blob: 33d2c18950b22a61a85f618a6fd03e0e3ab8171f [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _LOMGYGrvEeK_JdLra2Bk5A,_4yxQwMC2EeO8eNTYV1NAnA
Element-Name: ts016_tc010_resolution_strategy_restore_default
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _4e5ogL_EEeO668you7X_bw
Save-Time: 6/4/14 9:25 AM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
This test must validate the "Restore Defaults" button of the "Resolution Strategy" preference page.
1. Restors defaults
2. Checks default options
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-preferences-menu | click
get-window Preferences | get-tree | select "EMF Compare/Resolution strategy"
with [get-window Preferences] {
get-button "Disable multi-threading during model resolution" | check
get-combo -after [get-label "Resolution scope:"] | select Project
get-button Apply | click
//Resets preferences
get-button "Restore Defaults" | click
//Checks correct default preference values
with [get-window Preferences] {
with [get-button "Disable model resolution"] {
get-property selected | equals false | verify-true
get-property grayed | equals false | verify-true
with [get-button "Disable multi-threading during model resolution"] {
get-property selected | equals false | verify-true
get-property grayed | equals false | verify-true
get-combo -after [get-label "Resolution scope:"] | get-property selection | equals Container | verify-true
get-label "Search for cross-references to (and from) the compared resource within all models from its containing project."
| get-property caption
| equals "Search for cross-references to (and from) the compared resource within all models from its containing project."
| verify-true