blob: fd2c64b2d828b0c212f6776f545468ae65b5d514 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, 2015 Obeo and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
* Alexandra Buzila - Fixes for Bug 462938
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDeltaVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceVisitor;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IStorage;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.OperationCanceledException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicDiagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Diagnostic;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore;
* This implementation of an {@link IModelResolver} will look up all of the models located in a set container
* level of the "starting point" (by default, the containing project) to construct the graph of dependencies
* between these models.
* <p>
* Once this graph is created for the "local" resource, the right and origin (if any) resources will be
* inferred from the same traversal of resources, though this time expanded with a "top-down" approach : load
* all models of the traversal from the remote side, then resolve their containment tree to check whether
* there are other remote resources in the logical model that do not (or "that no longer) exist locally and
* thus couldn't be discovered in the first resolution phase. <b>Note</b> that this will be looped in order to
* determine whether the resource is really inexistent locally, or if on the contrary, it is a new dependency
* that's been added remotely; in which case we need to start from the local resolution again : the local
* resource may have changed locally and depend on other again.
* </p>
* <p>
* All model loading will happen concurrently. At first, a distinct thread will be launched to resolve every
* model discovered in the container we're browsing. Then, each thread can and will launch separate threads to
* resolve the set of dependencies discovered "under" the model they are in charge of resolving.
* </p>
* <p>
* No model will be loaded twice, since this will be aware of what models have already been resolved, thus
* ignoring duplicate resolving demands.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
public class ThreadedModelResolver extends AbstractModelResolver {
/** This can be used in order to convert an Iterable of IStorages to an Iterable over the storage's URIs. */
private static final Function<IStorage, URI> AS_URI = new Function<IStorage, URI>() {
public URI apply(IStorage input) {
if (input != null) {
return createURIFor(input);
return null;
* Keeps track of the discovered dependency graph for local resources.
* <p>
* Model resolvers are created from the extension point registry, so we know there will be a single
* instance of our resolver for a single run of Eclipse (even across multiple comparisons). We also assume
* that this graph won't turn to be a memory hog since we're only keeping track of URIs, and at the worst
* no more URIs than there are resources in the user's workspace. We can thus keep this graph around to
* avoid multiple crawlings of the same models. Team, as well as the EMFResourceMapping, tend to be
* over-enthusiast with the resolution of model traversals. For example, a single
* "right-click -> compare with -> commit..." with EGit ends up calling 8 distinct times for the resource
* traversal of the selected resource.
* </p>
private final Graph<URI> dependencyGraph;
* We'll keep track of what's already been resolved to avoid duplicate jobs.
private Set<URI> resolvedResources;
* Will keep track of any error or warning that can arise during the loading of the resources.
private BasicDiagnostic diagnostic;
* Keeps track of the URIs which we are currently resolving (or which are queued for resolution).
* <p>
* This along with {@link #resolvedResources} will prevent multiple "duplicate" resolution threads to be
* queued. We assume that this will be sufficient to prevent duplicates, and the resolution threads
* themselves won't check whether their target has already been resolved before starting.
* </p>
private final Set<URI> currentlyResolving;
/** Thread pool for our resolving threads. */
private ListeningExecutorService resolvingPool;
/** Thread pool for our unloading threads. */
private ListeningExecutorService unloadingPool;
* An executor service will be used to shut down the {@link #unloadingPool} and the {@link #resolvingPool}
* .
private ListeningExecutorService terminator;
/** Tracks if shutdown of {@link #unloadingPool} and {@link #resolvingPool} is currently in progress. */
private final AtomicBoolean shutdownInProgress;
* This will lock will prevent concurrent modifications of this resolver's fields. Most notably,
* {@link #currentlyResolving}, {@link #resolvedResources} and {@link #diagnostic} must not be accessed
* concurrently by two threads at once.
private final ReentrantLock lock;
* This resolver will not accept two model resolutions at once.
* <p>
* Any thread trying to call a model resolution process through either of the three "resolve*" APIs will
* have to wait for this condition to be true before starting.
* </p>
private final Condition notResolving;
/** Condition to await for all current {@link ResourceResolver} threads to terminate. */
private final Condition resolutionEnd;
* This resolver will keep a resource listener over the workspace in order to keep its dependencies graph
* in sync.
* <p>
* We're building the dependency graph on-demand and keep it around between invocations. This listener
* will allow us to update the graph on-demand by keeping track of the removed and changed resources since
* we were last called.
* </p>
private ModelResourceListener resourceListener;
/** Default constructor. */
public ThreadedModelResolver() {
this.dependencyGraph = new Graph<URI>();
this.lock = new ReentrantLock(true);
this.notResolving = lock.newCondition();
this.resolutionEnd = lock.newCondition();
this.currentlyResolving = new HashSet<URI>();
this.shutdownInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false);
* Convert the dependency graph to its read-only version.
* @return a read-only version of the dependency graph associated to this model resolver.
public ReadOnlyGraph<URI> getDependencyGraph() {
return ReadOnlyGraph.toReadOnlyGraph(dependencyGraph);
* Creates the thread pools of this resolver. We cannot keep pools between resolving call because in case
* of cancellation, we have to shutdown the pool to exit early.
private void createThreadPools() {
final int availableProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
ThreadFactory resolvingThreadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(
"EMFCompare-ResolvingThread-%d") //$NON-NLS-1$
this.resolvingPool = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(
availableProcessors, resolvingThreadFactory));
ThreadFactory unloadingThreadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(
"EMFCompare-UnloadingThread-%d") //$NON-NLS-1$
this.unloadingPool = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(
availableProcessors, unloadingThreadFactory));
* {@inheritDoc}
public void initialize() {
this.resourceListener = new ModelResourceListener();
this.terminator = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(Executors
.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat(
"EMFCompare-ThreadPoolShutdowner-%d").setPriority(Thread.MAX_PRIORITY).build())); //$NON-NLS-1$
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void dispose() {
* Shutdown {@link #resolvingPool} and {@link #unloadingPool} and set these two fields to null.
private void shutdownPools() {
if (!shutdownAndAwaitTermination(resolvingPool) || !shutdownAndAwaitTermination(unloadingPool)) {
"Thread pools have not been properly stopped"); //$NON-NLS-1$
resolvingPool = null;
unloadingPool = null;
* Shuts down an {@link ExecutorService} in two phases, first by calling
* {@link ExecutorService#shutdown() shutdown} to reject incoming tasks, and then calling
* {@link ExecutorService#shutdownNow() shutdownNow}, if necessary, to cancel any lingering tasks. Returns
* true if the pool has been properly shutdown, false otherwise.
* <p>
* Copy/pasted from {@link ExecutorService} javadoc.
* @param pool
* the pool to shutdown
* @return true if the pool has been properly shutdown, false otherwise.
private static boolean shutdownAndAwaitTermination(ExecutorService pool) {
boolean ret = true;
pool.shutdown(); // Disable new tasks from being submitted
try {
// Wait a while for existing tasks to terminate
if (!pool.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
pool.shutdownNow(); // Cancel currently executing tasks
// Wait a while for tasks to respond to being canceled
if (!pool.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
ret = false;
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
// (Re-)Cancel if current thread also interrupted
// Preserve interrupt status
ret = false;
return ret;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean canResolve(IStorage sourceStorage) {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* Note that no two threads will be able to resolve models at once : all three "resolve*" methods will
* lock internally to prevent multiple resolutions at once. Though this shouldn't happen unless the user
* calls multiple comparisons one after the other in quick succession, we use this locking to prevent
* potential unforeseen interactions.
* </p>
public StorageTraversal resolveLocalModel(IResource start, IProgressMonitor monitor)
throws InterruptedException {
if (!(start instanceof IFile)) {
return new StorageTraversal(new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>());
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor subMonitor = null;
try {
subMonitor = new ThreadSafeProgressMonitor(SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 100));
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
if (getResolutionScope() != CrossReferenceResolutionScope.SELF) {
final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet = new SynchronizedResourceSet(
new MonitoredProxyCreationListener(subMonitor, false));
updateDependencies(resourceSet, (IFile)start, subMonitor);
updateChangedResources(resourceSet, subMonitor);
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
if (subMonitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
final Set<IStorage> traversalSet = resolveTraversal((IFile)start, Collections.<URI> emptySet());
StorageTraversal traversal = new StorageTraversal(traversalSet, diagnostic);
return traversal;
} finally {
try {
if (subMonitor != null) {
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* Note that no two threads will be able to resolve models at once : all three "resolve*" methods will
* lock internally to prevent multiple resolutions at once. Though this shouldn't happen unless the user
* calls multiple comparisons one after the other in quick succession, we use this locking to prevent
* potential unforeseen interactions.
* </p>
public SynchronizationModel resolveLocalModels(IResource left, IResource right, IResource origin,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor subMonitor = new ThreadSafeProgressMonitor(SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 100));
try {
if (!(left instanceof IFile && right instanceof IFile && (origin == null || origin instanceof IFile))) {
return resolveNonFileLocalModels(left, right, origin, subMonitor);
} else {
return resolveFileLocalModel(left, right, origin, subMonitor);
} finally {
private SynchronizationModel resolveNonFileLocalModels(IResource left, IResource right, IResource origin,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor subMonitor) throws InterruptedException {
// Sub-optimal implementation, we'll only try and resolve each side individually
final StorageTraversal leftTraversal = resolveLocalModel(left, subMonitor);
final StorageTraversal rightTraversal = resolveLocalModel(right, subMonitor);
final StorageTraversal originTraversal;
if (origin != null) {
originTraversal = resolveLocalModel(origin, subMonitor);
} else {
originTraversal = new StorageTraversal(Sets.<IStorage> newLinkedHashSet());
return new SynchronizationModel(leftTraversal, rightTraversal, originTraversal);
private SynchronizationModel resolveFileLocalModel(IResource left, IResource right, IResource origin,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
try {
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
if (getResolutionScope() != CrossReferenceResolutionScope.SELF) {
final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet = new SynchronizedResourceSet(
new MonitoredProxyCreationListener(monitor, false));
updateDependencies(resourceSet, (IFile)left, monitor);
updateDependencies(resourceSet, (IFile)right, monitor);
if (origin instanceof IFile) {
updateDependencies(resourceSet, (IFile)origin, monitor);
updateChangedResources(resourceSet, monitor);
final URI leftURI = createURIFor((IFile)left);
final URI rightURI = createURIFor((IFile)right);
final URI originURI;
final Set<IFile> startingPoints;
if (origin instanceof IFile) {
startingPoints = ImmutableSet.of((IFile)left, (IFile)right, (IFile)origin);
originURI = createURIFor((IFile)origin);
} else {
startingPoints = ImmutableSet.of((IFile)left, (IFile)right);
originURI = null;
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
final Set<IStorage> leftTraversal;
final Set<IStorage> rightTraversal;
final Set<IStorage> originTraversal;
if (origin instanceof IFile) {
leftTraversal = resolveTraversal((IFile)left, ImmutableSet.of(rightURI, originURI));
rightTraversal = resolveTraversal((IFile)right, ImmutableSet.of(leftURI, originURI));
originTraversal = resolveTraversal((IFile)origin, ImmutableSet.of(leftURI, rightURI));
} else {
leftTraversal = resolveTraversal((IFile)left, Collections.singleton(rightURI));
rightTraversal = resolveTraversal((IFile)right, Collections.singleton(leftURI));
originTraversal = Collections.emptySet();
* If one resource of the logical model was pointing to both (or "all three") of our starting
* elements, we'll have way too many things in our traversal. We need to remove the intersection
* before going any further.
Set<IStorage> intersection = intersection(leftTraversal, rightTraversal);
if (!originTraversal.isEmpty()) {
intersection = intersection(intersection, originTraversal);
logCoherenceThreats(Iterables.transform(startingPoints, AS_URI), Iterables.transform(
intersection, AS_URI));
final Set<IStorage> actualLeft = new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>(Sets.difference(leftTraversal,
final Set<IStorage> actualRight = new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>(Sets.difference(rightTraversal,
final Set<IStorage> actualOrigin = new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>(Sets.difference(originTraversal,
final SynchronizationModel synchronizationModel = new SynchronizationModel(new StorageTraversal(
actualLeft), new StorageTraversal(actualRight), new StorageTraversal(actualOrigin),
return synchronizationModel;
} finally {
try {
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>
* Note that no two threads will be able to resolve models at once : all three "resolve*" methods will
* lock internally to prevent multiple resolutions at once. Though this shouldn't happen unless the user
* calls multiple comparisons one after the other in quick succession, we use this locking to prevent
* potential unforeseen interactions.
* </p>
public SynchronizationModel resolveModels(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor, IStorage left,
IStorage right, IStorage origin, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor subMonitor = null;
try {
subMonitor = new ThreadSafeProgressMonitor(SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 100));
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
final IFile leftFile = adaptAs(left, IFile.class);
final SynchronizationModel synchronizationModel;
if (leftFile != null) {
synchronizationModel = resolveModelsWithLocal(storageAccessor, leftFile, right, origin,
} else {
synchronizationModel = resolveRemoteModels(storageAccessor, left, right, origin, subMonitor);
return synchronizationModel;
} finally {
try {
if (subMonitor != null) {
} finally {
* The 'left' model we've been fed is a local file. We'll assume that the whole 'left' side of this
* comparison is local and resolve everything for that side as we would for local comparisons : update the
* dependency graph according to our resource listener, lookup for cross-references to/from the left
* resource according to the {@link #getResolutionScope() resolution scope}... Once we've resolved the
* local traversal, we'll use that as a base to infer the two remote sides, then "augment" it with the
* cross-references of the remote variants of these resources.
* @param storageAccessor
* The accessor that can be used to retrieve synchronization information between our resources.
* @param left
* File corresponding to the left side of this comparison.
* @param right
* "starting point" of the traversal to resolve as the right logical model.
* @param origin
* "starting point" of the traversal to resolve as the origin logical model (common ancestor of
* left and right). Can be <code>null</code>.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @return The SynchronizationModel describing the traversals of all three sides of this logical model.
* @throws InterruptedException
* Thrown if the resolution is cancelled or interrupted one way or another.
private SynchronizationModel resolveModelsWithLocal(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor, IFile left,
IStorage right, IStorage origin, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
// Update changes and compute dependencies for left
// Then load the same set of resources for the remote sides, completing it top-down
if (getResolutionScope() != CrossReferenceResolutionScope.SELF) {
final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet = new SynchronizedResourceSet(
new MonitoredProxyCreationListener(monitor, false));
updateDependencies(resourceSet, left, monitor);
updateChangedResources(resourceSet, monitor);
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
final Set<IStorage> leftTraversal = resolveTraversal(left, Collections.<URI> emptySet());
return resolveRemoteTraversals(storageAccessor, leftTraversal, right, origin, monitor);
* All three sides we've been fed are remote. We'll resolve all three with a simple a top-down algorithm
* (detect only outgoing cross-references).
* @param storageAccessor
* The accessor that can be used to retrieve synchronization information between our resources.
* @param left
* "starting point" of the traversal to resolve as the left logical model.
* @param right
* "starting point" of the traversal to resolve as the right logical model.
* @param origin
* "starting point" of the traversal to resolve as the origin logical model (common ancestor of
* left and right). Can be <code>null</code>.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @return The SynchronizationModel describing the traversals of all three sides of this logical model.
* @throws InterruptedException
* Thrown if the resolution is cancelled or interrupted one way or another.
private SynchronizationModel resolveRemoteModels(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor, IStorage left,
IStorage right, IStorage origin, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
final Set<IStorage> leftTraversal = resolveRemoteTraversal(storageAccessor, left, Collections
.<URI> emptySet(), DiffSide.SOURCE, monitor);
return resolveRemoteTraversals(storageAccessor, leftTraversal, right, origin, monitor);
* Resolve the remote sides (right and origin, or right alone in case of two-way) of this comparison,
* inferring a "starting traversal" from the left side.
* <p>
* Do note that {@code leftTraversal} <b>will be changed</b> as a result of this call if the right and/or
* origin sides contain a reference to another resource that was not found from the left
* cross-referencing, yet does exist in the left side.
* </p>
* @param storageAccessor
* The accessor that can be used to retrieve synchronization information between our resources.
* @param leftTraversal
* The already resolved left traversal, to be augmented if right and/or origin have some new
* resources in their logical model.
* @param right
* "starting point" of the traversal to resolve as the right logical model.
* @param origin
* "starting point" of the traversal to resolve as the origin logical model (common ancestor of
* left and right). Can be <code>null</code>.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @return The SynchronizationModel describing the traversals of all three sides of this logical model.
* @throws InterruptedException
* Thrown if the resolution is cancelled or interrupted one way or another.
private SynchronizationModel resolveRemoteTraversals(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor,
Set<IStorage> leftTraversal, IStorage right, IStorage origin, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor)
throws InterruptedException {
final Set<IStorage> rightTraversal = resolveRemoteTraversal(storageAccessor, right, Iterables
.transform(leftTraversal, AS_URI), DiffSide.REMOTE, monitor);
final Set<IStorage> differenceRightLeft = difference(rightTraversal, asURISet(leftTraversal));
loadAdditionalRemoteStorages(storageAccessor, leftTraversal, rightTraversal, differenceRightLeft,
final Set<IStorage> originTraversal;
if (origin != null) {
final Set<URI> unionLeftRight = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.transform(Sets.union(
leftTraversal, rightTraversal), AS_URI));
originTraversal = resolveRemoteTraversal(storageAccessor, origin, unionLeftRight,
DiffSide.ORIGIN, monitor);
Set<IStorage> differenceOriginLeft = difference(originTraversal, asURISet(leftTraversal));
Set<IStorage> differenceOriginRight = difference(originTraversal, asURISet(rightTraversal));
Set<IStorage> additional = symmetricDifference(differenceOriginLeft, differenceOriginRight);
loadAdditionalRemoteStorages(storageAccessor, leftTraversal, rightTraversal, originTraversal,
additional, monitor);
} else {
originTraversal = Collections.emptySet();
final SynchronizationModel synchronizationModel = new SynchronizationModel(new StorageTraversal(
leftTraversal), new StorageTraversal(rightTraversal), new StorageTraversal(originTraversal),
return synchronizationModel;
* If we found some storages in the right traversal that were not part of the left traversal, we need to
* check whether they exist in the left, since in such a case they must be considered as part of the same
* logical model.
* <p>
* <b>Important</b> : note that the input {@code left} and {@code right} sets <b>will be modified</b> as a
* result of this call if there are any additional storages to load on these sides.
* </p>
* @param storageAccessor
* The accessor that can be used to retrieve synchronization information between our resources.
* @param left
* Traversal of the left logical model.
* @param right
* Traversal of the right logical model.
* @param additional
* the addition storages we are to lookup in left.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @return The set of all additional resources (both on left and right) that have been loaded as a result
* of this call.
* @throws InterruptedException
* Thrown if the resolution is cancelled or interrupted one way or another.
private Set<IStorage> loadAdditionalRemoteStorages(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor,
Set<IStorage> left, Set<IStorage> right, Set<IStorage> additional,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
* This loop will be extremely costly at best, but we hope the case to be sufficiently rare (and the
* new resources well spread when it happens) not to pose an issue in the most frequent cases.
final Set<IStorage> additionalStorages = new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>();
final Set<URI> additionalURIs = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
// Have we found new resources in the right as compared to the left?
Set<IStorage> differenceRightLeft = additional;
while (!differenceRightLeft.isEmpty()) {
// There's at least one resource in the right that was not found in the left.
* This might be a new resource added on the right side... but it might also be a cross-reference
* that's been either removed from left or added in right. In this second case, we need the
* resource to be present in both traversals to make sure we'll be able to properly detect
* potential conflicts. However, since this resource could itself be a part of a larger logical
* model, we need to start the resolving again with it.
final Set<IStorage> additionalLeft = findAdditionalRemoteTraversal(storageAccessor, left,
differenceRightLeft, DiffSide.SOURCE, monitor);
for (IStorage storage : additionalLeft) {
final URI newURI = AS_URI.apply(storage);
if (additionalURIs.add(newURI)) {
* have we only loaded the resources that were present in the right but not in the left, or have
* we found even more?
final Set<IStorage> differenceAdditionalLeftRight = difference(additionalLeft, asURISet(right));
// If so, we once more need to augment the right traversal
final Set<IStorage> additionalRight = findAdditionalRemoteTraversal(storageAccessor, right,
differenceAdditionalLeftRight, DiffSide.REMOTE, monitor);
for (IStorage storage : additionalRight) {
final URI newURI = AS_URI.apply(storage);
if (additionalURIs.add(newURI)) {
// Start this loop anew if we once again augmented the right further than what we had in left
differenceRightLeft = difference(additionalRight, asURISet(left));
return additionalStorages;
* If we found some storages in the origin traversal that were part of neither the left nor the right
* traversals, we need to check whether they exist in them, since in such a case they must be considered
* as part of the same logical model.
* <p>
* <b>Important</b> : note that the input {@code left}, {@code right} and {@code origin} sets <b>will be
* modified</b> as a result of this call if there are any additional storages to load on either side.
* </p>
* @param storageAccessor
* The accessor that can be used to retrieve synchronization information between our resources.
* @param left
* Traversal of the left logical model.
* @param right
* Traversal of the right logical model.
* @param origin
* Traversal of the origin logical model.
* @param additional
* the set of additional storages we are to lookup in right and left.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @throws InterruptedException
* Thrown if the resolution is cancelled or interrupted one way or another.
private void loadAdditionalRemoteStorages(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor, Set<IStorage> left,
Set<IStorage> right, Set<IStorage> origin, Set<IStorage> additional,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
* This loop will be extremely costly at best, but we hope the case to be sufficiently rare (and the
* new resources well spread when it happens) not to pose an issue in the most frequent cases.
Set<IStorage> additionalStorages = additional;
while (!additionalStorages.isEmpty()) {
// There's at least one resource that is in the origin set yet neither in left nor in right.
final Set<IStorage> additionalLeftRightComparedToOrigin = loadAdditionalRemoteStorages(
storageAccessor, left, right, additionalStorages, monitor);
* Have we found even more resources to add to the traversal? If so, augment the origin
* accordingly.
final Set<IStorage> additionalOrigin = findAdditionalRemoteTraversal(storageAccessor, origin,
additionalLeftRightComparedToOrigin, DiffSide.ORIGIN, monitor);
// If we once again found new storages in the origin, restart the loop.
final Set<IStorage> differenceOriginLeft = difference(additionalOrigin, asURISet(left));
final Set<IStorage> differenceOriginRight = difference(additionalOrigin, asURISet(right));
additionalStorages = symmetricDifference(differenceOriginRight, differenceOriginLeft);
// Differences between left/right and origin could come from resources that are present in the origin, but were deleted in one of the sides. As these resources already exist in the origin, they
// need to be removed from the additionalStorages
* Tries and resolve the given set of additional storages (as compared to {@code alreadyLoaded}) on the
* given side.
* <p>
* If the storages from {@code additionalStorages} do not (or no longer) exist on the given side, this
* will have no effect. Otherwise, they'll be loaded and resolved in order to determine whether they are
* part of a larger model. Whether they're part of a larger model or not, they will be returned by this
* method as long as they exist on the given side.
* </p>
* @param storageAccessor
* The accessor that can be used to retrieve synchronization information between our resources.
* @param alreadyLoaded
* All storages that have already been loaded on the given side. This will prevent us from
* resolving the same model more than once.
* @param additionalStorages
* The set of additional storages we are to find and resolve on the given side.
* @param side
* Side on which we seek to load additional storages in the traversal.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @return The set of additional storages that are to be added to the traversal of the given side.
* @throws InterruptedException
* Thrown if the resolution is cancelled or interrupted one way or another.
private Set<IStorage> findAdditionalRemoteTraversal(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor,
Set<IStorage> alreadyLoaded, Set<IStorage> additionalStorages, DiffSide side,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) throws InterruptedException {
final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet = new SynchronizedResourceSet(
new MonitoredProxyCreationListener(monitor, true));
final StorageURIConverter converter = new RevisionedURIConverter(resourceSet.getURIConverter(),
storageAccessor, side);
resolvedResources = Sets
.newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.transform(converter.getLoadedRevisions(), AS_URI));
for (IStorage additional : additionalStorages) {
final URI expectedURI = ResourceUtil.createURIFor(additional);
demandRemoteResolve(resourceSet, expectedURI, monitor);
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
resolvedResources = null;
return converter.getLoadedRevisions();
* Returns the set of all elements that are contained neither in set1 nor in set2.
* @param set1
* First of the two sets.
* @param set2
* Second of the two sets.
* @return The set of all elements that are contained neither in set1 nor in set2.
private Set<IStorage> symmetricDifference(Set<IStorage> set1, Set<IStorage> set2) {
final Set<URI> uris1 = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.transform(set1, AS_URI));
final Set<URI> uris2 = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(Iterables.transform(set2, AS_URI));
final Set<IStorage> symmetricDifference = new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>();
for (IStorage storage1 : set1) {
if (!uris2.contains(AS_URI.apply(storage1))) {
for (IStorage storage2 : set2) {
if (!uris1.contains(AS_URI.apply(storage2))) {
return symmetricDifference;
* Returns the set of all elements that are contained in {@code set1} but not in {@code set2}.
* @param set1
* First of the two sets.
* @param set2
* Second of the two sets.
* @return The set of all elements that are contained in {@code set1} but not in {@code set2}.
private Set<IStorage> difference(Set<IStorage> set1, Set<URI> set2) {
final Set<IStorage> difference = new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>();
for (IStorage storage1 : set1) {
final URI uri = AS_URI.apply(storage1);
if (!set2.contains(uri)) {
return difference;
private Set<URI> asURISet(Set<IStorage> storages) {
final Set<URI> uris = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
for (IStorage storage : storages) {
return uris;
* This should be call before starting any model resolution but it must not be call if another resolution
* is already running (i.e. it must be call after an {@link #notResolving}.await()).
private void setupResolving() {
resolvedResources = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
diagnostic = new BasicDiagnostic(EMFCompareIDEUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, null, new Object[0]);
* This is the counterpart of the {@link #setupResolving()} method. This should be called in a finally
* block everywhere {@link #setupResolving()} is called.
private void finalizeResolving() {
if (!shutdownInProgress.get()) {
if (diagnostic.getSeverity() >= Diagnostic.ERROR) {
// something bad (or a cancel request) happened during resolution, so we invalidate the
// dependency graph to avoid weird behavior next time the resolution is called.
resolvedResources = null;
diagnostic = null;
* Checks the current state of our {@link #resourceListener} and updates the dependency graph for all
* resources that have been changed since we last checked.
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set in which to load our temporary resources.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
private void updateChangedResources(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
final Set<URI> removedURIs = Sets.difference(resourceListener.popRemovedURIs(), resolvedResources);
final Set<URI> changedURIs = Sets.difference(resourceListener.popChangedURIs(), resolvedResources);
// We need to re-resolve the changed resources, along with their direct parents
final Set<URI> recompute = new LinkedHashSet<URI>(changedURIs);
final Multimap<URI, URI> parentToGrandParents = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (URI changed : changedURIs) {
if (dependencyGraph.contains(changed)) {
Set<URI> directParents = dependencyGraph.getDirectParents(changed);
for (URI uri : directParents) {
Set<URI> grandParents = dependencyGraph.getDirectParents(uri);
parentToGrandParents.putAll(uri, grandParents);
for (URI changed : recompute) {
demandResolve(resourceSet, changed, monitor);
try {
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
// Re-connect changed resources parents' with their parents
for (URI uri : parentToGrandParents.keySet()) {
if (dependencyGraph.contains(uri)) {
for (URI parent : parentToGrandParents.get(uri)) {
demandResolve(resourceSet, parent, monitor);
try {
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} finally {
* Update the dependency graph to make sure that it contains the given file.
* <p>
* If the graph does not yet contain this file, we'll try and find cross-references outgoing from and/or
* incoming to the given file, depending on the current {@link #getResolutionScope() resolution scope}.
* </p>
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set in which to load the temporary resources.
* @param file
* The file which we need to be present in the dependency graph.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
private void updateDependencies(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, IFile file,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
final URI expectedURI = createURIFor(file);
if (!dependencyGraph.contains(expectedURI)) {
final IResource startingPoint = getResolutionStartingPoint(file);
final ModelResourceVisitor modelVisitor = new ModelResourceVisitor(resourceSet, monitor);
try {
} catch (CoreException e) {
* Returns the starting point for the resolution of the given file's logical model according to
* {@link #getResolutionScope()}.
* @param file
* The file which logical model we need to add to the current {@link #dependencyGraph}.
* @return Starting point for this file's logical model resolution.
* @see CrossReferenceResolutionScope
private IResource getResolutionStartingPoint(IFile file) {
final IResource startingPoint;
switch (getResolutionScope()) {
startingPoint = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
startingPoint = file.getProject();
startingPoint = file.getParent();
// fall through, the difference between SELF and OUTGOING will only come later on
case SELF:
// fall through
startingPoint = file;
return startingPoint;
* Tells this resolver how much of the dependency graph should be created at once. Note that this value
* may change during a resolution, which sole "visible" effect would be to prevent resolution of further
* outgoing references if the new value is "SELF".
* @return The current resolution scope.
private CrossReferenceResolutionScope getResolutionScope() {
final IPreferenceStore store = EMFCompareIDEUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
if (store.getBoolean(EMFCompareUIPreferences.DISABLE_RESOLVERS_PREFERENCE)) {
return CrossReferenceResolutionScope.SELF;
final String stringValue = store.getString(EMFCompareUIPreferences.RESOLUTION_SCOPE_PREFERENCE);
return CrossReferenceResolutionScope.valueOf(stringValue);
private Set<IStorage> resolveTraversal(IFile file, Set<URI> bounds) {
final Set<IStorage> traversal = new LinkedHashSet<IStorage>();
final Iterable<URI> dependencies = getDependenciesOf(file, bounds);
for (URI uri : dependencies) {
return traversal;
private Set<IStorage> resolveRemoteTraversal(IStorageProviderAccessor storageAccessor, IStorage start,
Iterable<URI> knownVariants, DiffSide side, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor)
throws InterruptedException {
// we can't call ResourceUtil.createURIFor(start) if start is null, so
if (start == null) {
return Collections.emptySet();
final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet = new SynchronizedResourceSet(
new MonitoredProxyCreationListener(monitor, true));
final StorageURIConverter converter = new RevisionedURIConverter(resourceSet.getURIConverter(),
storageAccessor, side);
resolvedResources = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
for (URI known : knownVariants) {
demandRemoteResolve(resourceSet, known, monitor);
final URI startURI = ResourceUtil.createURIFor(start);
demandRemoteResolve(resourceSet, startURI, monitor);
while (!currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
resolvedResources = null;
return converter.getLoadedRevisions();
private Iterable<URI> getDependenciesOf(IFile file, Set<URI> bounds) {
final URI expectedURI = ResourceUtil.createURIFor(file);
final Iterable<URI> dependencies;
switch (getResolutionScope()) {
dependencies = dependencyGraph.getSubgraphContaining(expectedURI, bounds);
final Set<URI> allDependencies = dependencyGraph.getSubgraphContaining(expectedURI, bounds);
final IResource project = file.getProject();
dependencies = Iterables.filter(allDependencies, isInContainer(project));
final Set<URI> allDependencies1 = dependencyGraph.getSubgraphContaining(expectedURI, bounds);
final IResource container = file.getParent();
dependencies = Iterables.filter(allDependencies1, isInContainer(container));
dependencies = dependencyGraph.getTreeFrom(expectedURI, bounds);
case SELF:
// fall through
dependencies = Collections.singleton(expectedURI);
return dependencies;
* Returns the IFile located at the given URI.
* @param uri
* URI we need the file for.
* @return The IFile located at the given URI.
private IFile getFileAt(URI uri) {
final StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
List<String> segments = uri.segmentsList();
if (uri.isPlatformResource()) {
segments = segments.subList(1, segments.size());
for (String segment : segments) {
return ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(path.toString()));
* This predicate can be used to check wether a given URI points to a workspace resource contained in the
* given container.
* @param container
* The container in which we need the resources to be contained.
* @return A ready to use predicate.
private Predicate<URI> isInContainer(final IResource container) {
return new Predicate<URI>() {
public boolean apply(URI input) {
if (input != null) {
final IFile pointedFile = getFileAt(input);
if (pointedFile != null) {
return container.getLocation().isPrefixOf(pointedFile.getLocation());
return false;
* When executing local comparisons, we resolve the full logical model of both (or "all three of") the
* compared files.
* <p>
* If there is one resource in the scope that references all of these starting points, then we'll have
* perfectly identical logical models for all comparison sides. Because of that, we need to constrain the
* logical model of each starting point to only parts that are not accessible from other starting points.
* This might cause coherence issues as merging could thus "break" references from other files to our
* compared ones.
* </p>
* <p>
* This method will be used to browse the files that are removed from the logical model, and log a warning
* for the files that are removed even though they are "parents" of one of the starting points.
* </p>
* @param startingPoints
* Starting points of the comparison.
* @param removedFromModel
* All files that have been removed from the comparison scope.
private void logCoherenceThreats(Iterable<URI> startingPoints, Iterable<URI> removedFromModel) {
final Set<URI> coherenceThreats = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
for (URI start : startingPoints) {
for (URI removed : removedFromModel) {
if (dependencyGraph.hasChild(removed, start)) {
if (!coherenceThreats.isEmpty()) {
// FIXME: should be added to diagnostic instead
final String message = EMFCompareIDEUIMessages.getString("ModelResolver.coherenceWarning"); //$NON-NLS-1$
final String details = Iterables.toString(coherenceThreats);
new Status(IStatus.WARNING, EMFCompareIDEUIPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, message + '\n' + details));
* Allows callers to launch the loading and resolution of the model pointed at by the given URI.
* <p>
* This will check whether the given storage isn't already being resolved, then submit a job to the
* {@link #resolvingPool} to load and resolve the model in a separate thread.
* </p>
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set in which to load the resource.
* @param uri
* The uri we are to try and load as a model.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @see ResourceResolver
protected void demandResolve(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, URI uri,
final ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
try {
if (resolvedResources.add(uri) && currentlyResolving.add(uri)) {
// Regardless of the amount of progress reported so far, use 0.1% of the space remaining in
// the monitor to process the next node.
ListenableFuture<?> future = resolvingPool.submit(new ResourceResolver(resourceSet, uri,
Futures.addCallback(future, new ResolvingFutureCallback(monitor, uri));
} finally {
* Allows callers to launch the loading and resolution of the model pointed at by the given URI, without
* updating the {@link #dependencyGraph} along the way.
* <p>
* This will check whether the given storage isn't already being resolved, then submit a job to the
* {@link #resolvingPool} to load and resolve the model in a separate thread.
* </p>
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set in which to load the resource.
* @param uri
* The uri we are to try and load as a model.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
protected void demandRemoteResolve(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, URI uri,
final ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
if (isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
try {
if (resolvedResources.add(uri) && currentlyResolving.add(uri)) {
// Regardless of the amount of progress reported so far, use 0.1% of the space remaining in
// the monitor to process the next node.
ListenableFuture<?> future = resolvingPool.submit(new RemoteResourceResolver(resourceSet,
uri, monitor));
Futures.addCallback(future, new ResolvingFutureCallback(monitor, uri));
} finally {
* Allows callers to launch the unloading of the given resource.
* <p>
* Do note that even though this is called "unload", we won't actually call {@link Resource#unload()} on
* the given resource unless we deem it necessary (we only call if for UML because of the CacheAdapter)
* for now. This will only remove the resource from its containing resource set so as to allow it to be
* garbage collected.
* </p>
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set containing the resource to be unloaded.
* @param resource
* The resource to unload.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
* @see ResourceUnloader
protected void demandUnload(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, Resource resource,
final ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
// Regardless of the amount of progress reported so far, use 0.1% of the space remaining in the
// monitor to process the next node.
ListenableFuture<?> future = unloadingPool
.submit(new ResourceUnloader(resourceSet, resource, monitor));
Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<Object>() {
public void onSuccess(Object result) {
if (!isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
if (!isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
* Thread safely merge the given diagnostic to the {@link #diagnostic} field.
* @param resourceDiagnostic
* the diagnostic to be added to the global diagnostic.
private void safeMergeDiagnostic(Diagnostic resourceDiagnostic) {
try {
} finally {
* Checks if the current thread is interrupted or if the given monitor has been canceled.
* @param monitor
* the monitor to check
* @return true if the current thread has been canceled, false otherwise.
private boolean isInterruptedOrCanceled(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
return Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() || monitor.isCanceled();
* If {@link #shutdownInProgress shutdown has not been requested before}, it submits a new task to
* {@link #shutdownPools() shut down} {@link #resolvingPool} and {@link #unloadingPool}. Do nothing if
* current thread already is interrupted.
private void demandResolvingAndUnloadingPoolShutdown() {
if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
if (shutdownInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ListenableFuture<?> listenableFuture = terminator.submit(runnable);
Futures.addCallback(listenableFuture, new FutureCallback<Object>() {
public void onSuccess(Object result) {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
* This will remove the given uri from the {@link #currentlyResolving} set and signal to
* {@link #resolutionEnd} if the set is empty afterward. This method must be call by every callback of
* resolving tasks.
* @param uri
* the uri to remove.
private void finalizeResolvingTask(URI uri) {
try {
if (currentlyResolving.isEmpty()) {
} finally {
private class MonitoredProxyCreationListener implements IProxyCreationListener {
private final ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor;
private final boolean remote;
public MonitoredProxyCreationListener(ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor, boolean remote) {
this.monitor = monitor;
this.remote = remote;
public void proxyCreated(Resource source, EObject eObject, EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature,
EObject proxy, int position) {
final URI from = source.getURI();
final URI to = ((InternalEObject)proxy).eProxyURI().trimFragment();
if (getResolutionScope() != CrossReferenceResolutionScope.SELF && to.isPlatformResource()) {
SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet = (SynchronizedResourceSet)source.getResourceSet();
if (remote) {
demandRemoteResolve(resourceSet, to, monitor);
} else {
dependencyGraph.addChildren(from, Collections.singleton(to));
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EReference
&& ((EReference)eStructuralFeature).isContainment()) {
dependencyGraph.addParentData(to, EcoreUtil.getURI(eObject));
demandResolve(resourceSet, to, monitor);
* The callback for {@link ResourceResolver} and {@link RemoteResourceResolver} tasks. It will report
* progress, log errors and finalize the resolving and as such, possibly signaling the end of the
* resolution.
* @author <a href="">Mikael Barbero</a>
private final class ResolvingFutureCallback implements FutureCallback<Object> {
/** The monitor to which report progress. */
private final IProgressMonitor monitor;
private final URI uri;
* @param monitor
private ResolvingFutureCallback(IProgressMonitor monitor, URI uri) {
this.monitor = monitor;
this.uri = uri;
public void onSuccess(Object result) {
try {
if (!isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
// do not report progress anymore when the task has been interrupted of canceled. It
// speeds up the cancellation.
} finally {
public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
try {
if (!isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
// do not report progress or errors anymore when the task has been interrupted of
// canceled. It speeds up the cancellation.
} finally {
* Implements a runnable that will load the EMF resource pointed at by a given URI, then resolve all of
* its cross-referenced resources and update the dependency graph accordingly.
* <p>
* Once done with the resolution, this thread will spawn an independent job to unload the resource.
* </p>
* @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
private class ResourceResolver implements Runnable {
/** The resource set in which to load the resource. */
private final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet;
/** URI that needs to be loaded as an EMF model. */
private final URI uri;
/** Monitor on which to report progress to the user. */
private final ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor;
* Default constructor.
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set in which to load the resource.
* @param uri
* URI that needs to be loaded as an EMF model.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
public ResourceResolver(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, URI uri,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
this.resourceSet = resourceSet;
this.uri = uri;
this.monitor = monitor;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void run() {
if (isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
final Resource resource = resourceSet.loadResource(uri);
Diagnostic resourceDiagnostic = EcoreUtil.computeDiagnostic(resource, true);
if (resourceDiagnostic.getSeverity() >= Diagnostic.WARNING) {
demandUnload(resourceSet, resource, monitor);
* Implements a runnable that will load the given EMF resource, then launch the resolution of all
* cross-references of this resource in separate threads. This will not update the dependency graph.
* @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
private class RemoteResourceResolver implements Runnable {
/** The resource set in which to load the resource. */
private final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet;
/** URI that needs to be loaded as an EMF model. */
private final URI uri;
/** Monitor on which to report progress to the user. */
private final ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor;
* Constructs a resolver to load a resource from its URI.
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set in which to load the resource.
* @param uri
* The URI that needs to be loaded as an EMF model.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
public RemoteResourceResolver(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, URI uri,
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
this.resourceSet = resourceSet;
this.uri = uri;
this.monitor = monitor;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void run() {
if (isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
final Resource resource = resourceSet.loadResource(uri);
Diagnostic resourceDiagnostic = EcoreUtil.computeDiagnostic(resource, true);
if (resourceDiagnostic.getSeverity() >= Diagnostic.WARNING) {
demandUnload(resourceSet, resource, monitor);
* Implementation of a Runnable that can be used to unload a given resource and make it
* garbage-collectable.
* @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
private static class ResourceUnloader implements Runnable {
/** The resource set from which to unload a resource. */
private final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet;
/** The resource to unload. */
private final Resource resource;
/** Monitor on which to report progress to the user. */
private final IProgressMonitor monitor;
* Default constructor.
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set from which to unload a resource.
* @param resource
* The resource to unload.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
public ResourceUnloader(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, Resource resource,
IProgressMonitor monitor) {
this.resourceSet = resourceSet;
this.resource = resource;
this.monitor = monitor;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void run() {
resourceSet.unload(resource, monitor);
* This implementation of a resource visitor will allow us to browse a given hierarchy and resolve the
* models files in contains, as determined by {@link ThreadedModelResolver#MODEL_CONTENT_TYPES}.
* @author <a href="">laurent Goubet</a>
* @see ThreadedModelResolver#hasModelType(IFile)
private class ModelResourceVisitor implements IResourceVisitor {
/** Resource set in which to load the model files this visitor will find. */
private final SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet;
/** Monitor on which to report progress to the user. */
private final ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor;
* Default constructor.
* @param resourceSet
* The resource set in which this visitor will load the model files it finds.
* @param monitor
* Monitor on which to report progress to the user.
public ModelResourceVisitor(SynchronizedResourceSet resourceSet, ThreadSafeProgressMonitor monitor) {
this.resourceSet = resourceSet;
this.monitor = monitor;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean visit(IResource resource) throws CoreException {
if (isInterruptedOrCanceled(monitor)) {
// cancel the visit
throw new OperationCanceledException();
if (resource instanceof IFile) {
final IFile file = (IFile)resource;
if (hasModelType(file)) {
final URI expectedURI = ResourceUtil.createURIFor(file);
demandResolve(resourceSet, expectedURI, monitor);
return false;
return true;
* This will listen to workspace changes and react to all changes on "model" resources as determined by
* {@link ThreadedModelResolver#MODEL_CONTENT_TYPES}.
* @author <a href="">laurent Goubet</a>
* @see ThreadedModelResolver#hasModelType(IFile)
private static class ModelResourceListener implements IResourceChangeListener {
/** Keeps track of the URIs that need to be reparsed when next we need the dependencies graph . */
protected final Set<URI> changedURIs;
/** Tracks the files that have been removed. */
protected final Set<URI> removedURIs;
/** Prevents concurrent access to the two internal sets. */
protected final ReentrantLock internalLock;
/** Initializes this listener. */
public ModelResourceListener() {
this.changedURIs = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
this.removedURIs = new LinkedHashSet<URI>();
this.internalLock = new ReentrantLock();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event) {
final IResourceDelta delta = event.getDelta();
if (delta == null) {
* We must block any and all threads from using the two internal sets through either
* popChangedURIs or popRemovedURIs while we are parsing a resource delta. This particular locking
* is here to avoid such misuses.
try {
delta.accept(new ModelResourceDeltaVisitor());
} catch (CoreException e) {
} finally {
* Retrieves the set of all changed URIs since we last updated the dependencies graph, and clears it
* for subsequent calls.
* @return The set of all changed URIs since we last updated the dependencies graph.
public Set<URI> popChangedURIs() {
final Set<URI> changed;
try {
changed = ImmutableSet.copyOf(changedURIs);
} finally {
return changed;
* Retrieves the set of all removed URIs since we last updated the dependencies graph, and clears it
* for subsequent calls.
* @return The set of all removed URIs since we last updated the dependencies graph.
public Set<URI> popRemovedURIs() {
final Set<URI> removed;
try {
removed = ImmutableSet.copyOf(removedURIs);
} finally {
return removed;
* Visits a resource delta to collect the changed and removed files' URIs.
* @author <a href="">laurent Goubet</a>
private class ModelResourceDeltaVisitor implements IResourceDeltaVisitor {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDeltaVisitor#visit(org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta)
public boolean visit(IResourceDelta delta) throws CoreException {
* Note : the lock (#lock) must be acquired by the current thread _before_ calling #accept()
* on this visitor.
if (delta.getFlags() == IResourceDelta.MARKERS
|| delta.getResource().getType() != IResource.FILE) {
return true;
final IFile file = (IFile)delta.getResource();
final URI fileURI = createURIFor(file);
// We can't check the content type of a removed resource
if (delta.getKind() == IResourceDelta.REMOVED) {
} else if (hasModelType(file)) {
if ((delta.getKind() & IResourceDelta.CHANGED) != 0) {
// Probably can't happen, but let's stay on the safe side
} else if ((delta.getKind() & IResourceDelta.ADDED) != 0) {
// If a previously removed resource is changed, we can assume it's been re-added
if (removedURIs.remove(fileURI)) {
return true;