blob: 396abfa3bfd85ac50aa81013307df8b41287e5e3 [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _SapwEL4pEeOsAoUpt_cnqw,_LOMGYGrvEeK_JdLra2Bk5A,_jRtbsGrtEeK_JdLra2Bk5A
Element-Name: ts004_tc004_trees_under_groups
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Save-Time: 6/2/14 2:57 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
This test must validate that the differences in each group are displayed as trees.
1) Select the 3 ecore models and run a 3-way comparison (select extlibraryOrigin.ecore as ancestor).
//asserts that the 3 models are selected
2) Click on the menu Group and select "By Side".
//asserts that the group is selected
//asserts that each group (Conflicts, Left side, Right side) owns all its differences displayed as trees.
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
with [get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree] {
select "Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore" "Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore" "Library/extlibraryRight.ecore"
get-menu "Compare With/Each Other" | click
get-item "Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property selected | equals true | verify-true
get-item "Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore" | get-property selected | equals true | verify-true
get-item "Library/extlibraryRight.ecore" | get-property selected | equals true | verify-true
with [get-window "Select Common Ancestor"] {
get-button "\'/Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore\'" | click
get-button OK | click
get-tab-folder -index 1 | get-property activePage | contains "Compare" | verify-true
get-editor "Compare .*"
| get-button Groups | click -arrow
get-menu "By Side" | click | get-property enablement | equals true | verify-true
get-window "Group preference" | get-button No | click
get-editor "Compare .*"
| get-tree | select "> Conflicts" | expand-all
with [get-editor "Compare .*"
| get-tree] {
get-item "> Conflicts" | get-property childCount | equals 3 | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts" | get-property "getItems().length"
| equals 3 | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()" | equals "length [name changed]"
| verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItemCount()" | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[1].getText()" | equals "minutes [name changed]"
| verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[1].getItemCount()" | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()" | equals "> Conflict [2 out of 2 differences unresolved]" | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[1].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()"
| equals "familyName [name set]" | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[1].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItemCount()" | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[1].getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()"
| equals "lastName : EString [eStructuralFeatures delete]" | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[1].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItemCount()" | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[1].getText()" | equals "> Conflict [2 out of 2 differences unresolved]" | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[2].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()"
| equals "TitledItem [eSuperTypes add]" | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[2].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItemCount()" | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[2].getItems().TreeItem[0].getText()"
| equals "Periodical -> Item [eClassifiers delete]" | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[2].getItems().TreeItem[0].getItemCount()" | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[2].getItems().TreeItem[1].getText()"
| equals "Periodical -> Item, TitledItem [eSuperTypes add]" | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[2].getItems().TreeItem[1].getItemCount()" | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Conflicts"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[2].getText()" | equals "> Conflict [3 out of 3 differences unresolved]" | verify-true
get-editor "Compare .*"
| get-tree | select "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | expand-all
with [get-editor "Compare .*"
| get-tree] {
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property childCount | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary" | get-property childCount | equals 5 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory" | get-property index | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory" | get-property childCount | equals 2 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Encyclopedia = 3 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property index | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Encyclopedia = 3 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property childCount
| equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Dictionary = 4 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property index | equals 1
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Dictionary = 4 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property childCount
| equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Borrowable" | get-property index | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Borrowable" | get-property childCount | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Borrowable/Borrowable \\[name changed\\]" | get-property index | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Borrowable/Borrowable \\[name changed\\]" | get-property childCount | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Person -> Addressable" | get-property index | equals 2 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Person -> Addressable" | get-property childCount | equals 3 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Person -> Addressable/fullName : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures add\\]"
| get-property index | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Person -> Addressable/fullName : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures add\\]"
| get-property childCount | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Person -> Addressable/firstName : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures delete\\]"
| get-property index | equals 2 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/> Person -> Addressable/firstName : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures delete\\]"
| get-property childCount | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/Magazine -> CirculatingItem \\[eClassifiers add\\]" | get-property index | equals 4
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore/> extlibrary/Magazine -> CirculatingItem \\[eClassifiers add\\]" | get-property childCount
| equals 0 | verify-true
get-editor "Compare .*"
| get-tree | select "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore" | expand-all
with [get-editor "Compare .*"
| get-tree] {
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore" | get-property index | equals 2 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore" | get-property childCount | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary" | get-property childCount | equals 5 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> AudioVisualItem -> CirculatingItem" | get-property index | equals 2 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> AudioVisualItem -> CirculatingItem" | get-property childCount | equals 2
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> AudioVisualItem -> CirculatingItem/title : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures delete\\]"
| get-property index | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> AudioVisualItem -> CirculatingItem/title : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures delete\\]"
| get-property childCount | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> AudioVisualItem -> CirculatingItem/TitledItem \\[eSuperTypes add\\]"
| get-property index | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> AudioVisualItem -> CirculatingItem/TitledItem \\[eSuperTypes add\\]"
| get-property childCount | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem" | get-property index | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem" | get-property childCount | equals 4 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/subtitle : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures add\\]"
| get-property index | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/subtitle : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures add\\]"
| get-property childCount | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/testMove : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures move\\]"
| get-property index | equals 2 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/testMove : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures move\\]"
| get-property childCount | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/title : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures delete\\]"
| get-property index | equals 3 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/title : EString \\[eStructuralFeatures delete\\]"
| get-property childCount | equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/TitledItem \\[eSuperTypes add\\]" | get-property index
| equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> Book -> CirculatingItem/TitledItem \\[eSuperTypes add\\]" | get-property childCount
| equals 0 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory" | get-property index | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory" | get-property childCount | equals 2 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Manga = 3 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property index | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Manga = 3 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property childCount | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Manhwa = 5 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property index | equals 1
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/> BookCategory/Manhwa = 5 \\[eLiterals add\\]" | get-property childCount | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/Magazine -> Periodical \\[eClassifiers add\\]" | get-property index | equals 3
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/Magazine -> Periodical \\[eClassifiers add\\]" | get-property childCount | equals 0
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/TitledItem \\[eClassifiers add\\]" | get-property index | equals 4 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryRight.ecore/> extlibrary/TitledItem \\[eClassifiers add\\]" | get-property childCount | equals 0
| verify-true