blob: d383c7a35bb0d98d0676a34c90b205e5c75cc11a [file] [log] [blame]
--- Q7 testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _SapwEL4pEeOsAoUpt_cnqw,_LOMGYGrvEeK_JdLra2Bk5A,_jRtbsGrtEeK_JdLra2Bk5A
Element-Name: ts016_tc014_groups_popup_set_default_group_3way
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _c1RDIL_9EeO668you7X_bw
Save-Time: 4/10/14 3:34 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/plain
Entry-Name: .description
This test must validate that by clicking on "Yes" in the group popup the default group change(3-way).
1. Opens 3-way comparison
2. Changes the group to "By King" and select "Yes" in the popup
3. Checks that the group has been selected as default group in the 3-way preference page
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
with [get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree] {
select "Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore" "Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore" "Library/extlibraryRight.ecore"
get-menu "Compare With/Each Other" | click
with [get-window "Select Common Ancestor"] {
get-button "\'/Library/extlibraryOrigin.ecore\'" | click
get-button OK | click
get-editor "Compare (\'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryLeft.ecore\' - \'Library/extlibraryRight.ecore\')"
| get-button Groups | click -arrow
get-menu "By Kind" | click
get-window "Group preference" | get-button Yes | click
get-preferences-menu | click
get-window Preferences | get-tree | select "EMF Compare/Groups"
//Checks that 2-way tab did not change
with [get-window Preferences] {
with [get-list] {
get-property "getItems().String[0]" | equals Default | verify-true
get-property "getItems().String[1]" | equals "By Kind" | verify-true
get-property "getItems().String[2]" | equals "By Resource" | verify-true
get-group "Automatic behavior" | get-combo -after [get-label "Synchronize current group selection:"]
| get-property selection | equals prompt | verify-true
get-window Preferences | get-tab-folder | get-tab-item "3 way comparison" | click
//Checks correct value in 3-way tab
with [get-window Preferences] {
get-list | get-property "getItems().String[0]" | equals "By Kind" | verify-true
get-group "Automatic behavior" | get-combo -after [get-label "Synchronize current group selection:"]
| get-property selection | equals prompt | verify-true