blob: 45adc6b25857ccf6b3a8cadeba9303284bf3c401 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011-2013 EclipseSource Muenchen GmbH and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Eugen Neufeld - initial API and implementation
* Bus for application wide notifications on events of various types. Check the type hierarchy of {@link ECPObserver} to
* discover possible types.<br/>
* This is a universal observer bus. This class follows the publish/subscribe pattern, it is a central dispatcher for
* observers and makes use of generics in order to allow type safety. It can be used as singleton or be injected through
* DI.
* Observers have to implement the {@link ECPObserver} interface, which is only used as a marker. Future use of
* Annotations is possible.
* by using {@link #notify(Class)} (e.g. <code>bus.notify(MyObserver.class).myObserverMethod()</code>) all registered
* Observers are notified.
* This is implemented by using the java {@link java.lang.reflect.Proxy Proxy} class. By calling {@link #notify(Class)}
* a proxy is returned,
* which then calls all registered observers.
* The proxy can also be casted into {@link
* ECPObserverCall}, which allows to access all results by the different
* observers.
* <br/>
* Example code:
* <pre>
* // A is ECPObserver
* A a = new A() {
* public void foo() {
* System.out.println(&quot;A says: go!&quot;);
* }
* };
* // B extends A and is ECPObserver
* B b = new B() {
* public void say(String ja) {
* System.out.println(&quot;B says: &quot; + ja);
* }
* public void foo() {
* System.out.println(&quot;B says: h??&quot;);
* }
* };
* // B is registered first
* ECPObserverBus.register(b);
* ECPObserverBus.register(a);
* ECPObserverBus.notify(A.class).foo();
* ECPObserverBus.notify(B.class).say(&quot;w00t&quot;);
* // Output:
* // B says: h??
* // A says: go!
* //
* // B says: w00t
* </pre>
* @author wesendon
* @author Eugen Neufeld
public interface ECPObserverBus {
* Registers an observer for all observer interfaces implemented by the object or its super classes.
* @param observer observer object
void register(ECPObserver observer);
* Unregisters an observer for all observer interfaces implemented by the object or its super classes.
* @param observer observer object
void unregister(ECPObserver observer);
* This method allows you to notify all observers of type <T>.
* It returns a proxy object of type T which allows you to call the specific methods of your observer. Calling any
* method will be delegated to all registered observers of the given type <T>.
* @param <T> type of observer
* @param clazz class of observer
* @return call object of type T
<T extends ECPObserver> T notify(Class<T> clazz);