blob: c3178a9908317314396852f90c47301341198962 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _ZOi4wZ77EeOm87IlbkWrfQ
Element-Name: Installation
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _jbzigJ7xEeOleLZC7V9mLg
Save-Time: 9/30/14 2:05 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-menu "Help/Install New Software..." | click
with [get-window Install] {
get-button "Add..." | click
with [get-window "Add Repository"] {
get-editbox -after [get-label "Name:"] | set-text ecp
get-editbox -after [get-label "Location:"] | set-text ""
get-button OK | click
get-window Install | get-tree | get-item "All SDKs \\(install one of these\\)/ECP SDK 3.x" | get-property caption | equals "ECP SDK 3.x"
| verify-true
with [get-window Install] {
with [get-tree] {
get-item "All SDKs \\(install one of these\\)/ECP SDK 3.x" | check
with [get-button "Next >"] {
get-window Install | get-editbox -after [get-label "License text:"] | get-property text | is-empty | verify-false
get-window Install | get-tree | get-property itemCount | equals 2 | verify-true
get-window Install | get-tree | get-item "Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement" | get-property caption
| equals "Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement" | verify-true
get-window Install | get-tree | get-item "Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement" -index 1 | get-property caption
| equals "Eclipse Foundation Software User Agreement" | verify-true