blob: 514c47cc3d38719c8ba0f30aae53f8b68ae588fc [file] [log] [blame]
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<!DOCTYPE task PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Task//EN" "task.dtd">
<task id="tesessb" xml:lang="en-us">
<title>Creating session beans with XDoclet annotation support</title>
<shortdesc>You can use a wizard to create a session bean and add it to your
<keywords><indexterm>session beans<indexterm>creating with XDoclet annotation
support</indexterm></indexterm><indexterm>XDoclet<indexterm>annotation support<indexterm>creating
session beans</indexterm></indexterm></indexterm></keywords>
<prereq><p>Before you can create an enterprise bean, you must:</p><ul>
<li>Define an EJB project to contain the enterprise bean. See <xref href="tecrtpro.dita"></xref></li>
<li>Install XDoclet annotation support and enable it. See <xref href="txdocletconf.dita"></xref></li>
<context> <p>To create a session bean:</p></context>
<step><cmd>In the J2EE perspective, click <b>File > New > Other > EJB > XDoclet
Enterprise JavaBean</b>. The Create an Enterprise Bean wizard appears.</cmd>
<step><cmd>Select the <b>Session Bean</b> radio button.</cmd><info></info>
<step><cmd>Click <b>Next</b>.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Select the <b>Project</b> that will contain the new session bean. </cmd>
<step><cmd>In the <b>Folder</b> field, select the folder for the new bean. </cmd>
<step><cmd>In the <b>Java package</b> field, enter the package name for the
new bean. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>In the <b>Class name</b> field, type a name for the enterprise
bean. By convention, bean names should begin with an uppercase letter. </cmd>
<info><note>You can use Unicode characters for the bean name, but Unicode
characters are not supported for enterprise bean packages and classes associated
with enterprise beans.</note></info></step>
<step><cmd>Change the <b>Superclass</b> for the bean if you want it to inherit
from a class other than <codeph>java.lang.Object</codeph> </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Click <b>Next</b>.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide an <b>EJB Name</b> for the bean. This is the name of the
enterprise bean class. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide an <b>JNDI Name</b> for the bean. This is a logical name
used by the server to locate an enterprise bean at runtime. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide an <b>Display Name</b> for the bean. This is a short name
for the enterprise bean that is used by tools.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Provide a text <b>Description</b> for the bean.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Select the <b>State type</b> for the new bean:</cmd><info><ul>
<li>A <b>Stateful</b> session bean maintains client-specific session information,
or conversational state, across multiple method calls and transactions. An
instance of a stateful session bean has a unique identity that is assigned
by the container at create time. </li>
<li>A <b>Stateless</b> session bean does not maintain conversational state.
Instances of a stateless session bean have no conversational state. All instances
of a stateless session bean have the same object identifier, which is assigned
by the container. </li>
<step><cmd>Select a <b>Transaction Type</b> for the new bean:</cmd><info><ul>
<li><b>Container</b> specifies that the transaction demarcation is performed
by the container.</li>
<li><b>Bean</b> specifies that the transaction demarcation is performed by
the bean.</li>
<step><cmd>Click <b>Next</b>.</cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Select the type of <b>Modifiers</b> to use for the class. Choices
are <b>Public</b>, <b>Abstract</b>, and <b>Final</b>. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Select the <b>Interfaces</b> you want the bean to implement:</cmd>
<li>Click the <b>Add</b> button to open the Type Selection dialog box where
you can select the interface that you want to implement. </li>
<li>If you added an interface that you no longer want to implement, select
the interface in the list and click <b>Remove</b>.</li>
<step><cmd>Select the method stubs that you want the wizard to create. Choices
include <b>main</b>, <b>Inherited abstract methods</b>, and <b>Constructors</b> from
the superclass. </cmd></step>
<step><cmd>Click <b>Finish</b>. The new bean is added to the specified EJB
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