blob: bf250386dc0ef43c6d76c246c6a754848bb41c05 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 EclipseSource Muenchen GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Edgar Mueller - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model.impl;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.client.handler.ESOperationModifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.common.ExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.server.model.versioning.operations.AbstractOperation;
* Encapsulates configuration options for the operation recorder.
* @author emueller
public class OperationRecorderConfig {
private boolean isCutOffIncomingCrossReferences;
private boolean isDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements;
private boolean isRollBackInCaseOfCommandFailure;
private boolean isForceCommands;
private boolean isEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion = true;
* Whether to cut off incoming cross references upon deletion.
* @return true, if incoming cross references are cut off, false otherwise
public Boolean isCutOffIncomingCrossReferences() {
return isCutOffIncomingCrossReferences;
* Whether cut elements are added as regular model elements at the end of a command.
* @return false, if cut elements should get added as regular model elements to the project at the end of
* command,
* true otherwise
public Boolean isDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements() {
return isDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements;
* Whether the usage of commands should be enforced.
* @return
* true, if the usage of commands is mandatory, false otherwise
public Boolean isForceCommands() {
return isForceCommands;
* Whether a rollback should be performed in case a command fails.
* @return true, if a rollback should be performed, false otherwise
public Boolean isRollbackAtCommandFailure() {
return isRollBackInCaseOfCommandFailure;
* Whether recoreded operations are emitted instantly or at command completion.
* @return true, if operations are emitted when a command completes, false otherwise
public Boolean isEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion() {
return isEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion;
* Whether to emit the recorded instantly or at command completion.
* @param shouldEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion
* true, if operations should only be emitted when a command completes, false otherwise
* Whether to cut off incoming cross references upon deletion.
* @param shouldCutOffIncomingCrossReferences
* true, if incoming cross references should be cut off, false otherwise
public void setCutOffIncomingCrossReferences(boolean shouldCutOffIncomingCrossReferences) {
isCutOffIncomingCrossReferences = shouldCutOffIncomingCrossReferences;
* Whether cut elements are added as regular model elements at the end of a command.
* @param shouldDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements
* true, if cut elements should get added as regular model elements at the end of a command, false
* otherwise
// TODO: rename configuration option
public void setDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements(Boolean shouldDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements) {
isDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements = shouldDenyAddCutElementsToModelElements;
* Whether the usage of commands should be enforced.
* @param shouldForceCommands
* true, if the usage of commands should be mandatory, false otherwise
public void setForceCommands(Boolean shouldForceCommands) {
isForceCommands = shouldForceCommands;
* Whether a rollback should be performed in case a command fails.
* @param shouldPerformRollback
* true, if a rollback should be performed false otherwise
public void setRollBackInCaseOfCommandFailure(Boolean shouldPerformRollback) {
isRollBackInCaseOfCommandFailure = shouldPerformRollback;
* Whether to emit the recorded instantly or at command completion.
* @param shouldEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion
* true, if operations should only be emitted when a command completes, false otherwise
// TODO: call this from the operationManager initialization?
public void setEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion(Boolean shouldEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion) {
isEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion = shouldEmitOperationsUponCommandCompletion;
* Returns the operation modificator.
* @return the operation modificator in use
public ESOperationModifier getOperationModificator() {
return ExtensionRegistry.INSTANCE.get(
new ESOperationModifier() {
// return operations unaltered
public List<AbstractOperation> modify(List<AbstractOperation> operations, Command command) {
return operations;