blob: 34095198b767ddef3b44b14a6b9f1e4d8abf6ebf [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _SapwEL4pEeOsAoUpt_cnqw,_UgPu4XBFEeKTzKjv1SXOgA,_YvO_QG9-EeKmUfxl9qSLpg,_pj0X4HBcEeKTzKjv1SXOgA
Element-Name: ts005_tc022_CMV_titles_from_egit_history
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _wXTuUFCAEeWzYYatGYnhhw
Save-Time: 3/21/16 5:17 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
This test must validate that the labels of the ContentMergeViewer have the commit ID when launching a comparison from history view
1) Select the library project and then select the library.ecore file.
2) Right-click team > Show in history.
3) On the view history, select the two commits (9763e97 and db84a95)
4) Right-click and select "Compare with each other"
4) The Compare editor must show one diff : Library [eClassifiers delete] under library package.
//Asserts that the compare editor is open.
//Assert that the labels of the ContentMergeViewer are "Remote: library/library.ecore 9763e97 (Axel Richard)" and "Remote: library/library.ecore db84a95 (Axel Richard)"
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "> library[ ]+\\[emf-compare-library-egit master\\]/> library.ecore"
| get-menu "Team/Show in History" | click
with [get-view History | get-table] {
select "9763e97" db84a95
get-menu "Compare with Each Other" | click
get-tab-folder -index 1 | get-property activePage | equals "Compare library.ecore 9763e97 and db84a95" | verify-true
with [get-editor "Compare library.ecore 9763e97 and db84a95"] {
get-label "(Remote: )?library/library.ecore 9763e97 \(Axel Richard\)" | get-property caption
| equals "(Remote: )?library/library.ecore 9763e97 \(Axel Richard\)" | verify-true
get-label "(Remote: )?library/library.ecore db84a95 \(Axel Richard\)" -after [get-label "(Remote: )?library/library.ecore 9763e97 \(Axel Richard\)"] | get-property caption
| equals "(Remote: )?library/library.ecore db84a95 \(Axel Richard\)" | verify-true