blob: 76bff8942b9d6bf8ba18ffcd08d4439bc24edbf9 [file] [log] [blame]
# /**
# * Copyright (c) 2002-2008 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM - Initial API and implementation
# */
pluginName = EMF Model Importer
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
_UI_ModelImporterDescriptors_extensionpoint = Model Importer Descriptors
_UI_CreatingPackages_message = Creating packages
_UI_CreatingPackagesFor_message = Creating packages for {0}
_UI_Model_Reload_label = &Reload...
_UI_ReloadWizard_title = Reload
_UI_EMFProjectWizard_title = New EMF Project
_UI_EMFProjectWizard_name = EMF Project
_UI_EMFProjectWizard_description = Create a new Java plug-in project with an EMF model
_UI_EMFWizardModel_title = New EMF Generator Model
_UI_EMFModelWizard_name = EMF Generator Model
_UI_EMFModelWizard_description = Create an EMF generator model and, if needed, the underlying Ecore model
_UI_CreateEMFProject_label = Create a new project to hold the EMF model
_UI_CreateGeneratorModel_label = Create the generator model
_UI_SelectModelImporters_title = Select a Model Importer
_UI_SelectModelImporters_label = Model &Importers:
_UI_NoModelImporters_error = There are no model importers available.
_UI_ModelURI_label = Model &URI:
_UI_ModelURIs_label = Model &URIs:
_UI_SelectModel_label = Select the model definition
_UI_Load_label = &Load
_UI_Loading_message = Loading {0}
_UI_LoadProblem_title = Load Problem
_UI_GeneratorModelName_label = &Generator model file name:
_UI_GeneratorModelFileNameCannotBeEmpty_message = The generator model file name cannot be empty
_UI_GeneratorModelFileNameMustEndWithGenModel_message = The generator model file name must end in '.genmodel'
_UI_EcoreFileName_label = File Name
_UI_EcoreModelFileNameCannotBeEmpty_message = The Ecore model file name cannot be empty
_UI_EcoreModelFileNameForPackageCannotBeEmpty_message = The Ecore model file name for package ''{0}'' cannot be empty
_UI_EcoreModelFileNameMustEndWithEcore_message = The Ecore model file name must end in '.ecore' or '.emof'
_UI_EcoreModelFileNameForPackageMustEndWithEcore_message = The Ecore model file name for package ''{0}'' must end in ''.ecore'' or ''.emof''
_UI_OpenEditor_title = Open Editor
_UI_SpecifyAValidModel_message = Specify a valid model URI and try loading again
_UI_ProblemsEncounteredProcessing_message = Problems encountered while processing the models. Select detail entries for more information.
_UI_PackageSelection_description = Specify which packages to generate and which to reference from other generator models
_UI_RootPackages_label = Root &packages:
_UI_DuplicateEcoreNames_message = The Ecore model files must have different names.
_UI_SaveError_title = Error
_UI_InvalidModel_message = The GenModel is not valid. You should cancel the wizard and try to fix the problem before reloading the GenModel again.
_UI_ProblematicModel_message = The GenModel has problems that may interfere with your ability to reload it successfully.