blob: 5c2857e6771eafa18346af12a8292be4bf578e11 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _SapwEL4pEeOsAoUpt_cnqw,_LOMGYGrvEeK_JdLra2Bk5A,_YvO_QG9-EeKmUfxl9qSLpg,_pj0X4HBcEeKTzKjv1SXOgA
Element-Name: ts005_tc013_save_emfdiff_disable
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _CPeSAHINEeKUuY9Bwmpkkw
Save-Time: 12/7/15 5:19 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
This test must validate a the UI not allows to save an EMFDiff model when launching a comparison from any EGit action.
1) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Compare with commit.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
2) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Compare with previous revision.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
3) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Compare with history. Select the db84a95 commit and double-click.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
4) In the History view, select the db84a95 commit. Compare with workspace (formerly Compare With Working Directory).
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
5) In the History view, select the 9763e97 commit, then select the library.ecore file. Compare with Version in Ancestor.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
6) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Right-click and select Show In History.
Select the 9763e97 commit and right-click Open In Commit Viewer.
Select the library/library.ecore item in the table and right-click Compare with Version in Ancestor.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
7) Modifiy library.ecore. Add new EClass named Writer. Save Model.
8) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Compare with HEAD Revision.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
9) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Compare With reference head.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
10) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Compare With local history.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
11) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file. Compare with git index.
//asserts that the save button is disabled.
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
//Compare with commit
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Compare With/Commit..." | click
with [get-window "Select a Commit"] {
get-table | select db84a95
get-button OK | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | close
//Compare with previous revision
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Compare With/Previous Revision" | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | close
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Team/Show in History" | click
//Compare with workspace (formerly Compare With Working Directory)
get-view History | get-table | select db84a95
get-view History | get-table -after [get-label "File: library/library.ecore [emf-compare-library-egit]"] -index 1
| select "library\\/library.ecore" | get-menu "Compare with Working Tree" | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | close
//Compare with workspace (formerly compare With Working Tree)
get-view History | get-table | select db84a95 | get-menu "Compare with Workspace" | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and db84a95" | close
//Compare with version in ancestor
with [get-view History] {
get-table | select "9763e97"
get-table -after [get-label "File: library/library.ecore [emf-compare-library-egit]"] -index 1
| select "library\\/library.ecore" | get-menu "Compare with Previous Version" | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore 9763e97 and db84a95" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore 9763e97 and db84a95" | close
//Compare with version in ancestor in commit viewer
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Team/Show in History" | click
get-view History | get-table | select "9763e97" | get-menu "Open in Commit Viewer" | click
get-editor "9763e971 [emf-compare-library-egit]" | get-section "Files (1)" | get-table
| select "library\\/library.ecore" | get-menu "Compare with Previous Version" | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore 9763e97 and db84a95" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore 9763e97 and db84a95" | close
get-editor "9763e971 [emf-compare-library-egit]" | close
get-view History | close
//Modify library.ecore
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| double-click
with [get-editor "library.ecore" | get-tree] {
get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore" | click
get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore" | expand
get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | click
get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore" | expand
select "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library"
get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | click
select "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | get-menu "New Child/EClass" | click
get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library" | expand
get-item "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library/" | click
select "platform:\\/resource\\/library\\/library.ecore/library/" | get-menu "Show Properties View" | click
with [get-view Properties | get-tree] {
select Name | activate-cell-edit -column 1
with [get-editbox] {
set-text Writer
key-type Enter
key-type "M1+s"
get-editor "library.ecore" | close
//Compare with HEAD Revision
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Compare With/HEAD Revision" | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and 9763e97" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and 9763e97" | close
//Compare With branch
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Compare With/Branch, Tag, or Reference..." | click
with [get-window Compare] {
get-tree | select "Local/master.*"
get-button Compare | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and 9763e97" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and 9763e97" | close
//Compare With reference head
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Compare With/Branch, Tag, or Reference..." | click
with [get-window Compare] {
get-tree | select "References/HEAD .*"
get-button Compare | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and 9763e97" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and 9763e97" | close
//Compare With local history
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Compare With/Local History..." | click
get-view History | get-tree | select ".*" | double-click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and Current Revision" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals false | verify-true
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and Current Revision" | close
//Compare with git index
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "(> )?library .*/(> )?library.ecore"
| get-menu "Compare With/Index" | click
get-editor "Compare library.ecore Current and Index" | get-button "Save Comparison Model"
| get-property enablement | equals true | verify-true