blob: 0b1dd80d1e72024864edf41f415defb8b2a83217 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 RCP Vision ( and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Lorenzo Bettini - Initial contribution and API
package org.eclipse.emf.parsley.tests
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.IObservableValue
import org.eclipse.emf.databinding.EMFDataBindingContext
import org.eclipse.emf.databinding.EMFProperties
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain
import org.eclipse.emf.parsley.EmfParsleyActivator
import org.eclipse.emf.parsley.composite.ControlObservablePair
import org.eclipse.emf.parsley.util.DatabindingUtil
import org.eclipse.emf.parsley.composite.DialogControlFactory
import org.eclipse.emf.parsley.composite.ProposalCreator
import org.eclipse.emf.parsley.junit4.util.LogAppenderTestRule
import org.eclipse.emf.parsley.tests.models.testmodels.BaseClass
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import static extension org.junit.Assert.*
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout
class CustomDialogControlFactoryTest extends AbstractControlFactoryTest {
@Rule public val LogAppenderTestRule logAppender = new LogAppenderTestRule(EmfParsleyActivator);
* Test the polymorphic method pattern
* <pre>
* Control control_ClassName_FeatureName(ClassName e)
* </pre>
def void testCustomControlPolymorphic() {
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(BaseClass e) {
} => [initialize(createBaseClassObject)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
* Test the protected getters from the superclass
* <pre>
* Control control_ClassName_FeatureName(ClassName e)
* </pre>
def void testCustomControlPolymorphicGetters() {
val obj = createBaseClassObject
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(BaseClass e) {
// in this scenario the editing domain is null
} => [initialize(obj)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
* Test the polymorphic method pattern
* <pre>
* Control control_ClassName_FeatureName(EMFDataBindingContext edbc, IObservableValue modelObservableValue)
* </pre>
* The programmer is responsible of creating and returning the Control
* after having set the target observable value
def void testCustomControlWithDatabindingContextPolymorphic() {
val o1 = createBaseClassObject
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(EMFDataBindingContext edbc, IObservableValue modelObservableValue) {
val text = createText("")
// by default the editable is true, thus setting it to false
// gives us evidence that this method was called
text.editable = false
val targetObservableValue = DatabindingUtil.observeText(text, SWT.Modify)
edbc.bindValue(targetObservableValue, modelObservableValue, null, null);
return text
} => [initialize(o1)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
o1.baseClassFeature = "Foo"
* Test the polymorphic method pattern
* <pre>
* ControlObservablePair control_ClassName_FeatureName(EStructuralFeature)
* </pre>
* The programmer is responsible of creating and returning the Control
* and the target observable value into a ControlObservablePair
def void testCustomControlWithControlObservablePair() {
val o1 = createBaseClassObject
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(EStructuralFeature f) {
val text = createText("")
// by default the editable is true, thus setting it to false
// gives us evidence that this method was called
text.editable = false
return new ControlObservablePair(text, DatabindingUtil.observeText(text, SWT.Modify))
} => [initialize(o1)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
o1.baseClassFeature = "Foo"
* As above, but for a multi feature
def void testCustomControlWithControlObservablePairForMulti() {
val o1 = createBaseClassObject
o1.baseMultiReferenceFeature += createClassWithName("Foo")
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseMultiReferenceFeature(EStructuralFeature f) {
val text = createText("")
return new ControlObservablePair(text, DatabindingUtil.observeText(text, SWT.Modify))
} => [initialize(o1)]
// we create a Text for a multi feature so the text will stay empty anyway
// but we test that our custom method is actually polymorphicall invoked
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseMultiReferenceFeature)
o1.baseMultiReferenceFeature += createClassWithName("Bar")
* As above, but for a without specifying SWT.Modify
def void testCustomControlWithControlObservablePair2() {
val o1 = createBaseClassObject
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(EStructuralFeature f) {
val text = createText("")
// by default the editable is true, thus setting it to false
// gives us evidence that this method was called
text.editable = false
return new ControlObservablePair(text, DatabindingUtil.observeText(text))
} => [initialize(o1)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
o1.baseClassFeature = "Foo"
def void testCustomControlWithControlObservablePairAndLayout() {
// check that the layout data explicitly set is not overwritten
// by the default control setup
val o1 = createBaseClassObject
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(EStructuralFeature f) {
val text = createText("")
text.layoutData = new FillLayout()
return new ControlObservablePair(text, DatabindingUtil.observeText(text))
} => [initialize(o1)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
assertTrue("expected FillLayout but was " + control.layoutData.class.simpleName,
control.layoutData instanceof FillLayout
* The Control in the ControlObservablePair is set to null
def void testCustomControlNull() {
val o1 = createBaseClassObject
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def control_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(EStructuralFeature f) {
return new ControlObservablePair(null, null)
} => [initialize(o1)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
* Test the polymorphic method pattern
* <pre>
* observe_ClassName_FeatureName(EditingDomain, ClassName)
* </pre>
* The programmer can customize which feature of which object to observe.
* In this test we create a Text on an EObject for a feature but we
* observe the same feature on another EObject (of the same type).
def void testCustomObservePolymorphic() {
val o1 = createBaseClassObject
val o2 = createBaseClassObject
val factory = new DialogControlFactory {
def observe_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(EditingDomain d, BaseClass e) {
// observe the change for the feature on the second object
} => [initialize(o1)]
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
// the Text changes when the second object changes,
// although the Text was created on the first object
o1.baseClassFeature = "Foo"
o2.baseClassFeature = "Foo"
static class CustomProposalCreator extends ProposalCreator {
def proposals_BaseClass_baseClassFeature(BaseClass e) {
return #["First Proposal", "Second Proposal"]
@Test def void testWrongContentAssistKeyStroke() {
val factory = new DialogControlFactory => [initialize(createBaseClassObject)]
// this will replace the string for content assist shortcut with
// an unparsable KeyStroke
val injector = createInjector(new EmfParsleyGuiceModuleForTesting() {
override valueContentAssistShortcut() {
override bindProposalCreator() {
// during the parsing of the KeyStroke an exception will be logged
val control = factory.createControl(testPackage.baseClass_BaseClassFeature)
// but the Text will be created anyway (without ContentProposalAdapter)
logAppender.assertContainsMessage("Error while parsing keystroke: Foo+Space")
def private createBaseClassObject() {