blob: 1f5782f846256c31202e772dd013944803e8564e [file] [log] [blame]
# /**
# * Copyright (c) 2002-2010 IBM Corporation and others.
# * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
# * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# *
# *
# * Contributors:
# * IBM - Initial API and implementation
# */
pluginName = EMF Ecore
providerName = Eclipse Modeling Project
_UI_EMFDiagnostic_marker = EMF Problem
_UI_DiagnosticRoot_diagnostic = Diagnosis of {0}
_UI_RequiredFeatureMustBeSet_diagnostic = The required feature ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' must be set
_UI_FeatureHasTooFewValues_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' with {2} values must have at least {3} values
_UI_FeatureHasTooManyValues_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' with {2} values may have at most {3} values
_UI_DocumentRootMustHaveOneElement_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' with {2} element values must have exactly 1 element value
_UI_UnresolvedProxy_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' contains an unresolved proxy ''{2}''
_UI_DanglingReference_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' contains a dangling reference ''{2}''
_UI_UnpairedBidirectionalReference_diagnostic = The opposite features ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' and ''{2}'' of ''{3}'' do not refer to each other
_UI_BadDataValue_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' contains a bad value
_UI_MinInclusiveConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' must be greater than or equal to ''{2}''
_UI_MinExclusiveConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' must be greater than ''{2}''
_UI_MaxInclusiveConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' must be less than or equal to ''{2}''
_UI_MaxExclusiveConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' must be less than ''{2}''
_UI_MinLengthConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' with length {1} must have at least length {2}
_UI_MaxLengthConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' with length {1} may have at most length {2}
_UI_EnumerationConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' must be one of '{'{1}'}'
_UI_PatternConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' must match one of '{'{1}'}'
_UI_TotalDigitsConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' may have at most {1} digits
_UI_FractionDigitsConstraint_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' may have at most {1} fraction digits
_UI_ListHead_composition = ''{0}''
_UI_ListTail_composition = {0}, ''{1}''
_UI_BadDataValueType_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' of type ''{1}'' must be of type ''{2}''
_UI_DuplicateID_diagnostic = The ID ''{0}'' of ''{1}'' collides with that of ''{2}''
_UI_DuplicateKey_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' has key {1} for ''{2}'' which collides with that of ''{3}''
_UI_DuplicateMapEntry_diagnostic = The feature ''{0}'' has a map entry at index {1} with a key that collides with that of the map entry at index {2}
_UI_CircularContainment_diagnostic = An object may not circularly contain itself
_UI_BadXMLGregorianCalendar_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' is not a well formed instance of the {1} XML Schema data type
# RegEx XML Schema messages
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# @version $Id: 595212 2007-11-15 05:28:57Z mrglavas $
parser.parse.1=Wrong character.
parser.parse.2=Invalid reference number. character is required after \\.'?' is not expected. '(?:' or '(?=' or '(?!' or '(?<' or '(?#' or '(?>'?'(?<=' or '(?<!' is expected. comment is not terminated.
parser.factor.1=')' is expected.
parser.factor.2=Unexpected end of the pattern in a modifier group.
parser.factor.3=':' is expected.
parser.factor.4=Unexpected end of the pattern in a conditional group.
parser.factor.5=A back reference or an anchor or a lookahead or a lookbehind is expected in a conditional pattern.
parser.factor.6=There are more than three choices in a conditional group.
parser.atom.1=A character in U+0040-U+005f must follow \\c.
parser.atom.2=A '{' is required before a character category.
parser.atom.3=A property name is not closed by '}'.
parser.atom.4=Unexpected meta character.
parser.atom.5=Unknown property. POSIX character class must be closed by ':]'. end of the pattern in a character class. name for a POSIX character class.'-' is invalid here.']' is expected.'[' is invalid in a character class. Write '\\['.']' is invalid in a character class. Write '\\]'.'-' is an invalid character range. Write '\\-'.
parser.ope.1='[' is expected.
parser.ope.2=')' or '-[' or '+[' or '&[' is expected.
parser.ope.3=The range end code point is less than the start code point.
parser.descape.1=Invalid Unicode hex notation.
parser.descape.2=Overflow in a hex notation.
parser.descape.3='\\x{' must be closed by '}'.
parser.descape.4=Invalid Unicode code point.
parser.descape.5=An anchor must not be here.
parser.process.1=This expression is not supported in the current option setting.
parser.quantifier.1=Invalid quantifier. A digit is expected.
parser.quantifier.2=Invalid quantifier. Invalid quantity or a '}' is missing.
parser.quantifier.3=Invalid quantifier. A digit or '}' is expected.
parser.quantifier.4=Invalid quantifier. A min quantity must be <= a max quantity.
parser.quantifier.5=Invalid quantifier. A quantity value overflow.
_UI_PackageRegistry_extensionpoint = Ecore Package Registry for Generated Packages
_UI_DynamicPackageRegistry_extensionpoint = Ecore Package Registry for Dynamic Packages
_UI_FactoryRegistry_extensionpoint = Ecore Factory Override Registry
_UI_URIExtensionParserRegistry_extensionpoint = URI Extension Parser Registry
_UI_URIProtocolParserRegistry_extensionpoint = URI Protocol Parser Registry
_UI_URIContentParserRegistry_extensionpoint = URI Content Parser Registry
_UI_ContentHandlerRegistry_extensionpoint = Content Handler Registry
_UI_URIMappingRegistry_extensionpoint = URI Converter Mapping Registry
_UI_PackageRegistryImplementation_extensionpoint = Ecore Package Registry Implementation
_UI_ValidationDelegateRegistry_extensionpoint = Validation Delegate Registry
_UI_SettingDelegateRegistry_extensionpoint = Feature Setting Delegate Factory Registry
_UI_InvocationDelegateRegistry_extensionpoint = Operation Invocation Delegate Factory Registry
_UI_QueryDelegateRegistry_extensionpoint = Query Delegate Factory Registry
_UI_ConversionDelegateRegistry_extensionpoint = Conversion Delegate Factory Registry
_UI_AnnotationValidatorRegistry_extensionpoint = Annotation Validator Registry
_UI_GenericInvariant_diagnostic = The ''{0}'' invariant is violated on ''{1}''
_UI_GenericConstraint_diagnostic = The ''{0}'' constraint is violated on ''{1}''
_UI_EAnnotationSourceURINotWellFormed_diagnostic = The source URI ''{0}'' is not well formed
_UI_EAttributeConsistentTransient_diagnostic = The attribute ''{0}'' is not transient so it must have a data type that is serializable
_UI_ENamedElementNameNotWellFormed_diagnostic = The name ''{0}'' is not well formed
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameNotWellFormed_diagnostic = The instance type name ''{0}'' is not well formed
_UI_EClassInterfaceNotAbstract_diagnostic = A class that is an interface must also be abstract
_UI_EClassAtMostOneID_diagnostic = The features ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' cannot both be IDs
_UI_EClassUniqueEStructuralFeatureName_diagnostic = There may not be two features named ''{0}''
_UI_EClassDissimilarEStructuralFeatureName_diagnostic = There should not be a feature named ''{0}'' as well a feature named ''{1}''
_UI_EClassUniqueEOperationSignatures_diagnostic = There may not be two operations ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' with the same signature
_UI_EClassDisjointFeatureAndOperationSignatures_diagnostic = There may not be an operation ''{0}'' with the same signature as an accessor method for feature ''{1}''
_UI_EClassNoCircularSuperTypes_diagnostic = A class may not be a super type of itself
_UI_EClassNotWellFormedMapEntry_diagnostic = A map entry class must have a feature called ''{0}''
_UI_EClassNotWellFormedMapEntryNoInstanceClassName_diagnostic = A class that inherits from a map entry class must have instance class name 'java.util.Map$Entry'
_UI_EEnumUniqueEnumeratorNames_diagnostic = There may not be two enumerators named ''{0}''
_UI_EEnumDissimilarEnumeratorNames_diagnostic = There should not be an enumerator named ''{0}'' as well an enumerator named ''{1}''
_UI_EEnumUniqueEnumeratorLiterals_diagnostic = There may not be two enumerators with literal value ''{0}''
_UI_UniqueTypeParameterNames_diagnostic = There may not be two type parameters named ''{0}''
_UI_EOperationUniqueParameterNames_diagnostic = There may not be two parameters named ''{0}''
_UI_EOperationNoRepeatingVoid_diagnostic = An operation with void return type must have an upper bound of 1 not {0}
_UI_EPackageNsURINotWellFormed_diagnostic = The namespace URI ''{0}'' is not well formed
_UI_EPackageNsPrefixNotWellFormed_diagnostic = The namespace prefix ''{0}'' is not well formed
_UI_EPackageUniqueSubpackageNames_diagnostic = There may not be two packages named ''{0}''
_UI_EPackageUniqueClassifierNames_diagnostic = There may not be two classifiers named ''{0}''
_UI_EPackageUniqueNsURIs_diagnostic = There may not be two packages with namespace URI ''{0}''
_UI_EPackageDissimilarClassifierNames_diagnostic = There may not be a classifier named ''{0}'' as well a classifier named ''{1}''
_UI_EReferenceOppositeOfOppositeInconsistent_diagnostic = The opposite of the opposite may not be a reference different from this one
_UI_EReferenceSelfOpposite_diagnostic = The opposite may not be its own opposite
_UI_EReferenceOppositeNotFeatureOfType_diagnostic = The opposite must be a feature of the reference's type
_UI_EReferenceTransientOppositeNotTransient_diagnostic = The opposite of a transient reference must be transient if it is proxy resolving
_UI_EReferenceOppositeBothContainment_diagnostic = The opposite of a containment reference must not be a containment reference
_UI_EReferenceSingleContainer_diagnostic = A container reference must have upper bound of 1 not {0}
_UI_EReferenceConsistentKeys_diagnostic = The key ''{0}'' must be feature of the reference''s type
_UI_EReferenceConsistentUnique_diagnostic = A containment or bidirectional reference must be unique if its upper bound is different from 1
_UI_EReferenceConsistentContainer_diagnostic = A containment reference of a type with a container feature {0} that requires instances to be contained elsewhere cannot be populated
_UI_ETypedElementValidLowerBound_diagnostic = The lower bound {0} must be greater than or equal to 0
_UI_ETypedElementValidUpperBound_diagnostic = The upper bound {0} must be -2, -1, or greater than 0
_UI_ETypedElementConsistentBounds_diagnostic = The lower bound {0} must be less than or equal to the upper bound {1}
_UI_ETypedElementNoType_diagnostic = The typed element must have a type
_UI_EAttributeNoDataType_diagnostic = The generic attribute type must not refer to a class
_UI_EReferenceNoClass_diagnostic = The generic reference type must not refer to a data type
_UI_EGenericTypeNoTypeParameterAndClassifier_diagnostic = A generic type can't refer to both a type parameter and a classifier
_UI_EGenericTypeNoClass_diagnostic = A generic super type must refer to a class
_UI_EGenericTypeNoTypeParameterOrClassifier_diagnostic = A generic type in this context must refer to a classifier or a type parameter
_UI_EGenericTypeBoundsOnlyForTypeArgument_diagnostic = A generic type may have bounds only when used as a type argument
_UI_EGenericTypeNoUpperAndLowerBound_diagnostic = A generic type must not have both a lower and an upper bound
_UI_EGenericTypeNoTypeParameterOrClassifierAndBound_diagnostic = A generic type with bounds must not also refer to a type parameter or classifier
_UI_EGenericTypeNoArguments_diagnostic = A generic type may have arguments only if it refers to a classifier
_UI_EGenericTypeArgumentsNeeded_diagnostic = The generic type associated with the ''{0}'' classifier should have {1} type argument(s) to match the number of type parameter(s) of the classifier
_UI_EGenericTypeArgumentInvalidSubstitution_diagnostic = The generic type ''{0}'' is not a valid substitution for type parameter ''{1}''
_UI_EGenericTypeIncorrectArguments_diagnostic = The generic type associated with the ''{0}'' classifier must not have {1} argument(s) when the classifier has {2} type parameter(s)
_UI_EGenericTypeOutOfScopeTypeParameter_diagnostic = A generic type may only refer to a type parameter that is in scope
_UI_EGenericTypeInvalidPrimitiveType_diagnostic = The primitive type ''{0}'' cannot be used in this context
_UI_EClassNoDuplicateSuperTypes_diagnostic = The generic super types at index ''{0}'' and ''{1}'' must not be duplicates
_UI_EClassConsistentSuperTypes_diagnostic = The generic super types instantiate ''{0}'' inconsistently
_UI_EStructuralFeatureValidDefaultValueLiteral_diagnostic = The default value literal ''{0}'' must be a valid literal of the attribute''s type
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameUnexpectedTypeArguments_diagnostic = The instance type name of a classifier with type parameters may not specify type arguments
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameAnalysisResult_diagnostic = Analysis result for the instance type name ''{0}''
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameBracketWithoutPrecedingIdentifier_diagnostic = The ''['' at index {0} must be preceded by an identifier
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameNoClosingBracket_diagnostic = A '']'' is expected at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameNoClosingBracket2_diagnostic = A '']'' is expected at index {0} not ''{1}''
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameBracketExpected_diagnostic = A ''['' is expected at index {0} not ''{1}''
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameDotWithoutPrecedingIdentifier_diagnostic = The ''.'' at index {0} must be preceded by an identifier
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameDotExpectedBeforeIdentifier_diagnostic = A ''.'' is expected before the start of another identifier at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameAngleBracketWithoutPrecedingIdentifier_diagnostic = The ''<'' at index {0} must be preceded by an identifier
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameUnterminatedAngleBracket_diagnostic = The ''<'' at index {0} must be terminated before the end of the string
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameUnexpectedCharacter_diagnostic = The ''{1}'' at index {0} is not expected
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameTooManyQuestionMarks_diagnostic = Another ''?'' is not permitted at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameExpectingExtends_diagnostic = Expecting ''extends'' at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameExpectingSuper_diagnostic = Expecting ''super'' at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameExpectingExtendsOrSuper_diagnostic = Expecting ''extends'' or ''super'' at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameTypeArgumentExpected_diagnostic = A type argument is expected at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameExpectingIdentifier_diagnostic = Expecting an identifier at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameExpectedSpace_diagnostic = Expecting '' '' at index {0}
_UI_EClassifierInstanceTypeNameUnexpectedSpace_diagnostic = Unexpected '' '' at index {0}
_UI_InvariantDelegateException_diagnostic = An exception occurred while delegating evaluation of the ''{0}'' invariant on ''{1}'': {2}
_UI_InvariantDelegateNotFound_diagnostic = Unable to find delegate to evaluate the ''{0}'' invariant on ''{1}'': {2}
_UI_ConstraintDelegateException_diagnostic = An exception occurred while delegating evaluation of the ''{0}'' constraint on ''{1}'': {2}
_UI_ConstraintDelegateNotFound_diagnostic = Unable to find delegate to evaluate the ''{0}'' constraint on ''{1}'': {2}
# This is in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi
#_UI_Ecore_content_type = Ecore File
_UI_NameNotWellFormedJavaIdentifier_diagnostic = The name ''{0}'' is not a well-formed Java identifier
_UI_BadXMLPattern_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' is not a well-formed XML Schema pattern: {1}
_UI_InvalidAnnotationLocation_diagnostic = This {0} annotation is only meaningful when it is directly contained by {1}
_UI_InvalidDuplicateAnnotation_diagnostic = This {0} annotation is only meaningful when it is the first {0} annotation
_UI_InvalidAnnotationEntryKey_diagnostic = This {0} annotation detail will be ignored because the key ''{1}'' is not recognized
_UI_InvalidAnnotationEntryValue_diagnostic = This {0} annotation detail with key ''{1}'' contains a bad value
_UI_InvalidValue_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' is invalid: {1}
_UI_InvalidReferenceValue_substitution = it cannot be converted to a ''{0}''
_UI_MissingAnnotationEntryKey_diagnostic = A detail with key ''{0}'' is required
_UI_IgnoredAnnotationReferences_diagnostic = This {0} annotation will ignore its references
_UI_IgnoredAnnotationContents_diagnostic = This {0} annotation will ignore its contents
_UI_IgnoredAnnotationAnnotations_diagnostic = This {0} annotation will ignore its nested annotations
_UI_InvalidAnnotationReference_diagnostic = The reference ''{1}'' is invalid for this {0} annotation
_UI_InvalidAnnotationContent_diagnostic = The nested content ''{1}'' is invalid for this {0} annotation
_UI_InvalidAnnotationAnnotation_diagnostic = The nested annotation ''{1}'' is invalid for this {0} annotation
_UI_InvalidValueRequiredFeatureMustBeSet_diagnostic = The required feature must be set
_UI_InvalidValueFeatureHasTooFewValues_diagnostic = The feature with {0} values must have at least {1} values
_UI_InvalidValueFeatureHasTooManyValues_diagnostic = The feature with {0} values may have at most {1} values
_UI_ValidEcoreAnnotationLocation_substitution = an Ecore package, classifier, or operation
_UI_ValidExtendedMetaDataAnnotationLocation_substitution = an Ecore package, classifier, or structural feature
_UI_EcoreAnnotationUnregisteredDelegate_diagnostic = The value ''{0}'' is not a registered {1} delegate
_UI_EcoreAnnotationUnregisteredDelegate_settingDelegates_substitution = setting
_UI_EcoreAnnotationUnregisteredDelegate_validationDelegates_substitution = validation
_UI_EcoreAnnotationUnregisteredDelegate_invocationDelegates_substitution = invocation
_UI_EcoreAnnotationUnregisteredDelegate_conversionDelegates_substitution = conversion
_UI_EcoreAnnotationUnregisteredDelegate_queryDelegates_substitution = query
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotBigDecimal_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because the data type isn''t a BigDecimal
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotHasLength_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because the data type isn''t a String, Collection, or array
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotRestrictEnum_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because an enum can''t be restricted
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotList_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because the data type isn''t a List
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotComparable_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because the data type isn''t a Comparable
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotGlobalElement_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because the feature isn''t an element in a document root
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotWildcard_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because the feature isn''t an element wildcard or attribute wildcard
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotElementAttributeOrGroup_diagnostic = This ExtendedMetaData annotation detail with key ''{0}'' will be ignored because the feature isn''t an element, attribute, or group
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotTypeResolved_diagnostic = The type reference ''{0}'' does not resolve to an Ecore data type
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotTypeResolvedCorrectly_diagnostic = The type reference ''{0}'' resolves to an Ecore class not an Ecore data type
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailTypeCircular_diagnostic = The type reference ''{0}'' leads to circular inheritance
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotGroupResolved_diagnostic = The group reference ''{0}'' does not resolve to an Ecore structural feature
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailNotAffiliationResolved_diagnostic = The affiliation reference ''{0}'' does not resolve to an Ecore structural feature
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailGroupCircular_diagnostic = The group reference ''{0}'' leads to a circular group
_UI_ExtendeMetaDataAnnotationDetailAffiliationCircular_diagnostic = The affiliation reference ''{0}'' leads to a circular affiliation
# These are used in a context to compose a message in context, e.g., The value must be an available option: <simple-composed-options>
# I.e., it would produce the following:
# The value must be an available option: none available
# The value must be an available option: a
# The value must be an available option: a or b # trivial
# The value must be an available option: a, b, or c
# The value must be an available option: a, b, c, ...
_UI_SimpleListEmpty_composition = none available
_UI_SimpleListIntermediate_composition = {0}, {1}
_UI_SimpleListTailLimited_composition = {0}, \u2026
_UI_SimpleListTrivialOr_composition = {0} or {1}
_UI_SimpleListTrivialAnd_composition = {0} and {1}
_UI_SimpleListTailOr_composition = {0}, or {1}
_UI_SimpleListTailAnd_composition = {0}, and {1}
_UI_ValidDateConversionDelegateAnnotationLocation_substitution = an Ecore data type
_UI_DateFormatNotWellFormed_diagnostic = The date URI ''{0}'' is not well formed because {1}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidCalendarType_diagnostic = the specified calendar type ''{0}'' is not an available calendar type: {1}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidMissingSimpleDateFormat_diagnostic = a SimpleDate format must specify simple date format pattern
_UI_DateFormatInvalidMissingDateFormat_diagnostic = a DateFormat must specify a date style, a language, and a country
_UI_DateFormatInvalidDateStyle_diagnostic = the {0} date style ''{1}'' is invalid; specify {2}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidMissingTimeFormat_diagnostic = a TimeFormat must specify a time style, a language, and a country
_UI_DateFormatInvalidTimeStyle_diagnostic = the {0} time style ''{1}'' is invalid; specify {2}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidMissingDateTimeFormat_diagnostic = a DateTimeFormat must specify a date style, a time style, a language, and a country
_UI_DateFormatInvalidStyle_diagnostic = the style ''{0}'' is invalid; specify {1}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidMissingLocale_diagnostic = a {0} must specify a language and a country
_UI_DateFormatInvalidLanguage_diagnostic = the language ''{0}'' must specify an available locale: {1}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidCountry_diagnostic = the country ''{0}'' must specify an available locale for the language ''{1}'': {2}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidVariant_diagnostic = the variant ''{0}'' must specify an available locale for the language ''{1}'' and the country ''{2}'': {3}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidSimpleDateFormat_diagnostic = the simple date format ''{0}'' is invalid: {1}
_UI_DateFormatInvalidInstanceType_diagnostic = the instance class ''{0}'' is not supported; it must be {1}