundaries</li>
<li>Reintroduce garbage pack coalescing when ttl &gt; 0.</li>
<li>GC: delete empty directories after purging loose objects</li>
<li>Make GC cancellable when called programmatically</li>
<li>GC.prune(Set&lt;ObjectId&gt;): return early if objects directory is empty</li>
<li>Clean up orphan files in GC</li>
<li>GC: loosen unreferenced objects</li>
<li>GC: Add options to preserve and prune old pack files</li>
<h2 id="LFS_Support">LFS Support</h2>
<li>LfsProtocolServlet: Pass HTTP Authorization header to getLargeFileRepository</li>
<li>LfsProtocolServlet#LfsRequest: Add operation type helper methods</li>
<li>Expose LFS operation strings as public constants</li>
<li>LfsProtocolServlet: Improve error on getLargeFileRepository failure</li>
<li>Add support for refusing LFS request due to invalid authorization</li>
<li>Add LfsPointerFilter TreeFilter</li>
<h2 id="Build_and_Release_Engineering">Build and Release Engineering</h2>
<li>Upgrade error_prone_core to 2.0.18</li>
<li>Update Jetty to 9.3.17.v20170317</li>
<li>Update com.jcraft.jsch to 0.1.54</li>
<li>Update build to use Tycho 1.0.0</li>
<li>Fix hamcrest dependency in org.eclipse.jgit.ant.test</li>
<li>Update Maven plugins</li>
<li>Update Orbit to S20170306214312 </li>
<a href="" target="egit_external">Bazel build</a>
<a href="" target="egit_external">buck build</a>
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