blob: 4a0628a088abc44385c981e6f659ba5ddeea83f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 Obeo.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.CheckoutConflictException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.ConcurrentRefUpdateException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.InvalidRefNameException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoFilepatternException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoHeadException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.NoMessageException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefAlreadyExistsException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.UnmergedPathsException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.WrongRepositoryStateException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCache;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
* @author <a href="">Arthur Daussy</a>
public class ContextSetup {
public final static String LYRICS_1 = "In the merry month of June, when first from home I started," + EOL
+ "And left the girls alone, sad and broken-hearted." + EOL
+ "Shook hands with father dear, kissed my darling mother," + EOL
+ "Drank a pint of beer, my tears and grief to smother ;" + EOL
+ "Then off to reap the corn, and leave where I was born." + EOL
+ "I cut a stout black-thorn to banish ghost or goblin ;" + EOL
+ "With a pair of bran new brogues, I rattled o'er the bogs —" + EOL
+ "Sure I frightened all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin." + EOL;
public final static String LYRICS_2 = "For it is the rocky road, here's the road to Dublin;" + EOL
+ "Here's the rocky road, now fire away to Dublin !" + EOL;
public final static String LYRICS_3 = "The steam-coach was at hand, the driver said he'd cheap ones."+ EOL
+ "But sure the luggage van was too much for my ha'pence." + EOL
+ "For England I was bound, it would never do to balk it." + EOL
+ "For every step of the road, bedad I says I, I'll walk it." + EOL
+ "I did not sigh or moan until I saw Athlone." + EOL
+ "A pain in my shin bone, it set my heart a-bubbling;" + EOL
+ "And fearing the big cannon, looking o'er the Shannon," + EOL
+ "I very quickly ran on the rocky road to Dublin." + EOL;
private File project;
private File userSetupFile;
private Path projectPath;
private final Git git;
private final Path tmpFolder;
public ContextSetup(Git git, Path tmpFolder) {
this.git = git;
this.tmpFolder = tmpFolder;
public static File getWorkspaceLocation() {
IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
IWorkspaceRoot root = workspace.getRoot();
return root.getLocation().toFile();
public File getProject() {
return project;
public File getUserSetupFile() {
return userSetupFile;
public Path getProjectPath() {
return projectPath;
public Path getRepositoryPath() {
return git.getRepository().getWorkTree().toPath();
private File createPapyrusUserOomphModel(Path setupFilePath, File... projects) throws IOException {
OomphUserModelBuilder userModelBuilder = new OomphUserModelBuilder();
Path oomphFolderPath = tmpFolder.resolve("oomphFolder");
File model = userModelBuilder
.setProjectPaths( -> p.getAbsolutePath()).toArray(String[]::new))
return model;
private File createPapyrusUserOomphModel(File... projects) throws IOException {
return createPapyrusUserOomphModel(tmpFolder.resolve("setup.setup"), projects); //$NON-NLS-1$
private RevCommit addAllAndCommit(String commitMessage) throws GitAPIException, NoFilepatternException,
NoHeadException, NoMessageException, UnmergedPathsException, ConcurrentRefUpdateException,
WrongRepositoryStateException {
DirCache dirChache = git.add().addFilepattern(".").call(); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Assert there is something to commit
assertTrue(dirChache.getEntriesWithin("").length > 0);
RevCommit revCommit = git.commit().setAuthor("Logical test author", "")
.setCommitter("Logical test author", "").setMessage(commitMessage).call();
return revCommit;
private Ref createBranch(String branchName, String startingPoint) throws RefAlreadyExistsException,
RefNotFoundException, InvalidRefNameException, GitAPIException {
return git.branchCreate().setName(branchName).setStartPoint(startingPoint).call();
private Ref createBranchAndCheckout(String ref, String startingPoint) throws RefAlreadyExistsException,
RefNotFoundException, InvalidRefNameException, CheckoutConflictException, GitAPIException {
return git.checkout().setName(ref).setStartPoint(startingPoint).setCreateBranch(true).call();
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Adds Attr1 to C1 and adds Attr2 to C2 [branch_b, HEAD]
* |
* |
* | * Delete C2 [branch d]
* | |
* | * Delete C1 [branch_c]
* |/
* |
* Initial commit - Create C1 and C2 [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupCHE002() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("CHE002");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit - Create C1 and C2");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_c/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete C1");
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_d/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_d/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete C2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/CHE002/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds Attr1 to C1 and adds Attr2 to C2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * Adds Class 1 [branch_b, HEAD]
* |
* |
* | * Adds Class 3 [branch d]
* | |
* | * Adds Class 2 [branch_c]
* |/
* |
* Initial commit [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @return
* @throws Exception
public RevCommit setupCHE003() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("CHE003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_c/model.notation") //
RevCommit branchCLastCommit = addAllAndCommit("Adds class 2");
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_d/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_d/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds class 3");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/CHE003/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds class 1");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
return branchCLastCommit;
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * [branch_c]
* | Add Class3 under Model1
* | Add Class4 under Model2
* |
* | * [branch_b)]
* |/ Add Class1 under Model1
* | Add Class2 under Model2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - A project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupCHE004() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER004");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + "- A project with 2 models, 2 diagrams");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add Class3 under Model1" + EOL + "Add Class4 under Model2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add Class1 under Model1" + EOL + "Add Class2 under Model2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * [branch_d]
* | Delete Class2
* |
* * [branch_c] Delete Class1
* |
* | * [branch_b]
* |/ Add attribute1 under Class1
* | Add attribute2 under Class2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupCHE006() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER006");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model.uml") // //$NON-NLS-1$
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + " - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams" + EOL
+ " - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class1");
// Creates branch d
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
public void setupDIFnothingToDo() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("EmptyProject");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
addAllAndCommit("First commit");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * Delete Class1 [branch_c]
* |
* | * Add Attribute1 under Class1 [branch_b]
* |/
* |
* Initial Commit [branch_a]
* -Add project PapyrusProject1
* -Add ClassDiagram1
* -Add Class1
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER001() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER001");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER001/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER001/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER001/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER001/branch_c/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes Class1");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER001/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER001/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds attribute1 under Class1");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Delete Class2 [branch_d]
* |
* |
* Delete Class1 [branc_c]
* |
* |
* | * Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2 [branch_b]
* |/
* |
* |
* Initial Commit [branch_a]
* -Add project PapyrusProject2
* -Add ClassDiagram1
* -Add Class1, Class2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER002() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER002");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_c/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes Class1");
// Creates branch d
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_c/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER002/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* Setup for testMER003_alreadyUpToDate0.
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER003_alreadyUpToDate0() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* Setup for testMER003_alreadyUpToDate0.
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER003_alreadyUpToDate1() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PapyrusModel");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds class 1");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* Setup for testMER003_IncorrectProjectToImport_NotExistingProject.
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER003_IncorrectProjectToImport_NotExistingProject() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
File notExistingProject = getRepositoryPath().resolve("GhostProject").toFile();
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project, notExistingProject);
* Setup for testMER003_ProjectToImport_complexPath.
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER003_ProjectToImport_complexPath() throws Exception {
Path folderWithComplexePath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("Folder with space & special char");
projectPath = folderWithComplexePath.resolve("Project with path and spécial character");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* Setup for testMER003_SetupFile_complexPath.
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER003_SetupFile_complexPath() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
Path folderWithComplexePath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("Folder with space & special char");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(folderWithComplexePath
.resolve("Setup file with spaces.setup"), project);
* Setup for testMER003_RelativePaths.
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER003_RelativePaths() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
Path folder = getRepositoryPath().resolve("a" + SEP + "b" + SEP + "c");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(folder.resolve("setup.setup"), project);
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * Adds Class 1 [branch_b]
* |
* | * Adds Class 2 [branch_c]
* |/
* |
* Initial commit (PapyrusProject3) [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER003() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProject3]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_c/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds class 2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER003/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds class 1");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * [branch_c]
* | Add Class3 under Model1
* | Add Class4 under Model2
* |
* | * [branch_b)]
* |/ Add Class1 under Model1
* | Add Class2 under Model2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - A project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER004() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER004");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + "- A project with 2 models, 2 diagrams");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_c/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add Class3 under Model1" + EOL + "Add Class4 under Model2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/MER004/branch_b/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add Class1 under Model1" + EOL + "Add Class2 under Model2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * [HEAD] [branch_c]
* | Delete Class1 and Class2
* |
* | * [branch_b]
* |/ Add attribute1 under Class1
* | Add attribute2 under Class2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER005() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER005");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + " - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams" + EOL
+ " - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_c/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_c/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class1 and Class2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_b/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER005/branch_b/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add attribute1 under Class1" + EOL + "Add attribute2 under Class2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History </p3>
* <pre>
* * [branch_d]
* | Delete Class2
* |
* [branch_c] Delete Class1
* |
* | * [branch_b]
* |/ Add attribute1 under Class1
* | Add attribute2 under Class2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupMER006() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("MER006");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + " - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams" + EOL
+ " - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_c/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit(" Delete Class1");
// Creates branch d
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_d/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class2");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/MER006/branch_b/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * Delete Class1 [origin/master]
* |
* | * Add Attribute1 under Class1 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Initial Commit [branch_a]
* -Add project PapyrusProjectPUL001
* -Add ClassDiagram1
* -Add Class1
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL001_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL001");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL001/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL001/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProjectPUL001]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL001/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL001/master_remote/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class1");
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * Delete Class1 [origin/master]
* |
* | * Add Attribute1 under Class1 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Initial Commit [branch_a]
* -Add project PapyrusProjectPUL001
* -Add ClassDiagram1
* -Add Class1
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL001_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL001");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL001/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL001/master_local/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add Attribute1 under Class1");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
public void setupPUL001_Local_AlreadyUpToDate() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL001");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this).create(projectPath);
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Delete Class2 [origin/master]
* |
* |
* Delete Class1 [branc_c]
* |
* |
* | * Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* |
* Initial Commit [branch_a]
* -Add project PapyrusProject2
* -Add ClassDiagram1
* -Add Class1, Class2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL002_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL002");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProjectPUL002]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/branch_c/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes Class1");
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranch(branchC, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/master_remote/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class2");
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Delete Class2 [origin/master]
* |
* |
* Delete Class1 [branc_c]
* |
* |
* | * Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* |
* Initial Commit [branch_a]
* -Add project PapyrusProject2
* -Add ClassDiagram1
* -Add Class1, Class2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL002_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL002");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL002/master_local/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * Adds Class 1 [origin/master]
* |
* | * Adds Class 2 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Initial commit (PapyrusProjectPUL003) [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL003_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL003/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit [PapyrusProjectPUL003]");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL003/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL003/master_remote/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds class 1");
* <h3>History:</h3>
* <pre>
* * Adds Class 1 [origin/master]
* |
* | * Adds Class 2 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Initial commit (PapyrusProjectPUL003) [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL003_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL003/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL003/master_local/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Adds class 2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * [origin/master]
* | Add Class3 under Model1
* | Add Class4 under Model2
* |
* | * [master] (local)
* |/ Add Class1 under Model1
* | Add Class2 under Model2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - A project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL004_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL004");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + "- A project with 2 models, 2 diagrams");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_remote/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_remote/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_remote/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add Class3 under Model1" + EOL + "Add Class4 under Model2");
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * [origin/master]
* | Add Class3 under Model1
* | Add Class4 under Model2
* |
* | * [master] (local)
* |/ Add Class1 under Model1
* | Add Class2 under Model2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - A project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL004_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL004");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_local/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_local/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL004/master_local/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add Class1 under Model1" + EOL + "Add Class2 under Model2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * [origin/master]
* | Delete Class1 and Class2
* |
* | * [master] (local)
* |/ Add attribute1 under Class1
* | Add attribute2 under Class2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL005_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL005");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + " - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams" + EOL
+ " - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_remote/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_remote/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_remote/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class1 and Class2");
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * [origin/master]
* | Delete Class1 and Class2
* |
* | * [master] (local)
* |/ Add attribute1 under Class1
* | Add attribute2 under Class2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL005_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL005");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_local/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_local/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL005/master_local/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add attribute1 under Class1" + EOL + "Add attribute2 under Class2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History </p3>
* <pre>
* * [origin/master]
* | Delete Class2
* |
* [branch_c] Delete Class1
* |
* | * [master] (local)
* |/ Add attribute1 under Class1
* | Add attribute2 under Class2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL006_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL006");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_a/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_a/model2.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Initial commit" + EOL + " - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams" + EOL
+ " - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_c/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/branch_c/model2.notation") //
String branchC = "branch_c";
addAllAndCommit(" Delete Class1");
createBranch(branchC, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_remote/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_remote/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_remote/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Delete Class2");
* <h3>History </p3>
* <pre>
* * [origin/master]
* | Delete Class2
* |
* [branch_c] Delete Class1
* |
* | * [master] (local)
* |/ Add attribute1 under Class1
* | Add attribute2 under Class2
* |
* [branch_a]
* Initial commit
* - 1 project with 2 models, 2 diagrams
* - add Class1 under Model1, Class2 under Model2
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL006_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL006");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_local/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_local/model2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL006/master_local/model2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Add attribute1 under Class1, attribute2 under Class2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Creates Attr2 in Class1.uml + Creates C3 in model.uml [origin/master]
* |
* | * Creates Attr1 in Class1.uml + Creates C2 in model.uml [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in Class1.uml [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL007_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL007");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/branch_a/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/branch_a/Class1.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in Class1.uml");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_remote/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_remote/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_remote/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates Attr2 in Class1.uml + Creates C3 in model.uml");
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Creates Attr2 in Class1.uml + Creates C3 in model.uml [origin/master]
* |
* | * Creates Attr1 in Class1.uml + Creates C2 in model.uml [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in Class1.uml [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL007_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL007");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_local/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_local/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/PUL007/master_local/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates Attr1 in Class1.uml + Creates C2 in model.uml");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Deletes C1 [origin/master]
* |
* | * Moves C1 to P2 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in P1 & P2 [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL011_Remote() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL011");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL011/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL011/branch_a/model.notation") //
String branchA = "branch_a";
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in P1 & P2");
createBranch(branchA, "master");
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL011/master_remote/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL011/master_remote/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C1");
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Deletes C1 [origin/master]
* |
* | * Moves C1 to P2 [master] (local)
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in P1 & P2 [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupPUL011_Local() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("PUL011");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL011/master_local/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/PUL011/master_local/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Moves C1 to P2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Create Op1 in C1 [branch_b]
* |
* |
* | * Creates P1. Moves C1 and Int1 to P1.+ Modifies in.txt & out.txt [branch_d,HEAD]
* | |
* | * Creates Int1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt [branch_c]
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 + Creates in.txt & out.txt [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB000() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB000");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_1) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_1);
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 + Creates in.txt & out.txt");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates Op1 in C1");
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_1 + LYRICS_2) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_1 + LYRICS_2);
addAllAndCommit("Creates Int1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt");
// Creates branch b
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_d/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB000/branch_d/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_1 + LYRICS_2 + LYRICS_3) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_1 + LYRICS_2 + LYRICS_3);
addAllAndCommit("Creates P1. Moves C1 and Int1 to P1.+ Modifies in.txt & out.txt");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Creates ATTR1 in C1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt [branch_b]
* |
* | * Deletes C1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt [branch_c, HEAD]
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 + Creates in.txt & out.txt [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB001() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB001");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB001/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB001/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", "") //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), "");
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 + Creates in.txt & out.txt");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB001/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB001/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_1) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_1);
addAllAndCommit("Creates ATTR1 in C1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt");
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB001/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB001/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_2) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_2);
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Creates Attr1 in C1 & Attr2 in C2 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt [branch_b]
* |
* | * Deletes C2 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt [branch_c, HEAD]
* | |
* | * Deletes C1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt [branch_c]
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 & C2 + Creates in.txt & out.txt [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB002() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB002");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", "") //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), "");
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 & C2 + Creates in.txt & out.txt");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_1) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_1);
addAllAndCommit("Creates Attr1 in C1 & Attr2 in C2 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt");
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_2) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_2);
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C1 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt");
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_d/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB002/branch_d/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_2 + LYRICS_3) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_2 + LYRICS_3);
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C2 + Modifies in.txt & out.txt");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Creates C1 in P1 + adds content to in.txt & out.txt [branch_b] (no conflict with branch_c)
* |
* | * Creates C2 in P1 + adds content to in.txt & out.txt [branch_c,HEAD] (no conflict with branch_b)
* |/
* |
* Creates P1 + Creates in.txt & out.txt [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB003() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB003/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB003/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_2) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_2);
addAllAndCommit("Creates P1 + Creates in.txt & out.txt");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB003/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB003/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_1 + LYRICS_2) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_1 + LYRICS_2);
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in P1 + adds content to in.txt & out.txt");
// Creates branch_c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB003/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB003/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_2 + LYRICS_3) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_2 + LYRICS_3);
addAllAndCommit("Creates C2 in P1 + adds content to in.txt & out.txt");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Creates Attr1 in Class1.uml + Creates C2 in model.uml [branch_b] (no conflict with branch_c)
* |
* | * Creates Attr2 in Class1.uml + Creates C3 in model.uml [branch_c,HEAD] (no conflict with branch_b)
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in Class1.uml [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB007() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB003");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_a/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_a/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in Class1.uml");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_b/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_b/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates Attr1 in Class1.uml + Creates C2 in model.uml");
// Creates branch_c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_c/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB007/branch_c/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates Attr2 in Class1.uml + Creates C3 in model.uml");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Deletes C2 [branch_d,HEAD]
* |
* * Deletes C1 (Deletes Class1.uml) [branch_c]
* |
* | * Creates Attr1 in C1 (Class1.uml) + Creates Attr2 in C2 (model.uml) [branch_b]
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in Class1.uml + Creates C2 in model.uml [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB009() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB009");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_a/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_a/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in Class1.uml + Creates C2 in model.uml");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_b/Class1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_b/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates Attr1 in C1 (Class1.uml) + Creates Attr2 in C2 (model.uml)");
// Creates branch_c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addFilepattern("REB009/Class1.di") //
.addFilepattern("REB009/Class1.uml") //
.addFilepattern("REB009/Class1.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C1 (Deletes Class1.uml)");
// Creates branch_d
String branchD = "branch_d";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchD, branchC);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_d/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB009/branch_d/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Deletes C1 [branch_c, HEAD]
* |
* | * Moves C1 to P2 [branch_b]
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in P1 & P2 [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB011() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB011");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB011/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB011/branch_a/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in P1 & P2");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB011/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB011/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Moves C1 to P2");
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB011/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB011/branch_c/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C1");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Deletes C2[branch_c, HEAD]
* |
* | * Creates association between C1 & C2 [branch_b]
* |/
* |
* Creates C1 in P1 in P1.uml && C2 in P2 in P2.uml[branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB014() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB014");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_a/P1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_a/P1.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_a/P2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_a/P2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in P1 in P1.uml && C2 in P2 in P2.uml");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_b/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_b/P1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_b/P1.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_b/P2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_b/P2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates association between C1 & C2");
// Creates branch_c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_c/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_c/model.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_c/P1.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_c/P1.notation") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_c/P2.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("conflicts/REB014/branch_c/P2.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Deletes C2");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);
* <h3>History</h3>
* <pre>
* * Creates C1 in P1 [branch_b]
* |
* | * Adds in.txt && out.txt [branch_c,HEAD]
* |/
* |
* Creates P1 [branch_a]
* </pre>
* @throws Exception
public void setupREB016() throws Exception {
projectPath = getRepositoryPath().resolve("REB016");
project = new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB016/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB016/branch_a/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates P1");
String branchA = "branch_a";
createBranch(branchA, "master");
// Creates branch b
String branchB = "branch_b";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchB, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB016/branch_b/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB016/branch_b/model.notation") //
addAllAndCommit("Creates C1 in P1");
// Creates branch_c
String branchC = "branch_c";
createBranchAndCheckout(branchC, branchA);
new ProjectBuilder(this) //
.clean(true) //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB016/branch_a/model.uml") //
.addContentToCopy("automerging/REB016/branch_a/model.notation") //
.addNewFileContent("in.txt", LYRICS_1) //
ProjectBuilder.createFile(projectPath.resolve("../out.txt"), LYRICS_1);
addAllAndCommit("Adds in.txt && out.txt");
// Creates Oomph model
userSetupFile = createPapyrusUserOomphModel(project);