blob: 7dd3bac662cfa68be3525ea3a1361916e4c9c56d [file] [log] [blame]
# ====================================================================
# Copyright (c) 2015 Obeo
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
# ====================================================================
if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then
echo "Execution aborted. One or more of the required parameters is not set.
Usage: $0 egitLogicalArtifactURL egitLogicalQualifiedVersion emfCompareLogicalArtifactURL emfCompareLogicalQualifiedVersion
- egitLogicalArtifactURL: the URL where the zipped EGit Logical update site to publish can be donwload.
- egitLogicalQualifiedVersion: the qualified version of the EGit Logical update site to publish.
- emfCompareLogicalArtifactURL: the URL where the zipped EMF Compare on EGit Logical update site to publish can be donwload.
- emfCompareLogicalQualifiedVersion: the qualified version of the EMF Compare on EGit Logical update site to publish.
exit 1
source "$(dirname "${0}")/"
LSINFO "Publishing integration build 'EGit Logical ${egitLogicalQualifiedVersion}'"
publishUpdateSite \
"EGit" \
"${egitLogicalArtifactURL}" \
LSINFO "'EGit Logical ${egitLogicalQualifiedVersion}' has been published at '${UPDATE_URL}/egit-logical/${INTEGRATION_FOLDER}/${egitLogicalQualifiedVersion}'"
LSINFO "Publishing integration build 'EMF Compare on EGit Logical ${emfCompareLogicalQualifiedVersion}'"
publishUpdateSite \
"EMF Compare" \
"${emfCompareLogicalArtifactURL}" \
LSINFO "'EMF Compare on EGit Logical ${emfCompareLogicalQualifiedVersion}' has been published at '${UPDATE_URL}/logical/${INTEGRATION_FOLDER}/${emfCompareLogicalQualifiedVersion}'"