blob: 9a315254ae5a99ce082d70616d147de2c0ae6177 [file] [log] [blame]
# /**
# * Copyright (c) 2002-2010 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM - Initial API and implementation
# */
pluginName = EMF Ecore Code Generator
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
gwtBuilder = EMF GWT Web Archive Builder
_UI_CreatingEMFProject_message = Creating EMF project {0} ({1})
_UI_GeneratingFile_message = Generating file {0}
_UI_ExaminingOld_message = Examining old {0}
_UI_PreparingNew_message = Preparing new {0}
_UI_UsingAlternate_message = Using alternate {0}
_UI_UsingDefaultAlternate_message = Using default alternate {0}
_UI_GeneratingImage_message = Generating image {0}
_UI_Generating_message = Generating {0}
_UI_OpeningFolder_message = Opening folder {0}
_UI_GeneratingJavaInterface_message = Generating Java interface {0}
_UI_GeneratingJavaClass_message = Generating Java class {0}
_UI_GeneratingProvider_message = Generating provider {0}
_UI_GeneratingItemIcon_message = Generating item icon {0}
_UI_GeneratingCreateChildIcon_message = Generating create child icon {0}
_UI_ProblemsEncounteredInTheModel_message = Problems encountered in the model
_UI_UnableToResolveProxy_message = Unable to resolve proxy ''{0}''
_UI_ItsUseIsBy_message = Its use is by ''{0}''
_UI_ThePackageIsNeeded_message = The package ''{0}'' is needed but is not accessible from the Generator model
_UI_GeneratingPackages_message = Generating packages
_UI_GeneratingJavaPackage_message = Generating Java package {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelPluginXML_message = Generating model plugin.xml
_UI_GeneratingModuleGWTXML_message = Generating module {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelPluginProperties_message = Generating model
_UI_GeneratingEditPackages_message = Generating edit packages
_UI_GeneratingEditPluginXML_message = Generating edit plugin.xml
_UI_GeneratingEditPluginProperties_message = Generating edit
_UI_GeneratingEditorPackages_message = Generating editor packages
_UI_GeneratingEditorPackages = Generating editor packages
_UI_GeneratingEditorPluginXML_message = Generating editor plugin.xml
_UI_GeneratingEditorWebXML_message = Generating editor web.xml
_UI_GeneratingEditorAppEngineWebXML_message = Generating editor appengine-web.xml
_UI_GeneratingEditorHomePageHTML_message = Generating editor home page {0}
_UI_GeneratingEditorPluginProperties_message = Generating editor
_UI_GeneratingPackage_message = Generating package {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelClass_message = Generating model class {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelEnum_message = Generating model enum {0}
_UI_GeneratingItemProvidersForPackage_message = Generating item providers for package {0}
_UI_GeneratingItemProviderFor_message = Generating item provider for {0}
_UI_GeneratingEditorForPackage_message = Generating editor for package {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelIcon_message = Generating model icon {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelWizardIcon_message = Generating model wizard icon {0}
_UI_ErrorsWereDetectedJava_message = Errors were detected while resolving names or processing @model annotation
_UI_TheTypeDoesNotResolveCorrectly_message = The type ''{0}'' does not resolve correctly
_UI_TheSuperTypeDoesNotResolveCorrectly_message = The super type ''{0}'' does not resolve correctly
_UI_TheAttributeIsNotAMemberOf_message = The attribute ''{0}'' is not a member of ''{1}''
_UI_PackageNestingIsRequired_message = Package nesting is required, yet there are classes not in any package
_UI_TheTypeMustBeSpecifiedFor_message = The type must be specified for ''{0}''
_UI_CannotSpecifyMoreThanOneExtendFor_message = Cannot specify more than one extend for ''{0}''
_UI_ThePackageHasTheSameNamespaceURI = The package ''{0}'' has the same namespace URI ''{1}'' as package ''{2}''
# These are the XML encodings that will be presented in the new model wizard.
# The translated version of this property should include the encodings popular in the locale.
# The first one listed here will be the default, so please list the most popular choice first.
_UI_XMLEncodingChoices = UTF-8 ASCII UTF-16 UTF-16BE UTF-16LE ISO-8859-1
_UI_TheOppositeAlreadyHasOpposite_message = The opposite ''{0}'' already has attribute ''{1}'' of ''{2}'' as its opposite
_UI_GeneratingPackageSerialization_message = Generating package serialization {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelBuildProperties_message = Generating model
_UI_GeneratingEditBuildProperties_message = Generating edit
_UI_GeneratingEditorBuildProperties_message = Generating editor
_UI_DuplicateFeature_message = Duplicate ''{0}'' feature in ''{1}'' will be discarded
_UI_GeneratingTestsPackages_message = Generating test packages
_UI_GeneratingTestsPluginXML_message = Generating tests plugin.xml
_UI_GeneratingTestsPluginProperties_message = Generating tests
_UI_GeneratingTestsBuildProperties_message = Generating tests
_UI_GeneratingTestsForPackage_message = Generating tests for package {0}
_UI_GeneratingTestCase_message = Generating test case for {0}
_UI_GeneratingModelManifestMF_message = Generating model META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
_UI_GeneratingEditManifestMF_message = Generating edit META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
_UI_GeneratingEditorManifestMF_message = Generating editor META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
_UI_GeneratingTestsManifestMF_message = Generating tests META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
_UI_GeneratingCode_message = Generating code
_UI_ModelProject_name = model project
_UI_EditProject_name = edit project
_UI_EditorProject_name = editor project
_UI_TestsProject_name = tests project
_UI_GenerateException_diagnostic = {0} failed with an unhandled exception
_UI_GenericGenerateException_diagnostic = Code generation failed with an unhandled exception
_UI_GeneratorAdapters_extensionpoint = Generator Adapters
_UI_GenModel_content_type = EMF Generator File
_UI_GenEnumNoEcoreDataType_diagnostic = A GenEnum must not have ''{0}'' set as its Ecore data type
_UI_WellFormedPath_diagnostic = The path ''{0}'' must contain at least two valid segments to denote a workspace folder; {1}
_UI_BadCharacterInPath_message = {0} is an invalid character in a path
_UI_ValidGenModelAnnotationLocation_substitution = an Ecore named element
_UI_InvalidAnnotationLabelEntryValue_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' does not specify the name of an attribute of the annotation''s containing class
_UI_ValidPropertyFactoryEditor_diagnostic = There is no registered property editor factory for ''{0}''