blob: 3ab7e6f9c17d3e5ddc47258cfb3c7ffc2d93b6a2 [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _SapwEL4pEeOsAoUpt_cnqw,_LOMGYGrvEeK_JdLra2Bk5A,_jRtbsGrtEeK_JdLra2Bk5A
Element-Name: ts004_tc007_group_item_double_click
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _He3N0UP1EeSR35Af5c_jlw
Save-Time: 1/7/15 11:54 AM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
This test must validate that a double-click on a group item in the structure merge viewer expand items under this group item.
1) Select the 3 ecore models and run a 3-way comparison //asserts that the 3 models are selected
2) The first diff is selected
// Asserts the first diff is selected
// Asserts the content merge viewers are not empty
// Asserts the merge (from left to right/right to left) buttons are activated
// Asserts the second group (Library/extlibraryLeft.Ecore) is not expanded
3) Select the second group (Library/extlibraryLeft.Ecore)
// Asserts the group is selected
// Asserts the content merge viewers are not empty and have the same values than before
// Asserts the merge (from left to right/right to left) buttons are deactivated
// Asserts the group (Library/extlibraryLeft.Ecore) is expanded to the second level
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
with [get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree] {
select "Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore" "Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore" "Library/extlibraryRight.ecore"
get-menu "Compare With/Each Other" | click
get-item "Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property selected | equals true | verify-true
get-item "Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore" | get-property selected | equals true | verify-true
get-item "Library/extlibraryRight.ecore" | get-property selected | equals true | verify-true
with [get-window "Select Common Ancestor"] {
get-button "\'/Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore\'" | click
get-button OK | click
get-tab-folder -index 1 | get-property activePage | contains "Compare" | verify-true
with [get-editor "Compare (\'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\')"] {
get-tree | get-item "> Conflicts/> Conflict [2 out of 2 conflicts unresolved]/length \\[name changed\\]" | get-property selected | equals true
| verify-true
get-text-viewer | get-property text | equals length | verify-true
get-text-viewer -after [get-label "(Local: /)?Library/extlibraryRight.ecore"] -index 1 | get-property text | equals minutes
| verify-true
get-button "Copy Current Change From Right To Left" | get-property enablement | equals true | verify-true
get-button "Copy Current Change From Left To Right" | get-property enablement | equals true | verify-true
get-tree | get-property "getItems().TreeItem[1].getExpanded()" | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare (\'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\')"
| get-tree | select "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | double-click
with [get-editor "Compare (\'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\')"] {
with [get-tree] {
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property selected | equals true | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property "getExpanded()" | equals true | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property "getItems().length" | equals 1 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getExpanded()" | equals true
| verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore" | get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().length"
| equals 5 | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[0].getExpanded()" | equals false | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[1].getExpanded()" | equals false | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[2].getExpanded()" | equals false | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[3].getExpanded()" | equals false | verify-true
get-item "> Library\\/extlibraryLeft.ecore"
| get-property "getItems().TreeItem[0].getItems().TreeItem[4].getExpanded()" | equals false | verify-true
get-button "Copy Current Change From Left To Right" | get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-button "Copy Current Change From Right To Left" | get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-text-viewer | get-property text | equals length | verify-true
get-text-viewer -after [get-label "(Local: /)?Library/extlibraryRight.ecore"] -index 1 | get-property text | equals minutes
| verify-true