Merge "some fixes in the documentation"
diff --git a/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/01-Overview.xdoc b/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/01-Overview.xdoc
index 50a5f91..8aac396 100644
--- a/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/01-Overview.xdoc
+++ b/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/01-Overview.xdoc
@@ -1,28 +1,35 @@
- e[Emf Parsley] is a lightweight framework that allows easy and quick UI development
-upon EMF. e[EMF Parsley] is built from EMF Edit framework features like Tree, Form and Table builders with
-standard JFace databinding, providing a complete component-based toolset. Moreover a DSL allows to customize several behaviors in each component and can be configured to use all kinds of EMF persistence implementations (XMI, Teneo, CDO).
+e[EMF Parsley] is a lightweight framework that allows easy and quick UI development based
+upon EMF. e[EMF Parsley] is built on top of the EMF Edit framework and it implements features like Trees, Forms and Table builders with
+standard JFace databinding, providing a complete component-based toolset.
+EMF Parsley can be configured to use all kinds of EMF persistence
+implementations (XMI, Teneo, CDO) 
+Moreover a DSL allows to easily customize several behaviors in each component.
 section:ParsleyComponents[Parsley Components]
-e[EMF Parsley] aims to provide a complete set of block components to visualize your model with the introspective EMF capabilities and can be used to easily build forms, viewers or editors. 
+e[EMF Parsley] aims to provide a complete set of components to visualize your model with the introspective EMF capabilities
+and can be used to easily build forms, viewers or editors. 
 There are some components that can be used out-of-the-box and can be considered as a reference implementation
-of the mechanisms that are the bases of e[Emf Parsley] itslef. 
+of the mechanisms that are the basis of e[EMF Parsley] itslef. 
-	item[e[Tree] ]
-	item[e[Form] ]
-	item[e[Table] ]
-	item[e[Search] coming soon]
+	item[e[Trees] ]
+	item[e[Forms] ]
+	item[e[Tables] ]
+	item[e[Editors] ]
+	item[e[Search boxes] coming soon]
-The main feature of e[EMF Parsley] is that you can customize all basic UI behaviours of the components with Injection mechanism (based on link[][Google Guice]).
-You can get more info in the ref:Customizations[Customizations Section], but you don't have to know all details about the internal implementation to inject your own customization because
- e[Emf Parsley] provides a DSL to easy customize your UI, as explained in the next section.
+The main feature of e[EMF Parsley] is that you can customize all basic UI behaviours of the components with e[Dependency Injection]
+mechanisms (based on link[][Google Guice]).
+You can get more info in the ref:Customizations[Customizations Section], but you don't have to know all details
+about the internal implementation to inject your own customization because
+e[EMF Parsley] provides a DSL to easy customize your UI, as explained in the next section.
 section2:Customizations_DSL[Customize with the DSL]
@@ -30,7 +37,7 @@
 img[images/01-new-project-dsl-wizard.png][][ ][] 
-Clicking the "Finish" button the wizard will open directly the dsl editor. You can use the content assistant
+Clicking the "Finish" button the wizard will open directly the DSL editor. You can use the content assistant
 to discover all features.
 img[images/01-dsl-content-assistant.png][][ ][] 
@@ -38,24 +45,28 @@
 The DSL allows to customize the most relevant behaviors, currently the following are permitted:
-	item[e[parts] let you define your View Parts: a file plugin.xml_emfparsley_gen will be generated
-	to synchronize with your own plugin.xml]
+	item[e[parts] lets you define your View Parts: a file e[plugin.xml_emfparsley_gen] will be generated
+	that is meant to be synchronized with your own e[plugin.xml]]
-	item[e[bindings] section let you define which implementation will be used wiht Injection]
+	item[e[bindings] section lets you define which implementation will be used with Injection]
-	item[e[menu] section let you define the contextual menu for all viewers (e[Tree] and e[tables])]
+	item[e[menu] section lets you define the contextual menu for all viewers (e[trees] and e[tables])]
-	item[e[features provider] is used to retrieve list of feature for a given EClass to build e[Tables]
-	and e[Forms]]
+	item[e[features provider] is used to retrieve the list of feature for a given EClass to build e[tables]
+	and e[forms]]
 	item[e[viewer content provider] mediates between the viewer's model and the viewer, to provide the
 	contents to be shown]
-	item[e[Label Provider] is used to retrieve the image and text rapresentation of the EStructuredFeature of a given EClass]
+	item[e[Label Provider] is used to retrieve the image and text rapresentation of the objects of a
+	tree viewer]
-	item[e[Caption Provider] provides captions for each feature. Different implementations can be defined for e[Dialogs] and e[Forms]]
+	item[e[Caption Provider] provides captions for each feature (namely, EStructuredFeature) of the object shown in a form,
+	in a dialog or in a table row. 
+	Different implementations can be defined for e[dialogs], e[forms] and e[tables].]
-	item[e[Control Factory] provides a custom implementation of Controls for each feature. Different implementations can be defined forfor e[Dialogs] and e[Forms]]
+	item[e[Control Factory] provides a custom implementation of the Controls for each feature shown in a form or a dialog. 
+	Different implementations can be defined forfor e[dialogs] and e[forms]]
 %%section2:Customitations_TheHardWay[The Hard way]
diff --git a/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/02-FirstExample.xdoc b/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/02-FirstExample.xdoc
index 979a070..6dbfe2e 100644
--- a/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/02-FirstExample.xdoc
+++ b/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/02-FirstExample.xdoc
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 item[org.eclipse.emf.examples.library.editor (the editor plug-in)]
+The editor plug-in project can be removed.
 Please consider that here we are starting from this well known EMF model taken out-of-the-box from Eclipse,
 but you can start from your EMF model (in that case you may probably omit the ".edit" and ".editor" plugins, depending on your model).
@@ -76,6 +78,7 @@
 Now get back to e[module.parlsey] file, go just after e["viewclass"] keyword, type e["LibraryTreeFormView"]
 and e[Ctrl-Space]: the content assist will set automatically the correct qualified name
+(it will insert the class name, and add the corresponding import at the beginning of the file):
 	viewclass org.eclipse.emf.parsley.examples.firstexample.views.LibraryTreeFormView
diff --git a/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/05-Components.xdoc b/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/05-Components.xdoc
index 420beaf..f908ca0 100644
--- a/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/05-Components.xdoc
+++ b/doc/org.eclipse.emf.parsley.doc/xdoc/documentation/05-Components.xdoc
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-This section describes the components that are provided to be used out-of-the-box, that are the foundations for all parts built upon e[Emf Parsley].
-Afetr a brief description, for each component we present a set of customizations, just to get an idea of how it works. You can refer
+This section describes the components that are provided to be used out-of-the-box, that are the foundations for all parts built upon e[EMF Parsley].
+Afetr a brief description, for each component we present a set of customizations, just to give an idea of how it works. You can refer
 to ref:Customizations[Customizations Section] for a complete list.
 section:FormComponent[Form Component]
-The e[Form Component] can be used to rapresent an codeRef[org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject] in a row-oriented form,
+The e[Form Component] can be used to rapresent an codeRef[org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject] in a form,
 like in the image above.
 img[images/03-components-form.png][][ ][]
 e[EMF Parsley] provides a factory that can be used to create such a component, like in the code below.
-Here you can see that can be configured only in 2 lines, the constructor phase and the build&fill phase. 
+Here you can see that a form can be configured in 2 lines, the constructor phase and the build&fill phase. 
 @Inject FormFactory formFactory;
@@ -25,34 +25,37 @@
-Most of the job is done by the second line of code, that get the list of codeRef[org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature] defined for the codeRef[org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass]
-(that is the type of the object to rapresent) and builds a row for each of them. Each row is composed
-by a e[label] with the name of the feature and a e[control] to access the data. 
+Most of the job is done by the second line of code, which gets the list of codeRef[org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature] defined
+for the codeRef[org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass]
+(that is the type of the object to represent) and builds a row for each of them. Each row is composed
+by a e[caption] which defaults to the name of the feature and a e[control] to access the data. 
-All these aspect can be customized in many way, for example feature list, the labels and the controls.  
+All these aspects can be customized in many ways, for example you can customize the feature list, the captions and the controls.  
 section2:FormComponent_features[Feature List Customization]
-The e[list fo feature] displayed on the form can be customized via the ref:FeaturesProvider[Feature	Provider] to select the features or the order.
+The e[list of features] displayed on the form can be customized via the ref:FeaturesProvider[Feature Provider] 
+that returns the list of the features (in a given order).
 section2:FormComponent_captions[Caption Customization]
-The description on the left side of the form can be customizzed via the ref:FormFeatureCaptionProvider[Form Feature Caption Provider].
+The captions of the features shown in the form can be customizzed via the ref:FormFeatureCaptionProvider[Form Feature Caption Provider].
 section2:FormComponent_controls[Control Customization]
-Otherwise to customize the controls on the right, you can use the ref:FormControlFactory[Form Control Factory].
+The Controls in the form can be customized via the ref:FormControlFactory[Form Control Factory].
 section2:FormComponent_proposals[Proposal Provider]
-Depending on the feature types, can be some fields that use predefined values (e.g. combo). You can provide the exact proposal list via the ref:ProposalProvider[Proposal Provider]
+Depending on the feature types, some fields can have predefined values (e.g. combo). 
+You can provide the exact proposal list via the ref:ProposalProvider[Proposal Provider]
 section:TreeComponent[Tree Component]
-The e[Tree Component] provides a tree rapresentation of data that can be feeded with an EResource, a
-Resource URI, and a simple EObject. This component use the EMF Meta-Model information to display objects in the tree. 
+The e[Tree Component] provides a tree rapresentation of data that can be fed with an EResource, a
+Resource URI, and a simple EObject. This component uses the EMF Meta-Model information to display objects in the tree. 
 img[images/03-components-tree.png][][ ][]
@@ -83,18 +86,18 @@
-The ref:ViewerLabelProvider[Viewer Label Provider] is the implementation ov a ILabelProvider interface
+The ref:ViewerLabelProvider[Viewer Label Provider] is the implementation of an ILabelProvider interface
 and is responsible to provide the text and image rapresentation for each EObject visualized.
 section2:Tree_MenuBuilder[Adding Menu]
-The contextual menu can be added to the viewer via the ViewerInitializer, as explained in the ref:ContextualMenu[Menu section]
-The ref:MenuBuilder[Menu Builder] allow to fully customize the contextual menu.
+The contextual menu can be added to the viewer via the ViewerInitializer, as explained in the ref:ContextualMenu[Menu section].
+The ref:MenuBuilder[Menu Builder] allows to fully customize the menus.
 section:TreeFormComponent[Tree Form Component]
-The e[Tree Form Component] contains a ref:TreeComponent that provides a tree rapresentation of data that can be feeded with
-an EResource, a Resource URI, and a simple EObject. This component use the EMF Meta-Model information to display objects in 
+The e[Tree Form Component] contains a ref:TreeComponent that provides a tree rapresentation of data that can be fed with
+an EResource, a Resource URI, and a simple EObject. This component uses the EMF Meta-Model information to display objects in 
 the tree. The component also combines a ref:FormComponent detail that display the current selected object.
 img[images/03-components-treeform.png][][ ][]
@@ -117,8 +120,8 @@
 section:TableComponent[Table Component]
-The e[Table Component] can rapresent data in a grid, once you have specified what kind of object need to be rapresented. 
-It uses metamodel infos to build column as needed.
+The e[Table Component] can rapresent data in a grid, once you have specified the type of objects to represent. 
+It uses metamodel information to build columns as needed.
 img[images/03-components-table.png][][ ][]
@@ -130,21 +133,22 @@
 tableViewer = viewerFactory.createTableViewer(composite,SWT.BORDER | SWT.FULL_SELECTION, object, eClass);
-The class codeRef[] has the responsability to
+The class codeRef[] has the responsibility to
 build the columns of the Table, by using the ref:FeaturesProvider[Features Provider] to get the list
-of features and the ref:FeatureCaptionProvider[Feature Caption Provider] for the captions.
+of features and the ref:FeatureCaptionProvider[Feature Caption Provider] for the column headers.
 The class codeRef[org.eclipse.emf.parsley.ui.provider.TableColumnLabelProvider] can be used to specify
-an implementation of ILabelProvider for each column. 
+an implementation of ILabelProvider for each cell in the table. 
 section2:Table_features[Feature List Customization]
-The e[list fo feature] displayed on the form can be customized via the ref:TableFeaturesProvider[Table Feature Provider] to select the features or the order.
+The e[list fo features] displayed on the table can be customized via the ref:TableFeaturesProvider[Table Feature Provider].
+This list of features will be used for building the columns of the table.
 section2:Table_captions[Caption Customization]
-The description on the left side of the form can be customizzed via the ref:FeatureCaptionProvider[Caption Provider].
+The headers of the table can be customizzed via the ref:FeatureCaptionProvider[Caption Provider].
 section2:Table_MenuBuilder[Adding Menu]
-The contextual menu can be added to the viewer via the ViewerInitializer, as explained in the ref:ContextualMenu[Menu section]
-The ref:MenuBuilder[Menu Builder] allow to fully customize the contextual menu.
+The context menu can be added to the viewer via the ViewerInitializer, as explained in the ref:ContextualMenu[Menu section]
+The ref:MenuBuilder[Menu Builder] allows to fully customize the menus.