blob: 1531e8acb24fe170bc42bcf498c58ff07494a83b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2002-2012 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.ContributorFactorySimple;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IContributor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IExtensionRegistry;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.RegistryFactory;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.spi.IRegistryProvider;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.spi.RegistryStrategy;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.CommonPlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.EMFPlugin;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.ResourceLocator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.WrappedException;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EPackageRegistryImpl;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter;
* A collection of platform-neutral static utilities
* as well as Eclipse support utilities.
public class EcorePlugin extends EMFPlugin
* The singleton instance of the plugin.
public static final EcorePlugin INSTANCE = new EcorePlugin();
* Creates the singleton instance.
private EcorePlugin()
super(new ResourceLocator[] {});
public ResourceLocator getPluginResourceLocator()
return plugin;
* Returns the platform resource map.
* <p>
* This map is from {@link String} to {@link URI}.
* It is the logical equivalent of the map implied by an {@link IWorkspaceRoot}:
* I.e., each entry in the map corresponds to
* an {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject}
* that has a {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource#getName name}
* and a location {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource#getLocation location};
* the name is the key
* and the location, interpreted as a {@link URI#createFileURI file URI}, is the value.
* This map is used to {@link #resolvePlatformResourcePath resolve} a platform resource path,
* and thereby supports relocatable projects in a manner that is transparently the same as an Eclipse workspace.
* </p>
* @return the platform resource map.
* @see #resolvePlatformResourcePath
public static Map<String, URI> getPlatformResourceMap()
if (platformResourceMap == null)
platformResourceMap = new HashMap<String, URI>();
return platformResourceMap;
* Resolves a platform resource path of the form <code>"/project/path"</code>
* against the platform resource map.
* <p>
* The first segment of the path, i.e., the <em>project name</em>,
* is used to get a URI from the {@link #getPlatformResourceMap() map}.
* If a URI results, the remaining segments are {@link URI#resolve(URI) resolved} against it
* and that is the result.
* Otherwise, the result is <code>null</code>.
* For example, given this mapping
* EcoreUtil.getPlatformResourceMap().put
* ("project", URI.createURI("file:///C:/location/"));
* the following transformation would result:
* /project/directory/file
* ->
* file:///C:/location/directory/file
* </p>
* @return the resolved URI or <code>null</code>.
public static URI resolvePlatformResourcePath(String platformResourcePath)
if (platformResourceMap != null)
int index = platformResourcePath.indexOf("/", 1);
String rootContainerName = platformResourcePath.substring(1, index);
String relativeName = platformResourcePath.substring(index + 1);
URI rootContainerLocation = getPlatformResourceMap().get(rootContainerName);
if (rootContainerLocation != null)
return URI.createURI(relativeName).resolve(rootContainerLocation);
return null;
* Handles recognized platform resource arguments and returns the stripped result.
* <p>
* Recognized arguments are of this form:
* -platformResource ( &lt;project-name> &lt;file-or-URI> )+
* E.g., This these arguments
* -platformResource project file:///C:/location/
* will produce this effect:
* EcoreUtil.getPlatformResourceMap().put
* ("project", URI.createURI("file:///C:/location/"));
* This mechanism supports relocatable projects outside of Eclipse.
* </p>
* @param arguments an array of "command line" options.
* @return the arguments stripped of those recognized as platform resource options.
public static String [] handlePlatformResourceOptions(String [] arguments)
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i)
if (arguments[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-platformResource"))
int start = i;
while (++i < arguments.length && !arguments[i].startsWith("-"))
String rootContainerName = arguments[i];
if (++i < arguments.length)
String rootContainerLocation = arguments[i];
// This let's us test whether the string exists as a file.
// If not, we try as a URI.
URI uri;
File file = new File(rootContainerLocation);
if (file.isDirectory() || !file.exists() && file.getParent() != null && file.getParentFile().isDirectory())
file = file.getCanonicalFile();
catch (IOException exception)
throw new WrappedException(exception);
uri = URI.createFileURI(file.toString() + "/");
uri = URI.createURI(rootContainerLocation);
platformResourceMap.put(rootContainerName, uri);
String [] remainingArguments = new String [arguments.length - (i - start)];
System.arraycopy(arguments, 0, remainingArguments, 0, start);
System.arraycopy(arguments, i, remainingArguments, start, arguments.length - i);
return remainingArguments;
return arguments;
* Returns a map from {@link EPackage#getNsURI() package namespace URI} (represented as a String)
* to the location of the GenModel containing a GenPackage for the package (represented as a {@link URI URI}).
* <p>
* It's implemented like this:
* return getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(false);
* </p>
* @return a map from package namespace to GenModel location.
* @deprecated since 2.9;
* use {@link #getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(boolean) getEPackageNsURItoGenModelLocationMap(true)}
* to get the locations in the target platform,
* or use {@link #getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(boolean) getEPackageNsURItoGenModelLocationMap(false)} to get the legacy behavior, i.e., the locations in the installed environment.
* It's generally expected that all clients, will migrate to use the target platform.
public static Map<String, URI> getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap()
return getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(false);
* Returns a map from {@link EPackage#getNsURI() package namespace URI} (represented as a String)
* to the location of the GenModel containing a GenPackage for the package (represented as a {@link URI URI})
* for either the target platform or the environment itself.
* If there is no target platform, i.e., if the PDE is not installed, it defaults back to the environment.
* It's generally expected that an application using these URIs will also {@link URIConverter#getURIMap() register} the mappings returned by {@link #computePlatformURIMap(boolean)}.
* @param targetPlatform whether to get locations for the target platform or for the environment itself; the former is preferred.
* @return a map from package namespace to GenModel location.
* @see #computePlatformURIMap(boolean)
* @since 2.9
public static Map<String, URI> getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(boolean targetPlatform)
if (ePackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap == null)
ePackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap = new HashMap<String, URI>();
return ePackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap;
Map<String, URI> nsURIMap = new HashMap<String, URI>();
PDEHelper.computeModels(null, nsURIMap);
catch (Exception exception)
return nsURIMap;
* Computes a map from <code>platform:/resource/&lt;plugin-location>/</code> {@link URI} to
* <code>platform:/plugin/&lt;plugin-id>/</code> URI
* for each URI in the collection of the form <code>platform:/plugin/&lt;plugin-id>/...</code>.
* This allows each plugin to be {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter#getURIMap() treated}
* as if it were a project in the workspace.
* If the workspace or {@link #getPlatformResourceMap() platform resource map} already contains a project for the plugin location, no such mapping is produced.
* In addition, when running stand alone and after invoking {@link ExtensionProcessor#process(ClassLoader) extension processing},
* mappings from <code>platform:/plugin/&lt;plugin-id>/</code> to the physical location of the plugin's archive or root folder are produced.
* This allows the URIs to be loaded from their proper physical location.
* @param uris a collections of {@link URI}s.
* @return a map from platform resource URI to platform plugin URI.
public static Map<URI, URI> computePlatformResourceToPlatformPluginMap(Collection<URI> uris)
Map<URI, URI> result = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
IWorkspaceRoot root = getWorkspaceRoot();
if (root != null)
for (URI uri : uris)
if (uri.isPlatformPlugin())
String pluginID = uri.segment(1);
if (!root.getProject(pluginID).isOpen())
result.put(URI.createPlatformResourceURI(pluginID + "/", false), URI.createPlatformPluginURI(pluginID + "/", false));
else if (platformResourceMap != null || ExtensionProcessor.platformPluginToLocationURIMap != null)
for (URI uri : uris)
if (uri.isPlatformPlugin())
String pluginID = uri.segment(1);
if (platformResourceMap == null || !platformResourceMap.containsKey(pluginID))
URI platformPluginURI = uri.trimSegments(uri.segmentCount() - 2).appendSegment("");
URI platformResourceURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(platformPluginURI.segment(1), false).appendSegment("");
result.put(platformResourceURI, platformPluginURI);
if (ExtensionProcessor.platformPluginToLocationURIMap != null)
URI locationURI = ExtensionProcessor.platformPluginToLocationURIMap.get(platformPluginURI);
if (locationURI != null)
result.put(platformPluginURI, locationURI);
return result;
private static Pattern bundleSymbolNamePattern;
private static byte [] NO_BYTES = new byte [0];
* Computes a map from <code>platform:/plugin/&lt;plugin-id>/</code> {@link URI} to
* <code>platform:/resource/&lt;plugin-location>/</code> URI
* for each plugin project in the workspace or {@link #getPlatformResourceMap() platform resource map}.
* This allows each plugin from the runtime to be {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter#getURIMap() redirected}
* to its active version in the workspace or platform resource map.
* @return a map from plugin URIs to resource URIs.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter#getURIMap()
* @see URI
public static Map<URI, URI> computePlatformPluginToPlatformResourceMap()
Map<URI, URI> result = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
IWorkspaceRoot root = getWorkspaceRoot();
if (root != null)
IProject [] projects = root.getProjects();
if (projects != null)
String pluginID = null;
class Handler extends DefaultHandler
public String pluginID;
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
if ("".equals(uri) && "plugin".equals(localName))
pluginID = attributes.getValue("id");
throw new SAXException("Done");
Handler handler = new Handler();
SAXParserFactory parserFactory= SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser parser = null;
parser = parserFactory.newSAXParser();
catch (Exception exception)
if (bundleSymbolNamePattern == null)
bundleSymbolNamePattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*Bundle-SymbolicName\\s*:\\s*([^\\s;]*)\\s*(;.*)?$", Pattern.MULTILINE);
byte [] bytes = NO_BYTES;
for (int i = 0, size = projects.length; i < size; ++i)
IProject project = projects[i];
if (project.isOpen())
pluginID = null;
IFile manifest = project.getFile("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
if (manifest.exists())
InputStream inputStream = null;
inputStream = manifest.getContents(true);
int available = inputStream.available();
if (bytes.length < available)
bytes = new byte [available];
String contents = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
Matcher matcher = bundleSymbolNamePattern.matcher(contents);
if (matcher.find())
pluginID =;
catch (Exception exception)
if (inputStream != null)
catch (IOException exception)
else if (parser != null)
final IFile plugin = project.getFile("plugin.xml");
if (plugin.exists())
parser.parse(new InputSource(plugin.getContents(true)), handler);
catch (Exception exception)
if (handler.pluginID != null)
pluginID = handler.pluginID;
if (pluginID != null)
URI platformPluginURI = URI.createPlatformPluginURI(pluginID + "/", false);
URI platformResourceURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(project.getName() + "/", true);
result.put(platformPluginURI, platformResourceURI);
else if (platformResourceMap != null)
for (Map.Entry<String, URI> entry : platformResourceMap.entrySet())
String pluginID = entry.getKey();
URI platformPluginURI = URI.createPlatformPluginURI(pluginID, true).appendSegment("");
URI platformResourceURI = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(pluginID, true).appendSegment("");
result.put(platformPluginURI, platformResourceURI);
return result;
* Computes a map so that plugins in the workspace will override those in the target platform or the environment
* and so that plugins with Ecore and GenModels in the target platform or the environment will look like projects in the workspace.
* It's implemented like this:
* return computePlatformURIMap(false);
* @deprecated since 2.9;
* use {@link #computePlatformURIMap(boolean) computePlatformURIMap(true)}
* to get the mappings for the target platform,
* or use {@link #computePlatformURIMap(boolean) computePlatformURIMap(false)} to get the legacy behavior, i.e., the mappings for the installed environment.
* It's generally expected that all clients, will migrate to use the target platform.
* @return computes a map so that plugins in the workspace will override those in the environment
* and so that plugins with Ecore and GenModels will look like projects in the workspace.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter#getURIMap()
* @see #computePlatformPluginToPlatformResourceMap()
* @see #computePlatformResourceToPlatformPluginMap(Collection)
public static Map<URI, URI> computePlatformURIMap()
return computePlatformURIMap(false);
* Computes a map so that plugins in the workspace will override those in the target platform or the environment
* and so that plugins with Ecore and GenModels in the target platform or the environment will look like projects in the workspace,
* i.e., so that each plugin can be accessed via a logical <code>platform:/resource</code> URI
* equivalent to what would be used if the plugin were actually imported into the workspace.
* If there is no target platform, i.e., if the PDE is not installed, it defaults back to the environment
* as if <code>targetPlatform</code> were <code>false</code>.
* <p>
* If <code>targetPlatform</code> is <code>false</code>, it's computed from the environment like this:
result.putAll(computePlatformResourceToPlatformPluginMap(new HashSet<URI>(EcorePlugin.getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(false).values())));
* If <code>targetPlatform</code> is <code>true</code>, it does essentially the same logical thing,
* however, it uses the PDE's target platform to determine the available plugins rather than the environment.
* The essential difference being that it produces results based on the physical location of all the non-workspace plugins in the PDE's target platform,
* rather than based on <code>platform:/plugin</code> URIs
* that always refer to plugins in the running environment.
* For example, suppose there is a jarred plugin with ID <code>org.example.model</code> in the target platform but not in the workspace
* that registers a generated model's GenModel at location <code>model/Example.genmodel</code>,
* the mapping from <code>platform:/resource/org.example.model/</code> to <code>archive:file:/&lt;location-of-plugin-jar>!/</code>
* is produced.
* If instead that same plugin were actually in the workspace,
* the mapping from <code>platform:/plugin/org.example.model/</code> to <code>platform/resource/org.example.model/</code>
* would be produced.
* </p>
* <p>
* The expected usage of this API is to initialize a resource set's URI converter's {@link URIConverter#getURIMap()} as follows:
* resourceSet.getURIConverter().getURIMap().putAll(EcorePlugin.computePlatformURIMap(true));
* This is particularly important when working with Ecore and GenModel resources because they often have references to models in the environment.
* </p>
* @param targetPlatform whether to compute locations for the target platform or for the environment itself; the former is preferred.
* @return computes a map so that plugins in the workspace will override those in the target platform of the environment
* and so that plugins in the target platform or environment with Ecore and GenModels will look like projects in the workspace.
* @see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter#getURIMap()
* @see #computePlatformPluginToPlatformResourceMap()
* @see #computePlatformResourceToPlatformPluginMap(Collection)
* @see #getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(boolean)
* @since 2.9
public static Map<URI, URI> computePlatformURIMap(boolean targetPlatform)
Map<URI, URI> result = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
result.putAll(computePlatformResourceToPlatformPluginMap(new HashSet<URI>(EcorePlugin.getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(false).values())));
Map<URI, URI> pluginMap = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
PDEHelper.computeModels(pluginMap, null);
catch (Exception e)
return result;
* The platform resource map.
* @see #getPlatformResourceMap
private static Map<String, URI> platformResourceMap;
* The map from package namespace URIs to the location of the GenModel for that package.
* @see #getPlatformResourceMap
private static Map<String, URI> ePackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap;
* A plugin implementation that handles Ecore plugin registration.
* @see #startup()
static public class Implementation extends EclipsePlugin
* Creates the singleton instance.
public Implementation()
plugin = this;
* Starts up this plugin by reading some extensions and populating the relevant registries.
* <p>
* The {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry#INSTANCE global} package registry
* is populated by plugin registration of the form:
* &lt;extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package" >
* &lt;package uri="" class=""/>
* &lt;extension>
* </p>
* The URI is arbitrary but an absolute URI is recommended.
* Provision for access to the serialized model via <code>"http:"</code> is encouraged.
* <p>
* The {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource.Factory.Registry#INSTANCE global} resource factory registry's
* {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource.Factory.Registry#getExtensionToFactoryMap() extension} map
* is populated by plugin registration of the form:
* &lt;extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.extension_parser">
* &lt;parser type="abc" class=""/>
* &lt;extension>
* </p>
* <p>
* The {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource.Factory.Registry#INSTANCE global} resource factory registry's
* {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource.Factory.Registry#getProtocolToFactoryMap() protocol} map
* is populated by plugin registration of the form:
* &lt;extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.protocol_parser" >
* &lt;parser protocolName="abc" class=""/>
* &lt;extension>
* </p>
* <p>
* The {@link org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.URIConverter#URI_MAP global} URI map
* is populated by plugin registration of the form:
* &lt;extension point="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.uri_mapping" >
* &lt;mapping source="//special/" target="special/"/>
* &lt;extension>
* If the target is relative, it is resolved against the plugin's installed location,
* resulting in a URI of the form:
* platform:/plugin/plugin-name_1.2.3/...
* The above registration would map
* //special/a/b.c
* to
* platform:/plugin/plugin-name_1.2.3/special/a/b.c
* </p>
* @throws Exception if there is a show stopping problem.
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception
* @since 2.10
public static final class Activator extends EMFPlugin.OSGiDelegatingBundleActivator
protected BundleActivator createBundle()
return new Implementation();
* A class containing a single utility method for processing extensions.
* @see ExtensionProcessor#process(ClassLoader)
* @since 2.9
public static class ExtensionProcessor
private static Map<URI, URI> platformPluginToLocationURIMap;
* This explicitly triggers processing of all plugin.xml registered extensions.
* It does nothing if invoked in the context of an Eclipse application as processing of extensions happens implicitly during {@link Implementation#start(BundleContext) bundle activation}.
* As such this method is useful only in non-Eclipse applications to ensure that plugin.xml registrations are processed just as they are in an Eclipse application.
* The exploit this mechanism, the classpath of the application must minimally include <code>org.eclipse.equinox.common</code>, <code>org.eclipse.equinox.registry</code>, and <code>org.eclipse.osgi</code>
* <p>
* This method creates a registry if {@link RegistryFactory#getRegistry() one does not already exist}.
* It will first consider all entries on the classpath as provided by {@link System#getProperty(String) System.getProperty("java.class.path")}
* to determine if there are any folder entries whose parent folder contains a plugin.xml;
* such entries are common when launching a Java application from Eclipse at development time.
* In that case, the class loader is not used and only registrations for entries of the classpath are considered.
* Otherwise, the class loader is used to find all plugin.xml resources and only those entries are considered.
* </p>
* <p>
* </p>
* @param classLoader the class loader used to locate plugin.xml resources; it may be null in which class the {@link Thread#getContextClassLoader() current thread's context class loader} is used, if necessary.
* @since 2.9
public static synchronized void process(ClassLoader classLoader)
// Ensure processing only happens once and only when not running an Eclipse application.
if (platformPluginToLocationURIMap == null && !IS_ECLIPSE_RUNNING)
platformPluginToLocationURIMap = new HashMap<URI, URI>();
// If there isn't already a registry...
IExtensionRegistry registry = RegistryFactory.getRegistry();
if (registry == null)
// Create a new registry.
final IExtensionRegistry newRegistry =
(new RegistryStrategy(null, null)
public void log(IStatus status)
public String translate(String key, ResourceBundle resources)
// The org.eclipse.core.resources bundle has keys that aren't translated, so avoid exception propagation.
return super.translate(key, resources);
catch (Throwable throwable)
return key;
// Make the new registry the default.
(new IRegistryProvider()
public IExtensionRegistry getRegistry()
return newRegistry;
catch (CoreException exception)
registry = newRegistry;
// If there is no class loader provided, use the thread's context class loader.
if (classLoader == null)
classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// Process all the URIs for plugin.xml files from the class path or the class loader.
for (URI pluginXMLURI : getPluginXMLs(classLoader))
// Construct the URI for the manifest and check that it exists...
URI pluginLocation = pluginXMLURI.trimSegments(1);
URI manifestURI = pluginLocation.appendSegments(new String[] { "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF" });
if (URIConverter.INSTANCE.exists(manifestURI, null))
InputStream manifestInputStream = null;
// Read the manifest.
manifestInputStream = URIConverter.INSTANCE.createInputStream(manifestURI);
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(manifestInputStream);
java.util.jar.Attributes mainAttributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
// Determine the bundle's name
String bundleSymbolicName = mainAttributes.getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName");
if (bundleSymbolicName != null)
// Split out the OSGi noise.
bundleSymbolicName = bundleSymbolicName.split(";")[0].trim();
// Compute the map entry from platform:/plugin/<bundleSymbolicName>/ to the location URI's root.
URI logicalPlatformPluginURI = URI.createPlatformPluginURI(bundleSymbolicName, true).appendSegment("");
URI pluginLocationURI = pluginLocation.isArchive() ? pluginLocation : pluginLocation.appendSegment("");
platformPluginToLocationURIMap.put(logicalPlatformPluginURI, pluginLocationURI);
// Also create a global URI mapping so that any uses of platform:/plugin/<plugin-ID> will map to the physical location of that plugin.
// This ensures that registered URI mappings that use a relative URI into the plugin will work correctly.
URIConverter.URI_MAP.put(logicalPlatformPluginURI, pluginLocationURI);
// Find the localization resource bundle, if there is one.
String bundleLocalization = mainAttributes.getValue("Bundle-Localization");
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = null;
if (bundleLocalization != null)
bundleLocalization += ".properties";
InputStream bundleLocalizationInputStream = URIConverter.INSTANCE.createInputStream(pluginLocation.appendSegment(bundleLocalization));
resourceBundle = new PropertyResourceBundle(bundleLocalizationInputStream);
// Add the contribution.
InputStream pluginXMLInputStream = URIConverter.INSTANCE.createInputStream(pluginXMLURI);
IContributor contributor = ContributorFactorySimple.createContributor(bundleSymbolicName);
registry.addContribution(pluginXMLInputStream, contributor, false, bundleSymbolicName, resourceBundle, null);
catch (IOException exception)
// Process the extension for the registry.
* Read all the registered extensions for Ecore's extension points.
private static void internalProcessExtensions()
new RegistryReader
IConfigurationElement previous;
protected boolean readElement(IConfigurationElement element)
if (element.getName().equals("registry"))
String implementationClass = element.getAttribute("class");
if (implementationClass == null)
logMissingAttribute(element, "class");
if (defaultRegistryImplementation != null)
if (previous != null)
INSTANCE.log("Both '" + previous.getContributor().getName() + "' and '" + element.getContributor().getName() + "' register a package registry implementation");
if (defaultRegistryImplementation instanceof EPackageRegistryImpl.Delegator)
return false;
defaultRegistryImplementation = (EPackage.Registry)element.createExecutableExtension("class");
previous = element;
catch (CoreException exception)
return true;
return false;
new GeneratedPackageRegistryReader(getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(false)).readRegistry();
new DynamicPackageRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new FactoryOverrideRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new ExtensionParserRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new ProtocolParserRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new ContentParserRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new ContentHandlerRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new URIMappingRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new ValidationDelegateRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new SettingDelegateFactoryRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new InvocationDelegateFactoryRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new QueryDelegateFactoryRegistryReader().readRegistry();
new ConversionDelegateFactoryRegistryReader().readRegistry();
* Determine all the available plugin.xml resources.
private static List<URI> getPluginXMLs(ClassLoader classLoader)
List<URI> result = new ArrayList<URI>();
String classpath = null;
// Try to get the classpath from the class loader.
Method method = classLoader.getClass().getMethod("getClassPath", (Class<?>) null);
if (method != null)
classpath = (String) method.invoke(classLoader, (Object) null);
catch (Throwable throwable)
// Failing thet, get it from the system properties.
classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
// Keep track of whether we find any plugin.xml in the parent of a folder on the classpath, i.e., whether we're in development mode with bin folders on the classpath.
boolean nonClasspathXML = false;
// If we have a classpath to use...
if (classpath != null)
// Split out the entries on the classpath.
for (String classpathEntry: classpath.split(File.pathSeparator))
classpathEntry = classpathEntry.trim();
// Determine if the entry is a folder or an archive file.
File file = new File(classpathEntry);
if (file.isDirectory())
// Determine if there is a plugin.xml at the root of the folder.
File pluginXML = new File(file, "plugin.xml");
if (!pluginXML.exists())
// If not, check if there is one in the parent folder.
pluginXML = new File(file.getParentFile(), "plugin.xml");
if (pluginXML.isFile())
// If there is, then we have plugin.xml files that aren't on the classpath.
nonClasspathXML = true;
// Otherwise this is bogus too.
pluginXML = null;
// If we found a plugin.xml, create a URI for it.
if (pluginXML != null)
else if (file.isFile())
// The file must be a jar...
JarFile jarFile = null;
// Look for a plugin.xml entry...
jarFile = new JarFile(classpathEntry);
ZipEntry entry = jarFile.getEntry("plugin.xml");
if (entry != null)
// If we find one, create a URI for it.
result.add(URI.createURI("archive:" + URI.createFileURI(classpathEntry) + "!/" + entry));
catch (IOException exception)
// Ignore.
if (jarFile != null)
catch (IOException exception)
// If we didn't find any non-classpath plugin.xml files, use the class loader to enumerate all the plugin.xml files.
// This is more reliable given the possibility of specialized class loader behavior.
if (!nonClasspathXML)
for (Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources("plugin.xml"); resources.hasMoreElements(); )
// Create a URI for each plugin.xml found by the class loader.
URL url = resources.nextElement();
catch (IOException exception)
catch (URISyntaxException exception)
return result;
public String getSymbolicName()
ResourceLocator resourceLocator = getPluginResourceLocator();
if (resourceLocator instanceof InternalEclipsePlugin)
return ((InternalEclipsePlugin)resourceLocator).getSymbolicName();
return "org.eclipse.emf.ecore";
* The default registry implementation singleton.
private static EPackage.Registry defaultRegistryImplementation;
* Returns the default registry implementation singleton.
* @return the default registry implementation singleton.
public static EPackage.Registry getDefaultRegistryImplementation()
return defaultRegistryImplementation;
* Returns the Eclipse plugin singleton.
* @return the plugin singleton.
public static Implementation getPlugin()
return plugin;
* The plugin singleton
private static Implementation plugin;
* The workspace root.
* @see #getWorkspaceRoot
private static IWorkspaceRoot workspaceRoot;
* Returns the workspace root, or <code>null</code>, if the runtime environment is stand-alone.
* @return the workspace root, or <code>null</code>.
public static IWorkspaceRoot getWorkspaceRoot()
if (workspaceRoot == null && IS_RESOURCES_BUNDLE_AVAILABLE && System.getProperty("org.eclipse.emf.ecore.plugin.EcorePlugin.doNotLoadResourcesPlugin") == null)
workspaceRoot = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
return workspaceRoot;
private static class PDEHelper
private static final Method EXTENSIONS_GET_EXTENSIONS_METHOD;
private static final Method PLUGIN_EXTENSION_GET_POINT_METHOD;
private static final Class<?> PLUGIN_ELEMENT_CLASS;
private static final Method PLUGIN_ELEMENT_GET_ATTRIBUTE_METHOD;
private static final Method PLUGIN_ATTRIBUTE_GET_VALUE_METHOD;
private static final boolean IS_PDE_BUNDLE_AVAILABLE;
Method pluginModelBaseGetBundleDescriptionMethod = null;
Method pluginModelBaseGetUnderlyingResourceMethod = null;
Method pluginModelBaseGetInstallLocationMethod = null;
Method pluginModelBaseGetExtensionsMethod = null;
Method pluginRegistryGetActiveModelsMethod = null;
Method bundleDescriptionGetSymbolicNameMethod = null;
Method extensionsGetExtensionsMethod = null;
Method pluginExtensionGetPointMethod = null;
Method pluginExtensionGetChildrenMethod = null;
Class<?> pluginElementClass = null;
Method pluginElementGetAttributeMethod = null;
Method pluginAttributeGetValueMethod = null;
boolean isPDEBundleAvailable = false;
Class<?> pluginModelBaseClass = CommonPlugin.loadClass("org.eclipse.pde.core", "org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IPluginModelBase");
pluginModelBaseGetBundleDescriptionMethod = pluginModelBaseClass.getMethod("getBundleDescription");
pluginModelBaseGetUnderlyingResourceMethod = pluginModelBaseClass.getMethod("getUnderlyingResource");
pluginModelBaseGetInstallLocationMethod = pluginModelBaseClass.getMethod("getInstallLocation");
pluginModelBaseGetExtensionsMethod = pluginModelBaseClass.getMethod("getExtensions");
Class<?> pluginRegistryClass = CommonPlugin.loadClass("org.eclipse.pde.core", "org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.PluginRegistry");
pluginRegistryGetActiveModelsMethod = pluginRegistryClass.getMethod("getActiveModels", boolean.class);
Class<?> bundleDescriptionClass = CommonPlugin.loadClass("org.eclipse.pde.core", "org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.BundleDescription");
bundleDescriptionGetSymbolicNameMethod = bundleDescriptionClass.getMethod("getSymbolicName");
Class<?> extensionsClass = CommonPlugin.loadClass("org.eclipse.pde.core", "org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IExtensions");
extensionsGetExtensionsMethod = extensionsClass.getMethod("getExtensions");
Class<?> pluginExtensionClass = CommonPlugin.loadClass("org.eclipse.pde.core", "org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IPluginExtension");
pluginExtensionGetPointMethod = pluginExtensionClass.getMethod("getPoint");
pluginExtensionGetChildrenMethod = pluginExtensionClass.getMethod("getChildren");
pluginElementClass = CommonPlugin.loadClass("org.eclipse.pde.core", "org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IPluginElement");
pluginElementGetAttributeMethod = pluginElementClass.getMethod("getAttribute", String.class);
Class<?> pluginAttributeClass = CommonPlugin.loadClass("org.eclipse.pde.core", "org.eclipse.pde.core.plugin.IPluginAttribute");
pluginAttributeGetValueMethod = pluginAttributeClass.getMethod("getValue");
isPDEBundleAvailable = true;
catch (Throwable exception)
// Ignore.
EXTENSIONS_GET_EXTENSIONS_METHOD = extensionsGetExtensionsMethod;
PLUGIN_EXTENSION_GET_POINT_METHOD = pluginExtensionGetPointMethod;
PLUGIN_EXTENSION_GET_CHILDREN_METHOD = pluginExtensionGetChildrenMethod;
PLUGIN_ELEMENT_CLASS = pluginElementClass;
PLUGIN_ELEMENT_GET_ATTRIBUTE_METHOD = pluginElementGetAttributeMethod;
PLUGIN_ATTRIBUTE_GET_VALUE_METHOD = pluginAttributeGetValueMethod;
private static Object invoke(Object object, Method method, Object... arguments)
return method.invoke(object, arguments);
catch (Exception exception)
return null;
private static void computeModels(Map<URI, URI> pluginMap, Map<String, URI> nsURIMap)
// Cache the workspace for use in the loop.
IWorkspaceRoot root = getWorkspaceRoot();
// Iterate over all the active models in the workspace and target platform.
// IPluginModelBase[] activeModels = PluginRegistry.getActiveModels(false);
Object[] activeModels = (Object[])invoke(null, PLUGIN_REGISTRY_GET_ACTIVE_MODELS_METHOD, Boolean.FALSE);
for (Object activeModel : activeModels)
// Determine the symbolic name, underlying resource, if any, and the install location.
// BundleDescription bundleDescription = activeModel.getBundleDescription();
// String symbolicName = bundleDescription.getSymbolicName();
// IResource underlyingResource = activeModel.getUnderlyingResource();
// String installLocation = activeModel.getInstallLocation();
Object bundleDescription = invoke(activeModel, PLUGIN_MODEL_BASE_GET_BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION_METHOD);
String symbolicName = (String)invoke(bundleDescription, BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION_GET_SYMBOLIC_NAME_METHOD);
IResource underlyingResource = (IResource)invoke(activeModel, PLUGIN_MODEL_BASE_GET_UNDERLYING_RESOURCE_METHOD);
String installLocation = (String)invoke(activeModel, PLUGIN_MODEL_BASE_GET_INSTALL_LOCATION_METHOD);
// The URI for the location is determined from the underlying resource or the install location, with preference to the former if available.
URI location = null;
if (underlyingResource != null)
// If there is an underlying resource, use the platform resource URI referencing the project in the workspace as the location.
location = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(underlyingResource.getProject().getFullPath().toString(), true);
else if (installLocation != null)
// Otherwise, the install location in the file system is used...
File file = new File(installLocation);
if (file.isDirectory())
// If the file is a directory, create a file URI for that directory.
location = URI.createFileURI(installLocation);
// Otherwise, the location must be an archive, create an archive URI for the file URI of the jar.
location = URI.createURI("archive:" + URI.createFileURI(installLocation) + "!/");
// If we're able to compute a location...
if (location != null)
// The logical URI will be computed when we need it to deal with generated package extension points.
URI logicalLocation = null;
// Iterate over the plugin's extensions...
// IExtensions extensions = activeModel.getExtensions();
// IPluginExtension[] pluginExtensions = extensions.getExtensions();
Object extensions = invoke(activeModel, PLUGIN_MODEL_BASE_GET_EXTENSIONS_METHOD);
Object[] pluginExtensions = (Object[])invoke(extensions, EXTENSIONS_GET_EXTENSIONS_METHOD);
for (Object pluginExtension : pluginExtensions)
// Consider only the generated package extension points.
// String point = pluginExtension.getPoint();
String point = (String)invoke(pluginExtension, PLUGIN_EXTENSION_GET_POINT_METHOD);
// Process both generated and dynamic extension points.
boolean isGeneratedPackage = "org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package".equals(point);
if (isGeneratedPackage || "org.eclipse.emf.ecore.dynamic_package".equals(point))
// Iterate over the child elements, i.e., the <package> elements, of the generated package extension point...
// IPluginObject[] children = pluginExtension.getChildren();
Object[] children = (Object[])invoke(pluginExtension, PLUGIN_EXTENSION_GET_CHILDREN_METHOD);
for (Object child : children)
// if (child instanceof IPluginElement)
if (PLUGIN_ELEMENT_CLASS.isInstance(child))
// If the the uri and the genModel attributes are present...
// IPluginElement pluginElement = (IPluginElement)child;
// IPluginAttribute uri = pluginElement.getAttribute("uri");
// IPluginAttribute genModel = pluginElement.getAttribute("genModel");
Object uri = invoke(child, PLUGIN_ELEMENT_GET_ATTRIBUTE_METHOD, "uri");
Object genModel = invoke(child, PLUGIN_ELEMENT_GET_ATTRIBUTE_METHOD, isGeneratedPackage ? "genModel" : "location");
if (uri != null && genModel != null)
// We need the logical location of the plugin, so if we haven't computed it already, do so now..
// This creates folder mappings as a side-effect.
if (logicalLocation == null)
// We'll always want to redirect the platform plugin URI to the platform resource URI for this plugin...
URI platformPluginURI = URI.createPlatformPluginURI(symbolicName, true).appendSegment("");
if (location.isPlatformResource())
// If we're computing the plugin map and the physical location is in the workspace, map the platform plugin URI to the platform resource URI of the workspace project.
if (pluginMap != null)
pluginMap.put(platformPluginURI, location.appendSegment(""));
// The physical location is also the logical location.
logicalLocation = location;
// The logical location will be a platform resource URI as if the external plugin were in the workspace.
logicalLocation = URI.createPlatformResourceURI(symbolicName, true);
// We'll create a folder mapping for this logical location...
URI resourceURI = logicalLocation.appendSegment("");
// But only if an actual project doesn't already exist in the workspace.
boolean exists = root.getProject(symbolicName).isAccessible();
// If we're computing the plugin map...
if (pluginMap != null)
// If the physical location is an external folder...
if (location.isFile())
// If the physical location is an external folder, map the platform plugin URI to file URI of that external folder.
pluginMap.put(platformPluginURI, location.appendSegment(""));
if (!exists)
// If there is no corresponding project physically present in the workspace, also map the platform resource URI of the plugin to the file URI of the external folder.
pluginMap.put(resourceURI, location.appendSegment(""));
// If the physical location is an external jar, map the platform plugin URI to the archive URI of that external jar.
pluginMap.put(platformPluginURI, location);
if (!exists)
// If there is no corresponding project physically present in the workspace, also map the platform resource URI of the plugin to the archive URI of that external jar.
pluginMap.put(resourceURI, location);
// If we're not computing the nsURI map, we're done with this plugin.
if (nsURIMap == null)
continue LOOP;
// Map the nsURI to the logical location URI of the registered GenModel, if we're dealing with a generated package extension point.
// nsURIMap.put(uri.getValue(), logicalLocation.appendSegments(new Path(genModel.getValue()).segments()));
if (isGeneratedPackage)
nsURIMap.put((String)invoke(uri, PLUGIN_ATTRIBUTE_GET_VALUE_METHOD), logicalLocation.appendSegments(new Path((String)invoke(genModel, PLUGIN_ATTRIBUTE_GET_VALUE_METHOD)).segments()));
public static final String DYNAMIC_PACKAGE_PPID = "dynamic_package";
public static final String GENERATED_PACKAGE_PPID = "generated_package";
public static final String FACTORY_OVERRIDE_PPID = "factory_override";
public static final String EXTENSION_PARSER_PPID = "extension_parser";
public static final String PROTOCOL_PARSER_PPID = "protocol_parser";
public static final String CONTENT_PARSER_PPID = "content_parser";
public static final String CONTENT_HANDLER_PPID = "content_handler";
public static final String SCHEME_PARSER_PPID = "scheme_parser";
public static final String URI_MAPPING_PPID = "uri_mapping";
public static final String PACKAGE_REGISTRY_IMPLEMENTATION_PPID = "package_registry_implementation";
public static final String VALIDATION_DELEGATE_PPID = "validation_delegate";
public static final String SETTING_DELEGATE_PPID = "setting_delegate";
public static final String INVOCATION_DELEGATE_PPID = "invocation_delegate";
public static final String QUERY_DELEGATE_PPID = "query_delegate";
public static final String CONVERSION_DELEGATE_PPID = "conversion_delegate";